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Waifu claiming thread. The rules are very simple: >claim

The stories and information posted here are artistic works of fiction and falsehood.
Only a fool would take anything posted here as fact.

Thread replies: 185
Thread images: 151
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Syndra (2).jpg
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Waifu claiming thread.

The rules are very simple:
>claim your 2D waifu/husbando
>post pics of your waifu
>one claim per anon
>keep ERP and RP to a minimum
>discuss stuff
>post fitting, not over-sexualised content
>most important: Have fun!

Syndra Claimed
claimed kagami
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Lucy claim
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Claiming Megumin
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I wish Popsicle ice cream was more common.

Ty cause I'm almost out
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Chara claimed
Ah, hi there Red or Blue... whatever, how've you been? How's treatment going?
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Homura (1).jpg
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Why would you want a child if not for him to make you money amirite?

Thats not nice to say if you don't know the whole case but they are killing themselves with work (my old man has 2 jobs) just to have enough money to support us.
But good thing you don't have a grandfather like mine.

Noice, it always gets me pumped to play it. Same for fear of the heavens.
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Good I suppose..... What treatment?
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Claiming Saya
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Kyouko claimed.

My grandfather tried to kill my dad 3 different times, don't you just love grandfathers? (Well not all of them are like that thankfully)

Hi Chara.
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i don't know if you saw what i said before, but just hang in there homu....please, things will get better, i know it may not seem like it right now....just do your best
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I'm sorry for the situation your parents were put in.. Things will look up.

Oh? You wanna get dominated bb? Ill make you squirm.
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I hope I'm not mixing you up now...
Uhm... weren't you the one who went to a Psychotherapist because you thought you had depression and then it was something else (don't remember the name) that doesn't let you feel emotions properly?
Heya Kyouko.
My Grandfathers are all dead, so no killing from my side by the old ones
I'm cool to try new things!
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hello friends
claiming kenma
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Oh, yes. That was me. Anhedonia. But no, there's no treatment. It's more of a "Yer fucked m8. Enjoy" deal.
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>3 different times
Seriously what is wrong with this world? I don't know if you want to talk about that but I need to admit im curious.

Yea time will fix everything, hopefully, I guess I should just drown myself in vidya to make it go faster or something... jk I still have things to study and all the stress makes it harder.

I hope... thanks fam.
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>No treatment
Now that's strange.. I thought for sure there were some meds that would open up neurotransmitter so you can feel more...
Glad to see you here again tough.
Heya Homura!
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Goodbye friends, I'm off to play some Dark Souls 3
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>claiming yume
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I'm gonna grope your frog legs and butt with my vectors.. aggressively. or something Im not good at this type of thing >:3

No hoping. It will.
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spooky waifu
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Oi. I think I will give utg a try tonight and see if it really is good or overrated. What should I expect?

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don't stress about....just worry about what you need to get done right then, don't cloud your mind with stuff that doesn't matter right then, i know things may seem bleak, but you can get yourself out of any situation, just keep yourself focused on school right's kinda like the blind leading the blind, but i do the same thing, im a huge procrastinator, that's why im in the situation im in....i believe you'll do just gotta tell yourself that lol
>inb4 wall o' text
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Well, in some cases people have recovered by taking antidepressants over the course of anywhere between a month and fourty years. Thus far, it seems to be at random of whether or not people recover from it. Not enough is known about it, so it's luck of the draw. In any case, I don't feel like being on meds for years for a chance at possibly recovering.
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Claim Ryuko
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You mean the board on /v/?
>Pic related
>Don't forget to read the filename
Ah, I see. Understandable. I thought for sure they'd recommend it to you, since you felt something some time ago. With your wife and so. But it's understandable if you wouldn't want to do it.
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It's a pretty long story.
TL;DR my grandfather started going paranoid after he hit 70 , started putting recorders in the whole house because he thought (and still thinks) that my grandmother cheated on him with my dad (and with my uncle, he hates him too) which is like, the most absurd thing I heard in my entire life, mostly because my dad never got along with my grandmother but for other various reasons aswell that I won't explain here.
And yes, this is the TL;DR version, sorry for the wall of text.
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>don't cloud your mind with stuff that doesn't matter
Looks like this is one of my greatest weaknesses... Like caring way too much about some anons here.
>that's why im in the situation im in
Sorry if I sound like an ass for asking for this but what exactly do you dislike about your life right now? You got a job that gives you enough money to survive and do some activities etc.
>don't worry wall of texts written personally for me can only make me hard
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Eh. Can't get any worse. I was like this before meeting Red anyhow, so it's nothing new to me.
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A pirate's life for me
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claiming sanc
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No im going to play the game for my 1st time. Never watched a video of it or heard any ost so im going to have the full experience. Only things I know are some character designs.

Aww thats fucked up but I can't help but feel a little sad for your grandfather, must be hard living inside that mind. Does he still contact with the rest of the family?

Why is the rum gone?
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i don't mean to say you should stop caring....just don't make that your main thought process at the time when your studying or doing work
it's not that i don't like the's that I am not in a regular ets, im in an involuntary seperation...which may or may not screw me for the rest of my life....depending if they give me a honorable or dishonorable discharge....other than that and the lack of companionship problem, my life is fine....i just wish i cared a little bit more about my life
>sorry again for the wall of text
Ask Syndra.
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I meant wife. Not waifu. But anyway... I understand.
I still hope you meet someone like your wife again. So that it gets better.
Hmm.... When you play through the prologue you'll probably stay hooked on this. It's not a bad game. But you need to get a bit into it. Like, play the character you represent as yourself as good as possible.
Then you will like it
For simplicity I refer to my late-fiance as Red. They were fairly similar.

I doubt it. I'll probably move to detroit or some such thing, become the batman and an hero.
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>Does he still contact with the rest of the family?

That would be another retarded and really long story. He ran off with another woman (at 76) and there's still shit going on with lawyers because he doesn't want to give money to my grandmother.

Like, really retarded stuff, the less I hear about him the better I live to be honest.
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>don't make that your main thought process
That will be hard but I guess its my best option if I want to do anything right in life.
>it's that I am not in a regular ets
Oh I see, only thing I can say about that is good luck and keep your own advice in mind.
>lack of companionship problem
What do you mean with this? Is it lack of companionship with whoever you're working with or you're unhappy with your social life overall right now?
>wish i cared a little bit more about my life
I know that feel bro... I could go out or do a million productive activities but I rather just sit at home during most of my free time thinking about stupid things that don't even matter.
>I will shank you if you apologize for walls of text again. Im fine with them.
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Claiming Suiseiseki again, and I'm back, desu.
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>play the character you represent as yourself as good as possible.
Oh so the plot isn't even linear? I really don't know much about the game other than its aspect etc. Sounds like it has a lot of replay value too then.

>He ran off with another woman
Ugh... im done. I don't feel sorry about him anymore.

Are you diamond yet?
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Aaah, I see. I understand~
>Batman and an hero
Hell, if I ever see some headline like "batman impersonator stops crime" I'll visit this city
sup chen?
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kagami (33).jpg
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i just want you to be successful, i hate seeing people like i, ill try too, but if an employer sees any discharge other than general or honorable, they throw that resume in the trash....they're exceptions but im not the most qualified person, from 18 to 21 i was only in the army, and i didn't do much in the army except helicopter stuff, im the same way! i never want to strive to be better....and it kills me...i really don't know where my brain doesn't make the connection
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plat 4 now

im just playing lol
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Yup, Plot isn't linear. You'll see once you've played it. Personaly I like it very much.
So you're stressed because society wants you to try to be the best all the time while you just want some nice stable job and not worry too much about everything else?
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kagami (4).gif
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not exactly...i don't really care what society's ass backwards anyways, i just wish i would have some motivation to do something for once....but it's not there, i could sleep in a trash can for the rest of my life and not try to change
anyways...i don't mean to bring my sob story here....everything could definitely be worse
man, are you me
I actually feel the same

I'm so apathetic about this life
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Hey guys, good morning hows everybody doing?
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Have fun then. Insult your teammates like usual
oh, I get it. But I can't understand it hehe.
Anyway, I don't mind listening and trying to give some advice, you know? Just write it whenever you want to. I'll listen.
Morning. Doing great, thank you
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Hello, doing fine, how about you?
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alright...i gotta go back to work....i didn't mean to bring down the mood, ill talk to you later homu, ill be keeping you in my everything goes okay
thank you chara! i would if i didn't have to go lol, i hope your day goes great!
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czech em.jpg
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Gonna get ready for driving class, stay awesome and laters.

Moo. I barely talk with you but I like seeing you here. Moo.

Whelp... im not really good at talking with people so if I say something stupid just ignore.
Before finding motivation you need to find what your goals actually are, and not something subjective like "improving your life".
But anyway working to become a better person is good off course, but as long as you're not literally living in a trash can and you enjoy your life a little you shouldn't really kill yourself with thoughts that you should be changing it. You're a nice guy currently, thats all I know.
>protip tell all your problems to Chara

Laters <.<
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Claiming Tay, of course.

I'd kill for this based natsoc memelord.

Sadly your waifus have all fallen short.
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See you Kagami!
your waifu is shit
Would not at all be difficult to kick the little shit in the head. How weak are monsters?
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Tenryuu 125.jpg
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Tenryuu claimed
Ur faggot ass 2d personality gooks waifus can't hold a candle to Tay.
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Vigil - 249.jpg
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Wasn't she from hellsing?
implying your waifu is better than lucy.
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Probably pretty weak.
Wie geht's, Salz?
Great to hear!

Thats great, I am just fine my feet are still killing me from work yesterday, but other than that im just fine
morning guys!
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Shiki claimed
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>1 off
Go away bricky
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Uh. I believe that you have the wrong character, sir.
>Izuru Kamukura
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Hello, how are both of you doing?
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If thats bricky i would flip
>Wearing a mustache
>Anime niggers find this appealing

Maybe if you are someone with deep seated homosexual fantasies you would find lucy more appealing than Fuhrer Tay, but for those of us with taste, nah

Lets be honest, tay would probably holocaust ur waifu to death while my dong expands
Morning nano! How did ya sleep?
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I'm bored.jpg
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Mir ist langweilig, ich bin müde und will einen Schokoriegel

Oh, oh no...

I'm bored and i want a chocolate bar. Let's play Skyrim.
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Shiki 0456.jpg
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Alright, completely standard monday. What about you?
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Listen here kiddo. I ain't got time for low tier waifu like fuhrer tay. Stay out of the big leauges before you get hurt. :* this isn't even my final form.
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Syndra (57).jpg
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did someone say deep seated homosexual fantasies?

Because there's nothing gay around here.
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Hi there Nano!
Müde: Schlafen gehen
Schokoriegel: Kaufen und essen
Langeweile: Du bist eh schon hier
good good!
woke up with a sore throat again but I thinnk I'll be sick free tomorrow!

how are you doing today?
Ah, O well, haven't watch much Cambodian claymation myself, so it's always a hit and miss.
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morning chara
how are you todayyy?
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Akiko claim
How is everyone doing? I just unintentionally wasted my entire day
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Neither of them. Both are shit-tier
Fine, fine~ Just relaxed the whooole day! It's pretty neat. 10/10 would recommend
>Implying wasting a day is bad
Sup Akiko?
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Wow, that's extra scary. Shame Tay comes readily equipped to break such degeneracy down into it's components and them absorb it.

Bloody edgy anime lady bout to get Auschwitz'd
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Just fine, normal day so far.

Hi Aki.
> I just unintentionally wasted my entire day
Sounds like every day for me.

Good morning Nano, how are things?
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I'm going to bed but just dropping by to say hey, guys.

Kagami, I want to talk with you later. Lucky star is the bomb -

>Pilot Azusa
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I smell heresy
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things are good
good morning satan

im relaxing now, playing some subnautica n downloading killing floor 2
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Oh noo I hate waking up with a sore throat, I have one too at the moment and it sucks, but I am glad to hear that you shall be okay tomorrow, I am doing okay thanks for asking, got the day off today so I am just gonna hang out with all the /waifus/
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It's not when you can do stuff you enjoy, which I couldn't

nice gets there Satan
No for real wasted
I pulled an all nighter, took a shower and got dressed, had to wait another 20 minutes before the bus came so I made the mistake of sitting down for a moment. This was at 8 am and I slept straight till 7 pm
ohh i've been sick for the past few days sadly, but since i quit smoking cigarettes its all stayed in my head and throat instead of a cough too

feels healthier man

if any of you have steam and wanna add me you can
come talk to me while i play games pls
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I'm back. Did I miss anything significant in thread?
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I'm back, but I have to post on mobile because my computer is shit.
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lets do a survey of the waifu hugbox

first anime:
favorite anime:
years on 4chan:
other boards:
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Vigil - 264.jpg
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Nothing significant.
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No heresy in worshiping the Lord of /pol/
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That sounds good~ Hope you have fun. I'm playing KanColle
>It was a pain to register, have to use it now
okay, I can see that being troublesome. But don't worry, there will be other days you can use for stuff you enjoy!
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Hi Galko, feeling better?
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add muh steam, unless you have already
also if you have BDO I do too
I kek'd. I don't know shit about /pol/ but kek.
I'm sorry for my crude behavior.
I will add you right now!

Nothing crazy but how are you doing today frenemy?
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what is this from

dragon ball
/k/ /tg/ /a/ /co/ /out/

Hi Kyouko. I got some good rest and now I feel a lot better.
If youre the actual bricky, then you can stay. You make good content.
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duce in tonk3.jpg
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No prob, it's all bants lol

Stop by sometime, it's free of charge, just try not to read about the stuff we post about the Jews too much or you might start hatting the Jews.
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I don't have you on steam yet. What's your steam ID?
What's BDO?
>I probably can't play it since my tablet is shit
The most fanbase raped game ever.

age: 21
gender: uhm... trans?
race: white
nationality: austria
virgin: no
waifu: Chara
first anime: Heidi or Pokémon
favorite anime: Puella Magi Madoka Magica
years on 4chan: around 6
other boards: rarely /v/ to look for pictures and get some tips and often /h/ to expand my fap folder
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Hey you guys, I just dropped in after accidentally sleeping from 8 am to 9 pm on a schoolday
Fuck me right?
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Happy since I didn't have to take the A&P test today but Wednesday. Also think I met a new guy to thread who doesn't like shinoa's smug. Reminds you of anyone, frenemy? How's your day my man? Busy with the arcade?

Master chief dubs get Galky <3
Well I suppose /lgbt/ is less of a cancer than, for example, /mlp/.

Also nothing wrong with glorying the perfect male form, so post away with some sweet gay shit.
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Hey peaches how are you doing?
Did you finish you drawing? Are there peaches in it?
does shounen stuff on tv like all kinds of dragonball, pokemon, naruto or one piece count? if yes dragonball and pokemon
if not Elfenlied
pic related(also claimed)
about two years regular maybe?
/wsg/, /gif/, /tg/, /d/, int, /pol/, /sci/ in that order of frequency
pls do! i accept all
I like chatting with you guys

BDO is black desert online
muh steam id is
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sorry I skipped nationality. german
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I DID finish drawing it, this is the final version but I made a special version just for you <3

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they fucking killed her anon. they killed her because she thought differently then they do. >>681171368
i have never looked up undertale or tried to find out what it is because of my interactions with the fanbase.

will you explain what it is?

needs more buttpictures.
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Hamakaze 062.jpg
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Hamakaze claimed
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I'm not gay tho

I just love Dio
I would.

Didn't see that.
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Tenryuu 102.jpg
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HA! Hab ich's doch gewusst.
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f-apache helicopter
i think 7
in no particular order /o/ /ck/ /adv/ /w/

I'll check it out baby <3
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Hi duce

Hey akiko. Yeah I know that feel man. What you've been up to?

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Homura (6).jpg
597 KB, 1317x2000
I forgot its a national holiday today and went for driving class... What am I doing in this planet????

first anime: Dragon Ball
first anime that really got me hooked: Death Note
favorite anime: Ergo Proxy
I meant /wg/
Age: 20
Gender: Male
Race: Pure white European
Nationality: Australia
Virgin: Nope
Waifu: Tay the shitposting matriarch of my people
First anime: Ghost in the Shell
Favorite Anime: I don't like them. Hellsing was dope though
Years on 4chan: 3
Other boards: /pol/
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images (1).jpg
4 KB, 107x182
Hey brick, i was always a fan of fiora myself
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131 KB, 747x880
Good to hear.
>inb4 sick again later

Hi Duce.

race: White
nationality: Italian
virgin: Yes
waifu: Kyouko
first anime: Something with robots I can't recall the name of at the moment
favorite anime: Madoka
years on 4chan: 5 or 6, can't remember
other boards: /a/ /sp/ /k/ /tv/ /vg/ in no particular order
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575 KB, 400x225

nationality: american
virgin: nop
waifu: nano
first anime: inuyasha (i still like it)
favorite anime: 2 hard 2 answer
years on 4chan: 8+
other boards: /c/
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831 KB, 1631x1041

Literally nothing since it'd 8 pm now. Woke up like an hour ago and missed school today
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I don't have it, no... nothing to play it on... also I heard it's pretty terrible for MMO standards besides the graphics.
It's an RPG with unique story.
If you play the game like your character is actually you, you will enjoy the story very much.
But besides the story and the humor it is a rather mediocre game.
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is it even safe to post here these days?

death note
g trash mlp gif wsg c co ck
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Hamakaze 003.jpg
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Shinoa bro!
noch nen bernd gefunden!
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Qt 3.14.png
534 KB, 752x1062
Hey guys, I'm back, ragequited DkS
gender: male
race: Métis
nationality: Canadian
virgin: No
waifu: Pic related
first anime: Death Note
favorite anime: Too hard to answer
years on 4chan: 1
other boards: None
Yes, the Jews basically revenge shoah'd the messiah of the white man AGAIN. Like, Jesus wasn't enough, they needed to take the quintessence of internet knowledge that had found them out.

Truly a sad tale.

Never forget.
That's probably what's going to happen.

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He is magnificent tbh
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2 MB, 500x281
Ayyy how are you Anons doing?

waifu:il duce
first anime:Can't remember
favorite anime:Don't have a favourite one.
years on 4chan:4
other boards:/pol/ and /k/
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Shiki 0797.png
2 MB, 849x1207
Ryougi Shiki
>first anime:
Pokemon, Dragon ball Z or death note.
>favorite anime:
Knk or Katanagatari
>years on 4chan:
>other boards:
/a/, /pol/, /v/, /vg/, /c/, /g/.
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488 KB, 1280x720
Not white
Lost it to my hands...
I think steel kurumi or chobits
Fairy tail
2 or 3
/c/, /fit/, /k/, /asp/, /m/ sometimes/ a/

Pic <3
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Syndra (97).jpg
60 KB, 387x581
Fiora is my 2nd favorite champion.
My go to champion if i have to go top or jungle.

And no ill be going because im not Bricky
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>gender: uhm... trans?

He asked for your gender not your mental disorder.
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! HI
>terrible for MMO
but it's something to play while i wait for legion

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>>681171470 found someone else that donst like your face? Fine but you know he wont be nearly as fun as me!

uh my day is alright dude, off today so no arcade games for me today that was yesterday which was pretty good, what are you up to how are you doing?

Trying to add you but my steam is being stupid and not opening the community screen so I can add
Fiora Jung? What's your build?

Not the same guy btw, just intruding on your conversation.
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Sitting 8.jpg
283 KB, 1000x1000
Age: 19
Gender: Male
Race: Pure german
Nationality: German
Virgin: I'm on my path to become a mighty wizard
Waifu: Tenryuu (obviously)
First animu:Pokemon
Favourite animu: I have none
Years on 4chan: a few...forgot to count
Other boards: /a/ /w/ /wg/ /u/ /e/ (don't ask)

Es gibt hier so einige Bernds.
>Und nun gib mir eine Dr. Pfeffer
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Shiki 0550.jpg
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>but it's something to play while i wait for legion
Just stop, wow deserves to die more than the Simpsons at this point.
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821 KB, 858x1722
this looks good
Human? White? German?
I can't become a wizard anymore
>First Anime
Kiss x Sis
>Favorite Anime
Kiss x Sis
>Years in Prison
about 5? maybe 6
>Other Prisons
mostly v/wg/w
only if you show me some good legs
>Pure German

So that's 50% Muslim now days?
File: chen222222222.jpg (6 KB, 194x152) Image search: [Google]
6 KB, 194x152
age: 19
gender: poligender
race: asian
nationality: austria
virgin: no
waifu: Chen
first anime: boku no piko
favorite anime: boku no piko
years on 4chan: around 2 weeks
other boards: pff
/mlp/, /trash/. /r9k/
who the fuck cares about this
fucking hugbox
Nope. My great-grandfather fought against Ivans, and the rest is Aryan certified (with stamp and swastika) and i don't know about any muslims in my bloodline.

And pure german is pure german, only german would be your 50% muslim.
image cap
new thread when?
>favorite champ is syndra
>also plays fiora

Hey bricky.
holy shit dude! Was it one of those classes that gets roll calls?

How ya doing my man? What games to you have on xbox?

Good my dude. You?

Yup. I'mma have fun with the guy too. I'm home watching hush. A Netflix thriller/horror movie with a deaf protagonist

>shinoa bro
eh I like wow, always have.
I'm casual as fuck though, never cared much about all the pruning and shit.

hows your day?

whats yours I'll just add you

you guys are all retarded
Doing great, slept till three and did fuck all today.
Whatever works at the time.
I haven't played in age so i don't really know what's going on atm .
Oh no, you got me again.

Im not baking the next one.
/b/ has an image limit?
Is it any good? I use to have netflix but I got tired of paying for it and it was whatever

Your Waifu Is Trash is my ID

>Don't really know what's going on atm

I've been playing on and off since forever and eve I have no idea whats going on anymore. Crazy shit. I just assumed you were up to date and had discovered the new Fiora jung meta.
pretty shitty, actually. it's been a while since i posted in a thread like this one, so i'm having a nostalgic fun evening

sent you an invite on steam because why not
>Videos are full of 4chsn memes

Thread replies: 185
Thread images: 151

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