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Waifuism thread >Neo edition Rules: >Neo is mine Neo claimed

The stories and information posted here are artistic works of fiction and falsehood.
Only a fool would take anything posted here as fact.

Thread replies: 164
Thread images: 151
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Waifuism thread
>Neo edition
>Neo is mine
Neo claimed
Finish the thread before making a new one.
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Akiko claim

Lurking from the train
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>claiming yume
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>>trying to find inspiration to get out of bed now
>I know that feeling
Yeah I'll probably get out soon, I hope

>A shame, I'm sure he would have loved our new recruits.
Me too. I wish he would post here again :/

>Might want to get your eyes checked
I don't have my glasses on

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kagami (27).jpg
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kagami claimed
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Neo was prepared.
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Can't say I dislike being tall... but im not thaaat tall... just a lil bit more than the average.
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No, it's Ellen. also I haven't really talked to anyone here before.
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Fuk u she's mine
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Filthy early bake.

Kyouko claimed.
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Shiki 0806.png
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>needing glasses
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Tenryuu 126.jpg
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Tenryuu claimed

Who's going to buy a 1080 just because?
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kagami (53).png
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not tall enough to look like a skele man? lol, i've always thought that's perfect, you can say you're tall, but you don't look lanky!
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TatsumakI (247).jpg
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I've been having my own problems, but I've already talked enough about that.

I'm going to watch some Star_ streams now.

See ya.
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I'm so sorry Ellen ;w;
Idk why I thought it was Karen
Oh you're a different Ellen? Welcome to the threads then!

I hate glasses

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I'm back.

>seasonal trash
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>yeah but its safer for the future
Really shouldn't be concerned about that with that kind of budget build.
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we need to talk.png
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I should make a "what really grins my gears" pic with Homura for early bakes.

You are right... but I'd rather have average height and not being skinny like I am.
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If I had the money...
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Cant we share~
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wait, who the fuck are you?!
get your filthy hands off my Ibuki!!!
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sachi claim
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I'm really not looking to build a hardcore gaming rig. Just something that will run the stuff I'll play, which isn't exactly the latest AAA games.
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Okay cya later Tats!

>tfw the 1080 is your whole budget
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Hey guys its Tats from the other day
Was waiting for your reactions
Keep yer waifus
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Shinoa claimed
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That's fine, thanks. Was there a different Ellen?
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Exactly 3/4 of my budget.
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being skinny is awesome though lol, at least i think...but i know what you're saying about being too skinny looking!
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Tenryuu 150.jpg
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I could buy 2, but i only need one for the moment.
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Eating some Bukkake noodles
How is everyone
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Fellow spooky scary skeleton reporting in.
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Homura (7).jpg
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No, there was but it was just another anon playing a game for us to guess who he was.

Being skinny woulnd't be so bad if I wasn't so weak. >-<
But speed > strenght in a lot of situations I guess.
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You'll be a dear and send your current card up north right?
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Yeah, but she only came for one thread, unfortunately. She was really nice. That's in the past now, though.

One day

I think you'd bottleneck the fuck out of your cpu if you bought 2
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I can't even run currently as my legs are near enough crippled.
A man can dream.
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I bought 6 actually
>get on my level
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sounds delicious~
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I'm a little confused.
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Hey Yotsuba
Im on the train right now, could take another hour before im home

I really wanna try those noodles once im out of my financial chokehold
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kek, the skeleton life
sigh....i know that feel
>tfw i always need help lifting and my job consists of it kek
speed is good, getting blown away in the wind is fun as well!!
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Flamie claimie
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It'll be cheaper during cyber Monday

>tfw the gtx 1080 isn't even out yet

I'm confused as well. I remember an Ellen a while ago that was really nice and cool. There could've been another Ellen before that but I wasn't there for it
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Tenryuu 8.jpg
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I'll keep my 980Ti for the moment for comparison purposes, maybe 2 weeks later we can talk about that.

Pfff, i have a Nazi Tech PC. It should work
>let's see if i get my 10k fps on Skyrim
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NekoMura (8).jpg
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Aw thats terrible, how did that happen?

TL;DR you are the only Ellen and don't have to worry about anything.
Youll never be rid of me...

Whats you got listening in your earholes?
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I luv sum fukken trains
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I actually have no idea.
But any pressure on the legs causes pain on the knee. I've been to the doctors, they said something about bone disfiguration, but even they wasn't sure.
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Preordered it you dingle
I can relate
>pic related
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Well, I guess it doesn't matter anyways. It's nice to meet you.

Now I'm curious...
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>inb4 100k FPS
You planning to overclock?

>tfw it's not available for pre order either

Its nice to meet you too! Whatre you up to?
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>not listening to music through your nostrils
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Homura (21).png
3 MB, 1363x1734
>tfw i always need help lifting and my job consists of it kek
Ouch... that must suck really hard.
>getting blown away in the wind is fun as well!!
Does the wind make funny noises when it goes through your bones?

That Ellen was an active poster here just playing a game of "guess who I am".

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Tatsumaki (205).png
871 KB, 750x750

Other than that I listened to Weezer's White Album.

I'm really, really glad it's good. I'm probably overrating it as well.
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hey thats pretty good
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Friends got a dog that wasn't his high last night
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it's not too bad, you'd figure i get stronger though...
ahahaha!!!! yes!! it kinda sounds like this....
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Syndra (133).jpg
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Homura (22).jpg
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There isn't much else to say unless I tell you who it was... I can play the other way around and try to make you guess but since I don't think you know the community its gonna be hard. Its a really nice guy and his waifu is blonde aswell.
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Ooh okay I didn't know that

What the fuck does a high dog even act like
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Nothing much, really. Just listening to some music.

Well, I've been lurking for the past day or two.
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I like shinoa's micropennis
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What are you, fucking gay?

What does that even mean?
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This again?

It doesn't even make sense this time.
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Homura (18).jpg
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Now I want to take you to a nice windy hill and just stay there enjoying the sun and music.

Enjoying the circlejerk?
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Hey now you're a Keemstar, get your hat on, MLG
Hey now you're a Keemstar, get your sociopathy
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Let me cuddle them
Woof, not really my cup of tea.
Not too shabby for what it is though!
Very ambient, sets a mood

Damn, I like it!
Pry one of the better covers of this song

Ah man, I love the dire straights, those guys are fuckin golden

I dont think your overrating it
Thank god for girls and king of the world are some top quality tracks
Definatly that sam Weezer sound after years of activity.
Im happy to see theyve held up after all these years

Damn, Red Dead always had one of the better soundtracks out there.
I love that western sound they were puting out
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Prinz (48).png
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Ah okay.. What kind of music?

I knew you'd like those Yume, want more?
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forgot pic god fuckin
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ahahaha, well you have the power to summon me!!! being a nercromancer and all
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2 MB, 500x278
yes little one please
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1 MB, 1280x727

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1 MB, 1600x4637
Rest in piss Keemstar
Fucking destroyed
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Yeah, I like it.
>I'm still curious

One of Radiohead's new songs.
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Syndra (74).jpg
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2 lewd.
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no little one you are not old enough to go lewd
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I love hugging yume's big fat cock
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Homura (3).jpg
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If only that was real.

It was actually Chuck Testa.
>inb4 low quality meme
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way 2lewd
when are you gonna kys?
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Ancient meme
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Tatsumaki (243).png
1 MB, 1637x1158
I'm just glad it's not Make Believe or Radtitude, or Hurley, or The Red Album.

Your mileage may vary on Everything Will Be Alright in the End and Maladroit, but I liked them.
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Syndra (80).jpg
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im waiting on you
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793 KB, 500x280
Hello there.


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Ooh okay!
>surprise hugs
>I can't myself back anymore


Fine fine... Will this do?

I bet you Do, Graf

Deleted, nobody saw that
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130 KB, 600x600
The skeleton life, you mean being called anorexic?
Brings me back.
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kagami (9).png
311 KB, 783x1021
you do!! just say the word....and ill be there!!!
>i actually do mean it
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Vigil - 253.jpg
97 KB, 541x700
>Deleted, nobody saw that
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287 KB, 332x538
my eyes saw it
im waiting for yume
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656 KB, 960x720
Kms i thought you were Graf
>inb4 kys newfag
File: Yume44.jpg (1 MB, 1920x1080) Image search: [Google]
1 MB, 1920x1080
no little one still 2lewd
also I saved it
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Alex is a stupid nigger
gotta go, baiiiiiii
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Homura (20).jpg
179 KB, 1024x1365
I wonder if in the future there will be Meme Museums where you can find the rarest pepes in exposition.

Whelp... not here, but its like you're here!
Megumin claimed~
Got around 15 min before work. How's everyone?
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there are some great rock covers of famous songs out there, however, they aren't easy to find
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So you aren't going to tell me?

>I can't myself back anymore
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Alex is a stupid nigger
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206 KB, 420x600

N.. No they didn't

Thanks syndra.

Oh Jesus Christ how new are you

Of course.. Will THIS DO
>inb4 too lewd
oh...i didn't mean like that lol, but my high school days were a little like that
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I love sucking OPs micropenis
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Tatsumaki (224).jpg
883 KB, 724x1024

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1 MB, 500x569
still visible panties but its k now
such cute legs
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Let's see who got it
I fat chick once told me she was jealous, I mean it was something.
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well it takes a little longer than that silly!!!
>tfw i wish i could teleport over to you
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333 KB, 686x968
>more hugs
I love hugging on the threads

Not as cute as Yumes legs

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Homura (14).jpg
46 KB, 844x666
I want to have some fun too so maybe some other day... I will have you guessing for a while.
>It's a nice guy.
>Waifu is blonde.
>Currently employed.
Unbelievable, I know.
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662 KB, 848x1200
I like hugs.


I haven't been here that long, how am I supposed to know that?
File: Homura (1).jpg (1 MB, 1500x843) Image search: [Google]
Homura (1).jpg
1 MB, 1500x843
God dammit teleportation would make everyones life a million times easier...
>and wars a million times more violent and unpredictable
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Vigil - 145.jpg
244 KB, 741x840
I'll tolerate this for now, but don't toy with them for too long.
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87 KB, 715x1000
they can forget about it after a hug
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kagami (27).gif
704 KB, 500x253
oh god.....well maybe in the future lol, when the earth is just one giant country
>i can dream right????
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Prinz (151).jpg
49 KB, 480x793
I'm sad now

I like hugs too! They're so great

>im unemployed
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1010 KB, 1440x2560

Friends smoked some dank shit and blew it in the dog's face to get it high because it followed us when we were walking around

Thanks Dio sama
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18 KB, 200x375
I dont know~
I really liked Raditude, has my favorite track by them, I Want To
EAE was pretty dope too


Yee, a lot of kloset Kiddies
File: Homura (19).jpg (947 KB, 3000x1800) Image search: [Google]
Homura (19).jpg
947 KB, 3000x1800
Need to leave, see ya.

Nope not him, I hope to see you tomorrow and maybe I will tell you!

Sorry... im awkward as fuck and this is my only way to interact with them.
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134 KB, 850x734
whatever you say
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50 KB, 400x250
There there. Check these dubs.
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nah little ones legs are just the cutest
like rorys are just the best legs
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Tatsumaki (183).jpg
202 KB, 707x1000
Oh boy, /mu/ is shitting itself again.
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Alex is a stupid nigger


How are you?

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140 KB, 480x480
>tight hugs
I hope so

LMAO poor dog

Didn't have this one, saved

>five off
I'm worse now

Rory has nice legs..
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619 KB, 848x1200
I didn't know, sorry...

Aww, I wanted to know. Bye.
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>rory has nice legs
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Tatsumaki (251).png
378 KB, 550x977!yhVHnLYb!sycMkbra65JqS5PW1Z9dnK3IvRB4j51n4i-wJEBZ6Qs

It's in 320 kbps, if you're wondering.
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I'm sorry, forgive me.
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Huh, why? The radiohead album?
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Aww no need to apologize! You didn't know
>more hugs


That's okay, I forgive you
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Give 'Ol Ryuko some hugs Prinz
Meh, Ill just wait it out.
Im one of them faggots
We need that 9999 get in here.
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Cause dof followed us everywhere in the neighborhood and my 6'2, 300lb friend had bad relationship with dogs as a kid and didn't want to punch it

Shes fine. I poked her and she didn't move and let out an over exaggerating sigh. Am I too late for hugs?
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kagami (24).jpg
31 KB, 704x396
im gonna go for a bit...ill see you guys in a few!! bye!!
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1 MB, 500x500
I've got to go, I need to clean desperately.
Bye for now.
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59 KB, 600x450
See ya whenever Kagami.
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I like you.
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>happy hugs
How are you?

I hope we get it

Thank God. I wouldn't want you to end up killing some guys doggo by accident
You're never late for hugs!
>tight hugs
Meant dog and remember this was 2 am I the morning where they were passing the blunt. Natrually through habit, they passed it to me but remembered I don't smoke and the fucking wind kept blowing the good shit into my face. Forgot how nice it smelled
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Tatsumaki (207).jpg
1 MB, 1200x1678
Yeah, I just downloaded it for archival reasons, I'll check the SPEKs and see if everything's alright later.
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814 KB, 540x240
Yay! Is Galky being Ellen again?
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346 KB, 800x1131

It would seem the odds are with us.
See you all later!

Hope its all kosher, man
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Heh I like you too! You're a cool guy
>infinite hugs

Nah, that's a new anon

It looks like it!
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We tried ;(
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You was so close.
Why no change style on mobile?
meme machine
I'll welcome him in next thread

Shinoa bro
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380 KB, 1093x773
Thank you! That makes me happy...
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470 KB, 745x1024 claimed
motherfucking meme machine
File: image.gif (42 KB, 460x314) Image search: [Google]
42 KB, 460x314
a motherfucking meme machine
Thread replies: 164
Thread images: 151

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