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Waifu claiming thread. The rules are very simple: >claim

The stories and information posted here are artistic works of fiction and falsehood.
Only a fool would take anything posted here as fact.

Thread replies: 192
Thread images: 151
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Kazuki (20).jpg
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Waifu claiming thread.

The rules are very simple:
>claim your 2D waifu
>post pics of your waifu
>insult other waifus
>naps are bad
>keep ERP and RP to a minimum
>discuss stuff
>post fitting, not over-sexualised content
>most important: Have fun!

Kazuki Claimed
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>Usual claim
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Homu x Tsuzu 3b.png
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Tatsumaki (28).jpg
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It's dead Jim.
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Time for survey: no h8 edition

What's the most autistic thing you've ever done?

>in college
>live in apartment style dorm with friend
>super hot girl in class likes me for no discernable reason
>literally a model
>we make out occasionally, imokwiththis.jpg
>one night she's over late, I'm pretty tired
>I'd gone to the kitchen, presently sitting on the couch, she's sitting in my room
>she starts undressing
>"hey... I think I'm ready to go to bed"
>"yeah, sure, sounds good"
>just take a kickass nap right there on the couch

I don't think she ever spoke to me again
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Claimed so hard
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>Making out with girl
>Tells girl to crash on the couch
No, no
I crashed on the couch
She slept in my bed

No, no
I crashed on the couch
She slept in my bed

Not sure how that happened
Somehow I don't feel I did anything particularily autistic, from medical issues aside.
I did a good amount of stupid things, but those were stupid, not autistic.
>protip: don't set fire to stuff

I do have a condition that could be called 'autism', though.
Except it's not autism.
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This is even more questionable now.
>Lets girl sleep in his own bed while he suffers on the couch
>His own bed
>Who gives their bed up in order to sleep on the couch?
>That's your personal sleep space anon, fuck that bitch.
I must admit this is pretty beta, but I'm also laughing right now.
>I hope your skills with women have gotten better since then
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Another one
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sadly no :(
>best tights in sights

>claiming yume
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Tenryuu claimed

I better don't want to mention the incident which involved 1 military supervisor, severals simulated losses, several simulated wounded, multiple MGs and me which lead to the whole mobilisation of my company because the guys above thought it's war broke out.
>i don't have the nickname "Military disaster" without a reason.
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Finally convinced someone to bring me a pack of tea to the office


I don't really know, but here.
>be 18
>camping with friends near a cliff
>middle of night
>suddenly i have an urge to pee
>i have the bright idea to piss off the cliff
>as im doing it i slip on the grass
>friends found me at the bottom of the cliff covered in piss and with a broken arm and some ribs
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What 2.png
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Please stone me later for my grammar.
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>checking in
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Speak of the devil
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[anon intensifies].jpg
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>a broken arm and some ribs
Did you broke some ribs or did you found some spare ribs while you fell down? Just to take out the confusion.
Heya, sup?
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I took the grill with me
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Tatsuta claimed.

>I'm going to see if I can speak with him today about it.
Good to hear. Here's to hoping that HR doesn't complicate things.
>if that isn't embarrassing I'm not sure what is
It's only embarrassing if you want it to be... Okay, that was a lie. It's a little embarrassing. Still, it's fun writing with you.
>I open tomorrow
Closing tonight and opening tomorrow. Ouch. That ought to teach one not to mess up one's sleeping schedule. How many hours do you average per night?
>It's definitely one of the things that keeps me in shape
I don't doubt it. I remember working in a grocery store for two months a few years ago. The amount of things we had to carry or lift could reach borderline crazy levels. I remember coming home a few times being totally beat.
>We did 5 sets of 5
>I won sets 1, 3 and 5
That's great! I'm sure you learned tons while you also had heaps of fun.
>I could've lost all of those sets if I wasn't heavily on top of my footsie game.
>footsie game
You would be on top of that, seeing Juri's feet and legs.
>I am starting to appreciate Tatsu for her personality and seemingly cute and innocent face.
Her face is very cute and innocent. But her face when she lets loose in combat, showing her inner sadism is also like a drug to me. Here's the link to the Kantai Wiki, where you can read her lines to the right, as well as listening to her saying them if you press the little arrow to the left:
>I can see the carnage those two would create together
Sounds like we might need an image of them standing back-to-back, ready to take on the world as their sadistic tendencies starts to show on their faces. Or something along those lines.
>I'd never want to let someone down who believed in me.
I still believe in you. I haven't stopped!
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and now i gotta fix this thumbnail
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asking the important questions
>irgendwas mit der maximalen steigerung von salzig
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I can do that too
>How's your day btw?

Ich bin immer salzig, dass müsstest du doch langsam wissen
wow lol, explains your shit taste
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What character?
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Hi Yume.

Hey TenTen

Also kek and checked.

Ich wette dein größter Feind sind Ziegen.
The filename has it. Hatsuzuki from Kantai Collection.
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Ausserdem warum schreiben wir immer in Englisch Hatsuzuki?
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Tenryuu 8.jpg
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Naja, nicht wirklich. Es sind eher jegliche Arten von Plätzen wo zu Göttern oder Orten gebetet werden und Sonnenstrahlen.

Weil das umswitchen seinem Gehirn auf Dauer zu viel wird.
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Fucking Hitler.jpg
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>I can do that too
It's been alright. Slept a little too long so I am still studying. Thinking about calling it quits soon in favour of doing something a little bit more fun. How is Wednesday treating you?
I'd rather have some of dat Scary Bilbo porn

Also: Vinyl claimed
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Aus dem gleichem Grund die Ausländer in Deutschland sollen Deutsch reden.
Ich schreibe daher von meiner Seite aus nur Englisch, aber Deutsches beantworte ich meistens in Deutsch.
Still stupid when people can't read half of the thread.

Ja, das Gamma ist schon scheiße draußen ab und zu...
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C.C. Claim
Ah I usually don't read file name unless I'm in a rekt thread. Thanks though
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You're missing quite a few shitty jokes that way - and a few good ones.
No problem in any case.
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Serious Tenryuu.jpg
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Pretty ok. Boring as always, but in 2 days is weekend, so that's fine.
But VoIP is just a pain in the ass, especially if you get shitty equipment.

Die Grafik ist größtenteils auch ganz gut da draußen (auch wenn ich hier und da mal ein paar weniger gut aufgelöste Texturen gesehen habe) und die Physik ist grandios, nur die Story und der Permadeath ist Müll.
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>Only a little embarrassing
I'm not used to hearing those sorts of things, so it is just a bit.
>I like Tatsu's expression, looks empty and ready to kill everyone
>It's fun writing to you
I hardly interact with anyone here, so I'm sure you realize the feeling is quite mutual.
>I remember working in a grocery store
Egh, I used to do that when I was alot younger. Absolutely hated stocking pallets of cans and dairy goods.
>I'm glad I don't do that anymore
>My current job is so much easier and chill, as long as people don't fuck my warehouse up
>I'm sure you learned heaps
You aren't kidding. He had a noticeably better aerial game than me, and his crossups were on point. He was 90% on his combo execution rate, and he was really good at timing his throws.
>My ground game was better though
>As well as my superb blocking skill from playing Juri so much
>When you play frail, highly offensive characters you need to block or dodge at least 80% of all incoming damage
I know it sounds funny, I laugh too everytime I talk about it because it's literally the act of dancing around your opponent, you constantly stay on the move and use your long range neutral attacks(light, medium, and heavy kicks) to poke the opponents health down or set up for a combo.
>It looks funny as shit sometimes because really good players look like they're trying to grab or poke each characters' feet/toes
>Hence the term "footsies"

>Cute and innocent face
>Lets loose
>Is a drug to me
I am feeling these words resonating through me like a tuning fork. Minus the cute and innocent guise, she's almost like Juri in personality.
>No type of woman/personality will ever get me DIAMONDS like she does
>Such similar, and refined tastes we share.
>Sounds like we might need an image of that
Fuck, commission time where? This has to happen.
>Throwing money at the screen violently
>I still believe in you
Oh, the feels you're giving me right now, I feel honored.
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Vergiss nicht die Helden ohne tolle Kräfte das suckt übel
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Theoretically speaking, why would happen if someone wiped their ass with a Clorox wipes?
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took usb to work

mandatory uta claim

(cuz of this faggot >>679163660 )

how is everyone?
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Die haben es mit dem Bloom und HDR aber teilweise übertrieben.. und oben drauf gibt es keine Optionen.
Ist doch kacke wenn man von jeder Kleinigkeit geblendet wird.
Next Gen hin oder her.
Das Wetter System taugt auch nur was für die Optik.
Was bringt es dir zu Erfrieren oder Sonnenbrand zu bekommen?
Völlig nutzlose Features.
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I'm doing great, thanks for asking
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Vinyl Scratch (24).jpg
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I feel like shit
I'm still sick and I have to go to Berlin tomorrow, fuck me
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> she's almost like Juri in personality
She's the opposite of Tenryuu,,,,i think.
I mean, Tenryuu gets pissed off when you docking her at the repair bay..

Ohja. Aber keine Lags auf fremden Servern. Aber leider ist die Schnellreisefunktion für'n Arsch. Ich meine, du musst ja in Echtzeit schnellreisen

A hygenic butthole.

Diese vier gleichen Zahlen bestätigen dies.
>Und Speichern kann man auch nicht. Genauso wenig wie man an den nicht existenten Checkpoints Laden kann
Gittin phresh.
Bleached butthole status.
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Miss Pauling (36).jpg
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Okay, it's been a while since HS, but here it goes...
Ich brauchen nein-grosse information?

i dont remember small, just not-small

ok, bend over
forgot pic FUCK
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>10/10 picture
Weekend will be great. Can't wait for it to come.
>But VoIP is just a pain in the ass, especially if you get shitty equipment.
Not too sure how this sentences made it into your reply, but I'll humour you. Getting good equipment is just doing a little research and putting up the required money.
>I've listened to too many people talking into a €1 microphone
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Tenryuu 126.jpg
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>this grammar, it hurts
But i have so far a nice day. What about you?
ripe in peaches skipsy
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TatsumakI (222).jpg
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Bored. You guys wanna share anything?
Oh yeah I forgot people Bleach their buttholes. Cool.
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Kazuki (3).gif
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There is only one way to find out
Hey c... Uta
Im doing alright, nothing going on in as usual.
Watching random videos on youtube and passing my time.
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Vinyl Scratch (101).png
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>bend over

It's already pretty famous but I fucking love it
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Dass es Ironman ist stört mich garnicht so sehr.
Das heißt halt auch wenn du den Lamer erstmal erledigt hast bleibt er weg.
Viel schlimmer ist das Balancing, aber wir waren ja clever genug eine der besseren Zivilisationen auszuwählen.
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Miss Pauling (4).gif
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Nicht spechen Deutche eine... gud...
Kleine! Ich spreche kleine Deutche!

I'm doing alright, I just need a little more specifics about what you need exactly.
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told u man, no one will do nothing. u have what i consider the easiest job, just be there and get money

>fuck me
i will
I can't even decipher what you're saying.
You don't need a lot of information?
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Sick tunes inbound
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And I thought I'm the only horsefucker here...
You will get sick too though :^)
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That's true, but isn't Tenryuu more of a Tsundere type of angry? I mean, I don't think she'd go around doing the things Juri does.
>Beating the shit out of people
>Killing people
>Being incredibly sadistic and dominant
>Slightly insane

Of course I could be terribly wrong, as I don't know too much about either Tatsu or Tenryuu(character wise)
>Well, I don't know either of you anons either
>Oh fuck it you get the point
Maybe you could enlighten me.
Also this

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Back, what did I miss?
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Just copy/pasted what's currently playing.
>I'm not a total weebfag because at least I can understand the lyrics
i live in england
im always sick
also i was talking about u, not ur waifu
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Miss Pauling (18).jpg
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I'm not the best. Only simple words and phrases in broken grammar, obviously.

Enough that when I was in Europe I was able to order food, ask questions, get directions.
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Kazuki (4).jpg
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Thats true.
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>I like Tatsu's expression, looks empty and ready to kill everyone
>Pic related
>I'm not used to hearing those sorts of things
I'm not a social beast either, but I have no problem expressing my feelings like that. However blunt it might be.
>I hardly interact with anyone here
Then I am even more honoured that you enjoy talking to me. As well as going to great lengths doing so.
>Absolutely hated stocking pallets of cans and dairy goods.
Preach it. That shit was menial labour at its finest.
>I'm sure you learned heaps
Got some insight into just how lazy people can be. Especially if they believe that they are above you because of seniority. Be it age or because they have been working there longer than you.
>He was 90% on his combo execution rate
Damn. That's an impressive number right there. Even more impressive that you managed to block as much as you did. Goes to show how much you've played Juri!
Even the term itself sounds funny. Although I'd never try and poke at Juri's feet. I'd be knocked out before even getting anywhere close.
>really good players look like they're trying to grab or poke each characters' feet/toes
Yes! I have seen that at times when I've tuned into EVO or the likes of which. It looks like a weird and awkward dance.
>I am feeling these words resonating through me like a tuning fork.
This makes me smile. It's strange, really, how our tastes resonate like this. Clearly we both possess a taste of the highest order. The purest and most refined of tastes.
Are we doing this? Is this happening?
>Takes out debit card and tries to throw it at screen
>Hits the wall because shitty aim is shitty
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Vinyl Scratch (52).jpg
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Normally people refer to my waifu when talking to me, so I kinda got used to that
U sure that you wanna do that?

Also: Fucking Limp Bizkit
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TatsumakI (218).png
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Cool story bro.

Meh, it's alright. I'm feeling kind of weird today. I might be more critical than usual.

I know Kyuss and I do like WTTSV quite a bit, but the second one seemed like a nice spoken word kind of thing that I was unfamiliar with. Maybe a bit 'Dead flag Blues'-y, but a lot more piano than string based.

.hack//'s soundtrack was really good. Too bad I found the show mediocre.

Dude irony lmao.
>Enough that when I was in Europe I was able to order food, ask questions, get directions.
Probably in the UK
u got anything planned for today?

yea, limp bizkit
they had a no.5 in the uk.
i like shitty metal
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C 125.jpg
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Funky. And the Alan Watts thing wasn't supposed to be music.
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Vinyl Scratch (98).png
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Limp Bizkit is pretty shitty imo
What genres you listen to?
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Kazuki (6).jpg
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Saving this for later use.
Thanks, Lori.
Only ending this misery.
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Look how serious is this stuff.
I dont understand how into this everyone gets, but seeing people pass around '<3' and stuff like that, I get really fucked up and confused.
>We are both male
>From what i can gather Renge is also straight
Like, I don't know what the fuck to think, yeah maybe if Renge was female but my mind is so foggy and stupid.

I like each and everyone of you guys, sure, some more than others but that's a given with everything.
I'm lonely as fuck in real life, I've probably said this before, but it's true, and I am sure many others are like it. Yeah, I have like 2 close friends, but I can't talk about anything serious with them, and they don't know I am a weeb.
But you guys, I can talk about anything, it really feels like I can fit in somewhere and belong.

Anyway, what I am trying to say is, that my mind is mixing up this 'roleplay' stuff, with actual emotions. I don't know how to feel about all these 'I really like you/love you/missed you' stuff.

There, I think thats what i wanted to say.
I don't know anymore.
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image (5).jpg
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nu metal
death metal
started on rap and edm
what do u listen to?

other than that, thats the plan for all of us
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Miss Pauling (26).png
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>Probably in the UK
I had a good laugh. No, I went to Germany during my visit but that was around college. I had taken a couple years of it in HS, but that's too far in the past for me to remember now.
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What are your top five games Anons?

My would be
1.Hearts of Iron 3
2.Rome Total war
3.Medieval 2 Total war.
4.Mount and blade Warband
5.Europa Universalis IV
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Tatsumaki (214).jpg
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I should buy Montage of Heck already.

The Odyssey best track?
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C 131.jpg
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Neat. I haven't even seen it.
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Vinyl Scratch (32).png
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Almost all kinds of Metal (although I dont like Nu, New and Glam Metal at all)
But mostly Black, Death and Dark Metal, also a lot of Power, Pagan and Folk Metal
Other than that a lot of Rap, sometimes some edgy electro shit
Oh, and Noise and similar stuff, like some kinds of Avant garde or Field Recordings

If you mean 3001: A Laved Odyssey
Probably Ascension, Trade-Off and New Phone, Who Dis?
Not sure which is the best song out of these though, but prolly Ascension, I just like it
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>That Tatsu image
>Oh my good gods
>That face
>Those eyes
>That perfect form fitting body
>Absolutely wonderful pose
>This is really, really good
Ahem. I may or may not have come close to slightly losing my composure. I am okay.
>But I have no problem expressing my feelings
It's nice to see at least one of us can do this so easily.
>That's a really impressive number
Thanks. I've been placeholding Ken as I'm sure you know, he has some similar neutrals and input commands as Juri, but he's also another frail offensive character so I'm glad my blocking was good enough. I added him on PSN so the awesome thing is we'll get to have regular sparring sessions together.
>Although I'd never try to poke at Juri's feet
Shit, you'd be lucky if you got out alive or with a few broken bones.
>I would gladly accept an ass beating like that from her
>But only her
>R E A S O N S
>Looks like an awkward dance
As long as I've been doing this, I still end up laughing every time I'm playing with another skilled player or watching it in tourneys. Especially if you're going from crouching to standing in rapid succession.
>Clearly we both possess a taste of the highest order
Aye, anyone who understands that deep feeling and passion for their waifu definitely comes from a higher caliber of taste.
>Very few seem to understand the hot blooded passion we share
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You really seem to like Oblivion...
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Most people are more versed in Nazi paroles than proper German conversation either way.
Basic German phrase book
>Sieg Heil
>Heil Hitler
>Heil dem Führer
>Vergast die Juden
>Deutschland über alles


Of all time? Probably something along the lines of
Chrono Trigger
Dwarf Fortress
Civ 4
Deus Ex
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oh, i almost forgot classical
i listen classical quite a bit, but not as often as others

u have quite a plethora of genre's
Nostalgia. I don't really play games anymore. Psychonauts tho.
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Vinyl Scratch (66).jpg
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I listen to music all the time that I'm awake

Thats probably the reason I dont remember a lot of song and artist's names, besides of my favourite musicians of course

Also: Favourite band
In no order

Golden Sun 1&2
FFX (fuck you I liked it)
Also one more:
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W 19.png
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I have such mixed feelings about this list. Where's Oblivion?
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Tatsumaki (77).jpg
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I was pretty underwhelmed by 3001, I loved Better Off Dead though, so I had some hopes for 3001, but most of it was pretty mediocre. The Odyssey and R.I.P.C.D were really good. I didn't really like Smoke Break though.
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Tenryuu 141 (2).jpg
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She's pretty rowdy, but can be also a pretty caring person. She's more the "bro"-type of person. And she can't really keep her character up when Tatsuta is near.

1: Sykrim (fuck you)
2: Halo 1-4, with the exeption of Spartan Assault (Halo 5 is shit)
3: Wolfenstein
4: Banjo-Kazooie (and Banjo-Tooie)
5: Civilization IV

This grammar still hurts something inside...

>Absolutely wonderful pose
I can do that too....i think...
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Nice variety of games.

Never heard of Golden Sun, but other then that great choices.
Morrowind was the last good game of the elder scrolls series. And it was still forgettable.

Fight me.
Miho claimed

The sun it burns!
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I probably like it so much because it was the first thing I ever heard of Flatbush Zombies

But eh, I'll just stay with Bones
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they sound like something my roomate would love
dont really like the back track to that song

try this
It's your typical JRPG. MC-kun and Childhood Friend-kun must beat the odds and save the world with Alchemy after being exiled from their village.

It's on GBA so you can probably play it on a mobile device.
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Vinyl Scratch (32).jpg
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Nice GEMA video you have there
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Tatsumaki (410).jpg
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W 110.jpg
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Golden Sun was gud. Obv Ocarina but Link to the past was better. Startcraft is for Koreans. Fable sucks cox and so does FF10 *cough forgettable cough*

I know Oblivion was poop, but it was good poop. Also Morrowind was legendary how can you even.
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Any in particular?

Hi there Anon.

I am a bit intrigued, might get it later.
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What is wrong with you
Every time golden sun gets mentioned here more people have never heard of it

Anyhow, probably the second paper mario, one of the first three ratchet and clanks, zelda:WW, maybe like okami or golden sun, maybe sonic 2 or s3&K

>while my guitar gently lurks
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Tenryuu 102.jpg
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Nah, i like them all more or less.
>exept Call of Wolfenstein from 2009
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Not posting the lewd one.
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i quite like this song
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Tatsumaki (426).jpg
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You're here early today. <3

I don't want to get out of bed...
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Vinyl Scratch (104).png
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>Stronghold series
>The Elder Scrolls series (especially Morrowind)
>World of Warcraft (Wrath of the Lich King was the best imo)
>Unreal Tournament
>Mount and Blade: Warband

It's what?
I just cant listen to it, because GEMA laws
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I see now, thanks for taking the time to tell me about her.
>I can do that too.. I think..
I believe in the you that believes in you. Show off that well built frame.
I haven't been to bed yet.

I know that feel.
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lewd duce3.jpg
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>What is wrong with you
Every time golden sun gets mentioned here more people have never heard of it
Sorry, I am not into RPG's that much.

> i like them all more or less. except Call of Wolfenstein from 2009
That is understandable.

I don't have many lewds of my waifu.

Come at me mate.

>Stronghold series
I haven't heard that in ages.
Difference in Zelda preference is expected, I won't argue that.

FFX saved my life in middle school
StarCraft was more fun to me than AoE
Fable was the last game my old friends in my hometown played together. Sentimental value trumps most things.

I don't argue with TES fan boys because they ignore what made Morrowind a real RPG compared to Oblivion and the rest. Your journal became useless, you didn't have to keep up with quests, the map did that for you, they simplified combat and skills, magic skills are no longer impressive.

TES has been coasting off their own name for four games now.

Don't even get me started on ESO.
>just looked up what GEMA is
>thought it was a studio
>never leaves england
>took this for-granted
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One for you then
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Vinyl Scratch (1).jpg
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Doesnt work (Okay, maybe it does, depends on the proxy you use)
Cant even watch it with Tor
But it fucking sucks mate
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Tenryuu 152.jpg
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I try, i try....just let me find a decent one
>Tenryuu usually don't wear her clothes so tight than Tatsuta
>You can even see that on the figurines...

I know

Please no....
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lewd duce6.jpg
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Thanks Anon.
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Tatsumaki (423).jpg
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I have already won.

What's the time there? <3
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Vinyl Scratch (93).jpg
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Its fucking great man
Havent played Stronghold 3 though
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>I may or may not have come close to slightly losing my composure.
Such a strange but pleasant feeling, having you enjoy that image of Tatsuta to that extent.
>Your picture looks like Juri's response to your writing that
>It's nice to see at least one of us can do this so easily.
I'm not as forward outside of the Internet, but I'm getting better. I used to have a serious social complex.
>he has some similar neutrals and input commands as Juri
The closest you'll get to practising Juri's inputs before you finally get to use her again.
>Not "use her" use her, but... ah, you know what I mean
>I added him on PSN so the awesome thing is we'll get to have regular sparring sessions
Like music to my ears. This is exactly the kind of that that you need in order to accelerate your playing at EVO. Can't wait to see what they have to say about your Juri when the time comes!
>you'd be lucky if you got out alive or with a few broken bones.
Oh yes. From what I have seen of your images, I'd be in a hospital for a long time. Alternatively a morgue.
>I still end up laughing every time
It's such a fun little thing. Yet such an essential part of the game.
>Very few seem to understand the hot blooded passion we share
I'll raise my glass to that. Another +1 to you.

>Tatsuta & Tenryuu
Tatsuta is sort of a foil to Tenryuu. She likes to poke fun at Tenryuu, who tries to keep up a tough. Especially when it comes to Tenryuu's chuuni-qualities. They are the best pair of sisters around.
anime name plsss
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behind you

re claimed
Boku no Pico
Oblivion is sentimental as well, already said it was poop. Skyrim made me puke.

Not a TES fanboy but do have a hard on for Oblivion, Morrowind, Daggerfall, Fallout series (sentiment+potato knishes)

Never played ESO but I'm sure it's pretty awful.

>muh RPG elements
The journal was redundant, but I don't like to compare games to each other.
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images (2).jpg
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Well you get connected with a German exit node to reduce the delays probably

There are Browser add-ons that work, i use proxtube i think
Setting up a Proxy yourself is also possible but more maintenance and setup
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Almost 1pm
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lewd duce7.jpg
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You gotta deal with what you can find.

I heard it was a bit shit, haven't played it myself.
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Could i please finish my tea first?
dude.... btw nice dubs
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Miss Pauling (23).jpg
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I'll just get on and finish it I guess.
We just need to talk about the finishing touches.
>I don't like to read in my video games

Must be a generation thing.
Grimgar of Fantasy and Ash
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thank you :)
>posting songs in languages i dont know
>posting songs with amazing instrumental
im gonna cry

use a add on for your normal browser

also i need a shit
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248 KB, 1920x1200
i wanted to scare you a bit shishishi
that feel when i only have lewds of her.
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Vinyl Scratch (35).jpg
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Doesnt really matter though, if I really want a song I can just download it, Youtube GEMA doesnt fuck up downloading yet

The series was better at the beginning, although I still did put a shitton of time into Stronghold 2 and Legends
But Crusader Extreme was the best one tbh

German music is best music :^)
Which compartment of your ass did you pull that out of? It was redundant because of the compass Like you said. If I didn't like to read I would have hated Morrowind.
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Hello Re-chan.
>lurking softly
check this song out
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http://www.gelbooru com/index.php?page=post&s=list&tags=anchovy
0/10 we can see the thumb nail.
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What 3.jpg
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>i wanted to scare you a bit
>scaring Tenryuu
You can't scare me....other than Tatsuta...
at least i tried
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To be honest they are a bit hard to find.


Shit bait.

Thank you anon.
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hi rerere.jpg
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hi hatsi-chin

how are you?
I thought porn wasn't allowed on Youtube?
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Don't worry, that wasn't meant to be taken suggestively.
>It's just I have an appreciation for art and images like that
>Trust me, I'm only loyal to one. I don't need a re-structured face.
>Use her
It's more like I fight alongside her.
>From what I've seen.."
Possibly, heh. Still I wouldn't mess with you either, heh.
>Let's get together and destroy things instead
I honestly want this to happen. Wonder if I can find a decent artist or something.
>Essential part of the game
You'd be surprised how many people don't work on this technique despite its importance.
>Regarding TenTen and Tatsu
I understand now, I can see why it makes for such a fitting pair. They're opposites in a way and the blend of differences between them seems nice.
>Pic related I should be getting my ass beat for that earlier comment
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I'm fine, thank you, kinda busy with drawing and dinner.
>you always come when I'm hungry
How was your day?
AHAHAH nice m8 :D

i came so hard on this
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W 193.jpg
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Praise Allah
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>Superior scare tactics
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Tatsumaki (33).png
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my day was eventless

well i'm always hungry, gimme food
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Tatsuta & Tenryuu 4.png
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No 40oz and a blunt 5/10
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i aint clickin that shit nigga
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Sitting 8.jpg
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Man, this site does still exist?
I should have enough for two.
Do Abyssals eat chilli?
Satan is scared of z0r?
yes m8
Check em.
Should I make a new bread?
Thread replies: 192
Thread images: 151

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