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Waifu claiming thread. Claim your waifu and discuss Obligatory

The stories and information posted here are artistic works of fiction and falsehood.
Only a fool would take anything posted here as fact.

Thread replies: 173
Thread images: 151
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Waifu claiming thread.

Claim your waifu and discuss

Obligatory claim.
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>Remove your clothes

Strange request from you spike, but alright.
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>Worse than losing your waifu
Nothing is worse that that!
After breaking my limit so many times, I think I know it fairly well~
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crying konata.jpg
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yum food.gif
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The amount of dedication you put forth makes me happy.

Heyo, beautiful. Can't sleep?
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There are three raccoons in my yard
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Glasses 2.gif
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auauauau are you at work? why busy?
where do you work?
i have so many questions

i don't ever drink though

>seriously though i want lemonaid

i was just giving you a hard time :x

5k+ isn't bad for a ae86

providing that its rust free and in decent shape EG: not owned by some fuckin pleb like me who drifts it

>even though mine is in amazing condition

I actually pick the s14 over the ones with popups because from what i've heard its hard to find the pop up lights and they tend to break

>plus i like the more flush look
i like my cuurss to look clean as fuck

unlike my dad
>his drift cars are scraped up and fucked up lookin on the outside
adopt them

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Dabbing on ya.
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happy times.png
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das my boy
tribe called quest is so god damn good
now i need to listen to low end theory
Miho claimed

Yeah not really in the best area. Lot of homeless and druggies around here.

I dont own a dog.
Milinda claim

Mirai! I missed you friend!

Nice! I hope you like it!
>Oh I bet <3

>Supra Mk.III
Not too bad. Hard to find cool cars like that where I live...
>The rust and winter consume all...
My Corvette is almost all aftermarket under the hood though... Shit is too fast... I get scared driving it sometimes..

NOOOO Im sorry Shinoa!
>Now ive killed 3... Maybe I need to stop shooting Waifus.... kek
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Koko 1.jpg
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Are they really that different? If they are ill watch them but if its like, a few minor changes its not worth
o shit. Whats the age of wizardship again? i'm 20 so far
to do what?
>breaking my limit
trruuuu, gotta learn the hard way haha. What is your limit?

Claiming, Oh shit its hand man
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>dab duel
What the fuck man...

But that's why I came here!

Also claimed.
so pretty... but your waifu is probably not from a cutesy slice of life anime huh..
>so i probably wont like the show
>makes me kind of sad

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Basically any anime website.

Rory claimed
>6 foot shitposter claimed
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I insert my schwanz into the OP's fantasy girlfriend's anus.

hello OP

I ejaculat powrefuly
the OP's fantasy girlfriend explodes from the force and volume of my seamin
A tear roll's down the OP's cheek
I defecate

Ahhh it is good to be the king! The schwanz king!
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Racoons hate me. I don't know why, but it's only racoons.
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You can try but you will not win!

Or maybe you will I dont have any dab gifs
Im tired ima go try and jerk off and go to bed
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Study them.
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chibi jumping.gif
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she's from a kind of gory anime, sorry. heh, i'm watching your anime right now though.
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Shit, do you live near me or something? There was a pack of racoons running around down here when i went to go get snacks.

>Some Washington fag
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Koko 6.jpg
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lemon aid is kickass, I mix it with my drinks.
>just giving you a hard time
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Around a quart of a 750ml of 40%~
What's yours?
You better return to the sea, bud
>readies staff
I don't have any ;-;
>you win this time~
Goodnight friend~
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wow shizuru
hey claw, how are you?
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Pipe it up Koko!

We tied actually, oh shit I had this pic to show you but I forgot to all day!

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konata red.png
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same, rip phife dawg ;-;
aww :( dogs don't like me, and I don't really like them >.>
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im on a panda.jpg
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your image was too hard to dankify, i'm sorry 20/20
i could do a different image if you'd like
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best girl claimed
spike a prude
whats it feel like to be a ghost?
>louder now
>louder now
dub dabs!
fucking indescribably different
>no spoilers just watch
>gif related
ah okay thats good
what do you prefer?

>already 18 pictures
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still here
Hahaha! It is good! ^,^
But it is time to sleep the royal sleep!

>I point Sakura at the sun
>She spits out babby nonstop from her vagoo faster than the speed of light
>The sun explodes

Good night!

koko i didn't know you were into pegging



>and im also just really into light hearted cute stuff
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>Rattle rattle
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Ahaha thanks~
I have these two for ya!
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Sleep warm and well, wonderful.
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Go with kissanime.
There is a lot different with the remakes. Im talking 60% of story elements. Theres a hell of a lot of different scenes too.
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Not that.
>Yeah tired of nig nogs breaking into my shit.

>I did walk out there and racked my shotgun once never saw them again.

Ye! How are you liking it so far?

Bu-but pollution... I'm here to stop pollution... Can't you sea?
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And this one

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Watch Hellsing Ultimate
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They're just walking around and stealing the catfood.

I live in South Hayward, a small town right next to San Francisco. Apparently it's known for something to do with murder. Or gang activity. I don't know.
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Koko 3.jpg
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>10 more years
Goodnight man! Sleep well :)
I'm not a nerd so I don't know how much that is shot wise. But ~12 shots of %40 is usually my limit, depending on when I start
u pipe it
Oh fuk really? I'll have to watch it then
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I wasn't gone that long, was I?

You first, traitor.

It's fine, Shiro. Thanks for the effort. And not really at the moment, but if I have one, I'll definitely ask
This place is cool you can make your own waifu and maps and stuff
I ded still

It's the type in onigiri


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oh lol
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yea, i've really switched to watching a bunch of slice of life. of the 20 animes i have lined up to watch, i'd say 15 of those are slice of life.
i'm on episode 7 of second season, and i'm really liking it so far. it does have a slower pace then say k-on, but i don't think that makes it any worse.
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I sea... You will be my minister of the environment and pollution!
And by limit, you mean when we start throwing up like crazy, right?
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Rikka & Kumin.gif
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Ohhhh thats awesome! Haha I gotta use it whenever I see you!

Aww how adorable! I should find more of you man, youre really helping me out here

OEWW! Hello my queen

Yes maam piping it right now
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Nope. Not even close then. Lol
It's not, but I'm like, $200 to my name after tires for my bike. Then I got bills for the month, which will leave me at.... no money at all by next month! If I had a car, I'd try to keep it looking decent. Worst thing would probably be the sun damage to the paint, living is a virtual desert that I do.
I'm kicking myself in the ass because a nice clean one was just up for $1.5k not long ago. But I was broke and couldn't get it, and now it's gone for good. I just gotta stay on the look out for when I can afford one. Other options were an RX7, MR2, or AE86, but all of them were more than $2k last I checked. And with me, there is no too fast (unless it's raining.) Hell, I'm on a 300cc CBR300R, and I'm literally always hitting just below redline at full throttle on the freeway. Pushing this poor little thing to the limit while i wait for my ZX-11 to get into working order.
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Kek, throw some catfood in your neighbor's yard.
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Sup maid
Just drinking coffee and watching this chaos
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finger 1.jpg
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You're talking about Non Non Biyori, right? S2 > S1 imo
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Glad you like them~
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you are so fucking right!
asdfhjkl; they are so good i fucking love it
its amazing in the sense that it isn't trying to erase NGE
>thanks for the recommendation
like you really do its too fantastic for words.
1.0 is almost i direct rehash but certain story elements are sped up and it just keeps getting stranger and stranger
such ghost
very spook
much scare
whats good my most loyal subject?
>try to log onto LoL
>need to download another 3gb worth of updates
Kill me now
the composure for non non biyori is UNREAL
the music tugs at my heart strings so much

thas a big ol negative
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play something good then
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Long enough for me to miss you <3

Im so sorry! You were just so spooky!


Another will come up eventually.
Usually I say nothing is too fast either but in a car that's 40+ years old, hitting 215 mph was wayyy too much speed.
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Robots rapes desk violently.jpg
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but i have shit taste in games
yea, non non biyori. i'm on season 2 right now. i'd say they're both equally good, but i'm only halfway through s2.
so much shit has been changed, i don't think you'll like it if you don't enjoy an absurd amount of updated shit.

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The episodes are based off of the manga so there isn't really a true order in most episodes. In the manga some episodes show up before others.

As you can sea, even Sanae hangs around here. But... She'll be gone for a while sadly.

I am an emissary of the sea and I believe that I should stay an emissary. I think I know what I'm doing anyways.
really? You mean like runescape tier changes or just a bunch of nerfed shit?

>old man fister
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Namie claimed
I wanna go on a ride with you. Not even my Dad, who's a fucking speed freak, would go that fast. I've barely managed to hit triple digits, but that's a bike limitation. I can keep an average 90-95 mph my whole ride home, going over bridges corners, and even weaving through a bit of traffic.
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Holy fuck shit, I think one of the raccoons attacked their dog. Here comes the fucking shitstorm.
Aren't you banned Kappa
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Like them? I love them!

Not much is going on in the hood my nigga. Whats good with you queenie?
never played runescape, but there's like different tiers of dragons now, don't know what half of my go to items do, bunch of other dumb shit

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i dont want to die.gif
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you should really watch NGE
>gif related
>filenames kek
try fun shit games then
like Guns of Icarus
>play with Tomo and I
she seems feisty
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>Holy fuck shit, I think one of the raccoons attacked their dog.
Hope they enjoy debating whether or not he has rabies.
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Koko 31.png
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I'm not a nerd so I don't know how much that is in shots, my limit is ~12 depending on when I start
U pipe it
Fuuuck really? I'll watch it then
>into pegging
Not really, although I would peg a grill
sheeeit 60%? I'm def watching it
TRAITOR? noooooo, whatd I do?
u wood feg
yeah thats about it haha
Don't give me the pipe on the right, I still need to know that song. Left one is coo tho
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Unfortunately, I can't help you, I'm a explosion mage, not a priest
Oh well, I tried
I'm happy to hear that~!
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they're both really good anyways so glad youre enjoying it
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Kill the coons become hero.
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Kek. Their poor dog is fucked.
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Almost a straight. Your poker skills are showing.

Actually kind of cool the episodes are multiple chapters ran together into one setting. Where is Sanae, anyway, haven't seen him since his b-day party.
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I'm studying.

>I'll cuddle with you later

You're dead to me

>light hearted cute stuff

Yeh, my limit's still the same~
The first time I drank, I had around 13 shots of cheap vodka
Those were crazy times~
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Forgot pic
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do it so we can gush
>Eva gives me such a boner you don't even know
>i'm not using hyperbole
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First time ever in one of these threads. What do you guys do here?

Also, Edward claimed
She will be okay, I have killed her before and she came back just fine!

Okay here ya go!

Why is that??
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They should get Kurt Russel and the rest of their Antarctic gang just in case shit hits the wall.
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hands up.jpg
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hey cutie :3
people chat mostly
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Robot ear sex in space.jpg
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shit, probably gonna check it out. hope it's not too bad.

i'll have to check it out. assuming my card doesn't get charged up the ass like it did last i bought a steam game.


woof woof~

fuck Marin Karin
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Fastest ive ever gone on a public road was 160. Shit was crazy. When I hit 215 I was on a runway in a military base. My commander wanted to race with his porsche.
>I totally crushed him btw
I still had more power too... Could have gone faster but it was starting to get unstable.


B-But I suck at poker... kek

You sure?
>Also sorry about killing you last night....
>Hope you understand.
>Had to protect my Idol
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Don't play dumb. I saw. I know.
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>would peg a grill

>implying getting pegged would be any way better than getting head



if you cant get it all at one start shopping for parts

the engine and chassis are prolly gonna be the most expensive but get the things you need to upgrade to make it a good drifter

>or you could get a 350z which IMO is the best stock drifting car

thats a NO. fuck that
that .gif is gonna give me nightmares.

gonna have to go watch like 4 hours of cute shit now.

wew lad.
stoody wat?
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gimme that.jpg
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I remember seeing you earlier. You're back at not such a shit time. We just have random conversations. So, how goes your day?
I personally don't like it, probably because I started playing back in Season 3 when it was simple, and now everything is so complicated.
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N-no! Wait! I'll happily be a minister! No objections from me!

The episodes are like American shows where what happens in one episode sometimes don't relate to before.

Sanae... Had some uhh, stuff to take care of... He said he'll be back in a month. Let's hope he meant it...
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Dairy product.
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>shake it baby
Distal appendage.
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Well i'm going to find something to do for a little bit. Semi-afk.
From my limited 3 hour exposure: Circlejerk, conversate, mild RP, and watch/listen to raccoons.
Should've pushed the very limits of the car. At least, that's what I'd say if it were a bike. But as for a car I could see even the slightest shake being unsettling as fuck.
Haha, I'd need way more mechanical knowledge to do something like that. Which I'll admit, I'm looking into. I figured since flying was way too pricey for me to be able to learn, being a mechanic would be something more reasonable and something that I still enjoyed.
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Economics, Accounting and Business. Boring stuff.
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There's Aqua, but he won't come back for a while...
Fran could possibly help too~
Once there's no pollution, I will grant your people a nation of their own~
>and you as their leader
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Yeah, that other thread was fairly insane, so I dipped out. My days been pretty awesome :) I skipped school, stayed home, and jammed to music

What about yourself?
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what you wanted to believe.gif
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also wtf ive never gotten my shit jacked on steam
but i meant to post this!
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kek one day I will

Okay! I shall recruit their help in resurrecting Shinoa!

Be back soon everyone. Gonna play a game of CSGO
Yeah I am sure! Its okay I understand, but I want you to know something, she is adorable. You may have to kill me again.
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Anthropomorphic bi-pedal mammal.
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robot jerks off to reflection.jpg
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there's still alot of stuff i still don't understand
i dunno what happened. probably just stick to using gift cards if my bank keeps charging me for it.
The art of gambling comes with the practice of drinking, so I'm pretty good at poker. And Craps. And Five Finger Filet. And Russian Roulette.

Well, supposedly every single chapter is a day of summer, but because the summer is neverending, there have been 200+ days of their summer.
Stuff? I didn't even see that he said he was going. And an entire month? Damn.
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images (44).jpg
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To this day, I still cant follow End of Evangelion.

Listening to Tuesdays Gone while cleaning now. So good.
She is adorable, but she is mine.... You will do well to remember that...
>I will if I have to...
Otherwise, hope we can be friends. :)
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Oh, just been here all day and night watching anime on side. My last day of school is tomorrow, which means I'm not going tomorrow, because all I'll do is just sleep anyways.
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Penis grasper.
I got nothing.
I know there's stabilizing rods to help keep high speed riding in check. Is there something similar for cars?
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Koko 14.jpg
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Same, I'm not sure how much I had but it was a mix of vodka craberrys and rum and cokes haha
I wanna GUSH
hugbox basically
I dig it, got any more?
You didn't see shit, you don't know nuthin
>getting pegged would be better than getting head
what the hell you sayin? I would rather get a bj then get foiked in the ass by a big ol dildy anyday
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That's only when I'm bored.
I want to rub her belly
Going to sleep, after all. Bad night. Goodnight e-body.
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In case you didn't see>>685263941

Heh heh... Yes... Then I can build armies and weapons and...

Well winter does happen. But since there's so many manga chapters they could only fit 1 episode.
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Moo moo moo moo
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just chilling before i eventually fall asleep
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Do you need a wet Q-Tip or something?


and no i was saying that you were implying that getting pegged would be better than getting head

>as a woman


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We can be awesome friends! Youre super lucky, she is so soft and pretty.....
>Defend her man..I understand

Any more what? songs? I have a ton! here is one I love to share
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What does it do to the mind, to be on /b/ all day? I feel like I would flip out
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Have warm, lengthy dreams of you and your waifu Mirai. You'll feel better once you wake up.
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damn man that sucks best of luck to you
>what else do you steam
i could seriously write you a thesis on it
>nobody here wants that
>add me on telegram if you want me to weeb out at you
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Please do~
First nights drinking are the best!
Naturally, I will make your nation a vassal of mine and will have military access to your armies and water guns
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So all the time?
Mooo moo mooo.
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I was actually on here all day, and it's definently a big difference from rest of /b/. I've got used to it though as I've skipped school this entire week.
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Never mind.

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>furthering the panty rekt
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Sure sure. But if we don't like how it is then maybe we'll just revolt and become independent.
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Whole or 2%?
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So are the waifu threads just nonstop?
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>implying you're powerful enough
If you do and fail, I will enslave y'all squid humpers
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>I've skipped school this entire week.
I only do this when i'm off my BPD meds and having a really shitty episode. you okay?
>gif kinda related
seriously you are not helping
>a river flows in my panties
but really
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not really much, most steam games i have are from physical copies. but if you are curious

>bunch of free games
because of this steam won't count me as "verified" feels bad man
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stares cutely.gif
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Yea, they are 24/7.
I did miss first couple days of week due to depression, but the rest was just because I don't care. I'm not feeling depressed anymore, so don't worry about me.
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I got it.
Yeah same here, gets a bit annoying at times.
100% pure no chemicals or shit added or taken out.
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I want C'thulhu to be my daddy
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I'll take 4 fresh gallons.
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Oh no don't worry! Im just trying to make sure that I get equal treatment for my people is all!

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my nigga
i love TES. Skyrim was kinda garbage because it was really dumbed down though IMO
>dont worry about me
I will try but should you ever need someone to talk to
is my telegram and I wouldn't mind being an open ear.
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>don't worry about me
That is a wonderful phrase to bring about worrying, my friend
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I did a thing.

>I got it.
You'd be the first.

>Yeah same here, gets a bit annoying at times.
In both cases of what I mean it's annoying.

Having a dick is hard work (lies).
still has the lid
Nice try. I check before I just assume it to be the one.
hey cut that out
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