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>age >how many partners have you had inb4 sex is overrated

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>how many partners have you had
inb4 sex is overrated (it is)
24, 3, is nice.
3, one time with all of them.
25 y/o white

20 something partners.

Full on sex with about 10 chicks and many blowjobs (CL) from at least 15 people.

Happy with it
Stopped counting at thirty.
Real number is probably less than forty
It sounds cool to you dudes that never get laid. But is it really? Idk...

Probably 13 or 14 were Japanese girls when i studied abroad.

White Norwegian Manlet
(it isn't)
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24, zero.
is it true that Japanese grills love white cock? I hear its like shooting fish in a barrel over there. Philippines too
18, 3 partners

>2 (actual)
>20 or 30 (paid for)
2 relationships have taken up 18 years tho. And sex is not over rated, you are just doing it wrong.
i am 24 male.
i have had 16 sex partneres. most onetimes things. but 1 seruius girlfrind. and 4 fuck buddies.
>20 or 30 (paid for)
So 0 then in reality.
no, also 2 not paid for. are you retarded or something?
I don't get the picture
>0 not even a girl friend
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>2 halves (never fucked, but fooled around something good)
He was horrible too...
neither you do with sex
Oh, I'm so sorry for your loss
>40 or so
Often wonder why it's made such a big deal of, once you've done it and got it out your system the Chase becomes better than the catch.
Your post number claims you've never had any sexts.
It isent overrated its all about to find a good mate im 2 years with the same girl and its bether with the time
>18 yo
>6 partners
21, 2, not looking forward to get aids or something
26, 30, all female. Kinda wanna bang a handsome tattooed gay dude though
OP what are you useing these numbers for ?
Bump, would also like to know

Hope to get at least one or two more before I kill myself next year
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17, 2
I'm a girl hun
34, 4 Maried to the 3rd one for 10 years now.
It really is overrated
still faggot
Still faggot
rule is. you are on the internet. you are a dude. Also get fucking hunnnie bubs
high 50's, low 60's

I've caught at least 7 std's, last one was herps and its destroyed me mentally
Married to the 3rd one, what happened to the 4th?
every sex below 18 and above 19 is overrated
t. experienced anon
I just don't have a life and the internet is my only friend.

Its somewhat overrated. If you don't have it, sex seems amazing, but once you have it, it's not that amazing. It's good, but after a while it can get a bit boring tho
> 23
> Lost count but surely over a 1000

Inb4 over 9000
Nothing. She Flys in to visit me once in a while. I moved far away
Been dry for years.
listen. do you shower some times ? then you have sexsual value.
i mean. dont you want to have your ass licked while mastorbaitnig with a magic wand ! or maby take a nice pic while some guys dig bick is beeing pushed into your tight shivverling body ?
>its destroyed me mentally
care to elaborate why?
no i dont want that
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Sex feels ok. I get the urge and it's all natural and shit.
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Not over rated, but I'm a feeling cunt, love my ex
36 yrs old.

somewhere between 26 and 35. i can recall/count 26 but i know im missing several.

currently got chlamydia though, so that's shit
nice quads

You want to fuck?
what ! how heavy are you !
sex to me is religion i must obay my god and try to fuck my way to demigodhood!
sex is not overrated
pics or it didn't habben
lmao angry dum nerd
>over 9000
make that at least 28...i forgot the one time threesome with the two art school hotties in college. leigh and that was a good time.
>1 (wife)

Sex was only fun early on. Now, I turn it down probably 75% of the time, which is 3 times a month.

It's really not all it's cracked up to be.
calm down
ill take one now
Remember timestamp.
Laziness is directly proportional to sex drive.
your wife must be a)ugly...b) fat...c)really fucking boring in bed d) all of the above.

im voting for D
Posted bout it before, but long story short
>got with the nastiest freak in my town,
>fucked for a day straight on top of a tarp
>weird shit left and right, she even shoved my foot in her, while I took a nap
>fluids accumulated over the day
>thought it'd be funny to flick it all over each other
>Now I have herpes on pretty much every inch of my body, arms, hands, feet, forehead, dick and back

Normally I'm fine with fucking a chick when i think I need to get checked, but now I'm cautious to even touch someone unless its some slut at a concert. I think I've gotten to that point where I want to settle down, but there's no turning back now.
23 (in roughly a month)

>wizard apprentice here
Married number 6.
Sex with the same person for 5 years is overrated.
20, 23 or 25

was a fully autistic virgin till 18, was too beta to even hold and start a conversation, I'll still never start one but for some reason chicks start to dig it or something, as some good close friends (who can keep rambling about shit for hours and hours) are jelly as fuck and are wondering why I get so much attention
fat ugly boring wife. sorry anon.
i will not calm down. you dammed kætter !
do alesat like mastorbait all the time !
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Couldn't be farther from it...

She's 23, 130lbs, 36DD, all curves, no pudge. Easily an 8/10 by chan standards.

Thing is, I work 70hrs a week and don't sleep much.

She works 35hrs a week and taking classes on the side.

You see, when you work hard, you come home tired...
Straight malefag here, I counted the different partners I've had over the years. I'm at 42, and I'm 31. Lost my virginity at 18. I loved my 20s.
Around 30
Sex is overrated. Its not such a big deal.
>partners: 1 (currently in a relationship)
>people who I have had sex with: 3
>every single one over 30
>oldest 51
>youngest 33
>current partner's age is 39, 40 this September
This was more than you asked but I like to share
ahh i see. but. listen. you need to start hunting down orgasmens. like. mastorbaiting or haveing sex in puplic places. sexting. toys. werid porn !
i see gifts being wasted !
you have wives ! this is the week you try licking her butt !
Are you a wizard?
And moar?
None. I'm starting to suspect I'm asexual, my libido is practically non existant
> 34
> 17

would be much higher but 10 years of marriage :/
Didn't want tits just a pic. But thanks, they're lovely. Also how do time travel?
ehh.. i use toys like there is no tomorrow hahah
>about 36
Most of them one night thing. 1 lasted 2 years and the 9th one is currently in her 4th year.
Nevermind that last comment, dumbfag here. Just realized your on the other side of the world
I live in aus lol
id do more but im cold lol
good start. but truely. sex have so much to offer you. take control and become a hunter of orgasmens. find the freaks and use their bodies ! spred the pleasuer!
>bout 12
>lost my virginity at 19 and fucked alot in college
I actually am. Just having a low libido doesn't mean you are asexual. Are you attracted to men or women? If no, then you might be
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29, 6 inc 2 traps.

>mfw the first girl was the best girl.
naahh... i have a boyfriend now anyway but we havent fucked yet......
herpes is that bad? it sounds like it's worse than hiv.
will you sue her for not telling you she had it?
are you the Brazilian dick pumper?
Do you speak fast or English?
Have been in 3 real relationships, have had sex with 3 different girls, 4 different girls all together
it's inversely proportional, dumb ass!
young blood. you really dont seem like a hunter. please get some spunk in ya.
maby go bad dragons. good stuff you know.
do you ever presu the forbidden. ?
20 yrs
1 partner
you were raped, sorry.
i am not. i am white. i am large. i am pervers.
i have my hunting grounds aorund in denmark.
i deflower the milkmaids. and corrupt the farm hands.
i buy young girls their first vibrator
i teach old women new tricks.
i am a tool. i only seek to eat and fuck my way to the devine !
Why are you talking like that? Are you broken?
i am. also when my hormoes goes up my smart goes down.
Somewhere around 75. Didnt really count after 25.
>inb4 yeah right faggot lol.
>i am not. i am white. i am large. i am pervers.

See I can tell you're a nigger because "white" is not how you spell "retarded", you fucking mong.
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>19 partners
>Married now
>Get sex like once a week
m to f?
It's not thaaat bad, it's just itchy as all hell, makes it extremely easy to catch other shit because you've got open sores all the time (I've got constant herpes due to high stress work environment) so I'm constantly sick with some thing,

Most people it isn't that terrible, you get the occassional flair ups and it's usually restricted to just the area you caught it on. I just lucked out and got it everywhere.
i am male. 24 old. 20cm long. and once more i am white. i fuck most people. but not blacks. i set my limmet at latinos.
19, 2, is good
So you're a midget?
You choose:
>show tits
yes i am a fucking danish white fuck midget you dump fuck !
No its my dick you fool !
i try to tell you the way to the good life ! 2 steps ! make and eat good food. have pervers sex !
20 years old and 9 girls.
I don't get how I get chicks because I am a really dorky guy that is on drugs most of the time.
24, 7 girls, 3 guys full sex, countless blowjobs, jerkoffs, and fingerbang sessions
RIP your number
Lost virginity at 22 and kinda leaned into it.
33 yr old. Zero
>No its my dick you fool !
atleast not a virgin
all hail wizard !
i name you snake wizard !
21, 5
Age 27
Number 38, all were female.
>no idea
Stopped counting at 18 and I was mid 40s,so I'm sure more than fifty but less than 70
do you have magic powers?
Do you want to eat the smurfs now?
Who first? Papa smurf?
21 years old and had sex with 1 person...5 years ago...
Depressing shit.
So your dick is a danish white fuck midget?
OH I get it, you have a dead conjoined brother as a dick.
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36, 1
OP what is the pic about?
~60ish partners
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12 Partners.
dear. i just want you to feel the pleasuere i do when i push a tender tight body up agenst a wall. and penetrate while breathing in the smell from her/his neck.
2, one of which was an 8 year relationship

# 34
Yep, nailed 4 and got a bj from a 5th in 2 weeks. I took a vacation there in February
Let's say this was a real thing..

If you fuck a girl with your dead conjoined twin penis, does that make the girl a necrophilliac pedophile?

the majority are attractive too so I feel I'm doing well
1, but I took her virginity and she let me do absolutely anything I wanted to her, so I got all the fetishes I wanted to try out of the way
>kissless virgin.
>dear. i just want you to feel the pleasuere i do when i push a tender tight body up agenst a wall.

Makes it sound like you're not just fucking any chicken fillet, but an M&S chicken fillet
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One of them for 4 years.
one of them three times
and the rest once
around 30-35
I'm 33yo
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>mfw middle school gf
10,648 days old. Coincidentally the same amount of day since I last saw female genitalia.
>I'm positive about 10 but think im forgetting someone
>10,648 days old. Coincidentally the same amount of day since I last saw female genitalia.

>tfw you probably had your eyes shut that day too
pretty much the same except i'm 20. i have a new gf now but just oral she is 2 years younger
i am art when i do my thing.
i am pleasure made flesh.
i make people lose fokus on everything else in their life for a hour or two.
i make fantasis reality. and i make new ones that makes you feel warmth with shame.
>i am art when i do my thing.
You're pretentious
>i am pleasure made flesh.
Really pretentious
>i make people lose fokus on everything else in their life for a hour or two.
So you drug them?
>i make fantasis reality. and i make new ones that makes you feel warmth with shame.
You make them piss themselves?

Yeah, I know that feeling. Didn't get herpes, but got genital warts from my ex. I don't blame her for it, since she didn't have symptoms at the time, so neither of us could have known, but it's definitely made me paranoid about hooking up with people. That's kind of unfortunate, since more women have wanted to have sex with me in the few months since I broke up with my ex than I've ever experienced before (made out with 6 in four months, all of whom wanted to fuck me, but I stopped them because I didn't want to pass on warts). HPV warts are also kind of a bummer because although they'll eventually go away if you treat them, they can come back if you're really stressed and even if they don't, you can potentially pass them on for life, even with a condom, which makes hooking up a lot tricker. Ugh. Pro tip kiddos: get the HPV vaccine (Guardasil, the one that protects against the wart kind and cancer kind).
Good point. So I may have never seen female genitalia. Well if I snap one say and go on a spree, no one will blame me.
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What's the ratio of you guys fucking sober and fucking high on something?
Oh yeah...
Age: 30
Partners: 11
Offers I've turned down: 8

>40somethingish... maybe a little more?

I was in a fraternity in college. There was a massive Greek presence at my school and it was pretty much crazy. Everyone fucked everyone. Seriously one of the best decisions I ever made.
you see me like this. i start off slow. but i get there. i turn people more kinky than they ever would be.
but i make people see plesure as just that. i make people let go of what ever is holding them back. and i see happyness in their eyes are they try out their secret fanatsies.
I want whatever the fuck it is you're smoking
It is but still enjoyable
A dozen or so
thats the fucking point you gray mouse !
this is me ! this is what i have become thou breaking wall after wall of fantasis. this is looove of life. This is what dayly orgases can do for you. Get the skills. Get the mindset. let go of relationships. and just praise sex and hunt for it every singel day.
i not smoke. i am pervers
>learn to english
Tits or GTFO
okay that funny :) i accept you as the danish midget.
27 years old.

Stopped counting. More than 45 but probably less than 55.
20, 3, 2 of them was only one time, the other was a relationship
18, 2 partners. long relationships

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Ausfag here.

29, slept with about 43ish i think.

Lost virginity at 18
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