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Waifu Claiming thread >Waste your time trolling us edition

The stories and information posted here are artistic works of fiction and falsehood.
Only a fool would take anything posted here as fact.

Thread replies: 167
Thread images: 152
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Waifu Claiming thread
>Waste your time trolling us edition

The rules are simple:
>Claim your waifu/husbando. One claim per anon.
>No shipping
>Keep RP and ERP to a minimum. No lewd.
>Don't be gay
>We know you masturbate. Stop talking about it.
>No posts with focal point on sexual objects or speech(This includes pictures)
>No birds
>Insult other waifu
>Pretend to be normal and discuss stuff
Most important: You're waifu a shit
dicks in a bag
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Rikka claimed.

Waddup bois?
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kagami (26).jpg
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i wish i didn't have to....
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Akiko claim

>dub dubs confirm best husbando
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Welcome back.
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>Shizuru get!
>If dubs, having a baja blast edition.
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Obligatory claim.

Stop being so adorable.
INB4 deleted by OP
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>I get it, you hate me for stupid reasons edition

O shit waddup
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Megumin claimed~

Just chilling, what about you?~
Don't worry, you'll get there one day~
>Kagami is a qt
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>I'm not here
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waifu claimed
Shiro claim!
Double double? Propestorous for JamJon!
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>Joe Dirt
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O shit waddup


You remeber the episode of SpongeBob where SpongeBob held a pinky out to be fancy? That's me but with index
>looks deeper irl

How do people not fap over a month?!>>683369449

Deep. It really is!


None taken. I want to be a scrub best uniforms to wear! And thanks for the support again eureka!!

Go to sleep

Cause fuck!

>shinoa bro
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kagami (42).jpg
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i hope so....i love this anon so much.....
>megumin is also a cutie
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Well Galko you tried
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you droped it, good job.jpg
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them dub dubs

nice goat dog thing...or whatever

>stupid reasons
other than awful design
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Tried what?
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>this guy knows what's up

No, no. Nothing. Ah well, I had a drinking contest with dear ol' Mum. She's really something. 100% Russian counts for a lot, haha. What did you buy?!

Whatcha' drinkin'?
I remember those days. Now I can't get buzzed unless I drink heavily.
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How long have you been with the irl anon?~
Maybe it'll happen this week!
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>nice goat dog thing...or whatever
QOTT: would you have a loli as a daughter or little sister from any anime? If so, who from what anime?

Dekomori as a daughter from chuunibyou demo koi ga shitai
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To take a nap

that IS what you tried to do right?
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Holy shit this fist build is so fun, especially when bgm is playing

aizawa claim
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>Tail's perked up and curled
>Indication for happiness in cats

Glad to see you're feeling well.
Found the bois

I ammmmmm talking with my favorite mage and listening to Seven Nation Army. I love this song to death.
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Ah snap! Not much, what about you homie?
I liked the movie.
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didn't get that signature thing
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Have a wank before the test, it helps so much.

>Best idol claimed
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If you look at the design, youll see that the thigh gap is a trick of the skirt.
You have to ask that?
Shalltear as a sister. Dont think I could think of her as a daughter.
It has a mean beat.
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>talking with my favorite mage
You're too sweet~
I never listened to that song, I'll give it a shot~
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>Yui AND Mugi are both older than I am

dont really want a daughter at all right now :^)
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You first.
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I drew/animated my husbando. He's the best.
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I don't know how in to incest i am but....
I want a little sister Shizuru. Rewrite.
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not too long, we've talked for a long time, but we've started to get really close recently.... actually gonna fly there and meet up!!
Milinda claim

Just Jack and coke.
>Im cheap kek

oh stahp you...
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>I'll just pass out eventually

Put a shirt on.

Shinoa as a little sister.


there are so many different tomo anons i give each a name.
i don't think you're hesitant and i know you're not the others.
What would your name be if you stayed here?
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absolute filth.jpg
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Renge seems like she'd be pretty cool as one of those either works I guess

sure it is
>it's not

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We can both do it, no worries. Or we can keep it going, your choice.
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Not sure if bait
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I'm the one who made this I post them from time to time
Tsukihi Araragi. Just because I think she'd be a fun little sister.

More like, genuine. Jack and coke is a very earnest drink. I commend you.
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You didn't listen to it did you?
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Oh wait, I recognize that song, the beat is pretty sick~
Sweet! Best of luck for ya~ Hope it works out!
>Ship is kill?
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You dare insult skele-husbando? Shame on you.
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Like reading the back and forths between you two.
She drinks it, I drink my fruit juices. Jaja
Captain Morgan, and Bacardí.
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Consider suicide.
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>>683371907 was meant for >>683371647
Maybe I should go to sleep
Exactly what I want to play! Meg White isnt the best but I do enjoy some of her beats

Its awesome! Makes me wanna take on people.
Second song I am trying to learn.
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AHA! OC tomo!
I never thought i'd see you again.
How's it going i got so little out of you last time.
How are you?
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Ah, but I did listen to it.

Joke's on you, I don't hate Undertale, I just think it's alright.
>Soundtrack good tho
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images (34).jpg
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Standing with her legs at shoulder width? Cmon, man, I thought you knew how anatomy works.
Ooh, Charas gonna love you.
Fukkin saved
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I feel like you're suppressing something, especially since you're telling me to kill myself.

Are you okay? Do you want to talk about it?
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>Take on people
As in "Fight me, pleb"?
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best spooky scary.png
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get out fake skeleton-husbando
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fair at best
I've been lurking these threads just reading and saving nice images I had not seen
Not really. I just consider suicide everyday.
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Gotta try that. Kek

I really want one know how those are made and what they're called
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Eithers fine by me.
Thanks friend <3
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Yeah, for a little while I drew away from it.. but a certain someone I know reeled me back into it.
>soundtrack is perf

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thanks megumin!!! ill be hoping too
>i-i don't know
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Thanks pepperoni

>tfw still haven't played undertale

>Curse you Skeleton-husbando, NYAAAAH
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Now THATS a skeleton-husbando
>she drinks it

Ahahah, it has begun.

Anytime, Mili!
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Well that's good to hear. I hope you enjoy the thread. So what do you do in your busy life?
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Sakurako from Yuru Yuri as a sister.

kek, so cute. What'd you have for dinner?

Your brain will thank you.
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Undertale is good, just avoid the fandom of the dev of the game (cause he's a huge cocksucker)

Otherwise you're good.
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Ehhh, I like you when you're acting cute. But I like you when you're not as well.
>indecisive hands
Yeah like "literally fight me IRL"
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Claim. I'm still here, hehe.
You'll need this kagami. Got over it

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no, no bun anon, i belong to somebody now kek, but ill give you a hamburger anyways
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I'll give you a bone.png
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>possibly implying people control waste width

well you chose wrong

indeed he is
well my grammar got a lil' fucked there...

Try to stop me

Still taking your time?
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You wanna talk prefect soundtracks, check this out

Well I am too poor to buy games on a regular basis but perhaps I'll give it a go once it goes on sale. I've heard a lot of good about it
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Yeah but when the soundtrack's the best part of the game you have to consider how good the game is.

Anytime, Akikonon.

>not having played Undertale
You're gonna get underwhelmed, b/c the hype surrounding it is fucking insane. It's actually an alright game, if you've got a sense of humor that fits it's own, but I think Toby Fox did the best he could with what he had, and that's the quality of a winner. It's cheap, buy it, play it, enjoy it, just don't go in expecting to play the 'best game evar!!!!1111!!!!1'.
>I'll defend the soundtrack to the ends of the Earth, though.
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I'll gather the steps
I do enjoy them sometimes
except that time when that rabbit anon started to spam
and what life ?
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Do some boxing kek
>>i-i don't know
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I like Undertale a lot but I think Cave Story is a better indie game.
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No.... My grammar....Uh...Ah crap.
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I don't even hate Undertale as a game I just have a really fucking bad experience with its fandom so I get insanely triggered whenever talks about it
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Fast reply:

I had replied back to you, so I was actually waiting this time.
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But if you sleep you'll have a bad time...

I'll actually sleep.


I'm gonna go enter a coma now. I'll see you guys tomorrow.
I mean, you gotta admit that the Pacifist ending does tug at your heart a little bit though. I mean I'm a sensitive little shit and I cried my eyes out, so...

Same, fam. The fandom made me stop loving like I did.
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ahhhg....that song, it make me feel bad!!!....
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Well then.
See you in 5.

ya..that happens a lot.

Your exciting life! All the people who post tomo have nothing, but good things.

So just the usual? Shit posting in between work or school?
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Stop what?! What are you doing?!

Are you having a stroke? Haha, I kid. No, seriously.
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Goodnight again.
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Well I'm all for epic soundtracks and ignoring other people, thanks anon. Once I have money again I might check it out but right now I have 30 buck for 2 weeks food so I don't think I can chip off a game there

It's 6:30 am here
At this point it's better to just drink a litre of black tea with a cup of sugar swirled in it. I just gotta suck it up until tonight
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Goodnight, sleep warm and well.

>Eager hands
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:O! That's the fastest!!

Drink a glass of warm water for help
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You just memed all over Galko lmao

Jesus Christ where's Karen
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Your the best :)

Had a steak actually.
>And probably one too many shots... kek

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Don't worry about me~ go get the girl irl. I'm just an anon after all~
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yaa so much fun and excitement
no wonder we'll end it sooner

and I just lurk to save images and wait for night time
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>get the girl
nigga she doesn't realize I exist ;-;
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I actually prefer the challenge the Genocide route offered.

>30 bucks for 2 weeks food
On one hand I wish I didn't know what that felt like, but on the other hand, I think I've said it before, but I hope you get serious funds from that game of yours when the time comes!
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kagami (8).png
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you're not just an anon, you're a really nice anon....
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I'm being watched now
I've yet to go Genocide, and I know I"m gonna hate it because I'll have to kill the boners.
I use to be a wrestler in high school!
a lot of anons do that.
You should post that cute girl more i'd love seeing you here.
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Consensual rape a best.
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Nah, I'm kind of a grammar nazi. So when I misspell or didn't add any punctuation marks. It makes me feel cringe. (Sometimes.)
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Dem feels ;-;
Thanks.. I appreciate it, really
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I can only imagine what kind of therapy I'd need if I opened that video up.

Waifus have your waifu under house arrest? Are you the bad one of the bunch? Have I made friends with the only delinquent of the thread?!
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And hot as all hell.
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Got into competition?~
>Closest I've been to being a wrestler is doing some Judo
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Literally the worst
>she also has a fucking boyfriend
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sure but if I'm on the way let me know you might want to talk to someone else
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>Implying it's even possible.

Good luck this time.

Ooh a steak sounds tasty as hell right now.

>one too many shots.
Don't die on me
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are they vegan now.jpg
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I guess we're pretty different, for me, genocide only creates boners
i didn't do're the one that's you lol
you're welcome though
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2 MB, 1296x1222

Its Nazi
Question: Why do you have a waifu?

I had a waifu, many in fact. I had a waifu from Digmon, Legend of Dragoon, and my longest waifu was from the .hack series... But at that time, I was 8-11 years old...

So I'm asking you, the people of upper teenager to whatever the fuck age, why do you still keep a waifu?

Is it because real women shit and piss like the rest of us?

Is it because you have never had contact with a real female?

Tell me, why
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Fucking DO IT.

I knew what it was and I clicked it anyway.
>no regrets

>she doesn't realize I exist ;-;
Oh Christ I know that feel

>not peppers
Sir I'm gonna have to ask you to escort yourself off of the premises.
Sadly no I had to stop I have holes in the bones in my legs and like if I broke em it would be game over for me
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Thanks, i hope you don't have to live through having to ration your food a lot

I doubt anyone will give me anything for that game, but I see it more as a stepping stone, something I can show to get some credentials and maybe get a job in a company or funding for my actual games

If you can't handle your basic sanic then you aren't going fast enough
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We're just....attached.
You're new (kind of) and exciting. you're not in the way. i lurk the conversations of others a lot these days, but you're not in one except with me now.
Only on Tuesdays.

Ahh dun wry but thatt! It's 4chan. You're among friends. Except Spike. He's a grammar Nazi.
Got the bunny ears? I'll address it to the always watching group

>>683374681 should talk to others in it...

Being watched
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images (44).jpg
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Genocide was easier for nme. I went neutral / pacifist / genocide. Still on Sans.
>smug bun always watches
>cant even spell waist
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all of the above

its a good start for today
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Just an avatar to me, really.
I like these people, so I stay in these threads.
Simple as that.

That's not a winner's attitude, mate!
But I see your point with the stepping-stone bit.
I may have to record some music soon, make that my own stepping-stone.
Some actually have a waifu, some use it as an identifying post.
You're how old now and shit post on 4chan still?
Fucking hell lol
Yeah.. I had fun with you~
Damn.. sorry to hear that

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I'll be on the first flight out.
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Always watching

It was.
>I will try friend, I get kinda crazy when im this drunk tho

>Only on Tuesdays
You mean everyday qt ;)
I like you anon

Shinoa bro
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>Bored Shizuru
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kagami (7).png
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i guess it was an outlet for lonlieness....and the fact that i like her character a lot, it reminds me of myself in some ways, and yes because women don't feel mutally the same towards me
*ba dum tsss*
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>Is it because you have never had contact with a real female?

I never had too much contact with people in general, so I'd say yes.
the spider all in tune
the evening of the moon
dreams are made winding through her head
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trips make it hard.....i had fun too megumin, i can still give you songs lol
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You......Why must I hurt myself......
I don't mind other people's grammar, as long as it gets the point across. Spike he's awesome.
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absolutely livid.png
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I am going 53 m/s.

I'm not very good with making small-talk, though...
>151 images
I have husbandos and waifus because they give me a sense of comfort and happiness because four out my five relationships I"ve had in my life we're absolute shit (these were with men) and I was denied twice by two separate women who I gave a shit about.

Atleast there aren't regrets and sadness linked to the fictional characters I feel somewhat close to. Sort of the same reason why I own body pillows. Pillows are a huge comfort, I love large pillows to sleep on for my back, and they can have my waifus/husbandos on them. Win-win.
Thread replies: 167
Thread images: 152

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