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The stories and information posted here are artistic works of fiction and falsehood.
Only a fool would take anything posted here as fact.

Thread replies: 208
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I wanna be inside a shark grills belly
It's a business... Freedom of speech does not apply.
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TFF broken?
*sigh* Yep. That's how it seems. And I guess people are going to be okay with that. What a shame.
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floof and floof accessories
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Eh, we won't miss you people over there.
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>tfw often wish I was a girl but too many qualms to commit to transgenderism
>And I guess people are going to be okay with that
Nigga they have to.
Good to know.

Not really. They could always stay on FA.
You have to have a pretty strong willpower to go that route.
Cub is banned on FA as well. And Weasyl.
:P since when do Sharks have fur?
Oh, well, I wouldn't know. Still stupid.

Since I fucking made them.
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Might want to research the topic you're debating, no?
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Probably. I'm rather indifferent towards both websites as I don't often go to websites other than 4chan for fur, but whatever. I still find it ridiculous that cub wouldn't be allowed somewhere, as I'm a huge supporter of freedom of speech and anti-censorship, even if I don't actually care about it. But I can see why they would do it, cub fags are usually pretty degenerate anyway.
you mean to say...

there are no spider grills? ;~:
No, only Spiderman.
>no fur
What about this?
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Apparently there are legit people in the furry fandom that think that drawing a picture of furry cub porn is literally pedophilia and a crime. From what I understand, that's the heart of the issue currently.

Also, checking back in.
I know what you're implying. I'm not an actual Nazi, I just support some aspects of Nationalism as well as Socialism, so I combine them and say I support Nazi stuff just to be edgy. But I say if someone wants to do something, and it doesn't harm others, let em do it. Censorship is fucking retarded. Usually.
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darn :c
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It actually is illegal in some places, drawn or not.
Not surprised. Most furries don't seem to be very smart, myself included.
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It's strange how humans prioritize morality.
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I'm tired of stating the fact that there is no argument in favour of homosexual rights that doesn't also apply to pedophilia, necrophilia and zoophilia.
>It's strange how humans prioritize morality.
This. Why can't we all just be computers that prioritize logic instead of morality?
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It always boils down to two consenting adults. In only one of your four is that the case.
It'll come around eventually. Once people start talking about and it becomes a big deal "oh, pedophilia is now legal". As long as you say shit to keep the majority complacent, it doesn't matter. Keep the people stupid.
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Apply logic to morality. Done and done. Take emotion out of all things.
It's a logical argument if you ask me...
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Shouldn't we not allow visual representations of other crimes then?
Nope. Censor everything, can't let our innocent little children's mind be corrupted by harmless art, no sir.
Why the discimination against non-adults?

I could easily justify being against homosexual rights by stating "It always boils down to two consenting adults... of opposite genders".

If humans prioritise morality, then why is unethical consumption under Capitalism still a thing?

Capitalism precludes morality to a large extent. Who the fuck cares if you're treating your workers nicely if you can keep making a zillion dollars off mistreating them and giving them shitty wages?
I guess I'll come back later...
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Because so long as rape is still a thing, consent will still be the fulcrum point of all sexual relationships. But I do see your point. It's more the slippery-slope type argument.

Censor it all! Don't censor anything! Censor...some things? but not others? Yeah!
Censorship is such a fucking joke.
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romantic bunny pics?
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Unfortunately my collection is not arranged in such a way for me to provide /r/. Here is a doggy.
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Oh wow, that is definitely not a doggy.
But why? You're precluding yourself from good discussion, and disallowing new knowledge and ideas to form. You're literally censoring yourself by not listening to opposing arguments. But hey, if you want to do that, then okay.
I've recently taken to censorship as a compliment/praise of sorts.

It shows that your argument is based on some concrete ground, and isn't just you talking out your ass, and that SJW shills don't want your concrete argument getting into people's heads for fear of breaking status quo of society.

Because letting me fuck a dolphin is such a big fucking deal.
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And that is why I like you, Alex. You take all the bullshit morality out of arguments, and think only from an objective, scientific standpoint. I completely agree with what you're saying.
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That, товарищ, is because I have no morality.
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I can see how that could be a good thing in some cases. Someone has to play that role. Otherwise, discussion like this wouldn't take place and there would just be rampant ignorance.
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I sometimes feel like a mad scientist. I naturally have high morals, but when I get down to thinking, they just go right out the window in favor of complete objectivity. It's interesting seeing my opinions on certain things change through discussion that are otherwise different when not discussing them, and having my moral compass shift so much.
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And there's also that Amos Yee kid who keeps a youtube channel. Always voices unpopular opinions, always gets gag orders from the govt to take down aforementioned unpopular opinions.

But he don't give much of a fuck until the cops start personally visiting him and inviting him to the v&.

I don't know if his own rant videos have much logical argument in them, but from what I can see on public commentary of him, everyone's opinion of him is based on plain, blatant, ad-hominem personal attack. No real logical debate from the public.

I look up to that guy because he's got balls and isn't afraid of going against the flow. I don't look up to him for the opinion that he spreads, but that doesn't imply that I disagree with those opinions. In fact, I agree with most of them.

You don't know the meaning of true ignorance until you start realising that people spend $50000 on audio equipment and still doesn't know how electricity even works.

Ignorance is mandatory for Capitalism to succeed. Otherwise, people would be too smart to fall for marketing pitches and other consumer bullshit. Why else is Best Buy so popular despite having the worst products for the most crazy prices? Because they rely on the public's ignorance for their profit.

Capitalism - Taking stupid people's money since 500000 BC.
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Well thank you anyways, your donation is appreciated!
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>jumping to conclusions
Some say necrophilia is illegal because of religious reasons.

Why in the FUCK should you make something illegal just because of religion?

Should we ban pork products because Jews say so?

Should we ban liquor because Muslims say so?

Should we ban beef products because Hindus say so?
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Necrophilia, at its core, is just a combination of trespassing on private property and defacing cemetery property.

It just so happens that both of those things involve breaking into a cemetery and fucking a corpse.
If the majority of an area is religious, of course the majority population will ban what they see fit. That's fair.
If you live in that area, leave and find where you fit in.
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Less talk, more stronk!
That guy sounds pretty cool. I'm going to have to check him out, thanks.

You know, my opinions on Capitalism waver quite a bit. I feel like it's a good thing because, hey, if they're stupid enough to buy something, let em. That's where I think of true freedom. But at the same time, it's where my morals show. It feels wrong, and I think that those people shouldn't be taken advantage of by predatory corporations. I still haven't come to a conclusion yet. Let the inferior ones be eaten alive by the world and the natural order, or protect them in favor of keeping the current order alive. I'll eventually fall somewhere in the middle I suppose. I need to read more into philosophy it seems.
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All hail lord of the shark bitches...
Perhaps I am, but my experience in looking through the consumer PC market over the years seems to highly suggest that conclusion is true.

People always think they need the latest and greatest shit, when in actuality anything mid-range from 5 years ago will do just fine. People always think they they need to upgrade every 3 years, when in actuality having a bit of know-how can save them the hassle entirely.


Corpse burial, at its core, is just a combination of taking a person and then shoving them into a hole 6 feet deep, without their permission, therefore you have already shown blatant disregard for the deceased.

Assume the corpse has not been buried: In which case, according to you, it would be simply private property, yes? Who is the proprietor of said private property? Can he/she/they fuck the corpse? Can that proprietor also give another party premission to fuck it?
Necrophilia is a bit different, and my opinions on it are undecided. In my opinion, that is a case where consent is practically nonexistent, unlike some cases of pedophilia and zoophilia. The dead can't consent unless they literally signed it into their will that they're okay with it. Otherwise it's essentially rape. As for the latter 3, I do agree that they're stupid.
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Most burials do happen with the deceased's permission, or the permission of their relatives. If you wish to have something different happen with your body, you are allowed to dictate what happens.

And yes, a human does actually turn into property when a person dies. Have you read the fine print when you bury or intern someone at a cemetery? They actually disclose what they are allowed to do with the urn/coffin. It's all a very rigorous transaction.
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And I would argue that necrophilia isn't actually rape. It's just desecration, or destruction of property.
New to fur. What is FA?
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Yes, that is what I should have said but couldn't think of the word, thank you.
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You forget that even under Capitalism, there are those who are not retarded consumer whores, but still quite poor and subject to be taken advantage of by the system.

I could be a brilliant underage whizz-kid with great potential, but if my parents don't pay for the house, all of a sudden I lose all my livelihood. If my parents can't pay for education, I lose my chance at realising said potential.

Capitalism fucks the intelligent ones, too. But usually only the poor ones, because money is all that talks.

OK. You seem to be alright with necro if the guy EXPLICITLY says it's k before he croaks.

But you forget to that most corpses are cremated or buried... WITHOUT the deceased's explicit permission. But when it comes to sexual/medical/scientific use of his corpse, all of a sudden there has to be explicit consent?

Grade AAA bullshit double standard.
I don't remember my grandparents saying "plz bury me k?" when they died.

About the second paragraph: So then who is the proprietor? Who wholly owns the rights to the corpse?
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Hyper capitalism is bad (please see USA for example) but pure communism is impossible, and the other variations of communism are bad.

free market socialism tends to work but is not perfect.

i'm curious, what is your ideal economic system?
I can't believe I'm saying this but, I'm glad to see you here.

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Yep, because that involves a more extreme hand off of the property rights to a third party. Cemeteries basically hold your property for you. Donate to science? You can't go visit that in a classroom, it's their's.

Yeah, and some people just leave the decision up to their next of kin if they don't want to put a financial burden on forcing them to bury them somewhere specific, or doing something complex like donating their body to science on their behalf. It's real straightforward.
>I don't remember my grandparents saying "plz bury me k?" when they died.
What did they say, make us into marionettes? Most people want to be buried, ya know.

Because I hate the current conversation as much as you do?
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Yep. I'd give my two cents but this convo seems too far gone.
I see what you mean. Yeah, I can get that. I feel like I'm not thinking straight tonight.

That largely depends on where it is though, right? Or am I just ignorant on this? I thought most people would say that, or at least have written a will and stated how they want to die.
Then again, there are also freak accidents, and many people don't think about that.
But then if someone never stated if they want to be buried or cremated, then what would it matter? The dead can't talk.
This is a rather interesting topic.

>free market socialism tends to work but is not perfect.
Yes. This is what I'm in support of.
not that anon, but capitalism is the most closer system to the nature. it's practically the survival of the fitness.
Taking things too far is where you find the truth, my friend. That's where the mind really shows its power. It allows you to form new opinions and have your mind expand.
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Decision passes to next of kin, nearest surviving relative, or the state (in that order) if there is no living will.
I don't know what the fuck is going on anymore.
Ricky-ism much, anon?
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Why must Skyrim be so hard to mod?
By the way, if I use LOOT to order the ESPs, does the mod load order (which isn't changed by LOOT) matter?
That is precisely why it has some of my support.

I see. Interesting.

We were discussing general morality, and it turn into a topic of necrophilia.
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I ran a Minecraft faction under almost-pure Communism once. It was f@#king great.

Everyone had to share resources. Whatever you mine or hunt or farm, put it in the communal storeroom. Take only what you need, and go about your business doing literally whatever the fuck you want. The only exception being diamonds, feel free to keep diamond stuff, but share it if you wanna.

That said, Minecraft is a game. IRL is not.

My ideal economic system is pure Communism, but I realise it is impossible with the current set of beliefs that humans have right now.

It would take some crazy psychological "terraforming" to have humans naturally want to go and find resources like in Minecraft, where finding resources is legitimately fun.

You seem to hang on to that cemetery thing a lot.

Say I were, as a govt, to establish a necrophiliacs' bank, like a sperm bank, where people can donate their own dead bodies after death, and people can sign up and screw your corpse after death.

I want to be taxidermised into a majestic statue. Like this brilliant motherfucker in pic related.

>survival of the fittest

Only the stronk survive!
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ok mr dictionary

happy fag?
*happy bi
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Hahaha, oh man. That is a wonderful idea. You're going to have to get some laws changed to run that type of establishment, but what a twisted idea. Well done.
Communism doesn't follow the hierarchy of nature though. It forces everyone to be equal, which simply isn't true anywhere in nature.

Huh. Now that is an interesting idea!
I prefer ushanka and trenchcoat.

I broke my sarcasm meter last week while browsing /g/
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Legally, this is not possible, even when it come to non-rape matters, which is why on forms there always the "guardian sing here if minor" blank.
>simply isn't true anywhere in nature
Where else in nature do you find a species that is destroying the planet for material gain?

Either way you go, humans are an exception in nature. It is fucked up, but it is what we are.
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Oh I know, free market is essential for an economy to function but it needs some balances, free market socialism is becoming the more popular choice because it's basically capitalism but corporations can't own you and abuse you as much (they always will to some degree)

It's like in the US it's hyper capitalism because even Healthcare is not universally available, you need to pay out of pocket.

I lived in California for 5 years, I now live in Canada because i'm Canadian, my taxes where pretty much the same however I get far more return here than I did in the US.

So i'm not saying capitalism is bad, far from it free market as been a human staple since we first started bartering, it's just that it can't be left to run away freely, when capitalism runs away you get governments bought off by corporations to do their bidding (like Lockheed Martin buying off US congressmen to support military action in the middle east so they can sell more weapons) or services that should be included in taxes and available to all like healthcare become a market.

Not all doctors do it but some shill for pharmaceutical companies to make money or do things to keep people coming back, this is a problem in the US but it's not really a problem in other countries with universal healthcare as doctors will not make more depending on these factors.

Or for profit prisons, those things are so fucking evil I don't even yet they exist in the US.

Capitalism is fine but hyper capitalism is just as abusive as party communism.
Beanie and field jacket
And I love to do that, but I'm too tired to go all deep into politics and social morals. And why they suck.
I'm just gonna try and leave it at that and try to go off to bed. Night.
Because society automatically assumes children are more susceptible to making dumb decisions than adults are.

It is such a kneecap on children.

There are plenty of retarded adults out there as well, comrade. Just look in the mirror. Or your family tree.
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I won't argue that adults make bad decisions, because we all know they do. I would just like to argue that a 10-year-old makes consistently worse decisions on a more frequent basis than adults.
whoa slow down buddy, only the last part was important.
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That's pretty awesome but if you read the communist manifesto pure communism is basically anarchy, no government, no money, no classes.

I can work in small groups but EVERYONE has to want to go along with it and have 0 ambition, if you have any large group of humans without governance they will form factions and gangs which basically become little governments.

We are programmed to follow or lead, this is why all the colony communism experiments fell apart.
A'ight, I'll take my leave, my "thread" is here. I'll see you all later.
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I uh...I ramble a lot...

I also like political science and 20th century history.

My favorite concept is "global federalism"
>Where else in nature do you find a species that is destroying the planet for material gain?
Oh, I agree that that is seriously fucked up. I just don't think communism is the right way to go. There has to be a hierarchy at some level. Some humans are better than others, and some are worse, simple as that. Eliminating that causes chaos. It's like introducing a species of animal to a new area, it fucks everything up. Communism isn't sustainable, there has to be a consumer and a provider in an economy. Then again, you're referring to pure communism where currency doesn't exist.
Interesting. I feel like I'm too tired to look more into this and think about it more right now, but it is very interesting indeed.
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Yes, I agree with that as well.

But I can see why they don't let kids sign up for major business contracts or vote for presidents - Because when they fuck up there, it fucks up A LOT of people.

That in mind, how can me having sweet lovely sex with a 6-year-old have any negative repercussions on anyone but herself?

A kid should learn what he/she likes and what he/she does not. I learned I don't like celery. Doesn't mean feeding celery is illegal for children.

Let them learn. Slowly. Have a slow-paced sex ed program in kindergartens or something.

I agree as much as anyone else that anarchy is fucking retarded, and I can see how having complete and perfect equality is impossible, given current human psychology, but I do wish it was possible.

Perhaps some hierarchy. Just like a police or a small gov't to keep the people from performing unconducive acts and to organise the people, and their resources.

Organise, not dictate.
I've watched just about every kind of porn ever made including cp.
Every underage person I've seen in a sexual situation has looked pretty damn happy to be participating.

Yes, laws say they cant do it and you cant do it with them, but the laws seem rather stupid.
Any emotional trauma comes from society convincing them that they are and should be traumatized by their experience.
well, focus on the point that you want to make or make a tl:dr version

and what's global federalism, it's like a Global ONU or more like a global USA?
That looks like lesbofur to me, or whatever it's called
One of channels I watch is called Thulean Perspective, which is the channel of the infamous Varg Vikernes. He suggests a form of tribalism, where the government doesn't rule the people. I wish I could go into more detail, but I seem to be very tired. Perhaps that form of tribalism could work?
yeah, and what guys like?
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Yeah we can get our resources and not destroy the planet, I'm all for industrial expansion but conservationism is important.

That's why I like asteroid mining and gas giant Hellium -3 harvesting, we can the raw materials we need to build massive infrastructure and fuel to power limitless non polluting power without damaging our own planets ecology.

And people say space exploration is a waste of time, when we are ripping asteroids to bits and harnessing the power of stars like the gods we are I will look at them and laugh.
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I've heard you mention this at least once before. It is quite in interesting idea.
>That in mind, how can me having sweet lovely sex with a 6-year-old have any negative repercussions on anyone but herself?
it's too easy for an adult to take advantage of a child.

Can a child have a healthy sexual relationship with an adult? Probably. But it's a lot harder to distinguish between abuse with a child. And more importantly, it's harder for the child to do anything if it is abuse.
There is a lot of reading material on the darknets uncovering child psychology pertaining to sexuality. I don't know if there's any truth of it though. But I can speak from personal experience that I loved playing with my dick ever since I was about 4, but I never knew what that compulsion was. If someone had shown me what masturbation was and what cumming was, I'd be so fucking thankful.

That said, can I have some necro stuff plex?

Then what is the function of the govt?
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Ah, got it. So you're okay with a kid eating only what they want to eat and nothing else, and not going to school, and watching R-rated movies while in kindergarten? Where do you draw the line with decisions children are and are not allowed to make when it comes to their own personal well being?

(genuinely curious, not sarcastically asking)
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Global federalism would be more like a global EU, each country maintains it's own government and all that but are under a federation.

It's one of the only realistic forms of global governance we can come up with right now as it wouldn't require countries giving up their boarders or identities, but it also requires all nations to work together and form a federal council of sorts.

I like it but I doubt it or something like it will happen any time soon, we are too territorial a race.
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I had 3 necro vids, but I lost them about 3 years ago in a power outage that fried 2 of my hdds.
I'm too poor for a ups.
By your logic a femanon posting g/fur would count as s/fur
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yeah, do you see g/fur here?
Essentially, the government is the tribe leader. No state or anything like that, the people rule themselves. He also talks about the fall of Western Civilization and all that, and was also a murderer, so he's a bit crazy. But crazy people, however one may define that, have interesting ideas. It's just something to look into I guess. It sounds rather interesting not having modern medicine, or any kind of pointless material things. It's basically just how the world was before large civilizations existed, hence the talk of the fall of Western Civilization.
I do see lesbofur, in a s/fur thread
It's also too easy for a megacorporation to take advantage of a stay-at-home tech-illiterate mom.

See also: Microsoft forcing millions of PCs to update to Win10.

But megacorporations get away with it because Capitalism.


I think child abuse is wrong, but if it's possible to find some way for a kid to have a healthy amount of sexual education or experience with low risk of sexual trauma, you can bet your vagina I'm all for it.

Children not going to school has a major negative repercussion with society: They don't become productive.

Children eating only what they want has a (possibly) major negative repercussion, but only upon themself: They don't live healthy.

The point is that everyone should be given full liberty to make a decision when the decision doesn't have the potential fuck anyone over except themself.

Why do you care if I don't buy health insurance for myself? Should I be forced to buy health insurance just because "It's for my own good"?



no pun intended
s/fur is meant to cater to str8 men.

lesbo caters to str8 men

g/fur does not
and the problem is?
I haven't much into the deep webs since tor was compromised.
It used to be a cool place to visit.
Kay then, you got me :P
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s/fur is made to appeal to majority straight men, lesbian is A OK here and always has been.
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Say they have a bad sexual experience as a 7-year-old and then start raping and hurting people later in life as a result of that bad experience? And if you don't get health insurance and get into a car accident and go to the hospital incapacitated and need major surgery but can't pay, the weight of that falls on me: the taxpayer. So it does have an affect on society.
Is dat calista's hot milf mom?
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Haha, I know, right?
I sure hope so. Ask him next time he shows up.
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Well, 'least it's not gettin' any worse from here on out. I think. What a way to start the day.
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What the living fuck is it with you and the furry cartoons? Fuck off and die.
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Asks for straight fur posts lesbo fucking kike
pssst, you enter the thread, now you are one of us
You new here?

You sound new to this board.
You a normie or something?
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