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Waifu claiming thread. Rules: >claim your 2D waifu/husbando

The stories and information posted here are artistic works of fiction and falsehood.
Only a fool would take anything posted here as fact.

Thread replies: 172
Thread images: 151
File: Happy Karen 38.jpg (105 KB, 708x1000) Image search: [Google]
Happy Karen 38.jpg
105 KB, 708x1000
Waifu claiming thread.

>claim your 2D waifu/husbando
>post pics of your waifu/husbando
>insult/talk to other waifus/husbandos
>keep ERP and RP to a minimum
>post fitting, not over-sexualised content
most importantly: yeah
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2 MB, 500x267
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248 KB, 500x578
Kyouko claimed.
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34 KB, 255x300
Is it new thread time already?!

>Shizuru get!
File: Homura (16).jpg (93 KB, 640x896) Image search: [Google]
Homura (16).jpg
93 KB, 640x896
Kuuderest kuudere claimed. Restarting computer brb.
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144 KB, 1100x500
I got those quads just for you.

Now.. Do you accept this offering?
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25 KB, 50x50
Tiny claim since it inspires massive gets
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126 KB, 500x563
Laura Claimed again
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3 MB, 649x358
Rory is here. Claimed and everything.
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53 KB, 600x338
Alright you skanks suggested I get a calzone on Thursday, what should I grab for food when I'm off work?
Cook something myself or chicken cheesesteak
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MaidMura (3).png
587 KB, 603x896
I better see a fuckton of Maid waifu pics when I get back here.
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862 KB, 1024x1301
File: The lurking Shinoa.png (220 KB, 814x393) Image search: [Google]
The lurking Shinoa.png
220 KB, 814x393

Sorry for not noticing (you) but I only got anger and not smug I asked for
mobile lurking
File: kagami (5).png (309 KB, 914x874) Image search: [Google]
kagami (5).png
309 KB, 914x874
i need to find more mushrooms!!!!!!
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345 KB, 620x800

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108 KB, 464x640
forgot image like a fucking dork
File: Chibi Karen 13.png (213 KB, 326x396) Image search: [Google]
Chibi Karen 13.png
213 KB, 326x396
>13 episodes
well I know what I'm watching this week
File: 1.gif (2 MB, 500x285) Image search: [Google]
2 MB, 500x285
Best mage claimed~
Nice claim!
She is a arch-wizard, not a witch~
Have a (you)

>Kagami is a qt 3.14
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552 KB, 1108x2000
File: IDK Karen 4.png (258 KB, 549x560) Image search: [Google]
IDK Karen 4.png
258 KB, 549x560
anyone else seeing this?
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File: shiet.jpg (54 KB, 836x471) Image search: [Google]
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I was so disgusted by how unappealing this was that I almost felt like throwing up.
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208 KB, 1280x1280
Panera Bread gave me ass cancer.

Fuck broccoli cheddar soup.
My bad.
Canker sores suck
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446 KB, 564x800
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1 MB, 2231x4039
>Gamindustri best cosplay girl claimed
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35 KB, 242x69
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19 KB, 184x274
Got it.
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1 MB, 1473x2500
Sorry about earlier, I got busy.
>who wants a hug?
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32 KB, 332x358
>broccoli cheddar soup
That sounds disgusting.
well fugg a swap in the same thread

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1011 KB, 1000x1000
>Claimed for Stocking-Anon
Would you film your waifu?
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46 KB, 1280x720
I do
Okay I'll take it away!
It is, last time I visited my mother and she made it. Love her cooking but fucking Christ.
File: kagami (2).jpg (503 KB, 1680x1050) Image search: [Google]
kagami (2).jpg
503 KB, 1680x1050
damnit!!! i forgot again!!!
>megumin is the cutest waifu i've ever seen!!
File: Fear the lurking bunn.jpg (54 KB, 540x304) Image search: [Google]
Fear the lurking bunn.jpg
54 KB, 540x304
Hey Waifufags have any of you watched Kancolle and if so is it any good?
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231 KB, 843x1192

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3 MB, 500x282
The idea is acceptable, but the gif itself is not impressive.
Slightly confusing, as I am fairly certain that one wouldn't end up having whatever liquid is it supposed to represent on their back.
Far more than that.
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28 KB, 360x360
Am I allowed to have...two?
>gee bill TWO waifus?
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600 KB, 1074x1200
I want a hug poi~!
File: Atago 283.jpg (393 KB, 500x750) Image search: [Google]
Atago 283.jpg
393 KB, 500x750
It can't happen soon enough.
I'll take a shot at it.
File: sachii74.png (17 KB, 153x90) Image search: [Google]
17 KB, 153x90
always need more hugs
angel beats? it was pretty good
>small sachi claim
File: MaidMura (2).png (646 KB, 656x1200) Image search: [Google]
MaidMura (2).png
646 KB, 656x1200
Back with a bowl full of strawberry.
>no maid waifu pics
I am disappoint.
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11 KB, 183x255
You guys are insane. You don't like broccoli with cheese on it?
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814 KB, 540x240

Thank (you)
File: Lucky☆Star.full.1066760.jpg (494 KB, 1920x1200) Image search: [Google]
494 KB, 1920x1200
i was waiting for you to come back!!!
>that sounds awesome and delicious
File: duce37.jpg (55 KB, 320x459) Image search: [Google]
55 KB, 320x459
Does this appease you?

>back to lurking

Does she have a sister?
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75 KB, 858x483
File: Shizurulurkupsidedown.jpg (3 KB, 72x34) Image search: [Google]
3 KB, 72x34
Last time I ate broccoli I thought I was having a heart attack. Never again.
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164 KB, 780x740
It's trash-tier at best.
Wait for the movie and hope it's better than the series.
Play the game if you want to do something kancolle related, making an anime out of a web game with barely any story was just a cash grabbin move from Kadokawa.

I don't like Broccolin in general.
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107 KB, 1000x707
If dubs Kagami is cutest
So is Akiko~
File: TooCute.gif (1 MB, 540x304) Image search: [Google]
1 MB, 540x304
Rory doesn't have much maid pics. Heres a cute hop instead.
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2 MB, 500x281
one eyed wonder waifus rep
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91 KB, 1201x720
Miyazono Kaori
The only anime I cried like a little girl to
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161 KB, 1005x1200
Hello megu!
>explosive hugs

Yup! It was okay, I guess. You really only watch it for the girls. In my opinion atleast

Ah hi akiko! What'd I miss?
>tight hugs

Ooh you must be new! Welcome to the threads Yuu!
>I'll call you that, if you're fine with it
>welcoming hugs

Hi Atago!
>suffocating hugs

>happy hugs

>tight hugs

Wow I wasn't expecting that much of a welcome. Thanks :)
File: Chibi Karen 14.png (182 KB, 268x288) Image search: [Google]
Chibi Karen 14.png
182 KB, 268x288
gonna have to agree with tomocuck
that shit is pretty good

you can switch between them but only claim one at a time


if dubs megumin will be cutest and also i know she's the cutest!!!
File: Shinoa-Number-One.jpg (24 KB, 750x410) Image search: [Google]
24 KB, 750x410
Thanks for the QOTT
Thanks for your opinions.
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65 KB, 600x470
>new pasta rate please
United forever in Suiseiseki and desu,
Our mighty flamewars will ever endure.
The Great 4chan anarchists will live through the ages.
The dream of a people their fortress secure.

Long live our 4chan motherland,
Built by the Anons mighty hands.
Long live our Anons, united and free.
Strong in our friendship tried by fire.
Long may our flags of hate inspire,
Shining in glory for all men of /b/.

Through days dark and stormy where Great Anons lead us
Our eyes saw the bright board of freedom a/b/ove
And Anonymity our leader with faith in the people,
Inspired us to build up the land that we love.

Long live our 4chan motherland,
Built by the Anons mighty hands.
Long live our Anons, united and free.
Strong in our friendship tried by fire.
Long may our flags of hate inspire,
Shining in glory for all men of /b/.

We fought for the future, destroyed the invaders,
And brought to our homeland the laurels of fame.
Our glory will live in the memory of Suiseiseki.
And all generations will honour her name.

Long live our 4chan motherland,
Built by the Anons mighty hand.
Long live our Anons, united and free.
Strong in our friendship tried by fire.
Long may our flags of hate inspire,
Shining in glory for all men of /b/.
File: image.png (253 KB, 445x483) Image search: [Google]
253 KB, 445x483
Ayyyy someone else with a one eyed waifu
File: Kyouko157.jpg (144 KB, 870x811) Image search: [Google]
144 KB, 870x811
>You really only watch it for the girls. In my opinion atleast
^ This.
File: allchokedup.gif (1 MB, 245x150) Image search: [Google]
1 MB, 245x150
have you seen eva?
it gets me all choked up every time i watch it
already know the question....clannad
>i hope that was the question
Shit poster present
sorry im late i was busy fapping to not shit waifus
QOTT: what anime made you cry?

Love live school idol project and Chuunibyou demo koi ga shitai
File: MaidMura (1).png (366 KB, 636x900) Image search: [Google]
MaidMura (1).png
366 KB, 636x900
>i was waiting for you to come back!!!
You were? You never fail to amaze me!
>that sounds awesome and delicious
It could be even more awesome if I had nutella.

Yes it does! Duce a qt.

Sucks, but you do have the title of best legs so that will do.

Prinz is way too cute

One eyes wonder waifus!
this thread makes me cry. does that count?
It was lol
File: BATTLECATTLE.png (229 KB, 807x1000) Image search: [Google]
229 KB, 807x1000
It'll be glorious when it finally does happen.
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19 KB, 1274x880
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24 KB, 480x314
Forgot my picture dammit!
File: mrwIseePeaches.gif (262 KB, 500x281) Image search: [Google]
262 KB, 500x281

Me and Homura played vidya and crushed the filthy scrubs, ate some peaches.
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53 KB, 939x527
Close to a Dio seal of approval, but still not it.
A bit lesser than the other picture, but you're getting close to beating it.

I believe both of you are going too much "straight to the point" perharps a more indirect method might earn her a seal of approval, Althought it is possible to earn one with the current way.
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You can't tell me what to do Steve you're not my real dad
File: Laifu is Hard (6).jpg (3 MB, 2480x3507) Image search: [Google]
Laifu is Hard (6).jpg
3 MB, 2480x3507
Im a big vagina when it comes to emotional stories so thats not hard. I will just promote Madoka Magica here.
we got you covered
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262 KB, 800x600
>Misuzu ;_;
File: Smug Karen 11.png (1 MB, 1144x892) Image search: [Google]
Smug Karen 11.png
1 MB, 1144x892

I lost my fucking shit this is hilarious
>he literally whipped it up in paint
god damn you glorious bastard
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55 KB, 500x281
Your waifu is qt
No I haven't, I will check it out though. I love them feels animes
File: Kagami_Hiiragi_Wallpaper_trfdj.jpg (99 KB, 1024x768) Image search: [Google]
99 KB, 1024x768
i-i do??? im glad then!!!
awwww that sounds even better!!!! you're making me hungry now!!
File: Homura (5).jpg (24 KB, 480x480) Image search: [Google]
Homura (5).jpg
24 KB, 480x480
Nothing can stop a peach lover and a strawberry lover when they team up.
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1 MB, 400x225
More than one, but I will say Madoka for obvious reasons.
File: Nigga and Tiddies.jpg (152 KB, 1920x1080) Image search: [Google]
Nigga and Tiddies.jpg
152 KB, 1920x1080
Thanks Prinz~
Sakurasou 'cause I can relate to failures
Our waifus shall dominate~
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781 KB, 2893x4092
No problem pal


Love live, Akame GA Kill, and Angel Beats. If movies count the list goes on for Miles

Thanks! Your waifu is cute as well <3

Nice. Peaches are tasty
File: Smug Karen 2.png (778 KB, 941x749) Image search: [Google]
Smug Karen 2.png
778 KB, 941x749
except cancer
File: duce26.jpg (510 KB, 1240x1200) Image search: [Google]
510 KB, 1240x1200
I actually can't remember that, I know a few did make me shed a tear but can't remember their names.

Thanks, also Homura is a qt 3.1

>Back to them lurks.
Tokyo Magnitude 8.0 has had me on the tear eye side
File: ambiguous.gif (488 KB, 250x250) Image search: [Google]
488 KB, 250x250
its intense. i love it with everything i am as a person
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72 KB, 700x700
I'm indeed new! Call me what ever you like! How's your day poi~?
I did drop a tear or two while watching Hokuto no ken, althought saying that makes me feel like some sort of guy who's insecure about his "manlyness"

While I'm at it, the term "manly tears" is autistic.
File: sp_sizuru.jpg (44 KB, 180x216) Image search: [Google]
44 KB, 180x216
>Self flagellating rattle
Thanks! I like yours too. Read quite a lot of the magna she's from. Super cute. Especially on her date.
File: AreWeBeingLewd.gif (2 MB, 500x333) Image search: [Google]
2 MB, 500x333
Laputa. The final sequence on the castle.
File: tons o candy.jpg (98 KB, 564x789) Image search: [Google]
tons o candy.jpg
98 KB, 564x789
Really? I didn't expect it to do it but if its working than im really happy... Now imagine you take those nutella covered strawberries and roll them inside a pancake.

Aka the game itself. Like an ezreal taking 2/3 of your health with an ult when he isn't even that much fed.
File: Atago 297.jpg (169 KB, 800x800) Image search: [Google]
Atago 297.jpg
169 KB, 800x800
We'll probably be long dead before it happens.
I hope not though.
That's not the Yuu-boot
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41 KB, 500x281
i dont know what your waifu is from
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29 KB, 185x273
What show would you guys like to see that only had one season
File: sachii60.gif (1 MB, 500x213) Image search: [Google]
1 MB, 500x213
clannad after story
>tiny rattle
i see you lurking there
File: sad.jpg (24 KB, 598x480) Image search: [Google]
24 KB, 598x480
Eureka 7, obviously, but other than that, "Usagi Drop" because unknowingly became attached.

Also, sorry for skipping the last thread. I had to go out for pizza.
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691 KB, 1200x1500
That's great! Welcome to the threads, I hope you enjoy them as much as I do! My days been Great! How was yours?

What? Im too lazy to type up all of Yuudachi so I'm just calling her Yuu
forgot my picture.
I don't think I have to explain that this doesn't get a seal.
Scanty actually looks better than Kneesocks in that picture.
Strawberries are second only to peaches. Such a shame they're so seasonal. At least you can pickle peaches in honey and can them

I love this pic, it's probably the cutest pic I've seen that isn't Akiko
Also filename makes me chuckle every time

This guy gets it

Never change Karen
File: kagami (12).png (372 KB, 1280x800) Image search: [Google]
kagami (12).png
372 KB, 1280x800
i-it is!!! mmmmm i love pancakes!! i've never had pancakes with strawberries inside them!!!
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1 MB, 1082x1528
Akame ga kill
File: Thegoodlife.jpg (411 KB, 953x700) Image search: [Google]
411 KB, 953x700
Nah with where I'm at and what I've got I should be able to survive long enough to help.
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129 KB, 800x480
Rewrite. She from a VN currently, they're making an anime of it soon though.
>Moderate rattling
I'm posting!
File: TUMBLR.gif (1006 KB, 500x210) Image search: [Google]
1006 KB, 500x210
Hey guys, whats going on
they need about seventeen more seasons of lucky star!!!
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Chibi Karen 8.png
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didn't see you there

>Aka the game itself
I was literally typing that as a follow-up right when your post appeared

as long as you don't <#

Gugure! Kokkori-San
fucking beautiful work of art and laffs

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HOTD and Deadman Wonderland come to mind
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You don't have to apologize. We usually say "hey I'm back, what I missed?" But it's usually nothing lol. You can also say I'll be back or something
my mothers funeral was a very saddening event, but my dick has never been harder
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kagami (2).png
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or a kog'maw with 6 attacks per second, that's pretty cancer
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Homura (14).jpg
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Happy lurking!

I will shed at least a tear every time I watch this scene. The voice acting is too good.

Its time to try it then! The combination of the strawberry sweet with the pancake is really good.
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That got me.
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Farewell my dearest maiden desu,
Farewell, farewell, farewell,
Alas, I must be parting you,
Farewell, farewell, farewell,
For I fight for 4chan's Gloria!
Gloria! Gloria!
Sieg Heil! Sieg Heil! Viktoria!
Sieg Heil! Viktoria!

Our sight and aim are finely tuned!
Farewell, farewell, farewell,
Farewell, farewell, farewell!
For we fight for 4chan's Gloria!
Gloria! Gloria!
Sieg Heil! Sieg Heil! Viktoria!
Sieg Heil! Viktoria!

We never rest, Suiseiseki press on!
Farewell! Farewell! Farewell!
Until we've broke the Faggots spawn!
Farewell! Farewell! Farewell!
For we fight for 4chans's Gloria!
Gloria! Gloria!
Sieg Heil! Sieg Heil! Viktoria!
Sieg Heil! Viktoria!

Give me your hand, my maiden desu!
Farewell, Farewell, Farewell,
A parting kiss, and then adieu!
Farewell, Farewell, Farewell!
For I fight for 4chan's Gloria!
Gloria! Gloria!
Sieg Heil! Sieg Heil! Viktoria!
Sieg Heil! Viktoria!
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"I'll be back."
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are there any giant robots?
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Excited Karen 11.png
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don't listen to this guy >>682027603
what you did is unforgivable
gonna need you to chain post for the next 28 hours until you beat akiko's record
And toyko ravens! It's so underrated
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Im runninh outta kneesocks gonna try with some other waifus and lewdys for that seal.
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The art is what brings it to the garbage tier.
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New meat
>gimme some legs
Jokes aside, welcome, I'm quite new aswell, hope we can get along~
After seeing you waifu so many time, I should probably start to watch her anime
My answer should be obvious~
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i think im gonna go to the store tomorrow lol, i hope the strawberries are ripe lol, thanks for the idea!!!
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He can only pull that off when standing still, thus making him super vulnerable to skillshots
>actually balanced, good job Riot
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i love strawberries
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image (9)(1).jpg
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>hugs out of nowhere
Hello Froggo!
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Distressed Karen 2.png
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fucking end my fucking existence right now
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Wow you replied faster than usual!
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Homura (3).jpg
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Kek, I heard he got revamped and I didn't play vs the new kog yet. Sounds pretty annoying.

Tomorrow... you should be getting them today.

Who doesn't?
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The recent one I cried to was JJBA.

Thanks for having me over. That's nice to hear that you're doing great Prinz. My day is actually over it's pretty late but my day was okay but boring!

Thanks Karin poi~
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like this?
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Wow, the latter half of that is beautiful. Piano is too good.
I'll admit it's been a while, buuuuut i don't recall any giant robots unfortunately. The world as is does end on more than one ending though!
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I don't. They go off too quickly.
Boy these threads are going by fast
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Atago 064.jpg
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Not what I mean.
I'm talking about dying of age
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every time i come to check in one thread is kill and the current one is at like 130 images kek
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>tfw no (You)
time to go kill myself
its been nice knwing you
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I thought the point was to get one for Kneesocks, anyways I personally preferred the one with the swimsuit, althought I've seen it so many times it would have no use to post it now.
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t-today??? but i don't like driving at night!!! and....i still have to make that chicken....
yeah he's op'd as hell, completely broken
I no! Have a have (you)

Forgotten already?

Very impressive, althought it does not make me want to instantly give it a seal.

short answer, a lot

I'm a bitch

Thread replies: 172
Thread images: 151

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