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Waifu claiming thread. >fine, i guess im doing this for a

The stories and information posted here are artistic works of fiction and falsehood.
Only a fool would take anything posted here as fact.

Thread replies: 174
Thread images: 151
File: Kazuki.jpg (250 KB, 1280x720) Image search: [Google]
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Waifu claiming thread.
>fine, i guess im doing this for a while

The rules are very simple:
>claim your 2D waifu
>post pics of your waifu
>insult other waifus
>keep ERP and RP to a minimum
>discuss stuff
>post fitting, not over-sexualised content
>most important: Have fun!

Kazuki Claimed
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claiming sachi
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deus vult.jpg
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Your friendly neighbourhood crusader is here.

I see that you are back to non lewd photos.
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kurumichan (12).jpg
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download (34).jpg
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Mugi claim
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Miho claimed

Stop being so lewd!
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egg roll


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download (32).jpg
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Too late claimed her
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deus vult10.jpg
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It's not fucking lewd.

It's obviously the trees.

Hi there Yukko anon.
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Fuck off faggot

I tried the trees and they didn't work
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Holy fuck....
Rory claimed while on short break at work.

Had a little passenger on the ride in today
The crusades are on again?
hello there
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deus vult28.jpg
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Kind of, also how are you doing?
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I claimed first
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I've always liked pic related since I've first seen it. But what makes me sad is that this and another pic are the only two that I can ever look at since it's only drawn by some random anon. Right now i'm practicing drawing so I can draw her one day
Gunna guess it's a result of all this lewd posting.

Good as always. Just chilling home after work.
What are you up to?
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youre not very cooperative
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Here he is, little buddy
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This is the second one.
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I got here first
Learn how to text faster
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thats cute
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I don't know how many times you have scared me thinking it's Madoka.

Hatsuzuki claimed.
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Boy Butt Master Race.png
1 MB, 1175x1250
Heretic? Where!?
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deus vult23.png
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>Good as always.
That is great to hear
>What are you up to?
Fucking around on /b/ while playing video games.

I approve of this.

That is a mantis right?

I need more bleach.
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download (33).jpg
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Mugi is mine
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images (48).jpg
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It is. 20 kms in the cold and he hung on. But when I tried to get him on my glove he noped out faster than a fat kid on salad
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What you playin?

bunny is pretty lewd huh?
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Shrimp On.jpg
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She is i claimed her before you and proved i was real Mugi
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Fastest waifu on no legs claimed
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Lurk city.
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Oh good lord, not this again..
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You didn't prove anything kek
I proved I was the real Mugi anon last thread
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My shift is over.
See you all when i get home
>unless i pass out
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Is there a problem?
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Ladies, ladies..
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deus vult35.jpg
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Your posts are pure cancer.

>he noped out faster than a fat kid on salad

Replaying gta san andreas, I heard that it was released on mobile so I replay it.

Give me more bleach.
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Yeah bunny anon is way to lewd
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Boy Girl.png
1 MB, 1280x952
1 thread down!
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They usually aren't!
I don't use it, because I have Tide!
oh cool i have that too.
"all you had to do was follow the dame train"
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What do you think? ˇ︿ˇ
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No i did retard
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Impersonators piss me the fuck off my b
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Fuck Unicorn.jpg
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>Best goth waifu claimed
>Shout out to Mai and Atago, hit me up for some hardcore ERP :^)
First come first served
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I think there's nothing wrong!
┐( ˘_˘)┌
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Rules say no furfags.

You've been reported.

you don't get to have Taiga, faggot.
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deus vult46.jpg
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Kill your self.

Dear god don't remind me of that.
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Tenryuu 125.jpg
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Tenryuu claimed
There should be an easier way to deal with this
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Failed Abortion.jpg
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We on b, nigguh!
I can't, I failed, look!
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Too bad I have her then
Also against rules retard
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>By MD5
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>*Buttons up shirt*
>"I'm leaving for work, take care."
>I slowly move my hand until I reach my wallet
>"See you darling."
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deus vult27.jpg
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Jump off a building, it should do the trick.
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heres an option :^)
I'm not talking about you, don't be so self-centered you tard.
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Hello lewd legs, how are you this fine evening?
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Sweet Sauce.jpg
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My city has no tall buildings... ヽ(´Д`)ノ
Just trying to help!
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Hi Stocking, how's it going?
>which one
Tell me!
moar taiga gifs pl0x
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Vigil - 162.jpg
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Candied sugar: extraordinarily sweet, tempting, and highly addictive.
It's good to see you.
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ayy yo Stocking
Mugi bullshit 2.0 is happening right now
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Fucking move to Africa, get Ebola and die.

>Crusader anon.
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Muh Feminism.png
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wut m8
i prefer Yui
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wow amazing job good one nice.gif
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Sure thing friend
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Spit Roast.jpg
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But I like Commiefornia!
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>believing that
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Stay Safe.png
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You're such a tease Ruri

Hello Yuuko!
Good to see you, I've had a boring night,

Hi Tomoko!

Hi there Emi!
It's going alright, yourself?

Well well, it's good to see you too!
How are you doing?

Oh no.
How many are we dealing with?
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and thats how i know this isnt the tomoko ive talked to :^)
claiming best loli
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1 MB, 716x1113

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I can't read, good sir!
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I hope those furfags burn in hell someday
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I don't know
I think just one
There are a lot of tomokos and i'd like to know which one you are.

Nothing worth talking about.
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Asian Persuasion.jpg
1 MB, 1200x1300
I went to those threads earlier and hung out. It was fun!
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>You think im a fake
>And I know you're a fraud
File: Atago 070.jpg (151 KB, 850x1360) Image search: [Google]
Atago 070.jpg
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Turn back and go back to where you came from.
Nothing of value here.
Just Furfags and Drama queens
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Thing is, I like you guys. So I come here every so often and have a nice chat with some of the Waifu fags. However, today is filled with hostility, not sure why...
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nice trips, but what do you mean?
what do you mean?
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deus vult40.jpg
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Oh look it's japanese vladimir.
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k i can tell im gonna go play the tank dating sim
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Just chilling here, not doing much. It's nice to see you again
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Saw that last thread
No thanks

Not too bad then, we can deal with that

Alright, I won't push you! I hope you're alright
Been up to much?

Hi Atago!
Or should I call you mistress?
You are looking really good today.
Like really good.
We should go somewhere private
Don't hide your feelings
File: Disappointed.jpg (131 KB, 852x1280) Image search: [Google]
131 KB, 852x1280
You get a few minutes of safety, I gotta finish up my shower, my phone isn't waterproof, sadly.
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There was a Tomoko that left about a week ago but he dropped in last night for a bit
You make it sound as if you were in the middle of shampooing your hair, got out and decided to post s/fur
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18 KB, 274x490
>so many

like 5 other anons post tomoko regularly.

Just shit posting and procrastination.
File: Atago 084.jpg (112 KB, 850x880) Image search: [Google]
Atago 084.jpg
112 KB, 850x880
Ironic shitposting is still shitposting
I wonder if you'll have yet another meltdown...
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>We should go somewhere private
Saged and reported.
Enjoy your 4 week ban.
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We're perfectly safe, we just don't want to see furfag shit
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deus vult inside.jpg
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Anon pls.
Wonder if i should just leave before shit goes down.
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Vigil - 54.jpg
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I'm doing alright, for the most part.
Nothing interesting to tell you, I'm afraid; It has been a boring night for me too. More reading and writing....

>We should go somewhere private
Nah. Don't do that.
Noire is a better choice~

>when you hesitate and miss the S
>deez wuunds dey will not heel
File: image.gif (455 KB, 280x210) Image search: [Google]
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I don't know what's going on right now
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3 MB, 1788x921
triple dubs checked
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deus vult5.jpg
69 KB, 500x417
The worst thing that can happen is some furfag shitposting.
File: Atago 021.png (107 KB, 600x530) Image search: [Google]
Atago 021.png
107 KB, 600x530
>when you hesitate and miss the S
Make me smile
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You have an umbrella, you are ready if there's a shitstorm. Want some popcorn?
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Nah, I sit in the shower with the shower head only hitting my legs, and I sit opposite from the shower head. So my upper half is dry.
You sure?
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oh i see, other anons, but im new in these threads(this is my first), you can call me "Tiger" and I love tomoko, I wanna buy all her stuff, you know, she's so cute..*_*
File: Stocking103.jpg (54 KB, 500x543) Image search: [Google]
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Atago, let's get real for a second.
We both know that there's a lot of sexual tension here.
I started the ERP and we both know I have to continue the legacy
Who better than with you?
And I am of course having a meltdown
Because I can't have you~

Essentially the same without the shitposting
Better catch up eh?

Please no!
I was just joking I promise...

For the most part? Having problems?
Yeah, it sucks eh? Writing is fun though
>Noire is a better choice
Might as well have em all right?
File: Ruri209.jpg (146 KB, 589x997) Image search: [Google]
146 KB, 589x997
Hug me, idiots.
I think that I remember you.
The others are most likely giving you hostility because they're new in town.
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deus vult18.png
226 KB, 480x640
They will if you stop being so hostile.
File: ____.gif (809 B, 2x2) Image search: [Google]
809 B, 2x2
Oh, so you're jerkin it?

Yeah, I'm sure
Thats my waifu dumbass
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OR because no one likes furfags...

Most likely the later.
My body is not ready
>inb4 stocking just leaves

you don't understand....

Ah thanks for explaining, forgive me if i confuse you with others in the future.

>curls up in corner
File: Disapproval.jpg (1 MB, 927x1200) Image search: [Google]
1 MB, 927x1200
I know some Waifu people actually chat with me, and hell, it's great in here. But since I'm generic on /b/, I shitpost when things aren't great.

I apologize for ruining your thread.
Hard to post and jerk it at the same time, but I manage, yeah.
You really sure?
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Emi Hug.png
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1 MB, 4566x5002
You are kinda elusive.
>hug and no letting go
Good luck getting away now.
Claiming Arika Yumemyia
Really, really sure (◠‿◠)
File: deus vult49.jpg (164 KB, 667x511) Image search: [Google]
deus vult49.jpg
164 KB, 667x511
Well I can't understand most shit so you are probably right.

Welcome back.
File: Stocking57.jpg (2 MB, 1920x2583) Image search: [Google]
2 MB, 1920x2583
>inb4 stocking just leaves
I'm not going anywhere
Tell you what, I'll leave forever if I get enough people telling me they want me out :)
Make things interesting eh?
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Ayy Kagami
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dat face hnnnnnnnnnnnnnng
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Who Are You.png
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Autist claiming an armlwas artist.
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2 MB, 1382x922
So I don't get the logic? Why don't you just scroll through your picture album on your phone?
Do you get of on knowing you're doing it wile we're here?
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thanks, sorry i just kinda dissappeared, i was helping my friend with his car
how are you today mugi anon?
File: deus vult9.jpg (93 KB, 1297x1068) Image search: [Google]
deus vult9.jpg
93 KB, 1297x1068
It happens to all of us, also how did it go?
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4 MB, 969x969
Are you an alien? \(^ω^\)
Nah, hentai doesn't do anything for me anymore. Started off with fapping to Sango, ended up jacking off to gay furry.

I just like talking on /b/ while I'm in the shower.
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Does it?
I think people just need to relax.
Just a thread on /b/
Just breath in and out.

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1 MB, 1936x2592
Obligatory claim.

>Some funne trollering is transpiring in these threads, eh?
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145 KB, 640x480
A little pissed because somebody is/was saying he's the true Mugi anon
But other than that I'm good
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download (35).jpg
8 KB, 274x184
Faggot waifu stealer
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pretty good, how has your day been??
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Also, I noticed that, while sick, I love eating Cool Ranch Doritos.
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Armless ffs
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N-No way.. How'd you figure out? (◕︵◕)
File: Stocking113.jpg (148 KB, 904x1280) Image search: [Google]
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Hey I'm pretty calm
In fact I feel pretty damn good today!
Don't worry about me heh
File: Just Generic Shitposting.jpg (671 KB, 1100x777) Image search: [Google]
Just Generic Shitposting.jpg
671 KB, 1100x777
If only it was trolling.
eh, you can't let them get to you....just ignore them and move on
It's been going fine for the most part, my internet only fucked me over once today.

>Crusader Anon.
>Having problems?
Yeah. But they don't belong in this thread.
>Writing is fun though
Indeed. I do a little RP here and there as well.
>Might as well have em all right?
Hmm... But there is always a favorite, right?

>I feed off of your suffering
Yeah. You're a dick.
Pretty sure it is, can't say for sure though.

I forgot what led me there, but I know who you are. ‎‎(ノಥ益ಥ)ノ
Trolling is an art, shitposting is easy and lazy.
Welcome to Waifu

That isnt real Mugi.
Dont believe in his lies i claimed before him
Ah, I understand!
I hope you're okay soon
A little RP never hurt anyone eh
>Right Atago? :^)
>Call me

Everyone has their favourites

Thread replies: 174
Thread images: 151

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