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Waifu claiming thread. Claim your waifu and discuss. Obligatory

The stories and information posted here are artistic works of fiction and falsehood.
Only a fool would take anything posted here as fact.

Thread replies: 171
Thread images: 146
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Waifu claiming thread.

Claim your waifu and discuss.

Obligatory claim.
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>Look, here she comes now.
>Bow down and stare in wonder.
>Oh, how we love you.
>No flaws when you're pretending.

>But now I know she...

>...never was and never will be.
>You don't know how you've betrayed me.
>And somehow you've got everybody fooled.
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Megumin claimed~

>Kagami is a cutie
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hands up.jpg
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I'm back to normal
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>Lurks seductively
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Miho claimed
kagami claimed
>megumin is the cutest!
make sure you have a bucket~
oh yeah!!! people do that ALL the time lol
just don't get caught or you'll have your fingers cut off!!!!
emi!!!! how was the race????
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your waifu a shit.
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that song...still great!!!

thank you for thread handy.

you the anon beneath the mask is great.
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Well, you said that nothing good happened, so I worried a bit

That's good

I've been fist fighting gravity, since the day I learned how to breathe
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Evanescence, Everybody's fool.
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Kyouko claimed.

How are you holding up Emi?

That pic is really cute.
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Heyo, beautiful.

A few more months of me getting to talk to you more is all I hear, heh. Love talking to ya.

Glad your night is going nice as well, Juri.

And handsome.

You're welcome, love.
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Oh never played uncharted, but that sound tough.
Doing totally fine except for being tired and having nothing to do, while laying on the couch. Thanks for asking. What about you? :)

>fubuki claimed
>sleepy edition
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Leusick Diamondeyez claimed
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mine, nobody elses!
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congratulations!! what are you gonna do now that you're not a squid?!?
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You did nothing wrong.

You'll keep training, harder than before.
You will not give up.
I know you will.
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Haha, I guess I do. I think his include Nishkino in them

>Best idol claimed
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i know you're new to being spiderman and all, but really, this isnt your place to raid.
you're supposed to be in incest threads
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I will be your manager.
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I like happy Emi better but I understand that you're still feeling down. Please get better over time, it won't be immediate, but this too shall pass.

Gotta go for a couple hours. Love all you waifus and here's a great Death Grips track for everyone
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kagami (39).gif
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AH!!....stop that!!!
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How are you?
>I've been fist fighting gravity, since the day I learned how to breath

Like me with my father

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I'm working on adjusting to everyday life again
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Fucking claimed familias
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Oh, I'll still be here post-August. Though I probably will be posting alot less, outside of screenshots and videos of me 2 stocking top tier players.
>I'll always make time to write to you and a few other anons here
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barrel roll.webm
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sachi claim
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you know, it's nothing that big. Everyone does that at least twice in his life~
>just don't get caught or you'll have your fingers cut off
Don't you mean executed~?
Do you have vidya you could play~?
I'm also tired~ Probably gonna play some DOOM before going to bed
>The more I see boat girls, the more they grow on me
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Hello Fran, I'm doing good as always, what about you?

Finally the spooky pics are gone!
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i like her look
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That became dark...

Listening to music about anarchy

I don't know how to live, but I'm sick of learning G how to die. Vampirism is for poseurs in junior high
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I feel like shit.
Goodnight, hopefully.
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reminder ~
you can change ip to get more ~
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Even if you post less frequently after she pops up, I'll be happy knowing you're enjoying her character, buddy.
>I'll always be happy to see you posting here.
>you're wonderful.

>That pic is really cute.
Yuuko's even cute
>Even though she's in the picture and by extent of what you said it applies to him
>Excuse my mental disabilities
Now it's time for cute :3
this caption doesn't even make sense for the pic
how does it feel to not have tentacles anymore???
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I wish I had never participated.

Hi there Galko

I won't believe that until I get the gold.

We have a winner. I like you.

I can't sleep. I lost the race and I'm losing sleep. I'm having a pretty bad sunday

Hi there hand, how's the sunday going?

Creía que podía ganar. Me equivoqué. Aún me queda mucho que entrenar. A Emi aún le quedan muchos kilómetros por recorrer.
Esto no acaba aquí.

cya Kud! And thanks.
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Night guys, I'm super tired
Have a lengthy, warm sleep Galko.
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Fuck, they look similar except namiko is older
huh neat a reverse image search gave me mikan

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i had to do it once for basic training, it was a graduation requirement kek!!!
e-executed??? is that how they do it there????
Good night

Was fun talking for 10 minutes. Have a lengthy, warm sleep.

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Yuuko-chan is still cuter.
Going to bed too, I need my sheets.
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hey here's a shitty Holidays In The Sun "cover"
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See you later, Galko. Sorry you're feeling down.

Goodnight, sleep warm and well.

It's going okay, buddy. I'm more curious about you though.

Win or lose, you put effort forth and did something most people wouldn't even try. The fact of you trying and putting yourself out there just shows how amazing you are.
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15 here

goodnight beautiful

you're a qt
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Hope you get some sleep Galko.

Cute is better!

Really sad to hear that, hope you'll feel better soon, don't give up!

Night Fran.

Goodnight Homu, sleep tight.
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crying konata.jpg
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nighty night
feels good, i miss my dual axes tho ;-;
Why are you touching waifus
Where is Anarchy in the UK though? I like this too though!

Rikka claimed!
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They're requesting it.

I don't know.
I have many vidya I could play, but nothing seems interesting at nearly 5am.. "^^
Also it's not really funny playing alone and my friends are still sleeping. :/
But why do you ask?

>if dubs I stay awake till 7am
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if dubs, get your beauty rest hun (unless you don't want too)!
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Right here fam
>I never learned the full song RIP
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Still here. Somewhat.
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this nigga again.jpg
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Touch mine
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Thanks senpai. I will use this to practice the drums with!
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>it was a graduation requirement
Basic should be easy~
I dunno, maybe?
>but nothing seems interesting at nearly 5am
Yeah true..I'm forcing myself to stay awake when it's 5am by playing vidya even tough I don't want to
I asked because that's my primary mean of not falling asleep~
>Looks like you have to sleep now
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oh snap i didnt see these, they sound good though
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Sorry. Got caught up in prep.

Rory claimed.
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Agh, you're too kind with your words.. I'm really not good with compliments. I appreciate the sentiment though. I'll always be lurking these threads looking for you and a couple others.
>You better believe I'll be beyond joyful when she is released

Think I'll go to sleep now.
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I'm too tired to wait any longer... if anyone sees Mirai could you please tell him that I will be on tomorrow night at 11? I need to talk to him. Thanks and goodnight everyone
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i'm disspoint at the lack of Bandai waifus
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>This nigga again

Well sure, alrighty.

But fully in presence in terms of beauty.

How's your day going?

All good, buddy.

Really the least I could do for people as wonderful as yourself.

I hope you sleep warm and well, buddy.
Have warm, lengthy dreams of you and your waifu Milinda.

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Curie Claimed

today I absoluetly destoyed everybody in world of tanks, at least a 70% win ratio, I was killin it.
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I must know who this is from.
Please do me the honor of telling me.
That's my waifu
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You got it right, you are cool.

I still lost. The funny thing is, I got a medal. They gave medals just for participating.
When I received mine, I felt insulted.
However, if there's something I can tell you is that even though today I hate myself, tomorrow I'll be back to my old self, and I'll train harder than ever.

I will not give up, that has never been my thing.
Have a goodnight Mili~

Everybody wants to be touched by hand-kun

Checked and going to bed now as dubs want me to.
Thanks for helping me with my life decisions <3

>I'll do the same normally but thanks for the hint anyway :)

Goodnight everyone!
must be....
i-i have something to confess.....i've, never escaped from a panama prison....
>im so ashamed!!!
Goodnight princess.

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where is this nigga from.jpg
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Namiko Nozaki from GA Geijutsuka Art Design Class
The anime is underrated as fuck so it's hard to find pics
The fuck is this
Have warm, lengthy dreams of you and your waifu Fubuki.

Bullshit that's just yuuko with boobs
See you later, you gorgeous chopper pilot.
>You save lives for a living. Nothing but respect.

QOTT - what song got you into your favourite genre?
Burning My Soul - Dream Theater
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They can sound better if I had something other than a computer mic to record these with
But thanks anyway ;)

OH YEAH I forgot you picked up the drums

Fuwa Fuwa Time (I know there's one part where I fuck up you don't have to tell me lol)
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You never what?!
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Nice, glad you're having a good day so far, buddy.

Which is why you're perfect for that claim. Persistent and bold. Train as hard as you can, handsome. Make 'em proud.

At this point I don't even know anymore.

my favorite song of all time
Thank you anon. She's a very cute waifu.
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finger 1.jpg
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this got me into hip hop which I love now
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i-i lied!!!! im sorry!!!
please don't think less of me....
Goodnight my Idol <3

No, the can
I really prefer the live version he did on the album, it sounds too synthetic on that version, still a great song tho

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you are now my friend because you also like hip hop.
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Te deseo lo mejor, Emi.
Mucha suerte, sé que todo saldrá bien al final.

>Do it
>Do it for her.

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Ohhh crap I forgot about that song! I should totally learn that one! I have too many to learn now...

Very good cover still though!
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Curie_synth - Copy.png
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Yep. I am just trying to find new albums to listen to, like always, but /metal/ is slow and /proge/ doest exist anymore. makes me sad, so i just masterbated to curie and its all better.
>where is this nigga from
you ever listened to death? they're pretty good

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>want a gf
>no longer want a gf

guys I think I'm broken it also burns when I pee
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It's ok, I never escaped from a panama prison either~
>Only a mexican one
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>I should totally learn that one
You should honestly
It's SUPER fun to play (on guitar at least)

Sounds a bit like me
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>She's a very cute waifu.
Could easily say the same about you.

You want it?

>so i just masterbated to curie and its all better.
Good man, masturbation solves most stress.

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Don't really have a favorite genre but this got me into Eurobeat.

Great taste Shiro.

Sleep well <3.
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hands up 2.png
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nice ^-^ it's funny because I used to dislike it because my brother would always blast it that it annoyed me. What's your favorite album?
I just love Paul's Boutique
fuck you waifu faggots. get a real girl you fucking losers.
trips confirm
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You all can keep Yuuko. Mai-chan is where it's at.
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kagami (12).gif
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!!!!!! y-you didn't??? whew....that makes me feel better!!!
>i've heard some stories about mexican prison kek!!
>implying you're mom is enough
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>Cute anon

No you died months ago
>20 minutes later.
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hell yeah I have three of their albums.

and I dont got herpes, my dicks just itchin,
I know how you feel, the only thing keeping me from suicide is I am going to france after my enlistment and try to find a marry a girl just like Curie.

It really does. I dont even know if I orgasm anymore. I dont remember what it feels like, but it calms me down.
>only a mexican one
Now thats hardcore!

It sounds pretty basic on the drums. Then we can mash up and make a cover of the song
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Fluffy Hair.
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I won't consider myself worthy of her until I get the gold. And on god I swear I won't stop trying to get it.

Créeme, lo haré
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>a real girl
Not a pedophile and men are better.

You're even cuter.

I'm glad it at least calms you down, buddy.
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My waifu is such a sweet, shy girl.
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Don't worry, I didn't let Jesus inside me kek!!
Wait, you didn't? :o
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>them tights
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>pats softly

How are you doing?

God, you're amazing.
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You should fly down to virgina for a nice...conversation~

You're a gold star in my eyes beautiful
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Yeah. I usually feel something, but it ends right when i ejaculate, and i cant make it last becasue right when i start to feel anything i lose control.
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>sounds pretty basic
Nirvana - Polly
A cymbal is used like 3 times in the whole song
May as well learn it lol

I don't know how beginner friendly Nirvana songs are on the DRUMS IN GENRAL but About A Girl sounds pretty easy
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>Literally the reason why I'll keep going
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that's good!!! don't ever let the "holy spirit" into you, i've heard it does some strange things to you.....
>dat pun though, top kek!!
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It's clear that we aren't faggots, seeing as we like females.

Real girls aren't as good looking as this:
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No no no I havent! How was it for you?? Crazy? Did you have to kill anyone? I mean I have only escaped one thing. The Exhibit Hall at Anime Expo. That shit was crazy

Nirvana ranges from beginner to hard, Dave is just too good, I want to learn some Queens of the Stone Age songs but he just goes way to hard in those, it would take ma a while to practice. I know some Weezer songs. I will try those 2 out as well Mugi thanks
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you should learn we will rock you :o
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man, that's a really tough decision.
i'll list some of my favorites, but cant decide which one is my favorite of them all
36 Chambers
18th Letter
Nation of Millions to Hold Us Back
Low End Theory
Late Registration
College Dropout
My Krazy Life
Slime Season 3
All A$AP Rocky and A$AP Ferg albums
The rest of kanye's albums besides 808's
Both Earl Sweatshirt albums
Shittin' on the industry

OK, there's a butt ton of albums. I know I listed rap also, but I like both.
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Truly impressive.

>No legs
>No problem.
Doing good, a little tired but I'm not going to sleep any time soon.
Well when you put it like that.
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What's inside

also claimed
I'm next to you
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I never will let that thing inside me!
>Glad you liked it kek
>The Exhibit Hall at Anime Expo
Much respect, friend
That shit is crazy!!
I had to kill my self-worth to survive the prison~
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Those are all good stuff

my top 5 would be:
5 Madvillainy
4 Endtroducing...
2 It Takes a Nation of Millions To Hold Us Back
1 Paul's Boutique (favorite album of all time)
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This >>684544213 includes you too.
i'm from new england heh

nvm handsome i'm drunk or something.
I'll be over here...

my hands are perverts
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Amazing human being, you are.

That's good to hear, horror buddy. Why no sleep?

Not sure, wanna take a look?
lewd as fuck
Oh thats a great idea as well, I need to make a list of easy songs to learn.

Holy fuck I think you had it much worse I was rapped of $150 in 5 minutes!
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But I'm already in Virginia, did I miss you?
>Gotta check
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Its fine. I live here and i always call it vagina.
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godspeed friend
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>hands slightly twiddling and touching index tips
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