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Fat/Feminists/SJW hate thread. go

The stories and information posted here are artistic works of fiction and falsehood.
Only a fool would take anything posted here as fact.

Thread replies: 311
Thread images: 128
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Fat/Feminists/SJW hate thread. go
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Femanon here.
I personally love the shitstorm that starts everytime some poor faggot makes one of these anti feminest threads. Gives me a chance to see just how upset I've made everyone and chuckle a bit.

You think jokes about kitchens or showing tits bother me? It just goes to show how much power any random female holds over you, they can pull your complete attention away from a topic just by having a vagoo.

Sure, you'll act tough and cynical here, but we all know it's just a desperate overcompensation for how much of a doormat you are IRL. If you decide to lash out and act a bit sexist now and then, I can't really complain.

After all, we do pretty much run the show.
Men rely on us, work for us, spend money on us, buy us houses and cars and clothes, sign prenups that we can turn around and cash in when we feel like ditching them for a younger, cuter piece of ass.

Got a kid with a girl? Don't fool yourself, it's HER kid, not yours. Piss her off and she'll take it and leave your ass, and you can pay her a nice chunk of child support for the rest of your life.

Yep, this is the power we hold over you. So you go ahead and make your rape jokes, really. I still know that when you see me on the streets you'll be watching, getting hard, and problably crying a tear or two because you know you'll always be a forever alone faggot
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>Punch of a Thousand Keks
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Full house wasted on some bait by some sad little faggot who wants some (you)'s

Piss off niggercunt
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I, too, had a massive fart today. Luckily for me it was out of my ass.
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Tldr nice dubtrips tho
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Both images are false. North American women and European women are lazy fatasses who want to suck Muslim dick.
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hi every1 im new!!!!!!! holds up spork my name is katy but u can call me t3h PeNgU1N oF d00m!!!!!!!! lol…as u can see im very random!!!! thats why i came here, 2 meet random ppl like me _… im 13 years old (im mature 4 my age tho!!) i like 2 watch invader zim w/ my girlfreind (im bi if u dont like it deal w/it) its our favorite tv show!!! bcuz its SOOOO random!!!! shes random 2 of course but i want 2 meet more random ppl =) like they say the more the merrier!!!! lol…neways i hope 2 make alot of freinds here so give me lots of commentses!!!!
DOOOOOMMMM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! <--- me bein random again _^ hehe…toodles!!!!!

love and waffles,

t3h PeNgU1N oF d00m
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Not to mention they dont have the same level of education/skills/years experience on average.

Srsly though? Can you imagine if women got 77 % what men got? Like your working at the gas station one day and jodi whose been there with you since you got hired mentions she gets 7.70 while youre getting 10$? That secret would get out overnight if it were true.
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Apex zozzle
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lol nice try fagboy
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The important thing is that you would not be working there as the gas station would have just hired another woman for cheaper.
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The wage gap is a myth, look it up.
Women do not have as many positions in STEM Science Technology Engineering and Math.
These are higher paid positions.
Those positions are not 9-5'ers. Women do not like jobs they dont "clock out and lek forget".

Women are higher represented in teacher positions. Why? 3-4 months off a year...
Women also work in low paying 'careers' such as babysitting, cutting hair/beauty salons.. Go look on a dating site...
Every fourth chick is "in school for cosmetology"
femanons are not dat stupid after all
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Holy shit that's a blast from the past
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Well, he/she has a point. How many of us hate women because we don't feel that we can get one?
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This made me so hard, dubs and truth. Muh dik
Is that the cunt from Twilight?
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i kno right
no u idiot there are donald trumps that keep the patriarchy alive cause they have billions of dollars and can hire men at higher rates even at a loss if it keeps the male dominance alive, if the rich didnt have their money to do this we would see fairness actually come about in the work place instead of this forced wage inequality
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this is stupid since women have less presence in all of these sectors, of course men will have higher stats
I always think its funny when they complain there arent enough women ceos or politicians and then ask them what they study and they say..

Gender studies

Artistic design

Some other bs

Equal opportunity does not equal equal representation.
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shut the fuck up
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>tl;dr: infantile used up suburban moms past their prime complaining about the beauty of Asian women
I thought she was a dyke.
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maybe she is. still like to put my pecker in her tho
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That is not how companies work you ignorant piece of shit. Take a basic economics class. Since you obviously have not taken such a class you have not been to high school and are therefore underage for this site or you did and failed miserably since you cannot understand this basic concept.
You literally have every opportunity men do. You get paid exactly what men do for the same skills, education, experience. Its not the fault of men that we are stronger, faster, smarter, just like its not our responsibility to bear the meek for the sake of some PC feel good utopia. For you see, that place can never exist, there will always be weak and strong, male and female, front and back.
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this is me on this thread
No one cares about your feelings sugar-tits
To be completely honest, unhealthy food is generally more expensive than actual organic and healthy food. and the cost of gym memberships and equipment tend to be higher than some people can afford.

However, there are ways to save money and to do exercises and lose weight cheaply. She can count her calories, she can do a basic exercise routine. she can jog.

Not having enough money to lose weight is a reasonably sound argument to people with a basic understanding of weight loss. Only partial and complete idiots should believe that argument.
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Halle fucking Looya Brother
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I mean unless ur a bitch im fat and 5'6 and can still get a reasonable amount of pussy dont give up nigger ur time will come.........bitches like weed, beer, and cocky dudes...............and some like pills i cant tell u how much pussy i got off pill heads
Can someone explain to me what all of those words in her self summary mean?

So confuse.
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Less presence in homicide and suicide sectors?
Pretty sure those two would be total population, and theyd likely make up like 50% of that
Basically its just a bunch of made up words theyve invented to be 'progressive'. Best not to waste space in your brain.
you are propaganda
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>tfw I wouldn't make female probationary standards
/r/ that one which a feminist gets dumped by her husband because she kept complaning about how his dad stuff were mysoginist and shit like that.
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Stop living in a fantasy
God damn it, triple 7's wasted on this copy pasta b8.
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They know. They likely knew all along. But they desperately need something to cling to to keep the victim narrative going.
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Mixed up blue collar and white collar jobs
Hey faggots let me say something, I was the one who made the post and if you couldn't tell how blatantly troll it was it only shows how hate filled and deluded and bottled up you pieces of shit are.

I bet half of you aren't even white, the idea that there is solidarity of gender over race is a disgusting idea.

Listen to Hitlers roll of feminism and wake the fuck up.
Exactly, plus if it were true, companies would only hire women. It would boost profits pretty nicely.
lol no you didnt
To be fair i wouldn't describe the girl in the images as beautiful either.

I would describe her more as innocently cute.

Here is Hitlers speech regarding it, forgot to link.
If we couldn't tell you were a troll it's because there's dipshits who genuinely behave like that and say that kind of shit.
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Trump lels internally.webm
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you're fucked in the head faggot read the post again, I suppose if you had to realize how many of you hateful pieces of garbage fell for some obvious bait- you'd as well have to see how stupid you are.
I was waiting for this to be posted. i'm doing a personal research project for my sociology class and it's on the wage gap and how there is none.
I love this
no there aren't you dumb fuck, all you do is watch hyperbole.

there are many more anti-feminists than there are feminists- SO MUCH SO that just the tiniest inkling of feminism leaking anywhere attracts legions of dumb fucks who think they know anything and we can see this has devolved into a profit skeem on various forms of media. Anita Sarkeesian can make one video and hundreds of counter videos get made
I mean shut the fuck up already all of you fucking faggots the only reason anyone gives a fuck is because you people keep talking about it.
They invented those words to be special.
being gay is so (this year) now its a sumosexual quasi-space-alien-"gender silver"
>LouL I was only pretending to be retarded. LuoL
Yeah we know you really are retarded.
Yes, there are, you ignorant twat. If you paid more attention and looked at the evidence, you would realize that feminism is indeed a problem and that these people are fucking real.
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to add to this, I simply proved the point with my original RIDICULOUS comment and it instantly attracts a bunch of faggots. Simply a micro version of what is happening with " feminism " in general.

Shut the fuck up.
Whoever made that infographic fucking sucks
Kudos to the officer, i would have fucking arrested her the second she said "i'n not getting out of the car". He shouwed a lot of patience.

i'd kill for some love and waffles right now

hell, i'd settle just for the waffles
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To be honest I think the point was that womyn like to put themselves down FAR more often than any man would...

This is the problem with men and women...

Men shame each other for failure
Women shame each other for success
Looks like she only got the one right to me.
This takes me back.
i can't disagree with the point you're making.

I just wish it wasn't true.
You have no goals, no ideology, nothing. Perhaps a weak belief in libertarianism or similar degeneracy. Absolute cancer.

In fact worse than even the worst of feminists, there are some sects of feminism which are quite socially conservative that wish for the removal of sexual elements from the mainstream such as nearly nude women on t.v and similar themes.

As a national socialist I agree with these beliefs and I find men who oppose feminism not allies of the national socialist movement in the slightest. They actually believe in liberal freedoms more so than feminists do.

Men who are reserved completely , stalwarts of the community and rolemodels of the youth are what must return.

Meanwhile all I see in these anti-feminists are a bunch of fuck heads defending the rights of women to walk around in slutty clothing

I can keep going on how degenerate you faggots are, but for fuck sakes the rate at which the poster is white drops drastically on /b/.
>men liking the female body
>degenerate faggots
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I am working on doing recuts of that comic to make it more realistic. Please tell me what you think.
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What a waste of good trips
>As a national socialist I agree with these beliefs and I find men who oppose feminism not allies of the national socialist movement in the slightest.

>Two fascist movements share an enemy.
What a fucking surprise.
hahah sorry
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Those anti-feminist 'Males'.jpg
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What in the hell are you even talking about? What the hell makes you think only men oppose feminism? There's women against feminism as well.
Well the first one kind of didn't make sense. Maybe i didn't understand it but here's my opinion, m8.
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I already know you are some anti-fa degenerate faggot

Take some nationalist inspiration and become an actual man
This one's better.
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i want to see her spray the wall
You give me a link to that particular season, I'll be eternally grateful.
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damn, what's Unicron doing in this thread?
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I didn't understand it until I realised he's a boy. When the father says "he is my son" he's not talking sarcastically, he's telling the truth. I confused because the drawing looks really like a girl.
> I take things too seriously and am genuinely offended that I'm expected to help out around the house like a normal fucking kid
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It's nice
Nationalist != fascist, also:

>Take some nationalist inspiration and become an actual man

Absolutely laughable.
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here, fixed that for future reference.
My thoughts on parenthood etc, an attempt to even things out.

>Man and woman are together, woman gets pregnant
>Woman refuses to abort, but father does not want the child
>They bring this up in court
>Woman is told father does not want have the child and so if she chooses to keep it she can expect no financial aid from father
>If woman chooses to abort man has to pay for it
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I didn't realize nazis were actually feminazis.
I don't have to be white to hate feminism and you are only proving feminism and racism or how you call it * nationalism * just serve to split up men even more and make them easier to walk over.
Thanks, anon.
Wait which one is the drawing and which is the selfie?
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you obviously didn't watch Hitlers speech.
What race are you?
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I think we all need a little Milo in our lives.
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I too want to see this, know where it can be watched?
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then date a mosquito, bitch.
For these double dubs and a great post I thank you.. and give you your own personal (You)
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are you fucked in the head?


you sound and probably are a communist jew * men of the world unite * no you libertarians or whatever the fuck you are are the biggest cucks/foreigners that need to be deported or eliminated.

you attack socially conservative principles just as much as feminists do but the problem with you is fellow men are falling for your garbage at an alarming rate
this came out of left field
I wonder what guy turned down a blow job from her when she had red tide. She must be a real crazy person.
Video is in Dutch with English subtitles, link:

Teachers don't really get 3-4 months off a year m80
Fedora neckbeards don't count as part of "us."
> a fucking jew
you're making it too obvious.
140 bucks a week? That's fucking low.
all these people not knowing pasta when they see it
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I'd fuck that slave
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Summer vacation is two months. Spring break, winter break, and thanksgiving add up to another month. Then there's all those extra federal holidays and scheduled half days.
thank you finally !! ^.^ another femanon!

men don't realize the truth

the power we hold against them is laughable

dumb children. i pity you.
Part of me wonders how feminism would change the fact that running a red light is revolting.
Something about her needs to be low, and it ain't gonna be her weight.
If she was so upset about it then she should brake up with only boyfriend she's ever going to get
try again/10
I hate when people say that women should stay in the kitchen because everyone knows that women can't cook.
hey look, actual feminism
Summer vacation starts in 2 months for high schoolers. College and university students are already on summer vacation in my country.
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Perfect fucking score.
That's what her navel is for.

> Then there's all those extra federal holidays

That most employees are legally entitled to take off

> scheduled half days

About 3 a year if you're lucky

But the main point you're missing is that on the school break teachers are still working, they don't vacation just because the kids do.
seriously, how many world-famous female chefs do you know
there's like literally none
Top pot
Is lack of reading comprehension common in your country? Or are you the exception?
everybody would have laughed at that
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Dead soon.. Well hopefully
That's a really well thought out articulate post there young lady. Well done.
I chuckled at the realism of the second one.


Which tends to mean that people only care what gender an attractive female/male of the opposite gender is.
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Future Roadkill.jpg
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Stop projecting your fantasies onto everyone else
If I were that kids dad...
Oh wait nm. That kids dad realized that was a broken closet bulldog dyke and left her bitch ass as a single mom appropriately.
>That most employees are legally entitled to take off
Which would be why I included them in their time off, champ.

>About 3 a year if you're lucky
>a year

More like a month.

>on the school break teachers are still working
An extra day for the short breaks, a week at the end of summer. They still get most of the 3-4 months off.
Possibly the least feminist thing a feminist has ever said.

And the one thing men already do constantly.

The next man should just look away while driving, start swerving and run her over "Accidentally"
She looks beautiful
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Jaden Smith.
Yea know I just figured out why this gif relates so much to me, it's the face I make when I dry heave after I can't puke anymore from drinking.
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"Daughta go out and dance for meh"
"No fada..."
"Now do et neked or I sell you"
"Yes fada..."

or her cholesterol.
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I Need Fat Acceptance (Bonus).jpg
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well the whole world will laugh at her
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*donut pants.
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This shit is so written by a dude, though. No bitch gone put her man's super well reasoned, rational response. Shit, who thinks of such a composed response? Shit's more like "WTF, Uhhhh, I guesss. You're still kind of a bitch tho"
I'm not a teacher but you do know that writing a curriculum, that is planning and researching what your going to teach, preparing presentations, marking 4000 word assignments takes a considerable amount of time. In addition these days parents don't want to raise their own kids right, so a teacher's got to be a counselor, spend time meeting with students outside classes to give additional help (usually to the one's who pay no attention in class to begin with and put up with stupid parents who do nothing to encourage their children to lean and then "go your not doing enough to the teacher when the kids are failing". Fucking sounds like a lot of shit your overlooking.
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>I'm a girl and still have a penis

notafaggot/10 would definitely not fuck.

and an "I'm a dumpling" t-shirt.
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My wife was a teacher
She just said 3-4 months off a year.
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For healthy food to be less expensive than unhealthy food it requires you to buy the ingredients and cook it yourself. Fat people are fucking lazy so they buy pre-prepared foods...and when it comes to pre-prepared foods the unhealthy shit is cheaper than the healthier options.
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Bahar Mustafa.jpg
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What response?
That guy is clearly trying to fuck one of the womynz. Clearly doesn't want to be there.
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That was the point i was trying to make, although i overlooked the preparing it yourself part of the argument. Thanks for pointing it out.
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fucking mind blown I never noticed that

> More like a month.

3 half days a month? What kind of backwards hick town do you live in? When I was in school I went years not having a single half day, the only ones we got were

> An extra day for the short breaks, a week at the end of summer.

> Teachers work one day in the holidays

You're fucking retarded.


And does she sit around on a couch all day for those 3-4 months? Or does she do work.

Just because the kids aren't in school doesn't mean the teachers aren't working.
Need higher res pic
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does anyone have the story about fatty mcfattington?
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Rachael Ray, Julia Childs.
>writing a curriculum, that is planning and researching what your going to teach, preparing presentations, marking 4000 word assignments takes a considerable amount of time.

75% of that is done for them, some of it from the school district, some of it by the makers of the text books. Think about it for a moment. If every teacher made up their own curriculum from scratch, there would be no consistency throughout a single school, never mind across districts of states (which is already had enough). You'd have kids going into new classes already knowing half of what they're there to learn and having no clue what the fuck is going on with the other half.

>In addition these days parents don't want to raise their own kids right, so a teacher's got to be a counselor, spend time meeting with students outside classes to give additional help (usually to the one's who pay no attention in class to begin with and put up with stupid parents who do nothing to encourage their children to lean and then "go your not doing enough to the teacher when the kids are failing".

All that still happens on days teachers are already working.
She was raging at Christina Hoff Sommers
There are a multitude that run their own restaurants with >3 Michelin stars...

However, I wouldn't expect people on this board to be able to even afford such a "privilege".

Anyway, back to hating feminists.
thank you based anon

Almost as if many people love the victim card?
Thank you so much. For real. I have a certain someone to send this to, and I can't wait for the reaction.
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Does anyone know what this butter golem is talking about?
36k a year and lives in public housing...uhh wat?

I smell bullshit.
Well we all know it ended in glorious victory and there was no capitulation at all was there.. Oh hang on?
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dat file name tho
Don't listen to him. I'm a teacher, I'd know.
She has a face like a cartoon witch, I'd stare.
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This.. They are all fucked up BROKEN misfit toys.. Fat gay misfits the whole lot. I just don't get it. "Lower the bar for everyone!" is their battle cry.
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Presuming any guy wants to have your kids.
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Hands down best thing I've ever read on /b/ im fucking dying
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I though curl ups were chin ups for a second. Was like wtf shit is going on in the army where they do 100 chin ups casually. Can maybe do 50 in a row and spent. and im over here from /fit/
What gets me is that college students are in the literal seat of privilege and call out others on their assumed privilege.

Usually when I hear a student speak on privilege, I default to ask whether that student will give up their seat right now for someone less privileged to study at the university they attend. I personally never went, I have the opportunity to go to any college of my choosing, yet I choose not to.

I give that privilege to those I deem unworthy of my privilege; To know what they want in life.

To me, college is an in-between with the exception of a select groups... those being law, science, math, and medicine where a degree is a requirement to your position or academia.

Those who bounce around not knowing are the ones who yell the loudest about privilege, who are inundated to actual work and are vapid sheep who will memorize someone else's words and spew them back without knowing or caring of the consequences. Essentially hoping that those outside will listen and follow under them giving them power.

I think it's time to relieve these students of their positions in college so those more "under-privileged" can attend to enter our functioning society.
Damn. Been awhile.
>What kind of backwards hick town do you live in?
Boston, Plymouth, Fall River in Massachusetts, Modesto and Los Angeles in California. Take your pick. With the exception of a day here and there or the scheduling, there was no difference.

>When I was in school I went years not having a single half day, the only ones we got were an extra day for the short breaks, a week at the end of summer.

What kind of backwards hick town do you live in?

>You're fucking retarded

Great argument, faggot.
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Hitler would have gassed these people..
There is nothing wrong with them. They are just fat and lazy. They ate too much now 'muh diabetes' now they are crippled and 'muh free healthcare' fuck that shit.
IF Trump is Hitler? I'm voting for him tomorrow.
>dont understand
>play along
Boy, I remember this!
she did a porn movie?
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Do parents not make their kids do chores anymore?

> Boston, Plymouth, Fall River in Massachusetts, Modesto and Los Angeles in California. Take your pick. With the exception of a day here and there or the scheduling, there was no difference.

Oh, so it's just the entire american education system that's hick?

> 3 half days a month
> Wonder why it's got the highest illiteracy rate for any developed country

> What kind of backwards hick town do you live in?

> Has less that 3 half days a month
> Therefore more time spent getting an education
> Hick

Clearly you took too many half days

> Great argument, faggot.

The core of the argument which you haven't addressed is that just because the kids aren't in school doesn't mean the teachers aren't working.

It's easy to dismiss my argument as just calling you retarded when you ignore the actual argument itself.
Shariah my ass!
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Underrated post
>needs feminism
>to ride the village bicycle
shitty b8
Depends what level of education your talking, whilst that may be true of primary and secondary education. I doubt universities educators have 75% of the curriculum mapped out for them. I addition reading reading 120 4000 word assignments for one subject and most teachers, have multiple subjects. Sure they have assistance usually, but that's gonna take a large chunk of time outside of classes.

I agree about your point about teachers dealing with parents on days teachers are already working, but mentioning that I would suck having parents who do nothing to encourage their own children, flailing on you when the child fails your class. I mean it stupid bullshit like that that would make teaching a pain in the ass. I was in a class, where so kid for the lols through a chair at a ceiling fan, bring down the fan and chunks of plaster in the process. Dealing with fucking kids, esspecially the one's who do'nt give a fuck and just want to screw with you would suck.
"I need feminism because Zando-CryptoZoology- Pancakes" I fucking swear they make shit up as they go along.
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Me 2. We need a real revolution
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both parents are teachers, and I'm a teacher's aid m-w-f, they didn't work at home but maybe once or twice. That's what teacher work days are for. My mom's even a special ed teacher and has to make her own plans and such, she does it during, planning. You know, the period teachers get to make their plans every day? Students go to electives and such while the teachers work. Before you start acting like you know how it works, ask a teacher or aid.
haven't you seen all these cancerous fat bitches threads popping up on /b? Some fat neckbeard loser will blow a desperate load in her and pay for the little shit for 18 years mark my words.
I honestly don't see the problem with the braces girl being black.

Youre not wrong
>Trying to take away my right to look where I want.
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her sign is referring to her own face
incase anyone was confused
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nice pasta m16/2
"I don't need feminism, because it never affects me positively and I am as transparently self-interested as feminists are!"
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>doesn't realize his dumbass question was repeated back to him in derision
>thinks time spent on education is entirely dependant on the number of half days as opposed to length of school breaks

Go back to your homework. You clearly need it.

>The core of the argument which you haven't addressed is that just because the kids aren't in school doesn't mean the teachers aren't working.

That's not the core of the argument. That's not even part of the argument. The argument is how much time teachers have off, not whether or not they have the same amount of time off as students. You'd have realized this if you had bothered reading the thread.
you misunderstand anon, the man is refusing to eat her crimson tide pussy
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Feminism doesn't affect anyone positively. Look at how pathetic and miserable it makes women.
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what have we done
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Why is it Triggly PUFF and not Triggerdy Puff?

Yaaaaa, having gone to a college with fewer asian chicks around than I'm used to, that Sorority def was the cure to my yellow fever.
Triggly is more like the pokemon jigglypuff
me and you caught the kek anon
>Rachael Ray
you mention 1..
the other is dead and not just kind of dead.. Super dead..
since like 2004 shes mummified dust at this point.
Please do not mention Paula Deen either. She cooks shit country food a child could make blindfolded. OMG fried chicken eets soo luxuurios

> Teachers aid

That isn't secretary.

> You know, the period teachers get to make their plans every day?

Jesus christ, do American teachers really get off one period a day plus 3 half days a month?

Let me tell you how it works in a first world country

> Teachers have a class every period all day
> Maybe 1 half day a year (Maybe)
> Spend holidays developing unique lesson plans and assignments for every day of every class they take while still following government mandated curriculum and following their specific schools education standards and techniques
> Go to university to learn about new techniques for educating and disciplining students as well as keeping up to date with the current research in whatever given field they are educating
> Meet with school admin to discuss the upcoming school year
> Meet with union to discuss union matters

Do teachers get more time off a year than your average full time worker? Yes, definitely. Do they get 1/3rd of every year off? No.
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It's the only way, guis
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