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can someone explain to me what the hell happened with hodor?

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can someone explain to me what the hell happened with hodor?
i know hes dead. but how was he hearing what people where screaming? why did he just collapse?

from what i understand is bran is a time traveler now.
bran wargs into young hodor to control old hodor, during the 'HOLD THE DOOR' time old hodor is experiencing, young hodor is basically experiencing his own death 30+ years from now, his mind can't take it and collapses, and HOLD THE DOOR>Hodor is the last words he said whilst alive, so that's the only word he can say until he dies. TLDR Brain fucked his mind up.
I think bran was warged into hodor in the future as well as in the past. Guessing he collapsed because future hodor died while he was warged, so the shock as well as hearing nothing but "hold the door" as it happened.

I mean honestly, if you not only saw but experienced your own death before it even happened, wouldn't you go crazy?
so hodor died in the future and young hodor experienced it?
yes, young hodor experienced his death, HOLD THE DOOR is when he first gets onto the door and is holding it, and graudally turns into HODOR is when he dies. his mind basically collapsed and he was stuck with the mind of a 15 year old up until he eventually died
damn dude pretty brutal.
was a little hard to follow in the show though. maybe im just dense.
I honestly think bran is a asshole for what he dis. He practically forced Hodor to sacrifice his life for them even if he wanted to or not
it's either one dead or all of them

predicted the hold the door thing last year. Wish I'd screencapped it.

but yea it was retarded an GRRM is still a hack
GRRM jumped the shark

that's what happened
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>ITT retards who actually believe Hodor dies
Pretty sure it was him worging (or whatever the future sight shit is called) his own death as a child and being traumatized by it from there on out. We got to see it happen cuz of legs 11 worging the past.
That or some time is an illusion magic bullshit
Basically Hodor survives and comes back and turns out to be Aegon Targaryen reincarnated by the Lord of Light. Also making him Azor Ahai. He then kills everyone and takes the Iron Throne, he keeps Bran as a jester and makes him crawl across the floor for amusement while making him shout Hodor.

>I predicted the achievements and lifework of another man, thus I am better than him. Please see the list of my own achievements below;


The end.

Grow the fuck up you cumstain.
whats your theory m8
I think.

Bran warged into future Hodor through past Hodor, linking Willace's mind with the mind of his future self. When future Hodor died, Willace's mind died too, leaving him with just his baser instincts. Hodors soul is gone. He's kinda like khal drogo after he was brought back.

Yeah. That was pretty obvious from the start though...
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This. And Cleganebowl is finally fucking confirmed.
I fucking wish
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how many times in the series have they said if hodor had a mind he would be unstoppable?
He will become a white walker, and truly be unstoppable.
I'd like to hope that maybe some fucked up way hodor becomes cold hands in the show, he's a giant he could certainly ride a moose
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i like you
I remember when GOT used to be good.
Literally the one show I cared about spoiled. Fucking kill yourself
Did Hodor know he would die holding a door from the undead his whole life? Thats what I wanna know.

Hodor is real as fuck, son.
I think what it is, is that young hodor, and old hodors mind were as one at that time, meaning young hodor experienced every aspect of old hodors death, even the beginings of brain death.
bran made him experience every feeling of being ripped apart, and stabbed, then made him retarded, just so he could be ripped apart and stabbed again to save the little idiot.
Hodor is dead. Tommen and a lot of Tyrells will die. Wun Wun will die too. There will be a red wedding like event in the last episode. Jon will win Bastardbowl and imprison Ramsay.
Only when there was nude kahleese.
It's so far gone at this point that I don't even know why I keep watching it...
jfc dude you actually think that happens lmao
>yfw they all find out Jon Snow isn't the son of Ned Stark, and he and Sansa get married after Jon claims the iron throne
she was nude in last episode dude
it's a closed loop story
ban is actually showing us the game of thrones
he is the old man in the tree
there is time travel. bran grows old seeing the game of thrones play out, then becomes the lord of light and uses 'magic' to travel to the past as an old man to meet himself, to train himself 'again'.
Too bad Sansa gets killed. Either by Arya directly or because she gets blamed for something Arya did.
Maybe not. When he saw Bran in the warg flashback maybe only the words and emotions of dread and despair were imprinted onto him and he seized since his mind couldn't cope.

Who the fuck knows though.
It was her face superimposed onto a body double just like they did with cersei, this show has gotten too big for its own good. They are trying to play to the mainstream rather than the true fans.
Vikings is better.
He doesn't actually time travel so he can't be the man in the tree. He might be able to talk to him in the past and train him though.
Im 99% sure that was her nude body from an earlier episode cgi-ed onto her.
watch it again, it looks wierd as fuck.
also on nudity note.
i know redheaded stark was 18+ for the filming, and im pretty sure troll stark was as well, we need at least one nude stark girl this season.
but the old guy says bran wont become a tree guy like he did. he says several things that mean bran wont share his fate. unless he was lying and wanted everyone to die by whitewalkers
He's half Stark due to his mother and half Targaryen due to his father. He's still a bastard though as he isn't born from his father's marriage. His claim to the Iron Throne is less than the blonde bitches. I imagine she will take the Iron Throne after marrying and Jon will be king in the north.
No, it was her. The studio said so. She publicly admitted it.
No. I cba to find it right now but the chick who plays Dany is quoted as saying she's proud of the new nude scene.
Nah,.. Probably not.
hey hey did you actually SEE Hodor stop breathing? NO! He beat the fuck out of every single one of those motherfucking snow zombies and even felt a little guilty afterward because he's a very sensitive man.

She's lucky she has interesting tits, because she can't act for shit

why u mad tho?

Niggers don't know that Bran is going to
change the Past and be the old guy in
the tree Bran is the old guy bran is his
fathers fathers fathers Fathers father
as it was written in the book of leaves.
She has a no nudity clause in her contract, the body double did an interview for a magazine it was her who said that, they have done it with cersei and dany. Emilia Clarke said she would never be nude on screen again In an interview a few years ago
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>watching the worst thing on tv
But if he changes the past, he wouldnt have went to the tree, and learned he could change the past, therefor not changing the past.
>Ned was too honest his death was his own mistake
>bran is an asshole he sacrificed a stable boy to save hot hunter and a stark greenseer with possibly the hack to save the world.

Choose one faggot
This ain't your walking dead shit. There is literally zero chance he's alive. They might get him back as a wight but no more than that.
You do realise he needs to be in the tree and
die for the chain of events to take place the
paradox only works this way otherwise they all die
and the NightManager kills them all.
GTFO book-reading fag-stain.
The wights are different from white walkers. You're an idiot
The old man in the tree is the blood Raven or Brynden Rivers. Not Bran
I mean Brynden Rivers aka bloodraven

There is no 'hold the door' in the books and Bran's warg stuff doesn't involve time travel either. I dunno what the fuck is happening with the show but i don't think GRRM is the one to blame for this particular weirdness.
But bran is the bran raven.
and bran muffins.
and bran the builder, can he fix it? Yes he can.
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same will happen to Bran
GRRM is hoping to die before having to write himself out of a hole.
therefore, HBO now has free reign to make a good series, instead of being a slave to a shitty writer.
Dan and Dave said Grrm told them this early in the development of the show. So unless they are lying this has been some part of Martins grand scheme the whole time.
"But before any assumptions are made about Clarke’s participation in the scene, there’s something the actress wants everybody to know. “I’d like to remind people the last time I took my clothes off was season 3,” she says. “That was awhile ago. It’s now season 6. But this is all me, all proud, all strong. I’m just feeling genuinely happy I said ‘Yes.’ That ain’t no body double!”

The production took pains to shoot Clarke’s portion of the scene on a private “closed set” in Belfast, while the rest of the sequence with the Dothraki actors was shot at the Vaes Dothrak village set constructed in the desert in Spain. Clarke said the set-up was preferable to, for instance, when Dany’s clothes were scorched off at the end of season 1. “Taking off my clothes is not the easiest thing, but with the magic of the effects, I don’t have to do a season 1 and go on a cliff and do it,” she notes. “I’m in control of it.”
Fuck... Can't argue with that. Bran muffins it is
Wow, they really jumped through hoops to show those pathetic breasts. I still think theres a possibility of a body double

Ooh near quads.

Who the hell does this girl think she is? Like her body is that important either way.
no faggot, she said she won't do POINTLESS nudity learn your facts.
What do you have against books? Does reading make your tiny brain hurt?
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All hail Bran, The Muffin.
Destroyer of Westeros, Harbinger of death.
Her head looks like it is floating over the body.
im sure it was old nude footage of her they CGIed in.

I see. That'd be a future book spoiler then.
I haven't read the books yet, whats a wight?
The GRRM books suck donkey spunk.
want a better fantasy sieries? "Dusk" and "Dawn" by tim lebbon.
wights = zombies
White Walkers = dudes on horses
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The old man is Bran Bran is the raven this was
all a dream he had after falling from the tower, The last series finale will explain this is
Just a Wizard of OZ rip off

You were there and you and you were there
no shit - do you even watch after the credits? filthy casual

I don't watch the tv show.
In the books, the white walkers aren't truly named, at one point they are reffered to as wights.
in the series, they are all referred to as white walkers repedly, and that's anyone who comes back as one, not just the "elites".
The wights are pretty much zombies that the white walkers create.
Fuck you tardcum. This bitch can't act and her ass is pancakes. Pointless nudity is a giant part of danys story.
I'll have to rewatch. I was too busy being annoyed with her storyline like usual.
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This makes the most sense as it correlates with her "technically" not using a body double.
13 hear old spotted
>better writing
>better story
>more rape and murder than in GRRMs garbage
nigger pls.

Her contract says she doesn't have to do nude scenes if she doesn't want to, not that there will never ever be new nude scenes.

It was her, filmed in front of minimal crew, then edited to look like she was in front of a crowd.

his writing isn't bad, he just focuses on pointless shit too much.

If you want rape, why not really rape someone IRL, that's way cooler than imagining it in some faggy book.

Hodor! Hodor hodor hodor... Hodor hodor! Hodor...hodor hodor hodor... Hodor hodor

Hodor hodor! Hodor hodor, hodor hodor hodor.
>more rapes and murders
Why not read any random crime files? They must be the best work of fiction
Regardless of what her contract says, that shit looked just as fake as cerseis penance walk.

Arya is likely the only protected female in the series. She'll never be nude. At most they'll get another actress to be an alt-face or something and be naked, but not maisie.

I doubt it would come to that tbh.

As for Sansa, I honestly don't care.
>shitty writing
>boring meandering storyline that leads nowhere
>tacked on rape and murder
nigger pls.

It had some post processing work done to match the lighting with the crowd scenes.
You described GRRM.
TL. Story is interesting, and pretty much wrapped up in 3 medium sized books.
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this guy knows whatsup

Bran gave him autism

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His name was Hold Doorson
>thats why her head stays still but the body jiggles around and has CGI edges
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That fucking shitty action sequence just prior to Hold The Door.
Whites crawling on the ceiling like Geiger Aliens, Leaf drawing aggro and the Grenade Suicide, just like Vasquez from Aliens, and then the 'Shut the door at the last moment' trope.
They've fucking jumped the shark now... Lost all credibility as a decent show ... It's now just another shitty action flashy lights show for dumb asses, like everything else on TV
Some guy named Fuck in Spanish is now dead?
Just stop dude, it was almost as bad as when they put adam Sandler's head on scarface in little Nicky.

watch the scene again dumbass
I watched it plenty of times.
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Shiny and chrome, i will carry you to Valhalla.
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well, then you're eyes are covered in shit.
Quints confirm.
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You fuck commas?
no moment in the rest of your life will be better than this.
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beyond dubs
You an absolute cunt. Your intelligence should be in question as you apparently cling to the thought of this average English chick being naked in a room with like 8 dudes or something.
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>not sexts

I don't like Emelia Clarke, she annoys me. She's an awful actress and I don't find her attractive.

That being said, I was curious about the nude scene since she said she wouldn't do anymore, so I looked up what she actually said, which was she wouldn't do it if she didn't want to.

It looks CGish because she wasn't actually standing inside a burning mudhut engufled in flames.
Game of SJWs
name a better fantasy live action show

In the show they're just called the undead.
I'm pretty sure I've heard several times "the White Walkers and their army of the undead".
Holy shit!
Dem quints ffs!!!
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You guys are retarded - Hodor can't die - Hodor is /b
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Does brans wolf come back as an undead doggo?
That's just semantics


checkm8 & b8 y so ir8
exactly, ge's half giant, aside from a few scrapes on his legs and cheek, if there's no body, Hodor lives. So does Benjen Stark for that matter.

I do hope at this point tho Meera and Bran better be saved by fucking Coldhands. Why they haven't used him yet in the show is beyond me.
gr8 b8 m8 i r8 8/8
Do you believe Stannis is dead? Several characters have stated that he was. Brienne the Dyke even admitted to it.
"Hodor is actually Aegon Targaryen. Basically, when Gregor is coming for Elia and the babies she (Elia) yells for the guards to 'HOLD THE DOOR!' as Gregor gets ever closer she gets so frantic it becomes "HOLD DOOR!" then 'HOLDOOR!' before finally the last thing Aegon/Hodor hears before his head was dashed against the wall, causing serious brain damage and trauma was 'HODOR!'"
I know but you can see why people who haven't read the books wouldn't know what wights are (the topic of the comment chain)
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Why isn't Karl Tanner on the card?

>tfw saving him for the next series
That's like saying "what's the most delicious turd?"

You're still eating shit faggot
naw, it was just fuckin stupid.
Sorry, I thought you were trying to state that they were simply called undead and not wights.

wights arent a specific GRRM thing

theyre a fucking staple of goddamn general fantasy/lore - lrn2lrn
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>I h8 fantasy
>I'll just complain about this fantasy show

you're a waste of space
let the bobbies hit the floor
No shit you dumb bitch. The topic of discussion is Game of Thrones you stupid fucking faggot.
I know that too but it's a less familiar term to people who aren't into that stuff(that's probably why they didn't use it in the show). I actually like the word, it would be cool if it were more common. They should have/should use it in the show but this far in I doubt they will.
No you retarded faggot... I love fantasy ... Which is why I'm royally fucked off at how they're shitting all over it in the TV show .

Kill yourself faggot
imo she's the best looking chick that's been on the show.

Too soon.
Her ass is indeed terrible

They need to make her a recurring character for tits alone.
It's been slowly getting worse and worse as GrrM has less and less to do with it.
Now it's just full of fart jokes and shit to appease their moronic mainstream audience
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>>685897520What the fuck did you just fucking say about me, you little bitch? I’ll have you know I graduated top of my class in the Navy Seals, and I’ve been involved in numerous secret raids on Al-Quaeda, and I have over 300 confirmed kills. I am trained in gorilla warfare and I’m the top sniper in the entire US armed forces. You are nothing to me but just another target. I will wipe you the fuck out with precision the likes of which has never been seen before on this Earth, mark my fucking words. You think you can get away with saying that shit to me over the Internet? Think again, fucker. As we speak I am contacting my secret network of spies across the USA and your IP is being traced right now so you better prepare for the storm, maggot. The storm that wipes out the pathetic little thing you call your life. You’re fucking dead, kid. I can be anywhere, anytime, and I can kill you in over seven hundred ways, and that’s just with my bare hands. Not only am I extensively trained in unarmed combat, but I have access to the entire arsenal of the United States Marine Corps and I will use it to its full extent to wipe your miserable ass off the face of the continent, you little shit. If only you could have known what unholy retribution your little “clever” comment was about to bring down upon you, maybe you would have held your fucking tongue. But you couldn’t, you didn’t, and now you’re paying the price, you goddamn idiot. I will shit fury all over you and you will drown in it. You’re fucking dead, kiddo.
Space-time comtinuum coming full circle.
Awe shit mah fucka
the giirl was saying hold the door not bran so bran not assholle , i think this is the begging of the rip for bran he wasnt pleased with what he did to hordor. but i think it had to happen and bloodraven knew that. also some say BR is bran in the future tho present bran doesnt know it. I think when he dies and fades into the air its a life 4 a life .
Awww. Did the bad man hurt your feelies when they made fun at your fav made up story time show?

There's a poor boo boo.
Now kiss mummy's cock and make it all better
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responding like your being serious
>>I predicted the achievements a
Yea and jon eats her prolapsed asshole penetrated by ramsey which she "can still feel"
How about you fucking retards read the books so you actually know what's going on instead of watching this shitty excuse for a renaissance fair?
Get an all-purpose rope. Place the rope on a flat surface in a "C" shape. Now place in a "S" shape. Now squish the "S." Pinch the three lines of rope together in the middle. Pinch them tightly until the ends fan out to create a bow-tie effect. Take the top of the original "C" and wrap it around the pinched space. Wrap it from the right side to the left, leaving about three to four inches of the rope unwrapped. You should be left with a loop and a string on the left end, and just a loop on the right end of the "bow tie." Poke the end of the rope through the top of the loop left by the "S." Pinch the coiled part of the rope. Use your thumb to hold down the short piece of rope that you just worked through the loop on the left-hand side so it bends over the loop. Pull the loop on the right-hand side of the bow until it closes the loop on the left. If this part of the loop begins to pull on the free rope instead of the loop, pull on the other side of the bow. Now find a strong ceiling decoration. Attach rope accordingly, then find a chair. Now put it below the rope and stand on it, attach the rope to your neck. Now kick the chair out from under you.
it was incredibly easy to follow
U all have know idea the extent of Brans wharging powers
>can warg into humans
>can warg into fucking past visions
>can warg into multiple faggots for an undeterimied time(speculation)
>mfw Bran is op and controls the entire got time table
Except he obviously isn't controlling Hodor in the past. He has no idea what's going on. His eyes don't even change to white. Not to mention controlling someones mind in the past doesn't randomly make you control them in the future at some arbitrary point in time. GoT sucks.
i haven't read the thread.
with that said, it would seem to me that speaking to someone in the past fucks them up for life making whatever was said to them their only command.

i indented my sentences because i believe more people will read it that way

if it works, haha
>implying he said anything about ned, you imbecile faggot
Continuing on from this.
The only logical conclusion is that Hodor has a special power himself that allowed him to:
1 - sense the need to do something (with the help of bran)
2 - control his future self.

Fuck the shitty writing in this crappy TV show.
I think the time travel/ flashback stuff is so the audience has a medium of which we can see the past rather than hear stories

Particularly past's only dead characters can tell
i never watched this show and then my friend sent me this.

i cant believe you faggots care about this shit enough to argue about it

stfu you ignorant fucktard you know nothing
"oh my god this story is so deep"

its a melodrama set in AD&D with tits and bad cgi
grow up nigger
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fuckin based senpai just roasted that neet
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So we have established that Bran can affect the pass right? (Ergo, shouting 'father!' to young Ned and having him listen)

My personal theory is that in this moment of extreme emotion, Bran looks into Hodor's eyes knowing full well his eventual fate.

Young Hodor looks into Bran's eyes, and sees the future that awaits him. He is being clawed at, undead clawing at him. He sees how he will die and his mind can't handle it. He replays that moment over and over and begins to seizure. "Hold the door!" he shouts as his brain is turned to mush by knowing his own death. He relives this moment until he is a halfwit, permanently scarred by his fate.
It was intervention from the gods (red God) to save Bran for The War to Come.
Bran is such an important and fateful figure that the Gods ensured he'd be able to escape from the Wights by making Walda existence entirely about saving Bran when the time came to Hold the Door
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