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Waifu claiming thread. >EUPHORIC Edition!

The stories and information posted here are artistic works of fiction and falsehood.
Only a fool would take anything posted here as fact.

Thread replies: 164
Thread images: 151
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Waifu claiming thread.
>EUPHORIC Edition!

The rules are very simple:
>claim your 2D waifu/husbando
>post pics of your waifu
>get a bag of doritos
>keep ERP and RP to a minimum
>tip your fedora
>discuss stuff
>post fitting, not over-sexualised content
>most important: Have fun!

Homura claimed
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Kongou claimed!

You're always using one word replies and seem standoffish. I want to change that <3
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so if you were ellen then thats why I loved her so much, it all makes sense. <3
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Ah I see... I don't remember that "persona" at all, but it looks like it took a lot of time for ppl to realize so good job!

>I find it more of a treat than a chore.
This! Marathoning is basically planning and organizing your time so that you speed up your activities to be able to spend a couple hours in a row procrastinating and having the time of your life.

Great to know, and I know very well you are here for me! You still have that skype group? I left long ago without participating once because it was too spammy and im not good with big groups like that, maybe I should get back into it... or at least try until I get pissed off at the spam again.
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Woke up just in time.

Alright boys, if you had a daughter, what do you think you might name her?
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Holy short stack cutie <3

Robobaby <3
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Btw just out of curiosity, what are your favourite Kongou class ships ordered from most liked to least liked?
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I'm sorry for that, it's not really intentional...


I don't think I ever talked to you as her.
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>Gamindustri best cosplay girl claimed

I guess I'll leave the thread making job to Homura then.
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Definitely not jenny

Hey Tsuyu <3
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We never spammed hun.. it was just normal talk and we all love it n_n honestly it is one of the best parts of my day talking there.. you just need to try to contribute to the conversation and it gets a lot better haha

It just worries me I guess y'know... but it's okay n_n
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I like Sara and Maya.

Very very likely, we usually don't even talk much with you as Galko.

Sorry, I didn't know if you were still there >-<
I don't know if I will still be here once this thread hits cap but its going fast.
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Still haven't seen Kizumonogatari
Heh, Galko a cute no matter what she does or who she tries to be.
Love you <3

Hey there Jenny <3
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I did it lads
I have ascended this mortal realm and have risen to the heights of the gods
My work is finally done
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2 for 1 :P
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I'm sorry...

That's true. Hopefully that can change.
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Please come back I need you :(
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>We never spammed hun..
Maybe I was in the wrong /waifu/ group then... or my notion of spam is different from yours.
>one of the best parts of my day talking there
Wow is it that good? Now I really want in... but at same time I feel like im just gonna be awkward there and not contribute at all, just feel like an ever watching presence.
Whats up?
Am back. Sorry was busy. Where did we end? Oh drinking. I usually but 1-2 litres of wine. Wine>beer. Beer is tasty but makes me barf way too much :/
The best.
Damn it OP, I love Homura too
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Sup akibro, did you actually sleep more than 3 hours this time? Are you happy with the final result of your work?

Yea hopefully, me being super awkward and having a hard time finding themes to talk about doesn't help.
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Don't worry about it, I've no plans for today so I'll probably be up and make them till tonight ^^

Still here though.
Afternoon plans got aborted so I might be here for quite some time~
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Good on you m8

Just getting ready for work (go ahead and kill me now). You?
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Don't be! it's not like I can change how you are..

If you see normal convo as spam then yeah :p and I think it is but there's more people in it now so I'll just tell you now. I'd love to have you join again :)
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Charlotte Claimed
I just need to know. Do you fap to syndra?
I am :c
I just wanna get home and sleeeep.
Or talk to you <3
Just having a grand time away from things, just like fishing.
Good morning!
It would be Nataliya. I have others but can't think of them now.
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>Beer is tasty but makes me barf way too much :/
Beer is fucking disgusting.
I have to go to work now, bye everyone.

It's alright, I'm not much different.


You too <3
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Browsin' /b/ and listening to What the frak.

aww, how's work going?
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Oh sweet! I will leave you on baking duty again then, unless you tell me otherwise. So... I didn't see you in these for a while, been busy or what?

>If you see normal convo as spam then yeah
Maybe its because im not used to having a group in skype with people conversating 24/7 while im not paying attention for a while... Who knows.
>I'd love to have you join again :)
Then invite me already! :<

Aha great comparation, except I never went fishing myself... it doesn't really sound like something I'd love to do but I wish I could try it at least once.

That might be the problem, its easier when one of the persons interacting is able to pull the dialogue from the other one... resorting to hugboxxing is always available as a trump but I'd like to avoid it as much as we can.
It tastes good to me. Real reason why i dont drink it because you cant chug it easly.
Don't make me get lewd on you.

Have a nice day at work dear, see you when you get back. Look forward to seeing you again <3
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I gotta stop worrying about sleep so much but it wins again tonight <3 Goodnight everyone I'll be on sooner tomorrow most likely!
You can, if you're not a pussy.
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Sleep tight, and BANINGU RABU for you too.
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I see. Well at least I finally got an answer.
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Work is good, just lazing around watching tv with some guys from my group home.

I love you.
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Got it~
I had school stuff to bring on and I spent most of the time playing Dark souls 3, nice to be here again though~

Isn't that what you wanted to do before? :P
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Sleep wonderfully.
It's something that has to be tried once. Patience and white noise. It's other worldly.
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>claiming yume
Glad it isn't too bad! <3

I said
I l o v e you

Yup, and I get to talk to robot waifu!
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Aha hope the school stuff went well, its great to see you here again!
Interesting pic, having Noire covered in mayonese.

I do love white noise, but my patience can be weird. Spending a couple of hours with friends like that does sound good tho.

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Wine is easier to chug thats why i drink it.
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Hey there Homura.
Why are you poking me?
Fuck this shit.
Shiragami Youko, checkin' in unfortunately.
Even winners can't sleep sometimes.
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>blows a kiss

Everything went well thanks~

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Hey there Yume. Why not, you don't like it when I do?
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Shit I meant to write "early morning claim"
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Its not that I don't like it but its rather strange.
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I might start something after I get home~
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Homura (1).png
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So what are you listening to?

>im kinda awkward and have to try to make dialogue out of stuff like this, sorry
So... what are your thoughts on mayonnaise? I personally don't like it much and only use on salads, Ketchup all the way.

Being open to strange things will make your life so much better... hopefully. Because you will find out new things you enjoy.
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I prefer being alone. Having friends along would exciting, but might not catch a fish if too loud. Depends on how you see it.
Hello! <3

Hmm? Like what~?
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It's a bit WINdy out today.gif
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>Listening to singles
Bonobo's some good shit, though; nice taste.
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Holy shit dem legs
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>Everything is accepted~
I'm actually the same, I don't mind mayonnaise, but I prefer ketchup, more tasty and healthy.

I think you already know~
There's so much RP in this thread

Oh~ <3

Because I love you.
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approve your opinion
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Wait, do YOU approve my opinion, or...?

>Because I love you
Is this what fear is?
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You don't even know how it was 3 weeks ago~

Is this love at first sight?
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Sorry froggo but my heart goes to snek

Sorry for the late response

No I didn't catch any more z's tonight but at least I finally got everything working as intended
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The way I see it being alone would feel... lonely. Unless you feel like you become one with nature or something of those sorts.

Eh, whats wrong with listening to singles. Great share tho, am loving it so far.

Exactly the reasons why I love it. But mixing up the two sauces and then putting chopped onions in there puts the taste on a whole new level of good.

Its unavoidable at times.

Then why don't you try to give discussion topics? And good to see you again newfag Velkoz.
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no you dont
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Not sure I want to, RP ain't my thing.

Listening to singles is good, but a lot of times there's a different experience listening to albums. It's always good to listen to both, though, and decide which experience you like better!

>Implying there's a single snek
Which one, the OG one, or the 'og' one?
Also, hey there!
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I approve it and you should approve it once more

I'm really just lurking but if you want a topic then give me one of your points of interest from which I can start
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I am too new so the one I know is the one with nee daaarin in all his filenames
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I'm a different Tenryuu than:>>681784895
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Ah, the 'og' one. I'm new too, so that was the first snek I encountered.
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Nah, just time to myself. Thinking, planning, and overall enjoyment. Well it's been great talking to you but I have to sleep now. Take care comrade.
I'm gonna go to bed now guys. I've got a headache and starting at a screen all night probably won't help. Hope y'all have a good night/day <3
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I like both experiences, its nice to "be in control" and pick completely different genres and feels and its also great to listen to an album or EP like it was meant to.
Usually when im checking out a new artist the first time I listen to their stuff is through the entire albums, and only after knowing each track I listen to singles.

I dunno im a boring person without many interests... anime? Even tho I got into it fairly recently. Eletronical music. Knowing if you had a good day? What are your interests?


Sleep tight man! Hope to see you again.
Mkay I won't bother you guys.
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Absolutely true.
That's some good sauce right there.

I didn't say you have to, it's just that the RP before was massive.
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Thats my snek, hue
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>Give me the frog
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But there are still things better than that sauce... like a bifana with tons of moustard.
>just realized this is a typical dish and you only eat it in my country, I feel bad for everyone else
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G'night there, friend.

Being alone is one of my favorite feelings ever, it gives me time to sit back and think, among other things. Goodnight!

>Unless you feel like you become one with nature
Nah, you don't need to do that! I think there is a certain appreciation and respect you've got to have for it first before you're totally comfortable.

Good album choice, skimmed through it, and I've started it from the beginning. Sounds cool and more ambient, like the things you'd hear on some of's stations.
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Portugal? Just did a quick search. What's it like where you live, I'm curious? That bifana looks good as hell by the way.
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Going to try to speed up my chores and get ready to marathon some anime, got any suggestions for what should I watch? 10-12 episodes would be great, genre can be anything really but I usually like mecha, philosophical and smart shows.

Yea the album is just ambient-ish tracks but its incredibly relaxed. Not sure what is but im kinda jealous because all stations here only pass pop stuff.
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Seems tasty though~
I'm going to search the recipe and make it now <3
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>>681787391's a website, so as long as you've got wifi, you're good.
It's got all sorts of different 'stations', and you can pick the kind of music you want to listen to.
If you decide to check it out, for ambience I'd recommed The Silent Channel, Deep Space One, or Space Station Soma!
>Look at me I'm like a breathing fucking advertisement, ain't I?
Anyway, one of my friends told me about it, and I use it when I'm having sleep troubles.
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More foodporn from Portugal, this is "Carne de Porco à Alentejana". You eat it with pasta and you can also put shrimp there.

Yup! I like it here, politics and finances aren't in its prime but im still patriot. Our weather is unstable but most of the time pretty good, we have great beaches and our gastronomy is top tier.

Oh you are? Its super easy and tasty, hope you enjoy.

This foodporn is lewd...

Great beaches and gastronomy come hand-in-hand my dude, and it's the best thing ever!

>Pacific Northwest over here.
Our water is cold as shit, but damn does it deliver the goods. Also, thanks for the info! I always like learning more about places!
I wanna become a magical girl and fuck kyubey tbh
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Always nice to taste new stuff~
>Damn I love clams

Just got back home~
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So is this the thread for people who left the fur threads because they got too weird?
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Homura (5).jpg
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Oh that sounds like a great tool to find new songs and all. Lately I was only using /mu/.
>I'm like a breathing fucking advertisement
Aha you did a good job, I didn't even realize how hard you were advertising soma. Being good at making people interested in stuff is a really good skill, I wish I was better at it. Got some friends that are super close minded and this one for example LOVES one piece but refuses to watch any other anime, it pisses me off.

S-sorry if it was too lewd. Our water is super cold too but we got diversity from calm wave beaches to beaches with huge waves, which is great too, we get all kinds of tourists from celebrities to surfers. That makes two of us, even tho geography ain't my thing I love finding out about other countries culture etc.

Kyubey did nothing wrong.

Clams <3
I feel so bad for those who dislike seafood.

Hey Red, im semi-afk now but its great to see you here!

No, and I think most people here aren't into fur at all. At least I know im not.
Ah, just a new generation of faggots. Carry on.
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Nope, it's a totally different thing.

Seafood and fish are the best ingredients on earth <3
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Ah, /mu/ is good, but sometimes they really hate certain artists/albums/genres/etc, and it's usually unwarranted bandwagon hate, so I go there to give/get recommendations only on occasion. You seem like a chill person, good on you.
>Also, I have friends exactly like that, don't even worry about it
says the dogfucker
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How's it going, Homura?
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Very late reply because I was driving to work.

What are we all doing today? Any /waifu/ plans?
I don't fuck dogs, why would you even say that about someone? Are you some kind of degenerate, or pervert?
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WINdows Vista.png
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>Seafood and fish are the best ingredients on earth <3
Never before has an opinion other than mine won so hard.
I think if I had to pick one type of food to live on forever, it'd be seafood, almost definitely.
>Vegetables are also important too

I have a long-ass day ahead of me, but I was supposed to be asleep four hours ago. My plans are to work hard, win like the winner I am, and crash like a motherfucker afterward!
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Fuck, I gotta catch some Z's while I can
>May fall asleep really quick here, but will be lurking until then.
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But hey, that sounds like a good plan to me. Go to bed, though. Gotta have some good sleep if you want to win.
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Doing fine thanks, though no plans for today, might just go out and grab some beers to take home.

I've actually been studying food health and cooking for 5 years since now, this is the last year of school.
Anyway, always eat your vegetables everyday~
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Curie here.

Id like to state now dont attack me and say youd rip my waifus head off and rape the throat hole like last time I was here please. I really dont need that.

How are you guys. I just bought 5 albums by Arckanum.
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Hamakaze claimed

And now I'm off to school
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whats up faggos
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Is everyone going to work or school? Who has the day off like me?
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8472 After years of relationship I will be dumping this for /b/!rhJXzAYJ!ipZZSGhx9qPHDaYL6yHopdxq8uBj-VMOsXFqmBnSR0o Enjoy <3
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that would be me friendo
living in a muslim-christian country means double the holidays. it's easter now I think

oc cringe
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Homura (4).jpg
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Sleep well, in case im still in time to say it.

Pretty good, had some weird events yesterday that made me cheer up.

Marathoning anime is my plan for today, im just not sure what show yet.

Me... I still have to study and driving class but that is nothing compared to a day at work/school.

Ohai. Not much, just lurking really hard as I finish my chores and cook.
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Going ti chicago. Whats up with you?

Topic of the day is what would you do if you found a real life equivalent if your waifu.
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> youd rip my waifus head off and rape the throat hole
Did that furry cat thing tell you that?

I'm on break right now, will have to go in half an hour

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Oh cool. I had to help my sister shes going to chicago so Im here to make sure she gets back ok.

Gotcha, hope you do well and are a good driver.
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Just working, what about you?

Hey, sounds like a good time to me. What kind of beer?

Keep me posted my dude.

Yep, currently "working" here.
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Moka said that last night. All she did was antagonize me and hate on Curie then said that shit. Then later was all nice and everything. Really pissed me off, I dont come here to fight.
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I would love her like the best little sister ever

well at least threads are slow now so you can do that

ay velkoz, how are you today?

it's 4:30 pm and I woke up a few minutes ago kek. probably gonna do hearthstone and lurk then work out or something.
where do you work again?
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Such is life. Everyone gets bullied from time to time.
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I have no idea who Moka is but you should remember you're still on /b/ and the people who post here are the same people that post in other threads. The general attitude here is a lot nicer but you have to be prepared for this kind of shit nevertheless. If she acted all nice afterwards she was probably just having her bit of fun before cutting it out.

As I said I'm on break at work right now but it's a slow day anyways, not much testing required. Means I might not even get called back and I can spend the rest of the shift just fucking around
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I would like to leave that in middle school. In high school I got huge and made friends with the nerds so people were too afraid to bully them

I would propose and then snuggle with her. Would complete my life I would be happy forever.
Gotcha. I have done a lot of hard "work" too lol
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ay bois what's cooking?
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Probably Strong lager since it's the only one that is quite good.
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Look how serious is this stuff.
I dont understand how into this everyone gets, but seeing people pass around '<3' and stuff like that, I get really fucked up and confused.
>We are both male
>From what i can gather Akiko is also straight
Like, I don't know what the fuck to think, yeah maybe if Akiko was female but my mind is so foggy and stupid.

I like each and everyone of you guys, sure, some more than others but that's a given with everything.
I'm lonely as fuck in real life, I've probably said this before, but it's true, and I am sure many others are like it. Yeah, I have like 2 close friends, but I can't talk about anything serious with them, and they don't know I am a weeb.
But you guys, I can talk about anything, it really feels like I can fit in somewhere and belong.

Anyway, what I am trying to say is, that my mind is mixing up this 'roleplay' stuff, with actual emotions. I don't know how to feel about all these 'I really like you/love you/missed you' stuff.

There, I think thats what i wanted to say.
I don't know anymore.
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You again?
Thats not me.
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Chibi Karen 14.png
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whats up faggo
how's today been?

what do you think I am, some kind of faggot
big bros gotta be tough

dont roleplay imo
use the waifu as an avatar and that's it
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I dont roleplay with other waifus. Theres only one woman for me. I can see how that would become confusing. I have three or four close friends in life.

Gotcha. I dont care if they attack me but Curie is very special to me, so I got really angry. I almosy got expelled for beating the shit out of a kid who hurt my little sister so I am very protective. Makes me angry when they attack helplees people because its easier.
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am I being famboozled right now
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Its not me.
Oh my
This guys done it before.
Don't know why
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Sorry. No way for me to tell lol

I am not related to Curie I want to marry her. (I realize how hopeless that is but bear with me)

Going to chicago and I hate big cities. Rust in peace.
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Not sure why you went off on this huge tangent but yeah I'm not really into the whole hugbox rp stuff. I like to keep it casual. The fact that I have serious emotional detachment issues might also have a role in why I'm not spamming hearts like some others. I'm guessing you got into some rp and slowly connected the messages to the depicted waifu instead of the person sitting behind the pc typing.
>I am male
>I am straight

I like it here and I like you guys but I don't think I need to act like a puppy whenever I come around
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da good one.jpg
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Yikes. I can't maintain that kind of life. Something in me demands routine and some excuse for a life. I work a shitty warehouse job but I think I'm going to be a train conductor.

Ah, good taste I see.

I can't even pretend that the work is hard at this point lel. I'm just chilling out and posting here.

Nothing much, how's it feel to be caught up?

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Chibi Karen 20.png
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akiko a stupid
read the rest of the replies bruh

nah its just the long weekend/holiday so I'm sleeping in as much as I want
train conductor sounds like a dank job
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Very late claim
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Even if it isn't you it's still relevant
Too much rp and hugbox for you guys own good. Makes you confused about what is and what isn't. Focus on what's real

I acknowledge your protective instincts, but I don't think Curie is defenseless. I once broke a guys nose when he threw a ball at my fiancé so I know exactly what you mean.
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Well, I'll just bring something in~
>Cute pic though

Meh, I'd prefer to try something new if I could.
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I finished my game and made myself some uni student tier food so I'm happy as ever. Can finally catch some sleep tonight

Well fuck. Is this some kind of new joke I missed? Ah well, my reply is still sorta relevant

Feels good man
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I know. She kicks ass in my game but the guy was going way over the line with what he was saying. If he was in frint if me I would have hurt him very badly.
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Chibi Karen 15.png
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ay rory what's poppin

Mm, I've seen this guy do it a couple times now. Don't know why, he just does. If you see it posted again, just know it isn't me.
Changed to laptop. All is well, just finished off a Pathfinder session.

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