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How do you live knowing most girls will have come across a dick

The stories and information posted here are artistic works of fiction and falsehood.
Only a fool would take anything posted here as fact.

Thread replies: 279
Thread images: 56
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How do you live knowing most girls will have come across a dick like mine in their time and will have to force themselves to feign interest when they see yours?

You may be the better person but that primal psychological satisfaction will never be fulfilled.
What are you even talking about? You dick is fucked up. It looks like a poorly made balloon animal.
Betting pencil dick detected
holy shit i kek'd
Nice try OP but you're not black.
That's my size op cept mine doesn't look like a crayon.
Average cock. Congrats low quality bait.
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You're gunna attract a lot of abuse for being so cocky, excuse the pun, but that is a God tier penus.
nice d-warts bro
also why is your dick so thin??
>thick greek meat race reporting in
Lol. You look tiny as hell...what are you, a buck-thirty, thirty-five? good luck getting a woman first thin mints
I'm gay.
Nice try tho fam
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U jelly bro
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As long as you make them cum real hard, they don't give a shit. Average dudes just have to work a bit harder, but can still give chicks orgasms as good as a guy with a huge dick. That being said, Thread is obviously bait.
>those faggy sandals
The large penis is obviously the only thing you have going for yourself so make it count.
My gfs sandals niglet.

Dem feet do
Handsome guy here with a 6" dick. Trust me. A woman wants to take decent picks with a handsome guy more than anything.
timestamp faggot
tell her I said not to wear them when she comes over
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Nice genital warts, nigger.
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look at muh hug benis.gif
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>Says the guy who's so insecure he needs to brag on 4chan
would gladly suck/10

t. faggot
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Your probably right actually bro. I could be doing something better with my life right now rather than in sighting people to mock normal physical variations of my reasonably large cockitchen.
You may have a bigger paddle, but we're in the same boat.
Oh fuck that made me laugh
But your dick isnt bigver than mine? And im not a faggot? I dont understand.
Dude fuck your deformed dick, the fuck are those lumps on your waist/hip area . You have cancer dude wtf
retards like you are just a piece of meat.
you bring nothing else to the table, the male version of a vapid whore.
and you fags always forget that women aren't loyal, they want to experience every kind of cock.
sure that might mean fucking small ones, but I'm sure a lot of women would rather fuck 100 different small to average cocks vs the same old boring big cock every single day.
Must be hard for you. I actually have trouble with most girls I've been with. Would actually probably lose an inch in length ideally.

I'm just bored and insighting and emotional reaction from silly bints.
Your abdomen is so fucking lumpy dude, fucking gross.
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My dick is manly unlike yours
A lot of girls have trouble with it at certain angles/positions but theyre usually to busy enjoying me fucking them without relying on my size. Except if i unexcpectedly bottom out. But seriously unless its tiny anons youre good.
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Thanks for making me feel better about myself by talking about your smaller than average cut wang.
Your dick looks like it belongs on a 39yo mexican.
Thanks, I never noticed before. I will make sure to iron it flat next time.

yo holy shit. literal perfect body if them tits are real. got any more buh?
Kek nice try at using perspective to your advantage but its still not even pushing average.
I'm Indian and I'm 21 dumbass
"In sighting" kek
Nigga do you even know what the average is. It's below 6 inches. U blind
Kill yourself than, you curry and BO smelling faggot.
Gross, at least beaners can cook... You probably aren't even a curry nigger are you?
>bottoming out
I know that feel. My wife doesn't enjoy getting poked in the cervix and says that it hurts. Last time, though, I poked her in the cervix and she moaned. So I kept doing it and she cummed her brains out. I asked her about it afterwards because it's normally something she doesn't enjoy. She says she doesn't know why it felt good this time, but it felt *really* good.
Pretty fitting then, also nice mole on your dick kek
Now That's What I Call Cock

I've got 8.5 and make $236k

MAYBE you have half an inch on me but I make 12x your income you poor piece of beta trash.
I know I'm still laughing now. The funniest think I ever read. How could someone even do that? I mean do they even know it's not tworth words? Maxi mum fuck ing kek
Man being on 4chan makes me feel so much better about my dick. I mean mine is bigger than OP's and it doesn't look fucked up like his.

I never considered myself lucky for my dick but the more time I spend here on /b/ the more convinced I am that my cock is shaped by the gods
Because she realizes if she wants to have a good future for herself and her children, she will have to settle for someone making 6 figures as well as having to sign for every prenup I throw her way.
It's cool, with your lanklet body my perfect 6' 210lb body will satisfy any woman better than you ever could, even with a dick that's only slightly above average
You jealous>>682854970
Shut up way bigger and hotter than yours
That's no 6' like I said not even pushing average
Thanks man
yeah but being a cum vacuum has its short cummings to
Birches love lanklets
>I've got 8.5 and make $236k

Neither of these are true. You really suck at this. Are you even trying?
Where are you from OP?
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you can fuck off shit cunt, thats barely even a dick.
Slovakia, sometimes germany
smh why you posting Pissmouse's dick trying to say its your.
I've got 9 inches and 240k. plus i bought a really cool hat.
Mate that is smaller in every dimension but smallness
nvm thought i recognized your dick
wrong post
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that has to cancel out a few inches
You don't have to believe me. I am a director at one of the largest IT companies in the US though.
The fuck is pissmouse
Oh yeah? I've got 9.25" and make $245k. Plus I have a collection of really cool hats.
Kek what's to be jealous of, you're a shit skin by you're own admittance and have a forgettable dick you are trying to boost your confidence about and long story short bud, it's nothin special as everyone has posted
Which one, infininigger?
Some dude who posted his dick awhile back. These pics were literally from that thread. Pissmouse always timestamped
Sweet wanna give me 2k and half an inch? I'll pay for the transplant
It starts with a C, ends in an O and was founded in San Francisco in the 80s :)
Pissmouse must just have a sweet lookin dick like me then
I was baiting you with the hats. Shoes are where it's at. Everyone knows this. And also, when I said 9 I was talking soft. And when I said 240k, I was only counting what was in my pockets.

Foreplay bro. Makes the difference between pain and pleasure.

I am 6'1" and my partner is almost as tall. Only 6" even, and bottom out easy. Dudes that are above 7 really aren't worth much more than something to suck on, says the previously mentioned partner. She has...experience.

Pornstars can handle that much size either because they fake pleasure for the camera, or their vaginas are so loose and stretched from toys and dicks that are complete outliers to the average size. Most of these fucking threads are from minors who don't know anything about sex.

Odds are, if you worry about your dick you are anxious. Makes you perform poorly. Just relax and enjoy the experience. Both of you probably want it to be great.
I feel sorry for you that you have to take pictures of someone else's dick and brag about it. kys kid
Its much better than you pathetic white cock
5inch dick here, keep my girlfriend satisfied just fine, she gets those big cums when she rides me and I can also make her scream with oral, feels good
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Ya your dicks small compared to mine
Hit the nail right on the head.
I mean, if you're going to make it that fucking obvious, you could just say "Cisco". You definitely do not work for Cisco. I demand proof of your employment and large penis.
probably the same way basic girls feel when they see lovable fat shaved pussy lips. Fuck off troll
I really like your child hands. Must attract all of the girls. You have those awkward autist stub fingers.
FuckU I have sxc supple hands and I play women like a faun plays the flute

Fedora detected
I think OP is retarded but you sir are fucking niggardly retarded.
We never skimp on the foreplay. Honestly I can't think of anything that stood out. If you're married I'm sure you know that at least some of your sex becomes what I call "mac'n'cheese sex", because it's quick, simple and always good. And that's what this was. I don't get it, but I wish I did. The whole idea of bottoming out and her loving it is a huge power trip.
This guy has successfully baited you all with his junk
clean your floor homie
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Looks like a turd sliding out from his ass niggers are so fucking nasty lmao
Like what, a picture of my bage?
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Sure a picture of your badge next to your dick would do. With a time stamp, of course.
No get fucked
Do you see how mad you've made them
Dude!, break out the vacuum for fucks sake, that place is a pigsty
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Yes and it only makes me harder
>You may be the better person but that primal psychological satisfaction will never be fulfilled.

Your intelligence must've disappeared in the process of your puberty. Size is not a " primal psychological satisfaction", size is whats currently meta. 2000 years ago small was the hip thing, congratz on hitting the evolutionary lottery in nothing but your penis
Yeah I need to get rid of that bitch. Even her vag is a mess but that's partly my doing.
I remember that thread from earlier too, nigger.
The psychological satisfaction derived from being accepted and in line with current cultural trends and values is pretty primal mate.

Damn right you missed the point fucknig
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Your dick looks weird and the women I talk to are more preoccupy with doing a quality job at work than wanting to be talked down to by some /b/tard who inst even out of school yet.
>Hide your fucking backpack under age b8
No. A primal psychological satisfaction does not derive from whats currently meta
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I just show them mine.
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Why would quite backpack be a sign I was underage you fucking penus
Yes it does. The need to be accepted is primal. So duck my majestic balloon animal dick
Looks like it's trying to hang itself cos it's so ugly
im fine, atleast i have my fleshlight. Its better than nothing
You mustn't have much girth to your dick.
They dont always mind if your dont just ram their cervix. But if you ease up on it and put pressure gradually youd be suprised. Its mostly the suddden accidental knock that is a game ender.

Also this...for the most part.
your girth doesn't look nearly as impressive as your length, and your probably a bit too long for most women... so yeah... your in a pretty mixed blessed situation.. don't exactly envy you.
If the need to be accepted was equal to dicksize small dicks wouldnt exist you mongloid
oh thanks, I only had the bottom part
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Zero girth
You wont find anything else its one of those 1 pic only girls.
Well, I'm no newbie. I know how to push her buttons after 10 years. I'm no two pump chump either.

The interesting thing is that this happened in the missionary position. I can't always hit her cervix in that position. I can easily when she's on her belly, so I have to be careful. Maybe it was the angle?
>Why do you keep talking about primal shit?
Do you think it's really that hard to bring a girl to climax?
Try going for 3 hours and make her "finish" more then you. (at least 5 times)
If a girl really cares just about sex then I'm sure doing that will work a love better then a billow average dicking that will last 10 minutes.

If a girl only cares about sex then they are basically a fleshlight that makes you pay a bunch of money everyday even when you don't use it.
>And they can't provide anything to your life that doesn't involve you being their sugar daddy
too bad but true, and thanks again
You're right. Since we live now in our constructed sexually free society where women are likely to try out many dicks and the bigger the better for most of these nymphomaniacs. Of course they'll think of that big dick hot guy (or uglier one with big dick and high self-esteem) when they masturbate next time instead of that nice guy with a smaller wiener.

I think there would be much much less frustration caused by anxiety and depression if every guy had that kind of penis which would give them enough self-respect to continue healthy living in this circus.

Men are animals living in their recreated fake world with all social pressures like worrying about size of their dicks or thickness of their wallets. In the old days it was only the survival of the fittest, and it didn't matter how long or thick your dick was but that you were physically capable of taking what you want and keep it. It didn't matter if had a snake down there when the big guy bashed your face inside the back of your head. Later on men could control women by religion and strict moral codes but then they vanished and now we're having this situation.

I have an average penis but it looks small in my manly muscular body (excellent muscle & strength genes). So yes, you're the winner of the modern society and I am sad and depressed.

People can always try to make you feel better by telling how you can do tricks or lick that snatch like a pro but that's just bullshit and nothing near the same as having the D girls dream about.
It turns me on actually knowing some other guy has stretched out my girlfriends pussy before she was with me. Doesn't bother me at all.

Been thinking about killing myself because of my size. This much closer, truth hurts, eh?
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Your dick isn't that big, you're like the same size as me and I'm considered average by a lot of girls. Shut up B8 fag
Escapism is a good form of surviving and finding other things in life. Try some drugs... or anything that makes you feel better. I think suicide is such a waste since we live only once.
S'okay: mine's not been mutilated.
Baby brother giving you a reach around?
i cant be upset with something i have no control over
Only craving sex and having a small dick is a fucking waste. I can only run from my feelings for so long.
>It looks like a poorly made balloon animal.
Having trouble getting it up? It's OK, I can fuck your girl for you.
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If the game were Chess, this would be checkmate.
Your dick looks like it is gay.
Who are you....soflo
I've got 1 meter penis, and I have $420K in the crease of my corinthian leather couch on the Mediterranean
Really wants you to peg him with a reach between
"Your hands are so soft"

"Thanks, use lotion every day"
Luckily mine is a little bigger still. But I get what you're saying. It works both ways too. Most girls you mert will never have these perky boobs like that one girl had who you fucked in high school. Are you still enjoying your time with the others?
That's nice and all, but a one meter penis would never work. It would be too long for the blood to reach the end meaning it would have to be cut off
>you're like the same size as me

no, he's quite a bit bigger that your slightly below average pecker
Gay penis - thin. Good for man ass.
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No one has to "feign" interest in my cock.
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Yeah wtf this nigga
I work out a lot, and take viagra every day. I can fuck an elephant into submission
Yeah because its disgusting anon
Lost... is this a ylyl? so lost... my sides
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>God tier

Fuck outta here Soflo soundin' ass

Weebles, is that you?
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My length? -.5 inches when hard.
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Could someone tribute my pic for my ex?
Did you run into a wall?
Lel at that dick literally made of tumors....enjoy your ed at age 35 if u dont jave it now
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I've never actually had sex because it's simply too big for girls to take. If that's not god tier I don't know what is.
Fat injections

>dat file name
not your dick
how is your dick shaped like that
Just work out, lose a few pounds, use a bathmate and other clit pump/penis pumps several times a day, earn a lot of money, get a life, a personality, and use your tongue a lot. Take steroids and penis growth pills really work well also.
as a gay man please continue to post dick pics especially black one I need to fill my dick folder again
Fat injections? Is this a thing?
>I've never actually had sex
>god tier

of course
Easy, after that pleb cock they are dieing for a real man's cock. Yours smells like spoiled milk and sadness. Mine is 9 inches of throbbing pleasure. Bitches like to ride it like it's filled with daddy's approval. Have fun with your skinny, normal ass cock. Cuck.
agreed Id so enjoy sucking that

Weebles kept jerking around on the table, caused all the fat to be injected near his pubic bone. Doctors don't charge him for it, since it makes his penis laughable
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>clit pump
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Happy to oblige!
Post proof of your manliness with timestamp, Herc
why are all these rooms so fucking dirty. jesus christ.
I almost didn't find my way out of that sentence. Phew , that was close
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Just gonna go ahead and post my dick
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Do you want some mushrooms for your collection?
Don't take it as an insult, take it as motivation to load up on penis enlargement pills
Yes, for girth gains
Satan is witnessed here
6'' reporting in...banging my 18yr old gf whenever I want, I'm 29 btw, she's tight as fuck
Do penis pills actually work?
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I don't know how much it'll even do... when I was thinner it looked like this.

Something wrong you made if now I'm the one fucking her and not you.
thank you interesting head Id still suck that

you were blessed and cursed woman must have fun blowing you off but I would never take that in the ass I belive females feel the same>>682867497
loose wait gain a few inches its what Im doing
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They worked for me!
and I am saving that nice pretty dic.

I love how straight men compare dick sizes on here for me its just fap material
confirmed for true question, with false for an answer
My dick is superior to OPs
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Pic related, my cock and favorite reading material
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You're funny OP. Ladies love my cock.
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I know, mine's way longer than OPs
Just work out, buy a huge 4 wheel drive truck or a Hummer.
You know, I got a dick the same size and it sucks when it comes to the actual fucking

Anyways this is probably a copypasta
ayyy lmao
Trips say you must eat that shroom

Also, I think the head is a sponge, sucking all the blood out of your shaft.
You look deceased

Literal mangina complete with clitdick.
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I'm very much alive, thank you. And probably fucking way hotter chicks than you.
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>clitdick 1/2
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> clitdick 2/2
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>Jonah Hill cock
> 1450642589715.jpg

clearly downloaded from another thread
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Yeah, a big cock isn't all it's cracked up to be. It's tough enough going in, but pulling out's a bitch.
Is there a tumor in your cock?
hi gay guy here seen and sucked many dicks and I wouldn't suck that I mean Im cool with forsking but that weiner is thin as hell I have dildos that thin and they were for when I started anal
>I could be doing something better with my life

Like learning how to spell "inciting"

>rather than in sighting people
is that you Will?
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If I'm getting off, what the fuck do I care if she does?

What are you, some cuck who actually gives a fuck if she has an orgasm?
Lol, found the dude who sucked me off!!
There is no way that's a real dick.
Yeah, plus I got a thing for small girls and you know that means small pussy so it almost always hurts them

Shit sucks brosef, at least they love sucking it
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Yeah right, because there's one person out there with a folder full of ridiculous dicks who frequents dick rate threads just to dump the pics and derail it... uh huh.
ready for another round yet?
Hahahaha 10/10
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Indeed, I have destroyed many a hymen.
Leave and never come back

don't care. sure it bothers me a bit, but what can you do? learn to use your tongue and fingers. dexterity is a great addition to a mediocre dick. i've got my height (6'4") and a 7 inch dick, but i'm fat, so it's like 5.

plus, if you're not secure with who you are, no chick will ever be satisfied. something to be said about being okay with YOU before lusting after a woman. otherwise, it's just a joke. for you, for her, for the people who watch you.

take away lessons:
don't be so hard on yourself

improve where you can

love yourself, and the people around you, for the right reasons

good thread op.
that is one weeeeeeeird lookin' dick dude, congrats!
What the actual fuck?
Can't be real
yeah slurp that whore's cunt like a real man.

if you're eating out a prostitute's vagina, you're doing it wrong. girlfriend, fiance, or wife, is another story.

plus, a tongue ride is fuckin fun and intense. if you don't like eating pussy, i legitimately declare you to be a faggot.
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Prepare your anus
why does this exist
is this fo reals, its a shoop right?
My dick was that big when I was 14, nice try though 5/10 low effort bait but there are so many betas here that its like shooting fish in a barrel. Sage all fields etc etc
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literally almost shit myself laughing.
>OP will surely deliver
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Gtfo of here with your tapered carrot looking dick and you cordless balls. No girl in the right mind would suck that. Girth monster checking in.
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My dick is the same length and girth I wouldn't say my dick was exceptionally big.

Also, your bell is shiny, because you have a mild yeast infection from your girlfriends slightly unclean vagina.

You woman is a smelly hoe, cracka.
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Nice meeting you again
how does it feel knowing that you can get laid by a woman but would rather brag about your dick to other men on an anon board...
and no girl would fuck that or take it up the ass Ive tried taking a girthy penis it fucking suck and it hurts

fun to suck though
Not to mention gay men are watchin and faping off to this thread

thanks op p.s I get way more sex with men then you do with woman HAH
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Oh they would take it just not up the ass. Thats a no fly zone for me unfortunately.
pick one.
fair deal, gay man here soooo I can say with woman that the girth is just a girth.

must be careful not ram anything sensitive eh ?

your photoshop skills pretty good.
I meant that the girth is just a no no for the ass you have to train for that.
Have to train, yeah basically. I dont consider my dick big in general. But man when a girl sees it for the first time I hear about it. At least the girth.
Who says I give a baker's fuck about her satisfaction? With my regular sized dick I can get enjoyable blowjobs wherein the girl can actually suck it instead of just nibbling at the tip.

>Bakers fuck
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kinda hate my dick cause of the curve
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Get a traction device (a penis stretcher). They've been proven to be effective in correcting a curved penis.
Where would one get a device like this?
How do I Internet?
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It's not too bad
its not long just fucking wide I have said no to guys before the width is what hurts not the length
thanks mr skeltal
Id still suck it so woman would
whats the circumference? plz be accurate instead of trying to compete with those idiots who cant report girth with a virtual +0.5-1.0 inflation cause math and culture of liars makes it impossible to read a tape measure honestly.

>A real man
>Afraid of being nose-deep in some grade-A beef.

Ayy lmao
If you think all it takes is a dick to ensure a woman is sexually satisfied and enjoying a relationship, you've either never used it, or never had a relationship

Nobody cares if you're fucking whores. Real men have game, of which the weakest is needed for what you're dragging onto your pullout couch.
He was dropped as a baby
seeing as that isn't yours, you're not even playing in the first place
Is that supossed to be big.__.?
Kudos on the confidence
Your life must be shit if you have to come to /b/ to brag about your balloon dick to have something to feel better about. Not even a smallfag. But i guess when you're shit at everything else clinging onto a clunk of flesh between your legs is an easy vent.
>This is what happens when you inject saline into your dick.
im bi so honestly seeing a guy bigger than me does nothing but turn me on. I'm not insecure enough to care that much what women think either which is a curse 99.9% of straightmen have, not saying i'm some sloppy shit that doesn't care about what people around him see just i dont live trying my best to get female attention or worry if my cock is big enough, it's little less than 7, 7 inches when im uber horny.
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>Those bumps

Having it that bad must be scary, most girls have no idea what they are, so when they see them they think it's something they can catch, I've honestly never seen someone with them so badly before...that's gotta suck.
Behold, the god dick. All your white girls belong to me now.
Let me put it this way - What are the best tits you've ever seen? Can you not enjoy fucking a girl with worse tits?
as a second point, if you are specifically taking about psychical stimulation, most women actually prefer smaller genitalia. The ones who don't have probably been stretched.
girls are gonna see those lumps and say "fuckin nope"

bet you wont show a pic of your pizza face
wtf is a centimeter
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Those fucking lumps, god damn

That's a nice cock, but you gotta fix those fucking lumps somehow, it looks like you got some crazy STDs going on or some shit.
But what if mine is bigger than yours and other people have ones bigger that? Ever thought of that? Right now you should stand on top your ego and fucking hang yourself for even starting this thread.
Nice stretch marks faggot. Your dick looks like shit, shut up.
Hmm, looks to be around 7 to 8 inches.
Fordyce spots, smooth glans, little to no pauples.

Yeah, your dick isn't perfect, but it's damn near close.
>primal psychological satisfaction will never be fulfilled.

Retard confirmed
All these people posting with intact genitals and I'm over here wondering why my parents mutilated me and my country only protects women.

Not the day I shoot myself though.
My thick wallet and beach front home will beat your ugly cock anytime when it comes to picking up hot girls.
Bro, learn some biology, the g-spot is on average 2 cm into the vagina, too long and you're just pounding the cervix, which dosent provide as much pleasure as having your head near said g-spot, also, your a cut fag

Your dick is ugly and your body doesn't instill security at all. Some girls like the boy look, not me.
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