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The stories and information posted here are artistic works of fiction and falsehood.
Only a fool would take anything posted here as fact.

Thread replies: 175
Thread images: 151
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Sounds pretty fucking sweet.

Very happy I went to /k/ today.
Jesus Christ, I've never realized how much I wanted to fuck a predator chick until now. They cover all the bases: aliens, tall, stronk, dominating, all around badass. I've been trying to not fap as much, but it's very, very hard.
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it is pretty fucking gay you are right
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I know what you mean. I couldn't even remotely think that I would be able to find some stuff hot, that I find right now...
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Maybe this thread...on my mind fur almost 24 hours...mew here? Yes I need the ns thing.
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I actually always fantasized about aliens, admittedly. Every night I hope that I'll be visited by a shape-shifting ayy lmao (so she can transform into furry stuff, ofc). It's pretty fucking autistic, but it's the closest thing I can think of to fucking an actual furry chick. But I never even thought about Predators. Needless to say, I'm going to be doing a lot more thinking.
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maybe they will probe your anus
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We'll see how VR and lovedolls evolve in the future. Maybe fucking a furry chick isn't such a far fetched, autistic dream as you may think. You don't even have to fantasize about greyskins visiting you and probably probing you, during your sleep.
Yeeees!!! More lions!!!
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Sorry, don't have them sorted by species...If I find any, I'll be sure to post it.
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pls no
Ill wait patiently>>682271037 like that guhboy
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Anyone have any otters? They turn me on for some reason.

Hopefully. As long as they're a chick because that would be fucking gay otherwise. I don't want a male ayy lmao. But when she transforms into a huge, strong, tiger dickgirl... fuck that sounds hot just thinking about it.

Nah, I want the real thing. That why I think about ayy lmaos. As someone who's had (what I believe to be) a close encounter with ayy lmaos, it makes sense that some super-advanced ayy lmaos can transform and shit like that. And it isn't too far-fetched. Well, maybe getting fucked by one is, but I'm willing to bet they're out there. And I really want to fuck/get fucked by one.
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Will look through my folders just for you.
>close encounter with ayy lmaos
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what if it was a cute boy alien/robot or whatever
like this or something
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Got a bunch of them
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Aww yiss. Can I humbly ask you to dump them?
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how much wood could a woodcuck cuck if a woodcuck could cuck wood
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Sure can. Any specifics?
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A metric cuckton of it, is my guess.
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Not at all, just show me what ya got!
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Fuck, why are otters so hot?
I've told it once before, but it was really long. I'll try to make it short.

>summer night of 2013
>about 2:30
>storm knocked out power
>get bored with nothing to do
>wonder what it would be like to meet ayy lmaos
>decide to leave my room for once
>feel compelled to get my flashlight for some reason
>go to living room, look out window to backyard, don't know why
>see a few small, somewhat dim lights flash at eye height (ground is 20 ft below that)
>think it was a car through the tress
>2 seconds later, flash again, realize it's a small triangle, about 10 ft in length, but this time on the ground
>freeze in fear
>even whisper to myself "holy shit"
>stay frozen for what felt like an eternity, was probably about 5 seconds, still flashing every two seconds, but moving around the yard
>snap out of it, and shine light through window like a dumbass
>lights stop flashing
>run back to my room, and try to rationalize what the fuck I saw
I used to have a huge fear of aliens by the way
>30 minutes of having no idea what happened, I decide "this is a one in a million opportunity, I'm going to try to face my fear"
>go back out to living room and look out window
>lights still flashing, but I just watch it in awe for about 5 minutes
>finally stop and go back to my room to fantasize about fucking ayy lmaos because I naturally want to stick my dick in everything
And that's when I developed and ayy lmao fetish.

Yeah, I'd probably do it then. I usually just think about the typical grays, and think it's would be weird otherwise. But if they looked like that, then fuck yes.
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Interesting. Well, I had just one encounter when I didn't know what the fuck I was seeing. It was just a orb or a ball, very bright, traveling over the night sky. That's it for my otherwordly encounters. Had a few of ghost kind though.
For me it's mainly the tail and the muzzle
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How could I forget a pic?
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i never saw any ayy lmaos but i used to fuck around with a remote control plane with leds all over it.
got that shit in the newspaper like 10 times for alien sightings
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Muzzle does it for me too, but also their usually /fit/ bodies, short hair and small breasts. All that I like on a RL girl aswell...
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Gotta agree with all of those, actually. Also a bit of animalistic wildness doesn't hurt.
I used to see ghosts all the time when I was younger, mainly shadow creatures. I stopped seeing them by about 10. Last time I saw one I wasn't even scared anymore which is probably why I don't see them anymore. I've always had a weird connection to paranormal shit, even got into Satanism a couple of years ago, almost wanted to do rituals and shit like that. The ayy lmao thing was the only paranormal thing I've encountered since I was 10, so I just kinda gave up on the idea of summoning succubi and demons because I figured that it was stupid and dangerous, and if I have another paranormal experience then I'd rather it not be trying to do stupid shit like that, but let it happen by itself.

Hah, nice. I live in an area where kids don't do stuff like that though. And that's what scared the fuck out of me: there were 3 lights in a perfect triangle before it landed, then the diverged and kinda moved around doing whatever, but all flashed at the same time. They didn't seem to have any kind of body to them though, just floating lights. I still can't figure out what the fuck it was, it was surreal.
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Anybody into TF as well?
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That's also true, most otter pics that I saw, they feel very playful and wild or something around those lines.
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never had anything like that
did see other spoopy shit tho
but it turned out to be nothing
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I've never really saw any of them, just some small poltergeist activity with a major feeling of dread in my family's home.
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It's was 100% spoopy. Even my past paranormal experiences didn't scare me that much, and I'm not a fearful person. Even if I don't get to fuck an ayy lmao, I still would like to meet one face to face. I feel like I'd probably be ready for it.

Ah, okay. Yeah, the house I used to live in was crazy as fuck. I had all kinds of paranormal experiences. I really wish I could have another, I've since become very skeptical, and question my sanity and if I didn't just imagine all that stuff. Well, I knew I didn't because everyone else in my house saw stuff too, but after not having anything like that happen in so long, it still made me very skeptical towards paranormal stuff.
You degenerates should stop spamming /b/ with your mental illness. Why the hell would you find a dog-human more sexually attractive than a normal female/male human?

Anyway, get your own websites, then discuss this fucked shit amongst yourselves so nobody has to look.
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No one else in my house had any paranormal encounters, as I did, but I discussed them with them. I wasn'tspooked by those events, so they believed me, at least a little bit.
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scariest shit ive seen is just gang executions
but those aren't that scary once you have seen a few
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Shit, where the fuck do you live? Where I'm from, if there's a murder, the whole country knows of it.
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Got anything interesting to share?

Damn, that's legit scary. What exactly did you used to do?
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shit doesn't happen where i live now but i used to live in the shitty parts of birmingham
sold drugs and shit.
was a little higher up than just some teenager with a sock full of cocaine too. so i made a lot of money and saw a lot of shit.
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Well, I already had a low opinion of the UK, but it just sank a little further.
>was a little higher up than just some teenager with a sock full of cocaine too
Ah, gotcha. I knew about the drug dealing stuff, but didn't about that you were that into it. I'm glad you're out of it now, and glad that pretty body of yours didn't get hurt.
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>about a year ago
>trying to have a shower
>check the towel drawer for towels
>none there
>go pick one from the wash room downstairs
>come back up, close the drawer with my foot
>dry myself, put my shirt on, see that the drawer was open
>look at it, for a few moments in silence
>a bathtub cork, which was sitting at the edge of the bath, gets launched into a radiator with a force
>get the fuck out out of there
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You just made me glad that I live where I do.

The comment you made on my statement does not answer, or in any way devalue the observation I made.
Just a random little inquiry here. Do you ever think this paranormal shit is actually just some alien fucking with people for a good laugh?
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What is this? Falvie art for ants?
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yea i sorta miss it but sorta dont.
glad i moved on. miss the money and the getting high tho kinda
>glad that pretty body of yours didn't get hurt.
that's sweet man. i did get hurt tho but nothing too bad. just some small scars. lucky im fast.
where do you live?
uk isn't that bad. this shit happens in most places. its just all hidden very well usually.
yea i dont give a shit about my s/fur folder im gay
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Spoopy. Yeah, I used to wake up and see drawers open all the time when they weren't the night before, it's was pretty much daily. Never had anything thrown around though, it was mainly just apparitions. Although I did used to hear weird noises sometimes, and once heard one of mom's weird ringing things when no one was home while I was playing vidya games. (No idea what they're called, but they're basically a rod of metal with strings on each end, on a wooden block with a carved out area to make it kinda like to metal was "floating" so you hit it and it rings. Supposed to be cleansing or some dumb shit, my mom's a weird, crazy hippy.)
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Slovenia. Probably only one who posts in these threads. Barely tow million people live here. If something like that happens, everyone knows.
I heard knocks aswell, like someone was hitting something metal with a stick, during the night, when everything is quiet usually.
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Yeah, I guess the money is nice, but it's a little too dangerous for goody-two-shoes me. But I will say, I think scars are pretty badass.

I've even heard music play before. Well, not really music, but more like a repeating note on what sounded like a xylophone, but we never owned one. I used to hear it all the time, and it scared me quite a lot when I was really little, it's one of the first things I remember.

The observation you made is pointless, and will do absolutely nothing to change anything.

You should ignore the thread if you don't like it, and find one you do.
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That's pretty spooky...
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fair enough
yea i guess small places are like that. town i live in atm is fuckin tiny
yea i kinda like my scars. can barely see most of them now so its aight
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I used to know a girl who went to Bradford to study, and she came back with delightful stories such as "if I'd taken up my friend on the offer to live with her, I would have been murdered".

Know someone who used to deal at Glastonbury, too. She also had loads of interesting stories. But apparently your dental health system is quite progressive, so that's nice.
Spooky indeed.

This may be a weird question, but would you mind showing me?
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I mean, people get beaten up quite badly, ending up comatose and shit, but executions are almost none existant, just maybe some assasinations from time to time.
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yea ive had a lot of close calls
its kinda fun tho
hold on let me try find some of my pics that show them
they are all just gay ass pics tho
well most people here just think they are random murders or something but its usually gang related
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>its kinda fun tho
I can see how it would be. I bet the adrenaline rush is amazing, isn't it?
A'ight, no prob.
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Nah, here usually everybody knows that someone killed someone else because of a botched drug deal or something.

On final note, need to pack my shit before I go, so see you tommorow. Nice chat we had!
Last time I'll bother y'all...mew here?
Afternoon nerds.
Hey, how's it going?
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Not bad, just woke up so it's going well today.
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it is amazing
here's one. cant really find the others because they aren't in such obvious places
this one is barely noticeable now but this was a deep ass cut from a knife fight
was really sharp so that's why it isn't too fucked up
cya fag
sup meme fag
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guten nachmittag
That's pretty fucking cool; the scar itself I mean, maybe not so much the fight. I've always liked scars for some reason, no idea why.
It's primal.
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what up fam
yea they are kinda nice.
some of them. but yea there is something kinda cool about them if they aren't too hideous looking
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Not much, watching twitch streams and playing Diablo, as I have been doing the past few days, You?
Yeah, that's what I thought. It makes sense really. I see it as being manly as fuck, and showing toughness. I was always too much of a bitch to really do anything dangerous, though I did just about break my jaw in a bike crash when I was 7 because I fucked up.

I wish I had some, (I'm probably going to regret saying that) the only scars I have are from being an emo faggot.
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eating chocolate and watching shit on youtube
just do manly shit all day and you will get some
Sounds like a good way to spend a bank holiday.
That's true. But I can only look and pretend to be manly, I'm actually a little bitch on the inside. I'm too much of a pretty boy, I much prefer to be more safe than sorry usually.
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it is. shaved too so i can do some gay shit.
and im just over here being a real nigga but also being a femboy
its a strange combination
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You gay as fuck fam.
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Try having surgery scars. Not cool at all, and they still bother me years after the fact. Especially the one that got done when I was an adult.
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you too
yea fuck that
doesn't sound fun
Haha, yeah it is. I like it though. I mean, I'm not afraid of manly shit, I love cars and motorcycles, guns, lifting weights (though I don't do that anymore) I just like to be pretty while I do it. I don't like to have my hands dirty in a literal sense I guess is what I'm trying to say. I find that I'm very clean even when doing dirty stuff, it's kinda weird.

I wouldn't mind having surgery scars. I think all all scars are cool.
Can't deny that.
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Ooh, I like. Goth chicks are awesome.
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yea i kinda get that
but if i need to get dirty or just wana get the job done fast then yolo
but if i have time then id rather be smart about what im doing and do it in the cleanest smoothest way.
Exactly, that's exactly how I think.
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so what gay shit do u even do
usually get the job done way better than anyone else too
Literally nothing, I'm the least gay bi person going.
well go do some gay shit its fun
>I wouldn't mind having surgery scars. I think all all scars are cool.

I had hernia surgery on both sides, and they're just two shitty scars above my pelvic region. The scars themselves aren't bad, but especially the more recent one bothers me a lot. Not in regular life, but when I exert myself. Basically, they cut through important muscles in my core. It healed (obviously), but scar tissue just isn't as good as original tissue. But what's worse, thanks to the early surgery, I have lopsided balls. Maybe that's OK if you're just a normie, but I'm a pervert. There's a lot of fun stuff that's permanently impossible for me because of my weird balls.

Also lost some sensation in my pubic area. It's weird, because I tend to forget about it until I don't. Yesterday I had an itch there. An itch I couldn't really scratch.

My cool scars are on my knees. I used to fall over a lot as a kid.
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