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Waifu claiming thread Claim your waifu and discuss. Obligatory

The stories and information posted here are artistic works of fiction and falsehood.
Only a fool would take anything posted here as fact.

Thread replies: 169
Thread images: 151
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Waifu claiming thread

Claim your waifu and discuss.

Obligatory claim.
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Watching jojo and loving the bun at the same time. Waddup?
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Robot gets fucked by hair.gif
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nah, just got some tea. Probably gonna get some 2 minute noodles later when I'm hungry. Not really in the mood to cook a huge meal for just one person.

>6-foot shitposter claimed
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Aren't you in the steam group? I thought you were but if you're not and you would rather keep with the anonymity that's perfectly fine by me.
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Gotta get da claim
>i need tsuyu in my life
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>Shizuru get!
>If dubs, we going to claim a tropical island in the name of waifu.
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still here
Miho claimed

Going to lurk a bit kind of sleepy.
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Milinda claim

Hey, im getting on CS in a min if you still want to play

kek that was you recording right?

Thats true. I will get you 2 pics, as requested. I promise!

kek more like shitty most of the time...
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yeah, i probably wont be able to get back to normal sleep for a few days again
is that even possible?
Rikka claimed
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Koko 1.jpg
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Claiming, hows it goin weebos?
talk to me if your down mang
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Tea? Nice, 2 minute noodles? Also nice.

You're 6 feet? Damn.

Huh? Yeah, I am.

Perfectly fine with you adding me, man.

Still adorable.


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lurkin time.jpg
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still lurkin
qott: what condiment do you put on nearly every food and why?
louisiana hot sauce for me, cause it doesn't taste like poopy butt unlike other hot sauces, and still has some spice
or spice i suppose
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Peppers, the spice adds interest to the already existing flavor.
nah, probably more 4 or 5. That's just what i assume jenny's height is.

chicken salt. goes nice with chips, fish, pies and just about anything i eat,
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Nigga im down lower then 110 stories.
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Are your parents the "time flies when you're a faggot" type, or have they taken it well?

Hmm...well there are multiple reasons, but I'm kind of tired, and they're all really sad, so I'm not posting them atm. Remind me on a later date and I'll give you all of them.


I...agree. Thought I died there for a moment.
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Bedtime Gourd-chan.png
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I'm off to bed. Goodnight everyone.
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hot sauce.
any kind, i dont care, i just love hot sauce

(except for on sushi thats just wrong)
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Getting on

Sup my dude

BBQ sauce.

Love me some bbq taste

Fear the bun, friend ;_;

Yes like you and shizu being shipped
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Tapatio mainly, but theres a place in my town called La Vics that has a bomb orange sauce that i love as well. I think I have some louisiana hot sauce, shits good
later gourdo
110 stories!? what the hell?
yo rum friendo bb

Rum n' Koko, good to see ya.

Hey Sis, what's crackin'?
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6 more days till wednesday my dude, how are you doin?
heh, having that on my chicken and waffles along with louisiana (googled chicken salt, came up with seasoned salt, so that's what i'm assuming)
tapatio just tastes so bleh
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I'd say she's probably around 5'7 or something.

Mother is fine with it, haven't told father yet for technical reasons.

It's fine, you don't have to tell me them right now. I'd love to hear you vent though on a later date when you're a bit more able.

You gonna sleep soon?

Goodnight, Gourd. Sleep warm and well.

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>Gamindustri best cosplay girl claimed

Morning everyone c:
Google 110 stories.
4gt pic 3nd m3 m8 p1z
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Ah, it'll come.

At times yes, it most certainly is. Both running and life. It gets better though <3

Yo Koko, not bad. You?

BBQ sauce, it's a god send.

>Best idol claimed
trips and your waifus are mine
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Koko your my important decision man i need your help
Do i get up and have a cigarette or stsy in bed
Please hurry
Nothing much sis just playing some games how are you doing?
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Sound good!

Haha only for you <3

I hope your right. Thanks friend <3
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Koko 5.jpg
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That's true, i don't really prefer the "taste" of it so much as the spiciness, as far as taste goes it's pretty bland.
cute pic
googling now bb
You would you alcy
heya! I'm doin pretty good, had some unsuccessful jokes with my fam earlier but not bad. How bout you?
what no lewd?
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Robot ear sex in space.jpg
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yeah, that's just what we call it over here (we have weird nicknames for everything).

probably a better guess than mine, We use meters over here so i have a vague idea on what feet are.
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Doing good. Stopped watching jojo to play some csgo

Oh hi there


Will it take long for me to get it?
>bbq sauce
Mah dark skinned brethren!

You love me though right?

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tomato ketchup, it tastes good on stuff
docks are currently full though
Shit I see, well it depends, if you're having major cravings I'd say have the smoke if it won't keep you up. But if you wanna sleep then maybe don't have it

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You watch the video i linked?


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Honey. Don't ask. It just makes a lot of things taste better.

I have now...

Ayy m8, how've you been?

At least your you've got one on your side. Yeah, got a long drive tomorrow. I don't normally complain online, though. Hah.

Thwarted again, eh?

Getting hungrier as I lie here awake. Probably gonna crash soon. Uncharted 4 was good?

>I feel so loved

The White Race if fucccccccccckkkkkkkkeeeedddd... look at you fucking males.. pathetic.
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Its your job to make decisions for me
What should i do
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Yeah. I got a kek out of it

>There is a reason for that ;)
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Hey Shinoa, how are you?
Oh yes yes it was fantastic, everything progressed well, it looked beautiful, a truly 10 out of 10 game
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>Meant to do that
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its the truth
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Koko 6.jpg
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I see, how is that show? I heard it was pretty good
Well now i'm kinda confused, are you talking about the app or what? haha
Pretty good m8, some of my family thinks I drink too much but fooey on them how about you?
ok then. I say smoke brotha
No problem, whats she from?
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Well shit, cute stuff. Feel free to talk to me any time. Hope your drive goes well.
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H.A.N.A.K.O unit here

>Math is hard
Thank you
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Its a 911 joke
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Only time will tell princess.

Good m8. Not too bad here, got some much needed r&r.

>unsuccessful jokes
kek, want to share one?

Don't know, only experienced it second-hand.

Great minds think alike.
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Good evening or morning as it might be everyone

Kud claim
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Mornin' Kud. How goes?

>Rattle rattle
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240am I should have been to bed hours ago.
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Hyperdimension Neptunia~

Morning H.A.N.A.K.O
How are you?
What else is new Miho?

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Cute smug.gif
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What chu gonna do?

Very terrifying anon of few words

I want you to get a good night rest as senpai. Don't get too drunk either, okay?

Playing csgo. You?

Oh you!

Isn't it?


I like that, friend lol
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It looks SO good. Like a fully playable action movie. Maybe I'll start saving for a PS4.

Kek, tell them there's no such thing. My family doesn't know of my drinking habits, but I bring my mother wine and my father beer every time I go back to their house, so no one would complain either.

Thank you. So do I
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Dead tired and lacking in sufficient caffeine

>Math should not have this many letters in an equation
>Why would anyone buy this many baguettes
20/20? The last person I expected!

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Nothing to much really. Just trying to pay bills and shit.

What about you?
They are all pretty much a playable action movie haha BUT this one takes the cake! I really like it, 3 is still my favorite but 4 is a close second.

Hey QT
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Really good. Had a few beers with my best friends earlier and now I'm unwinding a bit before bed

Glad you're still here! Same time zone by the way; I usually stay up until around 4 though
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Gonna jump on MWO for a bit. o shit waddup
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hey H.A.N.A.K.O
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Koko 9.jpg
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why would math be hard for a mech?
Your welcome friend
well now I'm even more intrigued lol, I like 911 jokes
Good to here! and I don't wanna share kek they weren't very good. although I will share one i liked. What is the most expensive type of shoe?.....a cashew!
sounds interesting, whats it about?
I'm sold! haha
Haha, my dad and brother in law get it, but no one else. you know what annoyed me today? I poured a TINY bit of rum into my sisters glass of boxed wine and she almost poured it down the drain before I saved it. I dunno about you, but when I pour a glass of anything (especially wine) it's a commitment that you're gonna finish that shit
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In class right now, highly boring.

Same here.
Sleepy in class.

>I'm doing literature
>I want this to finish
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You an OG QT tho

Makes me happy to see you here Rikka!
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I work the night shift for 5 years i know that feel.

I had just broken this staying up late shit then poof back on it.

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>What the fuck did you just fucking say about me, you little bitch? I’ll have you know I graduated top of my class in the Navy Seals, and I’ve been involved in numerous secret raids on Al-Quaeda, and I have over 300 confirmed kills. I am trained in gorilla warfare and I’m the top sniper in the entire US armed forces. You are nothing to me but just another target. I will wipe you the fuck out with precision the likes of which has never been seen before on this Earth, mark my fucking words. You think you can get away with saying that shit to me over the Internet? Think again, fucker. As we speak I am contacting my secret network of spies across the USA and your IP is being traced right now so you better prepare for the storm, maggot. The storm that wipes out the pathetic little thing you call your life. You’re fucking dead, kid. I can be anywhere, anytime, and I can kill you in over seven hundred ways, and that’s just with my bare hands. Not only am I extensively trained in unarmed combat, but I have access to the entire arsenal of the United States Marine Corps and I will use it to its full extent to wipe your miserable ass off the face of the continent, you little shit. If only you could have known what unholy retribution your little “clever” comment was about to bring down upon you, maybe you would have held your fucking tongue. But you couldn’t, you didn’t, and now you’re paying the price, you goddamn idiot. I will shit fury all over you and you will drown in it. You’re fucking dead, kiddo.

Sounds like a pretty good time.

>Rattle rattle
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Incase you thought I was kidding about the fps
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More like good night. How ya doing?

I can't help it~

Same, what's your favorite brand?

Don't quit your day job. Gave me a chuckle though lel.
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Rum in wine makes the wine better and the rum worse. Its just grape flavored rum. And you dont seem like a nigger.
Violence is never the answer
>wait, what am I saying
I loved 3 to death.

I didn't even expect it. I'm sorry.

I have a friend is quite voiced in his practice of not wasting a drop of liquor haha.
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That... is a good question. Well, to me math is more irritating to deal with than actually being hard.

>My growing humanity is rendering some systems inoperable
>Say for example, my system will not allow me to aim my gatling guns at a kitten anymore.

>I do two math classes
>Advanced math, and advanced advanced math

I regret my decisions
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That's all for me, guys. Goodnight e-body. Have a good weekend.

Here's a short clip of my waifu being awesome:
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Shinoa, is it not past your bed time?
Have sweet, warm, lengthy dreams of your waifu 20/20.
Why thank you Kud I could say the same to you!
I love being here, I really do. How are you doing??

I do too, and all my friends think I am stupid for that they think 2 is the best
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403 forbidden
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It's a game.
Talks about 4 nations that represent consoles.
Noire (Her) is PS.

I didn't notice you.
How's my Kouhai doing?~

Well that sucks...

Anyway, news about Hotaru?
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Koko 10.jpg
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huehuehuehue. how are you doin mang?
Don't worry I wont haha, and a chuckle is all im after!
I don't like red wine, but I'd rather drink it than see it get poured down the drain because of her stupid logic. She did the same thing the other day when I refilled her glass while she wasn't looking "i didn't want another glass" she said
>you don't seem like a nigger
Thank you, thats what I go for haha
I wanna meet your friend kek
but math is logical? I would think a mech would be pretty proficient at it.
>won't aim at a kitten anymore
goodnight rum friend! sleep well :)
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I used to be great at getting up at 6 in high school and ever since I graduated I've been staying up and sleeping later. No good reason other than I dream better on less sleep.

Great! Better now that I'm with all of you here. It's pretty much night here too but technically its tomorrow morning.

Doing very well. Hung out with my real life friends but haven't done much else. Anything fun happen tonight?
Nigga it's great!

I bet


I don't really have one. But if I have to say, it's pillar
Too cute!

Sorry Miho. It works for me. I don't know why it doesn't for you.


hey i just got CS:go, we can play if you want.

im not that good
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Koko 11.jpg
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ooohh I see! I always think vidya waifus are interesting. what makes you pick her?
Well I'll watch it when I'm done with clannad
>falling asleep at clannad
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kek mine is like 90 on my laptop

Your too cute <3

Goodnight Mirai! <3
Thats sounds fun, what did you guys do today? Nothing really I just beat Uncharted 4 other than that nothing else has happened.
someone give me attention
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Im lazy i like sleep.

I dont have an account on that page that may be why.
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Here you go good sir.

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Was about to giver her some flowers, but she was dead drunk and wandered off before I got to say anything.

Logic errors keep coming up. I'm beginning to think illogically.

>I wonder if peanut butter is a good thing on ice-cream...

I'm here with open arms
Now come give me a hug!
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Oh, its a boxed red wine
Its shit. Id waste it.
You cant win an Origin.
Maybe that means something.
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Night Mirai!

Im down but getting a bit tired atm

Tried getting to it. Stopped at ep 4

Love you too. But my heart belongs with the bun


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6 foot robot fists old man.png
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just what i wanted
i never asked for this. but i'll take it
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Jenny I was thinking about you in class today and I did some extremely poorly-drawn cartoons with you in them.


I showed them some stuff I found online and then we ended up watching 2 hours of Kenny vs. Spenny. I think it sounds like your night may have been more productive.

Sleep is nice. I always wish I could get more of it.
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Is it just me or does kissanime sometimes decide to be like "nah, i don't want to play videos for about 10 minutes"?
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Sleep tight m8.

Hello Noire, I feel as if you have the wrong Maki-anon.

Lel good to know. Whatcha up to?

That's great man, glad you're feeling good.

>but technically its tomorrow morning
True, but let's not think about mornings

Never heard of that one. Thanks friend.

Only for you princess~
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Robot fucks desk violently.jpg
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Koko 12.jpg
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Illogical thoughts are a consequence of sentience my friend, and yes peanut butter is a great thing on vanilla ice cream. Trust me
Boxed wine is still wine my friend, drunk is drunk. If you bought it don't waste it
>maybe that means something
Maybe what means something?
For real, I'm on ep 21 just cus I said I'd watch it, but it so far is boring and hasn't evoked any real feels as promised kek
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I know i know. I wouldn't trying to board/sink the USS Softly Bully.
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ship evolving to include shizuru?
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Well, I'm off to eat in a Japanese restaurant. Be back in an hour or two.

Try this out m8

Same sleep is nice.
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Derp words. type is hard.

I really need to start proof reading myself before i post...
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You falling asleep during an anime. Means something.
And I wouldnt even waste money on a boxed wine.
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Koko 14.jpg
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Just hangin out, drinkin and postin as per usual. how bout you?
Nice! ask if they give waifu's with every meal
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Kazuki (34).jpg
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Sup faggots
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STAHPPPP You are making me blushhhh
You are too cute. Have a semi-lewd on me <3
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Hey Clawzuki, how's it going?
Still camping?
I loved that show when I was in high school thats what me and my friends use to watch, I mean I guess, I still kind of just sat here and played a video game for 5 hours haha

Hey beautiful <3
gonna have a shower and get dinner. probably be back in 10 minutes

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oh not tonight, its getting late and i have to be up for work soon.

i should probably get to bed but too busy watching anime
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kissanime is a website to watch animes
nah, no season two of owari no seraph
have fun
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That's why I use anilinkz. Same thing really

Fav song since it's the first one heard by them

Same. I keep hearing about it getting into feels but I'm like really? Don't feel it yet

Thanks man and don't worry about the proof reading lol

Yes of course silly!


Kek I'm about to go to bed
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1 MB, 3264x1836
You asked for this Jenny

The only thing as sure as the sun setting is it rising the next day

It is awesome, we're just discovering the show so we're having a blast. At least you can sort of look at playing a game as an accomplishment
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I'm calling it a night now. Good night everybody. Hope you have sweet dreams of your waifu
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I suppose so

Goodnight frenemy

I think I am gonna go to bed too, I am super tired. Night all, sweet dreams
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Good night Shinoa. Eat shit.
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Koko 15.jpg
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Tru, but i'm stickin with it cus I promised I would. And I was told the after story is a real tear jerker but only after one watches the original story, thats what I'm after kek
>wouldn't waste money on boxed wine
thats on you mang, alcohol is alcohol. sorry we're not as fancy as ya'll australians
ooohhh I see, i'll check it out, never heard of it before. does it have latest deadman wonderland without subscription?
Exactly, who am I supposed to feel for? the MC? he's got alot goin for him. The grills? they're boring outside of the sob stories
You too, have it be warm and lengthy.
Lol fuck that nigga

Shinoa bro
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yessir, no subscription stuff (does have ads, not a huge pain in the ass though)
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Koko 17.jpg
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goodnight man! sleep well :)
I don't mind ads so much, will check it out! hows the selection of animus?
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Sounds relaxing as hell man. Debating on whether I should go for my off season or keep training.

How sweet of you! And you call me the qt.

Hello there Rikka.

What a shame.

I'll give them a listen.

And signaling the start of another shitty day.

Sleep tight Queen Smug.

Goodnight man.
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Kazuki (94).jpg
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No i got tired and went home. What are you doing?
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Do you consider beating a game an accomplishment?
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i'd say it's fairly extensive
it has kiss x sis, that's all that really matters imo
i heard you was talking shit about my negro shinoa
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Shit posting on the internet, and listening to music
Like always.
I'm not a terribly interesting person lol
Also vaguely working on art, but i'm not overly dedicated to that.

Burn them. BURN THEM ALL
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You are by far the better qt tho. <3

Hey Koko!
Lol. Nah. It's just messing around.
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thot so, was about to bust in ur littl hed m7
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you forgot getting shipped with shinoa
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Koko 20.jpg
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Go for your off season? do you mean running? and the inner not-lazy-fuck in me says train haha
woah, kiss x sis? sounds incestual haha
hey! hows it goin man?
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Kazuki (4).jpg
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Catching up with some news and lissening to radio nothing much more
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Kazuki (61).jpg
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THE....uhh... MAID
nah my dude, not related by blood, so it's all fine

Not too bad. Starting to feel a little better, might go kayaking tomorrow. How about you?
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Woah woah woah. I'm not getting shipped with Shinoa. I can't handle that much smug in my life.

Ah good, so we can be super interesting together! lol

People in these threads go outside? Stop fucking lying to me.
kek some of us do. I fly rescue helicopters for a living. Im outside a lot

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its too late i have already set the ship off on its sail
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6 foot robot sucks off mic.png
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my sides
>Hold it down, DARE!
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283 KB, 357x585
Thread replies: 169
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