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Any medfags around? Been fighting some kind of flu-like virus

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Any medfags around?

Been fighting some kind of flu-like virus for days - Now I wake up with this shitty eye infection.

What do?

I dont have money for doctor
Exactly the reason for universal healthcare. Honestly OP I would go to the docs with that shit for sure.
Cut it out
Add salt to warm water. Stir till it dissolves. Rinse your eyes
OP, it is your fucking eye. Don't be a dumbass.
Time to go into crippling debt for medical care.

Greatest country on earth, amiright?
Move to a country where you don't have to pay a million dollars to get looked at.
Actually sounds like great advice.
Boil the water, let it cool
If I had insurance or money I would.

It's sore and kinda "sticky" but not really painful. Just worried about it getting worse.
God fuck that's ugly is it painful is it hurting? God I feel so bad for you my eye is watering just looking at you
If you got antibiotics apply it to the eye. This has happened to me twice in the last two years. The second time I just applied ice in a cloth and it went down to the next day. don't touch it with your hands though.
Do you live in the midwest part of the country?
Supposedly allergens are at a record high this year.
See link above.
baking soda, water mixture, a teaspoon to a cup.
simple sounding but flush your shit with it.
Do you like pirates?
>I dont have money for doctor
haha you merrifags are hilarious
Mix a spoonful of honey with hot water, then put a few drops of it in your eye every couple of hours, should clear up in a day or so
Go to an Urgent Care facility instead of a doctor's office or a hospital. The facilities around here are all <$100 / visit and will offer you crazy payment plans (like 5/mo no interested) to cover costs if you need.
This. I do this for pink eye and for my cat when she was a kitten (her eye was entirely crusted.)

Gonna give this a shot

>Sounds legit
Put on a eye patch and hope for the best sorry bro
A few days of salt water rinse (see link, Google it) and you'll be fine.

Cut down on alcohol and caffeine, they weaken your immune system.
>make Camille or some other medical herb broth
>use with cloth
>apply to eye
>leave for around 30min at time
can take a few days until it gets better, if it's what I think it is its nothing to too worry about but if it gets so huge you cant even open eye go doctor asap
I had one a year and half back and its still slightly visible so rip qt face for a while
Google it, I'm not making it up. See my comment about booze, caffeine
Baking soda, and water. The PH toward alkaline is what helps the most. Baking soda, one tsp to a cup of water, stir mix, and flush.
Also good. Please google the mix. Too much and it literally burns like a mofo
move to canada.... noob.
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You're fucked son
Nope. Its reasonably common.
the burn is your body rejecting the acidic nature of your life.... my mix is correct.
It looks like what is called a "stye"
This. Aim for slightly salty, i.e. tastes like tears otherwise it'll irritate your eyes more.
Salt is a natural antibiotic and salt water will help kill off any bacterial infection.
And take ibuprofen (acetomemphistenasee or whatever you americans call it) as it will reduce the swelling.
>be poor fag
>live in greetist country murica.
>can't afford jack shit
>live off don mickles and kool aid
>get minor eye infection
>should see doctor, but no health care
>go see doctor
>doctor says "gotta treat it, or you'll look like an extra in gay pirate porn..yarrr"
>decide to to take out loan, and save eye
>spend rest of life with a crippling debt.

Kek, murica.
You're becoming Brian peppers
styes are cured by rubbing gold on them. That shit, is an eye infection. Styes are pimples on the eyelid that we pretend we have a cure for and we do not... just black magic bullshit that can't take affect before natural life does.
Don't over do the ibuprofen. It's great advice too. Its ~70c a pack (in UK £, and can be bought over the counter). >>685337438
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I have constant issues with my left eye due to a wound about 2 years ago, luckily I live in a country where my health is guaranteed and not a capitalists wet dream. A warm towel compress may help with the discomfort:

I have to do this daily, shit isn't going to cure you though, seriously get it checked by a pro, if you lose your eye you ain't getting that thing back bro
You scallywag, be nice or no more bum paddle from your special uncle.
It's not nearly as painful as it looks

Nah, east coast (Virginia)

This will be my last resort

Fucking love pirates
>Caribbean not Somali

Ain't gunna risk lol.
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>I dont have money for doctor
At least you have muh freedums and guns.
Maybe you can shoot the infection.

Well check Johnny wee cock.
Is it leaking pus? If so you have a bacterial infection and need antibiotics. If not it's a viral infection and will go away on it's own in a week or so.
So america is all half blind ass pirates? then why do you all wanna be us? I don't see pirate patches on your eyes, and I don't see you riding hoverounds like fatties... oh wait it's not like that. No it's not. Idiot.

Chloramphenicol eye drops, ibuprofen and bathe with salt water
OP here.

I love my country... But I'm starting to wonder how much of it is indoctrination

They make us pledge allegiance to the American flag every day at the beginning of school but have gotten rid of the Civics classes to teach us what America is actually supposed to be about

Kek. Triggered

Lol I don't wanna be you, I like free health care(with the option to go private and pay). Why do ameritards always think everyone wants to be them?
Medfag here

But that eye looks pretty bad. It may be bacterial and could need antibiotics. Go see someone who can examine it live, since I cannot.
It's just a Staph infection from rubbing your eyes with dirty hands too much, just keep it clean and don't touch it. Rinse with warm water and salt every day~
Acetaminophen=paracetamol, not ibuprofen.
No puss

I think I'd be in full panic mode if there was puss.

Basically the white part of my eyeball itself is red and my lower eyelid is red, swollen, sore
Of course it's indoctrination! You live in a democracy, you elect leaders for the sake of feeling like you're in control - but you bow to a game else's flag that nobody dare criticize! Who's behind the flag? The military industrial complex... You're basically in a military dictatorship
Go to a pharmacy and ask for Chloramphenicol eyedrops or ointment.
>bernie fag first response
>another bernie fag detected
This is the real failure of Obamacare

It's not that it goes too far is that it doesn't go nearly far enough. Basically it was a big gift to the insurance industry because almost everyone was forced to buy insurance from them.

What we really needed was a single-payer option. Bernie Sanders is right that we need universal healthcare for everybody in the U.S. I just don't think that he's actually capable of delivering it.
med student (albeit not a very good one)

you have an infection of the lower lid (probably one of the ducts where the eyelashes are got infected with some streptococus infection)

Put a cloth on warm water and apply to your eye several times a day. It helps the duct to open and expell all that accuulation of pus.

Ideally you shoud apply a conbination of an antibiotic and antiinflamatory. There are some creams for oftalmological use but you might need a prescripion.

DONT try to squeese it. It may cause the infection to spread further to other regions of the eye.

If it doesn't resolve or gets worse go to doctor. Its better to get some money than to loose your vision. You might want to go anyways, those things sometime never really cure and come nd go

You need to clean it out. Do this.

1 part rubbing alcohol
1 part bleach

Let the mixture sit for 10 mins. Then take a damp q-tip and lightly dip. Then rub the outside of eye lid. Don't touch eye ball. Needs to be done 3 times a day.
/thread dubs
Learn to swollow, facial faggot.
Don't do this, OP. You're actually retarded if you do
use ibuprofen, not Acetaminophen/paracetamol as the latter is only an analgesic an not an antiinflamatory
Go to ER. They can't refuse you in the US even if you don't have insurance. That's what idiots forget. Also it costs more.

Probably strep? tsk tsk medfag, staph is by far the most common cause (unless I am wrong, but I think you are. Will check).

Ive done this. I had similar, fixed it.
hell no
can be a lot of other bacteria, so the most important is to take a broadspectrum antibiotic, but I think sprep is far more common than staph

Ok yeah no, Staph not Strep.

Bad medfag. You have one chance to redeem yourself: Describe the most common causes and give an elegant empirical regimen for suspected nec fas.

Otherwise, it's back to the micro with you.
Ok, lots of good stuff here guys. I appreciate the help.

>Been doing warm compress - Feels a bit better now

>Gonna try flushing eye with saltwater solution

>Considering going to pharmacy to ask opinion/over the counter ointment of some sort

>Gonna pass on bleach wash and/or removing eye. Sorry to disapoint.
What is the cause of that?
Free clinic? Some med student? Veterinarian? Whatever you do, do it fast
Pink eye. Quit sniffing your sisters panties.
Could also be HSV

We both know he can't stop... won't stop.

Ehhhhh... doesn't look vesicular, but with that amount of induration and the low pic quality maybe there are vesicles we can't see.
Put a moist warm washcloth to your eye. 15 min on then 15 min off repeat
Any chance of a higher res pic op? If it's HSV you don't wanna sit and wait it out. Eye ulcers are a hell of a thing, trust me, first hand experience

Not to alarm you OP, we think it is just a fairly normal staph infection, but >>685341768 is right we could use a higher res pic.

seems bacterial to me. also, since we are in /b/, it is much more plausible that he doesnt wash his hands than that he got an std.

I agree 150 percent, but if a better pic would show vesicles it would suck if we missed it. Totally agree though, looks bacterial.

Also, props on using context. You will probably be one of the only doctors that takes a good history. Good for you and your future patients.

Still waiting on my elegant nec fas regimen though.
aint' gonna risk it nigger
I ain't taking any chances
You're probably both right. Just don't want him to make the same mistake I did by using cheap pharmacy eye drops and presuming it will cure itself. I ended with an eye ulcer at 95% deep into the eye followed by almost £ weeks in hospital getting eye drops every 30 mins. Day and night. If I'd got it checked sooner I wouldn't still be getting treatment almost 3 years later...

As I said you're probably right, but why take risks?
Yeesh, that looks like some serious pinkeye. Are you allergic to anything, anon?
Does you feel pain? If not I wouldnt worry about it too much it should go away? I've had this before but it wasnt an infection for me.
In general doing warm compress is good on eyes, in my opinion. Half a cup of uncooked rice in a sock or some kind of cloth, in the microwave on high for around 30 seconds.
This however looks like an infection. I don't care how much money you don't have, you could lose your vision if you don't go to a doctor and get antibiotics. Go to an urgent care, they are cheaper overall and you can still get antibiotics. You don't want that shit to potentially spread to your actual eyeball.
Move to a first world country.
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Best pic I could manage

Though angle doesnt show quite jow pufffy/red it really is
No idea why that rotated
> I don't have money for doctor
long live murica
>I dont have money for doctor

practice your pirate language
>being this autistic

you rubbed your eye too much, now have an infection. you gotta drain it. just take a needle and jam it in there. it'll hurt, but once you've bled out, you'll feel all better.
Yeah it's hard to do, I'm the HSV guy, tried to take a pic of my eye in hospital so I could see it (as had no vision in the eye), this came out better.

Ok medfags, what's your professional opinion?
Please no
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No nigga
>practice your pirate language

ARRRR! I aint got the the doubloons to be paying no sawbones matey!
Could be a staph, could be gonorrhea. Med fag at university, std and UA unit.
hell no
im going through it sir

My vote goes to bacterial. But in any case do go at least to pharmacy. I don't know your prescription laws but maybe they will sell you some anti-inflamatory/antibiotic combo
Looks like it may be an infected scratch on the eyelid rather than a stye (an infected eyelash follicle), as I originally thought.
Cotton wool warm water and salt. Dip the cotton wool bud in the water salt solution apply to eye Keep it press The salt will kill the infection and whatever shit you got in your eye will clear out.
Well there ya go. Good luck OP, keep up the warm compresses in the interim!
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Get tested for gonorrhea.

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Could also be leprosy. OP, u eaten any under cooked Dillo meat? Or been handling armidillos?
Chlamydia can also cause conjunctivitis.

A full panel then, either way.
OP here:

Ok, you guys got me a little nervous

I'm going to go to the Urgent Care place up the street from me and see what they have to say. I'll update you on what happens when I get back
Nigga you gonna die
Good idea. Good luck bro
Just go, don't die because you were too poor
Adenovirus causes conjunctivitis and would fit with the flu-like ilness in the days before... but that erythema and induration under the eye don't fit adeno.
'I don't have money for a doctor'
hahaha stupid fucking Americans. Thank God I live in CAnada.
Seriously just go to the hospital before you lose your eye dipshit.
>another neocon psychopath detected
hot cloth and milk in eye. i've had it start and go away pretty quick after the home remedy but your eye may be too far gone. go to a doctor if home shit doesn't work.
Way to get feces in your eye, OP
Better safe than sorry.
Wash out eye warm water take clean sock n fill halfway with warm rice microwave it u now have a heat compress thats a chalazion heat will make it come to a head also vitamin c braggs apple cider vinegar and try n eat some raw garlic for accilin godspeed faggot for general wellcbeing cold press blackseed oil

Post new thread when back. Show picture of Bill. So we can all have a giggle. Well those of us who live in a civilised country.
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Had somwthing like this a while back... ended up being an infected tear duct. hurt like a bitch.
*raw rice not warm
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Hey OP I live in Virginia too. How about you tell me your address so I can pay you a visit and fix your problem for you. I'm a doctor don't worry I won't rape you
yeah nah
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At Urgent Care now

This place does not inspire confidence
So why did you shit your pants and run to the clinic when the subject of STDs came up? Did you get Jazz in your eye?
Go to pet store and buy antibiotics without prescription
>don't have money for a doctor

Fucking hilarious
not worth the risk
If my Dick was like that if kill myself
fuck you
I think I know where that urgent care is. I'm coming to visit you OP
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Well the thing is that nobody wants to be you, but that's not what you're taught in school.
Just like your mama taught that you were special; you're not. You're only special if you took the short bus to school.

Very few people want to become american. Those that go to america have H1B visas and go there to make a fortune off the retardation of locals.
not OP, but someone who explicitly announces "I won't rape you" KIIIIIIIIIIINDA seems suspicious
>I like'ya and I wan'cha
You have an eye tumor. Don't bother going to the doctor if you're broke. You'd never have enough for the chemo anyway.
Not going to chance it
god damn, hell no
i think you should try to die faggot
> "I dont have money for doctor"

i really thank to god i was born in europe
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take 4 ibuprofen tablets every 8 hours for 5 days- I promise that will cure it
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So far they have charged me $60 to sit in their waiting area

>pic related

This isn't gonna end well for me
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Tfw no free healthcare
Do they have free coffee? If they have free coffee take a fucking Liberty with it, start filling up jerry cans...
If you are in an urgent care that should be essentially all they charge you, unless they do some kind of tests which I can't imagine they would.
Keep us updated OP
oh helll no
Kill yourself so the virus doesn't win.
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seriously America
got a lighter and a spoon? heat up the spoon as much as you can and then burn the infection out. has worked for centuries
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God bless the land of the free
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No coffee! And the cake is a lie!

All I got is a water fountain and a hand sanitizer dispenser
Nurse fag here
get seen
Would rather be in debt than be blind
put hand sanitizer on dick. feels great man
>a hand sanitizer dispenser
Just make sure they use it.
Too much porn
He'd be blind before he finished waiting in line.
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They took my vitals and led me to exam room... We wait
Just go to the ER. It may take 8 hours, but you'll hear a bunch of people talk about how they don't need insurance. Affording it is a different matter. Good luck OP.
Look up a free clinic in your area. If you're in an area with a medical school, chances are there are several free clinics set up to serve people without insurance that students work at.

Other than that.. just go see a doc at a fucking urgent care, suck it up and pay the $100 or w/e, overdraft your bank account. Something like that isn't something that you just rinse with some dumbass anon's salt water.
And wait in line for years
Ophthalmic fucidic acid gel
And naphazoline eye drops
you don't know how it works do you?
they don't simply ask people to stand in line, they ask people who have minor shit like my cosmetic ear surgery done to wait so that people with real immediate issues can get help right away, there is a system in place
it is legit, was about to suggest it myself. you can also rinse your sinuses with this salt water solution
God damn can't take the chance
It's called "Triage".
Also checked.
did you know that the flag pledge is actually the invention of a company that sells flags and that it is not written anywhere in your laws?

its just big marketing, lol
you fucker

1. Move to civilized country with public healthcare system.
2. Aquire help for eye for basic fee which even a poor American can afford.
that biowaste bin looks interesting. whats in there?
get someone to put a dick in your eye
Medfag here

go to the doctor faggot.

It'll cost way less then having to go to the fucking emergency room and get surgery

and it'll cost way less than your funeral if you dont get it fixed.
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fee? u mad? i aint paying no fee for the amount of taxes the fuckers take
Fuck a nigger.
obligatory reply
>got serious infection on eye
>asks 4chan

Really, man?
You shut up! That movie was pretty good!

You don't need money to go to a Doctor. US law says they have to treat you no matter what, you'll just end up with a bill.

And if you can get state insurance, they will pay retroactively for 180 days.
Spare me. Mr skeltal already got me.
Wait... wut? Serious?

yup, sadly I am

"The Pledge of Allegiance is nationalistic, religious, and patriotic -- indicative of the values espoused by our country’s leaders. But there’s another quintessentially American angle to the mantra: it was invented by a marketer who was looking for a creative way to sell flags to public schools."
it's murica
no money, no curey

I mean, we are the fucming crazy communist, we ate bebies, we are not free and everything else, but even the last ER in the dirtiest shithole of the most remote area of east europe would fix you for a zilch.

I went to an ER in bloody middle of nowhere in Spain, i walked away with a injection of painkiller and a fuckload of pills, xanag 100mg among them, because "this will last you for a week honey, but if you feel bad again don't hesitate and come here ok?".

with a thing like that you'd be a yellow code for sure and almost go straight up to the doc
dude, this guy seems to know how to do it
I have always considered it insane that americans have been so poorly protected when it comes to health, did not sit right with me, and look here, there actually is a way
not risking it
Oh god no.
M8, sorry to say:

Cant believe murica is that shitty

Why are you guys paying taxes, so they can send you to their sensless warplaces with helicopters, not giving a shit if your dying in your own homeland.. Shit is fucked up m8
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well, im not taking that risk
Warm compress (washcloth with hot water) then ice it and see if the swelling goes down.
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on a second thought, I'd definitely trust a medic coming from the schools of Rogozov who MOTHERFUCKING CUT HIMSELF UP TO FIX HIS APPENDICITIS.
Andy Warhol didn't die because of a botched appendicitis? I'm too lazy to search that as well xD

Fuck off with this I replied ok my penis is burning just looking at this
>what America is actually supposed to be about

is about to BE GREAT AGAIN
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ty reddit, you saved the day once again
so many shit tier euronigs jelly of us rofl

enjoy your disappearing middle class LOL

What the fuck?
Boil an egg, put it in a sock and hold it on your eye. It's a stye
even without a house and no money we still have healthcare
Not worth it
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Funny as it sounds to you, this is actually a reality for a lot of American people, you rancid swine. Don't quite see how it makes them stupid.
kys americunt
Improve personal hygiene
no thanks
dont want
fucking CHANGE this situation?
this "lot" of "American people" likes that?
what are they voting for? to make kitten-butterbread engines a reality?
here i go

By years I assume you mean "the next morning, for free", right
do they say this to the little children to scare them off?
>if you don't eat this cheeseridden, larded broccoli you'll get stomachache but I'll send you to a country with free healthcare where you will NEVER make it to the doc?
cmon don't be an asshole. or maybe you fear that all your money can't buy a place for someone who needs to be treated BEFORE you?
Are you by chance an illegal alien? If so just go to the hospital, get treated and leave and never come back. You don't even have to speak any English and it's all for free. Just be illegal.
how did you get cum in your eye?
they don't sell long island ice tea at the ER, we usually don't hang in there and call it a night.
but you might see 3 or 4 friends who brought there someone and are waiting for him. it's called "not being an asshole in the moment of need".
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just in case
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OP here:

I have a diagnosis!

Bacterial conjunctivitis of the left eye acute bronchitis and hypertension

Add to that the nausea and vomiting that started this whole mess...

Doctor says my immune system is being strained

Also gave me 4 prescriptions to fill which I have to pay out-of-pocket. I'll let you know what they come to
>I dont have money for doctor
Exactly why America sucks. I don't even give a fuck about Bernie. You're all a bunch of cuckold cunts.
Don't remind me, a fucking ambulance ride is at minimum $1000
Go to the ER
If he gave any brand names ask for generics. They're cheaper and in almost all cases do the same shit.
>I don't even give a fuck about Bernie.
You're the one who even mentioned him in relation to the OP.
OP was just asking a question.
what about what this guy said?
You have to get an eye infection treated it won't go away on its own or with home remedy. It will get worse and you'll lose you're eye.
Glad you went there! I've been waiting for your reply! Good luck m80
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Here's pic of paperwork showing diagnosis and prescriptions

Also the visit ended up being $149 not counting the prescriptions that I'm about it fill now
I want proof of this... I'll show it to my friends at the red cross
OP, look into this
okay then
No chances
Hell fucking no
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I'm taking my chances
the generic zpack and eye drops are all you need op. dont waste your money on the other shit zpack youll be feeling better in 24 hours take it all though
Not taking any chances
damn :(
You fucking serious right now dude?
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I'm not a nasty sandnigger who fucks goats everyday
I clean under my foreskin at least once a day
Suh dude
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People who work get coverage, it's his fault he isn't producing for our society, and no, it is not my responsibility to pay his way.

Also, our system is literally propping up the yurop model due to our system encouraging research and innovation. Its a classic example as to why socialism isn't fair.

If you really believed in helping others you'd front our medical bills since were fronting your national security, and the QoL shit that comes along with having a big military. You won't though, because you know socialism is bullshit.
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Thats motherfucking pizza.

Wow, all of that for a bit of pinkeye and some bronchitis.

For starters, the "essential hypertension" is almost definitely a co-symptom of the bronchitis and as such doesn't need to be directly addressed. Unless your BP is like 180 over 120 or something crazy like that.

Secondly, they're going batshit crazy with those antibiotics. Some cloramphenicol eyedrops and a course of erythromycin for the bronchitis would sort you out no problem.

Guess they gotta gouge you any way they can, because that's the American way.
RIP :(
BP was 165/100 so...

Fug m8
You could have bought a New 3DS with that eye :(
That script does seem OTT.

That's still not super elevated.

Had you been coughing immediately prior to the BP exam?

I went in once with a pretty nasty cough and my BP was 150 over 90-something. Doctor said it was high but didn't directly address it. 2 weeks later, when I wasn't coughing my guts up, it'd gone back down to normal levels.
rinse eyes with boiled water cooled and a little salt. hot compress to draw out.. what ever it is and cold compress to help the swelling. change your pillowcases every night until it calms down. scrub hands regularly and avoid rubbing eyes.
please dont

Me again. Also, Azithromycin for a chest infection? Dafuq? Z-pak is usually for digestive tract infections. Like I said before, Erythromycin is way more suitable for bronchitis seeing as it was FUCKING DESIGNED FOR RESPIRATORY TRACT INFECTIONS.

Get a second opinion. That prescription list will have you puking and shitting tapioca pudding for a week. Z-pak is not kind to your insides and puts you at risk of a C. difficile infection.
replied cause scared
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i'm not a real doctor but i play one on /b/
you should use that eye while you still can to
watch some porn or something it will be blinded by morning god speed anon
good form, pupper
Visit the emergency room you dumb shit. Why don't whitebois learn to work the fucking system? Take a break from being cucked and show up making sure to calmly exaggerate your problem so you get seen.
lol'ed at the terror in the eye its still visible
zpack knocks out my bhroncitis all the time perfectly. never had a problem with it. sorry you are a weak pussy
You look like my pig who died this morning. Its called shipping fever, if you're a pig.
>all the time

You're not meant to HAVE bronchitis all the time. The fact that it keeps coming back makes me think that what you're taking isn't working.

Whatever, keep buying what the doctor has been told to sell you by his corporate sponsors.
A z-pak isn't going crazy with antibiotics
It's bacterial, get and take all of the antibiotics.
hard drugs all the time plus menthol cigs
Will go away on its own in like a week.
If you wanna be safe.
1. Boil some water.
2. let it cool
3. Add small amount of salt.
4. Stir
5. Clean your eye.

Do this when waking up and before bed.
by all the time i mean every time i get it.. usually once or twice a year

Yeah, that's way too common. I've had it maybe 4 times in my entire life and I'm 33, and my immune system is nothing special.

Your immune system is probably functionally useless at this point, given what you said about hard drugs. It's basically phoning it in.
Paying to heal the sick actualy works out cheaper in the long run. Makes for a better society.
What in the fuck is going on in that pic
Any pain, or vision loss?
Might be regular conjunctivitis (pink eye); rinse with water/baby oil, don't scratch or rub. Should be gone in a few days to a week.

Could also be dacryocystitis (lacrimal duct infection, probably after occlusion); better get some medical help for that.
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68W here. change your socks, drink some water, take some motrin.
>speculation from people who don't know OP already got a diagnosis from the doctor
Read the thread.
pls no give me baby infected dickero
It's a good thing we have newfags
Try living in a first world country with free health care
anyway that being said you have an infection probably started with untreated conjunctivitis which needs urgent attention before it damages your eyeball beyond repair.
Not today
other posters are worthless. It's cellulitis. You need oral antibiotics dude. Rinsing it won't work. Get some money and go to the doctor. If you can't find money, show up in the ER and leech from your fellow whiteys.
Lmao, ahhhhh so nice to live in Canada. Get rekt Amerifat hurrdurr obamacare is for commies. I got a red bump on my ass, I think I will go get it looked at for free just cause I can.
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