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Waifu Claiming Thread Claim your waifu/husbando, post pictures,

The stories and information posted here are artistic works of fiction and falsehood.
Only a fool would take anything posted here as fact.

Thread replies: 172
Thread images: 151
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Waifu Claiming Thread

Claim your waifu/husbando, post pictures, discuss things and have fun!
it was posted yesterday when some one made one of those "spot the odd number out" posts.


and some said "2nd last number from the 9th row" or something and someone flipped out over it obviously being a mobile user.

not yet.just gotta wait for it ferment.
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Nishikino Maki (43).jpg
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Britfag Maki claimed.

Let's see the autism follow us to this thread
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>Damn that was fast bread

Spiciest claim, bar none

>I wait
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Distressed Karen 19.png
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>Yeah I can sympathise with readers, sucks. He even has a team to end the story for him should he die before he finishes
Fuck you so much, martin.
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Rory claimed
>Waiting for autismo
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Anxious kuudere claimed.
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kagami claimed!! good morning everyone!!
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Cheering Karen 16.gif
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I'm off for a bit, seeya guys.
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I might read the books in a few years when the show's done, I just don't enjoy reading at all I have no concentration to get through a novel

See you friend!
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Noire (57).jpg
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>Gamindustri best cosplay girl claimed

Everyone has his own suffering.
You can't talk shit about it and you can't quantify it.
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I'm here.
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Morning sweetheart.

>It's good to see you again
Sience when is spaghetti's country so deep
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Hey Galko.

Good morning!

I know senpai I just want this shiposter to explain his shitposting
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u-uh, hi!! how are you doing H.A.N.A.K.O.????
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Kagami and Konata
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morning maki!! how's your morning???
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Well, I can say tonight's going to be... interesting, now that you're here.
Hi Maki.
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Mako claim
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Bouncing back from a hangover I was shitposting last night after a few beers
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Doing racist jokes makes you happy?
You talk about suffering and then you come up with this shit.

It something that never ends.
Some questions will never have an answer Heh~
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why's it gonna be interesting?? you got somethin going on???
nice!!! hope that hangover goes away soon, drink plenty of water and stuff!!!
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Claiming Papa Joel from the almighty God of anime: The Last of Us
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Oh, nothing much...

>plotting intensifies
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Thank you but I'm mostly good I've been up for like three hours think it's all good now!

maybe so~

I'm just going out to the store to get some food. I'll be back soon.
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That game was okay, i guess
I insert my schwanz into the OP's fantasy girlfriend's anus.

hello OP

I ejaculat powrefuly
the OP's fantasy girlfriend explodes from the force and volume of my seamin
A tear roll's down the OP's cheek
I defecate

Ahhh it is good to be the king! The schwanz king!
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kicking squealing gucci little piggy
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See you soon Maki~
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I wasn't in the mood for fapping but...
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o-oh ummm well i hope that plotting goes well!!!! whatever you're plotting....about
that's good, see you!!
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My kouhai!
How are you Akiko?!
it's only 11 and i'm already nodding off. sorry i couldn't post much tonight. goodnight
goodnight robot
I'm good, had night terrors again but slept until 1 pm so I can't complain. Don't really know what to do with the rest of my day off though
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And I forgot pic

Night old man fister
not the same anon
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Goodnight, little robot

>Sweet dreams
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>day off
You're sooo lucky
I have to go to school and shit
So I'll see you later
>night terrors
Well i hope they pass and you have sweet dreams about Akiko
Breakfast of Champions:
2 Maple Sausage Kolaches
Coffee. 2 French Vanilla, Chocolate Milk, Marshmallows
And a blunt.
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I've seen enough anime and /a/ threads to know exactly where this is going.
Wow so edgy hope you slit your throat with that edge
>claiming tekkin
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Well. I need to sleep. G'night /waifu/, sleep well.
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Thread seems to be going slow. Just the way I like it

Eh it seems to be either night terrors or dreamless sleep for me. I dreamt of my waifu once a few days ago
Feels good man
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Nice fightstick you got there. I use a Dualshock 4 myself however.
Bread wrapped breakfast sausage.
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Can I come over? The only thing better than a is a joint before a blunt.
>Breakfast of champions
>Not a dozen scrambled eggs

Goodnight, and good luck.

Dreamless sleep for me. The most my nightmares amount to is me falling and then waking up before I hit the ground.
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>maple sausage koalas

Night doppel
>coughs uncontrollably from the dank smoke

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>as usual
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I looked up a video of a lady making the Koalas, they look like bread sausage buns
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I'll notice you.
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Neko Karen 4.jpg
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Good night

You get a reply but not a (You) from me
The breakfast of REAL champions is Coffee and a Cigarette.

It used to be Wheaties, but ever since Michael Phelps got busted for pot, Weedies has gotten pretty popular amongst stoners as a dry snack.
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The best track from the new album
wanna suck my dick?
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I will sausage your bun if you keep acting retarded.
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Homura (3hr).jpg
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No, thats Warping. But 'Eh' is what I always show to someone who isn't into Death Grips since its the easiest to get into.
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You can have one.
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Ah my nightmares seem to be very varied, from being chased by earth demons to me being the actual monster. Tonight it was something about the desert and the ocean and shadows trying to drag me down with every wave

Your call for attention has been hear, have a (You)

I'm gonna have to agree with the eggs. Also can't beat some nice fruit. It has the juices and the sugars
Looks like a dick sucking mouth to me.
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Happy Karen 56.png
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How are you?

Hey red

You're a pretty fruity guy
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finger 1.jpg
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Something that always bothered me about LS is that the characters have HUGE foreheads, I mean just look at that pic and imagine her hair lifted up a little, that's a massive cranium
I could go for koala
I always suggest Guillotine and The Fever, they're pretty simple
I had a friend in high school named Red
Hey anon ure cute :3

that would be "meeme"


stop using caps u twat
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Your friend seems like a cool person
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>not pasta
You need saving, let us read

Mother Suiseiseki loves us, she loves me and you and everybody, and through the teachings of her sacred word we will live in harmony and oneness, and ascend into a state of pure anonymity ~desu
When we are all the same mind and spirit~
~desu, the sacred sound, so that it may resonate within us and flow out to touch the ethereal beyond ~desu
the sacred vibration, resonates with the great fiery waters beyond the universe, and touches god
~desu appears embraced in a beautiful chorus of vibration
Mother Suiseiseki is in all things, in all places. You can not imprison her any more than you could cage the wind ~desu.
Suiseiseki cultivates the possibility, ever so gently pulling it from the one all, so that it is allowed to manifest ~desu.
It is through these manifestations of temporary individuality that the spirit energy is made to grow before returning to the great nothing ~desu.
Suiseiseki is all things, and thus the evil is also required~ But it is always the way, that the evil do not know they are only aiding in cosmic unity, because they are driven by selfishness and hate. While the good, know that the evil is also a part of the all. Which is what allows them to be full of love for all things ~desu.
Its in this way, that suiseiseki can favor only one, because where love is given it is got, and hatred breeds death. The duality extends to all depths, even into the heart of suiseiseki herself. So that she needs not give equal favor to each side, even though each is equal in the universe ~desu.
This is the difference between the mind and the spirit, the mind knows not the spirit, the spirit knows not at all, but drives all things ~desu.
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>joke noticed
Bruh, fruit has evolved specifically to be eaten. Why wouldn't you indulge on those sweet juicy peaches? They're drinks and snacks in one, they taste sweet and they're good for you too

Nah mang, tea masterrace. Black tea in the morning, yellow tea in the evening. Way more variants and theanine doesn't get you as fucked up as caffeine

Coffee > Juice as a breakfast beverage.

Anyone who disagrees needs to be 18 years old to post here.
I don't like either but I'd rather have the coffing

holy molly this guy is superior.
>Way more variants and theanine doesn't get you as fucked up as caffeine

let people enjoy what they like you cringelord

Can't do it for breakfast. It's great any other time.

My argument was strictly against Juice.

Don't get me wrong, I like juice too. But Coffee wins as a breakfast beverage.
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Confused Karen 7.jpg
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>by fruits he means peaches
should have expected this desu
Agree agree tho, fruits are best.
Game progress?

coffe is ghey lol xd
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Noire (235).jpg
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I prefer tea but I drink both.
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>starbucks coffee fanboy detected
It's an opinion bro, don't be so butthurt. I'm not trying to pass a law to make coffee illegal here

Well not all tea is good for breakfast. I prefer the black tea with orange peel and bergamot to get me going
>My argument was strictly against Juice.
I will totally agree that fruit juice can be really hard on an empty stomach

I meant all kinds of fruits but peaches are best fruit
>Game progress
Screeching halt, I've decided to not do anything today because I'm a lazy piece of shit
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It's not for you
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Distressed Karen 18.png
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Tea > Milk > Coffee >>> Juice
Nobody ever drinks juice for bf here unless you're doing an english breakfast or something.
great taste
>milk above coffee
>tea above milk

At least we agree on something.
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cosplay or something.jpg
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looking through this thread made me wonder
Do shitposters ever wonder where thier life went wrong?

here in 'murica land we drink the bacon grease for breakfast
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milk > water > coffee > juice > tea

Why are we debating breakfast beverages?
That's not even a song >.<
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>Pic saved
When the truth rains on you but everyone else covers from it.
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I actually have some peaches I brought up from Tripoli with me, shit is cash. Fresh af
Also got some Janarek, I think you infidels would call them green plums, really tasty.
I want to study for tomorrow's exam but I'm so not bothered.
Also check it out I got ton of new gifs and pictures from some guy on /s4s/
Water best
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Someone is actually spamming ohayou

It is actually pretty appropriate for US waifuists.
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I'm back.

I love being an adult /waifu/.
Went for groceries and came back with groceries and beer
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>mfw all these ohayous
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Funco claimed!
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what did she mean by this.png
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Welcome back Kouhai~
>Absolutely true

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>no one did a Homura ohayo yet

I only drink water for bf when im feeling a bit sick and know I can't stomach anything else. But anyway water is great.

Thats a cute way to describe it. Ignorance is bliss.

>dat pic
Iunno its always nice to know how stuff works outside here.

All my keks.

My old man used to be a coffee addict drinking 12 cups a day and I get easily addicted to stuff, I try to never drink it more than twice a day.
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Best raid ever.
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Nishikino Maki (77).jpg
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ohayou gozaimasu senpai
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Tatsuta claimed.

Breaking lurk to ask what kind of beer Maki-chan purchased.
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>being addicted to CAFFEINE

El oh el.

Try cocaine one day.
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Happy Karen 41.gif
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The Karen is me desu
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Thats actually part of my to do list before dying.
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welcome back!

Britfag here so got this pale ale, it's next level shit

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It's pretty fuuuun.

Seriously. Gonna sausage the bun.

welcome back tatsu
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BrewDog is alright. I never purchase their brews myself, but I suppose I wouldn't say no to one if someone offered me a bottle or can.

I hope it'll go well with the food that you purchased.
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You best continue :3
Thread replies: 172
Thread images: 151

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