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Waifu thread The rules are very simple: >Claim your waifu/husbando

The stories and information posted here are artistic works of fiction and falsehood.
Only a fool would take anything posted here as fact.

Thread replies: 154
Thread images: 140
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Waifu thread

The rules are very simple:
>Claim your waifu/husbando
>Keep ERP and RP to a minimum
>Refrain from posting porn
>Most importantly: Go fuck yourself
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Momoyo (9).png
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Obligatory claim.

Latin Blue.
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>Wtf is this bullshit,
>needs moar Liu
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kagam claimed!!!
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Well, considering I slept at 1 am and I needed to get off my lazy ass at 6, I can say I've had better sleep

Sail into the horizon, my friend.

You can't really scold him. I mean, have you SEEN most of the pictures anons post here?

>like Noire, for example
Two off from trip dubs
I need to find a waifu that would be okay with my small wiener
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still here
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welll....yeah, and i won't argue with dubs...but it's still weird!!!
hopefully you'll get better sleep tonight, the weekend is near!!
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And that's how you will get your weight back.
Any waifu would be OK with it. Or pick a small waifu, it'll look big to them.
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kagami (69).jpg
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no!!!! don't say that!!!
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Heyo, Handy.
I'm in the middle of a game, but I wanted to greet you first.
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I'll thank you all for staying away from my beautiful dark elf princess mecha pilot waifu, thank you.
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Well my premier pro wont open so I guess I cant make my pipe it up Rikka dab compilation
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help me.png
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We really don't see to see every minor get
Noire doesn't give a fuck but he still gets scolded by anons and the rules on OP. Madoka deserves to be even more scolded for posting an innocent character like that.
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Sliver jam
>I was hitting the pickguard a fuckton for some reason
>I apparently can't keep tempo that great
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>Fubuki claimed
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Have to get a bit naughty sometimes~

What's wrong?
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>the schwanz majestically rises to the challenge
>but the schwanz does not bend that way

I will figure out how to fuck myself eventually, for I am the schwanz king! It will be astounding!

>I defecate with power and majesty
>I edgeaculate from the splendor
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Alright, buddy. Thanks for the greeting.

Enjoy your game.
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I know I was excited, I really wanted you to see it!
Ugggggh, those people. They can go right into a ditch, seriously.
>MicroSD was $50
>All in all, $150 camera that still would've needed a card bought, for $90
I think I got a good deal. As well, I gotta go BACK to the store because my grandma didn't let me know she had medicine that needed to be picked up. SO I'll be back.
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hands up 2.png
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I'm making potatoes in the microwave ^-^
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hmmm, im still conflicted....
Hey, you're back.
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Nishikino Maki (1).png
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Birb claimed
Also invite to Telegram Hand-kun
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>Have to get a bit naughty sometimes

No we don't.


Why should you be?

Good morning

Hello there qt3.14
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>implying a skeleton can get his weight back
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face 9.jpg
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Just for you!

Because it would be fucking great
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wheres the dab fam
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kek!!! you're right!!! all i have is bones now...
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>wheres the dab fam
Stop it.
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>quad dubs
put it in a microwave and that's it? Not mashing it or making it skinny for fries?


Don't lie
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Akiko claimed
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poke holes with a fork and toss that bad boy in the microwave for 47 minutes, then take it out, cut it and enjoy ur baked potato ^-^
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Every time I kill a skelton in DkS I think of you and feel bad about them.
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Pipe it up!.gif
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Oh shit I fucked up here!
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Ohai Akiko
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Found this like 5 threads ago, Lolita essentially the premiere waifu, so tight in that 12 year old pussy.
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>baked potato
There has to be a better way.
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Wha-! I am not!

Hello there

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that's better

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Nishikino Maki (78).jpg
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Hello Hanako. Sleep well?
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awwww....b-but im different from those ones!!! those ones are mean!!!
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Hello qt, how are you?
I'm scared of skeles because of DkS
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>those ones are mean!!!
No no no no.
All skeles are good, you're the bad guy.
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times are tough ;-;
nice moves!
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claim hello
'Sup, Bacon?
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shit pic i ment to use ignore the lewd
that ass looks like a flat pack of macaroni run over by a jeep driven by two nymphomaniac green haired pixie girls fingering each other while a third jacks off their pimp in the back seat spraying daddies cummies all over her foxy heart shaped face.
Hey Kotori
How's the journey going?

Ohayou Hanako, how is it?
You still thinking about buying Overwatch?
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Balsamic Vinegar.jpg
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But some of them are pretty nice and just wait for you to do whatever you want with them... What else could you differ from them... Do you drop souls too?
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Just sayin'.
Those skeles would've been super chill if you didn't come into their home brandishing a weapon.
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You don't have a stove to throw it in?

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this is borderline spookasa
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hey how are you
Aw hell yeah glad you enjoy it

Thanks let me see yours!
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Pin claimed
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maybe we aren't so different after all!!!
>i...i don't know, how can we find out???
but i wouldn't attack anyone ever!!!
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That is not okay.jpg
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Wew lad tornado warning in the northern parts of the city
oh boy
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Then why are you in the army?
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Im at my destination! Now I just wanna get home and play Overwaifu with ya'll tho :(

Ohai, lost last thread
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You Know Gasai (11).gif
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Lucky fuck
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times are tough ;-;
I don't have too much moves
stay safe ;-;-;-;-;-;
I'm pretty sure if you show up to them without a weapon and try to be nice they will still murder you.

I think it's pretty artistic... and I've seen much worse spookasa so this is nothing.

Before conducting experiments I would look for a bonfire, can't respawn you without one of those.
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good taking my dog out soon what about you?
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Nishikino Maki (386).jpg
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No probs bird, how is it?! Missed you on team retardfu today
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kagami (49).jpg
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>be safe shinoa!!!
tornadoes are pretty cool from a far ways away lol
i don't hurt people in the army!! that''s why i chose to fly on helicopters instead of shoot people lol
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I though i was early
an unforeseen development was found
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Have you tried it?
Didn't think so
Fucking Switzerland mang, coming home the 1st D:

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trying to think of something to do. What kind of dog?
Alrighty, but surely, there's gonna be some cases where you're going to have beat a mother fucker up.
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kagami (40).gif
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wait!! respawn?? are you gonna kill me?!?!
i can build one, if that works....
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red hair doberman she is hard to control sometimes strong dog lol
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Rikka & Kumin.gif
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Aww damn thats so hardcore shit Konata!
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>tfw ignored
I'll see myself out
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As lucky as having sky zone

I understand. Got anything to put on top if it like green onions, cheese sour cream? I will

I bet. Never seen one though. Closest was hurricane Ike if that counts

I envy you

No u. stay here
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i haven't seen that yet, and im not gonna find out!! lol
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Nishikino Maki (40).jpg
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Noone goes to the discount isle in the store mang
Take your (you)~~

Why are you there by the way?
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>pats with social intent
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Ain't that cute
Don't worry you'll be back and playing before you know it. I'll be getting gud in the meantime

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cool i guess. I have a little Dachshund
hurricanes?? oh boy....just be careful!!!
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we have cheese, i used to hate sour cream but now its good ^-^
I said megu :/
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Swap Meet jam
>I sped it up way too much
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Actually I have... I have conducted a lot of retarded experiments in DkS and running without weapons to make multiplayer work was one of them.

How else are we supposed to see your drops... unless you can discard them from your inventory like a nice spirit.
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You Know Gasai (1).jpg
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Hi, just got here nigga

Piece of shit..
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Nagato (2).gif
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face 8.jpg
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do we have tsukasa now? did i miss that last thread :O
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i like that better!!! being nice is best!!!
but all i have is milk and bananas!!!
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I'm trying to join the Swiss army, want to become a medic! Got my physical exams on monday so I got here a bit earlier
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Well fought. I concede.
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Way better than anything I can do.
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ive never been one for dogs myself its more my famliys dog i prefer my cat as company. i think my neighbor has one of those actually
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No promises

Shredded? I don't blame you for hating it in the first place

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Alright, saw that you have a tornado alert, how bad is it?
Thanks Ruga. Still playing OW?
Thank you for feeding my attention whoring~
Thank you Brtigag~
>hugs with social intent
Thank (you)
How are you?
To which I responded with my obligatory "REEEEEEE"~
Hi nigga, how goes life?
>41cm twin cannons
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if only.gif
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yeah they are weird little dogs. Cats are cool 2 i guess. So what do you like to do for fun?
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Yuuki claim, just got back from dinner
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Nishikino Maki (429).jpg
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>Be Mercy irl kek
Are you actually swiss?

With the power of 1 million keks
Sadly no, I'm just dumping pics of the cutest Lucky Star character.

That's a pretty good loot table, what's the milk like? Fresh? Half-fat? I'm pretty sure you have oatmeals as rare drop.

Sorry that happened.
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Gucci fam, kinda tired tho
I should probably fix my sleep schedule, but I do nothing all day. Hi, I'm here.
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Nagato (6).png
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>ball busting

never will i ever understand why dudes are into this.

Hej yuno c:

>12.7cm twin cannons


why thank you!

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cheese squares but i break it to smaller squares, and sour cream was so icky as a kid, but now its sweet :p
sad frog meme :(
aww oh well, a girl can dream
Aaaaaand back, finally.
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nah fam skill comes with practice
it's a pretty easy song to be honest
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I'll take evil reform horse

>inb4 ponyfag
>save you posting it i literally couldn't care less and neither should you
Who wants to hear my band perform?
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50% Swiss, mother is Swiss and father is Swedish
go for it
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Forgot pic
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it's half fat!!! and it's a full gallon!! but the oatmeal is maple flavored...i don't think you want that!!!
>the rarest drop is a phone with a dead touchscreen!!
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Nishikino Maki (168).jpg
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>Mercy half Swiss too kek
That's cool mang, can't wait for you to come back though~
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Claim if you want.
We have someone claiming their own hand.
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>my amp doesn't work anymore

No problem.
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face 5.jpg
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that looks like a chicken nugget, or poop
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>With the power of 1 million keks
You mean the power of a full team of Bastion?
My eyes are tired from all that vidya kek
Feeling the same as last time. huh?
Were you up to anything today?
Why sad? D:
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C.C. Claimed

Have a (You) on me
Thread replies: 154
Thread images: 140

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