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waifu claim thread >claim >discuss >minimum rp/erp

The stories and information posted here are artistic works of fiction and falsehood.
Only a fool would take anything posted here as fact.

Thread replies: 163
Thread images: 143
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waifu claim thread

>minimum rp/erp
>no one cares about rules
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That's a relief
I enjoy seeing you on the threads trying to get trip!

That sounds relaxing
I'm doing fine, just got dinner and installing some drivers for my GPU
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Nishikino Maki (1).png
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Britfag Maki Claim
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kagami claimed!!
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Hanako here

That's the problem.

I already have Hotaru

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You'll need all the luck you can get
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>stereotypical criminals
It's hard to find those, everyone has their dark secrets and bad habits. Sounds like you have an interesting and varied circle of friends. Being a geek who also enjoys trance parties and stuff like that I can relate.

Btw how did that thing with your game end? Did they approve it even if you lost your shot at presenting it?
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inject waifu into bloodstream.jpg
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are ya not happy with hotaru or something?
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well do you like her??? if so, you have to be loyal to her, just remember the good times you have together, simple things like that help!!
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All my keks.
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Vigil - 53.png
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She's a part of me now.
don't overdoese on waifu now....
Not a huge difference but this is still higher res.
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"Now, the party don't start til I walk in"- Kesha
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Claiming the purest idol.

I'm a little bit jealous. The only hooks I've ever been able to land were Pudge's hooks.

It took a lot of time trying to maintain the rank. And just keep on practicing and you'll see your reaction getting better. Also make sure to calibrate your screen or whatever it is called in that app, as it really makes a huge difference. I still remember the first time I cleared Soldier Game on EX.
Got to catch them all. I hope you have a team or two that is Maki-only.

Genji is strong. Kotori is skilled. Makes for a great combo. Be sure to let your opponents taste his glorious Nippon steel.

I feel your pain, Akiko. I hope they'll sort it out and send you your money tomorrow.
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I am. Very much so. It's just bad habits at this point.

Yeah. To NOT do anything stupid
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Oh right, I'm having the week off to study and shit so I haven't heard of them yet. There were some other people who were also showing their stuff so I guess they got a lot of stuff to philter through as it is. I'll just have to wait and see

>mortal fear of needles
So much conflict
That's the only needle I would accept into my veins. Bet that stuff would bring you to Heaven and back. Best way to kys

It's dat smug
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Wouldnt say skilled, I still mess up parries and stuff all the time. Learning though!
You're doing the noble works my friend

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Usually make one brief appearance a day, chat for 5 minutes and leave.
Never really lurk to be honest.

Truly kind words anon, hopefully I won't keep letting everyone down.

Good to hear you're doing good!
You've actually reminded me to update my own GPU drivers. Honestly think some of my games are paying to price for my laziness.
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I trust ya~
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It's dat peach
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well just try and think of hanako whenever you feel like you're slipping into those bad habits!!!
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I know this sounds rude, but you ever thought you're taking the ship a bit too seriously?
oh look
3 off again
What a pleasant coincidnce
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Nishikino Maki (24).png
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Yeah I only started playing recently, and going complete free-to-play means it's not exactly quick. My best ones are Honokas and Hayanos, only had Rares for Maki ;_;
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Anytime Trips guy~

I forgot about my drivers for about 5 months.. I payed the price but my games were still somewhat smooth
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Leave him alone
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Every day Shiro. Every day
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>I can only recognize you and Homura ITT, this is saddening.
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Oh shit waddup?
I'm happy that you're happier than me.
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Homura (3).png
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Fuckers could at least send you an e-mail so you can stop worrying... but you seem somewhat relaxed and that's great, since there isn't much you can do other than waiting.

>mortal fear of needles
I'm curious about this phobia, I have a weird one where I get nauseous from seeing my own blood, but seeing blood from someone else causes no impact on me.

I'm not even sure if he saves them but I will keep doing it...

I guess we arrived another generation of the thread, or wave as some anons like to call it.
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im pretty sure i know you. but we never talked....
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Reflecting Widowmaker's 100% charged shot is one of the best things. Although Zarya's ultimate is also really fun to reflect. Oh, and Tracer's ultimate!

Play for the fun of it. Don't go chasing ranks. You'll get your team consisting of only Makis sooner or later. It's really quite something hearing only your waifu use her abilities as you play. I hope you'll get a UR Maki soon~ As well as Umi.
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Rory claimed.
Turns out I needed to be at work early on Friday.
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Nigga remember it's all anonymous and shipping in thread is a shown as "bromance"

Oh shit waddup

Good to see you back in thread umi
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I'll try leave myself alone then
Although I'm not sure if that's possible, so no promises

Nice dubs btw

Most of mine seem to be smooth enough as well.
Although my source games in particular have been acting very weird in the last while, so I'm suspecting it's something to do with that.
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HomuMad (64).jpg
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I was browsing old threads the other day and it's surprising how some anons were already here for long and I only started noticing them lately.

>taking the ship a bit too seriously?
It happened a couple of times in the thread and it can cause more damage than you even imagine.
>1 off
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Welcome back.

Dankmaster Smug. Thanks for noticing me. How are things?
>old threads
Isn't fgts dead? I mean it was the only reliable archive for /b/ I can remember.
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Hopefully the driver update will fix your problems.
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Only use 2? Nah, pretty sure there's more people.

How are you doing?
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It's called Trypanophobia. And I have it pretty serious. They had to hold me down with 4 people last time they had to give me a shot, after I had punched the doctor in his face and broke the needle.

It's actually a pretty bad fear that could have a very big impact on my health. I don't go to doctors or hospitals, ever. Just seeing a needle makes me very nervous and uncomfortable. I'll start getting hot and hyperventilating. The only movie I ever had to stop watching was one of the Saw movies where this woman had to dive into a pit of used needles. I also think this fear saved me in a way. As previously stated I hung out in bad circles at some point, and I'm pretty sure I would've gotten hooked if it wasn't for my paralyzing fear of needles.
Silver linings
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Just went 13-0 and salted the enemy team o/
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Kek my bad. Thought it was someone else. How ya been?

5am early?

Life is good my dude. Getting some mods and maps for battlefront 2 and continue watching jojo. You?
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it's been kinda a blur honestly, but a good blur, i wish i could remember most of it!!
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Always when you arent rolling, you get closer than you do.
9 am instead of 10 am. Got a free breakfast and I can start work at 10, so is all good.
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Nishikino Maki (77).png
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I have a hiking umi kek
Rebel shark claimed, back for those vocaroo acoustic autism songs gents....if my mobile holds up
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HomuMad (61).jpg
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That was pretty close, even if you're not doing your shot at stealing waifus seeing you get trips would be pretty sweet.

It is. I had to lurk randomarchive which is terrible but it got the job done.

Phobias are one strange thing, I wonder how hard you punched that doc and if you got punished in some way, that's pretty messed up even if it's a bit funny.
>I'm pretty sure I would've gotten hooked if it wasn't for my paralyzing fear of needles
Gee... now I'm really happy you have this fear, you barely have money to eat, you wouldn't even be able to afford the first weeks of such addiction.

I do remember how we got close.
fuck off furfag
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A salty enemy team is a good enemy team. Just wait until they start to single-ult you. That's always a good thing.

Perfect, perfect. I've just finished watching a movie. Thinking about whether or not I should go for a run before bed.

That's decent I guess. But I hope you'll get a cuter Umi soon. I'm wishing for your Maki to find you, though. You'll be needing them URs.
Ok lol
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Nishikino Maki (125).jpg
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umi anon blessing received. I'll try my best!
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I do think that's the case, you're right.

Flower probably has an easier time recognizing new people, even when barely breaks his lurk.

A bit more than two, you're right.

I'm alright, just a bit dizzy from hunger.
I can still drink tea if I take my time, so that's good.

What about you?
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Awww lucky! Free breakfast!!

Depending on the distance and after the run, my nigga you gonna go night night

Wew 2 different idols and both have met each other I see
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that's one thing i'd never forget. it started with panties right?
How was i talking to yesterday night i think?
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That's what I'm hoping.
What games are ye into anyway, if any?

Heh, could've guessed.
I've been fine and dandy, summer weather seems to have finally hit, so I've been enjoying the heat.

How've ye been holding up?

Evidently so
Maybe I'll even get trips on this post!

Very true
Being so close though is almost painful to witness.
Kagami and peach girl are best
that is all
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Right now, I'm playing Overwatch
But I usually play Uncharted 4, DOOM or Stellaris
What about you?
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>I'm alright, just a bit dizzy from hunger.
Mm, still can't eat anything eh?
Hopefully you get that checked out as soon as you can. (I know I sound like a broken record)

>I can still drink tea if I take my time, so that's good.
That's something atleast.

>What about you?
Good, as usual, the heat is making me a bit dizzy and it's quite annoying, aside from that, not much else.
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that's a weird two people you picked...
you mean best .
also explosion girl and eyepatch girl are cute
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Here's how it went down

>Be me, few years back
>Gotta get a shot, don't remember for what
>Shaking in fear in the chair
>Doctor comes up, does that shit where he tests the needle and pumps the air out
>I'm shaking and I feel very hot and cold at the same time
>Close my eyes, decide to just not look and think of something else
>Doctor sits down and grabs my arm
>As soon as I feel the needle I just go full panic mode
>Scream in terror, jerk arm back in lightning reflex
>Needle breaks and is stuck in arm
>Blood spurts out of needle with every heartbeat (rapidly)
>I flip my shit, try to claw needle out of my arm
>Doctor tries to help me
>Punch him in the jaw in blind panic
>He calls in the nurses
>2 nurses and dad storm in
>1 nurse goes to doctor, the other tries to help me
>Punch nurse in the hip
>Doctor tells them to hold me down
>I'm still panicked and hyperventilating
>Didn't get any better when he gave me my shot
>Didn't get in trouble because doctor is doctor and he understands phobias
>tfw I sent a doctor to the doctor
>tfw haven't gotten any injections ever since
>tfw my parents apparently didn't know I had this phobia

I haven't been to a hospital since, I'm pretty sure I'll die of tetanus or something preventable
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best bastard here
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My thoughts are with you. Do your best, you cutie.
>now I almost want to start playing again

Entering bed after a solid run is one of the best feelings in the world. I think I might just do that, actually.

Going for that run and then heading to bed. See you guys tomorrow.
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>peach girl
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Homura (14).jpg
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kek, when did that happen? Sounds like it was a solid amount of years.
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Ayy hey Spike, how is it?

Good taste anon

Less than 5 years ago
I was strong enough to fracture his jaw
I forgot how boring it gets when you have an hour to wait.
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Ok everyone, you know what to do
Deliver memes and tunes for Rory
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Vigil - 316.png
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It's become a bit of a hobby, keeping track of and documenting this anonymous online community.

I hate it.

>which is terrible
Yeah.Quite. But you make it work. No other choice.
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Get the game homie. I would if I were you and night umi

Doing pretty well. Getting some mods and maps for an old game
Solid games, need to try them myself at a point.
TF2, nosgoth and heavy bullets would be the main ones for myself. Need to explore the other games in my steam library though.

Was actually thinking of picking up Doom or Overwatch recently. Can't decided which though.
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evil shiro (2).gif
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The first time I read you saying this you got my curiosity but I never asked about it, what exactly do you document and where? Your head or do you actually take notes?

Adrenaline and fear give you incredible strength.
Thats for the sentiment but I chose to go into work. Where its warm. And we play tunes.
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>tfw thread is empty as fuck because everyone is playing Overwatch

That breakfast vid has been postd like 7 times already, still well meme'd though

Yea I know it does. I experienced the swiftness you get when I found that carcass in the black forest.

When do you get off? What time is it?
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Wew everyone died
Good to hear!
What game might this be may I ask?
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im alive!!!
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Mizore checking in.
>Should I order pizza or search the kitchen?
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im still alive to lurk another day
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if you got the money, pizza
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Dropping on by this thread to claim, gonna go eat soon

Hope everyone's doing well today!
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Which is closer, your phone or the kitchen?
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Lurkmura (5).png
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Going to watch animu, I will still be lurking.
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Nishikino Maki (48).jpg
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We also had a scumbag Nico new before, giving us 4 different Rabu Raibus

>you know you want to
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If you want to play solo, get Doom.
If you want some multiplayer action, get Overwatch~
I blame Overwatch
Definitely pizza!
Hello Renge!
I'm doing great, what about you?
Enjoy and see ya
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I do have the money
Ordering from my laptop so pizza is closer.
I had pizza yesterday tho.
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The obvious choice
>tfw you have the money to order food

>I had pizza yesterday
I don't see a problem here
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>ordering pizza by phone
Why would you do this

Hello hello! I'm doing quite well, had a pretty good day, what about you?
>I don't know your name so the only thing I know to call you is discount megumin
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im on a panda.jpg
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How was work Renge?
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Vigil - 131.jpg
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I'm too unreliable to keep it all in my head and hope that it stays there. Notes. Txt.files. A couple of repurposed papers. The information is a tad scattered, but I know where it all is.

Details about anons and their thread relationships. Thread events and developments. Anything /waifu/ related. Unless it's rubbish.

Some details are lost. I can only mourn.
The good ol battlefront 2

>but I'm barely breathing

Pizza duh!

Oh you

Yes I am. And I hope the same to you

How was nico being a scumbag if I may ask? Insulting other waifus?

I dont have overwatch. I am sad :'(

Grilled cheese then
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jk not here
these dubs killed me
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Pizza it is then.
No bread, which is weird since I have PB&J.
dubs so sneaky they not there like a ninja
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Where's the problem?
That's good to hear! I'm doing great so far
>please call me Amatsu
Poor Shinoa :c
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Nishikino Maki (244).jpg
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TIL it's difficult to cut an apple using a serrated knife

by liking nico
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I don't get what you mean

Is there anything you've documented that stands out? Something different from all the rest or at least notable. Your archive is very interesting to me
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homu is always watching
>quick post sinks
A gem of a game
Need to try it again someday soon.
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>Post ice rinks?
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Was good, I might be able to switch to a shift two and a half hours earlier than mine because my useless coworker got canned, so hoping that goes well.

Shinoa, my nig, I've barely seen you around the past few days. What's been going on in your life? Anything new? Still working towards the navy?

If you're going to order pizza, why not just online? You're already near a computer if you're posting here and the inherent lack of social involvement allows you to max out your autism points.

Why are you using a serrated knife for fruit

That's great! And I will.
>but discount megumin doesn't stop being funny
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>>quick post sinks


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Gonna go workout now, see you guys later.
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But that's the biggest insult you can throw at me D:
>It will never stop being funny
See ya and have fun!
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Nishikino Maki (402).jpg
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Only knife I had on hand.
Was in a rush in the kitchen and I keep a serrated knife in my room. For reasons.
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That sounds like an awesome hobby even if it can be too much of a time sink, I like unique things and it can still be somehow productive because you get to know better how an online community works. I wonder how much of my cringe and drama is there. If you care about anon relationships outside the thread I have amended with a certain anon and we get to talk and play daily now, but sometimes I still get randomly hurt for no reason due to my own disorder and still having feelings.
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no! i said post zinc!!!
that's a really nice sink!!!!!
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Eggs with some hot sauce?

Honestly if my laptop wasn't from 07-08 amd I got me a new laptop, I might be good or at least know how to build me a gaming pc

And that's bad how?

Oh the nostalgia is amazing!

Heyo renge and I've seen you dude lol i started posing mostly spend time watching anime in the day now and you bet mang
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>not posting bismuth

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There are some pretty good videos teaching how to build one on youtube

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Ordering pizza online? That's ridiculous, what are you talking about, that's not how we roll here. You gotta call the turks/italians that run the place and battle your way through their thick accents to get your pizza

Vigil's work might someday be useful for purposes other than her personal fixation (and enjoyment?)

post wink?

This guy knows quality minerals
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Pretty sure I heard something about a drink?
No eggs

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Nishikino Maki (148).jpg
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'le biggest meme girl xd' in anime.
It was a joke tbh most people I've spoken to share my dislike of Nico her character is fucking annoying
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Kotori (30).jpg
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Also here
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Obligatory claim.
I want to eat a loli's ass.
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w-where'd you get that pic?? i don't remember putting any of myself on the internet!!
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>Has a whole folder of you.
You should feel concerned.

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dio 1.jpg
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Checking out linus ultimate budget build. Doesn't really help with me trying to learn parts and other stuff

Nigga what do you have

I don't see her being annoying. She has to be noticed some way or another by her taller friends

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i'd eat this one's ass
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Nishikino Maki (144).jpg
1 MB, 1574x1574
We were being nice to the anon though~
>just reminded him he had poor taste
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>dat ass
>kneehigh lingerie
>bunny girl
Why Dio?!
I'm pretty sure it's not the O.G. Dio.
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A whole chicken, Raw bacon, Raw sausage, lots of ramen, And a bunch of things that look like sauces.

It's not my food though.
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kagami (40).gif
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h-how many pics??
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That build was made for 2014, you should try to find one that was made in 2016..
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Kurisu 3.gif
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Claiming best girlie!
As I could imagine
Sorely tempted to boot it up in steam for old times sake.
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i'll be taking credit for posting that image
i enjoy loli quite a bit
how was your day dr. pepper?
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Hello everyone, what's poppin?

Hey hand, you were right. ODST has a great OST.

>Best idol claimed
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Nishikino Maki (373).jpg
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Hello doppel
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Hand Art 1.png
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Heyo, Maki. Glad you like ODST's OST, it's really good stuff. Calm and relaxing jazz.

Game's kinda shit though.
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Kurisu 29.jpg
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I'm managing. Had the day off and ran a few errands. Yourself?
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Hey Maki, got some bad news...
Mili got into a car accident this morning is is going through a surgery...
She said she'll be alright
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>saving it for the ass
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That pic is a work of art my friend
Not so much into loli myself, I'm a diehard ass man
But holy fuck dat ass isn't loli if you ask me

Come on Dio
Her upper body says loli, sure. But her bottom says thicc 20 year-old
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15 - 1.gif
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chibi (1).png
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woke up a couple hours ago, been watching fma: brotherhood and chilling in here. i should really fix my sleep schedule, i woke up at 5:30 pm. got out of school recently and don't have job so kinda no point in fixing it but whatever.
tell him shiro sent his best wishes!
File: Nishikino Maki (428).jpg (266 KB, 772x1091) Image search: [Google]
Nishikino Maki (428).jpg
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Kek. We're pretty good with figuring out who is who now.
Plus I tend to lurk more later on because I know less people and get too tired to post~
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Kurisu 31.jpg
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Dude, enjoy it. Granted my schedule has been fucked for a while even though I have a job. Night owls ftw.
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on my second REWATCH of Rick and Morty
>fucking kill me
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No bully the nico!
Heard that she lived a hard life from an anon. Said it was in a SSD or something . Nico has my respect

You're making me hungry! Throw in some bacon in the Ramen soup and let it cook and eat it man!!

Kek I looked up the 2015 $1,000 build. Looks nice but it doesn't help

Hey dr. Pepper

Do it!

And there werected 2 makis..
What's up tomato?

File: sachii2.jpg (111 KB, 500x700) Image search: [Google]
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still not admitting your love for lolis?
Thread replies: 163
Thread images: 143

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