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Draw Thread

The stories and information posted here are artistic works of fiction and falsehood.
Only a fool would take anything posted here as fact.

Thread replies: 298
Thread images: 114
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Draw Thread
Posting in pedothread.
make snek great again
Theres a guy who wants Katie with a giant horsedick. I'll deliver that shit, dammit!
Btw if someone made the Draw of Misaka touching Cole's dick it then post it, I left the thread before he can deliver it.
Fuck the fuck off with that shit about Guayo
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Snake / 10

Fuck Yes
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The person who planned it is reliable and a close friend of mine. They've done projects before but this is their first solo project.
They bought commissions from me before.
I just don't know how long to wait.
>actually do it
>get a lot of traffic on my art pages
>finally have fun with art by drawing cool shit

give requests
File: Crim.png (135 KB, 900x900) Image search: [Google]
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Not so much a fusion but eh, better than Vegeta I guess.
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What about me?
/r/ more top snek
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Can u draw Misaka Mikoto and Cole Mcgrath in this pose pls? Here is the ref.
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man that's furry tho you know i don't do that kinda stuff
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i only just started drawing, critique?
One of them looks like Ted Cruz.

Republicans / 10
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I heard snek
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Would either of you do Discrete Turtle's dog chick getting dicked hard?
You fucking pedo.
Anon please. There isnt even bait on this hook...
File: Vixen-Ear-Teasing.png (70 KB, 308x308) Image search: [Google]
70 KB, 308x308
Still around, still hoping for ear petting.
You work at a costco. Did you ever meet chris?
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I'd pet her butthole with my dick.
gr8 sn8k
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Fuck Costco.

Also requesting drawfags with this.
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Ah ok, this is one of those rumors memes, like when people used to think I was a tranny.

I could try but I cant promise much.
8 / 8 no b8 wit dis sn8k
Requesting a feral Red panda and a little yellow duck laying together Please <3
File: carne.png (106 KB, 700x700) Image search: [Google]
106 KB, 700x700
doing it now
Why don't you ask him next time he's around

doesn't he have a tumblr
File: deargod.png (35 KB, 400x400) Image search: [Google]
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There, if you are still here.

requests? I also do Non-Lewds, but who cares about those, right?
Dog drinks a cola float
draw a hamburger smoking a cigarette.
not a cheeseburger don't get them confused
Please! it will make my night
But you are a tranny pedo.
do it
I mean ok. Gender preferences or what...?
>Why don't you ask him next time he's around
because he draws one new image every two months.
they OTP because they both have zap powers ROFL xD

and >>682023421
both male please, maybe the panda on his back and the duckling laying in his chest or something? Its for me and a friend, Thank you!
Is that Ryan?
he doesn't work at costco
I'll see what I can do friend. Perhaps red panda as ref?
OR here, thank you!
requesting a cowgirl and her friend hanging out under a tree
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heres mine (feral please) Il post his real quick
Added to list

No problem.
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His. (feral please)
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Dude!! I love tour style! Tnx for the answer! And plz make Cole with his head shaved.
nice hair
requesting two of your OCs making out
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Very sketchy.

Reptiles are beyond me anon,sorry.
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carudoboarudo, if you're here, I just wanted to drop some prog off. Sorry it's taking so long
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hello i will draw a request because yes
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pls give me CRITIQUE
Messy titfuck
Can you show the back half of her and the actual penetration? Pretty please?

I don't care that she seems all feral and skanky. If anything, it's pretty hot.
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I know where this is goin'...

sorry miss, as flattering as it is I'm on the it looks like some kids have crowded around your window, i'd put up curtains.
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comin up
I don't know what to tell you
just wait until poka comes around
Ah sorry man. I added the hair before I saw this. You want an edit? Also why this couple?
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Hell yeah dude. Hell yeah...

good job
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Dubs decides what I start with. Mixing is allowed.

Also, requests? (No dubs required)
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For whoever wanted the puppy, here ya go! Can I hab more requests... I need to git Gud.
>zap powers
Check em
ask Hannia or someone into the process part of the doodling
midori, cran, some cap, and seltzer (if you have it).
Candy at the beach in some sexy swimwear
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No clue hw to draw furry ass
Thanks Grin! This is adorable! Someone else requested a smooch last thread, I think

you are the best
fuck it, just chug em all
Tnx OMFG my life is complete. Now I can hero.
I will try to edit and color it... Man THAT WAS FUCKING GREAT! Tnk u so much fo real dude.
And the couple is becuz both got electric powers.
File: Crim.png (95 KB, 900x900) Image search: [Google]
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Nice trips
ruined again! i was promised porn futa porn
requesting the character you get off to the most
File: ClearCandy0050.png (65 KB, 600x600) Image search: [Google]
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a winrar is you! mixing now!
>that was faster than expected!!

Hmmm, a different one? I've done a few bikinis already.

Not trying to die!
>Not trying to die!
do it ya pussy
>literally smashing two different action figures together because they have one similar feature
shit ship
File: kahl877523.png (351 KB, 1000x1000) Image search: [Google]
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I'm working on it, Also I failed to notice the perspective so it may not come out as well as you would hope. Sorry bout that in advance
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it fell
just drink it all

m getting buzzed myself
ah. That's thought out.

not a prob, thank you for working on it!
I've been liking the bikinis.
If thats the case, how about nude sunbathing at the beach, eh?

Aint gotta draw it now : D
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Anyone up for doing a better game over screen for me?
Wat r u doin
hey kahl you up for that knight request from before?
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ye mane, hope you like it. It was something my ex liked a lot. She used Jameson instead tho.
OH! Thank you! :D and Thanks for reminding me about that!
>i'm gonna make a video game guys!! :D
>no wait i can only do shitty drawings in ms paint
>someone do all my graphics for me!!! :D
requesting Dog milf and dog waitress talking about boys
My art :3
tumblr? following you if so
And Btw what program do ya use?
My computer is broken, Im using a tablet...
Maybe u can edit it then... tnx again dude.
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Still steaming.
Fuck off
your point? i can still make a game it just won't look as good.

I'm more of a story teller than an artist. fuck off with your emojis
Fuck off
Thank you very much, Kahl.
Hello, ClearCandy! How are you tonight?
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hi uh
requesting a phat ass woman in one of those public use walls with her info and cycle
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I-i could get that colored for ya, boio
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I think your style is improving a bunch. what do you get inspiration from?
Fuck on
hiya! hows it hangin?
No, thank you~
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idk who that is
>his head got cut off xDD
wow much storytelling such game developer
Stop being cringe
Requesting Hannia in an elevator.
File: kahl874524.png (17 KB, 1000x1000) Image search: [Google]
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whichn' was that?
No prollem'
stop being gay
File: carne.png (188 KB, 700x700) Image search: [Google]
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Paint Tool Sai, but I'm about to cop Manga Studio soon.
And what exactly are you making faggot?
>posting in a thread where people draw you free porn
>calling them cringe because they dont make something that you like
What are you fucking gay?
>game over screen is entire story
a futuristic knight
lol why are people so angry at you
Your drawing is shit and I'm sure that your """""""stories"""""" aren't much better. Go away.
File: ClearCandy.jpg (245 KB, 718x403) Image search: [Google]
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Don't know if I mixed it right, but it's delicious!!
do both you you have a tumblr so i can follow
man, everyone's all salty all of a sudden, what happened?
You must be very new here.
The jews
Not OR, but god damn this is hot.
Would you like to draw her showing off naughty bits in public?
i mean i get where you're coming from, sonic 3d blast's story is one of the best. there is sky with the words "game over" written over it. 10/10 story right there.
There are a few asexual posters here who start screaming when anything lewd happens and throw a piss baby tantrum.
nigga as long as you like it, you mixed it right.
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>Being this upset because a shitty ms paint gameover screen is better than anything you'll ever make.
you buttfrustrated, apparently.
yes reg
Sexy blog
Where have you been?
Nooooo~! I'll die!

Hmmm, I think I can do that. Topless sunbathing though.


Doing well, and yourself??


checked and kek'd
because he puts his name on his opinions and people don't like his opinions
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There's just to many, I guess anything from teribl20xx's drawings, I loe the linework and the thicc characters he make, it's actually what Im basinc the Cackella drawings Im making on.

Eeeh, I'ma pass the hardcore fetish stuff.
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Nah i don't have one, sorry mang.

thank for the interest tho!


Get cuck'd
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I have it done. Sorry it looks like shit.

Someone wanted a cowgirl under a tree with her friend, right?
i could literally shit on a plate and write "donkey dicks" with it and it'd look better than that. don't try to white knight a fucking shitty wannabe game developer with zero artistic talent or passion.
today i've become salty because of two stupid normalfags irl,
requesting you draw me something to unsalt me so i can go to bread
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Pretty well, ClearCandy! I see you're mixing it up, drink wise.
>Look at me I made somebody mad on the internet

This guy is 12 years old.
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i dunno
So how about that salty atmosphere?
I greatly apologize for it looking like shit.
Post more cackletta
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Everything will be ok, hun
ted cruz did 9/11 on steroids
File: donkey dick.jpg (27 KB, 400x265) Image search: [Google]
donkey dick.jpg
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aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaand it's half gone already...

Donkey dick?

Always do!
>thats a lie

You look like you need a drink as well
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at least you tried
>I think I can do that.

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Morning, friends.

Will draw things
just looked at terib drawings...I see what you mean
Err, Imma have to wing it, I forgot to make Marie in DesignDoll for reference. >.<

>get cuck'd
Draw Katie having that horse cock from earlier filling up her womb.
>talent or passion

Calm down autismo.
The game is a joke and I'm on /b/ asking for assets. I'm not some hipster trying to make the next undertale.
Calm yourself down and let it be.
i was expecting somthgin like this.
Is all
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*cough cough*

More plz
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Seriously those ear cone things are giving me such a hard time.

FYI I havent saved any of these Cackella drawings, so... yeah, if you were planning on me keeping them, it didn't happen. I save over most of my stuff.

On it. It's gonna look like shit but on it.
so uh, will you be taking requests or did you wanna hang out? both maybe?
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Wing it all ya need!

Btw what is this design doll?
Is it program specific, or is it something on a website other artists can use?
Fuckin' kek

Eh having fun honestly. I doodle to relieve stress and I'm taking my time getting better. But one major help was using a thinner brush so I could do lines better. But I still have a lot to work on.
From a /b/ drawthread?
I apologize, I'm not that good. Seriously like I'm not. I assume it's you and your friend (maybe more) and I wish you luck on that relationship though!
i know it's a joke, that's why nobody is gonna bother making shitty assets for a shitty game. do them yourself in mspaint like you have already. either you take the joke home or you go home yourself, dingus.
File: Crim.png (105 KB, 900x900) Image search: [Google]
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>image drop
>will you be taking requests

The answer is no and will always be no.
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Mk working
Thank you, Hannia.
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Come on! Just fucking ravenge me like a Ferret does prarie dogs ! But sexual like.
It's THIS amazing program!
ty echo
File: carne.png (14 KB, 700x700) Image search: [Google]
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everywhere else but here.
I've been fixing my priorities. being more of a normie, clearing my computer of folders, talking to good people (some with connections for art opportunities which is good), drawing things on my own. I finally got an interview at least
i'll die with you, fam
Grow a dick
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So you think /b/ is some high brow sanctuary.
Nice, it's your little club, full of important busy people, who can't waste there time fulfilling a request in a draw thread?

Get your priorities right dude. YOU ARE ON 4CHAN
go outside for once you cringy piece of shit
File: Grin.png (110 KB, 1000x1000) Image search: [Google]
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For whoever wanted a Grin smooch Here ya go! Any other request? I'd love to try them!
buh.. aw.. i wanted another earthworm jim..
oh well, i still have the first one
I will gove this a look!!
For that person with the cowgirl under a tree, any preferences in particular?
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ss (2016-04-30 at 10.15.28).jpg
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No problem sweety. I'm heading to bed so... Good night~
kk lol XD XD
your request is literally "make my assets for me" because you're a lazy cunt. get off your high horse.
I have been waiting for ages to see a willy wonka getting sodomized by peppermint butler. please for the love of god anon, grant my request
File: gfhjdfgj.png (5 KB, 400x400) Image search: [Google]
5 KB, 400x400
you got that right
yeah a request would be nice, something new
btw i dont respond without pics dw
Oh hey. After you are done with that request, will you take up my Katie request from earlier?
Bruh, let's go!

OMG What am I doing?!
Mention it in your next thing and sure.
Be scary
you should fined an artist style you like. could end up with some nice stuff
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you welcome
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and your argument is?

What's wrong with me asking for assets and being lazy exactly?

What is your problem? you have Asperger or something because my little request seems to have completely fucked you up in the head. You need to let it go because it's embarrassing how much you give a shit.
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dropped pic
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New guy.jpg
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Holy shit, I'm dying!!

Okay... serious mode, GO!
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Get on steve lvl
>mega steve
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Bikers resized.png
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Stream request done.
i will do a request
well shit ive been tricked.
so would you wanna do another earthworm jim for me? i kinda wanna see one where you two fight off rabid cows or something
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This took forever, Any other requests?
Try to draw the Solar Armor from Terraria.
>What's wrong with me asking for assets and being lazy exactly?
being a lazy cunt like you who thinks they're entitled for people to do their work for them, that's what. focus less on getting worked up online and focus more on actually working on your own shit.

you know why nobody is interested? you will not credit anyone, nor ever even finish your game anyway. it will never see the light of day and nobody will ever care about it.

mark my words.
Congratulations on the interview, carne! You should still come around more. It's been a while since I've seen you and entity shitpost
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agro and the wanderer.jpg
662 KB, 1160x958
the wanderer fucking his mare, agro
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ss (2014-04-04 at 08.18.12).jpg
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If you go down from the top of the thread you'll find a whole bunch of requests that didn't get picked up. no need to ask
if someone left them they weren't good enough m8
nobody here is asking for money. i wouldn't even bother if he gave me fucking two hundred dollars for a game over screen. nobody is simply interested in spoonfeeding this dingus his game assets because he's blatantly an ungrateful lazy cunt.
on it.
I'll start scanning for things that fit me after this one.
>spoonfeed me!
fuck you
scroll up
GG dubs. Btw fo u whats good enough?
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this is just getting weird
lol fuck off, people will do requests if they want to
File: carne.png (16 KB, 700x700) Image search: [Google]
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what are you drinkin

drinking some local beer
not very good
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Here ya go! Sorry it's shit.
Now what was that about Katie? I cannot seem to find it.
Yeah so? I said it before i'll say it again. This is /b/ nobody cares about the artists here. They aren't doing it for credit either.

I never claimed i would credit anybody, and I'm not being entitled, None of the artists talked to me but i haven't said i deserved to have my requests filled, I've only argued with you for simply asking.

Quit being a little sperg lol.
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>people actually looking for requests when they're looking for requests
tl;dr you're a worthless lazy cunt and nobody should care. good job, nothing of value was lost.
fucking kek
I'll repost it here. You know that horse dick Katie had in her pussy? Requesting an x-ray shot of the horse cock filling up her womb.
>people aren't allowed to decide what requests to do
thank you!
File: Crim.png (77 KB, 900x900) Image search: [Google]
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I dunno about that anon, but thanks for the kind words.

Good luck, you'll do great.
I was considering deleting that one, thank god I didn't.
What does that mean?
>Give art for my game
>Of which you get no credit
>But I'll get money if I sell the game
>Nobody cares about the artists here
>They aren't doing it for credit
Good fast track way to get nothing fulfilled ever. All artists here like credit, all artists here ARE cared about to some degree, if you're going to be a greedy leecher asshole and treat everyone like trash, expect to get trash or nothing back.
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>Mad at a random requester for literally no reason
>Has no life at all
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>people not wanting to do shit requests for entitled anons
They broke up lol
I'm drinking >>682025622
Though, it's gone now. I need something new.

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any simple request?
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Ack you like Italian sausage.
>Give me art for my game

(Original request)
>Anyone up for doing this?

simply asking if somebody wants to do it. what about that do you think is being entitled or lazy?
Why does this request piss you off so bad? it's just like any other request. some people are asking for fap material why don't you get autistic when they make requests.
File: carne.png (12 KB, 700x700) Image search: [Google]
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Bowser never actually had a harem in the magic carpet episode.
just drink the rum on its own

just. Drink it
hannia the whore god
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Req bois
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very cool, thanks kahl!
File: deargod2.png (43 KB, 400x400) Image search: [Google]
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no problem. now fix those damn hands
Cant do it, not this rum. I could if it were Private Stock. That shit is good.

Holy crap, I forgot, I'm doing a request!
>back to work
A dick's dick's dick getting sucked by a dick's dick
Requesting you fly away with balloons.
Spooked! Thank you
what happened?
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Lx (86).png
3 MB, 1920x1080
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latest-4 (1).png
141 KB, 438x635

Requesting Adyson in the same pose.
knock her up with horse babies

also, you are doing great
Thank you! Do you have a Tumblr?
Thank you!

No. Probably should get one though
File: carne.png (7 KB, 700x700) Image search: [Google]
7 KB, 700x700
thanks fam
just get drunk dude
The box said bowser had a harem but it was never there.
Bowser wasn't even there until halfway through the episode.
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Any requests for Galaxy Rider?
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Working on it. I forgot to eat dinner, so this should be quick.

I haven't abandoned you anon!
May I request a close up of Katie's breasts?
Baileys Irish Cream and Root Beer. If you don't have it, go get it, it's amazing. Basically an alcoholic root beer float.
ride the galaxy
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I drew one earlier! Hooray for good shit!
yeah, tell space dandy that I said hello.
There's a brewery near me that makes a cream bourbon liqueur that, when paired with root beer, tastes exactly like a float. It's so fucking good.
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get the fuck out of here, Big Bitch
fuck, I know that feel. Make sure to not get sick
Be pals with Star Man from Mega Man 5!
hey cc, give me your ref again
Thank you. Are you glad I'm giving you so many requests?
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What, this?
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galaxy rider riding a galaxy.png
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You got it kiddo
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ugh getting 2 sleepy to draw, gonna go die
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dick penis
A deal's a deal, Galaxy Rider! Now you have you draw yourself like this.
Eh. Somewhat. I got nothing to do and I wanna test this program I got today so...
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Really turning up the heat
I am both arroused and found a cryptic god for my D&D campaign
I think you got a good test run today. :)
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Seeing as you're a fucking FAT FUCK you probably won't DO ANYTHING ABOUT IT

Your hair is SMALL
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my ppl need me
You bet your ass i did.

Thanks, Hannia
File: mybonerisready.gif (1 MB, 720x480) Image search: [Google]
1 MB, 720x480
I got a couple more lewd requests for you in the next thread.
Thread replies: 298
Thread images: 114

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