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Waifu Claiming Thread Claim your waifu/husbando, post pictures,

The stories and information posted here are artistic works of fiction and falsehood.
Only a fool would take anything posted here as fact.

Thread replies: 181
Thread images: 152
File: Desu Karen 1.jpg (125 KB, 730x1094) Image search: [Google]
Desu Karen 1.jpg
125 KB, 730x1094
Waifu Claiming Thread

Claim your waifu/husbando, post pictures, discuss things and have fun!
File: tumblr_o2th1f59in1u0xk60o1_500.jpg (44 KB, 500x281) Image search: [Google]
44 KB, 500x281
Sup lebo
File: Koko 1.jpg (111 KB, 1280x720) Image search: [Google]
Koko 1.jpg
111 KB, 1280x720
>I can't come up with an actual response, so i'll just spew some verbal diarrhea
Or however that goes
>saved pic
Glad I could contribute

Also claiming, why am I sneezing so much?
File: shizuruchibi.jpg (41 KB, 480x640) Image search: [Google]
41 KB, 480x640
Oh hi, Karen.
How're you?
File: Kougami Shinya (Psycho Pass).png (650 KB, 1272x712) Image search: [Google]
Kougami Shinya (Psycho Pass).png
650 KB, 1272x712
This guy
>he's cute af...
Back with the spiciest claim

>I miss Prinz
File: world-trigger-291.jpg (79 KB, 790x443) Image search: [Google]
79 KB, 790x443
File: Smug.jpg (149 KB, 1920x1080) Image search: [Google]
149 KB, 1920x1080
still here
I insert my schwanz into the OP's fantasy girlfriend's anus.

hello OP

I ejaculat powrefuly
the OP's fantasy girlfriend explodes from the force and volume of my seamin
A tear roll's down the OP's cheek
I defecate

Ahhh it is good to be the king! The schwanz king!
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300 KB, 595x817
Miho claimed

Im going to try to sleep now. I see the sun rising.....
File: Syndra (72).jpg (60 KB, 387x581) Image search: [Google]
Syndra (72).jpg
60 KB, 387x581
Noone should miss that faggot.
File: baby.jpg (44 KB, 720x498) Image search: [Google]
44 KB, 720x498
File: Syndra (5).gif (344 KB, 343x481) Image search: [Google]
Syndra (5).gif
344 KB, 343x481
>Nice loli
File: Ohayo.png (148 KB, 600x375) Image search: [Google]
148 KB, 600x375
Hi guys
This is why today is going to be awesome
File: Koko 2.jpg (75 KB, 1280x720) Image search: [Google]
Koko 2.jpg
75 KB, 1280x720
That is true, he's a handsome fella. What kinda show is he from?
so much spice
You gonna give suggestions or what?
Goodnight Miho! Have a good sleep :)
File: The_fuck.png (101 KB, 227x274) Image search: [Google]
101 KB, 227x274

Now im going to bed
Sexy booty thread
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175 KB, 565x678
File: Shizuruchibi4.jpg (20 KB, 177x215) Image search: [Google]
20 KB, 177x215
Lol. Best of luck on getting a good haul then, i suppose.
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211 KB, 313x503
C'mon, Syndra. Prinz ain't that bad.
File: Koko 3.jpg (115 KB, 1280x720) Image search: [Google]
Koko 3.jpg
115 KB, 1280x720
Even you? didn't think you'd be into memeing
>Nice loli
What you don't like the ultimate loli?
oooooo i dig, although I don't think I have any sexy booties of mine :c
How many Karens?
No booty, but have some epic legs.
>nice loli
This has to be a thing. Someone make this a thing.
File: cancer.png (562 KB, 1344x760) Image search: [Google]
562 KB, 1344x760
Already made the cancer guys
Don't worry

File: It's a boy~.png (827 KB, 978x600) Image search: [Google]
It's a boy~.png
827 KB, 978x600
Psycho pass!
File: Syndra (45).jpg (64 KB, 600x525) Image search: [Google]
Syndra (45).jpg
64 KB, 600x525
He is.
No I don't.

Damn you mobile!
File: 12924.jpg (34 KB, 255x300) Image search: [Google]
34 KB, 255x300
The continuation of the top tier waifu memes i see.

Uh, what?
/fgt/ board portion

Make 4chan /b/ again!

Make the faggots go away
File: Syndra (11).jpg (97 KB, 500x658) Image search: [Google]
Syndra (11).jpg
97 KB, 500x658
>waifu memes

File: Chibi Karen 8.png (373 KB, 430x468) Image search: [Google]
Chibi Karen 8.png
373 KB, 430x468
Did you see the thread? He dumped his folder, it's not as big as mine but he's got a lot of good ones.

Like 174 I think. A lot of them I already have but some are just fucking awesome. There is one I'm just so happy to have I'll post it when they're done downloading.

dude nice maymay lmao xdxd
File: kirino128.png (517 KB, 645x660) Image search: [Google]
517 KB, 645x660
It's what Prinz does

>Spams hugs everywhere
File: Syndra (61).jpg (132 KB, 792x594) Image search: [Google]
Syndra (61).jpg
132 KB, 792x594
You want a board for yourself?
File: Spongebob.jpg (10 KB, 200x200) Image search: [Google]
10 KB, 200x200
I dig it
File: 278367891.png (244 KB, 500x375) Image search: [Google]
244 KB, 500x375
Well, if you say so.

>I wonder what happened...

Going into my zesty meme folder

>Not that I mind.
File: Koko 4.jpg (79 KB, 1280x720) Image search: [Google]
Koko 4.jpg
79 KB, 1280x720
already done, see>>684594224
I thought he seemed familiar! I started watching that but kinda dropped it, I wanna start up again though! Right now I'm working on Clannad
My first "kys" this deserves a drink
kek, I'm not too into em myself. but that one is tryin to get it for sure
File: shizurudonotbully.jpg (81 KB, 424x426) Image search: [Google]
81 KB, 424x426
Syndra doesn't like (anything) RP.
He doesn't like Prinz.
He was mocking Prinz.

I glanced at it right when you posted.

Obvious sarcasm on my part.
Yes. I'm stealing that. Just for you, though.
File: Perfection.png (446 KB, 564x800) Image search: [Google]
446 KB, 564x800
please end yourself

>inb4 syndra
>inb4 spike
File: Syndra (33).png (893 KB, 1024x1292) Image search: [Google]
Syndra (33).png
893 KB, 1024x1292
Your first was 8 days ago.
Still here?
File: Ranchin.jpg (390 KB, 1000x1000) Image search: [Google]
390 KB, 1000x1000
I've lost all control.
File: Shizurulurk.jpg (3 KB, 72x34) Image search: [Google]
3 KB, 72x34
As if i care to guess.
As i said last time, after you.
Same thing, you first.
I'll give you a "feel"
File: tumblr_nrnywwcbON1rw3w54o1_540.gif (995 KB, 540x300) Image search: [Google]
995 KB, 540x300
So nice I saved it twice.
I bet they are. Watched the first 5 eps and saw some epic meme-worthy Karens.
Finally back but probably leave real quick. Claim.
File: Koko 5.jpg (137 KB, 1280x720) Image search: [Google]
Koko 5.jpg
137 KB, 1280x720
WHAT for real? what'd I say?
well at least then something would give me a feel, shit put me to sleep. I just finished it though, gonna start after story soon cus I heard it does a better job in the feels department
Truly we have witnessed the birth of something beautiful
File: shizuruthink.jpg (26 KB, 480x411) Image search: [Google]
26 KB, 480x411
Hey squid. Ever get your bear?
Get ready to cry.


Ok I'm really going to bed now.
No, the leave at the sight of me. I think that first bear alerted the rest.
I think I may just drown myself.
>inb4 drowning a squid
File: berd.jpg (235 KB, 918x734) Image search: [Google]
235 KB, 918x734
This one is for you, kek.

I actually fucked up and watched the second season before the first, lol.
Hello! Kin'Iro Mosaic! is the second one. They're both pretty awesome, glad you're enjoying it.

>Off by one
File: more cancer.jpg (83 KB, 718x498) Image search: [Google]
more cancer.jpg
83 KB, 718x498

More cancer.

>brother fucking faggot
File: Nishikino Maki (231).jpg (861 KB, 850x1201) Image search: [Google]
Nishikino Maki (231).jpg
861 KB, 850x1201
Good morning /waifu/

Britfag Maki claimed.

I was pretty drunk last night, I apologise if I was pretty bad.

How is everyone today?
File: 1449043080060.jpg (54 KB, 600x600) Image search: [Google]
54 KB, 600x600
The feels are kind of forced in the CLANNAD. After Story, on the other hand...

>It will destroy you, and it will be beautiful
File: Kazuki (75).jpg (63 KB, 714x1000) Image search: [Google]
Kazuki (75).jpg
63 KB, 714x1000
I have returned!
File: Ika-11-4.png (177 KB, 480x270) Image search: [Google]
177 KB, 480x270
Just as your green text implies, if dubs or trips then I get eaten by bear.

Please... Just sleep and have sweet dreams...
File: Koko 6.jpg (98 KB, 1280x720) Image search: [Google]
Koko 6.jpg
98 KB, 1280x720
I better man, or it'll all be for nothing
You make cancer seem nice
heya! why were you drunk last night? sorry I wasn't there to see it lol
Thats kinda what I felt actually! like, the moments that could be super sad were kinda ruined by the characters being over dramatic or crying out of nowhere haha
>it will destroy you
Lets hope so
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kim jong un.jpg
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File: shizurusit.jpg (700 KB, 1920x1200) Image search: [Google]
700 KB, 1920x1200
Welcome back, Clawzuki.
File: Lurking(21).png (404 KB, 501x375) Image search: [Google]
404 KB, 501x375
Remember to tomato with the potato
File: noplotrory.jpg (23 KB, 300x462) Image search: [Google]
23 KB, 300x462
Pretty sure I havent recieved either a kys or a true ship.
>ind4 kys
File: Nishikino Maki (26).jpg (744 KB, 2226x3738) Image search: [Google]
Nishikino Maki (26).jpg
744 KB, 2226x3738
I was meant to be getting drunk on saturday night when my friends came to town, TL;DR fell out with some friends and lost my money so came home sober.
So I decided to drink yesterday playing LoL with my friends to make up for it, meanwhile was posting in /waifu/. I was pretty bad.

How're you doing today?

Welcome back~
File: 47528936421.jpg (77 KB, 1280x720) Image search: [Google]
77 KB, 1280x720
spike plz
File: Syndra (232).jpg (69 KB, 746x960) Image search: [Google]
Syndra (232).jpg
69 KB, 746x960
Love me
File: Happy Karen 41.gif (662 KB, 292x300) Image search: [Google]
Happy Karen 41.gif
662 KB, 292x300
I got a kys but no ship still
waiting for akibro to make the pictures
I know the feel


in case you missed it kek

File: Yume01.gif (3 MB, 500x281) Image search: [Google]
3 MB, 500x281
>best waifu legs
hey there crispy one.
How are you doing?
File: Noire (89).jpg (683 KB, 1200x662) Image search: [Google]
Noire (89).jpg
683 KB, 1200x662
>Gamindustri best cosplay girl claimed

Good morning everyone~

Morning Hanako.

Morning Maki.
I'm okay thanks, you?
File: Koko 9.jpg (128 KB, 1280x720) Image search: [Google]
Koko 9.jpg
128 KB, 1280x720
I always do homie
I've gotten two "kys" so far apparently, don't really want a ship
well that sucks that you fell out, but at least you got drunk! What kinda drunk are you? aggressive? flirty? sad? I wanna know. and my day was good, just drinkin and posting before before bed :)
File: Kazuki (8).gif (326 KB, 540x810) Image search: [Google]
Kazuki (8).gif
326 KB, 540x810
>Reply to wrong user


Pretty lucky today. Having gotten a kys yet, apparently.

>It's past 8pm here
File: tumblr_nsd7qnFaXu1qcsnnso1_500.gif (2 MB, 500x281) Image search: [Google]
2 MB, 500x281
I think this is an actual first.
>not sure if youve seen this one >>684594211
File: Nishikino Maki (230).jpg (121 KB, 725x635) Image search: [Google]
Nishikino Maki (230).jpg
121 KB, 725x635
wrong reply~? >>684596784

Good morning senpai. I'm pretty hungover I was drunk in the bread last night~

I become funnier, somehow better at LoL but I get sad coming down. Managed to get to bed before the sad stage luckily~
File: Syndra (210).jpg (674 KB, 1200x1200) Image search: [Google]
Syndra (210).jpg
674 KB, 1200x1200
Get inside me already
File: Spike .jpg (227 KB, 982x1105) Image search: [Google]
Spike .jpg
227 KB, 982x1105
Sorry, that was me
File: Baito Desu!.png (64 KB, 540x300) Image search: [Google]
Baito Desu!.png
64 KB, 540x300
File: Spike.jpg (62 KB, 534x439) Image search: [Google]
62 KB, 534x439
File: Syndra (134).jpg (100 KB, 1191x670) Image search: [Google]
Syndra (134).jpg
100 KB, 1191x670
So handsome
File: Syndra (101).jpg (80 KB, 500x700) Image search: [Google]
Syndra (101).jpg
80 KB, 500x700

Can all of you just fuck off?
File: Syndra (233).jpg (127 KB, 850x1133) Image search: [Google]
Syndra (233).jpg
127 KB, 850x1133
File: Syndra (57).jpg (136 KB, 600x530) Image search: [Google]
Syndra (57).jpg
136 KB, 600x530
If anyone needs me, bug .e on somewere else.
File: Syndra (117).jpg (142 KB, 850x1133) Image search: [Google]
Syndra (117).jpg
142 KB, 850x1133
Don't be like that. I'm fucking off real soon. I promise.
File: Ika2-8-3.png (145 KB, 480x270) Image search: [Google]
145 KB, 480x270
Well I'm going to sleep. I have to fix my schedule sometime might as well be now.

Did you just... In one roll? Teach me your secret! Actually the funny part was that last time is said of not dubs then blah blah... But since I didn't say it this time...

Fuck me! I fucked up! Well, goodbye. Off to kill self.
Hey Spike. Do that one, but replace the Gastly faces with Mr Fish faces.
File: Sad Karen 6.jpg (379 KB, 1280x720) Image search: [Google]
Sad Karen 6.jpg
379 KB, 1280x720
Syndra don't go!

the funny part is I want to watch you get eaten by a bear
stream it and do a flip
the secret of the roll is to desu
File: Noire (73).png (939 KB, 1200x1600) Image search: [Google]
Noire (73).png
939 KB, 1200x1600
Sorry Hanako but I didn't knew your timezone.

Oh don't worry about it.
I didn't lurk because I was busy Heh~
Though I hope you had a good time.
File: Tatsumaki (17).jpg (93 KB, 600x847) Image search: [Google]
Tatsumaki (17).jpg
93 KB, 600x847
File: Koko 11.jpg (104 KB, 1280x720) Image search: [Google]
Koko 11.jpg
104 KB, 1280x720
haha nice! I kinda do too although I don't know for sure, cept the LoL part. Maybe I would if i played it haha
File: squidgirl.png (245 KB, 640x362) Image search: [Google]
245 KB, 640x362
Fucken saved.

But this goes back to the whole bears avoid me thing.

Ok for real I'm off.
File: SeeYouLater.gif (950 KB, 500x319) Image search: [Google]
950 KB, 500x319
Alright I'm leavin. You can quit sulking Syn.

File: Ika2-6-4.png (113 KB, 480x270) Image search: [Google]
113 KB, 480x270
Wtf?! Wrong image.
This is not my day.
File: Determined Karen 14.gif (1019 KB, 480x270) Image search: [Google]
Determined Karen 14.gif
1019 KB, 480x270
I got someone's karen folder
Bye dude
4chan bugfree desu
Any lewd?
File: Noire (398).jpg (179 KB, 850x1203) Image search: [Google]
Noire (398).jpg
179 KB, 850x1203
Hey Tats.
Everything's good?
File: Nishikino Maki (316).jpg (52 KB, 424x600) Image search: [Google]
Nishikino Maki (316).jpg
52 KB, 424x600
>No please don't

I had a great time senpai. Hope you've been keeping well~~

Hey tats.

What vidya do you play mostly?
File: Yume02.gif (1 MB, 500x281) Image search: [Google]
1 MB, 500x281
How long till you are only a fainted memory?
Thats nice what are your plans for today?
yeah I knew that one but its still good
what are your plans for today?
pasta boi!
Hey tats how is it going for ya?
Have a nice day/night
File: Lewd Karen 7.gif (995 KB, 500x281) Image search: [Google]
Lewd Karen 7.gif
995 KB, 500x281
This is the absolute closest to it.
It's a pure folder of pure karen, I approve.
Still trying to enjoy death grips
Also post (404) please
File: Tatsumaki (121).jpg (3 MB, 1900x3135) Image search: [Google]
Tatsumaki (121).jpg
3 MB, 1900x3135
How many?

Somewhat nice.

I finished that oral exam, now just kind of sulking in bed.

How's life been treating you?

File: Syndra (24).jpg (681 KB, 768x1004) Image search: [Google]
Syndra (24).jpg
681 KB, 768x1004
That really triggered me. I need some time away. People need to take this more seriously and stop impersonating others. Personally attacking them in a safe space.
File: Koko 14.jpg (7 KB, 300x168) Image search: [Google]
Koko 14.jpg
7 KB, 300x168
mostly I play CSGO, although not a whole lot haha
File: Tatsumaki (22).jpg (74 KB, 539x779) Image search: [Google]
Tatsumaki (22).jpg
74 KB, 539x779
You get (404) when you deserve it.
File: Happy Karen 48.gif (1 MB, 720x405) Image search: [Google]
Happy Karen 48.gif
1 MB, 720x405
Yeah this one's fake

a little under 200, but I have most of the pictures
the gifs and fanart is what I'm having fun with though
also >>684598620
File: Koko 38.jpg (7 KB, 300x168) Image search: [Google]
Koko 38.jpg
7 KB, 300x168
alright, goodnight cuties, seeya later!

seeya dude
File: Noire (67).jpg (476 KB, 1200x675) Image search: [Google]
Noire (67).jpg
476 KB, 1200x675
Glad to know~
Yeah...I've been..alright.

Heyo Yume.

Pretty bad if I have to say.
File: Nishikino Maki (335).jpg (860 KB, 1699x1653) Image search: [Google]
Nishikino Maki (335).jpg
860 KB, 1699x1653
How you been my man? We don't talk very often~

I'm pretty terrible at FPS games on the whole, but I enjoyed the Overwatch beta a lot and I'm not 'terrible' at it I guess~~
Goodnight <3
File: Kazuki (79).jpg (56 KB, 350x350) Image search: [Google]
Kazuki (79).jpg
56 KB, 350x350
Till i die
Still not the real syndra
Test 7
File: Nishikino Maki (25).jpg (24 KB, 300x300) Image search: [Google]
Nishikino Maki (25).jpg
24 KB, 300x300
wanna talk about it senpai? I'm always willing to lend an ear to anyone.
Test 8
Test 9
Test 10
Test 10
Anti test X11
File: kirino250.png (854 KB, 1076x605) Image search: [Google]
854 KB, 1076x605

Have a (you)
File: 1459482308342.gif (35 KB, 525x400) Image search: [Google]
35 KB, 525x400
Hi karen, I think you called?
File: 49719597_lurking.jpg (34 KB, 533x319) Image search: [Google]
34 KB, 533x319
I found Tests 1-5 and 7-10 but where is Test 6?
File: Tatsumaki (467).jpg (443 KB, 800x601) Image search: [Google]
Tatsumaki (467).jpg
443 KB, 800x601
Mostly fine, just glad to be done with work is all.


You should look for your own, or make you own depending.
Also, I'm still yet to the fresh pasta.
Heaps of desu you may not have seen ITT
File: Yume04.gif (1 MB, 500x569) Image search: [Google]
1 MB, 500x569
yes thank you noire, my boy
how long is that from now on?
>fuckin imposter
quite ok but something is missing in my life I just feel bored most of the time
So your students are passing?
File: 00.jpg (37 KB, 250x190) Image search: [Google]
37 KB, 250x190
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36 KB, 250x190
File: Kazuki (9).jpg (62 KB, 600x375) Image search: [Google]
Kazuki (9).jpg
62 KB, 600x375
3-5 months
Not that long
File: 0000.jpg (41 KB, 250x190) Image search: [Google]
41 KB, 250x190
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37 KB, 250x190
File: Suiseiseki.jpg (42 KB, 337x418) Image search: [Google]
42 KB, 337x418
File: Smug Karen 21.jpg (2 MB, 1500x2099) Image search: [Google]
Smug Karen 21.jpg
2 MB, 1500x2099
Yeah mine was at 300 images. I only have a little OC
Time to learn photoshop I guess
File: Noire (73).jpg (84 KB, 1200x675) Image search: [Google]
Noire (73).jpg
84 KB, 1200x675
Thank I appreciate it, Kouhai~
In other words, I had an emotional crisis yesterday night.
Though I'm a bit better today.

You're welcome.
File: 1458195592594.png (966 KB, 1920x1080) Image search: [Google]
966 KB, 1920x1080
its been a while
Wasn't the desu you guy's know...
I gotta stop showing up lol.
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270 KB, 658x800
Totsuka claimed
File: Tatsumaki (61).png (1 MB, 1283x1764) Image search: [Google]
Tatsumaki (61).png
1 MB, 1283x1764
I can't into photoshop too, I mostly meant gifs or webms.
File: Kazuki (7).gif (1 MB, 517x234) Image search: [Google]
Kazuki (7).gif
1 MB, 517x234
*unsheets claw*
Notin personel kid
File: Nishikino Maki (32).jpg (145 KB, 606x850) Image search: [Google]
Nishikino Maki (32).jpg
145 KB, 606x850
Had a falling out with friends on saturday so drank like an alcoholic yesterday. I've already finished uni for the year so just trying to find some work.

I'm glad you're feeling better senpai. If you ever need to vent I'll lend an ear <3
File: Excited Karen 17.png (182 KB, 759x703) Image search: [Google]
Excited Karen 17.png
182 KB, 759x703
kek we're in the same boat then
I like your art though.
My uncle made me the OC I have. Like pic related.
It was a very interesting afternoon and conversation. He did it since I showed him how to torrent.
File: ShizuruTree.png (2 MB, 1261x707) Image search: [Google]
2 MB, 1261x707
Well i'm tired and starting to feel bad again. I'm out for the night.
See you tomorrow or today or whatever.
Time zones are still hard.
File: Yume52.jpg (194 KB, 850x1133) Image search: [Google]
194 KB, 850x1133
can you die faster?
I found a pretty good representation of myself
gfycat com/CavernousRecentDassie
Good night shizu
I really hope you saw the beard karen
File: Tatsumaki (139).jpg (344 KB, 720x1000) Image search: [Google]
Tatsumaki (139).jpg
344 KB, 720x1000
If you haven't tried, you can spelunk some dedicated sites like boorus or pixiv for good art.

Anything you got in mind? What kind of job are you looking for?
Not that desu, but eat ascii!

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File: Smug Karen 11.webm (189 KB, 640x360) Image search: [Google]
Smug Karen 11.webm
189 KB, 640x360
I've been combing boorus and deviantart
but pixiv is a good idea, haven't tried there.
How did your 6:30 thing go? The oral exam?
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File: Nishikino Maki (409).jpg (228 KB, 558x1000) Image search: [Google]
Nishikino Maki (409).jpg
228 KB, 558x1000
Literally anything. I just need a paycheck, I can't support myself financially over the summer without one ;_;
File: Noire (401).jpg (246 KB, 850x1558) Image search: [Google]
Noire (401).jpg
246 KB, 850x1558
Thanks Maki <3
I'll be sure to let you know~

Goodnight Shizu, sleep well.

Not a bad thing.
File: 129.png (1 MB, 1280x727) Image search: [Google]
1 MB, 1280x727
Good morning.
Meh, could have been worse. We didn't see anything spectacularly awful at least.

Waiter or something that you don't need a lot of job experience for.

Been a while desu guy.
File: image.jpg (97 KB, 1366x768) Image search: [Google]
97 KB, 1366x768
the fuck is happening
File: Chibi Karen 31.png (349 KB, 474x576) Image search: [Google]
Chibi Karen 31.png
349 KB, 474x576
That was pretty accurate I think, lol.
>mfw people post low quality gifs that my internet can actually load
File: tumblr_lxrd0xQL5p1r9gx1qo1_500.png (164 KB, 450x601) Image search: [Google]
164 KB, 450x601
Morning, Galko.

>Timezones are weird

Does it really matter?
Didn't manage to cancel post in time
hi guys

Wait what actually was going on though? I just understood you had to go to 6:30 for an oral exam
File: Suigintou.jpg (107 KB, 564x866) Image search: [Google]
107 KB, 564x866
Yeah, I've been thinking of introducing a new maiden into my act.
File: Nishikino Maki (154).jpg (62 KB, 600x450) Image search: [Google]
Nishikino Maki (154).jpg
62 KB, 600x450
>wew lad that pic
You're welcome senpai. I'll always be around so make sure to hmu if something comes up <3

Yeah that was my thought been handing in them resumes nothing coming back though.
I even got declined in McDonald's because there's no positions


Welcome back to the chaos.
File: Vigil - 55.jpg (172 KB, 425x600) Image search: [Google]
Vigil - 55.jpg
172 KB, 425x600
She's such a whore.
File: waifu.jpg (101 KB, 960x952) Image search: [Google]
101 KB, 960x952
File: Yume37.jpg (563 KB, 1287x1715) Image search: [Google]
563 KB, 1287x1715
Morning big tits
I feel somewhat insulted
File: uhmmm.png (574 KB, 591x876) Image search: [Google]
574 KB, 591x876
>dat pic

Must... restrain thyself...

Now that's mean
File: image.png (103 KB, 365x428) Image search: [Google]
103 KB, 365x428
I was scrolling down and saw some shit that's why I asked
File: alright.png (431 KB, 525x516) Image search: [Google]
431 KB, 525x516
You're not wrong.
>no exceptions
I demand 34 naow desu.
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File: 76.jpg (633 KB, 1024x1458) Image search: [Google]
633 KB, 1024x1458
They are.

Hi Karen.


Hi legs.
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207 KB, 600x600
File: Tatsumaki (14).jpg (73 KB, 660x920) Image search: [Google]
Tatsumaki (14).jpg
73 KB, 660x920
Ugh, fucking internet, I'll contact my ISP in a bit.

There's like a number of people that grade oral examinees, I was one of those.

I approve, though it is your decision anyways ~desu.

Search around, there's never not a job around you can grab.
repeating numbers
These pictures are stupid.
File: Noire (37).jpg (206 KB, 595x842) Image search: [Google]
Noire (37).jpg
206 KB, 595x842
>it's not that lewd~
Okay Maki, I'll do for sure.
Though I don't want my Kouhai to worry too much <3

Don't make me do what I did to Emi last month :^)
File: kirby.gif (2 MB, 500x345) Image search: [Google]
2 MB, 500x345
Fuck I gotta go to work
File: Happy Karen 50.gif (2 MB, 500x362) Image search: [Google]
Happy Karen 50.gif
2 MB, 500x362
W-what, why?

I got someone's folder off /s4s/
fresh karens

what subject?
Cool, I'll also be adding more Karen into the mix as well. She's just too cute not to.
File: 11.jpg (227 KB, 1280x720) Image search: [Google]
227 KB, 1280x720
Look at this faggot.
File: bod 1.jpg (4 KB, 364x148) Image search: [Google]
bod 1.jpg
4 KB, 364x148
File: bod 2.jpg (5 KB, 364x148) Image search: [Google]
bod 2.jpg
5 KB, 364x148
Karen is cute agree agree
but who are you? What are you doing?
File: Yume07.png (468 KB, 1200x819) Image search: [Google]
468 KB, 1200x819
Do it!
I don't know it just felt that way
File: 1445964413020.jpg (2 MB, 3400x2400) Image search: [Google]
2 MB, 3400x2400
I... I think it's better for my health - both physical and mental - that I do not ask.

>Tell me tell me tell me

Look at the bright side
File: Nishikino Maki (150).jpg (59 KB, 425x600) Image search: [Google]
Nishikino Maki (150).jpg
59 KB, 425x600
just ascii and desu

Hello. How are you today?

Yeah I'm keeping on keeping, there's gotta be something, and paycheck aside I actually want to leave the house before september

>was really cute tho
It's honestly fine senpai, I'm happy when everyone else is happy, I can shoulder it~~ <3
I'm the desu spammer.
I'm gonna use a lot of Karen images, and add desu to them.
I think the'd be best used to derail in trap threads. :3
I'll treat her kindly.
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Thread replies: 181
Thread images: 152

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