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Waifu claiming thread. >still here edition The rules are

The stories and information posted here are artistic works of fiction and falsehood.
Only a fool would take anything posted here as fact.

Thread replies: 180
Thread images: 151
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Syndra (93).jpg
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Waifu claiming thread.
>still here edition

The rules are very simple:
>claim your 2D waifu
>post pics of your waifu
>insult other waifus
>keep ERP and RP to a minimum
>discuss stuff
>post fitting, not over-sexualised content
>most important: kill yourself

Syndra claimed
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Obligatory claim.
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Akiko claimed

Would still be a shame, I enjoy talking with you.

As for myself, I have a sister and a mother to take care of, I couldn't leave them behind. I also think that being alive is probably the most interesting thing to ever happen to me. Death is most likely just as before I was born, and that was way too boring. Death sure does sounds like a nice breather from everything but I'm gonna be dead way longer than I will live, so I might as well just sit it out. Can't eat peaches from the grave
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keemstar needs to kill himself
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mandatory cc claim
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Kurisu 4.gif
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Best girlie claimed!
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HomuMad (17).jpg
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I blame my upload bandwitdth getting hijacked.
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Back from hambahgahs, they were absolutely delicious. How's everyone's evening going here? I hope you're all doing well.
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>>683335702 #
Wow really nigga?
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Hello everyone <3
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Now where's my cyanide capsule....
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kagami (31).gif
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kagami claimed
thank you!!!!
here you go homu!!! i got them!!
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Rikka claimed.

Gotta take a break from the drums!

How is everyone doing?
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Megumin claimed~

>Panties stolen edition
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bored sachi claim
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sherlock is hereby claimed

god shes perf
all other waifus get out
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Is that you iDubbbz?

Excuses excuses!

It's going good.

Sounds preddy gud
Homu my dear, is there anywhere else I might be able to contact you?

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Hey Renge
I feel like the night is absorbing me, I can't feel my body but I'm still typing this nevertheless. It is bliss
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Another filthy loli.
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Kurumi Claimed
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What are you fucking gay?
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Milinda claim

Thanks friend

I feel like you screencapped that just for future use... Sorry friend, but you are the captain of shipping, if you didn't tell them you wouldn't be doing your job right... kek
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Rikka!~ Enjoying your new drums?
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>off by one
you may as well be dead ;(
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kagami (39).gif
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i-i can't....who is this?!?!
>trips into double dub.....
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need her to protect me like my new mommy and abuse me from time to time. oh and claimed
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>1 off from trip quads
Good to hear, how you been Kyouko?

Go the fuck to sleep Akiko. I miss you but go to bed if you're that tired.
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Yawning hurts too much right now, help.
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cosplay or something.jpg
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Are you the same Dio that's typically here
or are you an impostor?
Would it though? I'm a fuck up that ruins people's lives and disappoints his parents on a continual basis. I can barely keep it together well enough to pay my bills. I am an utterly contemptible human being with nothing of value to offer anybody. It would have been much better if I had died back in that car wreck, so now I've basically decided that doing what God failed to do might be a valid decision.
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what are you fuckin gay dude
kill yourself faggot
Idk mang I'd rather fuck the snake.

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eat my shorts
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Homura (22).jpg
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I will now knight you as the 3rd perv of the round.

But but... its true... Gotta seed my anime and stuff.

Who would it be silly?

I guess I will make a TG right now... I don't really know why I didn't make one yet when people here asked me to do before.
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Hello everyone, how's the day been?

>Best idol claimed
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no you gay retard

>this is toxic
Oh? So you're making one for me.. I feel very special <3

You have any medicine you could take? If not and it keeps getting worse go to sleep and get some rest.
not a get but still cool

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Most impostors only post once, sometimes 3 or 4 times.

And there's that coward of spike cuntbag that goes around spreading untruthful scandals about me.

But anyways the answer to your question is that I am the real Dio anon.

I'm not into that kind of things.
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>how you been Kyouko?

The usual everyday life honestly, the only new thing that happened was all the hours I spent on Overwatch.

What about you?

>you may as well be dead ;(
brb killing myself

It's ok Homu, happens to everyone.

Heyo Maki, pretty good, yours?
not dominant enough I prefer role reversal :/
Megumin <3 I am enjoying them I just havent played in song long I am soooo bad!
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only the best memes are toxic
it was you?!?!? i-...whoa, t-that's some spooky coincedences, i don't know what to say...
>yes im in!!!!
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2 MB, 500x281

Nigger faggot.
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I have some painkillers I might take, though straining the back of my head to high pain tolerance helps a bit though.

>Get some sleep
While talking to you? Nah.
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Would lolis be okay as daughterus? Cause that's how i see them as
>That pic
>Your rubbing it in now aren't you?
I knew it... kek
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That's just it, I'm not even that tired and it's still early. I have been running around all day lifting shit and cooking for my sister so my body is knacked but my mind's still racing

Woah there man, you're getting too relatable for me. If you survived that car wreck I think you've been given a chance to get shit straight. You could've died, but you didn't just deal with that. have you considered what you want for yourself? You said you disappoint people, but do you disappoint yourself? I stopped the studies my parents wanted me to do and went for what I wanted. Over time things seemed to get better. I'm still poor, and I'm struggling every day, but I do what I love and for now that's enough. What are the things you think are satisfying? Maybe you can capitalize on them.

>I know I'm not making sense, I'm shit at giving advise due to my lack of life experiences
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Maki! How are you tonight? I'm doing pretty well.

I tried playing Overwatch but my laptop is really too shitty to run it above the lowest graphic settings, at which point it just feels like a watered-down TF2 with less deception and spatial interaction. I'm doing pretty well, just been helping mom do stuff all day.

I'm still claiming my lovely loli as a waifu, and Dio will just have to live with my filth.

Homu ily
>no homo
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btw does anyone know some role-reversal type anime or ones where the female character takes on a more mother type.... i dont have mom issues k
the best memes are just more toxic than shit memes
but thats ok

hey thats pretty good


have fun :^)
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Dammit Shinoa!
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Althought I find it kind of weird, daughterus are not completely filthy I suppose.

But when you call it a waifu it's not a damn daughteru, it's just wrong.
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forgot pic
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Homura (6).jpg
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Im glad you do, its perfectly fair!

I posted mine 1 second later than this one ;_;

The knighting ceremony will be tomorrow, we need to prepare for it... do you know where will it take place?
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Practice makes perfect~ One day we'll have a band in /waifu/ base!
C-could I get my panties back.. Please..?
I approve this ship!
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Quote from Renge-anon.jpg
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We have to accept Rory's filth
you don't even compare to that degree of disgust
Milk tanks.
Neither of us will sleep while the other is awake, we seem to have reached a conundrum.

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but senpai they taste so gud
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That's great Kyouko, had a really enjoyable day.

Milinda! What's poppin?


Yo Renge, good to hear. Not too bad myself.

lel as if I already didn't know :^)
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Guess we'll just have to sleep at the same time.
>nudge nudge
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kagami (60).jpg
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i-im guessing my house??? am i cooking too....
sorry, homu has them now lol
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>Megumin blush is adorable.!
Oh godddd I can only dream! I have to get way better then!
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I want to believe


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Eh it's dio

The Ara Ara? Don't really know any. Should be plenty of them

Whats the filthy part? Where they "want" their dad that way? Cause that's nasty as fuck

Someone approves

i call bass by the way, if we do make a waifu band
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2 MB, 607x1023
>Mizore claimed
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ill be your mom
You might be disappointed after adding me though, but we shall see.
Let me know your user when you make it.

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2 MB, 1936x2592
Go out into the forest at 2:00 AM without your clothes on, you'll believe soon enough.
I did die twice, both times I refused to stay dead. I disappoint my parents by being totally maladjusted and am barely capable of taking care of myself even though I'm almost 30. I wake up to a nightmare everyday, I had a pretty good stretch there where everything was bearable and I considered myself happy, when I was happy. Everyday is a battle and 99% of the time I lose no matter how hard I fight. I'm not saying that I'm going to kill myself, but it is an idea I return to regularly and will dwell on for hours and hours. I don't want to talk about this anymore.
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Just played a yasuo VS yasuo one for all
I think I have cancer now
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>can I join?
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Dont fuel the fire Megumin...

Hi Maki, Im just kinda chilling
>Totally wasnt waiting around for you or anything...

Im watching you...
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some nigger on youtube claiming this song is in Drop A tuning smh
>secrets in /waifu/
What did they mean by this?
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Keked pretty hard.

I'll never accept Rory's filth, it's not just the loli part of it, her entire body is the very definition of disgusting.

Great gif.

The part where you consider an anime character as someone you'd want as a daughter, thought I suppose it's not that different from wanting a waifu.
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Im on that duty this time, you can always help if you want but I'd like you to farm those umbrellas.

I don't see why... but that will be very very soon!
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shit memes are a different type of toxic though
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Semen demon

What have you been up to all day?

I suppose I can do vocals. None of my instruments really work well with a traditional band, but I like to think I've got a pretty good voice.

>the only redeeming quality of that show

Do you intend to just remain waifuless or are you simply waiting for the right waifu to come along?

Play one for all donger, have 31 turrets on your side

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1 MB, 500x281
Improve and our base will be worth it!~
I call dibs on spectator~
i've gotten a lot since your last time....with them, ill make sure you get extra ones!!!
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1 MB, 2420x1868
>suggestive hands
We shall see. <3

Hard to say. I have yet to see the right waifu.

Fair enough, how's your painting coming along?

Damn, how much art can a textbook mascot have?

Donger is banned almost every game
Champs I enjoyed the most so far
Sion rape train
Nocturn air strike
Aurelion sol lane sized comet boops
Thresh madness
velkoz lazor beemz
File: Holo-1.gif (1 MB, 500x500) Image search: [Google]
1 MB, 500x500
Well shit...
After I came back my fucking pc died...

I think I'm back now?

Holo Claimed
What would you play in our band Megumin?
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Mugi the celebrity.png
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Twin Peaks.

>some nigger on youtube

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Peter Lorre 7.gif
1 MB, 500x375
It's not.
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You've probably got more experience with this than I do.
Ta tas.
forgot pic

Are we going to see Homura-anon as a future husbando?

Welcome back Wise Wolf

>tfw no big 'ol tiddies
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Hello, I come bringing lo mein!
We tit-posting?
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Always watching milanda.jpg
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What if it's how the character acts that makes you want a future daughter to be in a similar way?

Welcome back wise wolf
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Nothing because I have no artistic talent whatsoever!~ :D
>might even be no talent at all kek
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Homura (38).jpg
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Obligatory witnessing of Homurenge.

Will there be enough for all our guests?

Everyone else can add me too.
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>rattle rattle
I find your hand obsolete

Thanks me to you
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You're a cheeky one m8.

Cool, a little r&r. kek you're so sweet.

Went to visit my grandmother at the cemetery then took my mom out to eat. You?
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A personal favorite of mine is still playing WW and just picking someone to have absolutely no fun the whole game.

I believe in you and your PC

Feeling that feel

What is that contact even
I'm not good with actually communicating with people
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There's nothing realy wrong with that, but it makes claiming a daughteru pretty strange.
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Bulllllshit were all good at someting! You can be our vocalist!
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Not by much though.

I am a bit outdated, shocked I haven't left yet.
of course!!! and i got extra ones for your meal!!
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absolute filth.jpg
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well we can't really get rid of her

>Pc died
that kinda sucks, when's the funeral

I hope so.
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A lot.

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alex is a stupid nigger
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How have you been?

I wouldn't...
My pc has been fucking awful...
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And dubs confirms it lol. Had a great day?

That would be really weird like that one anon. Thanks for the QOTT
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Well, I like flat chests also. Like really flat. Like a guy's.
Same. More of a can't keep time and poor muscle memory
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Rory-sama claimed
Anything is more than nothing.
How do you feel about the show Archer?
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You Cant Hide.jpg
278 KB, 2560x1440

Yeah, Im thinking about playing MGS today. Im gonna go buy a mic and online for my PS4 tomorrow
>Thanks friend, you too :)
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speak of the devil

the queen of all gross waifus arrived.
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Visit as in your grandmother is a permanent resident of the cemetery?

Can't say I have that, since I'm not much for talking outside of here.

I gotta believe!

But... but... >>683339010
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Vocalist? Oh nonononononononono
I have the one of the worst voice for singing ever~
Besides, Renge wants to do vocals!~
Feels bad, doesn't it?
I'm more of a sports man than an art man
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At least there's something.


He sure is.
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Malzahar does this better now. They can't even cc you when you ult someone. It's utterly ridiculous
>oh what's that? You pissed me off? No moving or attacking for you
>oh what's that? Your alistar has headbutted and pulverized me within one second? Nah, I ain't going nowhere

>tfw textbook girl has bigger bewbz than my Akiko

I've had ups and downs but in general I've been okay thankyouverymuch
How was the pc-less life?
Don't worry, I got your back~ >>683340364
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Can one realy concider a loli as part of DFC?

After all, they are undevelopped so you may never know wether they would still be DFC at a later age.
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More of a science and math person. And strategy

Either way, I don't have much

Back to creepy posting!
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maxresdefault (1).jpg
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Oh crap, I didnt see your comment I am sorry!

Hmmmmmm how about Guitar!?
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mspaint mugi.png
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>tfw sunday night
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>Anything is more than nothing.
>You seem dedicated to the idea

I think Archer's a good show, haven't seen much of it lately though.
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Oh, stop! You'll make me blush!
DFC pride, but no reason we cant get on with the tig ol bitties.
Tig ol bitties
Loli cant be considered DFC, no.
>Best example - LoL's Jinx
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boy im right here :^)
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>worst voice for singing ever
Try me, I was visiting my Great Grandma in the hospital when I was 6 and the tv in her room started to play the show COPS, so i sang the song and she died right there, no joke, haven't sang once since then.
>My voice actually kills people
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Oohhhhh myyyyy


4 life

Delicious flat chested
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>Rory claimed
Did you mean: Akiko

Don't need big boobs when you have class
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The pc-less life has been rather awful so far,
Never even used my phone before today...
It's just about unusable,
It won't be to long I should be getting a new pc in a week or two
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Hmmm.. I had a guitar once.. I sold it after 5 months of practice because I wasn't making any progress~
I'm just not made for art and music
I don't know how to react to your revelation...
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I'll be leaving now.

If chest was in a past tense, wouldn't it be "Deliciously flat chested"?

By the way you should note this possible QOTT down if you didn't already>>683340571
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I'm gonna go do something now, see you guys later.
Its true, something is more than nothing.
I've been watching a marathon of it, I love this show.
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I'm considering getting back into league, should I? I haven't played in a few month

And who here plays on the north american server? And want/need a rusty support player?

Like an actual guys'

Good bye
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kagami (21).jpg
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you gotta pick up a saxophone or somethin!!!
>smooth it over with the ladies
isn't that how bill clinton did it?
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kek yeah it was pretty swell. How was yours?

Nice! Can't wait man, although I may be busy the next few days.

Sadly yes.
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See you later.

>I'll be leaving now.

>implying you can't have both
Alright Mugi, looks like weve got a full band then!

But but I want you to be involved somehow!
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Fair enough, big fella.

Yeah, Archer is a nice show. Wish I could see more of it.

See you later, man. Stay safe.
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Keep up the insults Galko, perharps one day I'll feel bad.
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You Know Gasai (17).png
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I'm back from my wicked adventure of picking food from the long fucking wait

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I just hoped on here see what's up..
I'm gonna go to sleep now.
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Oh you're headed for some serious satisfaction
I remember trading in my old laptop for my current pc. I thought I didn't need it. Thought

Are you doing it for fun?
They've as per usual traded in their more or less okay game for an unbalanced fuckfest where no one knows what the fuck is happening. It's great

I am implying exactly that
whats the current state for us vs JTTF?
hey now you're a memestar
It does, yeah.

I haven't played in a while but that sounds super fucking stupid. That's the entire point of suppression ults.

Thanks fam.

You actually make a very compelling argument, Dio, and I really appreciate that fact. That said, as an anon I still support DFC, so my cheer will be based on that instead.

All good m8ey.

I play(ed) on the NA server. But I really only ever went full tard mode so don't play with me if you expect serious gameplay unless we're on 3s.

I'm sorry to hear that. May she rest peacefully. I'd go visit my family there more often but it's a long ways away from me. But I do already have a plot there for me and some eventual spouse should I ever be lucky enough to find a girl and I've actually seen and stood on that spot. Kinda weird to know that that's where my corpse will spend the rest of its days.

Why would I need to impress the ladies? I have you in my ship~
>isn't that how bill clinton did it?
I'll be the manager! I had a few courses on management~
I'm not smart enough for any of those things! ;-;

For fun, and since you guys keep talking about it

Sounds great, I'll update it with in this week
Night Wolfy!
Well, isn't the point of the game to see how salty the other team gets?

>Rattle rattle
Doing well sorry for not seeing this. You?

Bye Dio Sama and it's auto correct. Do most of my posting on mobile and I'll do it next thread

Hope she can breast feed

Good and today is pretty long

Don't know really. But Estes more Dfc than jttf

It really is, as far as I'm concerned. If I can make someone ragequit then I've done my job well.

At least we know who the trash is,
half the people here can't seem to tell

>tactical comedic popcorn

Alrigggght!! We need a good manager and megumin, I know youre gonna be fantastic!

Well gonna go practice more so one day I can play with Weezer
See ya!~

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