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Waifu claiming thread. >Smug of smug The rules are very simple:

The stories and information posted here are artistic works of fiction and falsehood.
Only a fool would take anything posted here as fact.

Thread replies: 169
Thread images: 150
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Waifu claiming thread.
>Smug of smug

The rules are very simple:
>claim your 2D waifu
>post pics of your waifu
>insult other waifus
>naps are NOT a good idea
>keep ERP and RP to a minimum
>discuss stuff
>post fitting, not over-sexualised content
>most important: Have fun!

Shinoa claimed
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Shiro claimed.
And back to lurking I go.
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3 MB, 500x281
>claiming yume
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so close....
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I'm a bad influence.
Don't listen to me
>But you should totally keep posting waifus

>Thank (You) for making threads.
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Shiki claimed
>dude, past me was a genius!"

Oh shit! Shiro is here!
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Obligatory claim.

>Pats pats
How are ya?

Shit man, glad you're getting that good practice. Early shift? Ugh, hope it goes by quickly.

Oh, sorry to hear that. I hope it goes quickly, friendo. Happy to have you hear until you depart.

Kek'd. Glad you slept well, handsome. Me? I got some decent sleep in, don't worry. What you up to right now?
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>mfw I've been listening to the same song like 4 days in a row

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Syndra (89).jpg
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Best girl
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Vinyl Scratch (12).jpg
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Vinyl claimed

Who was I talking to about Mount and Blade last night again?
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>Gamindustri best cosplay girl claimed

Probably yes~
Glad that she's back here though.
Nobody you fucking pony fag piece of shit
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Atago 062.jpg
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I played a ton of BF3/BF4.
People complained about nobody being equipped to take out tanks so I said "Fuck it" and became the bane of armor.
V-BED's, the RPG-7 V2 (it had different stats than the MK-153 SMAW in BF4), and AT mines.
Normally a tank was "worth" about 5 or 7 infantry (I mean in terms of average kills) but I was worth as many tanks as I had ammo.

You must learn from the Asymmetric Warfare of the sandniggers to properly use the RPG-7 V2.

Always peek.
Always dive.
Never miss.
Tough luck.
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>pokes back
sachi claim
Yeah, I remember that one, I thought it would never end

Rikka Claimed!
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Indeed. A lot of good slice-of-life comedies were produced by Kyoto. Except Air. That was just fucking terrible.

How goes it, my smug friend. Oh, I had forgot to ask you. You're from TX, right?
I could smell the weed through the phone when he said that, it was great

I can post waifus later!

About time to go, so kisses for everyone, and special kisses for Tomo and Hand
Milinda claim
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Best mage claimed~
Going for a ride now, see y'all later

>remember kids, if something blocks your path to success, just blow it up!
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too unstable and dangerous...
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also these waifu claiming threads are so fucking cancer. i enjoy anime but this is more annoying than the trap,guro,loli,furry trash threads.

you should refrain from posting anymore threads, get off of 4chan, and kill yourself weeb
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Juri claimed.
>Yes I said it edition
Shift is already done, off for the next two days unless they need me to come in, so it'll be nothing but relaxing and SFV, which is something I really need considering I haven't had 2 days off in a month.
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Shit I meant battlefield 3, don't get me wrong I kicked ass in 2 also and actually got on the leader board but I kicked ass in 3 too. And for some reason I'm really good at judging trajectories, I can't even tell you how many snipers, helicopters, or even jets I killed with a well aimed tank or rocket shot, I mean there were times I went 1 on 1 with attack helicopters in a tank and won.
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Watching an african documentary about animals.
>it's not about black people

School life is tough. Life sucks, drop out.
Good to be here! Tonight's gonna be rough.

Hello to you, Mili.
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Why don't you guys make this thread on /vg/? I don't get how you can put up with a 150 image limit considering how fast it goes, then having to make a new thread again and again. If you made the threads on /vg/, they would last much longer.
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Hey Mirai. How are you doing today?
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Oh, alright. Glad to hear you're relaxing with ya practicing now, buddy. Damn, sounds like you've been on a busy schedule, sorry to hear that.

Just the animals in the general region or a specific one?
>I absolutely love documentaries

Well shit, I hope it goes better than you expect. Up to anything right now? Just trying to relax before work I presume?
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Kyouko claimed.
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Sup brah?


The city that was once Atlantis? Yeah
kek, you're wrong though. All these guys do is talk to one another in one thread on this board. And when that thread dies, they make another. And you're saying their more cancerous than the current 3 loli threads, 7 gay/trap/sissy, and 2 gore/rekt threads that are up?
>you cannot realize what is cancer if you are the cancer, roody-poo
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Anri, best wifu
Fuck of Mai.
Kalahari. Is on netflix it's part of the african series. it's episode 1.
We should find one on ants.
Fuck off Mai.
Miho claimed

mmmm eggs
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Fuck off Mai.
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Vinyl Scratch (27).png
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Ay negr

Did you already add me? I dont remember, I'ma just post a link
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I did now and getting on
Because /vg/ doesn't allow this?

Eh so-so. Lookin' for food before work. Shouldn't have drank so much last night. I'm in a bad mood.

Yep, but I can't relax when all the employees are trying to call in because of weather or other things

Have you ever been down the Sea of Stars (I-10W) to Wimberley?

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Im sorry friend. Do you need a hug?
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Vinyl Scratch (24).png
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Just tell me when you're up for playing

Also, what country? Because timezones
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Waiting on the installation for my SSD, so I'm back.
>who wants another hug?
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Based waifu Saeko.jpg
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Saeko Busujima claimed
Fuck off Mai.
Nui is law.

Best wife is here.
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Hmm...only cuz it's you, Mili.
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Mmmm, nice. You like documentaries on ants as well or just heard me obsess about them at one point? Either way I'd love to.

What the hell, bunch of slackers. They're lucky to have you, bunch of schmucks. I'm sorry to hear that, man.
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What is everyone listening to?
Fuck off Mai.
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Sorry, it's a meme on this thread
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Life is suffering.
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I hope this is a joyful "oh shit".

So how long until you get banned this time?
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Hope you feel better soon friend
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I live hear my entire life and never heard of it. Do tell

USA central

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Lurkmura (5).png
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Yes why?

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Syndra (19).png
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Gimmie dat band girl instead.
I do enjoy them a lot of anons do i remember me you and fran talking about it during fact spam night.

yuuko is always suffering.
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Hi shinoa-bro! What'd I miss?
>tight hugs
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Vinyl Scratch (35).png
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I dont know, but I dont think that I'm gonna be pissed because of that again

But eh, pone bans are only 3 days, and most of the time they are already gone after one, so its okay

Fucking zones man
She's a close second, but she can't stop the law.
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kek tagged wrong post.

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Hey Miho!
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>more hugs
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Why does no one ever talk about the best girl ever?
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>Lovin' rattle
>Touchin' rattle
>Squeezin' rattle
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smugs and hugs
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Mmmm, more to have in common, nice. Ants are great, I remember sticking my waifu in a fire ant hill once just see what it was like.

Wasn't that bad.

>yuuko is always suffering.
Aren't we all?
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Hello. Your on early.

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As usual. Nothing lol

Feels my German, friend ;_; and I'm on it now

fire ants must be interesting. We don't really have them up here. Mud wasps though will fuck your shit up.
>happy hugs
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Yeah. Didnt have work today. Thought I might give daytime threads a try
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Yeah, people build them up to be more than they actually are though. Might just depend on the region for how painful they are, I don't know.

Wanna see how bad a bullet ant is, that would be fun.

>Frightened hands
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14 KB, 800x800

Huh, didn't know that.


Oh, I see.
I know right?! See, they don't have their priorities straight. Go to work > failing school. Go to work > flooding in house. Just my opinion, but I'm a druid so...

>my heart
Thank you. Just noticed that I'm out of pickle juice...there is no God.

You mean you've never been swimming at Blue Hole or jumped into Jacobs Well?! We have to go right now, Shinoa!

To judge you.

I figured.
Nigga what
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Vinyl Scratch (5).png
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Nice mang, we can write more on steam

Not gonna play today though, because its already evening, and I didnt manage to sleep last night because body had to destroy the alcohol
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Jacobs Well
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QOTT: if you drink, what's your favorite brand of beer? If you don't drink, give me smugs like pic cause I don't drink
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Noooo Not the pickle juice!
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All your waifu are shit.
Tomoko is god-tier anti-waifu waifu.
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Aw.. Okay

Sorry about them :/

>surprise hugs
Hello! How are you?
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I drink, but I don't drink beer. I usually drink whiskey and harder stuff.
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Not much of a beer person, and i think you know by now that i have no smug.
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Vinyl Scratch (68).jpg
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Probably Wicküler from the bottle or Turmbräu from the can

Not sure though

But right now the beer I drink the most is Sternburg Diesel, because gotta save money for medieval festival
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Well since mead isn't really beer my second choice would be a Somersby but even that's on the edge
I also can't say no to a nice Kriek
It's considered a woman's drink but I'm a grown ass man and I drink whatever the fuck I like
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Damn, you're a trooper, that's for sure.

>I'm a druid so...
A cute druid at that.
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Let me demand some legs!

I need them for researching and stuff!
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I don't mind the cartoon horse stuff, but isn't there a global rule or something about cartoon horses outside of /mlp/?
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santa is satan wake up sheeple.jpg
98 KB, 630x357
fucking casual

>how to break your neck.jpg
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Jacob's well?! Well why didn't you say so?!? I heard of it but never been there :/

Awww ok dude I get on total war then

But you missed us missing you <3
Global rule that posting with images to identify yourself is also banned so we let iot slide.
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Dude isn't bothering anyone though
jesus google makes it look bad.

i don't like beer

>head pats
reported the faggot ass pony poster
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Kongou claimed, desu~
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Someone got triggered by him yesterday though. Was pretty funny
So how come you don't drink Shinoa? Being drunk is pretty fun most of the time
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Vinyl Scratch (66).jpg
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Actually everybody in this thread should be banned, because avatarfagging

But eh, most people are okay with me

And the faggots that really tell shit about me are mostly the ones that dont even post a waifu

Ye man, we can play tomorrow or something
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K is for kongou
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Awww that's sweet <3
>happy hugs
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Is this leggy enough?

^ This
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And D is for Desu!

Also understandable, but people are real dicks to mlp fans. I guess I'm kind of looking out for him.
Just look at >>682142121
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Decided to dust off my 360 and finally grab my last achievement in Borderlands: TPS.
Got every achievement in every Borderlands game, can't wait for 3.
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justshit (56).jpg
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>7.Submitting false or misclassified reports, or otherwise abusing the reporting system may result in a ban. Replying to a thread stating that you've reported or "saged" it, or another post, is also not allowed.

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10 steps to improve your life.jpg
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this one is more appropriate
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>well then it wouldn't be a surprise <3
Ah that sucks. I heard coffee helps
I'm doing good. But I'm having difficulties with my laptops new SSD installation

Hello Froggo!!
>happy hugs
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1 MB, 2592x1936
Google's spooky, especially when it's not working for you.

Keep on being cute.
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2 MB, 5000x3200
Thats cool

>To judge you.
>Angry face
Honesty it doesn't matter to me, but I find myself going back to Jack Daniel's a lot because it's what everyone else around me drinks
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Im not judging you friend! I love pickles! kek
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you are so cute little one
yes but I know you can do even better
How are you doing?

>demanding more legs to satisfy my needs
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1 MB, 1748x1181
Ayy Froggo how you doing?
Good job getting that plat on borderlands

Hey Yume, have some legs
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>Froggy hugs
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I'm trying!
Underage here in America til next year still 19 but turn 20 this year and I fear that I'll be the aggressive drunk and won't stop drinking. Had some drinks before though. Just never got drunk besides when I was two years old lol

Lol fuck alright

>tight hugs!

Which is why texas is the best motherfucking state

Baningu rabu!

Dubs confirm you're caring for then
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Yeah. Although I dont know as many people on days... kek oh well

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2 MB, 500x267

I wanted to play a match of LoL but I can't connect and for some reasons I just realy don't want to play dota 2 right now.
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Pretty lewd.jpg
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never going to happen
I'm doing good.
And no plats for me, I got the Handsome collection on PS4 but all my time on borderlands was on my 360.
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So are you, Yume

How are you today?
>more hugs

Hugs are great, aren't they?
>infinite hugs
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Tenryuu 113.png
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Tenryuu claimed
Go back to your containment board
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I just recently got all the achievements for Borderlands 1 on my xbone. I'm thinking about playing pre-sequel before 2.

Check 'em.


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Not me, certainly. I always post my waifu.

Your midget/bestiality fetish is the absolute sin, btw. Bronies will burn in hell.
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Lucy was a awesome waifu just really deadly
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>tfw can't drink before you're 21
In a way I think murica did this better, we learn to drink before we learn to drive which I think is a huge flaw
Don't worry about the aggressive drunk bit, that's only a small part or if you're in situations where you'd get angry anyway. This tends to happen more around other drunk people of course. I'm either a happy go lucky drunk or a sleepy one depending on my mood. Never even remember getting angry when I was drunk

Server is fucked for me too, where do you queue?

You do know borderlands 3 is already out right? But I think it's called borderlands: the pre-sequel
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Vinyl Scratch (32).png
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But I'm okay with you telling shit about me, you're at least creative

Fucking pedophile
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1 MB, 320x180
I don't know why do I like the jojo ost "Lady with amazing legs" so much, I mean, legs are pretty great but they're not my favorite thing.

Yeah that's him, isn't he just great?
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939 KB, 500x281
Huh? But what for?

Caffeine actually dries you out, gives you a worse headache, and there's a whole lot of health issues in combating liquor with coffee. Pickle juice is the only way to go. Restores eloctrolytes like nothing else. Oh yeah? What kind of issues? If it's anything like mine, the parts have been melted together, so I nothing can really be installed anymore.

With a waifu like Mirai, shouldn't be a problem.

kek. 1.61 mb of anger. That's all for me?

Was one of the first whiskeys I tried. I found myself enjoyed Rye, Irish, and Scotch more. If I had to go back to Bourbon, I'd probably go with Gentleman Jack.

Then we are of the same mind. My roommate usually walks out to me eating out of a pickle jar in the morning.
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I'm back~
What did I miss?
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Good and youuu?

I wanna get handsome collection on my bone for the hell of it.

I hope you're joking :(
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North america, I'm in canada.
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I have the courage to carry the label of pedophile.
You on the other hand would make your mother cry, if she hadn't killed herself yet.

Also why Vinyl? She ain't even best musician pony.
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Did you end up getting your car painted?

Is it sad I have 4 jars of pickles in my fridge?
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this is good keep it going I need all the legs out there in the world
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Seem to be pretty cute outside of your waifu. That's just me though.

Just your average shitposting, nothing out of the ordinary. What you up to?
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hello tenryuu

do i need a reason more than you being you?
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We doin' legs?
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Well if it ain't Hand-kun, desu~
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Oh, I didn't know that. Thanks for telling me!
My laptops been taking ages to boot, and I got it just last year. I figured out my hard drive was failing so I'm upgrading

Half and half, really. I'm glad to see you here

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Especially when it's from someone with nice boob-I MEAN YEAH THEY'RE NICE!

Nice get how about these?

I hope dude

Gotta feed her now
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Vinyl Scratch (4).png
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Because I'm not a lot into classical (although Dubstep and shit sucks too imo)

Also I like her looks and personality more

And yes
My parents even bought me pony merch when I was younger
Just cleaning my room a bit

Well hey there, man. How are ya?
>But which one?
>Confused hands

Well aren't you just cleanly. Hope that goes well, wonderful.

new bread?
NO! I've also had problems on LoL too. Gave up and played Smite on my xbone.

The handsome collection is on my to-buy list. I've played 2, but only about an hour of it.

I've actually been drinking Bacardi and actually enjoying it, which is weird for me because I usually just drink to get drunk.

I don't see no dubs :^)
You were saying?

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