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Waifu claiming thread. Claim your waifu and discuss. Obligatory

The stories and information posted here are artistic works of fiction and falsehood.
Only a fool would take anything posted here as fact.

Thread replies: 157
Thread images: 139
Waifu claiming thread.

Claim your waifu and discuss.

Obligatory claim.
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I somehow forgot how good Pink Floyd is.
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Milinda claim

Me too. I love ones like that and "What if" kinds of films.
>No shush, you are best qt and thats final! <3

SAO was the first anime I ever watched. Sinon is definitely top tier pic. Have you played any of the games?
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Miho claimed

Didn't hear any sound.
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kagami claimed!!!
Megumin claimed~
>can't sleep edition

Also, can I be in one of Hand's pic~?
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Hope you like feet.jpg
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>nice dubs

I guess /o/ just accepted that the Viper is the best car ever

which is great because it's a fact
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They are really good.

Hope she doesn't fall.

I can't sleep either, no worries.

Yeah, sure. Anything in mind?
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>Shizuru get!
>If dubs, Sunday gets taken over by cats.
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My claim.
New level of samefagging.
You get +1 internets good sir
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Solid claim.
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Insomnia sucks...
>Can you use this pic? :o
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Sinon claim

No, but this is my first to-do thing when my computer arrives. (:
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Catnday sounds word tho

I'll be waiting for ya homie. Just remeber that 45 traffic around there gets bad at 4-7pm everyday. Even down by the feeder

You sure~

I can why it's called acid rap

Maybe when I'm old
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Could totally use your image if you're gonna make accusations like that.

One of them is a friend, that's about it.
Nigger tunes.
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Nah, she won't fall.
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Especially David Gilmour.

Lurk more.

I'll try and remember that.
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im digo, mastr of git
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rolling for this
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If more of those were made I might actual watch movies.

>Hmm I'll accept it this time <3

No idea m8.

>Best idol claimed
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>off by one
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nice try dude
Claiming before someone else does.
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Welcome back

Nice! You can get the games on PC? I thought they were PS exclusives? I have both Hollow Fragment and Lost Song.

Off by one. Ouch.
Also, claimed.
hi thread
oh magical 7 of same number in a row, where do you lead?
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Daily reminder that Mr.Hands make the best puns. Hands down

Absolutely no one can outrun Emi. No one

It is impossible to lurk harder than Vigil.

Your life sucks. Drop out

Anyone can fall asleep better than galko. Even people who have family with stage 4 cancer.

Holstaur has the greatest milk. Fuck any other dairy cow.

No one has a more punchable smug face than Shinoa

Daily masturbation is healthy

Praise the sun
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Youku Claimed
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Claiming this cutie.
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Yeah, sure. Here you go, man.

That's good to hear, friendo.

Of course.
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cuties... claiming these bad boys
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I know right? They are the best!
>I win <3

Hey Hotaru. How is your drift car coming along?
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I hope so, kek.
Otherwise I would be sad. ):
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swiggity swoody.jpg
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them fives are nice
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Thank you friend~
Thank you so much handsome!
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Good song.
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Feline funday?

Almost a lot of digits there.

Hello Crazy broad.
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claiming this little cutie before someone else does
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You're welcome.
Yeah. They are but I'm not taking my shit off unless they're gotten in this thread
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Yay! You'll love it up here!


Messing with anyone while I was gone?

Fuck I slaughtered that. Meant "I can see why it's called acid rap" my bad


Love them clones. Hated how they killed the jedis then learned they were programmed to comply with any orders with no question asked

I love that
Dammit wrong pic oh well
Bumping best ship before I sleep.
Wow your waifu is qt!
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Thank you kindly.
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So is yours~
Never noticed you before, are you new?
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how can do i b digio if i can't get get?????
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I know you can get an emulator for Hollow Fragment but Lost Song is a PS exclusive. And the emulator for Hollow Fragment is Japanese only. I used to have it before I bought a PS4.

Your welcome Commander of Evil

Why hello my Bully!

So your gonna use the new nickname right?
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You'll have to change your name, i guess.
Dio the loli lover sounds fitting.
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>One off
Life is cruel.

The alternate timeline or concept is just too appealing.

>Just this once~

Haha, it's all good. Gambino also makes an appearance
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Yes, actually I started joining these threads 3 days ago. (:
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Come play xbone Minecraft come one come all. Join Himmicanedavid's party
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ges il jst purse my lov of lili!
i agre
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I don't own an Xbone, sorry.
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Hello. Im happy my tooth is feeling better but not enough to go uber.
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I'm not that evil...
>Or so I believe
>3 days ago
Can't believe I didn't notice you..
How are you~?
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I could gift you one.
Post Paypal.
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>this will be in at least 2 years, if not more
Thanks for the information Milinda-san!
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almost but not quite
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Rorys shopping expedition!

Picked up Birthright
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I can't say no to that face, blue bell

Aw shit!

Oh my have you?~

I hope your last two years go by quick I'm a good way

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Hugs would be preferred.
I'm good! What about you?

forgot pic
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It is. Those are the best kind of movies. Any good ones you could reccommend me?
>I think you meant to type, "Your right, I am the best qt"

You are quite new here. Welcome to the thread! You should tell us a little about yourself!
>Nothing too personal though.. It is 4chan... kek

Well at least you feel better! Hopefully you can go out and make some money soon!

Well, you did have me kill your shipmate for you... kek

Not a problem, glad I could help! :)

YESSSS Thank you Shinoa!
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That's not really exciting.
They'd be free for you anyway.
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beng ur ded
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>Rattle rattle
Oh well
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waiting for parts currently


hello :>
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>I'd be sharing a house with a friend, most likely
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I'm also doing good!
Got any hobbies? Mine are cycling and vidya
>It didn't happen
>denial is bliss
What's up friend?
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kagami (7).gif
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it didn't happen.
How goes?
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Taiga Aisaka Claimed!
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late claim hello gentlewomen
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I have been wondering whether or not to dump some loli shite in this thread or not... (claim btw)
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I would say my hobbies are football and watching series.
What you're up to at the moment? (:
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Don't worry bro, I gotcha
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intense lurk.gif
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Things have slowed.
Sounds pretty chill. How much were you able to get done with what you have?

>denial is bliss
Top kek
>It was a joke fam
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can some body make a pic with esdeath wearing short shorts i love short short
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Thank you for supporting my unhealthy denial~
Nice claim!
Hello dominatrix lady~
What's up?
>american or european?
Nice! Right now I'm watching a video about the new exoplanets discovered. You?
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How long have you been waiting? Cause if you waited like a good bun, you get rewarded. If you've been bad...

The smug queen is merciful, blue bell

Galky is going to move up here!
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denial?? there's no denial about it!!!
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Kek, had the same reaction.

>I can do that too

Under the alternative history category sorry friend I can't. Movies in general however I thought Parker was a decent watch if you don't have anything to do.

>Oh stop it you~
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Today threads have been particularly slow, the blinking "bug" with 4chanx probably contributed.

What a bliss.
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I'd just feel like an ass for taking money from you.

I'd value a hug much more.
Their all mine faggots
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All I'm saying is that it's a possibility.
>pretty likely, though

Blinking bug?
New Fire Emblem game. Had no idea it was out because we never got an actual release date.
>based Nintendo
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reclaiming best K-ON
Interesting. Just watched an amazing episode of Kōtetsujō no Kabaneri! (:
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kagami (7).jpg
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she told me she was waiting for you shinoa
>wink wink nudge nudge
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Yes, the page keeps "blinking" like it's refreshing constantly.

You can solve it easily by adding a line of text to the Custom CSS in the settings (courtesy of /g/)
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>best K-ON
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not much just poping in to see whats up how are you
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not too bad :>

feelin pretty decent today, how are you?

mmm basically have the engine swapped, took out the old break calipers, installed the new suspension, really every BIG thing is done, we're waiting on interior (chairs n other things)

and a few other things, other than that it's lookin good to go.
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you don't know good musicians, faggot
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Best dairy product in the isle.
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Breast friend.

I see how it is.

I don't have to solve it, nothing like that is happening for me.
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That is true. At least, this time.
>Lucky for you I am too...
>Paused at 30% BTW

Okay! I will go look it up. Probably watch it tomorrow sometime.

>Cant stop wont stop

You watch Kabaneri too!
>Im liking you more and more.
>Lets be friends

Sounds like some serious progress. Nicely done. How close to operational is it?
>I also would like a pic at some point if that isnt asking too much...
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You guys are so dedicated to keep me from snapping ;-;
Thank you for continuing to my denial~
I watched the firsts two episodes yesterday
It's pretty good~
I see, you can't leave /waifu/~
I'm doing good! Thanks for asking
oh god
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Milk is here
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1 MB, 2288x1816
You're the most valuable metal in the cargo, don't worry.
>meant contributing

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Kurisu 28.jpg
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Claiming best girlie late as fuck before I sleep!
kek I try.
>Just for you...

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I'm good. Just a little bored today.
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haha i tried but was pulled back actually im in to deep. im alright just sleepy
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Just lurkin
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Hell yeah.
Booby Brother.
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Hey why did they strapped me down in a chair? Is this going to be a fun ride?

Better have been on your best behavior

Hoping for the best mang

I want a Nintendo again

Oh is that so? Was bunbun a good anon?

Wow okay

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Yay! (:

Isn't it amazing? :o
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>put it behind you doesn't matter anymore, all that matters is now!!!

im going to bed, ill see everyone later!! good night and sleep tight everyone!! i wish you great days!!!
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AniFags, I wanna do something because I am bored as fuck. what should I do?
she was!
>she only gave me a liter of always...
get off waifu and go outside then
Night kagami

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Outside is vastly more boring. Thanks for the offer though?
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Do it.png
2 MB, 1400x1000
>don't forget: you're here forever
J-just for me?
Thank you!
It is! Imma watch more of it later~
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good night!
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>says the one strapped in the chair
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>a Nintendo
Sounds like my dad kek
He calls every Nintendo console "The Nintendo"
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at field intensifies.gif
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>still lurking
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Mind if I save this?
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It'd be cool.

>still no milk related pics
>I'm too lazy to commission anything

I think bunbun gonna getcha
Its okay. Its paused...
>For now...

Yay new friend!
What episode of Kabaneri are you on by the way?

Yes friend!
Your welcome ;)
Going to sleep now, have a wonderful time! (:
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104 KB, 700x1200
Cool, nice little cheesy action flick to kill the time.

>Neither will I~

Sleep tight.

>Is this going to be a fun ride?
Ask bun :^)

Hey Renge, what's up?
Thread replies: 157
Thread images: 139

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