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Waifu claiming thread. >Smug as a bug in a rug The rules

The stories and information posted here are artistic works of fiction and falsehood.
Only a fool would take anything posted here as fact.

Thread replies: 169
Thread images: 151
File: images (46).jpg (17 KB, 323x455) Image search: [Google]
images (46).jpg
17 KB, 323x455
Waifu claiming thread.
>Smug as a bug in a rug

The rules are very simple:
>claim your 2D waifu
>post pics of your waifu
>insult other waifus
>naps are NOT a good idea
>keep ERP and RP to a minimum
>discuss stuff
>post fitting, not over-sexualised content
>most important: Have fun!

Rory Mercury claimed.
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new ship best ship.jpg
267 KB, 614x721
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549 KB, 860x620
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Vigil - 228.jpg
291 KB, 500x487
Son of a bitch...
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46 KB, 340x314
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Claw time.jpg
432 KB, 800x800
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70 KB, 512x508
Probably going to be leaving in about 10 minutes
File: TatsiehuggingTenryuudoll2.jpg (345 KB, 1000x733) Image search: [Google]
345 KB, 1000x733
Tatsuta claimed.

>Voice chat
Oh god... I remember trying it a few years ago. And it was terrible.
Let me warm up with a few games first. If I'm not a potato I'll move from your pillows for a few rounds.
File: Chibi Karen 6.png (302 KB, 470x439) Image search: [Google]
Chibi Karen 6.png
302 KB, 470x439
what actually happened to your ankle tho? Sprain or just pain?

Fug I can imagine

It's a true story, so it's still a story isn't it? I was trying to be punny when I said edgy

best rory
File: shinoa-smirk.jpg (26 KB, 700x392) Image search: [Google]
26 KB, 700x392

That's beautiful!
Here's a nice one for you family fun one:
"Hey babe are you interesting as you look?" Then smile
File: Graf (42).jpg (91 KB, 730x1024) Image search: [Google]
Graf (42).jpg
91 KB, 730x1024
Best German CV claimed

>Someone wanna join me and tenten on ts3 ?

Guten Morgen Everyone !
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323 KB, 767x1042
Froggy waifu4laifu
Hop gun
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770 KB, 1024x576
Chiru claimed
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361 KB, 640x360
The next one is mine.
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kagami (16).gif
497 KB, 500x283
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hqdefault (1).jpg
10 KB, 480x360
Same. Going to work again. Long ass week for me, of my own making.
>said yes to 2 long casual shifts on my days off
Im a moron.
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140 KB, 844x714
Oh god...

Hello pre-med btw
Hope you're doing fantastic this fine evening.
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Good Times.gif
995 KB, 540x300
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147 KB, 331x304
We talked for a minute but I couldn't find a decent opening to make my move

>mfw I realize 10 minutes later that she deliberately told me she was free this weekend
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kagami (2).gif
654 KB, 350x197
naw i never got it checked out, it still hurts when i run lol
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27 KB, 365x444
Renge is kill
damnit, do you have her number???
File: Tenryuu 123.jpg (69 KB, 658x1000) Image search: [Google]
Tenryuu 123.jpg
69 KB, 658x1000
Ok, we can use TS now too...

Tenryuu claimed
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1003 KB, 500x281
Best Snek claimed
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67 KB, 640x360

Oh not much just having fun with Itami
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66 KB, 437x600
I prefer RNA to DNA, because it has U in it
It ruined camp that year
At least you get a nice paycheck soon
I am, are you?
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446 KB, 564x800
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Syndra (84).jpg
97 KB, 500x658
Why am i in another ship already.......
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2 MB, 460x259
Id rename pics if I could, stuck on mobile for now.
>too tired to notice
Hue hue hue
File: Confused Karen 2.png (379 KB, 491x575) Image search: [Google]
Confused Karen 2.png
379 KB, 491x575
dude come on what the fuck

for real? I'm sure you heard this before but get that shit checked out
File: Vigil - 140.jpg (385 KB, 861x1050) Image search: [Google]
Vigil - 140.jpg
385 KB, 861x1050
Frog-Waifu a best.
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44 KB, 225x350
Taiga claimed.
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675 KB, 540x304
Dubs don't steal you hack. Go with a backup waifu.
File: rory_mercury.gif (1 MB, 500x281) Image search: [Google]
1 MB, 500x281
best girl 2016
File: Sayaka (9).png (143 KB, 1000x759) Image search: [Google]
Sayaka (9).png
143 KB, 1000x759
Hello, my sister is also my aunt but that doesn't explain why im insane.
>Sayaka claimed
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779 KB, 1050x1400

But hey, you got something attractive about yourself then eh?

living the dream

File: Kazuki (82).jpg (58 KB, 350x349) Image search: [Google]
Kazuki (82).jpg
58 KB, 350x349
ok, ok im done

>for today
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Kazuki (1).gif
1 MB, 518x234
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Distressed Karen 1.png
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127 KB, 1024x989
I might die tonight waifus
File: Sayaka (2).png (250 KB, 610x352) Image search: [Google]
Sayaka (2).png
250 KB, 610x352
You just have too much sex appeal.
File: kagami (27).jpg (255 KB, 1680x1050) Image search: [Google]
kagami (27).jpg
255 KB, 1680x1050
yeah...i have a bad habit of just letting things take their course, but i will once i start doing my physical to get out lol
File: gate1.png (160 KB, 636x358) Image search: [Google]
160 KB, 636x358
Sounds like a family bush rather than a family tree...
Just kidding. Welcome!
>true smug never sleeps
I claimed last bread before it capped
Indeed you are correct
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136 KB, 550x760
Best Ice Queen is mine.
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269 KB, 837x815
Don't do it. You have so much to live for!
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553 KB, 514x905
I don't think that's a snake...

Always nice

What dream might that be?
Touch the cow

Do it now
Do you have her number?
nooooo not my Rory!!
New thread, new claims. Been doing these threads the past few weeks.
File: Yume01.gif (3 MB, 500x281) Image search: [Google]
3 MB, 500x281
Also hi graf!
wanna come back to our ship and we just say it is when it is not?

>claiming yume
You win lol
File: U-511 066.png (1 MB, 700x900) Image search: [Google]
U-511 066.png
1 MB, 700x900
I gotta disappear for a while.
I'll be back.
>I promise
File: wind.gif (751 KB, 500x270) Image search: [Google]
751 KB, 500x270
claiming shiina!
File: Vigil - 142.jpg (239 KB, 840x840) Image search: [Google]
Vigil - 142.jpg
239 KB, 840x840
Why is that?
Bye for now!

>shinoa bro
File: Sayaka (12).jpg (284 KB, 700x1003) Image search: [Google]
Sayaka (12).jpg
284 KB, 700x1003
I like being unique, thats why im proud of my family bush, and thanks.
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11 KB, 300x311
I won't know what kind of dream it is until i wake up.

Status report on bees / meat smoker?
She's the best snek
File: Syndra (73).jpg (60 KB, 387x581) Image search: [Google]
Syndra (73).jpg
60 KB, 387x581
But you can ask >>679509564 to join you
File: franken_fran_by_121642-d8wze92.jpg (255 KB, 500x773) Image search: [Google]
255 KB, 500x773
See ya in an hour or so, time for class
File: Confused Karen 1.png (255 KB, 354x384) Image search: [Google]
Confused Karen 1.png
255 KB, 354x384
There's three rorys now?

But when's that?
File: images (21).jpg (5 KB, 300x168) Image search: [Google]
images (21).jpg
5 KB, 300x168
Well, heading off to work. Stay smug!
File: renge16.png (2 MB, 1920x1080) Image search: [Google]
2 MB, 1920x1080
I suppose so. I really don't know if I am or not.
>my mom says I am

Nope, no number

I've realized it's easier for me to risk my life than ask this girl out
Have "fun".
File: kagami (7).gif (825 KB, 349x281) Image search: [Google]
kagami (7).gif
825 KB, 349x281
it'll be soon, by the way i hope you find your rory soon lol
File: oaEGH6o.png (292 KB, 398x580) Image search: [Google]
292 KB, 398x580
Ill try not to :c
File: tumblr_ns8cq5tynA1su8acao1_500.gif (223 KB, 500x481) Image search: [Google]
223 KB, 500x481
Nah. Two are me.

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494 KB, 1000x900

Haven't even checked on the bees in a while but I assume they're doing alright, smoke house is coming a long but there's still work to do.
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1 MB, 500x254
I'm Popular!
File: kagami (9).gif (190 KB, 467x394) Image search: [Google]
kagami (9).gif
190 KB, 467x394
it's kinda ironic that im giving advice, if you want, just buckle down next time and ask her for her number at least, let her know that your interested
Miho claimed
Can't sleep...

I have one I host.
>head pat

Sounds like things are buzzing out there.

hello miho
you're* fuck me
Hi. On phone lack of pics.
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206 KB, 1280x720

So the homeless guy is Satan? And that ending. I know there's a term for it but I don't know what it's called. Though the movie would revolve around the pinhead guy

3 rory, 3 yuno, 3 tonoko, and 2 shinoa

Insomnia strikes again
File: Kazuki (10).gif (1 MB, 517x234) Image search: [Google]
Kazuki (10).gif
1 MB, 517x234
Mind if i pet you ?
File: 568.png (214 KB, 606x534) Image search: [Google]
214 KB, 606x534
Take care, u-love. <3

Hatsuzuki claimed.
It's 315pm
File: Sayaka (4).png (861 KB, 597x685) Image search: [Google]
Sayaka (4).png
861 KB, 597x685
Filename is kinda explicit, but if you're not sure you can pet me instead.
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248 KB, 833x1000
File: Distressed Karen 12.png (626 KB, 738x698) Image search: [Google]
Distressed Karen 12.png
626 KB, 738x698
Bye Bye

Where are you from kag

stop pls I don't know what to feel anymore

dude next time just yolo it. if she made it obvious she's free on the weekend then it's at least worth a try. And if she did that then she's a little attracted to you AT LEAST
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217 KB, 1000x1000
This time of year hell yeah.
Soft pats only.
Agreed with yui
Quiet corn cob
File: kagami.png (138 KB, 524x303) Image search: [Google]
138 KB, 524x303
yes!!! i don't know what is called either, i like the movie thoughl, it might be just rose-tinted goggles though lol
well i was born in el paso, but im from everywhere lol, and you???
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Kazuki (52).jpg
16 KB, 448x252
File: shiro_1834.jpg (736 KB, 1313x1163) Image search: [Google]
736 KB, 1313x1163
Shiro claimed.

Hey everyone! Did I miss anything today?
File: Graf (29).jpg (120 KB, 850x668) Image search: [Google]
Graf (29).jpg
120 KB, 850x668
Hey there ! How are you ?

Cancer pw:cancer
File: No_Potato.jpg (58 KB, 1006x248) Image search: [Google]
58 KB, 1006x248
1st game done. Not full potato yet.

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kagami (14).gif
649 KB, 500x245
america declared war on nepal, but that's it
File: Sayaka (12).png (364 KB, 1024x1164) Image search: [Google]
Sayaka (12).png
364 KB, 1024x1164
Heh... heh... Should i be worried?
Fuck u I'm never up in the day
File: Excited Karen 6.png (1 MB, 1192x769) Image search: [Google]
Excited Karen 6.png
1 MB, 1192x769
I'm from lebanon. Internet here is fugging gay :ddd
One I'm using right now is 100 kbps. The one at dorms is 100-500 kbps and turns off during storms.
kill me pls

File: Yume can suck it.jpg (264 KB, 731x464) Image search: [Google]
Yume can suck it.jpg
264 KB, 731x464
Nothing much
There is nothing to worry about.... just don't move and it wont hurt at all
File: W 2173.png (195 KB, 623x979) Image search: [Google]
W 2173.png
195 KB, 623x979
What is going on in this thre-

Oh lawd.
As good as chinese rice

File: kagami (38).jpg (342 KB, 1920x1200) Image search: [Google]
kagami (38).jpg
342 KB, 1920x1200
wow! i can't say i've ever met anyone from lebanon...sounds a lot like satalite internet lol, how is lebanon?
File: shot-16.04.15_21.21.30-0744.jpg (742 KB, 1920x1080) Image search: [Google]
742 KB, 1920x1080
could be worse
File: Sayaka (29).jpg (62 KB, 497x464) Image search: [Google]
Sayaka (29).jpg
62 KB, 497x464
500 kbps is pretty gay but hey, at least is enough to play vidya without a huge disadvantage.

The claw is cold... but it feels good in my hair.
File: shiro_1798.jpg (1 MB, 850x1390) Image search: [Google]
1 MB, 850x1390
Oh wow, America declaring war... now that's novel...
Ok back to bed now
File: kagami (41).jpg (39 KB, 704x396) Image search: [Google]
kagami (41).jpg
39 KB, 704x396
top lel, it's funny 'cause we've been at war almost without end
File: 586.png (1 MB, 2046x1446) Image search: [Google]
1 MB, 2046x1446
I <3 Yuu

>dat pic
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157 KB, 575x1024
Back, Firefox has stopped connecting to the internet, on Google Chrome now
File: Sayaka (5).gif (180 KB, 169x250) Image search: [Google]
Sayaka (5).gif
180 KB, 169x250
Whos this?
File: kagami (5).png (309 KB, 914x874) Image search: [Google]
kagami (5).png
309 KB, 914x874
chrome is best web browser
File: Happy karen 22.png (532 KB, 569x609) Image search: [Google]
Happy karen 22.png
532 KB, 569x609
no literally, there's a garbage crisis. snakes and shit in the huge ass piles. The weather is retarded and switches randomly so that I'm sweating with a sweater on or shivering in a t-shirt. Phone and internet costs are too high cause half the politicians are corrupt and don't allow any other phone companies to start so the ones that are there control prices. There are no pensions for old or sick. Minister of health isn't corrupt and found that 48% of foodstuffs in the country are rotten or past expiry date. The people are awesome and the girls are kawaii. The patriotism is strong.

Through trial and error I figured out that 100 kbps is all you need to play anything with optimal ping. Still shit tho :d
File: 23.jpg (192 KB, 707x1000) Image search: [Google]
192 KB, 707x1000
File: Sayaka (17).jpg (126 KB, 900x675) Image search: [Google]
Sayaka (17).jpg
126 KB, 900x675
I use both firefox and chrome, firefox is pretty good for debugging etc but i use chrome for everything else.
File: Hatsuzuki_32.png (624 KB, 960x1290) Image search: [Google]
624 KB, 960x1290
Hello Sayaka-chan, it's me.
There's no such thing as perfect waif-
File: 1459478931261.png (3 MB, 2448x3829) Image search: [Google]
3 MB, 2448x3829
I prefer Firefox, runs better 90% of the time
File: kagami (22).jpg (20 KB, 348x380) Image search: [Google]
kagami (22).jpg
20 KB, 348x380
no no i said "lebanon" not america kek
File: PDVD_473-1.jpg (61 KB, 300x360) Image search: [Google]
61 KB, 300x360
Still up G.B? Nice!
Hello, old friend
File: shiro_1795.jpg (116 KB, 850x950) Image search: [Google]
116 KB, 850x950
It's evening here, actually, but ohayo as well! How's it going?

So... which of them are you claiming?

At this point I don't even know if you're being sarcastic or happy.
File: Sayaka (4).gif (156 KB, 500x500) Image search: [Google]
Sayaka (4).gif
156 KB, 500x500
I didnt hear you knocking on the door.

Depends on the game, but if 100 kbps is enough for you then you can limit torrents so you can always have that much bandwitdth available etc.
lel, eh i don't care for my g skill sticks anyways
File: Yume05.png (821 KB, 858x1722) Image search: [Google]
821 KB, 858x1722
Hallo kleinshiro wie läuft dein Freitag?
File: Kazuki (12).jpg (17 KB, 306x306) Image search: [Google]
Kazuki (12).jpg
17 KB, 306x306
Im claiming Syndra
File: z13.jpg (49 KB, 604x453) Image search: [Google]
49 KB, 604x453
I'm not too keen into furries, but you're pretty cute.
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kagami (4).jpg
28 KB, 320x254
keeps me employed, but i wish we would just stop with bullshit for a little while....
File: smug_time_0.jpg (135 KB, 864x864) Image search: [Google]
135 KB, 864x864
Rory has returned
File: Syndra (75).jpg (225 KB, 800x1400) Image search: [Google]
Syndra (75).jpg
225 KB, 800x1400
so you still DTF or no?
>I can't think of anything better say lmao
File: 4CuBX19.png (667 KB, 1280x800) Image search: [Google]
667 KB, 1280x800
This is fine
Fucking weeb
File: Smug Karen 17.png (229 KB, 450x500) Image search: [Google]
Smug Karen 17.png
229 KB, 450x500
firefox master race

made me smile

dota, heroes of the storm, world of warcraft, hearthstone, dirty bomb, GTAV, overwatch, duelyst, diablo and cs go don't need any more than 100 kbps. How do you know though? I can only tell through resource monitor and when I'm lagging and just kinda connect the dots.
File: anime_girl_157_wallpaper_cool.png (780 KB, 771x1036) Image search: [Google]
780 KB, 771x1036
i will laugh when this makes it into the group image
File: i am.jpg (109 KB, 1920x1080) Image search: [Google]
i am.jpg
109 KB, 1920x1080
File: Yume05.jpg (173 KB, 850x601) Image search: [Google]
173 KB, 850x601
is he worse then me?
File: kagami (33).jpg (99 KB, 693x597) Image search: [Google]
kagami (33).jpg
99 KB, 693x597
do you play d3?
File: pocky.png (2 MB, 1296x1812) Image search: [Google]
2 MB, 1296x1812
I will need to refine my game..
File: Sayaka (28).jpg (325 KB, 1024x1024) Image search: [Google]
Sayaka (28).jpg
325 KB, 1024x1024
Everyone can make it there as long as you have a chibi image.
File: Syndra (35).jpg (681 KB, 768x1004) Image search: [Google]
Syndra (35).jpg
681 KB, 768x1004
no, at least he is trying
File: images (37).jpg (19 KB, 512x287) Image search: [Google]
images (37).jpg
19 KB, 512x287
My, you're popular
File: Sayaka (8).png (177 KB, 600x337) Image search: [Google]
Sayaka (8).png
177 KB, 600x337
You're good, but none of your tricks will work on me.
File: Untitled_16_copy.jpg (2 MB, 1920x1080) Image search: [Google]
2 MB, 1920x1080
This group pic?
Has it actually been put in there?
File: Sayaka (25).jpg (359 KB, 800x800) Image search: [Google]
Sayaka (25).jpg
359 KB, 800x800
Yes, and thats not the most up to date version.

No, but he can make it.
File: R3RE2GV_comp.jpg (1 MB, 2048x2632) Image search: [Google]
1 MB, 2048x2632
It's not like I want Homuranon to murder me either.
File: Quote_Unquote_Family.jpg (2 MB, 2560x1080) Image search: [Google]
2 MB, 2560x1080
File: Puzzled Karen 7.png (572 KB, 639x630) Image search: [Google]
Puzzled Karen 7.png
572 KB, 639x630
I always hit max level with friends then get bored. maybe I'm bad or something but it seems like you just pick the best build and spam the same few buttons. So no not anymore :(
I really hate dungeon crawler games actually. I just played diablo cause I'm a blizzfag

you're popular to me though
File: asunassmd.jpg (56 KB, 499x697) Image search: [Google]
56 KB, 499x697
File: Sayaka (10).jpg (17 KB, 281x440) Image search: [Google]
Sayaka (10).jpg
17 KB, 281x440
>implying you didnt give Homuranon reasons to do that already
>implying Homuranon wouldnt kill himself first
File: duce22.jpg (96 KB, 500x683) Image search: [Google]
96 KB, 500x683
il Duce claimed, how is everyone doing?
File: kagami (28).jpg (129 KB, 1680x1050) Image search: [Google]
kagami (28).jpg
129 KB, 1680x1050
same here, i play it still but it does get boring....
File: Chibi Karen 22.jpg (19 KB, 480x480) Image search: [Google]
Chibi Karen 22.jpg
19 KB, 480x480
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384 KB, 937x1000
The White Lily Of Stalingrad Claimed

It's hard to make up anything more to write than "[Insert waifu's name here] Claimed" in my opinion
File: Madokazuki.png (956 KB, 846x903) Image search: [Google]
956 KB, 846x903
I clearly didn't know what I got myself into..
File: Happy Karen 10.png (206 KB, 341x336) Image search: [Google]
Happy Karen 10.png
206 KB, 341x336
What else do you play? What kind of vidya do you like?
File: Kazuki (10).png (940 KB, 1026x1125) Image search: [Google]
Kazuki (10).png
940 KB, 1026x1125
File: shiro_1824.jpg (65 KB, 1280x720) Image search: [Google]
65 KB, 1280x720
I do not trust you.
File: image.jpg (249 KB, 1920x1080) Image search: [Google]
249 KB, 1920x1080
im tied again
File: kagami (9).png (311 KB, 783x1021) Image search: [Google]
kagami (9).png
311 KB, 783x1021
any rpgs, my favorite is oblivion or morrowind, but i play all kinds, been playing reign of kings lately

my nigger

It can be. Sometimes. I liked to try and be creative with that sort of thing.
Thread replies: 169
Thread images: 151

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