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Waifu Claiming Thread Claim your waifu, post pictures, discuss

The stories and information posted here are artistic works of fiction and falsehood.
Only a fool would take anything posted here as fact.

Thread replies: 129
Thread images: 120
File: Determined Karen 19.jpg (51 KB, 1280x720) Image search: [Google]
Determined Karen 19.jpg
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Waifu Claiming Thread

Claim your waifu, post pictures, discuss things and have fun!
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Nishikino Maki (1).png
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Shiki iowa edit.png
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Sure thing, you come up here right?
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Rory-sama claimed
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Call me Amatsu~
I've been doing alright, got completely shit-faced a few days ago
What about you?
Please do~

>Kagami is toptier qt3.14
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kagami claimed...
>confusion edition
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Kyouko claimed.

Fate/SN Caster aka Medea.

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Not as much bounce as Kagami
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oyahO 4B.png
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sorry about late thread bake kek
welcome back all

Phoenix I enjoyed that story, thanks!

I'd like it if you stayed, up to you.

back to lurk
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Finally someone who wasn't a lazy sac of shit made a new thread
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I still object to that amputation.


Check these dubs

>Phoenix claimed
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the new remaster of the home demo version of Sappy is so nice
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I'd say you're mai, but why are you on your phone?
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Akiko claimed
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crying konata.jpg
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I already miss Tsukasa ;-;
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Damn right
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Kurisu 29.jpg
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Claiming best girlie!
If the show your waifu is from isn't your favorite, what is?
>Biased because mine is, but my second fav would have to be Gurren Lagann
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Obligatory claim.
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King of Lolis claim
>Rory is here
>equal best demigod edition
Daily reminder that Mr.Hands make the best puns. Hands down

Absolutely no one can outrun Emi. No one

It is impossible to lurk harder than Vigil.

Your life sucks. Drop out

Anyone can fall asleep better than galko. Even people who have family with stage 4 cancer.

Holstaur has the greatest milk. Fuck any other dairy cow.

No one has a more punchable smug face than Shinoa

Daily masturbation is healthy

Praise the sun
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Rick and Morty
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konata haruhi.jpg
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It is my favorite, but second favorite is Haruhi
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Mai a cute.
Milinda claim

>and maybe an erection... kek

No kidding. That episode was fucking awesome
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I've made my decision.
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Tied for my favorite is Knk and Katanagatari, I'm obviously biased towards Knk and Katanagatari is just great in every aspect.
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Nishikino Maki (342).jpg
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Very well.
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laughing 1.jpg
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Kagami > Tsukasa
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kagami (33).gif
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im not sure anymore, it hard to choose between the two!!
ayyyyy m-m-m morty...
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Not sure if my favourite, but, Welcome to the NHK hit like a tonne of bricks.
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Hey Mili~
How was your flight?
Hi gachimuchi fag.
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No problem, sorry if it was a bit short.

Well my favourite show would have to be Cory in the house, but seriously FMB

Well shit, my shift is in a hour see you later lads.
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Madoka is obviously my favourite.

If it wasn't Madoka it would probably be GTO.
I don't watch tv. It just really bores me. So I'm going to answer this as my favourite video game. And that would be Dark souls / bloodborne. Though dks 3 is very quickly losing my attention.

>Haven't played demons souls.
Fairy tail since I didn't watch the weeb shows till 11th grade and that was my first anime that Ive seen
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Hey there, Anon. How goes it?
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megumin claimed
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>Kagami > Tsukasa
u wot

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Maybe I can be a cyborg
So cute!
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Kurisu 5.gif
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I fucking goddamn loved Haruhi. It is def up there on my favs.

This guy knows what's up.

Hey, I just recently got into the DkS fandom. Love it.

I never have seen it, wanted to, but never got around to it.
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Holy shit those eyes
Fav show? Thats a hard one for me.
>Im a sadistic person
It'd be between Madoka Magica, School-live and GATE, really.
I agree with everything posted here. Still need to add things about the in-thread ships being cancer

>eating breakfast pulled out a piece of tooth
>I didnt feel it
>might need to get that looked at
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Homura (5).jpg
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>Kagami > Tsukasa
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It was good! Thanks!
>I'm sorry but who are you?

Don't ask... kek
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That's kind of lewd
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girl ranks.jpg
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this needs to be updated, but it's the last ratings I did I guess
the movie is good :3

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You like?
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hehhehe!!! i feel like i know you from somewhere for some reason....
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Kurisu 31.jpg
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The movie is incredible as fuck. I am so so so so fucking excited for S;G 0.
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Hello everyone.

Code Geass or Durarara

>Best idol claimed
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Nishikino Maki (40).jpg
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I don't even know if Love Live is my favourite show
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>in-thread ships are cancer
You know what's up

>Konata at 1
Ok I can understand that
>Hiyori at 8
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That's good to hear~
>It's the old Megumin
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Makiiiii! <3
Really? Can you think of anywhere we might have met?
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Kagami is still awesome... but she doesn't have her sister charm.
[spoiler]best Eva girl claimed[/spoiler]

What Chinese cartoon is this semen demon, boner toner, cock stock, scrotum sorceress, man milk mephistopheles from?
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Thanks Marie

I enjoyed it. Haven't seen 20 new episodes because so many new animes! And I need to catch up on all of them because I missed so many

Oh no. Please do continue

Sup maki
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Fuck, forgot pic
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Nishikino Maki (149).jpg
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heyo doppel
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Top kek.
I remember this

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Oshiete! Galko-chan
>use google image search
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kagami (66).jpg
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no...i can't....
i can see that...she is a bit harsh...but i like her that way!!!! she's rough around the edges
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No. Stop that.

Thanks for those digits

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Kurisu 21.gif
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I still haven't watched yours...
>i'm so goddamn lazy when it comes to watching shows.
Been rewatching One Punch with a friend who hadn't seen it.
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Oh! Who is your new waifu?

Nah I'm good.... kek
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not me

Me too
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Sayaka (10).jpg
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face 11.jpg
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she was a pervert ;-;

I think I would make Yutaka 3rd
Misao 6th
and minami 5th

those would be my changes maybe
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I've been around as Reimu for a surprisingly long time so it wouldn't surprise me!
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You're the one that gave me this nickname from this image i believe.

Some waifus have massive tits, some have massive eyes
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kagami (27).gif
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that might be it..
so was kagami your waifu before or??
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>massive tits
>switching your waifu.
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I'm actually liking the massive eyes better.

They're more cute, like a puppy or something.
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What will the ship be called now?

Thank you for the tits

There's like 200+ of Fairy tail atm. I'd watch it if you are really bored. ONE PUUUUUUUUUUUNNNNNNNNNCCCCHHHHHHH

Oh no, please do tell, blue bell

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>massive tits
You called?
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It's Amatsukaze from Kancolle
>just call me Amatsu
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Hey Milinda!

How'd you manage at work?

Yo Shinoa, finished my duties for the day. How about you?

My man

Hey Brit, how's it going?
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that's what made her so good :^)
Misao and Minami are some of my favorite characters

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pink and green flowers.jpg
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They were a cute couple :3

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Homura (14).jpg
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I like Tsuka better.
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So the ship survives~
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images (9).jpg
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Yeah I gave you the nickname. Not sure what image I started it at.


>wow you guys like small tits? Might as well go fuck a little boy!
You know that shit isn't the same. Cup size a - b master race
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Sad Karen 6.jpg
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What is it?

(hand-kun, remember ac2)
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I did
You can go ahead and bring atago here. You won't be needed.

Puppies are adorable. Just like your patable self
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Hehe... there was a time when she only wasn't my waifu but my wife.

But that was a looong time ago~
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post your other waifu ITT
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That one might actually be better!
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>Cup size a - b
This guy gets it.
Maybe I could push it to a C.
>puppies are adorable. Just like your pattable self

Oh fuck. Not you too.
I had forgotten how great this show was. The drawn embodiment of testosterone.

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hell yes, she's a cutie
w-wife??? what happened??
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>TFW not massive in any sense
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I'm a full grown sweaty aryan fucktard.

Putting a puppy in the same category as me doesn't make a lick of sense.
fortune teller

you were right about my fortune
btw its dylan yuri
(not expecting you to remember me)
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reaction 98.jpg
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whoops misao was the teeth monster, yutaka a qt still tho

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Not that big of a fan of Yutaka tbh
Yutaka/Minami was a cute "couple" though


Misao = one of the best
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Nishikino Maki (153).jpg
1 MB, 1369x2134
Alright. The angler discord is such a clusterfuck waiting for a new clue that they're just prank-calling Wallmart.
It's still entertaining at the very least.
that's your waifu?
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Kirino best Waifu claimed
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Homura (23).jpg
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She has massive traits in her personality, or you could be massively flat chested, which is great in my opinion.
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yutaka crying.jpg
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Amatsu. Okay got it!

I'm doing alright. Really tired though. Seeing you brightened up my day though <3
There is no redemption
It's too late
Lol jk <3 <3 <3

her personality

It can't compete you're right.
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Some waifus have a massive axe

Im out, /waifu/. Heading to work.
Spirited away...
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and thank Homura.jpg
1 MB, 1503x1200
Also replace your thumbnail with this.
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help me.png
19 KB, 97x88
by the demon?!
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I'm still here, so there's your answer.
Thread replies: 129
Thread images: 120

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