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new fluffy thread

The stories and information posted here are artistic works of fiction and falsehood.
Only a fool would take anything posted here as fact.

Thread replies: 304
Thread images: 139
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new fluffy thread
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For those who missed the first part of Chapter 2
thanks mang
not sure what the quite word for these is, maybe cathartic? But it's just so refreshing after you've seen a couple of abuse comics you just feel this wave of serenity wash over you. Anyone else get this>
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Get Raped.png
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do you have chap 1 in a format like this?. if so , plz post

How long can you last?
>two years ago, the first evidence confirming the existence of an underworld was leaked
>within a matter of months, enough data was compiled to point to a location within the Roman catacombs
>a plan was hatched
>a special forces unit was deployed to guard a team of civilian experts
>their primary task: to deliver a payload of two thousand camera-strapped fluffy ponies straight through the gates of hell
>the operation was a resounding success
>the ingress of one thousand, nine hundred and sixty seven fluffy ponies was confirmed two days ago
>whatever rules govern the land of darkness have seen fit to permit the short range video feed to be broadcast back to the equipment stakeout outside the entrance to hell
>you and your team have been given almost one hundred combined hours of video to comb through at a secure location
>sipping your coffee as you pass the security checkpoint, you reach your desk and prepare to get cracking

>the folder hierarchy is a disaster, but it doesn't take you long to find the first few hours of feed during the expedition through the catacombs
>figuring it's as good a place as any to start, you randomly double click one of the videos
>"Alright I'm good? I'm good? Fuck yeah alright, hello world, my name is veterinary assistant Jacob Daniels and I am standing at the gates of motherfucking hell!"
>a thin looking guy with blond hair is speaking directly at the camera
>in the background cave walls close in oppressively and headlamps pierce the darkness now and again
>"So uh..yeah, the military guys are saying we don't get to go too close yet since they're still making sure there's no freaky hell shit they can't deal with. We had a bit of a tight spot a few hundred meters back so the guys are kinda slowly working the fluffy pens through."
>"Which you are slacking off from," the camera man admonishes
>"Which, ha - yeah I'm slacking off from. If you guys ever see this, sorry!"
>you close the video, it's just dipshits fucking around

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this gon be good
Fluffykin anon bro, where dat link yo?
Bump for more
Sorry, mobile. I'll try to get it.
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In the last thread, someone mentioned about a comic of newer, smarter fluffies who hated the older ones. Link?
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muffin man.png
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From a few threads ago.
Everyone is tired. Go to bed.
this is goot!
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go back home.png
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>next video is more of what you want
>"Hello, my name is archbishop Peter Landy and I am an on-site advisor for operation Nova Diablo. We are currently standing in front of what I believe to be the entrance to the kingdom of darkness."
>guy is old and dressed in a weird combination of religious garb and work clothes
>the camera pans and its light reveals a claustrophobic cave tunnel, with several military personnel lining the sides of the small area
>at the end of the tunnel is simply a crude, natural hole in the wall with "Lasciate ogne speranza, voi ch'intrate" clearly inscribed into the stone above it
>this is probably why they forced you to memorize the Comedies
>"As you can see, there is an incredible lack of pomp or circumstance. We are quite literally in a tiny cave, looking at an even smaller crawlspace."
>"It could all pass as natural design. There are no peculiar sensations or 'auras' of any sort, however we have been instructed not to go past the threshold of the entrance and to relinquish any equipment that accidentally enters the crawlspace even partially."
>the man is interrupted by a shriek that startles everyone present
>a black gentleman in uniform to the back looks particularly upset by this revelation
>from behind the camera's view a blue fluffy runs, visibly upset, traced by a dozen lamp lights
>"Sorry, sorry!" an exhausted looking man wheezes as he sprints into view after the fluffy, "come on, come on you rodent come to daddy!"
>"Ahem," the archbishop mutters as the man exits stage rear with fluffy in tow
>"As I was saying, it is my belief that the nature of this crawlspace is one of supplication. The doomed are meant to crawl on their bellies into the kingdom of the damned. They are to be likened to worms, or snakes."
>this is all just exposition at this point
>you close the video and try another a few videos over
Bump for fluffies being the first ambassadors to hell and Satan getting a taste of hell... And fluffy shit.
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Alot owners in the fluffy universe have wooden fences and can't maintain them...
Bump, I like it.
>click on next video
>it's a fluffy with a go pro on its back
>he goes through the door
>gets on the floor
>then everybody does the dinosaur

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this is now an autism thread

carry on
setting Hasbio as my FB job where should they be located?
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follow the muffinman.png
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Jesus what the fuck
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It's always been an autism thread, have a seat friend.

>"Pweas nice mustuh! Dawkies am bad fow babbehs!"
>a crowd of fluffies is being goaded towards the crawlspace
>finally, this is what you're looking for
>"So we're going to be basically just cattle-prodding the things in there. CO calls it the "encouragement stick" cause he has no sense of hu-hey is that thing fucking on?! Hey fucking get back he-"
>the video cuts to a new scene, where a fluffy cautiously approaches the entrance
>the cave is eerily silent and even in a room surrounded by the casual chatter of coworkers you're still getting tingles up your spine
>the claustrophobia really is fucking oppressive
>you can't imagine how the fluffies, with their built in hatred of all spaces small and dark, and getting along
>"f-fwuffy scawed...pweas hoomin..pweas no make fwuffy go in sowwy howe.."
>the fluffy is encouraged forth by a zap from a modified cattle prod
>"EEP! OWWIES!" the fluffy screams as it jumps forward
>the prod is brandished menacingly - it's the black officer again and he's getting his revenge
>"Huuu..o-otay fwuffy go in howe...pweas nu mowe huwties.." the fluffy carefully plods the last few steps towards the darkness of the crawlspace to hell
>he walks into the darkness and lights refocus to get illuminate him again
>the world holds its breath
>"EEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!! CHIRP CHIRP CHEEEP CHEEEEEEP!!!!" the fluffy immediately pivots and tries to run back
>the soldiers are ready
>one of them has a gun full of compressed air, and pelts the fluffy back into the hole without having to put any equipment past the threshhold
>the assault of air is relentless, and despite the fluffy's sudden infliction of terror, it's forced to run deeper into the hole
>"One down," grunts a soldier, "nineteen hundred and ninety nine to go."
>his comrades share a chuckle
My boner is awakening... Please don't let this thread die.
it was only a matter of time
the plot thickens
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What the hell is up with it's jaw? It's so motionless and robotic, its horrifying.
much good this is
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Hey faglords, want this?
I dub thee ... FOALGRINDER
anyone have the origin story? i cant seem to find it
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>you scrub to the three hour mark of the massive video
>the camera has been fixed to a stand, and is trained on a seemingly endless wailing rainbow trail waddling into the crawlspace
>the fluffies are being reluctantly marched into hell
>being forced to follow each other, it becomes harder for them to run from the wave of fear that consumes them as they pass into the next world, and they simply march onward
>you hope the screaming doesn't cause a cave in holy fuck
>scrubbing a little further ahead you come to the end of the trail, a mother carrying foals on her back begging to be let out of the cave
>eventually she disappears and one of the soldiers picks up his radio
>"Confirming a succes on ingress, operation Nova DIABLO is officially under way. Alright fuckers let's get ourselves settled in, I want to smell MREs in five or someone's crawling in there."
>you close the video
>that's about all you need from that folder
>every fluffy has a small camera affixed around their necks, all complete with night vision and flashlights
>fluffies folders are sorted by some arcane division process
>you don't really have any deliverables during the discovery and orientation period so you randomly click through until you get to a bundle of videos and open the closest one to your cursor
>the feed starts at the remote activation checkpoint set up a few meters before the fluffy enters hell so you scrub through until it's finally getting swallowed up by darkness
>"hu..nng..huff...uhuh...huh...nk.." the camera shakes as the fluffy enters, overwhelmed by something unseen that's brought it past the point of even chirping
>it stops walking a few times, but the horde behind it shoves it further and it's forced to keep moving through the tunnel
>the night vision activates
>soon enough it's out of the crawlspace, and the cave opens up

fuck yeah dog
This was my favorite one, and I never got to finish it.
Pls cont.
Ugh quit edging me and get to the fuckin discoveries
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Taking requests
you know it anon
next post I promise
keep going, this is great
Carnivorous Duck quit making fluffy comics :(
I'll bet Dwight and Ruffles have seen some shit.
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please tell me this is true, please please let this be true
Moonman killing brown fluffies
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that would be fucking hillarious
Are you he?
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fluffy eggs.jpg
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This has confirmed that if these things actually existed I would abuse the shit out of them
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get kidnapped and forced to become a breeder, injected with viagra every hour and made to ejaculate, testicles get to size of its body
brilliant and original premise, continue
Why which ones did he do? I'd prob recognize them but not by his name

Hopefully he deletes his posts.
pretty sure this one is his:

lot of one-shot comments but he has 666 fluffy images according to the booru
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Hey faglords, I'm back.
>but not much
>humans wouldn't be able to walk triple file here
>whatever hit the fluffies passes
>the shrieking fills the cave to the brim
>further and further the fluffies are forced to go
>the cave takes twists and turns, and splits off here and there
>but the longer you watch the more your heart plummets
>it never opens up
>there's no massive antechamber of torture
>there's no gigantic cavern of lava and suffering
>hell is not a big, bright, noisy slaughterfest
>hell is a cold, dark, quiet web of oppressively tight caves.
>time to start donating to charity
>you open another video and scrub to a quarter of the way through
>it's pointed at the rock wall of a cave, night vision activated
>you can hear the fluffy's heavy breathing
>"H...hewwo?" there's no echo to his voice, the darkness eats everything that passes into it
>"Peshuw fwen? Daddeh? M-Mummah..?" he's just whispering now, you can hear the terror in his voice
>"Fwuffy su awone.." he breathes, "su awone.."
>another one part way through is just another closeup of rock
>extreme closeup
>you scrub back and forth a few minutes but get nothing but closeup of rock
>you can hear a faint "ng..nnnng" but that's about it
>wait..fuck you know what this is.

nah, I'm just bumpin with random shit in between writing while I gather my thoughts
>capitalist goulash
Don't stop.
You are a hero rn, literally the most original fluffy comic I've ever seen
I'm conflicted. I hated his art style and never bothered with any of his work myself, but it is probably not a good thing for the fandom to lose such a prolific content creator and at least a few people seemed to like him.
Holy fuck if there's more please fucking post
Slavic languages don't have "to be" or any form of be as a verb famalama
does that mean you booru fags will go back to your shit site now that cantankerous cunt is gone?
you spend more time ass kissing / bitching about artists than you do posting fluffy abuse.
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lol bro this is one of the most famous fluffy comics of all

tbf its gotta be cool reading it for the first time
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If I posted multiples, forgive me. My WiFi got aids
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Ok, I know some stuff.... There's mad hate comments on him, guess people's opinion or whatever but I don't really get why.
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Compton Welcome.png
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Yo this is the first time I"ve even heard of fluffy
It's been a wild ride so far
Can anyone post the series where a man paralyzes & blinds a smarty into looking like a stuffed animal for his daughter?

I can't seem to find it anywhere.
good riddance to his ugly ass shit style

fandom looses an artist it can afford to for once
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Next asshat better get dubs or imma stop posting
welcome to the circus

posters in fluffy threads are some of the nicest you'll find in all of 4chan for some strange reason
Thank you :D
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watched the whole damned hing
i'm so high
Keep posting anyway, I think I like this one.
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Alicorn Feeding.jpg
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Anyone have complete page or added panels of this?
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Alicorn Stomp.jpg
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can anyone tell me who this artist is.. he seriously has the best art on the booru.
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such masterful strokes
that's carnivorous duck, he literally quit making fluffy comics 12 hours ago
Still can't.
But, last one, boys.
Get out of here Fuck-a-Duck.
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isnt he the greatest artist ever... i bet he is a really nice guy in real life too
At first I was really weirded out by these threads, but now I feel like something from my childhood has awoken inside me. Like, back when I used to see cute things and just want to hurt them (not live things but, cartoons/stuffed animals etc)
>you open up a second video from the same folder and scrub to the center
>shit, more rock
>it takes a few tries, but finally you nail it
>a foal, from the height of the view you're getting, and one of the ones with an activated camera lamp
>it's looking out across a small room full of wiggling...
>sticking up from the ground
>your blood runs cold
>"Mummah? Whewe mummah go?! Wy am mummah onwy weggies! Weggies whewe am mummah?" she squeaks "babbeh hungwy.."
>you scrub further back to be sure
>yup, there's the foal on her mother's back a few hours ago
>and there are her legs, sticking out of the ground
>the rest of her entombed, like the sea of entombed fluffies around her sunk into perfectly form-fitting rock coffins
>a little bit different from the lore but fuck it
>at least you know the rules now
>you stand up, removing your headphones and raising your voice
>"Hey guys, data point!" you call, the room hushing to listen, "I've confirmed no death. I can also confirm hunger is still a factor, but again probably no death. Folder 319-020 for reference"
>"Gotcha! Good catch, keep it up folks," team lead acknowledges
>so hell has at least one ironclad rule
>but that's fine, the mission can still succeed
>you go back to the video to try and catch the moment the mare meets with her eternal punishment
>"stupi wowst babbeh! dis am aw poopie babbeh fauwt!"
>" am poopie babbeh...pweas wuv?"
>"NU wuv! bestest mummah hatechu! gif sowwy hoofsies wike bwuddah!"
>"Nuu! hewp hewp!! Nu wan fowevah sweepies!"
>you skip ahead a bit aaand..
>the mare is walking with her two good foals on her back, sans brown foal
>muttering about bad babies..
>she just gets..
>sucked into the rock
>the foal whose perspective you're using falls to the ground cheeping between it's mother's upturned legs
>but you've solved that mystery already, time for another
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Where can I find the rest? Don't tell me that's it!
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I mean sure, there are other good artists. carpdimple, wolfsam sprinkles. but i dunno, this guy.. this guy here. now that's art.
I actually want more for some reason.
that's it anon, sorry
welcome to fluffy fandom, where literally every good story is either rushed or unfinished
I'm honestly not sure if this is incredibly awful bait or sarcasm.
Awesomeness. I have to go to bed now can someon please screen cap or archive. Thanks
Y'know, I'm honestly not happy about this. We're losing more and more artists lately, and despite Duck being a bit of a shitcunt, he's still a fairly safe "constant" in the community.

Plus, I never minded his art. His fluffies always looked pathetic and easy to abuse in comparison to others that try to make them cute.

....My heart is broken
Why? Why did they stop?!
you act if the artist isnt the most important thing ever.. all that matter is the artist, not the art, not the fluffies, not the abuse or sadbox. Just the artist and only the artist..
They are supposed to be cute though. That's their one redeeming quality, the one reason a human being would tolerate and like them. His hideous fluffies fail at the most basic thing a fluffy needs to be.
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flubber poops onit babey.png
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Someone post "Good Manners" for the new guy. We need to introduce him to quality stories that end shitty
his art is shit, his stories are shit, and he's a shitty person.

what hidden value do you expect me to see in him?
fuck if the new guy wants crushing disappointment, here's scootafluff on imgur a nxTvR
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3 MB, 768x7875
I got it covered
>can't even into proper fluffy anatomy
Post millie, continue from the part 5 some dick who didn't post all of them
quivering cunt is the only thing we should be talking about, that's how we do it at the booru and look how wonderful it is there. that's why im not posting fluffy pics.. they don't matter, just bitching and ass kissing artists.
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Litterpal 4pack.jpg
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Thats the last I can post, I gotta get shit done now
>ass kissing artists
nothing wrong with showing content creators love, it's what keeps em going.
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Still think it's holding a gun.
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ruined carpet.gif
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Holy fuck what am I reading?
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dexter rage.gif
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DarkDefender here. Taking Written OC Requests.

Please anon, this has so much potential. We're counting on you!
tbqh I always feel like an attention seeking cunt for this. I probably am an attention seeking cunt. Ah well, at least I create content.
Can someone explain what the point of these threads are? I don't know if you guys seriously enjoy this stuff, if it's shitposting, trying to be edgy, hating bronies, what's the deal?
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man i hate these fucking things
Welp, have fun. Thank you for sharing though
So far odd, but very interesting...
I ain't left yet
a masterpiece in smarty abuse. Physical and psychological abuse all in one.
Stress Relief and Catharsis.
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Genuinely? Yeah, it's a combination of edginess (everyone's prone to it, you're on /b/ for fuck's sake) and hating bronies, though that second one hasn't been relevant in years since we've successfully pissed them off enough to be instantly banned from /mlp/.
updates when
so good plz continue
Any good multi-part stories about herds where humans don't show up or play a background role?
the fuck is this?
Braum? Is that you?
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moon man moon man cant you see.png
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Is anyone here interested in coloring this>
Yes, we've been over this just found out about fluffys today
Close enough.
haha, thanks so much. I can't, sorry, since I have no skills there and I'm going to be heading bedward soon. If nobody else is interested, I could *try* tomorrow, and likely fail horribly. If nobody bites and I don't fail, what's your name?
I can do lineart,
make it look nice
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TheMuffinMan in the booru
Give it a try
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Family Vacation to Detroit.png
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Here you go
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>573-030 contains a mostly smarties
>they're basically just roaming around as a pack, beating on fluffies to vent their anger and raping mares
>though they quickly find out sex is...not quite the same in hell. But you'll worry over that one later
>you've settled on a foal beginning to exhibit the symptoms
>he's wandering around aimlessly, and bumps into the walls a few times
>the caves, while tight themselves, are part of a massive system
>you suppose it's gotta be hypothetically endless
>if even the death-prone fluffy ponies can't cheat hell of their souls then the place has to be massive
>no other creatures here yet, it seems like your fluffy raid group has its own private instance
>the foal stomps around for a bit
>out of nowhere its night vision deactivates
>what the...then you see it
>a spec of orange light
>the foal's breathing increases as it notices the distant light too
>and with that, he sprints at a crisp 1mph toward the growing dot of light
>you scrub to where he's closer, panting and gasping for breath
>the light is an orange glow that seems to be coming from around a corner ahead
>"Babbeh..babbeh fine outies!" the foal gasps
>around it, other fluffies you recognize from the foal's smarty-laden section have joined in the sprint to their 'exit'
>so close, the foal and its companions round the corner
>the camera is a blur as they fall off the cliff and into the deposit of lava
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keep it up!
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litterpal lucky.png
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A walk in the hood
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oh no
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weee quick update, already had this one mostly done

>the feed ends, you quickly switch cameras to one of the larger fluffies and scrub back to the time point
>a little too far, but you can see the foal now through the shimmering of intense heat, flesh endlessly sloughing off it and sizzling away into nothing, only to be grown back
>the other smarties aren't faring too well either, thrashing and screaming at the absurd heat
>the river of lava carries them around slowly, and scrubbing ahead you see one get pulled under as it enters a vein of lava with no air to rise up to
>you know those things can stretch on for miles
>fluffy pony does not drown
>there's another group you know ought to be there
>it takes some searching but 149-030 has what you're looking for
>a brown, motherless foal, stuck squeaking 'wan die' over and over and over
>probably got rejected before she was captured and was deprived of social contact for so long her little brain fried
>she wan dies herself right into the lava vein
>landing on her back, the camera stays intact for a bit
>you can hear her stiffening up, the pain from her back melting so intense she can't even scream
>there's a *pop* of bubbling lava and she sinks in, melting the camera
>you're not really that shaken up tbqh
>an eternity of unbearable agony is a pretty straightforward concept
>frightening but straightforward
>"Datapoint!" someone calls out. You pull off your headphones and listen
>"Seems like 'no death's the only ironclad rule, a fluffy gave birth. Check out 228-010, it's mixed in with some of the foal fuckers."
>"Language," team lead grumbles, "but otherwise good work Sean."
>you go check out the video
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I never minded CarnivorousDuck. His art reminded me of the old show Duckman. Always felt pretty weirdbox
I'm high too and holy fucking shit this blew my mind

This shit better be getting archived
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damn good story so far
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Guess I'll post part 3 and 4
lol fukken nice
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A shame the artist seemed to give up at the end
thanks mang
you're keepin me going
might need a food break in a sec though
fuck, meant for >>683729694
although good stuff too!
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Just cruel
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>Fwuffy am nu nummies!
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May God have mercy on our souls
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i don't care one way or the other about any of them., never even knew the artist's names until shit went down at the booru and all the drama got dragged over here,
I wish this were a comic.
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oh yes you are
I love fluffy shit, but this is just awful. Please let nothing like this ever be made again.
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God has forgotten us.
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Do these things turn the babies into sketti? I've seen conflicting comics
I don't think so, I'm pretty sure its pre-made and has either sterilizing drugs or poison mixed it
it's all headcannon man, what do you want it to be?
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Enfie skettis
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they mash babies up, adding a hormone that makes any fluffies who eat it sterile

It's not spaghetti its mashed up foal but most fluffies can't tell the difference
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Is it bad I prefer when fluffies are killed by their own incapability of logical thought rather than cringeworthy people torturing small animals? Do I giggle at Darwinism?

Who gives a shit, have Wool Wah Onies.
No good game or something where I can take my autism out on these things, such a shame.
hot dick sundae! I'm >>683730984
The captcha fucked up on me twice and the last one was the extra-long "street number" one that kept reappearing numbers.
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>"enf enf enf enf enf....enf enf enf....eeenf....enf enf enf..enfenfenfenfenfENFENFENFENFENFENF"
>this is already great
>"uhuu..pweas nu mow bad speshuw huggies smawty.."
>although it is breaking the trend, you're kinda pissed
>Mr. Alighieri didn't go through all the trouble of writing the world's first fanfiction to get halfassed like this
>"Nu wike! Wan gud feews! WAN GUD FEEWS! Speshuw wumps haf hewties!"
>you scrub forward, the mare gets left alone by the smarty eventually
>very alone
>"Huuhuu..smawty fwen pweas woww mummah to hewd? Smawty fwen? Hewwo? Anyfwuffy?"
>you do some mental math while you wait
>fluffy gestation is 2 weeks or so, but even still her foals would have been almost totally developed by then
>so still not really enough to tell if new life can begin but you'll see
>NOVA DIABLO has a small chance of working, but it's still worth a shot
>the fluffy mare eventually does give birth
>possibly the first hellbirth ever
>she also takes a shit that narrowly misses her foals
>"wuv aww babbehs, aww babbehs wuv mummah" she sings, her woes forgotten for the moment
>she navigates the foals onto her teats carefully, going by touch in the total darkness
>"Mummah su happies"
>you scrub ahead to the end of the second day
>the foals are all joining in, screaming about an agony that is now unable to kill them
>the darkness is greedy, and her words are swallowed up
You think they're scented. I was meaning to pick one up for Mother's Day, but I've been working.
The smiley face on the foal that gets jizzed on gets me every time.
I prefer that too. I love seeing fluffies severely injure themselves and scream at their mummahs for not helping while their mummah shared a similar fate.
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not sure, not a big fan of candles myself
Yea holy shit, I thought this comic was dead. Can't find anything past Part 4 on the Booru anywhere.
My mom loves those things. Got her an elephant one some time ago. She doesn't even light them. it's just a hobby of hers
Sciencefag here just want to point out that carbon based life forms all have bodies that are less dense than lava therefor you would just float on top of the surface of lava and never sink, also want to mention, using boiling water as a substitute for lava would be a lot more diabolical.
No and the comic is still dead

That got posted by the artist in a thread like a month or two ago, basically the WIP before he lost interest. Probably the last we'll ever get unfortunately, not that it matters since Wolfram never finished the story its based on either.
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Loving this, but in that last entry, did two weeks pass in Hell?
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hobbies are good. gotta stay active and on the move
So basically you're doing a fluffy version of the inferno...
I actually have an interesting thought, Maybe operation nova diablo is an attempt to see if we are living in a simulation by filling the endless hell with a large finite number of immortal fluffies that continue reproducing.

I have to be up in 6 hours or I'd stay for this. Doin god's work anon. Someone screencap the rest in my memory
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wait, there is a movie like this.. i need to see this
no, fluffy gestation is two weeks, but the fluffy was only in there for a bit before giving birth, so Sean's observation is only partially correct since the foals would already be considered alive.
it has been two days since insertion, and the data he's looking at is a recording of those two days

but I'm going to change some stuff up since a lot of it's too boring for my taste. Fucking "buffeted by strong winds"? get out of my face Dante.

you're getting there
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I'm sorta new to all of this and I don't understand alicorns or why other fluffies seem to hate them. Can anyone please explain?

Thanks in advance
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sadly i need to go to sleep, hope someone saves that story , getting good.
Fluffies have 3 kinds, earth, horny, and wingie. When they see something not under these preprogramed categories, their feeble minds are unable to categorize it, so it must be a munstah.

Ooo. Is it an attempt to ultimately fuck with heaven somehow by overloading hell?
Cool thanks. Is alicorn like a mistake? Genetic mutation or otherwise?
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Glitch in fluffy programming. They understand that there are earth fluffies, unicorns and pegasi, but their minds break at the though of something having both a horn and wings so it immediatly becomes a "munstah" to them.
Some headcanons have this delibrately put in by Hasbio to raise the price on alicorns when it came to market, as they'd be quickly taken from mothers without protest.
Alicorns are also smarter than regular fluffies
they have both horns __and__ wings, thus the other fluffies don't recognize them as fluffies but rather as monsters. its either that, or they're intimidated by their intelligence. its actually a clever use of a character flaw to prevent alicorns from becoming the dominate version of the species simply due to higher intelligence.
Alicorns are smarter, sturdier and extremely rare, making them valuable. Whether the fluffy mind was hardwired by Hasbio to respond to them with horror and revulsion to further up alicorn scarcity or their tiny minds simply cannot comprehend a fluffy with both wings and a horn, fluffies as a rule perceive them to be monsters and ostracize them.
Nope, it's pretty normal.
Fucking brutal.
Thanks for the info!
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err, unable to tell what it is*

I don't have a headcannon for that yet, actually, if they're accidents or intentional. Either way, they are smarter than, bigger than, rarer than, and by far more valuable than regular fluffies. If I were to get a fluffy, I'd want one of them (excluding abuse fluffies).
it's like 3am here and my head is getting pretty foggy, but I am hoping to finish this before the night is done

>"Gif babbeh nummies."
>it's not a foal saying this
>"NU! Am fwuffy's babbeh nummies!"
>"Gif. Babbeh. Nummies."
>the unicorn stamps his foot in irritation
>across from him, a red earth fluffy refuses to budge on the matter of the light green foal hugging his leg
>"Babbeh nu am nummies...pweas daddeh.."
>the earth fluffy glares at his rival, before leaning down and biting off the foal's leg
>the foal thrashes, taking a moment to find his voice
>"ah..ah...ah..." he squeaks
>then his sire starts chewing
>the fluffies ignore him
>the unicorn snaps "NU NUM BABBEH IS MA NUMMIE BABBEH!" before lowering his head and charging
>the earth fluffy doesn't have time to react
>not because the unicorn is fast or anything, fluffies are really just that pathetic
>the unicorn punctures the earth fluffy's eyeball and sends him screaming away
>"CHEEP CHEEP CHEEP!!!!" the goes the foal through all of this
>after two days of starvation, the unicorn doesn't waste time eating the foal
>it seems like it is still attached to its body parts in some way
>you suspect it will still be technically conscious even as its brain is dashed to bits and digested
>this is all valuable data
>believe it or not
>though you're still pretty sure Tom's been jerkin' it in his little tech corner the past while
>that about wraps it up for the day though
>you get a few more days of reviewing the backlogged insertion data before your feeds get switched to live and you monitor the emerging situation
>so that'll be exciting
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what's your name?
please do! I don't want to miss any!
Aristocracy by DarkDefender.

>Walk through park everyday.
>Owner of park lets pet fluffies run free.
>No other fluffies allowed.
>Completely spoiled smarty little fucktards.
>Wouldn't know spaghetti from intestines.
>Nothing anyone can do with having charges pressed against them.
>Always steal people's stuff.
>Have taken away peoples food because it was the same color as them.
>Red one takes strawberries and cherries, blue takes blueberries, etc.
>Will poop on anything brown.
>If you sneak your fluffy into the park, expect it to get abused like no tomorrow.
>One day, park owner dies.
>Fluffies still outside when it happens.
>They don't listen to people trying to tell them the news.
>*blows raspberries*
>Come up with idea to get revenge on the little shitrats.
>Dress up as butler.
>"Hello, fluffies. Your father has asked me to bring you home."
>Don't even address them by their names.
>Dumb shitrats believe you.
>"Otay Butwew! Hewwman come wif yoo!"
>Find out their names are Herman, Baxter, Percival, Fletcher, Ephraim, and Eleonora.
>Get them into shitty cages.
>Can't even tell they aren't their own cages.
>Pass their estate.
>"Wheww goin, Mistah Butwew?"

You guys want more?
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Everything was mildly annoying until the stupid fucking song at the end....
Thread might 404 before then
may as well
I don't really one, at least one on the buru.
I used to do brony art a long time ago.
what one would you like to be tagged as?
By tag, i think you mean name.
If yes, Mr. Toast or Toast would be fine.
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every day we stray further from god's light
holy fuck
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I'm going to keep posting in the new thread
jellenheimers are incredibly retarded, I just like the one image for its nightmare factor
Bitch, Jellenheimers are fucking based. They can communicate telepathically and are much lower maintenance than regular fluffies.
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They don't make any sense in my headcanon, but they look so damn hilarious. I even love saying their name out loud.
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