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Honorary Woman hate thread Post here if you hate womyn

The stories and information posted here are artistic works of fiction and falsehood.
Only a fool would take anything posted here as fact.

Thread replies: 336
Thread images: 103
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Honorary Woman hate thread

Post here if you hate womyn
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this is dumb, she's posing for a picture
there's no reason to warm up the iron for a promo pic
it's not like they've busted in on someone who's actually busy and taken pics by surprise
they've hired a model and posed her for it
dumb fuck
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Exactly this. Calm down, OP.
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>/b/ is now full of libtards from reddit

>warm up the iron.
Man, I hate women so much. I'm a true gentleman but they all go for assholes. As if they would recite poetry while giving a nice foot massage. Women are so dumb. Lucky enough for me I can jerk off to traps.
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She's posing for a picture, posing as if she's hard at work soldering a motherboard while burning her hand off.

Women are this retarded.
Can assure you not all women are like that. Like me for example. Igaf. But considering this is potential b8 I'm gonna leave the thread before I get yelled at to flash my tits.
but..but...muh circlejerk
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Pic of feet for proof, you can fake tits but man feet are for life.
so you're saying stock models shouldn't be held to any standards of quality or...?

Want to see a movie where TERRIBLE stuff is done to women??


It's happening. A movie with such a disgusting premise that it took 3 years to get distributed. A movie based on a work by author Edward Lee. Just google him. Fucking notorious for being disgusting.

Now Playing:


Hillbillies do some horrible, horrible shit. Makes "wrong turn" look like Jed Clampett.

Look who it is again, ID Heaven. I'm fed up with your shit faggot. The other day when you called me a newfag, yeah, haven't forgotten about that yet. Fuck you I've been on here for months and probably get on here more than you anyways. Don't you know that you make yourself look like a newfag when you call others newfag? Just because you learned how to hack your name and change it to "Heaven" does not give you the right to disrespect anyone at any time.
How dare the subset of women pampered and put on a pedestal all their lives who become models not know how to do traditionally manly things!
actually I'm a chinese aristocrat who's never even heard of reddit

yup, you think she'd be holding it like that if it was hot?

you saying they should?
Yeah! Learning not to put your hands on something that can burn you severely is patriarchy!
>promo pic
All the more reason to get at least the basics right and hold it properly. It makes everyone involved in making of the photo look like idiots for not paying attention to something so obvious. I'm not blaming her, though, it just vexes me that nobody told her to hold it right.
it's a fucking profession, anybody getting paid for what they're doing should it least put some fucking effort into it
The point is you're criticizing one group of women for something a different group of women do. No one mentioned patriarchy. Some of us just aren't stupid enough to assume all women are the same.
Its called common sense fuckwit.
Im sure you're the type who also holds knives by the blades and wonder why you cut your hands
That would be the producer's fault. Not the model's and not the photographer's realm. Go cry elsewhere.
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Defending women online won't get you laid, good sir knight.
She's a fucking model. She knows people pay her just because she's pretty and want to have pretty girls on their pictures. No, she doesn't research every job she models as because no one cares what she does or what her personality is like.
Can't get laid? Start a woman hate thread!
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>Can assure you not all women are like that

Always has to be one when the NAWALTS who 'give a fuck' get in the same line for their bennies.
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i love them to pieces.
A soldering iron isn't an everyday item. Sure, she looks silly, to an informed viewer, but if you asked most people what to do with it they probably wouldn't know.
I only hate women who don't know their place, which is at home with kids, cleaning the house or in the bedroom.
I'm saying you shouldn't be surprised when photographers don't know anything about STEM fields.
pretty nice puzzle
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that's the thing, the people involved were photographers
sure, blame the producer
posting the image implies blame to the model
>giant plastic handle
>metal contact

Even if you had never used a tool like this before it definitely violates common sense to grab what you know heats up by the metal part than the plastic part.

What the fuck do you think the handle is for?
Is that a fucking LIGHTBULB in the power supply?
If thats enough to make you want to rape youve got a weak will. But i will stare at their ass, that they are totally asking for.
It's from an image trying to promote women being in STEM, that's why it's retarded
if you're an adult and you need to research how to correctly hold a soldering iron then maybe you should kindly remove yourself from the gene pool
wtf is that light bulb doing in that power supply?
its looking for power
>so obvious
Yeah, and I'm saying whoever let the photographer and the model do this without being supervised or instructed by someone who knows what's up is to blame. I don't know the source of this picture, but it is not fit to be used in any professional context.
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What in the actual goddamn is she doing?
Yes and it will overheat the circuits and melt them into oblivion
douche that shaved for the photo
that's not how these things go down
they're not supervised by someone in the department
nobody who actually knows anything relevant is involved in the chain at all
Yeah, well reddit is now full of lunatic shitposters, so I guess it's even?
It's only three pieces.
Congratulations, you just raped them.
It´s rather up to the one doing the promotion that´s supposed to explain how to fake the stuff their doing. A model cannot know how to use every tool of every field.
Just think for once anon, it´s not that hard.
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Why would you hate women?
That's quite fucked up. Soldering is on the borderline of common sense, but if the topic was something more complex like quantum mechanics there'd be no way a photographer and a model could come up with something that makes sense on their own.
Only according to the dumbass non official definition of rape use by idiots.
This picture is the equivalent of bad technobabble from 24.
Why would you assume she knows it heats up by the metal part? Look in any rekt thread, people have done dumber things. I'm not saying she's any smarter, I'm just saying you're just as stupid for jumping to the conclusion that you can judge women as a whole by the examples of the dumbest.
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Fuck, forgot pic
I think an ape could pick up that stuff and look like they know what they're doing more than this picture.
It's like putting together that monkey statue on Legends of the HIdden Temple
I wonder how she uses a knife.
This is the kind of shit people like Randi Lee Harper do all day.
i'll say it again, if you don't know how to hold a fucking soldering iron by the time you're an adult, you need to off yourself
stupid nigger it is clearly a photo made for an ad by morons. Probably stock image or paid model. No sign of other soldering equipment or grounding mat further suggests cluelessness.
yeah but she's a woman therefore she's dumb
Bumping thread cuz shits cash
most people don't know jack about soldering I'm afraid
for physics and math they generally just go with writing some bullshit on a whiteboard
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Not sure if the cunts in here are being serious about the way they're defending the women with the soldering iron. The thread is woman hate thread (shit that woman do that piss you off). If you're gonna fake use a soldering iron, at least do it right.
>it's not her fault
>Op you're the retard here
>it's the photographers fault
If there was a picture of a guy using a curling iron wrong, you queers would say he's and idiot.
Which just like the woman in op's picture, he would be
Also soldering the wrong side of the circuit board
Damn, anon, dropping the truth bombs.
Wow, He-Man is such a beast.
Wow so edgy.
Stop being so autistic, just because you were bullied in school doesn´t mean you have to try so hard to feel better than every one else.
There´s no fucking reason everyone should have used a soldering iron in their life if there was no need for it.
Why can't He-Man be a strong, independent woman of color?

he's been posting in all threads literally the same shit over and over.

ignore him. he's desperately needing attention of any kind.
build a bitch workshop
if it's any consolation the director of the ad, who's job really to consider how the model is doing what she's doing, is probably a man.
at least some is making money browsing 4chan
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I hate women

they even have men in that word

proof of being unoriginal
ITT: Autists not understanding the concept of a joke
Holding a soldering iron the wrong way is an insider joke among electricians, the producer probably knew very well what he was doing.

Same thing with
The guy knows very well that's not how you change a PSU, but he does it wrong anyway to poke fun at tech illiterates who can't tell the difference.

Seriously, stop getting triggered by this shit.
>strong, independent woman
doesn't exist
>of color
Its first welfare check would be paper clipped to its birth certificate.
it's not the model's job to decide how to hold the iron, if anyone cared, the director (who's probably a man) should be the one to point it out.

>0.01$ have been deposited into your shill account
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You're wrong
your age legitimately has to be a single digit if you haven't figured out that metal gets hot. the ONLY PURPOSE of a soldering iron is to be hot
you're even more retarded than the other guy, the only posting i do regularly is bananas in ylyl threads
>the only posting i do regularly is bananas in ylyl threads

you have my respect, sir
I don't get this.
>Implying women and men have identical body shapes
>implying a woman that doesn't have abnormally small breasts would fit in that armor
Wew lad
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Ridiculously stupid.

BUT! Imagine having a car you actually could clean like this. Wouldn't that just be peachy keen?
I've never heard of a woman that was raped getting blamed vor it because of her clothing.

Feminists always say that it happens but not a single time I heard that it really has happened
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That because she's a model, not because she's a women
Models are retarded because they need no skill
Nothing new about this
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The only triggered one here is you, mayonnaise-kin
google freebsdgirl
check her patreon too
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>making shit up for attention
Nothing new there.
who's freebsdgirl and what does she have to do with this randi guy?
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the fuck is a mudshark?
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Yes most tools seem logical and intuitive once you learn how to use them, it seems you don´t understand the human mind (congrats your autistic).

>the only posting i do regularly is bananas in ylyl threads
Definitely autistic.
same person
That can't be real.
Considering that women generally have a smaller rib cage though, I have to disagree. Anyways, it's fiction and debating it is stupid in the first place. Having identical suits of armor makes sense from a financial and artistic standpoint.

burn the coal pay the toll
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>feminist getting btfo

I need this more in my life
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>people still equal attraction to 16 year olds with attraction to 5 year olds
If a 3 year old had DD tits and birthing hips, I'd be sexually attracted to it, just saying. Age is a number lads. The law is only in place to protect retarded little 14 year old sluts to immature to have sex.
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16 is legal in uk
And in some US states
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Anything is legal if you don't get caught.
The match is uncanny.
but you weigh 400lbs....
more like Ariana Extra Extra Grande
she got the Grande park right
Underrated post
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If the whole point of stormtrooper armor is to rid them as individuals and promote singularity as a faceless soldier why would the female armor be any different from male armor, its unisex as it is uni-personality and uniform. It's part of the lore people, that's like saying why aren't the females students robes in harry potter different from the boys. There not, because its part of the lore or a uniform that tries to destroy individuality.
>oh no he didn't
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All the keks
It's not only the iron but also the safety goggles. No one wears tinted goggles indoors. No company with a serious image would've allowed such fail.

thank you
No one at all solders anymore anyways.
It's a waste of money to pay for a solderer's paycheck when you could easily buy a new board for a fraction of the price.

IT and CS are always faggy with their posters like that.
>hurr durr im a tech look at me
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>ITT we find the femnazi's with no humor about the stupidity of feminists.
My girlfriend today told me anyone other than white people cant be racist because "they're not in a position of power"
I showed her the dictionary definition because i got mad and she screamed at me saying it was wrong and i broke up with her.
>i broke up with her.
definitely a smart move, she sounds like an ignorant retard
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Being a model doesn't imply being a dipshit

Get yo shit in gear girl
Hurts but somethings have to be done.
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If i'm not mistaken, i think the student robes for girls in Hogwarts have skirts.
Never get married, don't enter a contract so some vain skank can dress up like a virgin for a day
underrated post
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Damn straight little girl...
It doesn't, however, imply otherwise. It's usually never a surprise to see an idiot, why would you assume the opposite?
Not true at all, soldering is alive and well! Of course nobody would try to repair a board such as those featured. Industrial, aerospace, ship stuff, boards are cheaper to repair than replace. Check your privilege you cis scum
>Honorary Woman hate thread
>Post here if you hate womyn

Tomorrow on Gawker:

"This post about hating women that we totally didn't start shows how terrible the Internet is."
I watched that live. I died a little inside.
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fucking true
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I'm soldering/repairing broken electrical toys sometimes. This shoud have been in a promo shot.
This is untrue when you're a guitar dude.
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Here I fixed it for you
Fucking savage.
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just to elaborate, some boards have such limited production runs that spares are pretty expensive. it may actually be impossible to get a new one, or maybe a 2 month lead time or whatever. so repairing becomes more of an option.
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did you have a free speech license for that buddy?
If that's true, they must start the same thread
Every. Single. Day.

If they single out this boring thread on this fucking site to make a point then that shows how desperate they are.
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why would men who is physically superior to women ever consider them an equal... o yea BECAUSE THERE NOT. theres a fucking reason you have to do 12 pushups from your knees to pass a physical exam and we have to do 50, or get drafted, or make major life decisions, OR RUN THE WORLD. christ holy shit fuck go back to vacuuming the world was so much better off.
What is this? Womens motocross?
Most of the time it's a feminism hate thread. This is the first one specifically about hating women that I've seen.
mama no dont die
She should know not to grip the part that's being warmed up.
This appears to be a male. Not a female.
Women are stupid as fuck, no sense in arguing about it.
I smell bacon, she got burned.
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Women's Enduro X. It's like motocross but the riders have to ride over logs and big ass rocks and shit.
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never forgetti
mama no dont die
Preparing to solder you autistic fuck.
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No but that face is
Oh my man you won
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holy shit is that a pussy on a foot stump! my new fetish
not in syria.

It must be, cause quints tell the truth.
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Yeah this place has definitely turned into goddamn less it.
get in here its happening.
it's a useful tool and ability for home repairs from plumbing to car mods, fixing your own electronics. even just in jewelry making, weapons making, all sorts of hobbies.
Have you read the replies to this thread? It's the same content. Or are you the type that thinks that trap threads are not the same as "sissy" or "gay/mental illness" threads? Are fufag threads not the same as the ones that start "*fart*"? The collective mind of /b/ is not that nuanced. Don't fool yourself.
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It's ok to be degenerate
don't fucking do it sheldon you faggot
But why?
>hispanic women in top 3
opinion discarded
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what the hell am i looking at
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stop assigning xe's gender
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SJW's think it's a good idea to photoshop female video game characters to look realistic. As in fat, because nobody can be thin in todays world. So 4chan decided to photoshop SJW's thin. There was a lot of rage had because it's alright to shame skinny people, but not to shame fat people.
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not taking that chance
And I am pretty certain they just threw those dishes in the dishwasher, spraying shit all over all their shit and ate off it all like nothing happened.
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Better be a boy god damn it
holy shit!
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Gonna tell my girlfriend this next time I ask for anal.

she's still going to say no, and to that I'm going to answer "this is why I'm not giving you children"

i think OP is implying that she doesnt know how to use a simple tool and yet she is the image women use to represent women in the workplace

strong and independant
Take my kek, I don't need it anymore
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Thank you for all the (You)'s guys

If you want to see more woman hate threads please do give >>>/pol/ a visit
fuck (You)
When is it ever? Just admit it, the D isn't your first choice, but you really wouldn't mind.
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Found the pedophiles. Keep tell yourselves whatever you want to justify wanting to fuck kids
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I've had that argument before
She also gave bad head and refused any position but Missionary
But condoms have an expiration date so I just finished off the box and ended it
Too late, my mom's already dead.
no whyyy
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His mom had to die because your lazy ass didn't post this ages ago.
to be turned off, you need to be turned on at first
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give it to me straight boi
>liking hispanic girls
opinion discarded
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Based Dan
No but that fivehead isn't doing her any favors, christ

r l
Damn it Sheldom, don't do it.
Is that carrot tops mom?
just in case
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women, summed up so easily.
I mean, if I had to choose a sextoy, those do look pretty fucking good
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omg my fucking sides
you cis white men and you're precious "evidence" and "logic" just listen and believe you shitlord
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Ghomeshi guilty!
People who complain about the friendzone are approaching women wrong, the soft approach becauseyou're too scared to actually flirt and come onto her won't get you anywhere, and you shouldn't be suprised when it doesn't work
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ITT everyone is single and they blame women, because women don't want to be with guys who are polishing their katana and hentai figure collections.
>women jealous of a plastic doll
Why would I hate women?
They're soft, smooth and they smell nice. Also, if you treat them right they'll let you play with their tits and stuff.

What D?
D as in dick is always my first choice.
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>I should not be oppressed for wearing something as dumb as a simple crop top.
fucking hate my mum
lemme see
not risking it
My sister is 51 years old, been driving for over thirty years and does not know how to check the tyre pressure
Some delicious irony here, but you wouldn't get that because you're a merkin.
rolling for trans cuckvestite
The replies don't dictate OPs intention.
newfags fall for this every.single.time.
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I don't hate women either
I've been taking better care of myself lately and they even smile at me as I pass
Shit, girls even reply to my texts with emoji's now
It feels good to know I'm not the only one who notices I don't look like shit anymore
Feels good man
Experience bears this out.
Also a nice little check for you.

where would you get one of those??
thats so fucking true
Actually I've got a girlfriend and I'm extremely thankful I dated an ugly duckling in High School that ended up being mildly attractive and therefore not an absolute cunt.

Watching everyone who peaked in High School take the man-hating feminist route really puts things in perspective; it could be a LOT worse.

It's unfortunate.
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This is why I'm gay.
How could you bother with a being that has '???' in their logical equations?
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Those things cost a thousand dollarydoos fam
uh huh. well sense i actually have no self esteem i'll go ahead and explain a few of my worries and stances.

>i don't go out much (see: introverted)
>i work a lot which is the only time i really go out because i am introverted and shy and as stated above, i have no self esteem.
>i feel unattractive, and no one ever really states to the contrary.
>the phrase used a lot when i attempt to date someone is "you're more of like a brother to me" which really helps to break down what little self esteem i ever build up.
>i have only slept with one woman once, and it was an awkward accident.
>the chances of me being accused of being a creepy person or being accused of harassment is higher than a lot since introverted and i don't know where the line is.

i keep to myself in my desolate depressive life and drink myself to death for the simple fear of losing my life or job. i have more to lose than if a woman were to simply ask me out because the chances i would get rejected are astronomically higher than if she were to.

realistically, why even bother at this point?
Well, that and your love for cock you faggot
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here i am on the drunk train again, choo choo, all aboard for blackout town.

Well that too, but what kind of a man doesn't love dick?

We all have one and it brings us a lot of joy.
She's soldering on the component side.
Immunity cat, faggot

ok so where do i buy it? thinking horse rump fantasies can be realized with something like that
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J.K. Rawlin.
You sound like you need a wingman
Some Friends who you can go out and party/hang with
People who can help you build up your self-esteem, give you a sense of comradery, the Military really helped me find this, even though I already did have it a little
Cultivate a better relationship with other dudes, and it should help the talking to girls part happen
How do people find these attractive. The ass is the size of a sofa.
lol shit son
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To each his own. I just think it's funny when one gender blames another for why it's gay. Same as when I hear a duke going of on how terrible men are and that's why they are gay. It's Luke, no bitch, you like liking pussy. That's why you're gay.
Arne Anka, the basis for the bitter swedish man
I think most people's mom is the exception to the women hate shit.
You only ever get 1 mom.
Godspeed, you pussy. I'll be joining you soon
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I didn't know genders could speak.

You are not making much sense to me.
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I don't have the website bookmarked

try making an /r/equest thread with this image
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pls no
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My man.
Ha. At work high and on my phone. I was making a generalized statement based on my experiences. Lesbians blame men as to why they are Lesbians. In reality, they just like pussy and want to blame men for it. Gay dudes do it too.

found it
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