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I jusy found this on my boyfriends phone. Need advice /b/. Is

The stories and information posted here are artistic works of fiction and falsehood.
Only a fool would take anything posted here as fact.

Thread replies: 270
Thread images: 28
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I jusy found this on my boyfriends phone.
Need advice /b/. Is the reading list something you save yourself.
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report to fbi.. film being arrested and post on /b/
It's not dude i can timestamp or something idk.
I'm aussie dude
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watch the porn do it no balls
Yeah, he might have accidentally saved it to his reading list trying to bookmark it. Either way, he has to do it himself.
go to the AFP
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Anyone got a webm converter site that allows me to mute audio?? -op
post phone, next to tits with timestamp or gtfo
Bumping & lurking
Keeping looking though the phone
Call crime stoppers
oh. then i guess just kill yourself. better yet, go pet a stingray and film it
Make a gif, those tools are easier to find and use online
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Merry christmas /b/. Now legit what the fuck do i do.
Gawd damm femanon delivers props bruh
You should learn to be interested in your bf hobbies.
Report to the police and question why he is into children when he has you.
so you wanna call the cops on your bruce bf, and you show your tits

what a cunt

call the coppers on him, he's a kiddie fucker
Got kik?

Where in aus? Perth fag here currently in Fifo land
Not as easy as that dude.
1. Iive with him
2. We've been together for a long time and (lol) this happened after i showed him 4chan.
Stephanie is that you? Get off my phone
confront him, see what comes out of it. Must happen IRL so he doesnt have time to think about it
unless you're a pedo too then he's not worth living with. turn him over to cops or just a psychologist if you're too much of a pussy.

or if you ARE a pedo, have babies with him and then molest them and then go to jail while your children grow up damaged and suicidal you sick fuck
I'm sure you already know the answer OP, now you just have to decide whether to merely break up with him or to destroy his life also. Do you think he could ever be a threat to kids?
confront him about it, if he says he doesnt know anything about it call the cops, he has been doing it for years. If he confesses, he probably wont access it again to not ruin the relationship
first, stop saying dude. then, report him to authorities. then, throw a bukkake party at your house
show pussy
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Do nothing and give him the chance of being able to abuse kids in the future or you know, Report him to the authorities like any decent person would.
Confront him and report him to the po-po
This and then give me your number.
Post link here
blackmail him to post a photo of him with a sharpie in his pooper next to this phone, or you'll call the cops on him, simple.
Start dressing like a little girl and call him daddy.
He'll love it.
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Why are you asking for advice on /b/ for fuck's sake
Do you love him ?
How about u stop being a slut nigger and confront him about it. Also fuck you for showing ur nasty tits. Idc of that's child's porn, don't be such a whore to ur bf.
not all pedos harm children and most of them already knows that it's wrong.
I'd say don't think of him too badly yet
Yes i do. Otherwise i wouldn't have gone to /b/ of all places
I'm going to confront him when i come home from work.
ok shouldnt have called you a cunt

you should confront him, though
just know that he has most likely jerked off to the thought of any little girl or boy you know. Maybe hes even sexually abused them. Confront him in a public place for safety and then go to the cops if necessary.
No it's cool. This is /b/ after all haha.
Going to confront him after work.
Time? I need to be here
I don't think badly of him. I just want him to share with me. I want him to shave all the hair from his body so I can pretend he is young and I am sucking off a boy.
Then why would you report him to the authorities ?
He is not harming anyone unless he is paying for child porn
Does he love you ?
How is he ? Is he not nice ? Intelligent ?
Do you have a reason to ruin his life ?
Having a fetish that is considered ultra negative by society is hard enough already, does he need his SO to fuck him up over that ?
This isnt op. Fuck off you troll
>delete from reading list
>keep waiting
Holy shit this is just amazing
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talk to him about it. gauge his reaction as he will probably lie. monitor his behavior in the coming days. If youve been with him a long time, you probably know what hes like when he is covering something up. you may have to bring it up a couple of times to get some answers.
Where in aus are you?
look at him in the eye and youll know

if youre wrong, you might ruin his life, if youre right, youre potentially saving some annoying little kids life

good luck to you

and yea, nice tits
Im in sydney
how is he texting u on fb op. He forgot his phone how
Way to give it away spastic I bet he kills himself or flees country
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No one smart enough to use dark web would leave their bookmark named that. Why do you think he is kiddy diddling? There's a million things on the dark web. Could be anything could be NOTHING
No wonder
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now send him this pic as a clue
tits have been posted lurk moar.
Focus anon.
You're making a mountain out of a molehill here, he's not molested anyone, presumably, and you don't choose what you're attracted to. You gotta talk to him either way, but I'm betting he's dying to have someone to talk to about it as it's virtually impossible to talk to anyone about something like this without fucking yourself over. It's an opportunity to for you two to grow closer to one another.
wait if you have his phone what is he speaking to you from?
I call him "Daddy" because when I was young my Daddy liked it when I sucked his cock.
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well if i was a man who liked children, which im not, i wouldnt like how my gf has giant boobs, flat ones are streamlined and sexy. which children have.
You sound like you indulge yourself in Illegal stuff anon.

>that moment when OP fucks up, and his whole story is blown
Work computer
This guy.
>looks at cp on phone
>leaves bookmark named cp
>doesn't lock phone
You're dealing with a fucking idiot. Leave
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well done OP
Seems legit OP. Who forgets his phone these days.
As i just said. Work computer.
Explain to me how you have this open minded view. Are you attracted to kids? Just wondering.
Huh what???
its clearly facebook messenger
Stop going thru his phone hussy
Don't they block websites like fb in company computers? So workers don't screw around? Stfu u cunt this is fake BAITTT
>implying any sane man would do illegal things on his main phone.

What I'm wondering is if op introducing her bf to 4chins has anything to do with it. It can't be a coincidence.
Inb4 bait and op was looking for a reason to show pizza nips
>you don't chose what you're attracted to

given that this guy has a gf he's obviously not exclusively into kids, and so he does have a choice. he doesn't need to look at that morally bankrupt shit to get off and yet he chose to anyway.
Tits have already happened
Click the link OP. Let's see what it is.
Pretend to be underage and fulfill his fantasy dumbass
She doesn't need to pretend...
You could start by not going through his phone you nosy cunt. Seriously, what right do you have to go through his phone? Justify yourself you nasty, controlling cunt or gtfo.
Inb4 shitstorm
It's at the status bar on timestamp photo
That's why you write it down
>bf just "happens" to leave phone
>gf just "happens" to crack password
>gf just "happens" to find CP links
>gf goes on to 4chins to ask "wut do?"

This is all very plausible, and I believe it whole heartedly
not op but iirc its just a page with links to lots of cp sites
What a horrible girlfriend. You can atleast try to embrace his hobbies. Hes your man ffs.
Not posting anything faggot, get your own

I've touched myself to pretty much anything except scat and gore, it's really hard to buy into the witch hunt. Also I enjoy rubbing it in face of SJWs when they have to defend pedos the way they defend faggots. Also I know statistically pedophilia is way more common than most people think, just the vast majority of people never indulge in porn or rape of children. Also I know 90% of "child porn" is literally the nudist/non nude shit that gets posted on here, and that stuff is not a big deal.
hahaha yes. wat do?
So you were hit in the head a lot as a child, you wanna tell me about that?
absolutely agreed
Omfg Top LEL!!! XDD Nice work Sherlock Xddd How u do dis? :oo
OP doxxes her bf
are you ok anon
This is now a Wincest thread

Clearly fake. Every cp connoisseur knows to disguise their links with the name pild chorn.
>he hasnt jerked it to scat or guro
>he hasnt jerked it to scat guro

Fuck off normie
i know youre not familiar with the subject, but people in relationships generally know the passwords to each others phones. for things like answering texts from friends while the other is driving, etc. its a measure of convenience so long as you arent a moron and have cp chillin on your phone. so if we out the password crack, id say the story is very plausible
real name is Alexander Brennan
OP just remember next time you two fuck he's wishing you was 6 years old. Your bf has probably jerked off to the disney channel.
>morally bankrupt shit

nigger, you just went full retard. 99% of religions have endorsed prepubescent marriage / sex since the beginning of recorded history. Those practices are still alive and well in countries that comprise over 50% of the worlds population.

In fact, even in the western 1st world countries this shit was considered legal and moral upto about a 150 yrs ago.

Morality is not fixed, nor absolute.
Haven't tried it but webm for retards might
youre a fucking genius i hope you know that
#rekt or set up elaborate ruse from the beginning
Bullshit. If someone is interested in CP he should be turned in. He himself maybe didn't hurt someone but he is looking at pics with children in it who are hurt a lot. Fuck of you liberal scumback
Pfft i cant believe you fucking faggots fell for this
Or simply don't keep passwords on their phones.I don't have one, my gf has fingerprint and put my thumb in it
You stupid bitch. Stop snooping.
Get your ass back to the kitchen and snoop through the cook books.
Fuck you you fucking whore fucking fat bitch fuck you i hope he stabs you in your fat greasy stomach then cuts off your head and fucks it yeah I said now go kill yourself you useless slut and all the niggers who call me edgy or 'whetch the edge /B/ro XD' can fuck off of my /b/ and go straight to reddit
so since this bitch doesn't wanna turn him in why don't we take it upon ourselves to do so? somebody's gotta be in his area who can drop a tip to local cops so they can get a search warrant
Oh my bad, forgot that fucking up a kids mental health for the rest of their probably chaotic and miserable life is only subjectively immoral in the eyes of people with a normal amount of empathy
Fake bait mate
>>i know youre not familiar with the subject
kek gg
butthurt manifest
That edge tho
Says on his FB profile that he's a member of "Australian Leaked Nudes"

Want to make sure he hasn't leaked you, OP
not 99, 100%
morality is fixed and absolute though, its perception changes due to cultural shifts, but what is moral always was moral and always will be moral.

The whole situation is bullshit. If she had his password, why would he:

A) search for CP on said phone
B) leave it where she can search for it

And your forgetting the most unbelievable part. GF finds this shit, and the first thing she does is go to /b/ to ask wut do...

Bullshit of the highest order.
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because it might be a friend of her, not necessarily Op's BF
Call the police. You've already given his details to 4chan.
Great tits btw
I don't think so, time stamp with tits is legit, and the guy that figured out his facebook seems to have his browser in spanish. would be an odd thing to do if it was all OP
OP is trying to use you guys for personal army with fake bait to get u all mad so you help.
lol fucking neckbeard.

>crack password....

My wife knows all my bank info, phone pw, everything and i know hers. It is called trust you dumb fuck. We have been sharing money since we moved in together
Alexander Brennan, Sydney

Go nuts
solid tabs, well done anon
Kill yourself
I'm sure you've never watched an isis beheading or some homeless guy on fire getting fucked up the ass. It's not my fault your daddy loved you a little too much.
ive done similar things on b. and i search more fucked up shit than that guy does on my pc. havent deleted my history in like a month or so. no password. press on, press enter key, welcome to paradise. i see your point i just dont think your giving any credit to the possibility that youre wrong
Not true all all, my wife has found pics on my phone before that i "shouldn't have been looking at"

When your in a long term relationship your not constantly thinking oh shit after i fap i need to delete everything incase she sees. That just isn't how life works bud.
>fucking up a kids mental health for the rest of their probably chaotic and miserable life
shame that this is literally what religions like christianity explicitly do and it is lauded as great and moral within its rotten anti-human belief system

How often do you search for CP on your phone? Or, for the sake of your shitty argument, how often do you search for shit that your wife wouldn't approve of on your phone?
that movies about white slaves working for a black man. so fucking stupid and cruel. whoever wrote this is an immoral shitlord
She wants attention dude. Land whales need to do this kind of stuff for attention
first person to actually recognize that image

Did you "wife" go on to /b/ to ask what to do?
Ahahaha, this.. Morals is one of the most debated issues in philosophy and anthropology... It all depends on how you define morals...
OP is feminist scum from tumblr here for personal army attempts.
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that moment when this isn't the bf, but a random notification on the feed
good job haxor
By comparing it too ISIS you prove my point that it is horrible. Also, ISIS just spreads that shit and does not get paid for it by horny man to do it.
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Shit nigga don't cut yourself
Your an idiot. Of course morals change over time. Just look at capital punishment. Until recently, capital punishment was the norm. Now many liberal countries reject it out of hand, even for the worst kinds of crimes. That is a change in societal morality.

tl;dr your a faggot
>>684605849 will do that
this has to be b8
What's it like weighing that much?
never said it was OP's bf, just that OP is a moron
Anons just like to jump to conclusions
is it so improbable that op's bf thought there was nothing to hide and forgot about it?
and maybe ask 4chan because op knows pedos are here too and wants their opinion
anthropology is the stufy of hypothesizing with a tiny scrap of evidence and creating no true theories
She has found things on my phone that she doesn't approve of before.

Since then honestly i thought about it and stopped doing it. Like the whole 18 but not 18 shit that you find here.

It happens.
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fucking kekd
> implying computers doesn't exist anymore
go read some Lévi-Strauss you moron
She doesn't browse /b/ but again that doesn't mean that this whole situation is bullshit
Angelic trips of truth. Op is a lying whore and is trying to get revenge.
I love the grinning emoji
a crazy gf who goes through her mans phone. what else do you dig through when he is gone? do you threaten to leave him when he visits his buddies? your bra is too tight btw. nasty lines on your tit.
>never said it was OP's bf, just that OP is a moron
>Anons just like to jump to conclusions
>Message person in ops pic
>ask who he was talking to at that time
>link thread or tell him
>ask who op boyfriend is
Read the thread she already did that.
I think this is a trap, to see if OP is reading the phone behind his back.
i even covered this in my answer, too bad youre a retard. morals dont change. what changed in that scenario is peoples perception of the morals, i.e. culture. you are arguing for cultural relativism, which is rejected out of hand as one of the most basic philosophical principals
stop being a literal faggot report him then get help for your gayness
landwhale op plz respond
Most moar nudes of yourself. Pussy/ass
....internet explorer
holy shit since when did /b/ turn into a bunch of sjw cucks?
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See pic related?
This is what is going to happen to you after I locked you up in my basement stuffed your mouths with rotten intestines mixed with razorblades then shove a burning hot spoon up your ass while i repeatedly stab you in your guts whatch out niggers
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>mfw you all fell for this shit
>mfw i have a spare phone and picked that link up from masterr chan
>mfw you guys just picked up some randoms fucking facebook
You've missed his point entirely. He wasn't saying that morals change because societies view of capital punishment hasn't evolved over time. He's saying capital punishment was always wrong, as a moral absolute, but it simply has taken time as a society for us to become aware of that fact. Whether he's wrong or right could be debated, but it doesnt change the fact that you're an utter moron completely incapable of basic reading comprehension.
since the invasion of reddit and tumblr and youtube.. I call it 'mainstreamification'.
Hang on a minute
OP took the pic with her phone
The phone in the pic is OP's pedo boyfriend's

Alex is one of his mates

Since you have him under Daddy in your phone ill assume you have kids. You NEED to deal with this situation properly. And arguably the only real solution if you have a child is separate.

Nothing is more important than your child and the only way i would stay with him is if you talk through it all, he admits all that he did and going forward agrees that you can have full access to his shit. Like installing one of those apps for kids to see what they look at.

Sounds like an overstep but seriously, if you have kids together. You will fucking hate yourself if he ever did anything to one of them. All perversions start with a thought, then a glance irl, then googleing some pics.

No matter how you look at it, no matter what people say in this thread. Either it ends today or it gets worse to the point where it could put your child in harms way.
This is a trap. He wouldnt use tor to browse CP just to leave it on the reading list.
But capital punishment is not wrong?
Lol lots of couples just call their spouse daddy. Calm down, boy.
Kekked so fucking hard reading this
rolling for everyone in this thread to drink bleach
>Since you have him under Daddy in your phone ill assume you have kids.

kek. what are you, 14?
It's a daddy kink i dont have kids. I literally made this all up for b8. Needed a good laugh.
>this guy
Take suggestive pics of your spawn with his phone.
Murder him and get away with it. Nobody will blame you and you will become a national hero in that shitlord continent.
except that you can't prove that your op

0/10 gtfo faggot
16 so you all have cp technically~ have fun with that information dude

It's probably just a coincidence, nothing to worry about, just keep him away from playgrounds ok ;)
I agree with the other guy, you share bank/password details with eachother. And when you want to search for porn or something, go incognito. Favorites list is saved to brain, or I'm my case I just login to e621.
Waiting for OP to post
>implying i dont live in some shithole country where this shit is legit :^)
Global rule no.2

i have. my point is that most of anthropology (im speaking more as to archeological related things) are educated guesses based on severe lack of evidence. everything we know about most hominins are based off of one partial skeleton per species. one of them is literally a species desgnation based on a pinky bone. the theories in anthropology outside of this field are shaky, too. its a constantly changing science due to our lack of data. thats just a fact
Report him to the local police since all pedophiles deserve to be castrated or killed or at the very least be in prison
Also not the issue. The posters argument was that morality is absolute, its rules are set in stone for all time, like say, the laws of physics. Over time, enterprising scientists discover more and more of those laws, but that doesnt mean those laws have changed, just that our understanding of them has. Whether or not capital punishment is or is not wrong has nothing to do with it, it's merely the example the second commenter used in his completely retarded rebuttal.

Getting insulted by neckbeards on 4chan is always fun.

How many women have you actually dated that put you as Daddy in their phone? Only one women i was in a relationship has done this, my wife, after we had our child.

Baby might work, but striaght up putting daddy in your phone for your partner is not the norm. Stop watching fucking anime and shit all your life and go outside and learn some shit.
I agree.
help him seduce a kid and have a threesome
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check those trips also

white is right check your privileges
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did he respond? if not he's probably on the run now, or he killed himself!
0, because I don't date mentally unstable women
Its fake. Definitely.
Dude they live in 'straya. That IS prison.
people should disable wifi on summer camps
You are absolutely correct on this one, chief.
Post CP
fuck off cunt australia aint bad, just for if dirty asians kick them out we will have white peace again
Its wiki page, not cp. But if you find cp cut his balls off, then you two can live in peace and you have eunuch boyfriend.
sure thing 4chan /b/ perfect 10 thread
You were born a prisoner and have been a prisoner your whole life, what do you know?
Obviously not the history of your nation or you'd know that you live on a prison continent.
We could also point out that the second commenter has gone oddly quiet now after having had the point explained to him . . .
yeah great idea. you should go way over the top and ruin your relationship entirely in the hopes that you dont have to deal with guilt in the future, because guilt makes you sad and you being sad is bad and boohoo lets make a selfish decision based on personal fear
>implying that everyone wasn't born a prisoner
Anyway, fuck off cunt. Australia is better than whatever shit hole you live in. That's the only thing you fuckers have on Australia, because there's nothing else wrong with it. Go eat a pop-tart you fat fuck.
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could be an aboriginal you dumb fuck and claim its my land but im not saying that if you look into history not all whites were convicts started off that way doesnt mean all are. just wish there was a hitler of today that would help kill the asians anyone wanna vote for me if i run ill even put in my policy will kill 100 asians a day/make sure they cant buy my land"
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request granted
>Now legit what the fuck do i do

hit the treadmill and lay off the twinkies, fatty.
not really though apparently
Trips of truth

No wonder he's watching cp
been banned many of times for zunechan lol
dafuq is zunechan
nigger got busted
nice dubs
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HAH goteee
Let's just command pizzas to this guy and move on from this shitty thread that OP abandoned
google "zunechan" long story short she was queen on /b/ for quite a while even started the whole heard u like mudkip saying and then she kinda got knocked offline and /b/ did there normal destroy a good thing and ultimately she went mia for a few years and now shes a twitch streamer who ignores her 4chan past. you mention anything on twitch with zunechan u get banned
>You are absolutely correct on this one, chief.

The thing is, it's possible to make an argument that morality has no objective existence outside of the culture it exists within; that if all humanity were to perish, that morality would disappear, unlike the laws of physics which would remain. It's possible to argue that the point is mistaken, that morality is utterly dependent on our perception of it, and as such, what is moral is ultimately what we, as a society say is moral. Said poster could have called you a faggot after making this argument, and I wouldnt have had any thing to say. It's when he throws around words like faggot while being completely unaware that he's showing off how much of a colossal imbecile he is that I am motivated to step in.
Why the fuck do you go through your bfs phone tho? Don't you guys trust each other?

(Completely ignoring what you found here, I just think it's weird going through someones phone)
Nice dubs
It still surprises me how much dedication you people put in this kind of shit. Well done anon
New thread is up before 404
i do miss cocola girl i must admit she had amazing tits she look drop dead gorgeous she was like 10/10 amazing she posted her nudes and shit then said ill be back tomorrow and everything was sweet came on /b/ the next day to ask if she had returned /b/ being impatient fuckers decided to trace back her facebook found out she was 13 messaged her parents and basically knocked her offline she was hot as fuck.
dont ask do i have pics cause i dont .
time to time i see the jumper were shes wearing the cocola jumper which got her the nickname but havnt seen the photos for a while
Make the new thread.
I don't even know who's who, all I said was capital punishment isn't wrong, so I'm gonna tap out of this one, chief. Have a (You) on me though.
I did its Called got the pedos profile with the pic
link it faggot
Now search for the pic i just posted censored
Mobile phone dont know how move your mouse
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the fuck is that???
9gag? and fucking reddit?
lmfao. Why did you come here for advice.

Btw Nice tits.
anon check the timestamp on the phone dumb ass.
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U fukken bitch wit ur nasty tits

why does any woman do anything?

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Op and her BF
Georgia, put my phone down!
op is lara pettit
I didn't think anyone still fell for this
Pic is even in a nice plastic cover thingie
There is no actual CP on that page, it's just an explanation about CP.
Someone always falls for it. Why it's so goddamn beautiful
Okay listen up Op..
I highly doubt the FBI would be kicking in your door for a single CP link that could of easily been an accident. However, you've just drawn massive attention to the incident and shown your tits to the whole world.. As I think about it, that was probally your intention the entire time.
The laws usually are though regarding those topics.
Thank you for exposing yourself as a pedo though.
Ya dun goofed OP

>Now legit what the fuck do i do.
Now you spread your pussy and post a pic of it, a sharpie in pooper pic would also be nice.

I'm pretty sure you don't want your friend to receive a screencap of this thread and see what a dumb cunt you are.
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