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Waifu Claiming thread >Early Bird edition The rules are simple:

The stories and information posted here are artistic works of fiction and falsehood.
Only a fool would take anything posted here as fact.

Thread replies: 180
Thread images: 151
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Waifu Claiming thread
>Early Bird edition

The rules are simple:
>Claim your waifu/husbando
>Post fitting, not over-sexualized or excessive content of the sort.
>Take your porn, suggestive themes and ERP elsewhere.
>Insult other waifu
>Insult Dio
>Keep RP to a minimum.
>Ignore the RP
>Pretend to be normal and discuss stuff
Most important: Have fun!
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Iowa claim

Just some recolors and origins editions ones
Akiko claim

Ah, lovely
Reality is boring, but through your work it doesn't have to be. How does one go about paleolithic rock art? I never did that but it seems to me it comes close to advanced finger painting in a way
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I really want the pirate roadhog one it looks sick!

Rikka claimed!

How is everyone this early early morning??
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You Know Gasai (2).png
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Yuno claim
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>claiming yume
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Mark Linkous 52.jpg
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I don't go about it, it just stimulates my soul. I've carved small Venus figures before out of baked clay. I form the block, bake it until it is hard, then slowly chip away and sand down the different parts of the body.
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I want the nevermore or el blanco skins for reaper. I love them so much
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Oh hey Gasai, what's up? Are you the same Yuno that was here this morning when I had my emotional breakdown?

Have some legs
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You Know Gasai (1).jpg
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Comrade! Whats up?

Yup, you can tell its me with my new filename
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Shizuru's stats im going to try to keep track of
Hugs: 17
Syndra tells someone to kill themselves: 65
Dio mustaches things: 5
Rattles: 29
Burger: 2
Kagami x Magumin no u cute: 3

>sachi claim
My friend got his first lootcrate today and got the nevermore skin lol I want the pague doctor one if I could choose
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Not much, lying down enjoying the thread. You?
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I guessed so
Do you want the compiled version? I thought it was really moving how everyone came to support me even though I was pretty fucked up from it after. I made a tribute as to not forget you guys and /waifu/. I was too late to screencap you comment I'm afraid but we both know you were there
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Chie claimed!
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My morning so far is good. Yours?
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Mark Linkous 5.jpg
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And it's not that reality is boring, I still will do small sketches in paint of simple objects that I have in my studio, pipes, bottles, vases. Those I do just to sort of keep myself working and to have a little fun.

I paint the way I do because that is the best mode of working that I can allow my ideas of art and life to show most clearly. It's not like I've chosen to work in this way, I work this way because I didn't choose it. It chose me.
Just playing some destiny and listening to SAO's theme

Complied version?
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You Know Gasai (3).jpg
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Forgot the bloody pic
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Only 17 hugs? When did you start counting? Or do you start every day?

>pic related
Thanks for your support

i'm more a fan of the fantastic surrealism even though I'm shit at it myself. I will still make abstract work but nowadays I'm mostly busy designing characters and locations for games

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Syndra (81).jpg
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I also draw comics, those tend to be more on the Surreal side. My comics come from Geo Herriman as well as the Comix artists of the 1960s and 70s. I actually started as an illustration major, moved onto animation, then switched to fine arts.
3 Am so I guess my morning hasnt started yet but I am just talking to you all and playing some overwatch still. What have you been up to?
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You know Gasai (88).png
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Not sure if a cap is really neccessary
Like bro I think it's a given that we do care.
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>first crate
Why can't I have that kind of luck wtf
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shizuru started counting yesterday sometime im pretty sure
>hugs to raise it
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People were asking for it and I dodn't want it to just 404. It was so moving.
I went back to the thread after it was abandoned but still up and screenshotted as much as I could before it 404'd on me but I still missed a lot of reactions. I did this for myself probably as much as for you guys and those who were asking. I don't want to forget this and what you guys did for me

Hey Juri, you're just in time to see me get soft and have some feels

>and make it double
>checked and hugged

IKR the funny part is that he dosnt know that it is super rare lol
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Ayy Dark Souls. I didn't expect you to be on this late.
.......Glad you're feeling better now.
5 a.m. here. Just listening to some music. It's about to be my birthday, it's tomorrow. Got some things to get done today. How you been?
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You know Gasai (112).png
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I see, you are better right?

I'm always on this late, what you talkin about nigga?
One lonely night crying in a few months is enough for me
I'll make it, thanks
i just wanted you guys to know that you being there meant something to me
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Really? Around this time? I usually don't forget people's time on this thread.....
Oh sick, happy early birthday! How old are you turning? I am alright, I have to work tomorrow just got paid today so thats great, its all going to be gone soon though so that sucks, what are you listening to?
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H.A.N.A.K.O unit has been promoted to:

Bronze II

Congratulations, me.
Are you talking about league? do you play NA or EUW?
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I have absolutely zero idea what goes on here, nor do I know why people act and say the things they do.
>I'm not good with these kind of things
>Here have a doughnut
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Oceania is my place of residence. The climb from B5 has been tough.
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You know Gasai (193).png
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It's better to let it out than bottle things up.

I think in the past I say I'm geting off earlier but probably still stay up few more hours for music or videos
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Shit, forgot pic
Congrats on getting through your promos, as a silver scrub I know how hard that can be
A.K.I.K.O requesting full summoner's analysis

Thanks for the doughnut, it's almost as good as a peach

I just don't want to be that guy who is always whining and crying about how hard things are. People around me aren't interested in that. Even if I told them they'd say something like "it'll be okay" and that's that. So I suffer in silence, for the world cares not about the suffering of the individual
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I wasn't there, my schedule is rough. But I'm happy you got support from the others anons.
Thanks! I'm turning 21. Money is always gone fast. Jaja. And work is always a hassle.
That's what I'm listening to.
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Dipping from the threads for now. Later guys!
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Oh okay. That makes sense. I stay late on this thread sometimes.
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Later comrade. Take care.
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You know Gasai (7).jpg
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Hmm yes I can see that being troublesome...

Its like 5am here
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I'll even do the impossible and check your dubs.
>Glad you like it
I'll be sure to bring one for you next time
>Maybe a peach flavored doughnut?
"It can't rain all the time."
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5 a.m. here too. Same timezone. Don't sleep until 6 or 7 a.m.
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We can't all be here all the time and this happened at like 4 am so don't worry about it

I don't have anyone I really consider a close friend. It has to come from both sides when there is friendship and I just don't notice that at all. I am always the one who has to start conversation. I am the one who has to invite other people to go do something. But if I just sat in my room for 3 weeks I doubt anyone else would bother to come check on me
I'm sure you get what I'm trying to say

>off by one
Thaks for showing you care in your own way

"No dawn comes, without darkness"
I try to stay positive
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You know Gasai (75).jpg
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I should probably hit the hay soon too..

Oh yeah... I know exactly what you mean..
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Mark Linkous 72.jpg
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I remember the first time I confronted John Baldessari's work. It was Tips for Artists Who Want to Sell. I couldn't do anything for several days afterwards. All I could do was think about this painting and what it meant. My painting teacher was pissed off at me because she couldn't stand Baldessari.
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I usually stay until more anons come on, so they can take over. It's fun.
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I wonder what the morning anons are like
Not that I'll met them since I sleep around this time
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Kazuki (21).png
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Judicial Upgraded Response Intelligence (J.U.R.I) unit detected.

How are you?

Yearning Undying Never Obliging (Y.U.N.O) unit detected.
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You know Gasai (23).png
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They're a friendly bunch. Though some stick around during the day and afternoon too.
How are you?
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Syndra (80).jpg
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Feeling better?
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I am well froggo, acronyms a thing now? Heading off to work so I'll be lurking a bit, good to see you and that your day be enjoyable.
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You know Gasai (183).png
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Sometimes I lurk in the afternoon
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There are several other mech units in this thread, though you happen to be a special case. Meant for when negotiations are no longer an option, your model is outdated, but still very effective.

You are quite capable in combat, though as a result of a design flaw, your model's program glitches and reacts violently whenever someone gets too close to your pilot.
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You know Gasai (29).png
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Spot on, I am impressed
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Kazuki (72).jpg
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im fine
Or atleast as good as i can be in this situation
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Hi Froggo, how's your day?
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That's not to say you're handicapped. Every mech unit has it's own shortcomings. The H.A.N.A.K.O unit for example, is extremely fragile and cannot deal with prolonged combat.

Also, the H.A.N.A.K.O unit has suffered irreparable damage from the past - evident in the burn marks covering over 50% of the unit's body.

How am I a frog in any sense of form? Are you sure you've calibrated your visuals correctly A.K.I.K.O?
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I rarely lurk. It can be on anytime. Just to see what they're up to.
That's good. How was your day?
I told you that you're a lonely guy who will die alone.
Checked Satan
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it's a joke, in this pic she looks a lot like a pic Tsuyu frequently posts

Woah, calm down there Satan, just my attempt at a shitty joke after being sleep deprived and emotionallt unstable

>Are you sure you've calibrated your visuals correctly A.K.I.K.O
>tfw not blind but half deaf
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what about the S.A.C.H.I?
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Kazuki (83).jpg
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I only wole up like few hours ago, havent done anything else
Congrats you can predict future
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You know Gasai (38).jpg
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Right then off I go

Good night everyone and remember, you have a heart of gold, dont let them take it from you
see you on the other half
>Karen in class
I uh.. didnt mean to post a crying yuno...
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Rest comfy and take care.
Anything planned for today? It's been a while since we spoke.
Brazil in class?!
o shit waddup
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RIP yuno

Ohio Karen
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Kazuki (7).jpg
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not realy. i havent desided on what i should do now
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do something cool like visiting a place you always wanted to
beat a homeless person to death with chopsticks you know
whatever floats your boat
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The Source Arctic Candidate Hammering Incursion (S.A.C.H.I) is a specialist unit designed to fight in extreme conditions, whether it be as cold as the Arctic or as dry as the Sahara.

You're one of the newer models to come along, and as such your unit's resilience and ability to perform in stressful conditions is quite well-known.

However, your unit also happens to have trouble following orders. Not that your unit disobeys them, but it takes them too literally, without taking its context correctly. In fact, your unit takes anything spoken to it as an order, regardless of the requester's security clearance or ranking.

This is highly a programming error. In the middle of creating your programming matrix, the two people in charge of creating your unit's matrix had died in a tragic accident - namely, your unit went berserk in the middle of its creation due to a glitch and the two were caught in the crossfire. As their programming matrix was completely unique, no one could replicate their work. Your shoddy programming is actually the result of the detailed work your "parents" gave you and the rush-job everyone else did clashing against each other.
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Kazuki (95).jpg
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Can i visit you and beat you to death?
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Syndra (83).jpg
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The day started for you, so it's normal to not have anything planned. Maybe some videogames or go around town?
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>In fact, your unit takes anything spoken to it as an order, regardless of the requester's security clearance or ranking.
Show me your legs!
>off by one
Nah sry I don't like meeting strangers
Also I refrain from making inappropriate jokes about you so atleast try to act nice
not even a
for me?
Good morning.
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I probably haven't been paying attention this whole time, but where did this love-hate thing with Syndra start?

>some legs for barter
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Kazuki (96).jpg
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its mid day here
i not mych into games but im gonna se whats goin on
you broke my ship faggot so you deserve a beating
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Hey Galko, how are you?
>also breaking hardcore lurk ayy lmao
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Vigil - 115.jpg
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Your ship was broken from the start.
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Widowmaker best girl = my girl
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Morning Galko!
Are you at work? What time is it there?
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Global Assault Leviathan Keeping Order (G.A.L.K.O) unit detected.

Knowledge Augmented-Zoner Under Known Inductors (K.A.Z.U.K.I) unit detected.

>>682762860 was supposed to be a reply to >>682762657

I should really go to bed
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Guten morgen! Und welcome back!
It's morning here. Do you live in a big city or a small one?
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You broke mine and then I let you have your way with your ship if you can't sail then its not my fault
Hey Galko how are you doing?
I don't know who I started with the syndra love-hate ship it was fun then that claw-guy wanted to have that ship and I gave it to him
Hey there Kirino. I'm okay, how about you?
>I'm flattered

It's 6:15 am. I will be going to work very soon.


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oh nice
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This japanese crap is melting your brains...soon you will be bombing pearl harbour
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thats some fine legs thank you
now bring me coffee
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im out. find a new baker
later haters
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You didn't miss much. Were you here this like 10 hours ago? In that case you missed my emotional breakdown and the heroic support /waifu/ gave me but not much else

Thanks, have some more legs
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It's been fun, thanks for all the bread
See you, space cowboy
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You're welcome!
Later and take care.
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Kazuki (11).png
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Still better than yumes
I guess you could call it a big one
i might just go out and check some new places
your ship was already broken
its more than your foult
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Syndra (44).jpg
227 KB, 800x1376
See ya space cow guy.

Enogh with the ships
Hi Yume. I'm alright.
>have some legs

I was here like 10 hours ago, but I don't remember you having a breakdown.

How have you been?
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Did someone say...

Look dude.
You look so fuckin desperate with the whole
>oh did you see my sad thing
>yeah yeah i was emotional
>i had breakdown oh im sad

Look. Everyone has problems, some more than others, and I'm sure it's hard for you, and finding a place where you can vent is nice. But you can stop fucking referring to it like every second post.
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thank you thats some fine legs right there
what is S.Y.N.D.R.A?
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Syndra (35).jpg
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Go away
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Hey, it's good you're doing well dude. I'm fine, just sort of lurking around lately, haven't been posting as much.

Any plans for today besides work?
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Maybe it was more than 10, I remember you coming in shortly after. Anyhow, I compiled it and it was posted here >>682756591
I missed a lot of comments regrettably, it was really moving

Well it's really the support I got from the other guys that makes me eager to share it. And it's only the fresh new thing today so get your head out of your ass. in fact I'm gonna refer to it again
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I'm not too worried about it. This helped a little, though.
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That's cool, I hope you enjoy it! I like finding out about new places, though that's when I used to live in a big city.
Been hanging on, tomorrow and Saturday and Sunday I have no work! Off Friday because of my birthday. I'm content!
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images (44)-1.jpg
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Rory returns. Phone died and decided that having some fun in entertaining my niece was a better way to spend an afternoon. How are we all?
That's good to hear. I don't really have any plans.

I saw it, that was right about when I left.

Happy early birthday! How old will you be?
The Systematic Yielder Negating Defense Rapid Action (S.Y.N.D.R.A) unit is an excellent siege unit, capable of bombarding targets from afar with the unit's special weapons - her spheres.

However, because she is a siege unit, S.Y.N.D.R.A is quite slow on the move and also very fragile, therefore she is quite reliant on the other units to giver her some support.

Also, the unit itself is prone to committing overkill, with bombarding enemy placements when they've already been decimated.

Strangely enough, the unit has been noted to have struck an odd relationship with another unit - The Yowler Undersea Mech Entity (Y.U.M.E).

My apologies. I'm just looking for a certain ship. Namely, a Kongou Class Fast Battleship to be precise.
Well, aren't you a special one.
You absolute ass.
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I want all these boats to know
That a real shipfu just hit the door.

Kongou claimed.
Yeah, Tats is right.
And fuck yourself Akiko, my life sucks and I don't complain. Stop whining you worthless cuck.
Some say something about eating ass?
dubs and I eat waifu ass
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thank you now you got freetime till I need your service again
>odd relationship
thats quite accurate
>burning love
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Alright, well have a good day Galko
I'm off to bed guys, night.
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Kongou Class Fast Battleship detected
Objective: KONGOU initiated
Weapons Systems: Activated

I've been waiting.
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Birthday off, lucky dude. How old are you turning?
Bongo-carrying Kongou!
Spicy one, your ship has arrived.
Earning that cash money. Work is good until you feel redundant.
Goodnight, Mildura bro.
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I'm alright. You?
Thanks friend! 21.
Hello und welcome back!
Dont steal my thing.
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K is for koala.jpg
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No more Versace get off of my clothes
I did not beg for this fame, I was chose

Lol okay I'm done. How are you today Yume? :)

Oh boy I've got quite the situation to defuse here..

I do not have any bongos on my person or anywhere in my possession.

Hey! And thank you n_n what's up?
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motoko claimed
Fuck yiy OP, Dio is my waifu!
I wanna fuck the doll.
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Im feeling good. Laying in bed myself, trying to wake up a little earlier for work tomorrow. Still got some time in me yet.
I bet I could locate some bongos.
You do it.
>not even the real Dio
>So I suffer in silence, for the world cares not about the suffering of the individual

Everyone does, you social outcast.
You're on 4chan, do you think everyone here have a nice life, good friends, nice family?
We're all alone, get over it.
Humans are just for forming relationships to inflict more pain into eachother.
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Quite good today going to play some DA:I again and see where it takes me
How are you doing what are your plans for today/tomorrow?
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This is the Biological Attack Incursion Tech unit, otherwise known as B.A.I.T. It's the most common weapon in the world, and is easily avoidable if you're smart enough.
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21, though people will say I look 16. I take it as a compliment. You don't have birthdays off?
Night, and take care.
Nothing much now. Here lying in bed, and posting. You?
Nice, I sleep late because I like to think that work will go by faster.
fuck off newfag
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Vigil - 296.jpg
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Interesting. Could you explain to me what the V.I.G.I.L is? If you wish to bother, of course.

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>by an anonymous sponsor
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I bet you you can't!

I'm glad to hear that :) and hmm.. my plans are to get through work and play more of the overwatch beta n_n

The usual I see :) and the same for me too hun haha
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>Being this butthurt
Some of these are most likely not you but still
See you later.


>late replies
Very Illogical Guy Inspecting Lightbulbs

meme'd... heh heh

brb an hero
I know you're trembling, your hands are sweaty and stress is getting too hard for you to handle, because,you know,is truth.

So, you can either fuck yourself and stop telling everyone how MUCH YOUR LIFE SUCKS OH MY GAAAWD!!!! or continue being a faggot and never stop.
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SleepyHomu (3).jpg
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Are you having a giggle telling strangers they are faggots and acting like you know how they feel better than themselves?
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kagami (7).png
369 KB, 1920x1200
kagami claimed
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Not for 4 years.
I bet I can. I can see two right now.
I'm off to work.
See you guys later.
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John Dolmayan (1).png
183 KB, 372x459
No boring classes today?


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kagami (28).jpg
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have a good day galko
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Either troll or enough salt to fill a truck
Sorry your life is such a piece of shit
Either way not worth my time
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What's up Homu?

hey Kagami

Bye galko
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kagami (11).gif
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>>682766260 just up, i couldn't sleep at all last class starts at 1400 your time, how are ya doin homu?!
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kagami (43).jpg
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hi akiko, how goes it???
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Bye Galko.
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Great jaja
Hello! How are ya?
Four years? Jesus, it just took 45 days for mine.
Later and take care.
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The Vigilant Intuitive Guardian Inducting Leverage unit - otherwise known as V.I.G.I.L, is a peacekeeping unit, tasked with policing the world.

The rest of your database is classified.
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kagami (3).jpg
62 KB, 600x338
tsuzu. how's it going with you?
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k is for klutz.jpg
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Wh-what are you talking about...

Who are you?
trips and i an hero on stream
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Homura (22).jpg
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Not much, woke not not too long ago but its already 1pm.

Its funny cuz we keep having this coincidences, I woke up like 10 mins before you came here. Im doing fine and had a decent night of sleep, what about you?

Not Fubuki.

Fine but with tons of stuff to do and its already late, what about you?
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Hey Homura how are you and your legs doing?
>best tights in sights
how are you doing how is it going?
I'm on that new bread guys
Thread replies: 180
Thread images: 151

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