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Draw thread

The stories and information posted here are artistic works of fiction and falsehood.
Only a fool would take anything posted here as fact.

Thread replies: 306
Thread images: 124
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Draw thread
Requesting a muscle girl having her abs being came on while she rubs it into her skin
File: my doods.png (21 KB, 400x400) Image search: [Google]
my doods.png
21 KB, 400x400
>Will lewd shittily.
>all my art is shitty.

Man... Eggs worries me. When we see an article about some random girl in euroland dying from multiple anal fissures and vaginal breakage while getting her nipples clamped by bear traps getting punched by grizzly lumberjacks we'll all immediately know who it was.
>pin and EHG disappeared
yup, confirmed they're fucking right now
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39 KB, 599x566
requesting drawing of waifus
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File: milky.png (72 KB, 500x500) Image search: [Google]
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That's a shame. I was looking forward to kicking his ass.
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>dicks on face pls
>I wanna pat da kat
ask and you shall receive
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Here's a semi-recent lewd I made (might have posted before but that could be paranoia)

I really should be finding a way to work this new character o' mine into my universe instead of drawing porn of her but whatever

Is there a better reference for the girl's hair on the right?
File: dealmein.png (28 KB, 400x400) Image search: [Google]
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My good sir, , if you don't mind my opinion, work her in by doing what you are doing!
Make her a celebrity that appears in porn mags!

>We know what Anon is into now.
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simple request
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this is the best i could find

K, will try, no promises.
I drew a beloved childhood figure, am I cool yet?

No? Okay.
File: rcco60.png (81 KB, 670x654) Image search: [Google]
81 KB, 670x654
>I've never been a furry
sorry for that
>So what's the story behind this Racco
none, it just happened
>also is it confirmed she has black nips or are they white?

think zootopia
>been waiting a long time for nekky racoons.
I didnt draw that
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>pat the kat
File: Cardbro.png (50 KB, 400x400) Image search: [Google]
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Cardbro here!
Cute stoner grizzly bear
File: Hey!.jpg (48 KB, 639x1136) Image search: [Google]
48 KB, 639x1136
Sam Here, Just woke up from the nap. Holy molly I'm peckish
Hello, Samantha!
Go away.
It means I will be working on my digital playing cards.
File: milky.png (147 KB, 500x500) Image search: [Google]
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Not really something worth noting, and explain "working on" when you just have to copy paste someone elses drawing 4 times.
is there any process on the milky card?
Shut up. Glasses in pussy.
Hello, Milky. How are you doing today?
Your stuff is great, man. My stuff is shit.
Give it your best shot, just draw a naked girl I guess.
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1 MB, 1280x853
Can you do chief?
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Hey pal, got this done awhile ago I hope it's alright
fuckin' weeb
Someone draw Trump as a unicorn, but with a huge cock for a horn
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hope you didn't mean the mountain
10/10 would go to prison

blob can't cartwheel tho

coming up
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Not great, not terrible

Absolutely not

I'm bad with mechanics, but I'll make an attempt.
Looks good, thank you! I'll be working on yours right now.
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Hello Anon!,
Sorry for re-postin'
But uh, Hey! what sup?
weren't you gonna draw the other girl too?
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My husbando?
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420 blaze it fagit
Oh god i love it. Thanks anon. Stay faded <3
File: milky.png (91 KB, 500x500) Image search: [Google]
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Nah, that was a different anon, sorry.

Your character is oddly charming.

I want to shoot my load into Eggs' mouth.

Not in a romantic way, but in a respectable way.

I will ejaculate semen into her mouth as an honoring gift, and she will catch it with her tongue, receiving my gift with mutual respect and admiration.

It will be an honorable transaction to signify that we look up to one another.
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I know fuck me, right?

Alrighty, no rush mang. Hope your project goes well!
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yw mr. trips.
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I'll take a few /r/
oh ok, could you draw the other one then, you can't have one without the other
naked when?
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Dragon and knight chess
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Page 1.png
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Update time! This will be in deck #3. If I can get enough drawfags on board this project (enough to create 4 decks), I will make another deck where EVERY drawfag will be present in the deck.
fight with a rabbit.
Just do your copypaste shit quietly
File: rcco61.png (73 KB, 590x608) Image search: [Google]
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draw something inspired by this video
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Nah. Triggering you is just too much fun. :3
giant shield?
File: milky.png (69 KB, 500x500) Image search: [Google]
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No, I don't like Marie. Not even a little bit.

He's cute. Is his game worth playing?
You really don't get it, this doesn't go or end anywhere. Anyone could do what you're doing and it would be just as pointless and autistic.
>look guys I put your pictures on these cards that will never do anything or be anything
awww, but she's my favorite
Then why do you insist on replying then? Do you expect me to stop just because you don't like it? Tough.
I bought shovel knight 2 times and would but it on another console if I could tbh it's cute and fun 10/10 ign
Did you give chief a shot?
I just expect you to stop acting like you deserve a name and need to talk about it constantly. Ask for your free pictures and do your shit on your own time. No one needs to hear "IM WORKING ON MY SPECIAL SUPER DECK NOW".
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anything else?
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Round table is pretty good...

Damn sup Milky. Haven't seen you lately.

Wow! Hey Kat. How ya been?

Ello Rcco. I don't think ive met you.

Ey Crim. How ya doing.
Draw fav Pokemanz
File: 2016-04-30 20.48.10.jpg (421 KB, 1024x576) Image search: [Google]
2016-04-30 20.48.10.jpg
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Looking for a good combo again. Dubs wins
>note: I will avoid alcohol poisoning
11/10 game. Definitely worth playing
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142 KB, 500x500
Will take requests.
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Never doubt the craft shield
Redbull and rum.
I can't see a few of those labels

if you have whisky make a whisky sour
1 part malibu
2 parts orange juice.
do you have vodka or thats all the alcohol you got?
thanks fam!
Malibu and Cranberry juice.
Requesting a burnt forest during winter.
Well, there have been a few drawfags that approached me & asked to be part of my project. If I don't announce I am here & display my updates, then they wouldn't know, would they? And people are liking the work I am doing. So in short: keep whining. See how far it gets ya.
most of that is probably gone by now.
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Sometime, anon, sometime
Zodiac Killer up next
/r/ a cute wizard
Veng, my man. Its been too long
Buy it now it's cheap every system besides PC has exclusive stuff/boss battle, my fav was Xone because of the battle toads, ps4 has kratos and 3ds has challenge mode and in 3D and wii u has challenge mode and coop
>captain morgan
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1 MB, 2164x1713
This iIs for the guy that wanted Doland vs Pengu vs Bear.
thanks bae.
winner! Will make. Though it's Blue Label though.

Thats all, half of it isnt alcohol

My favorite when it's private stock
Shovel Knight is one of the best retro style games out there. I wholeheartedly recommend it, Milky!
I can't believe how quick your ego fucking exploded from attention whores liking attention, nothing you're doing is innovative or interesting. Just another shitty "PLS THIS IS COOL PROJECT" shit. Sounds a lot like another couple of fags around here.
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I tried but he's a little above my skill level, sorry.

I'll have to play it soon, then. The art style is super cute, although platformers aren't usually my favourite.
Don't have any cash to spare right now. What console would you recommend?
I do like my retro games!

I'm afraid I don't remember you, but hello! I've been doing fine, yourself?

Pingu is so ripped... I love it
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81 KB, 900x900
Killing time till my 10 pm to 7 am shift

Poor rabbit, nice draw Kat
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Nothing bad said about shovel knight lol thanks for request!
grab vodka
take a shot everytime someone starts an argument
you will die
BTW, Milky, do you still have that OC ref of yours I can use for the deck?
happy 100th post drawthread
File: Keep Crying.jpg (41 KB, 388x384) Image search: [Google]
Keep Crying.jpg
41 KB, 388x384
Anyone know any good horror manga?

Glad I don't have Vodka, and glad you didn't win.
>I really would die here
I can think of one thing bad with it. You can't erase your memory & experience it for the first time again.
let cardfag do his thing
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Are you going to draw her? I really love fanart!
File: Sugiura.Ayano.full.1256299.jpg (192 KB, 480x782) Image search: [Google]
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Hey Rin
I request something cute with Ayano
No, I'm going to copypaste her 4 times onto cards
Xbox one because the battle toads are a challenging foe also the 3DS but tbh anything really it's a great game with great reviews, also if it's for PC which It is I think, you can just torrent it for free
Not him but you're a dumb faggot for replying to him. Do your shit and don't feed drama.
No he's going to copy paste her onto 4 slots on the same canvas and act like it's original work
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>want to do this
>have to finish like four projects for finals

>Anyone know any good horror manga?
I'm reading Fuan no Tane,
it's good if you like to live in suspense
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99 KB, 780x597
hi, nice to meet ya people have been calling me raccy, I guess Raccoon is fine too heh
awesome thanks in advance
More of her
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14 KB, 800x600
Thanks mang

How you been?
Those are great, thanks guys, really, wonderful.
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472 KB, 1920x2560
Still taking request.
Here is the Bear smoking.
Ahhh but going at it again and exploring every nook and cranny is a blast but that is true
that's okay,once you're done you can kill yourself with alcohol
I'm shit for drawing, Milky. Wish I could. Maybe someday.
File: Collection.png (104 KB, 1500x1500) Image search: [Google]
104 KB, 1500x1500
Lets see..
April Oneal Lewd
Metal Slug Paizuri
Literally Who Gangbang
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wassup gang
you still taking requests?
File: ForMe.jpg (51 KB, 639x1136) Image search: [Google]
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O! T-thank you MilkySlinky!
I never expected you to notices me!
U R A Cool Bean B^)
hello, Cian! Got your ref ready for me?
File: wut.png (53 KB, 550x550) Image search: [Google]
53 KB, 550x550
Hullo. lil snotties.

Hows everyone? simple requests maybe?

Ay, seen you around and dig your stuff. Cute lil racoon ya got.
Now you draw shovel knight
hi bb how are ya?
Nice on the gangbang!
sup bb
Requesting a moth egg.
Deejay, is that you? ;_;
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81 KB, 900x800
taking a request
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656 KB, 2560x1481
Sorry. Here is rotated.
Taking request.
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30 KB, 600x600
Requesting bukkake on this girl, with lots of cum in hair
sup, can you draw a cloud?
>nice trips btw
File: oh.png (14 KB, 1000x1000) Image search: [Google]
14 KB, 1000x1000
Glad you like it. It's a bit messy
No one important
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472 KB, 400x400
sorry it's goofy looking.


not right now mane.
Futa you
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32 KB, 1110x877
is this artist still here??
Sup bitches


Wow BB I had no idea you were still alive, it's been like 6 years. How's it going.
You on You're first day of kindergarten
Juggle the trips you just got!
Since I love everything you seem to do, how about Winnie the Pooh being a Communist Dictator. Because why not.
File: cian.png (8 KB, 600x600) Image search: [Google]
8 KB, 600x600
Ahh, that sure sounds nice, anon...

I do have a colored ref pic you could use if you don't feel like waiting until when I already told you I could draw one you want that? It's kinda boring

I'll be lurking from here on out, I gotta get this shit done
More of her
More of her please
File: eva.png (88 KB, 900x900) Image search: [Google]
88 KB, 900x900
sup fags
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Rukia from bleach doing something cute with a Tauros, the pokemon.
I believe you might have done something like this with a Kabuto a while ago
instead of lurking, why dont you kill yourself?
File: tiki.png (26 KB, 512x512) Image search: [Google]
26 KB, 512x512

Am bourd, gib seed


Hey I remember you.

Can I request Florina lightly kissing a penis?
do nothing interesting, justlike you do everyday
File: milky.png (86 KB, 500x500) Image search: [Google]
86 KB, 500x500
Thank you!! I love the way you drew me, super cute

Don't bother then. If you were going to do that you should have asked for a drawing, not a reference. Be clear with your wording next time.

gg @ myself

I'll probably go torrent it then. Thank you!
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i demand you kill me
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Sup qtie
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im good! just a little faded still!

wadduuuuppp my boi

basically im trying to get dicked within the next few days so its all on my brain

oh shit who dis
yeah its been 6 years im not a little girl anymore
draw milky all animu
Ok man
How about a pine forest at night
File: 2016-04-29_23.54.17.jpg (477 KB, 704x1016) Image search: [Google]
477 KB, 704x1016
Hi. If u r taking request draw these two in this pose. Here is the ref.
Protip: Make the male wear his jacket.
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79 KB, 550x550
i tried. I'm so sorry.
File: REQUESTS.jpg (206 KB, 1000x1000) Image search: [Google]
206 KB, 1000x1000
Taking requests
Alright, I'll give it a try!
You're so talented, wtf. Could you do Justin Trudeau (Canada's prime minister) smoking out of a bong?
The sexiest Moonman you can draw
This plz. If u cant just say it. But plz tell me.
File: NIGGEYH.png (26 KB, 1152x648) Image search: [Google]
26 KB, 1152x648
Does this count?
Yeah! It sounds great!
More of her please , or whats her name
I already said I gotta get shit done jeez don't you listen

don't make me do things ;-;
File: derp.png (29 KB, 512x512) Image search: [Google]
29 KB, 512x512

Probably don't remember me but I used to draw this little dork and hang out exclusively on /dw/ and the old IRC chat.
>basically im trying to get dicked within the next few days so its all on my brain
when are you not lmao
Sorry, Milky. So I take it you don't want me to feature you in the playing card deck then?
fuck i'm back from doing stuff.
gonna quickly check if requests were had.

Ok. Sorry it took me a while to get to you.

I did. Now I'm back.
show us butt
File: Swordbro.png (28 KB, 502x485) Image search: [Google]
28 KB, 502x485
but why do anything else
File: milky.png (83 KB, 500x500) Image search: [Google]
83 KB, 500x500
notice me

Not at all.
File: eva.png (53 KB, 900x900) Image search: [Google]
53 KB, 900x900
AYE i remember you tikibourd!
god damn son i havent seen u here in like
at least a year?

aye kat~

n-nah sorry m8

u look familiar but i'm not sure if you are who i'm thinking of
I can give you the dick, just hit me up.
File: bb221.png (14 KB, 750x750) Image search: [Google]
14 KB, 750x750
i remember u!! i remember pretty much everyone from 2010-2013ish
i dont know any of the new kiddies lmao

im a succubus feed semen daily

boi u know my tumblr hmu
File: eggo.png (52 KB, 550x550) Image search: [Google]
52 KB, 550x550
das cute

KIT KAAAAT, Lookin' good mang
same tbh
File: tiki.png (27 KB, 512x512) Image search: [Google]
27 KB, 512x512

Am bourd, gib bourd seed
Thank you
Show puss.
File: Soren.png (246 KB, 500x500) Image search: [Google]
246 KB, 500x500
I misread and thought you said burning, sorry.
Also, i don't know if you're the same guy, but i think i did this before.
Here you go cx
Very well then. Darn shame, I really liked that pic.
Glasses in puss.
take off ur hat
whats your daily semen intake in liters?
>notice me
>inb4 le sad "w-why would you want to notice me..." :(((((((((((((
File: milky.png (108 KB, 500x500) Image search: [Google]
108 KB, 500x500
fuck off

you fuck off too
Thank you
Hello, Eva. How are you doing today? I am making a digital deck of playing cards featuring various drawfags, & I was wondering if you would like to be featured in it.
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I'm not too good of an artist. Sorry man.
i wish cian would just fucking die in a car crash
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97 KB, 900x800
noticed, how you doing?
ok chris
hey bb tell us sum juicy exploits
File: kat.png (13 KB, 800x600) Image search: [Google]
13 KB, 800x600
Whats up?
Not looking too shabby yourself, mothbro
File: whenyoupacha.png (109 KB, 557x605) Image search: [Google]
109 KB, 557x605
Hey i saw you used the Cardbro image i made. I feel good now. Cardbro is truebro
Ok, why are you mad at me? I said I wouldn't feature you in the deck.
i didnt think i would ever be offended on this website but someone calling me chris does it.
What up thread
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10 KB, 500x500

give me moon semen
milky you asshole, cardbro's a nice guy. fuck you.
Fuck off yellow faggot
maybe you should stop acting like him then
>hugboxing a random anon
>no one cares
hello, what's up?
File: milky.png (90 KB, 500x500) Image search: [Google]
90 KB, 500x500
new meme, draw your avatar with your eyes closed and post results

Pretty good, a little tired... I had a long day. Yourself?

Have you played Persona 3 and/or have you realized your avatar looks like Minato
that's not a repost
File: bb222.png (14 KB, 750x750) Image search: [Google]
14 KB, 750x750
boi u know where to hmu!!!

booty o so embarrassing

i havent swallowed since saturday :^(((

what,,,,,,do you want to know,,,,, i probably have a story for anything
File: blushh.png (52 KB, 550x550) Image search: [Google]
52 KB, 550x550

put his peen in your vag
OMG nooooooooooooooo~!! There's no conclusion to any of these!!!!!
He posted that last thread
sure thing.

more requests?
>it's good if you like to live in suspense
it looks like you're sucking on a baby bottle
...for milk
File: mundy.png (54 KB, 800x800) Image search: [Google]
54 KB, 800x800
Morning, friends. Hope you're all well.
What's on the menu today?
Requesting an incubus game show host.
nigger, it is.
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314 KB, 866x575
Keep up the good work, Kat!
File: eva.png (65 KB, 900x900) Image search: [Google]
65 KB, 900x900
sure it sounds fun~

i heard some shit was talkin so i came to see what was up
but nothing apparently~
do you want one?
File: derp.png (54 KB, 512x512) Image search: [Google]
54 KB, 512x512

Good to see you again for sure, Sure do miss those days. 6 years and still drawing stick figures though woo
Yeah kinda
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File: Wow.jpg (117 KB, 1136x639) Image search: [Google]
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I-I have no-idea what I did to deserve dis, This is awesome! Reply with your ref, I wana draw you too.
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30 KB, 587x583

welcome to shitpost zone have noice day
good, i wish you luck in that.
Thank you, Eva. Do you have a full body, color, non-lewd ref I could use?
File: Untitled-1.png (628 KB, 400x400) Image search: [Google]
628 KB, 400x400

how about a lone tree on the outskirts of a pine forest?
>solid nightmare fuel
Thanks. I'm not sleeping tonight. (the window one with the thing outside the building)
File: sorryfortheshit.png (24 KB, 400x400) Image search: [Google]
24 KB, 400x400
it's shit. sorry for the shit.

>requests? they gon be super shit.
>i heard some shit was talkin
aside from everyone thinking you posted nudes last night, ain't much talking going on
File: eva (75.png (129 KB, 900x900) Image search: [Google]
eva (75.png
129 KB, 900x900
closest i got!
Hello again, Cian! I'll wait on your color ref for the playing card project. :)
ok chris
File: kat.png (13 KB, 800x600) Image search: [Google]
13 KB, 800x600
Not much, you?
You da fluffiest around mang.
i'm glad you like the manga!
Requesting your OCs over the years.
I will, once I get glasses in puss.
That will work just fine. Thank you for not lashing out at me.
dat is a nice booty doe
My face
whats the weirdest place you dunnit?
Green Scarf
File: Swordbro.png (26 KB, 502x485) Image search: [Google]
26 KB, 502x485
>tfw you'll never be as hydrated as Lummy tells you to be
>tfw you don't ever get as much rest as she tells you to
>tfw you'll never take good enough care of yourself so you meet her expectations of self-love
I eat salty cheese popcorn and don't drink water for days at a time and I sleep poorly at best for a few hours each night until I crash and sleep 12-15 hours on my off days
>almost a week
yer gonna die if u dun get any soon :c
File: IMG_20160505_204818.jpg (588 KB, 1247x1666) Image search: [Google]
588 KB, 1247x1666
Finish. Sorry I ran out of space.
Im takikg request.
That's not a scarf. That's a tentacle.
File: Crim.png (99 KB, 900x900) Image search: [Google]
99 KB, 900x900
Hey new guy, have a nice night.

Later dude, we should game on TF2 sometime

Do your studies mang. And best of luck.

With that, I'm off for work. For everyone else, have a good night and stay in good health!
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That's very appropriate and beautiful
Thanks Rin
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rare photo of moku?
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that wouldn't be the first time fake nudes of me have been spewed around on here
i wanted to see them i'm curious

the tentacles won't hurt as long as you don't uhh
go near them

that's my dick bro
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Yeah I stopped showing up right about a year ago or so. Got too crazy for me personally, too many shitheads looking to cause trouble.

Looks like you've improved a bit though, keep up the good work ye.
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>no one acknowledged your quads
wtf thread!

>Them 22's tho

sluttiest loli
Peg me then ;)
Hello, BeeBee! How are you today? I am working on a deck of digital playing cards, & I was wondering if I could feature you in them?
I realized the ref I already have is cut off on the side so I don't think it'd work too well. I'm in the midst of finals so I don't have much time right now, my apologies. I'll see if I can get to it this weekend
>thats my dic
We see that every day.
We're not new fags
Trust me, I was on the wrong end of them once already.
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Thank you, anon~
Seems you missed out, man
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thanks fam
ask >>682859480
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yeah i mean
i still talk to cj but thats about it
i miss the old ppl mostly

i got a nice tuchus

>tennis court
>golf course
my next goal is to frick at work omfg

and im going out of town for a while so thats even longer!!!

holy shit dat qt!!!

also puss for anon the legs dont work lol
Take your time, friend. No rush. :)
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hey thread
Is that Justin Trudeau? Hell yeah! He is!
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It's morning where you are? Damn. Also, expect cardfag shit

Nice ass
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that's a good thing to eat too.
wew boi
Bakaaaaaa! I haven't seen you for a bit, howsit going?
>it's a water gun
>god damnit lummy

I do this also holy fuck are you me
Yeah! totally! though you seem to message me on steam like every time I'm away from my computer, kek.
for what?
That's some good shit, boi.
The fastest i can draw a ref
HAHAHA you're the fuckin man, made my day
whats your work?
and with a coworker?
y do you hate cardfag?
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evening anons
you're the only one who's extremely against the card guy
yeah, he's a faggot, but wow
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same. iv'e been feeling like i have less and less reason to come on nowadays, but i promised to never give up, so thats exactly what im gonna do.
the ride never ends i guess.
that being said, its late where i am, have a good night, milky chan!
hi draw me some lewd elf girls doing stuff with a lewd goblin girl pls
hi matz
hey you fucking bitch.
Water you talking about, that's √
Thread replies: 306
Thread images: 124

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