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Waifu claiming thread. >Hugbox Edition! The rules are very

The stories and information posted here are artistic works of fiction and falsehood.
Only a fool would take anything posted here as fact.

Thread replies: 158
Thread images: 150
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Homura (19).jpg
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Waifu claiming thread.
>Hugbox Edition!

The rules are very simple:
>claim your 2D waifu/husbando
>post pics of your waifu
>post <3 and hugs as much as possible
>keep ERP and RP to a minimum
>Kagami is the qtest of the qties
>discuss stuff
>post fitting, not over-sexualised content
>most important: Have fun!

Homura claimed
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C.C. Claim
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a a a a a a a a a

Aizawa Nagisa claimmmed
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Akiko claim
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>Shizuru get!
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Yeah it'll subside soon

>Just gotta be a winner
How does one achieve this status?

>Best idol claimed
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queen asuka.jpg
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Best girl claimed
>Queen edition
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Atago 115.jpg
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>wolf pack formation
Solid formation.
Be funny if you didn't even know what that was.
Your odds are looking very good.

Alright, the enemy escort carrier is within aircraft range, and we're within his.
What will your strike composition be?
Any other choices you'd like to make?
>I need to know how many ships we and our enemy have left
We have:

The enemy has an unknown amount of ships.
Radar shows:
DD (X2)
And an unidentified warship aproximatly the size of a Heavy Cruiser, but we don't know for sure.

Same question as above regarding the strike formation composition.
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>post <3 and hugs as much as possible
Absolutely cancerous.
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Best mage claimed~

>Akiko, Milinda, Kagami and Kurisu are toptier qt's
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Japanese Yuuko.jpg
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Rikka Claimed!
Miho claimed
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Ok Shizuru, since you're interested

I've been trying to refine him a bit since
Do you think he should have some changes? Tail? Clothes? Anything goes at this point so don't be afraid to throw advice and criticism out there. Who knows your ideas might even make it to the final game

>pic related, somewhat more fleshed out sketches
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Winners Can't Keep Secrets.jpg
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That might just actually be my favorite picture so far.

Will listen to soon to ease myself into it.

Shiragami Youko claimed.
M8 it's like 2 people that do that..

And yeah I agree. It's cancer
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kagami claimed!!
>t-thanks homu!!!
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Lol, nice.
Yeah I like it a lot too~ Sup?
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sachi claim
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Best pone claimed.
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It might be be 2 people the keep posting <3 and hugs every other sentence but there's still a shit ton of "You're a qt! Well you're more of a qt!".
Still cancer.
>Emi, Stocking, Mugi, and Tsuyu are the cutest
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what is your waifu from fellow OEWW?
Hmm me and mugi agreeing on something.
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Rewrite. VN soon to be anime.
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>off by one
>not included
>oh the irony
Fill out this quick standardized poll I developed to find out!

>captcha: select all images with RVs
>No picture contains an RV

Are you a winner?
[ ] Yes
[ ] No

I will get back to you with your results in about 13 business days.

Ah, lurking for a bit, but then I gotta go b/c I've got some buds I'm gonna hang out with later.
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John Dolmayan (1).png
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Best drummer claimed.

Going to be mostly AFK now, will come back later.

>i guess a lot of stuff just translates between countries lol....i wonder how many other things are similar....
Too bad gastronomy isn't one. Tfw you will never try "carne de porco à alentejana".
>b-but i don't wanna!!! i like talking with you so much!! it makes time fly and i love every minute of it....
It seems like we have mutual feelings here. Im amazed with how much you enjoy talking with me since im kinda awkward and sometimes hard to talk to.

You're so quiet today :<
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>implying we can't agree on anything
All hail queen Asuka!

>Kagami is the qtst
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I'm back from the dead guys!
How's everyone doing?

Best Ass Game Waifu Claimed!!
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Winners Take Initiative.png
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>I M P L Y I N G
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kami wa shinda

i want all our air crafts to target the head of the snake. Take out the largest enemy ship.

fellow kyoto
Yup! Made it just for you guys!

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>got some buds I'm gonna hang out with later

Aw fuck me I'm jealous. That was the main reason I drove up to my mom's house last weekend was to see some friends but the fuckers were out of town the one weekend that I happened to come back to town.


The rules were written thinking about you just to trigger you.
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You sure pranked me.
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i know!!!! why is life so cruel!!!
>It seems like we have mutual feelings here. Im amazed with how much you enjoy talking with me since im kinda awkward and sometimes hard to talk to.
you're really easy to talk to!!! you always have something funny or exciting to say lol
I'm sorry.

I still think you're cute...

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It's because I'm playing Overwatch at the moment, games are close to each other so not much time to write sadly.
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Heyy its my booty friend!
How are you doin?
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the VN is called Rewrite?
fellow OEWW!
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The lurking Shinoa.png
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Lurking cause playing l4d2
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think you've missed >>682368642

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What's your username?
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Doing alright, wishing people would message me because I'm fuckall bored and no one seems to want to talk outside of you guys anymore so that's annoying but w/e. You?
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ooo are we talking about telegram?
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I'm sorry too but this shit triggers me to no end.

>feel like a bit of a buzzkill/dick because I'm assuming you're doing it to have some fun
I am behind you all the way into battle!!
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Atago 177.jpg
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>i want all our air crafts to target the head of the snake
>Take out the largest enemy ship
Alright, all aircraft are headed out to destroy the enemy carrier and any other kills they can score.
The wolf pack formation is splitting into position.
Anything you would like to set in order before general quarters?
Now's your last chance to make adjustments to our escort group.
We will conquer all of the interbutt
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I was about to go to sleep, but fuck it, I'm an Admiral now

We'll keep our carriers as protected as possible.
Send the aircrafts first, behind them, our DD as scout.
Then Kuma, Agano and Monogami to get rid of those DDs and to protect our DD from aircrafts if he makes it back
Aguro for fire support.
Zuiho hidden. If it's under attack, Aguro and Akizuki are in charge of its protection
(don't know formation names, I hope this suffices) (Is it "Ring formation"?)
>post <3 and hugs as much as possible
I would, but my beloved is not here.
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It's alright.
>I'm trying to not just do it though
>please don't hate me

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Heyyy don't worry im always here to talk to new brothers/sistha! (Cuz you're both btw..)
What hours is it your time?
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buddy love.png
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Kisses and hugs <3 <3 <3
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3 MB, 1993x2034
Are you a winner?
[ ] Yes
[ ] No

wew that was hard.

Hello ass-man. I'm fine, you?
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Also, saving that

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>hugbox edition
stop it
just stop or i shave mugi eyebrowse
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Guess what
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Have a celebratory bottle of scotch waiting for me in my cabin. For after this is over.
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The WINd Beneath My Wings.png
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>but the fuckers were out of town the one weekend that I happened to come back
Oh Christ I know that feel.

I always get really pumped to hang out with friends but none of the ones I live particularly close to are into playing music so I've got nobody to jam with.

>tfw when your instrument heavily relies on the drums/guitar
>tfw when you have no drummer
>tfw when you've got no guitarist
>tfw when you're the least independent instrument
>tfw when you're still all alone

>wew that was hard
Obviously, you didn't check a box.
All I do is win win win no matter what. Got money on my mind I can never get enough!
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kagami (11)1111.jpg
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It is currently 7:21pm, pacific standard.
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You got a pretty nice ass tbh
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Rory claimed. Real quick break this time
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I don't know... It's just... When I first I came on here like 3 months ago there was a lot less of this and I guess that's why I'm so triggered by it.
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No not burgers
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I mean, I wouldn't really know how THAT feels because I haven't played an instrument since high school but yea
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w-what is it then??
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Shredded m8.png
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Im doin great thanks for asking!
Are you an ass-man yourself?

Nice guns I like how Shredded you are

Ohh okk! It always fun to see how's waking up and how's going to sleep!

I see what you mean. It's alright.
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What about you, where about in the world do you reside?
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Oh the neglect hurts Shiragami Youko
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Winners Love Themselves.png
102 KB, 493x274
Still, I feel it. My closest friends (including the girl I love) live several cities over, and I don't always have the money to bus there to see them/her and when I do, guaranteed some of them are out of town. Fucking bummer.
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Wait for it....
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Are you a winner?
[x] Yes
[ ] No

kek guess the input didn't go on

And every time I step up in the building
everybody hands go up!

No problem m8.

>Are you an ass-man yourself?
Born and rasied
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I see you saved it
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>expectations intensify
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Kiss for the bun.png
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Love you <3
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Winners Bare Their Cleavage.jpg
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>being an assman
You don't need to be that kind of person anymore.
There's help for people like you.
The future is here, and so are the titties.
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61 KB, 500x512
I'm glad you understand. Just to be clear the hate isn't directed towards you so don't feel too bad about it alright?
>it's not your fault :D
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yours is quite fantasstic as well
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Are you sure you wish to delete thread and ban all posters?
((YES) NO )
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Hat is pleased with this~
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It works.jpg
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Is it weird that I like both ass and tiddies?
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Squad niggas.jpg
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Im from Quebec, Canada! And no I don't live in a fking Igloo kek.
Its 10:26 pm!

Ohh hell yeah me liky!
Its always better to grab a booty than a tits
(What I actually think)
>Nice pic!

Ive never heard of this world before! I am blind. PLEASE help me! Bring me to the light!
>Give me good reasons to switch! Nice boobs btw
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1 MB, 1600x900

Breast friend.


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I know you're always down for the ass gang my friend! respect big love
File: It's a bit WINdy out today.gif (529 KB, 500x281) Image search: [Google]
It's a bit WINdy out today.gif
529 KB, 500x281
Hey, even winners get neglected, sometimes.

>guess the input didn't go on
Will require 5 more business days to process

Goddamn right I did. Thanks a bundle. Speaking of which, do you still have the transparent image of Shiragami, and if so could ya post it? Could come in handy in the future.
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While in Edmonton yesterday. Me and my wife were looking for some artwork to put in our new house. I will now dump some of the photos we seen. All of these paintings were $120 - $150

Marie rose
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1 MB, 500x281
I would say I'm lucky and that I get to live with my bf, but I won't because it's beyond infuriating sometimes. Doesn't help that the only irl friends I have in this city are his work friends, all of mine live hours away >.>
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Seems like I'm not the only one from there
Even my hat is better...
>image saved
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Not sure why I put a pic of marie rose there. Or why I said wife. She's not... yet

Anyways. Will dump "modern art" now
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Why thank you, I admire yours, I strive to have one like that <3
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Hey you were the one asking about my game, so then I type everything out and you don't even check'em
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Win v2.0.jpg
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No, that just means you're a human being.
But having a preference, that's what matters.
>Join the booby side, be a winner

>Give me good reasons to switch
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17 KB, 320x320
Not at all, I love both.

I know I know, I have plenty of Canuck friends.
Seen? Really? Is this your post, you mouth breathing rig pig?
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325 KB, 900x1075
Ass gang always

Quality art kek
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18 KB, 274x490
That Wife part got me excited there for a second

I'm just going to put wet paint on my dick and start slapping it on paper to sell
Huh, I did respond.
Did you not see it?
Booby brother.
>I was about to go to sleep, but fuck it,
Gonna lose yo gains.
Oh I've started retaking Spain from the muslims in my crusader kings game, already Portugal and the little bit above it that has Santiago which is one of the 5 Catholic holy sites in the game.
I proposed to her on Saturday. She said yes.

holy boobs
why thank you!
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Curie claimed.

how are you guys

no, I enjoy both its not like you are going to meet a girl who only has one.
That would be Postmodern or Postpostmoderm not modern.
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Vigil - 30.jpg
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I really can't decide, but I suppose it's easier to have a nice ass since gravity isn't as hard on them buns. I can appreciate a pair of nice tiddies though.
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images (2).jpg
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Eat a dick
>not liking some of those paintings
If I had the funds, I'd buy that last one.
>inb4 It's just shades of blue
Fuck you, it's pretty nonetheless.
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580 KB, 384x1200
Milinda claim
Welcome to the club.

How was your workout?

I'm tied for 1st now.
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I should have opened that picture before posting, I usually just open everything I think is good in a new tab then save or close as I go through them.
Damn nigga.
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i find this kind of thing pretty hot

Chiwa get!

Seriously, am I the only one who has seen OreShura? I never ever see any of them in these threads ever.
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REALLY?!? Fuck yeah KonoSuba dream team my little megumin!

Yeah but the thing with nipples is that you never know if they are ugly or not! You can always judge the booty before seen it naked!

Hahahaha well add me to the list!

Always and for ever love you!
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317 KB, 823x993
You know it!

Sadly I don't have anymore like that.

All day every day.


i knew she said yes. No one could say NO TO A MILLIONAIRE FUCK YOU!
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Not to the cont >>682368642
Tried posting it in the previous thread but we hit the limit

That's debatable since there are some girls out there with no tits whatsoever
Awww im sure you'll find someone to grab the booty! Keep looking for the booty and the booty will come for you!
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Atago 234.jpg
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>DD as scout
>Zuiho hidden. If it's under attack, Haguro and Akizuki are in charge of its protection
Sorry to tell you, but Akizuki can't be in two places at once.
>Kuma, Agano and Mogami to get rid of those DDs
That's a a good choice, Admiral.
>Is it "Ring formation"?
If your talking about Haguro and Akizuiki giving Zuiho AA cover it'd be an incomplete (but still functioning) diamond formation.

Your attack aircraft successfully torpedo and dive bomb the enemy Bogue-class carrier.
She begins to list, and cannot launch CAP (Combat Air Patrol) in time, as her flight deck is on fire.
With 40% loss of life, your attack aircraft return to Zuiho.
The enemy attack aircraft are able to damage Zuiho and Haguro, but are unable to damage Akizuki.
They ditch their aircraft into the water, with nowhere's to return to.
100% of the enemy air power is gone.
Kuma, Agano and Mogami slug it out with the carrier's escort, destroying all of them, with the loss of Kuma.

You failed to leave CAP (Combat Air Patrol) or any escort AA cover on your carrier.
The enemy attack aircraft are able to sink your carrier and most of your scattered forces.
Your attack aircraft are able to sink the enemy carrier, and even an Alaska-class Cruiser, but with nowhere to return to, they bail into the water, with complete loss of life.
With the few ships you have left, you retreat.

>the game
File: Oshiete! Galko-chan 22-noscale.jpg (684 KB, 1920x1080) Image search: [Google]
Oshiete! Galko-chan 22-noscale.jpg
684 KB, 1920x1080
So kinky ;^)
File: strollin.gif (2 MB, 500x281) Image search: [Google]
2 MB, 500x281
strollin into the next thread~
in the best boobs category?
File: GettinHUGE1.jpg (221 KB, 657x890) Image search: [Google]
221 KB, 657x890
Tough like always, my trainer says I'm getting better but I don't know.
>Fetish activated.
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156 KB, 555x900
You fucking know it!! We just need Darkness in here
>which region?
Heyy~ What's up?
File: Vigil - 144.jpg (69 KB, 559x477) Image search: [Google]
Vigil - 144.jpg
69 KB, 559x477
Worthwhile QOTT. Takes more effort on the part of the replying poster.
File: IMG_1951.png (530 KB, 750x748) Image search: [Google]
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i guess so. but they are just small they are still technicaly there. I like asses myself but im not going to turn down a nice rack. (inb4 would I even need to)

megumin right? whats upp///..//.>
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