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you're all homos

The stories and information posted here are artistic works of fiction and falsehood.
Only a fool would take anything posted here as fact.

Thread replies: 219
Thread images: 151
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you're all homos
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No u
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Awh, thank you OP, you fag <3
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it's summertime and you know what that means
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it's barely springtime
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everything feels so smooth shaved
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it will be hell in a few dayeyays
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What does it mean Anon?
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but till then, it's smooth
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mmm, I love a freshly shaved crotch

but then it's all razor bumps. I wanna try waxing at some point
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I must be getting old
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Hoi homos
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I should've known!

Moar knots
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Shaved legs?
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it's the nicest feeling while it lasts


hey fag
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yeah furfags are fuckin' homos
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fuck you you fucking cuck
no u
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You can wax it? Lol
Sounds painful, yet, I can't help but be interested.. as bottoms aren't so attractive if they've got hair everywhere(excluding fetishists)
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boob backwards is boob

double hng
eh I'd probably use some numbing cream or something but I imagine waxing would be ultra smooth and without the razor irritation
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you're blowing my mind wem
I'm not gay, I just like cute boys.
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i tend to do that bb
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Sorry to inform you, but you're gay.
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brb need energies
I've never waxed before, but curious about these things now that I've moved out(hurray foolish youth)
Does waxing make it stop growing? Or is it done every so often..(Also, about how often?)
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good job.png
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it's magical how you do it
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Hunnibuns is mad at me.
Waxing pulls it from the root so it takes a lot longer to grow back than shaving. If you wax enough you'll damage the follicle and it won't grow in as thick, I don't think it'd make it stop forever, though. You need laser for that
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is he not gonna give you backscritches?
like a week or two before hair's back noticeably
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Naw I like cute girls too. I'm bisexual. Though I can't tell if I prefer men or women. Both have their unique charms.
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whats up boi

why what did you do?
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I can agree with that. Bisexual is pretty awesome because you have the best of both.
Looking at it that way makes it seem unhealthy
But I remember shaving legs like an idiot and it burning for weeks until it grew back
What, are you into gross hairy guys or something you perv?
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not much. I'm nicely shaven, and it feels super smooth. you?
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I'm not seeing him this week, so no.

I'm not going to be able to see him until next week.
Nothing against hairy guys. Especially slender hairy guys.
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I'm not into guys in general faggot
It's not unhealthy, per se, since hair is not really a vital organ. But if your goal is having no hair down there it's a good thing to kill the hair off...
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Best and worst.
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Ah, looking through your posts I see you're a real "internet tough guy".

How's your life IRL? Pretty shitty? It must be, if you spend your time calling random people on the internet fat and retarded.
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List the worsts
i like that feeling of being freshly shaven. i haven't shaved in a year though and its relieving to not have that routine anymore.
im just up watching the tele. nothing more raelly

why though? is that punishment? is that why he is mad? details boi details
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Bryz likes fat, hairy guys.
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holy shiiiiiiiiiiiiiiit
I thought you blocked me you fuckin shitty horrible bad artist
Guess so
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>Emotional baggage
>Most of the women I've been with have either led me on or lied to me. (Personal anecdote though)
>Have way more legal rights than men including taking half of what a man owns when they divorce

>Social repercussions
How's your sports career coming along?
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Bob's Burgers

Dog house

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and who are you?
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that sucks

I don't often shave. just from time to time when it feels nice. whatcha watching?

I love that show!
I'm an anonymous poster. Are you fucking blind, or just retarded?
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He has no days off this week, and I don't like hanging out at his place while he works, gets dull and he doesn't get back til midnight or so on days he works.
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holy shit you're butthurt as fuck calm down there tyrone
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So if it were not for the Social reprocussions, you'd be a full fledged fag? I can identify with that, I feel that's what's stopping me as well.
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No, I'm still attracted to women, though if it wasn't for the social repercussions I would be open with my bisexuality. I think my mom would disown me and my dad would be freaked out. My sister would probably make fun of me. Most of my friends know though.
Haha. Have you accepted that you're gay, yet?
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I'm not??????
now fuck off ribble rabble
>Try to play Overwatch
>Every game takes 5 minutes to get into and is on a US server with 200 more ping than Australian
>Team full of new players verse people with 100+ hours
>Life is pain
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Gay. As. Fuck.
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Oh, straight porn doesn't turn you on anymore but you're not gay...? That's odd.
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That's amazing how similar our situations are, and it honestly sucks. I'm sorry to hear it anon, I'm with ya' buddy.
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S/fur thread is kill annyone got some not to gay shit i can finish to ?
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ZONKPUNCH blowy.gif
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Idk. It's not nearly as bad as it was. I'm more embarrassed by it than anything. Not to mention I'm not very attractive so that just adds to the embarrassment factor.
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Cum to gay yiff fag
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so desperate you have to shop shit nice try :^)
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Here man.
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I also don't like being around your grandpa alone. It'd end up being one of us dead.
Haha lol, would you like me to link the thread?

mm, it's a good read!
why the fuck do you have all of this....
But i dont wanne yiff
Thanks bruv
Why knot? :^)

Sometimes it comes in handy!
ohhhh that sucks dude :/
yeah ive h ad to hang out at my partners place while they work and its awkward and boring.

I have too much hair to shave off and on lol
Brickleberry is on. i like shows like this for background noise and light. i dont have to pay attention to it really lol

hey bb gurl
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Embarrased? Why would you be embarrassed of being bi? There's absolutely nothing wrong with it. And I bet you're just being humble.
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fuck you
that doesnt confirm anything
Haha, you're so defensive! It's pretty cute, actually. It confirms that you said what you said, anyway.
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Eh, I honestly don't know why I'm embarrassed by it, but I am. And I've had a few guys tell me I'm cute, a friend of mine has been trying to fuck me for a while, but I'd prefer topping to bottoming. Only one girl has shown interest in me so far. But eh, whatever.
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Same here, although I'm willing to if I could just find me a cyooty that understands and lives near me..
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that i said sometimes normal stuff doesn't turn me on?
Wow newsflash
pathetic that you have that shit saved
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Why not sex up your friend? Who knows, maybe you'll even like bottoming. Just y'know, try things.
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N1nZmhA .gif
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I'm gonna go to bed. night all

I can never do that with shows. I just end up watching them anyway
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Eh, I don't know if I have hope of finding a qt boytoy. I'm shipping to AF BMT in 40 some odd days. So, you know, that might be nigh impossible.
Mm, it's funny how insecure you are about your sexuality!

Acutally fgts has it saved too, are they pathetic?

of course your name's not attached to that but it's the same shit!
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I've though about it. But he's a dorky mormon looking kid with glasses and I have no interest in him whatsoever. If he was cuter I'd definitely try something out.
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lol some shows end up like that but i haven't got one right now. i shold start battle star gallactica. i know its very popular
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Its almost 3, I'm going to sleep. Night, faggots.
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nu stay here.
Hey wait, do you live in UT?
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night snarf

I should watch that as well.
I'm turning in, night
Ahh what a shame, I was about to call you lucky for having a fag friend to fuck each other, that sounds real ideal.
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see ya later boi~
sweet dreams
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But sleeeeeep.
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its so funny how you think you know my sexuality surprise im a straight heterosexual person you have no point or piece of proof
You have spent so much time in these gay furry threads, though! I can see pages and pages of posts here... either you're delusional or so brainwashed by the catholic church that you simply can't comprehend being gay!
aside from your own statements of course
Ayy lmao, what part of UT are you in?
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What part of UT are you in?
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I may be a homo, but at least I am not a faggot
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why do you even care so much fuck off
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Interestingly enough, he has a girlfriend. It's quite strange. He's never straight up asked me to fuck him, but he's tried to get me to blow him multiple times. And hinted at wanting to fuck me. He's complimented my ass a few times too. Lots of guys have actually. There was a running gag my sophmore year where people would tell me "keep that ass tight" and such. Eh, alas, no qt guys have ever hit on me.
Nice, I'm in Orem. Cool to see someone else from around on /b/.
And at least you don't lie to yourself like this guy >>679133097
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He's using the Nibi method but not as good
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I think you're a faggot
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thank you
Because you spent the effort to call me a faggot, so I spent the effort to discover that you, too, are a faggot. (and it took all of 45 seconds, mind you)
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Orem sucks, man.
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you are welcome
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Eh, I like it a lot actually. But I'm from commiefornia So.
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you should move here its a superior state

not even close
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Hi, AM
closer than u
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I'm not gay but I want to suck a fox anthro's knotted cock
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Really? Damn you must be a qt 3.14 if that's the case! See? Just being humble.
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chances are i have probably called you a faggot a million times
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Terrible choice. Cali sucks, but at least its nice out there.

I want to move.
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My ass might be nice, but my face is dudey as fuck. I have a fuckton of acne, and I'm just an awkward person to be around. But eh, maybe someday I'll bloom into a beautiful butterfly.
No, this is actually the first time I've seen you post. But even if that were true, it would prove my point further, since that would mean you've spend hundreds of hours in gay furry porn threads :^)

I've got to go now, maybe I'll see you around sometime, you little faggot you :3
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these foot fetishists get crazier every year.
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so move here!
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how can i repay this kindness
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jus kiddin
did he punch a fucking hole through his foot for that?
nude pics :^)
Trust me, It's not nice. Everyone is selfish and self entitled. And the large majority of the people there are uber liberal sjws. I do miss the beach, but that's about it.
how come mugen and dom post the same pics it's confusing af
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I'm too broke.
Sup faggot
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want senpai to notice me
you havent seen it?
steal cars.
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That's a beautiful way of looking at it anon, I'm glad you're attitude is on the right path, can't wait for you to bloom :D
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let's make a sandwich.png
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I have not seen anything

she's got a schweet pucker
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But so is everyone out here. Except the SJW part.
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I don't want to go to sleep
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im honestly shocked
stay up and fume
... and?
Maybe a little, but in california it's a lot worse, trust me.
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does anyone know who the fuck this faggot is theres no way he found all that somehow
did you unban that strange freak sci, he hasn't posted in a few days
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Yeah, suppose so. Thanks fam.
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I don't want to do that either
I dont go to threads much, and we dont talk anymore
shouldnt be too shocking
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Me either. I drank a monster about 3 hours ago, but it's wearing off.
i have not
would you like to see my boy pussy

i post it in /animus/ like every day
Stealing is wrong. Piracy is stealing.

So I haven't been paying attention, which fag were you earlier in the thread?
Sure why not
piracy is finding treasures
no sleep. streeem
Eh, the one who talks about being conflicted on my sexuality. I've been doing the same shit in this thread, though it was mostly a mix of debating whether to come out as bisexual or not, and a lot of self pity.
Move downtown if you're going to come out as anything.
Thread replies: 219
Thread images: 151

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