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Waifu claiming thread. >Wanted: Dead or Alive Edition The

The stories and information posted here are artistic works of fiction and falsehood.
Only a fool would take anything posted here as fact.

Thread replies: 191
Thread images: 151
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Waifu claiming thread.
>Wanted: Dead or Alive Edition

The rules are very simple:
>claim your 2D waifu/husbando
>post pics of your waifu
>more rules
>pretend this is legal
> RP and ERP are not encouraged
>even more rules
>discuss stuff
>post fitting, not over-sexualised content
>most importantly: Catch me if you can
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Homura (35).jpg
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Syndra (11).jpg
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>Wanted: Dead or Alive
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My wifu uwu
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face 1.jpg
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I walk everywhere for now, I like walking. I usually joke around about getting a self-driving car, but if I really could I would. I feel like you might still need to be able to drive to own one, but I dunno
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dead meme.png
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Sanya Claimed
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Akiko claimed

This officially marks the end if it wasn't obvious enough already
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Syndra (68).jpg
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You're here early.
Or is it just me?
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Nishikino Maki (43).jpg
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Britfag Maki Claimed
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>still here
>should probably sleep
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I love walking as well. Even though I have a car I sometimes choose to walk for miles to get something instead of drive. It's nice to be alone with thoughts sometimes. Reflect on the world and all.

I know the feeling.

>excuse the caption I'm finding new Azusa pictures
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>claiming yume
this is now a crispy thread
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face 4.jpg
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Same, only issue is I need to plan ahead an hour everywhere I go
That's a weird pic >.>
Im just early. How are you today?
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Oh boy, time for work
>just fucking kill me then

What should I listen to today?
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>I can't stay
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not a furry2.png
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pretty good.
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You're damn right it is

>don't arrest me

The sound of your soul dying?
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Homura (15).jpg
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Art styles that differ too much from the original always look a bit weird.
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So do you guys ACTUALLY love your waifu or just admire her in some way?

I'm legitimately in love with Azusa. My obsession has gotten to the point where it's affecting my actual social life are real relationships in negative ways. I'm starting to question my sanity. I don't know. She makes me complete. I have personal reasons as to why I love her but I don't feel like bringing down the mood so I won't explain them.

>Trying my HARDEST not to sound cringe right now. Probably failing.
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finger 1.jpg
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Dad Rap :o
Yeah, I try to avoid those >.>
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I didn't see it with 3D glasses so he still counts.
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I can bearly leave the house, thus I aint going to meet anyone.
This is probably the closest to that feeling
I admire her a lot, I dunno about love in that way, I've never loved anything in that way :p but you do you :o

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Syndra (61).jpg
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Unusually tired.
Doing some work for my classes and listening to music. And all this while checking in the thread once in awhile.

What about you?
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I don't particularly like my waifu i just needed someone to join this circlejerk properly
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Homura (5).jpg
1 MB, 1500x922

Me too, but some are too good not to save!
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I barely leave mine either. Not because of social anxiety or anything but mainly because there isn't anything to do around here. If I lived in a big city id be at guitar center or Starbucks right now.
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S l u t
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>social anxiety
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Nishikino Maki (66).jpg
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I will actually marry Maki one day
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I actually do love mine, but I can keep my tendencies of affection in check.

I also have this strange sense of loyalty to her.
I don t have a beard but alsomt everyone has eyeglasses on waifu
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Why would you do this to me

I do this anyway

Will listen
how's highschool going
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But we aren't role playing or anything. We're having normal conversations about life.

Plus I'm a neat freak and 130lbs so... Yeah.
I guess you weren't here when he posted his age, but it certainly sounds like that
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She is an idol and a figure that gives me motivation to live on and keep trying. I still wouldn't call that love despite being hard for me to feel a stronger emotion than that.

Glad you accept my suggestions!
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If you want to overcome it try going on Omegle. Talk with people. Try that and eventually go into public.

Always remember this:

Most people are too wrapped up in themselves to judge YOU.
He's a fucking weeb loser
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Implying so much
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face 9.jpg
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no beard no glasses :)
I'm actually 36 years old and only listen to "golden age" hip hop sorry :/
Stop getting baited.
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Hipster as fuck but they work on me.
Feeling surprisingly good. Probably going to think of something to do soon, but now im doing nothing.
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If she would exist I would choose her over anybody else
So as for now and maybe all future I go with her as my ideal for woman
>Most people are too wrapped up in themselves to judge YOU
sound like me I don't judge you I just hate every human being equally
And you are an anon who's afraid to be judged by a hugbox and thus refuses to identify
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I know it's b8 I just don't care.
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I know it's irrational, but hey, what can ya do?
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Damn I wish I had eyeglasses

>They would complete me

Being the subject of an argument
It's all good man! I say just try and overcome it.

Unless you're happy. Not everyone needs to be social to be happy.

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I normally view this picture as happy, but it seems sad now in this context ;-;

I remember you.
Lets call it apathetic.
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It's fine untill I step outside, which isn't often, but you have to sometimes right?
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Another question:

What do you guys do for a profession or what are you all trying to achieve?

I own my own business and work from home so I can browse waifu threads all day and stuff. Pretty boss. Still not happy, though.
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Nice attempt to damage control but not nice enough.
What happened to the bs H.A.N.A.K.O. rp
No, I wasn't.

Hey, hank, can you tell me how old you are?
like, normally
"I am.." ?
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pencil face.jpg
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Working at a certain fast food place, bet you can't guess but am studying education, I'll get paid the same as a teacher but i want to do it :p
good movie ;-;
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Nishikino Maki (104).jpg
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Freelance Esports Journalist
Currently at university to improve my fundamentals.
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Well if it's any consolation just know that there are a lot of cool people like us out there. Not everyone is an asshole.

if you ever want someone to talk to I can give you my steam. If you want, of course.

Is Keions have to stick together
Hey, can you tell me how old you are?

I'm really curious, that anon made me.

but I have very bad English so just tell "I am... years old"
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Studying Accounting and Economics. I wanna work in either one of those fields.

>I find solace in arranging numbers

I... can't remember. Was that my name?
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>>684962139 Add me famalam
>inb4 edgelord.
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That's awesome guys! I'm currently apply to university. I want to eventually get into the medical field.

And journalism is awesome. What was your favorite job you've taken on?
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I miss the frog anon.
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Nishikino Maki (57).jpg
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I'm only 19 years old and in first year so I've not had enough jobs to pick a favourite, been writing on-and-off for two years trying to get hired.
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hands up.jpg
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hey youre back ^-^ *hugs*
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I'm enjoying this homu but I'll admit I've got no idea what the fuck I'm listening to
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We have 2 mutual friends.

Oh, hello there stranger.
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You proooobably shouldn't, maybe.
You know of any anime that involves journalism? Seems interesting as hell.

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hands up 2.png
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stay safe ;-;
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sachi claim
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Oh yeah, whatever happened to froggo? Haven't seen him a while

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Added plenty of other peope on these threads, probably them.
I'm doing it only so I can come back and chat with you.
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Best type moon claimed.
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No, I need to know. You... maintained me, yes?

You are familiar...
probably died while driving and taking photos to upload here
So cute <3
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Nishikino Maki (29).jpg
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I genuinely can't, that's quite a niche genre.
Closest I can think is Flag, Saeko is a journalist, but the story really isn't about journalism.
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hands up 3.png
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Is this one of those taxi nsfw videos?!
Well how are you? you disappeared last time I asked, I got worried ;-;
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I heard there's another teen with us?
how old are you? I'm pretty teen aswell
Doesn't want to post here anymore, dont remember why.
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Hey Sachii
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Hi guys
It's me, Chara!

oh hi
you're new aren't you?
how old are you?
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Don't worry about me, I'll be fine.
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Those are nice legs.
I might've been responsible for a few repairs on your behalf. You hit your head or something?
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Shiki 0202.jpg
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It's a big part of Canaan, but that's more "journlist team investigate huge secret"
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Megumin claimed~
How is everyone?
Don't pretend like there are just 2 underage fags here, i remember 3 and that's just for Euro timezone
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Is your name Chris, by chance?
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Prinz (65).jpg
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Hi guys!

>hugs for everyone!

Hey H.A.N.K.O.
How are you?
Why is everyone asking about your age? What's your age?
>soft hugs
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that's good to hear
no more frogger? :/
-_- O.O
watching racist videos tomoko is sending me ;-; how are you?
No where near.
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1 MB, 917x1050
Never hugged me and never will knowingly
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People pouring in all of a sudden

Hey Chara

Froggo is kill at least for a while. He said he might come back

Hello Red

Hey Megumin
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Nishikino Maki (151).jpg
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Hey Megu.
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Again, don't know how to respond to this.
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That's probably good. I had a buddy who was K-On obsessed from around there. He bought all 4 guitars from the show. Dropped at least 6k.

He started playing guitar 3 months before he got them...

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Everyone is here and I want to talk but instead I get to work

I'm getting hugs, though, this much I demand
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My loud mouth is sealed

Chara? I haven't seen you in a while...

>I was... cornered
>Koko was there
>We were both running damaged
>She reached out to me
>Then, darkness returned

That's all I can remember...
Who am I?

Prinz? Is that really you?
Hey Prinz~
Seems like a good time!~ I just woke up and having a cup of coffee
Hey peaches, how are you~?>>684963888
> check'd
Hey Maki~ What's up?
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Borderline autism.
Where'd he get the money?
I'd eat it <3
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Forgot pic
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hey akiko how are you?
hello H.O.N.a.K.O it is i S.A.C.H.I
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fox 2.jpg
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It's ok
it's alright, kinda funny
Does liking loli hentai make me a pedophile?
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Prinz.Eugen (76).jpg
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Who else can be, you silly?
>hugs you harder
I'm just curious about your age!

>more hugs!

>hugs you anon!
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Moth <3
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Nishikino Maki (67).jpg
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Not much, don't feel super great today.
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No it makes you a lolicon
noperoni pizza
I'm scared of moths ;-;

Holy fuck that's some good artwork of best waifu
Yeah, I wonder how old is he?
this is a good meme
They really are!
Same... Any reason why you feel that way?
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Best one.
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>That name sounds familiar

>purposefully avoiding the topic because mods = gods
>but on a more important note


>slide tackle
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Former police officer and he worked for a newspaper last time I talked to him.

He has a YouTube channel:

I mean, I think it's a little autistic for me to have some K-On guitars and I've been playing half my life

>apologize for the semi-lewd pic. I'm running out again.
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3 MB, 3159x4475
I'm good but super busy. The deadline for game demo prototype is tomorrow

It doesn't unless you translate those desires into real life acts

I'm sure he'll be back. He might even come back as a different waifu. I don't know why he left in the first place, I missed that drama

This one is new to me but I like it
guys leave prinz alone she shipped with the frog anon
I know he'll come back ;n;
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Nishikino Maki (3).jpg
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Not sure. I had a bad dream but can't remember what it was, then I overslept and now I'm just not in a great mood.

What's ailing you qt?
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The "Go to sleep earlier wake up earlier" operation didn't work.

Kyouko claimed.
It never does
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you don't own an alarm clock?
qt ^_^
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Nishikino Maki (58).jpg
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Hey Kyouko. How are you cutie?
Wanna help me Konata~?
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You can finish in time?
I hope you have a good day none-the-less~
I see I see...
Not much, I just woke up with a headache and there's a lady at my table who's super annoying..
You tried~
>It worked for me
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>little autistic for me to have some K-On guitars and I've been playing half my life
Maybe, but as far as I can tell, you're pretty cool.
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HomuMad (50).jpg
1 MB, 1600x900
aha I was worried about you but just thought you went to sleep earlier because you would have a busy day or something.
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O.o ?
The devil D:
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It never does indeed.
How are you doing Shiki?

I do but I would just shut it off when it rings and go back to sleep.

I'm doing good, what about you?

>Busy day
Nah, never.
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I'm gonna go die now.
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Nishikino Maki (164).jpg
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That sucks.

Not super. See >>684965049
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konata 3.jpg
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Why is sleep so hard ;-;
I love you <3
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Shiki 0026.jpg
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Alright just studying and playing some wows. What about you?
If you love me, you'll kill me.
shiki breeki
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Hm, it would seem you really have suffered a blow to your head. Hold still a moment.
>Assessing core CPU status
>Stability: unknown
>Fragmented data: 87%
>Cannot override security protocol placed on unit
>Searching core unit memories: 13% remain intact
>Weapons systems: Damaged.
>Miscellaneous functions: Damaged.
>Immediate repairs are required for what CAN be fixed

Your head is fucked. I may be able to patch you up and repair your weapons systems, but as far as your memories are concerned, I cannot assist.
That's an interesting choice anon.
Die quietly in that corner over there, please.
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It does... Got anything planned for the day?
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Thank you, Yui-Senpai

I'm a weird character but I try my hardest to be nice to everyone around me, even if they aren't nice back. It's just how I am.

You cool as hell, too. You also have good taste in waifus.
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face 7.jpg
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I'll give you a kiss of death :*
3 2s
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I see, hope your mood gets better.

I wish I knew!

Just woke up, listening to some music and I think I'll play DkS3 soon.
Cute pic.
Satanic trips confirm
>try my hardest to be nice to everyone around me
Can't let that facade slip away eh?
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Nishikino Maki (305).jpg
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Liverpool are playing the Europa finals, I'm going to the pub with a friend to watch it. He's probably gonna have to protect me from angry Manchester fans if we win

Thanks Kyouko.
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Prinz 976.jpg
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Oh, don't mind mods, nobody cares enough.
But I'm really curious about your age.. Please?
>hugs more
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Would you look what happened to find it's way into my backward.

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I'll manage, I could cut corners and leave out the sound. It's a demo after all. All I need is to be able to show them some gameplay
let him in :3

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I'd never go to a football match..
I don't wanna live a riot~
Hope you'll have a great time there friend~
Show them the best!
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Adopt it.
DaS3 is always good, what build are you running?
Weapon's systems? I have those?

>Koko didn't tell me I had weapons

Nope. I am NOT risking getting banned. EVER.

>I missed you, you know
>I've waited far too long to see you again
>I am NOT throwing any of that away by getting banned
He is 16
just like you
you seem upset
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What do you mean?
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I went to football matches with my old man about 10 years ago, it's honestly not as bad as people make out.

People hear of horror stories like Hillsborough but the only bad matches are local derbies, and those who bring violence into football are scum in my opinion.
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Fuck off of Prinz she's taken
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Doing a Kyouko cosplay character, so I'm gonna do something like, Dex/Faith with a spear, faith mostly because I want to see how bad miracles are in this game.
Probably gonna end up using the Dragonslayer Swordspear, even if it's a pretty late game weapon.
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Liverpool is best.

>muh Keychain

I think I may be the only American ever to care about soccer.

Well, football but y'know

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You should discover yourself, rather than rely on others to tell you what you may or may not be capable of.
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