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Waifu claiming thread. >Cancer Moba Edition! The rules are

The stories and information posted here are artistic works of fiction and falsehood.
Only a fool would take anything posted here as fact.

Thread replies: 161
Thread images: 151
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Waifu claiming thread.
>Cancer Moba Edition!

The rules are very simple:
>claim your 2D waifu/husbando
>post pics of your waifu
>mid or feed
>keep ERP and RP to a minimum
>discuss stuff
>post fitting, not over-sexualised content
>most important: Have fun!

Homura claimed
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She's beautiful.
Miho claimed
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Darkness and Claw.jpg
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Claimed as always

How long are your showers?
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Last Shinoa claim for now. It's 5 AM and I need sleep. Later guys
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Agitated Karen 5.png
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fishboy is literally cancer
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All MOBAs are cancer.
>Megumin claimed
Smite is just the least amount of cancer MOBA right now.

Goodnight! Sleep well :)
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well yeah thats ok but she got the title and it stays this way till i hold a new contest maybe a better one with a jury and polls and stuff like that

>claiming yume
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Koko 1.jpg
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>In a waifu claiming thread
Nigga wut?
Exactly, I hope you enjoy yourself! You deserve it :)

>the tidal dickster

Night night!

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Just letting you know I love classical music too, even tho im not that deep into it and only know the most known songs.


Usually not longer than 10 minutes.

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It's French, but the composer was Russian, also I am indeed a classical music fan.

Around thirty to forty minutes.

Bye Anon
You pick morg? I just go Thresh and poke you. Force you from the fight, no more shield. Or I go Annie and burn that shield down. Or I go top Tahm with zzrot.
But Megumin cant turn into a god in 39 years.
Smite is shit though. I do t really play MOBAs anymore since my friend got me onto MWO.

Rory-sama claimed
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Lewd Karen 1.png
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less than 1 minute 30 sec
unless it's a "shower" then probably until I finish
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Koko 2.jpg
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Night homie! Sleep well :)
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Cancer claimed
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Still your choice of classical music is great.
Akiko claim

Wow, that's some salt but yea i get your point, it shouln't be okay for him to just avoid everything on a 6 second cooldown (not even counting potential zhonya)
I can deal with all the rest but the pole has just way too much utility

This guy gets it

Smite is the MOBA for people who hate MOBA's. Agredd that most tend to be cancerous though, you just have to know how to enjoy them
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No kidding.

>MOBAs are cancer

>mostly lurking
Between 3 and 5 mins. Our shower runs off rainwater, needs to be kept short.
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10 minutes
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30-40 minutes
What the fuck good sir

I can't do that
I don't know what it is
Can't get it up in the shower at all
>instead I turn on the shower and see if I can whack off before the water's hot
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Summoner's is Gamilicious if you're still down with that
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Ohayo Karen.png
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hatsu post feets pls
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I want to see her cosplay as a christmas tree.
She needs a whole outfit in the style of those hair ornaments.
>would unwrap gifts
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I would like that haha n_n

I will! I might be able to get on for a bit but I'm not sure.. thanks though!

Oh cool :) I think you're the first person I know who's ever come out about liking classical music.. it's sad I don't know more people who are into it.

All MOBAs are shit lmao. It's just the least cancerous one.

You got that right lol. If I wanted to play 40 min matches on teams filled with Peruvians and Russians just to lose because one of them is feeding like it's their job I'd go and play DOTA again.

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Inami-chan 4 life claimed
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Koko 3.jpg
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10 minutes, unless I feel the urge, then like 15 minutes
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Depends, 20-60 minutes.
And no, I don't literally shower for 1 hour, but I do shower related things.
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>3 minutes adjusting water
>2 minutes enjoying warm water
>1 minute to wash hair
>varying amounts of minutes daydreaming
>2 minutes washing body
>another 30 seconds of hesitation before leaving
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I like my long showers.

>it's sad I don't know more people who are into it.
Same, most people I know just call me a fag because I listen to classical music.
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Thankts Tats
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I even got a ribbon around it for you
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that was really hot
I cant believe outfits like that even exist
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>shower related things
What the fuck am I reading

Does the amount of water you waste not concern you?

I am continually tempted to start a shower thoughts YT channel and just talk about all the random shit I think of when I'm in the shower, recording for however long the shower is
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I feel really guilty for being so selective with my attention lately... always something distracting me.
I'm happy to see you. <3
>err, not in *that* way

Looks like my sisters got ahold of you.
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Going for a joint meeting, stay awesome everyone.

>purple eyes
>ribbons of matching color

>start a shower thoughts YT channel
Sounds like a great idea, im sure whole /waifu/ would support you with a decent starting fanbase.
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I'd rather get insulted in English than some slav doing god knows what before disconnecting
Dota 2 is just way more stressfull than league, and that's saying something

That actually sounds like an original and untouched idea. Go for it
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It is slowly starting to.
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Dubs confirm abduction by sister

See ya
Have my cute gif
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Taking care of my hair takes an easy 15-20 minutes if I'm being thorough. Then there's lotioning, the occasional shave and other stuff.
I don't quite see how it's unusual.
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>call me a fag
You should know some different people, classical can be the sickest music out there
Howdy! Hows it goin?
Stay cute, have a good one!
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That's so messed up!! :( Well hey I think it's really coll you do, it's better than most of the garbage that's popular right now that's for sure.

I've missed you too but I'm not really sure what way you mean when you say *that* way haha

Heh I remember the first game I ever played of dota was with a few friends and the very first thing I heard in team chat was Russian. The next after asking if he spoke English was by someone else saying "We have a girl? Fucking gg." and then disconnecting. The community is such cancer lol
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Chibi Karen 20.png
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бля нуб не принимают середины следующий раз, когда сука ублюдку сосать мой член

In all seriousness it used to be the opposite but I guess I've been gone long enough from both games that it's switched around? when I was playing league was just 90% toxic twelve year olds

bye bye
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not much, just patrolling around.
hope I can find some cute little destroyers
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Koko Creep.jpg
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Alright cuties, I gotta pass out. Sleep well with your waifus!
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Awww.. Goodnight! Sleep well :)
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>way you mean when you say *that* way
Doesn't matter. It was a lie anyways...
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gotta go.png
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>You should know some different people, classical can be the sickest music out there
Without mentioning theres where the roots of pretty much every song come from.


Sleep tight
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>You should know some different people
I would try but I am antisocial, I only talk to people at work.

>Well hey I think it's really coll you do
Thanks anon.
>it's better than most of the garbage that's popular right now that's for sure
I agree with you so much, the music industry is mainly shit these days.

Night anon.
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I don't have time for that, my entire bathroom routine takes 20 minutes max.
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Redface Karen 1.png
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night night
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oh no...
so how are you doing little demon?
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Hello Re-chan!

Good night.

It's not like I do my hair every day.. that's unhealthy anways... and too time consuming.
So my base routine isn't above half an hour either.
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Fun fact: I was actually introduced into Dota and MOBAs by my ex gf. We just played bot matches for a few weeks so we actually weren't the worst people in the game because we played with hardmode bots. She later broke up and took half of my immortals

It still was last time I checked

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Cheering Karen 3.png
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shit huh, I guess they're both still garbage
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Well I gotta get going, have this before I go
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Fufufu whatever you say~ <3
How've you been Tsuzu?

Cyka Blyat! чики-брики и в дамки!

Anytime :3 haha I don't like any of the mainstream music stuff. just garbage music pumped out by garbage people..

I'm doing well! uch better than yesterday.. I'm glad I get to talk to you again n_n how about you?

Aww that's kind of messed up :( but hey you live and learn. The same kind of thing happened with me only my ex decided he wanted to keep my DS that I let him borrow despite me constantly asking about it. In the end he forced me to drive over there and pick it up on the porch without saying a word..

See ya later n_n have a good one!
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Kazuki (9).png
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I miss Yuu <3
>but I can lurk some more this way
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how are you hatsi?
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In general they are but you just gotta know how to have fun in them, which is virtually impossible without friends

Fuck, my best friend had this with her fucking phone. This guy she used to date invited her over and she forgot her 300 bucks phone there. He broke up over facebook and refused any contact ever since. She still has to get here phone back and we're three months later
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Bicycle-rider claiming through.
>How long are your showers?
normally 5-10 minutes i am a busy person
hey dude hows it going?
What are u guys listening to atm?
Aight, I'm off to get some food
I'll be back later
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Pretty well, except I've caused some trouble again.. and the shitty weather is keeping me from gardening for the third day straight (200% mad).
Also didn't progress with my drawings as much as I would want...
Have you heard anything about ours? It would still be pretty nice...

See above. :^) How about you?
I try to get busy in Photoshop right now, but I lurk at minimum.
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Also w-wait that's lewd... <3
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Did someone say
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That's so messed up!! No offense but why do guys do that so often =~= I know about it happening like 3 or 4 other times with other people too.. the only thing I kept from a guy after a break up was a few jackets I think.. and I even drove over to his place to give it back.

Always causing trouble.. that's my Tsuzu alright.. I can't always be there to pull you out of trouble so just be careful okay??
I'm sorry to hear about your gardening problems.. I know that was one of your favorite things to do..
I haven't heard much but I am still waiting for it.. I'm really excited. n_n

I am a Sega fangirl diehard, you don't know just how happy this made me omg <3
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hmm trying to start DS3 but i'm a bit lazy atm.
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i am doing fine so far need to do some work related stuff but meh i am a lazy fucktard
so how was your ladiesnight?
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I'm already playing through it a second time.
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Nigga Sonic 1 on the genesis was the first game I ever played. I played all the rest throughout my childhood and remain firmly autistic about the series. Really pisses me off that the fan base is the worst out of baically anything because the characters are so shitty. I feel guilty by assocaition.
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I'm going now.

I love you <3
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You're not a fucktard :( don't say that.. everyone gets lazy.. and it got moved to tomorrow so I'll let you know then :)

Sonic 2 was the first game I ever played :) It was my brothers game because my parents still thought I wanted like make up and dolls and all that garbage. I played that for hours on hours. I played almost every game after, my favorite still being Sonic Adventure Two still.. and yeah the community is cancer.. but we're not as bad as undertale right now.. and I will admit I beat Sonic Boom.. but hey colors and Genesis kicked ass so it's okay.
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Maybe I can help you get motivated. You should totally play it.
But of course I enjoy your presence here, as well.
Sometimes it only takes a little nudge to overcome procrastination. ^_^

If you want to help try to get to know Homura a little better.. :o

And yeah.. I really hope the picture gets finished, but I understand sometimes it's hard to follow through..
so no hard feelings either way.
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Bye have fun <3
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Bye Tatsumaki(?)
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first I get something to eat and then I'll start playing. cya later maybe
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Generations was absolutely stellar. I didn't bother playing boom (along with black knight, chronicles, secret rings and 06 - I've played every other one). Sonic 2 is still one of my favorite games. Beautiful design for a platformer.

I'll admit I've thought of a way to save the series but it's actually so autistic that I refuse to tell anyone about it.
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Tatsumaki (169).png
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You know it.
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>mfw it smells like summer in /waifu/ threads
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Cheering Karen 9.png
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Tatsuta claimed.

I just brewed way too much tea. Guess I'll have four cups instead of one.
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M stands for Mana over usage.jpg
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Homura? How would getting to know them better help you? I'll do whatever I can!
But yeah Maybe we should ask them to see how it's going :)

I played all of those T_T I have a problem.. honestly my least favorite after 06 and boom waaass... probably the secret rings.. and then Unleashed. (for the night time levels, the daytime ones were alright.)

I think they need to remake sonic adventure two u_u
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See you later and happy hunting!

>consolation hugs
It's always summer on /b/
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Grab the artefact.png
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Have a good one then.
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ah and I hoped to hear some lewd lesbofantasto storys
i don't know why but it hit me way to hard
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give me some flowers
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I'm autistic enough as it is on here, I don't need the help of fucking sonic the hedgehog OC shit
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It was 2012
Things change
We have been getting a lot of cancer lately, between the emoticons, thumbnails and general faggottry.
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I certainly wouldn't mind.
This is one thing I'm totally not regretting, I can give the flowers away when I want. Can make new flowers.
Fuck capitalism.
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Erotic acts.png
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I bet me and Tsuzu could give you one right now ;3

War doesn't.
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keks n sheks.png
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come on nigga how bad can it be

the only video on youtube worth watching right there

>waifuing homura
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i know. but i'm here, we need a change.

That's amazing, it feels really good when you know its your work.
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I think that would actually be really nice of you.
I made some mistakes in my relationship with Homura and she's still in a tough spot.
And I know she'd like it very much.
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I am pretty interested in hearing such
I don't have anything better to do so that would be quite entertaining
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It's kinda liberating. I like to not have to worry about my flower supply at all.
I will have to open a new jar soon, though.
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Homu is fine m8
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you are so cancerous
along with that "claw" anon
and megumin
stop using emoticons faggots
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She's hard mode imho fam.
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m wrap.jpg
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Hey I'm sure he will forgive you for whatever you did n_n I'll try to talk to him next time I can though. For you <3

Fufufu! As much as I agree with you I don't think they'd be up for it :(

no u
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such a cutie...
>I guess my perception of 'cute' is kinda weird

No. Don't do it for me, do it for him.
I don't plan any conspiracy or the like.
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I'm trying to convince myself but it's so utterly autistic to try and write about how to save sonic from its seemingly endless downward spiral that it's awkward just to type it
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I meant I'll do it because it'll help you cheer up, not because you asked me to be some kind of double agent.

Like I said. Just remake adventure 2. Get all the money haha :3
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T-thanks. <3
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Happy karen 22.png
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just do it nobody here knows you and I don't think anyone will bring it up again if it really is that autistic
and its not a fanfic or whatever its just you giving your thoughts on the game franchise, right?
don't let your memes be dreams rengo
where my post went?
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m200% cute.gif
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Anytime <3 Now it's like 6 am here so I think I should head to bed... so goodnight everyone! I'll try to be on tomorrow n_n
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Sweet dreams. I suffered the same fate yesterday...
I hope you sleep better than I did.
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Alright, alright

>mfw I become known as autismo the hedgehog

As I see it, all the series really needs to revive some interest and faith in it is multiple good games in a row. They've shown they're capable of producing good games that retain the spirit of the originals with recent ones like generations, but they keep fucking it up by returning to gimmicky shit like boom. Having already created a well-received generations game, all they really need to do for the first of them is to create a direct sequel to that. Given the plethora of well-known stages that didn't get remade in the first generations game and how well it went over, I don't think it would be too far-fetched to create a second generations game with similar design to the first, just incorporating different stages and bosses. The key to this game is in the plotline, which would culminate in using time travel antics to prevent Maria's death in SA2. I'll explain why here in a moment.
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Tenryuu & Tatsuta 16.jpg
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Tenryuu claimed
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Dream of big explosions little demon
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Smug Karen 11.png
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but really though, literally why were you embarrassed about this
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how am i cute?

drink bleach

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Now, while it may be because of heavy nostalgia surrounding SA2, the general demand that fans always seem to have is for Sonic team to finally produce SA3. The idea here is that preventing Maria's death in the previous generations game would fuck with the timeline, causing some sort of hell in the future. Essentially silver and blaze would go back in time to the present to go full terminator on maria. Based on the events of shadow the hedgehog, maria was the GUN commander's only childhood friend. Thus, he would send Rouge, a GUN agent to protect maria. Given that maria would then be the only survivor to fully understand Gerald robotnik's experiments, Eggman would want to protect her in order to learn more about his grandfather. Shadow's position is self-explanatory, and so team dark reunites. Sonic and tails try to find some alternative in which maria stays alive but the future isn't fucked, knuckles joins them for whatever bullshit master emerald reason. Team sonic is back. Omega joins silver and blaze purely to spite Eggman, and so a third team is established. I feel silver's telekinetic abilities would be more suited to the hunting stages while blaze would have running and omega would have mech stages. I have ideas on how to improve gameplay but I'm done embarrassing myself for now.

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Kazuki (47).jpg
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Xd fam 100% ;-)
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Chen is a big factor in that.
It gives whatever you say a certain innocence.

What you say also isn't wrong in most cases...
It's similar to how young children cannot lie and might consequently act inappropriately, and this makes perfect sense for Chen.

tl;dr you have a good act
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Cheering Karen 10.png
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I think it would make more sense if I ever played a sonic game but I had fun reading it no autismo detected

I'm off for now guys, seeya.
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Should I be a actor?

what you said sounds cute
I hate to lie, indeed

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>1 off
>Should I be a actor?
I certainly see some potential.
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thread is kill?
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Thanks Obama
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Get Out.jpg
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Good morning Yuu-chan. <3
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what did i miss
Not me
>Spider-Man posters are degenerate
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Hello there
How was your night?
Are you here to stay?

>perfect cap

- tsuzu
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