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Waifu Claiming Thread - Shameful Edition The rules are very

The stories and information posted here are artistic works of fiction and falsehood.
Only a fool would take anything posted here as fact.

Thread replies: 160
Thread images: 151
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Waifu Claiming Thread - Shameful Edition

The rules are very simple:
>claim your 2D waifu
>post pics of your waifu
>insult other waifus
>prove you're not a newfag with triforce
>keep ERP and RP to a minimum
>discuss stuff
>post fitting, not over-sexualised content
>most important: Have fun!
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Flower and Light?

>domestic violence itensifies
I wouldn't do that...
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It's still pretty much random.
Also, Chitose, please stop getting rekt all the time.
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really decent legs but hatsuzuki still owns the title of best tights in sights
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Syndra (92).jpg
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Like shit
>Chocolate green tea
No thanks
Killing myself and avoiding kaz
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Sayaka (49).jpg
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Don't question it, just love me.

If there is someone else he is making a terrible great job at showing it.

Im not entirely happy with you dying so young Karen, but if thats what you want...

I once injected three whole marijuanas and didnt overdose, we're gonna need a lot of it.
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lets do it
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Akiko claim
Another pirate?
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Excited Karen 14.png
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Rory-sama claimed.
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U-511 178.jpg
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>hatsuzuki still owns the title of best tights in sights
Why do you always insist that?
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don't kill yourself i would miss you
i would feel bad if you weren't around
hello there little one would you mind showing me your waifus legs?
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Tatsuta claimed.

Pretty random, but you don't really have too much of a choice as you start out. And Chitose will soak everything the enemy fires at you. That's just how it goes.

Thanks. Tsuzu deserves that title. Tatsuta doesn't even wear tights~
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If u eat 32 Bananas u can OD from potassium
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nope this one has legs
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I won't let any harm come to you either..

Shared title with Yuu.

I'm sure Yume can do it..

I see. Might swap her out then since I already have a seaplane elsewhere.
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Sayaka (32).png
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If you sneeze with your eyes open your eyeballs will come out.

I will let you rape me if you promise to kill me after.

Welcome back guys, make yourself at home o/
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a new ship approaches.jpg
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You cant avoid me
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Sayaka (3).png
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Yume might have enough legs for two persons but still only counts as one.
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Mmm sexy Syndra
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Solid Snek claimed.
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Graf (14).png
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Best German CV Claimed
>How to start a great day
>Go back to home
>Join ts3 and listening how tenryuu yelling on teamates

Guten Morgen Everyone ! How ist going ?
How dare you ask me for such lewd stuff?!

Thanks, I'll probably be hanging around here all day
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Agitated Karen 9.png
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Did you skip me on purpose you sick fuck I WANT MY (You) DAMNIT
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I personally never really used her or the others like her, but I know that they are useful for certain worlds and events. But I'll advice you to level the girls that you like the most. The game is supposed to be fun after all!

Hi Graf.
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>I won't let any harm come to you either
Not from anything other than you?
Tenten a salt
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Syndra (4).jpg
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And im going back to sleep
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I guess... maybe you'll find a second person some time... who knows.

Guten Morgen Zeppelin-san. Pretty good but a little hungty still.
>or again
>or always
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whats in the box.jpg
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Accidentally missed you, sorry D:
Have this as an apology.
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fuck, >>679633750 was supposed to be >>679634069

You and your cuteness again

Get well soon Syndra
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there can only be one and i will give that title away so far its hatsu but we can make tournament and find the new rightful owner of that title
yeah thats what i like to see but still hatsu owns the title so far
hey there my little friend how are you doing?
it doesn't even need to be lewd as that doesn't add points
sweet dreams
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Kazuki (66).jpg
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I will be waiting for you~
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Notice me senpai
Or others will die
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I... I'm not going to cause any actual damage, I promise.
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new ship best ship.jpg
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No, Syndra is mine
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Oh well, have some more waifu leg action
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Sayaka (4).png
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Thanks Yume and dont worry, I will stand right here with you looking for some legs.

Solid kek

Im gonna need three to compensate the negative impact of a certain person. You seem to have a lot of people caring about you, can you teach me your secrets?
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Cheering Karen 10.png
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Waifus aren't fucking real you fags.
>Ashley claimed
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No she is mine!
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We know
stop reminding us of this painful truth
8/10 waifu you have there
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Claw time.jpg
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No means no
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I know so back off!
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>I... I'm not going to cause any actual damage, I promise
Not too hard...

I know it's bad timing, but I gotta bounce for a couple hours.
>I'll be back
>I hope
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Love me Mako
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I guess that won't be necessary..

Curse all those negative persons...
and I'm definitely not among the popular people in the thread.

It's fine. Don't feel pressured. At least not in that way..
<3 Yuu
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Sayaka (16).jpg
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Can I love you too?
>loves anyway
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Graf (24).png
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Hello there Tasuta !
How its going ?
>Do you wanna hear some salty tenten ?

>Tenten a salt
Nothing new

>Pretty good but a little hungty still.
Well go eat something then
>How your draw is going ?

>hey there my little friend how are you doing?
Well good i think
>Join ts3 mate
>We need cancer like you
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You can adn you may
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download (2).jpg
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>not using Kurome
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Excited Karen 8.png
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I'm doing good. Just about to watch some anime.
>salty tenten
I think Tenten tried last night when we were playing. I only saw a sprinkle of salt, though. Maybe it's a bit different at higher tiers, as we were only playing T4.
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Sayaka (37).jpg
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Even if you're not popular the general idea is that you're awesome and nice. And I don't want to be popular either way, im fine with having few people that can make me feel special.

Did I tell you before purple eyes are my favourite?
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I'm not going to leave Yuu for some lousy bauxite,
but I'm free to take care of it now.
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>nevermind you can have syndra, this girls a qt!
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would you press your face into yumes ass while she was bent over and rub your nose in her butthole while breathing hot air on her pussy?
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Sounds like a solid strategy if you ask me.
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yeah you would win by a very thin advantage against rory
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Excited Karen 5.png
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Purple you say?
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Too bad I can't make it happen. I know what I am doing wrong but theres nothing I can do about it.

Y-yes. Hope you don't mind me staring at your eyes for a while.

Sup capeless hero anon.
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>win by a very thin advantage against rory
Is this supposed to be some sort of professional insult?
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thats a dumb question
who wouldn't do that with his waifu?
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Hugs for all

No, but I know just how wonderful purple eyes are

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I think you were doing fine. Just give it some more time.
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still lurking ans wowsing
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Anri Claimed
Best ending, therefore, Best Waifu.
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some people are terribly boring . I fucking love eating ass . there is just something about a big tight hairless ass that drives me crazy.
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you are your special one everybody loves you
no its just the truth or can you show me the big advantage you can build up?
go away
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Excited Karen 12.png
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I'm actually way into butt stuff, no scat stuff though. Everything has to be clean but damn I'd say I could eat ass for hours if I hadn't already
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Sayaka (40).jpg
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My waifu is pure and not old enough for that anyway.

Irrelevant fact: I participated in the largest group hug that is on the Guinness.

What makes you think that? Time tends to heal every wound, but this one is getting renewed once in a while.
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Sports (2).jpg
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Thats an obvious lie, but thanks for trying.
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yeah i'm not into scat but i fucking love scat. i trained my girl to love anal and she begs me to eat her ass now. Idk when this started but i think 4chan has something to do with it. I just started like assholes more and more. I know i'm not the only one there have been some great butt threads over the years.
>yeah i'm not into scat but i fucking love scat
kek, i meant ass
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I'm not going to fall for this trap.

I need an adult.
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Distressed Karen 8.png
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I wouldn't do such a nasty thing to underage Karen, it's too lewd!

>not into scat but I fucking love scat
come on man i caught it before anyone replied >>679637072
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Neutral Karen 15.png
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yeah my bad desu
booty sure is nice, especially in gym shorts
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download (1).jpg
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Then its a thin advantage
If your age is on the clock... and so on you know
I tried my best sry to fail you but I still like you
must've been quite the experience, how many people were there?

>too lewd
>tfw no gf
Yea I don't know why but I've always liked butts over boobs, legs are a huge turn on as well. Best thing are high stockings with a miniskirt. Drives me crazy
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anything tight and smooth
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Hey there, I don't think we've met before
How is your day going?
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Senpai got b& for a secound
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>everything below b is unworthy

- yume
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'thin' is more acceptable to me than 'very thin'.
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Redface Karen 3.png
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>high stockings with a miniskirt
my nigga
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>mfw B and A
You guys are sick and need help...
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hnnng the absolute zone is 10/10

i'm also really into fit girls,tomboys,and asians
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to put it realistc you win by the thickness of your fullbodystocking against rory
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Oh, you know it
nice legs and butt will always trump tits for me
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Determined Karen 5.png
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please give me death
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It wouldn't be the same without you though
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Graf (58).jpg
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>Maybe it's a bit different at higher tiers
Yes he is diffrent at higher tiers
>trust me

What line and nation you choice ?

people can withstand a week without eating
>try it then

You are not enought cancer ...

>Sr for late respond WoWs
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Dat ass
Those thighs
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Chibi Karen 18.png
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>mfw someone cares
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Wat about me? I got b&!
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Sayaka (42).png
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Wait for me, I want one too.
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Look, I like Rory a lot (although manga Rory is much better), but her stockings aren't exactly a big deal.
She just has amazing legs.
Don't let that distract you.
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i know right, i want to eat the booty
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Well I haven't been around that long but you're nice enough anon

You're practically immortal
Senpai can't die
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oi Mr. PolishGuy
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oh thats what you want ok so you can keep the title
>best tights in sights
but i need to make a new one with
>best waifu legs
who would win that one i wonder
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>Yes he is diffrent at higher tiers
I'm still confident I've had worse (or better, depending on how you see it)
Japanese cruisers. Slowly moving towards the Furutaka.
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Hopeless Karen 4.png
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>every girl I think about asking out has a boyfriend
>only girls that want me to go out with them have generally shit personalities and spam league of legends
>mfw never gonna eat that ass and dress gf up in stockings
really why live at this point
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My shitty advice:
Sometimes you can change someone's appearance but you can't EVER change the personality
I would much rather go with a nice 5/10 than a bitch 8/10 (actually made this call before) and it was oh so worth it
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images (13).jpg
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We csn fix that *sinister smile*
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>spam league of legends
kill it with fire before it lays eggs
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I'm not gonna pretend like I've read the thread up to this point but I'm up now and here I am

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Hey, you didn't tell us why you got b& yet
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Not me, but Rory is a good candidate.
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Hey you, how's your day been?
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doot doot
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images (1)(1).jpg
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It was accidental b&
Something about cheese pizza or something
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well then i will give the title for
>best waifu legs
to someone who can show me the greatnes of his waifus legs

>feel free to participate
File: Disdainful Karen 1.png (319 KB, 443x448) Image search: [Google]
Disdainful Karen 1.png
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The problem is this is lebanon. I'm not ripped but I'm fit and have a decent face so I'm like a 7 usually and people laugh at my jokes.
The issue is that every girl here is insanely hot. The ones that aren't are either like obese or deformed level of ugly or make up for the attention they don't get by being super loud and super obnoxious. It's either 8-9/10 girls that go to the gym for that NICE BODY DESU or 4-6/10 that are super fucking annoying. You just can't win here and being a vidya fag doesn't really help since clubbing and nightlife is a big thing here. The only vidya girl I found already has an internet bf and she's an annoying little shit that only plays league.
Would you pass for a trap? We can just bro it out if there's still no hope.
File: Graf (59).jpg (170 KB, 720x1200) Image search: [Google]
Graf (59).jpg
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Hey less Cancer Buddy !
>Cum and join ts3

Dont care about score at start
you need to know how to move on map and where is blind spots of DDs , CLs and BBs
Then you can care about score :>
>Japanese cruisers.
Good choice
Before you get
>tfw can't triforce on mobile
>tfw thread is full of newfags
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Best legs right here
>dat thigh gap
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Kazuki (82).jpg
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Tatsumaki (50).png
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>tfw can't triforce on Mac
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Makes a man go doot

Just woke up about 5 minutes ago so pretty fantastic so far. I expect a sharp decline the moment I get out of bed, though.

I would tell you to just go someplace better but the reality is that's basically everywhere and Trump still needs time to make America great again.
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Let's just say Homuras legs have their own tumblr.

Your move.
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Here's your (You)
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I'm white eurifag so I doubt i'd be liked in Lebanon
I have been wondering what is up with the extreme polarity of the hotness of middle eastern people, how come there is just no inbetween?
>mfw league of legends
Can't pass for shit, I'm as masculine as a bear in testosterone but we can still bro it out
>tfw Tats is on a mac.

Are you for seriousness?
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thats a good point
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Go get them Kouhai!
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Then don't get out, problem solved

Hey Tomokanon, how are you feeling today? Any better than yesterday?
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Tatsumaki (175).png
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It was a gift by my dad, bless the old man he's trying to move forward with the times.

I prefer my PC, but I'm bored right now so this'll have to do.
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Wrong Tomoko, fampai.
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Is tomoko a boy?
To be honest I would like an iPad for the convenience of a tablet but meh, I'm not about to drop $500+ on a facebook/angry birds machine.
Is Mako?
tenryuu claimed
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Fuck yes I will, can't contest with these thighs
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Mako actually looks like girl
Tomoko is super boyish
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Tatsumaki (176).gif
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700€ for an iPhone that is three times as large and can't make phone calls?

Sign me up!
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Distressed Karen 2.png
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I don't know but there's definitely something going on here that I'm not catching on to. Every girl is supermodel material or kill it with fire. Sad that you're manly tho. I feel like a trap is the perfect thing for me, common interests and femininity.
>tfw family and friends would cut me loose and call me heathen if they ever find out

I've been trying to get into canada but they think I'm osama's cousin or something. Won't let me in even though I got accepted in multiple uni's

I got an iphone 4s and plants vs zombies 2 is fucking awesome. They added an epic quest thing that keeps you busy too. You could also play hearthstone.
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>ooh they're nice and firm
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Hello Tenryuanon, how are you?

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lord ilpalazzo
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Sayaka (18).jpg
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Finally someone like me who doesn't see the appeal of a tablet. Id rather spend that money on a laptop or whatever.
Mako, are you trying to not make friends?

>>too lazy to quote Tats' post
Fuck yeah, I can't wait to take selfies with it either.
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>tfw finally reach 1-3 boss after 20 attempts
>fail to beat it by a tiny margin
>next stage still unlocks
>wew lad
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It was a serious question
I never saw most ok tom's body
Why does this screenshot looks like a phone game lol sry I don't ply kancolle idk how PC ver looks like
Thread replies: 160
Thread images: 151

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