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Waifu Claiming thread >iunno The rules are simple: >Claim

The stories and information posted here are artistic works of fiction and falsehood.
Only a fool would take anything posted here as fact.

Thread replies: 175
Thread images: 151
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Waifu Claiming thread

The rules are simple:
>Claim your waifu/husbando
>Post fitting, not over-sexualized or excessive content of the sort.
>Take your porn, suggestive themes and ERP elsewhere.
>Insult other waifu
>Get buttmad
>Keep RP to a minimum.
>Ignore the RP
>Pretend to be normal and discuss stuff
Most important: Have fun!
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Kazuki (4).jpg
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*it was a hologram*
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>Shizuru get!
>If dubs, more guro
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Well done. We should call him Guro-chan.

Rory claimed
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hey guro dude can you post more of this type of stuff

>kirino or something xdxdxd
Fuck that guy, always killed my team and left me to slowly kill him from a distance

>jenny claim
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>it's me goku
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still here


its raining
you did now
what is even going on in this one
You really think I'm in the mood to take requests?
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Syndra (80).jpg
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I mean you've come this far, some stuff you've posted is actually pretty cool.

Stick around for us, hey?
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Cmon guys we hurt his feelings. I think we should be a little nicer to our newest addition.

What's up, guro-chan? We traditionally talk to eachother while posting pics
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rip guro
sachi claim
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Well, yeah, we do, Guro-chan
Cant even see the gore. Plz man.
Goddamn reroll. Ill not make a liar out of /waifu/
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You know Gasai (83).jpg
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I'm fuckin invisible!
>Barrock obama
bareback a llama
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Yup. Oh well.
>Nice trips
Nice try.
Plot twist though, more guro on singles too.
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>claiming yume
Sorry I just left you guys before, I fell asleep..

Death senpai...
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HomuMad (17).jpg
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rip 4chin free life 10:30-12:50

Ay Yume
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>Claiming Ishtar
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>2 hour later rattles
want a coffee?
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Syndra (83).jpg
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Death for an hour

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Hello Froggo

Hiya peachy <3
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HomuMad (26).jpg
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They know /waifu/ is a blessed get thread and are trying to get that blessing too.

Hello Europoor Lurkiko.
>wants to stop cancer
>bumps the thread
At least you tried

How's your Friday? or saturday?
Hey Homu
Aww yeah babe rub it in harder
It worked.
Good morning, I guess.
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forgot pic

Hey Galko
>It worked.
Did I miss something?
It's Friday, and it jusy started really.
I'll send ya some food bb

What worked.
And yeah, morning.
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HomuMad (14).jpg
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What is the worst captcha?
>clicking store fronts until there is none left

How about we rub each other, don't forget im a fellow europoor too.

Good morning Galko.

Mugi why.
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The "select all the street signs" then shows a tree
Trying to sleep worked. Also Hello.

My friend of similar ethnic background.

Good morning.
>store fronts a shit
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Nah, that's cool
When 4chin was down I made myself some belissimo lasagne

>How about we rub each other
Well that's one way to stay warm during the cold dark winter nights

Selecting grass is a fucking bitch

Ah yes that can be quite the endeavor doesn't it? Hope you're rested
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One time it showed me the inside of a kitchen and told me to click street signs.

>Trying to sleep worked. Also Hello.
Good to know, it worked for me too fixing my bipolarity and mood swing yesterday.
>store fronts a shit
Sometimes I randomly click the squares and verify just to get another captcha.
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Heyyy my brothas!
Heading to physical test!
>Can't believe my test start at 8:00am im still tired lol

Just wanted to say Hello everyone and I'll be back later<3

Take care!
>Aqua Claimed
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Hey, do you guys pronounce it as lasag-na or lasanjah?

Hey Aqua
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Good luck with it.

I heard getting naked is actually a good idea in such a situation.

In Portugal we say 'lasanha'.
I slept pretty well. How are you?

That's good to hear.
>I do the same thing
>I also hate it when it says select the street sign
>but it's just one big street sign

Hello booty.
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Heyyy!! Hope you're doing great!

>And I pronounce it lasag-na hahaha<3


Hello my tittie friend:)

I really gtg but i'll be back later! BIG LOVE
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all sings.png
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Like this? At least you just click everything and it works.

I will have to warn you that my luck isn't so good, maybe I shouldn't wish it for you.
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Not sure about the naked part but it's a good way to stay warm

In dutch we pronounce it lasanjeh

I'm fine if not a bit tired. Don't feel like doing anything today but I'll probably do some more coding later on. I also gotta pack my stuff and move to my dad's place for the weekend

I'm doing alright, thanks

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See you later.

I'm too lazy to click everything...
>and it doesn't work every time anyway
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I fucking forgot pic again
I shouldn't play vidya and post atst
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kagami (6).jpg
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kagami claimed, mornin everyone!!!
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HomuMad (18).jpg
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What are you playing?


What I hate the most is when it says its correct and after posting it says it was wrong.
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whoa!! morning homu?? or are you still madoka? lol
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HomuMad (lewd).jpg
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2 hours of pointless Madoka posting left.
I have to go to work now.
Bye everyone.

That sucks.

That's the worst, honestly.
See ya later Galko.
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Hey Kagami

trying to get my skills back
I used to be in the top 50 sharks on the leaderboards back in the alphas but I haven't played since then and it's gotten huge.
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2 hours??? oh well lol, then you can go back to being homu!!
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kagami (42).jpg
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hi akiko, how goes it???
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Bye Galko

Having a lazy day. We're making the bridge since yesterday was Heaven's canal so no work for me. Still I'll probably work on my game later today but for now I'm just playing vidya
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HomuMad (13).jpg
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Thats great, are those leaderboards like world wide or some kind of region?

HomuMad pics are actually pretty good but I can't even post that mirror pic like this.
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a bridge???? what game are you playing?
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hey what up little fellows?
Yes sachi thank you 1 coffee and legs for my entertaiment
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Back then it was worldwide since the playerbase only contained about 1200 people, now I'm not sure

Heh, I guess our sayings don't translate very well. Heaven's canal or Heaven's ditch is a holiday. It's the day where the souls of the dead come from the grave and wander the mortal plane before ascending to the next world. We stay indoors to prevent the souls of the dead from overtaking the living. Making the bridge means making a connection between days that are isolated by such holidays. For example if tuesday is a holiday we will get the Monday off as well. So thursday was the hoilday and today we're making the bridge
claimed :P
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H.A.N.A.K.O unit, ready for deployment.
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Don't have any coffee but here have these legs

Hello bacon girl
i do like some of them, a lot of them seem like fan art...
>kyubey icecream....
oh!!! i totally missed that lol, wow we don't have a holiday like that except for.....halloween i guess
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hey crispy one how are you doing?
such fine legs mhmhm
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3 MB, 2420x1711
Still impressive, even if back then there weren't any try hards playing.

>spots Emi
Is Hanako from katawa too?

Its hard to find fan art of MM that actually follows the original art style, I kinda hate that but eh. What does Kyuubey taste like?
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Currently engaged in the battle of the century with my personal guards.

That is correct.
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im not sure....i guess we can find out lol
>that pic....all those homus!!!!
I want to die, /waifu/.
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big guy.jpg
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your a big guy
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Isn't halloween originally something about celebrating the coming of the spring? Seems hardly connected to souls

You can have these as well

I don't know about tryhards, I just played and ended up there. I remember being matched with the #7 shark once, guy was a goddamn legend
There were only 3 sharks in the game back then, now there are 7, one of which is stupidly broken if played right. Sharks still feel very underpowered though, especially towards the end since you can buy a bangstick harpoon as a diver that can oneshot even the Great White

Suu best girl

Well shit, good luck commander
>all those homus
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Yes, what is it?

Then do it with efficiency

Multiple H.O.M.U.R.A units detected.
he's not a big guy
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kagami (3).gif
2 MB, 500x281
for you etc
hmmmm, i think the origins are similar to the heaven's ditch where the spirits roam the mortal plane
i wanna jump in there like a ball pit!!!! i wonder what would happen lol
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are you a big guy
what is your next step of your master plan?
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I am not.
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kagami (9).gif
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you're scaring me with those,i dunno, i don't really have one lol, take over the world??
also, 69 last post number :^) lol
We need more homus

I once saw a documentary that said it came from Celtic religions and it would indeed be something similar. I think the pumpkin was meant as a vessel where the soul would go in instead of your own body
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Where is left.jpg
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Getting one shot is never fun, but are they really underpowered? Are there statistics somewhere that prove it?
Being against that guy must have been fun, even if you got raped its always a honor to play vs someone of that skill.

W-what does that mean? Will the units crash?

All homus would praise the qt godess.

Hell no, one Homu is enough to give me the feels.

I don't see the point in your shitposting.
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>Not a L E G S thread
that sounds awesome!!!! i wanna ball pit of homus now!!!
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System malfunction
Multiple H.O.M.U.R.A units found
Logic error: There is only one H.O.M.U.R.A unit

J.U.R.I unit detected.

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Mei 14.png
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Can't find statistics but we are to believe sharks are actually stronger than divers, because divers have a near infinite skill cap
Check out this interesting post from the Dev that says sharks win about 55%-60% of games

I was actually playing with him
It's a 2v4 with 2 sharks vs 4 divers
Dude was pretty cool, added me and we played some more games. I don't see him online anymore


Hello Mei
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Ahoy there, fellow acronym sharing diagnostics unit. How is this solar cycle treating you?
This is a good start.
Ooh, those are nice as well, I love it.
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1 MB, 500x278
O shit whaddup

Rory claimed.

How is the thread still alive?

On the same one as when I finished work.
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kagami (9).png
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waifu magic
I should be saying

Rory still here. But oh well. Been one of those nights.
Death senpai /)v(\
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The H.A.N.A.K.O unit is worse for wear, but still going strong.

Because of our abundant numbers.
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HomuMad (21).jpg
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>you will never have a ball pit of Homuras/Kagamis
Why live?

Aha thats interesting, but maybe sharks do win more at lower and mid rating while at high rating divers are better... or something like that.
Thats awesome, I love it when im playing some game at high level and end up in someone stream.
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4chin was kill for 2 hours, after which the thread just continued. Combine that with downtime and you have your same thread 3 hours later

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Doin my job.gif
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Waifu magic is an acceptable answer.
Hi there froggo. I still see you!

So what happened with Guro-chan? Did he go back to his hook- I mean girlfriend?
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Mei 1.jpg
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kagami (18).png
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sigh....i wish i could answer gonna make it my life goal to get a ball pit of homus and kagamis lol
Ah! Death senpai <3
How are you today you beautiful waifu?
I want Sachi to drink my cum
Ill drink your cum <3
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>that pic

Like the dev says, it's balanced towards high skill players. 60% shark winrate at low level and 50% at high levels. Seems balanced enough to me. When you're 2v4 and they can oneshot you you should be somewhat stronger. Remember the sharks immobilise themselves when they bite a diver, making you a sitting duck for the other 3 divers who can still oneshot you
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Perhaps you might need some.. maintenance? Some tender love and care? I'm quite adept at female unit maintenance, I'll have you know.
>Not sure if this means post ASS
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6 foot robot fists old man.png
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jesus, is this thread still alive? Must be a slow day/night.

Anyway, jenny claim.
Everything is too cute for you, faggot.
do you have telegram
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1 MB, 1000x1250
It does now

>waifu magic

I am easily impressed
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for you..
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Mei 4.jpg
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Vigil - 307.jpg
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M-maintenance?! Oh my.
Uh... no, thank you. I'm quite al-


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478 KB, 800x873
>Asking for Telegram and didn't even post a waifu
>Yo bby lemme get them digits kek
It's about fucking time!
You got it, Nice Name.
Damn girl you T.H.I.C.C
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2 MB, 500x333
That explains that.
I am good, not tired yet.
You do require maintenance. Do you need assistance, Juri?
Akiko is the cutest waifu
She has shining black hair as dark as the night
Perfect legs and breasts
Her brilliant eyes act as a beacon in the vast cuteness of akiko
>Mi Liu
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45 KB, 570x600
Are. You. Suure?
>All that red fluid is a sure sign of a faulty nervous system
Just sit down and relax, I know what I'm doing.
>You can trust me
I require immediate assistance this VERY INSTANT R.O.R.Y
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Bow down fuckers
>4chan claimed
>Yotsuba claim
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They were the 2 most productive hours of my week

This guy gets it
Happy to assist, J.U.R.I.
>Ready to help
I'd just finished at work too. At least it came back up just as I got home. Playing MWO now. Need to get some masteries done.
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Well shit Im sorry I wanted to surprise you with lewd frog legs ya shit
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Uh... b-but...


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So whats up mien naegers
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Froggu is sexy af
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Last claim for me until after classes
See ya guys!
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see you anon!!! have fun!!
>always here
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I need pliers, a wrench, new wires, some WD-40, and a.. flathead screwdriver. Maybe a new processing unit as well, this one looks in bad shape.. huhuhu~
>R.O.R.Y, let's give this unit a FULL BODY tuneup, stat
Well jeez you sexy fucking hot froggo, why didn't you just say so?
>For future reference my Telegram is the name of my waifu so just search for that
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Not much, just playing vidya on my day off
You post here regularly? I remember seeing you before but I don't know how long ago


See you later
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kagami (13).gif
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aren't we all? lol
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And I always love you.
I guess.


This is lewd.
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I feel watched

I gotta say the speed at which the internet pumps out rule 34 never ceases to amaze me
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Wonderful melons, I greatly approve.
You are.

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3 MB, 649x358
>brings back a handful of chips, a small rodent and a large preserved brain
I'm not used to this world, I don't know what any of that stuff is!
I do know what a full body tune up means though...
>always watching
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Aight, I'm off to wank. I'll be back in an hour or so
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kagami (37).jpg
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an hour?!?!?
File: Syndra (41).jpg (128 KB, 500x500) Image search: [Google]
Syndra (41).jpg
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See you in a minute
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FULL-BODY maintenance?!


Mamma mia...
You're telling me it doesn't take you about half an hour?

I think I'm in the mood for some Syndra r34
>>682924068 doesn't T_T
Well I am calculating finding some good material and the afterglow in it, so it's probably closer to 15 minutes
>Assorted goodies
Oh, R.O.R.Y.. you're just too cute sometimes. These things are perfect!
>Large preserved brain
Ooh, I know what to do with this~
>We needed that oil can to lubricate this unit's squeaky.. appendages~
Don't worry, we'll fix her juuuust right.
Quick R.O.R.Y, she's experiencing hallucinations! We must begin immediately, starting from the legs up.
>Don't worry, sweet H.A.N.A.K.O, we will liberate you from all those silly errors and glitches, and open you up to a whole new world of possibility.
So you will need a new processing unit after all, luckily I have this well kept brain floating around.
*Snuggles the galko*

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