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Waifu thread >Claim a waifu >No no no, you're doing

The stories and information posted here are artistic works of fiction and falsehood.
Only a fool would take anything posted here as fact.

Thread replies: 185
Thread images: 151
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Waifu thread

>Claim a waifu
>No no no, you're doing it wrong
>Give me the controller.
>You're waifu a shit

Do the thing edition
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T.. Thanks

Woah you do? What games do you play?
I wish I could play em with you too! It'd be so much fun!

You're welcome :)

Good night!
>sleepy hugs
>You're waifu a shit

guess I can't claim in this thread
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Making a 20/20 claim.
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doin a thing....
awwww, b-but you got too!!!! because i want you too!!!!
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The foxy grandpa arrives
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>Claim a waifu
>No no no, you're doing it wrong
>Give me the controller.
>You're waifu a shit

Do the thing edition

wtf is that dumb faggot shit OP? just post "waifu thread" next time and stop trying to fit in
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Akiko claimed
She's mine
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doing the thing
both. like you dont even understand lol
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Kyouko claimed.
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Intrusive suicidal thoughts are the best.
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no you doing it wrong
>sachi claim
Shiro back just to say go to do some cleaning around house. If you guys sleep before I get back, have a warm and lengthy sleep. Jobs, don't stress out too much. By the way, watch Owari no Seraph. Great first 12 episodes.
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a a a a a a a a a a a a a aA A A A A A A A A A

((hey everyone))
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you need to talk?
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You keep mentioning August. Who is that or what is happening in that month? Personally I've got nothing going on.

I wish I had a place with rhythm games around, I'm an absolute slut for those. Love em.

I'll look it up. Have fun cleaning, Shiro!

Howdy howdy
Hey Mirai

Nothing sexual must be done to the waifu!

Military life for you dude and get your sleep. You deserved it

Kids. So cute!

What have you hummed before?

Friend said smite is fun. Got interested because gods and all. Got bored really quick and discovered that MOBAs aren't my kind of game

Night yui!

You're too cute!

That's epic dude
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As the night lingers on.
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So, you now are the only big European Empire left. No one can oppose you, and the only threat are the Mongols, am I right?
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Not trying to rush or anything~~
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hey renge
Haven't watched the second season, but I'm sure it'll be damn good.
OK, now seriously, bye.
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Took the wrong bus and now in a random city lost.

Also claim.
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Juri's release for SFV is scheduled for sometime in August, per Capcom's orders. As someone who's been fighting with Juri for 6 years and who has also won locals and fight money matches with her, the separation is literally killing me inside.
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thanks shinoa!!!! ill try to
how's your knuckle???
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maybe its time
Yeah I do, I play Stepmania, I love Rock Band and Guitar hero, if I had anymore cool rythm games around here I would play them but everything around here kind of sucks!

Oh god heh well glad I can help in some way I guess

You wont be calling me a kid when youre dead! Now to summon my ultimate beast!
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Megumin claimed~
Yeah but I don't know what to say.
Suicide pact nao.
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Yous in the wrong part of towns white boye
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Really, you too? What games do you play?

O.. Oh my..

Oh No!!

Stepmania is fun too bad I suck at it :/
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megumin!!!!! im so happy to see you!!!!
how are you doing???
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I see, I see. I can't say I've ever done much with fighting games, they're not quite my thing, so I haven't kept up with the news.

Where the hell did you wind up Ika?

How's your day been my dude?

Mainly my body pillow.

Any ones I can get my hands on, really. Very little in a more formal sense. Are there any you could recommend?
Motherly mouse.
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That is not okay.jpg
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I wish you best dude
you help in all the best ways!
>you are my favorite subject you know
would it be easier to talk on telegram?
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Like what you see~?
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Woah seeing her drawn older like that is weird. But anyway, my day's been alright. Annoying apartment maintenance people were doing fire alarm inspection and testing today so that was an annoying few hours but now I have pizza and beer so all is right with the world. How're you?
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Technically, France and Middle Francia still own at least one other kingdom each other than their named kingdom and France can raise upwards of around 22K soldiers, I can raise slightly over 50K so I could easily beat them but I'd still rather not fight them unless I'm going to be gaining a lot of territory, like two Spanish kingdoms for instance. I don't think even a sunni jihad could challenge me at this point but there's still a lot of work to be done and a lot of wars that need to be fought before I've got the territory I want, I'm actually about to take Middlesex which is the county London is a part of since my character's mom held it, so that's where I'm going to base my invasion of Britannia from.
Super exhausted tbh... But I'm so glad to see you too!!
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For PC I'd recommend Stepmania, K-Shoot Mania (Need controller, costs about $200+), and Osu! (even though I don't really enjoy it anymore) . For iPad you can play Jubeat, Reflec-beat, Groove Coaster, and Deemo

I.. It's a fine butt.
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Barry! bring back demos!
You will!! Lol I can fully curl it. Can't curl it tightly into a first cause it'll strech


Hope that the blonde haired vampire isn't here
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how was work?? is that why you're exhausted??
im also tired as hell lol, i didn't sleep yesterday
I don't use telegram fam
post steam
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say bb do you want to lay down with me
say bb do you want to lay down by my side
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well is there anything in particular that is bothering you?
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Kek that's fine, in all honesty there aren't too many people hyped for Juri's release, she's an incredibly difficult character who doesn't have shortcuts to "git gud" and who doesn't have super OP specials that do tons of damage for free. No, her damage comes from chaining multiple hits and canceling skills into other skills which requires lightning fast reflexes and inputs.
>My favorite type of rushdown character
>Cannot wait to start body bagging kids online with their lame Ryu, Bison, and Vega picks.
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I-i'll leave immediately!

Ended up taking the wrong bus because a different bus came by at the same time my bus was supposed to so I assumed it was mine. Now... Here I am.

I just hope I don't get mugged.

Currently on a different bus hoping I can get to my city now.
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Okay okay, I'll stop now.
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tfw being asked to bring back another poster but is not cared about himself
No u.
Existing is a chore right now and it makes me sad.
damn....that sounds so painful....glad it's getting better though!!!
i kinda wanna see how bad it is
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Prinz (214).jpg
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Okay.. Just give me time to think about it. Ill have an answer soon
I am not the best at it but it isnt hard to ge good at you just have to practice alot

Thank you my queen

SAY BABY, SAY BABY! *Insert sick bass riff here*

Hahaha! Thats all you have? Youre adorable frenemy!
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I don't have any sort of tablet, already do play stepmania and osu (or at least I have played). Never tried k-shoot because of inherent costs involved in that one. I'll look them up, though, thank you.

It is a little strange, but I think it's a cute picture. And that does sound pretty obnoxious but pizza and beer fixes all. I'm doing okay, just ready for this week to be over. Also this month, this year, etc.

Much respect for taking the more difficult path. I imagine that's very satisfying to lay the beat down on some punk with those mad skills.

Go homu Ika. Where are you even trying to get to?
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Work was exhausting. They had us climbing a ladder up to a roof carrying another ladder with limited air several times
You should probably sleep~ you'll feel like a god after <3
>wink wink
Heh, not a problem at all Prinzy. I was just having a bit of fun~

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you're taking quite a long time here.
Get the good one.
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You dominate the strategy pretty well, even the number of soldiers, it's impressive. Will the invasion of Britannia take long? Or are the British fragmented?
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Prinz (1).png
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Heh, it's hard to be good at rythmn games.

You're welcome!

I know.

Well, Im off for today. It was nice talking to everyone! Ill be here tomorrow early. Goodnight!
>sleepy hugs
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how so? what specifically happened?
your eyepatch is looking marvelous today
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Goodnight Prinz!
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Heh, thanks. When Juri is released I plan on uploading images and webm's/youtube vids of me beatin that ass silly on ranked fights, so if you're still around by then you can see the fruits of my labor.
>I also plan on returning to the competitive scene late this year after her release
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Jerry was a race car driver
And he drove so goddamn fast
He never did win no checkered flag
But he never did come in last

Fucking love that song
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whoa!!!! that sounds crazy...i would be dead after that...
i will, but after you go to bed!!
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Heyo Shinoa. What's crackin'?
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It's an extremely cute picture! And yeah same, ready for summer to be here. Not because I enjoy the heat, but mainly because I miss some of my old friends and Memorial weekend and 4th of July are prime opportunities to hang out with them.
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Southern England is still pretty fragmented even after all this time, everything else though is under the control of the Scots, all of Ireland, Scotland, Wales, and northern England is theirs so it'll take a bit but its nothing I can't handle.
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Don't worry, I'll live... Sadly.

How specific do you want me to be? Like city wise or just in general?
Trying to get close enough so I can walk home.

Also forgot to mention that this city is actually quite ghetto. In fact very faghetto.
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what's wrong galko??
why do i see two threads again
>not real
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You just want to sneak up on me when I'll be asleep, don't ya?


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n-no!!!!!....yes, but im promise i won't do anything crazy!
Why is that? Arent you good at that one that you like at that arcade??

And yours is as well my queen! Beautiful as ever

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I have nothing to talk about.
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go fuck yourself
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Goodnight Prinz, sleep well!

Nice, nice. I should still be around, can't think of any reason why I wouldn't be.

I can't stand the kind of heat we get down here but at least it means that time is moving along. I really can't get going with life until school starts again so I'm very ready for that to happen.

However much you're comfortable with sharing, I suppose.
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I wish you best ika!

It'll be fine. Give it another week and it'd completely healed with a scar. Nerves around it are dead since it's number. Don't deny it

What do you have, schooler?

>nudge nudge

Not heads in games sadly lol. How about you my glasses friend?

>nudge nudge times 9001
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you certainly know how to make a lady feel special!
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The Scots? Jesus, is that even normal?
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i love you anon, you're a perfect human being!!
your definition is skewed at best
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Onodera claimed ^//^
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Hello there

>happy birthday mikan
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Wow man you got balls. Nicely done.

Well to be as specific as I can with out giving actual name would be about an hour north of LA, CA
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you can punch anything and not feel it then!!! lol
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Oh boy and here I was thinking some solo queue league would be fun for my free time

just fucking kill me

Anyone playing EUW? I doubt it since it's 4 am
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Thanks, Yukko!
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They're the only kingdom in Britannia that's formed in the early starts, its not until 1066 that England is there so its normal for them to take a bit of territory, and just about everything is thrown at the ai so its very difficult to form the kingdom of England with the viking raids, the other english dukes, and all the other shit being thrown at you. So without a strong power to oppose them the Scots took it all over, happens all the time when there's nobody to oppose them.
I'm NA, sorry broski.

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Off work, and getting ready for my weekend of friends, drinks, and d&d. What game you playin'?
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Yuuki claim
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Mom was nice enough to give me a ride so here I sit in quite a pickle, weighing my options.
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well there's your first mistake
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Happy birthday Flower!
Thank you for being around, undisputed best lurker!
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That would be awesome but it'll tear and get a larger cut and bleed all over again lol

Go to slop akiko. Your peaches will need you in the morning

That's adorable! And happy birthday qt

Nothing at the moment
Just continuing jojo

I really really try my queen, you are the only woman for me.

Ive got this!
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Am I still in time for the birthday wishes?

Happy birthday!
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No problemski comrade

She's like another Renge, but less loli

I should know by now, but I'm a slow learner

I'm a grown ass game developer in trainig and I will sleep whenever the fuck I feel like it

So by the way Shinao what's up with you being captain of all the ships nowadays?
been having a rough day lol that helps
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Beautiful as ever~
Hello, how are ya?
Rikka~ Thanks for the magic earlier!
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Happy birthday.
>sorry I'm so late
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My life got a lot better once I quit playing league, just saying
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Anybody have any business ideas? Doesn't matter if it would work
>open up a sports themed resturant called touchdown
>the exits are relabeled as "end zone"
>the catch is Your entire meal is free if you can make it out the door
>all waiters are NFL linebackers ready to tackle your punk ass into the ground.
I think it'll do pretty good
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Nothing you should worry about then, it'll be a matter of time until you crush them. Jesus, you are goddamn unstoppable

make manako the boss of the shop and id support it
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>dirtying Nonon with lewd pics
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we go around building and maintaining roads and provide "protection" for people and take a percentage of their income based on how much property they own and how much money tey make
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Id go there
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>got better
You're not making sense

Probably gonna go bankrupt on lawsuits for all the broken ankles and shit before you can turn a profit. That shit is way too exploitable unless you let them sign some contract beforehand
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rock fucking solid

I sink all my wealth and earlthy possessions into trying my hand at making exoskeletons and end up killing myself in the process due to a horrible shop accident
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I never killed anyone that wasn't a vampire before

Oh ok.
You know the whole breeding pic I have that I usually post when two anons are RPing lovingly? I see more anons the same way and thought to myself: this will be thread meme when two anon are shipped but haven't been canon by the "shinoa's ship of apporval" pic. Everyone sees them doing stuff like tats/miho. So why not be shipmaster. Kagami then said that all ships that are canon will go to port. Thus making it official. I see many pairs here. I have one that's a 3 way, two other pairs that will be ported soon and a few at port
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not as much as you though <3
alright well i'm off to play ark! ttyl
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the ass was fat
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I'd go there every fucking day.
dont you have a thread in /a/ to be shitting in?
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Of course your majesty!

No problem at all megumin! How did it all go??

And you wont, because youre the one who is gonna die
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Yeah, kinda want the Pope to call up another crusade but there really isn't a good kingdom to fight for, I mean the best ones are Poland owned by the slavic pagans and Morocco owned by a heresy group that took over from the muslims. I wouldn't mind taking over Morocco since its right there but north Africa is at the bottom of my list of places I want to take over.
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Yup, you're in time! Thanks a lot, Kyouko!
Aw~! Thanks!
>sorry I'm so late
It's fine, no worries! Thanks, Galko

>undisputed best lurker!
Don't know about that, but thank you, Ruri!
I appreciate you being around as well.
It's Tsumiki's birthday. Not mine...
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The Pope is one step away from saying God doesn't exist.
All is lost.
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oh my :^)
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That's cute
Heh, it's like high school all over again


>tfw people still haven't figured out how url's works
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No u.

Also better than Renge in my opinion.

Not much, how goes Stellaris?
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message me on telegram later?
>pic related
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That's it! Take me home <3
Well... I didn't die. I guess it went great!
>Good luck taking down Shinoa btw
My slave planets are rallying against me.. I might lose my game again
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Eh, maybe. I know neither anime

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>Don't know about that, but thank you, Ruri!
Well, you are for me, and don't mention it!

>It's Tsumiki's birthday. Not mine...
I'm an idiot, sorry.
But I hope you get the idea!

Stay cute, Tsumiki!
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You can be an announcer narrating the tackles
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No problem.
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>Windows is still asking me if I want to update to Windows 10
Fuck no
Doing all the work things

Rory claimed
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She's very nice. Although I think she picked me up out of worrying. A walk from the bus stop would take me like 2 hours and by then it would be dark.
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lol why do you guys have such shit waifus?

also umaru claimed
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>I'm an idiot
No you're not. It was just a simple mistake.
Or someone told you wrong.
Your waifu a shit
Cant even look after herself
How is she gonna look after you
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Yes please!

You know this is coming to port right?

Super cute!

Oh the memories~

Can you aim correctly with one eye?

A mother would worry about her child. Isn't it maternal instincts?
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I upgraded to windows 10 after 3 months of hardcore bothering me with ads
So much regret, don't do it

I think the real question is: why do you have one even shittier?
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a-are we making an emergency stop????
Of course my queen, anything for you!

Well thats good haha! What did you have to do??
Thank you if I dont make it out of this fight remember i love you <3

Maybe youre correct there but when I take off the patch! I have the tyrants eye and with it I can never miss!
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>why do you guys have shit waifus?
>claims Umaru
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Deal! You'll make dem fat stacks in no time!

Africa is worth nothing, not even those guys from Mali, they didn't help me when I tried to attack the Muslims despite our alliance...

We need the current Pope to be killed by ISIS, so a new extremist Pope gets elected and calls for a Crusade
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The current real life Pope is a liberal faggot that should have never eve been allowed in the church.
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I'm looking after her.
Bring her cora, chipsu, and let her win in geemu
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Uh oh, better quell the rebellions!

I've seen both. Renge is cute but she gets on my nerves
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on computer now
No such thing as emergency stop

>shocking shinoa face here
I don't know the anime but it sound slike your waifu would just be a talking cat

Maybe I should watch them and get a clue

What are you guys talking about?
Umaru is the perfect waifu material
You spelled hamster wrong
I know what I'm doing~
I had to climb um a ladder several time carrying another ladder with me
>with limited supply of air
That was fun~ You'll make it out alive! <3
I knew I should've committed a genocide instead of enslaving the aliens kek

That's her chibi form when she's lazing around at home.

She looks like a normal anime girl at school.
fuwa fuwa time with mio vocals >>>>>>>>> fuwa fuwa time with yui on vocals
I honestly don't see why people love her


Yeah, I geso.

At least say it right faggot.

Back home finally. Now I can relax.
Yes. Did you know mio is a lefty?

anyone baking bread? should I do it?
I know who I want to take me home!

I appreciate the sentiment.
And I really wish you a great night, it's always a pleasure to see you here.

>And you even break your lurk to talk to me, thank you, Flower!
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