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Waifu claiming thread. >i guess im doing this for a bit

The stories and information posted here are artistic works of fiction and falsehood.
Only a fool would take anything posted here as fact.

Thread replies: 170
Thread images: 151
File: Kazuki (1).gif (1 MB, 518x234) Image search: [Google]
Kazuki (1).gif
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Waifu claiming thread.
>i guess im doing this for a bit

The rules are very simple:
>claim your 2D waifu/husbando
>post pics of your waifu
>one claim per anon
>keep ERP and RP to a minimum
>discuss stuff
>post fitting, not over-sexualised content
>most important: Have fun!

Kazuki Claimed
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Shiki 0573.jpg
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It's pretty good, I preferred LISA though.
Sakura claimed

I only slept 8 hours but I feel grog as fuk
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deus vult.jpg
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You can't claim the crusades, the copyright is over for that.

Good to know.

I am not doing much, just got back from work and playing video games while being on /b/

>internet is dying send help.
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Not for a devoted Christian. I mean if you can look past the gay couples, yes. Storywise it is rather interesting.

>Chara claimed
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mandatory cc claim
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Miho claimed
the boat is mine, but I'm pretty absent still
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Fastest waifu on no legs claimed
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my last claim
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Usual claim.
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claimin sachi
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Atago 247.jpg
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Hull bulges are an efficient form of torpedo protection

Bye mugi. Take care

Whoops. I got too excited on the other shinoa poster. Its imposter.You'll know it's him when you see file name and since we usually reply to each other first. And for you of course! <3 you too will also be all over DS3

Lol its shinoa bro but I could see why you'd call me mysterious
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A depiction of homosexuals might be a problem for me
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Obligatory claim.


Probably one of the only good things about this game. Martin O'Donnell should compose for more games.

That's good to hear (read). I've been okay, just been hanging out. Took a break from the threads, no worries.

Oh yeah? How'd you manage that? Didn't do your stretches or something?

Probably shouldn't worry about me, be for the best. You up to anything right now?

Damn, took me a few seconds to remember what you meant. Thanks, nice shirt. Just wearing some flimsy large one right now myself.

Glad to hear you're doing well. Police? What happened?
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Tenryuu 42.jpg
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Tenryuu claimed
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Syndra (1).jpg
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Biribiri claimed
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I guess we use this thread?
best suit girl claimed
bit of a story, i'll get to typing it out
>my last claim
You're really going to go through with the whole suicide thing?
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Tits never end with you guy.
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Why? I don't personally have a problem with them.

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diane (3).png
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Hello, um. Son... I think.

I need to get into the spirit of being a mother.
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Good one, anon
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Hello Konata. I didn't get around to vulting in a good while sadly. But I feel the urge to 'convert' some infidels again.

Hello hand-kun.

Claiming the Moemura for the Moemuranon

- tsuzu
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Syndra (24).jpg
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I had a whole painting theft situation few weeks ago, but it has been sorted out.
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Hi juri :D How things?

Wait what? Is everything ok? :c
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That's what I thought. Besides that tough, it is a rather nice game.
But that's funnyy now. Pretty much every modern game must be a huge problem then...
That's good to know. Welcome back then Hand-kun
It goes against the sanctity of God's original union. I don't mind if other christians are okay with them, but personally I think they are sinners.
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Also, I missed you ;w;
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is that you konata anon?
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Atago 176.jpg
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Me and Hols might have a slight problem
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How do you feel about divorces?
>lewdest CV
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Atago 014.jpg
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How was your day?
Back problems?
I've been playing through Mad Max, Fallout 4 allows me to kill any homosexuals I come across, and The Witcher series doesn't have any in because the developers are Polish and they don't care
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senjougahara claimed forever
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But I ain't got no wings, nigga.png
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Sounds really good, has he composed for more videogames, or only Halo?
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Fine, still practicing in SFV
>3 hours in
>People gettin salty when they lose to Ken
>Many keks to be had
Shiro Claimed.
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deus vult10.jpg
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>But I feel the urge to 'convert' some infidels again.
I have that urge everyday, how do you deal with it?


I don't think it said anything about that in the Bible, I am fine with it as well its their life's not my.

No it's me Goku.
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Pretty good, nothing went on, how was yours?
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Tenryuu chibi 11.jpg
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Finally my milk arrived
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>not even trips

That's not how it works.
Hey, no problem with that, friend.
Hang in there kid.
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im fine i just feel like shit right now and im starting to feel like im wasting too much time on here
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I miss you too! I usually get dubs like nothing. Trips are uncommon. Once made a thread of satanic quads. Was great
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deus vult22.jpg
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Would you like some salt with that?
Was meant for
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awww, but i don't want goku to knock on my door
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Shiki 0410.jpg
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That would be Taihou
Alright, at a birthday party most of the day which was good until it ended with my grandmother having a dizzy spell
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Kazuki (6).jpg
2 MB, 3000x3000
Another retard is fucking up in the warehouse
If i don't return, blame him
Cya everyone.
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2 MB, 2560x1440
You're back!
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Graff (32).png
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Best German CV Claimed
So i have this luck for this and i got 2nd time lazy ukrains boys
>Just luck ?

Glad to see you here
Need some Deus vult in Europ

Look on my "torps"

I wore goods and then
>AAA kurwa !!
Then i cant pick up anything

Like its ok right now but
>i dont want feel it again

>You up to anything right now?
Only 4chan now and i listening how tenryuu yeling
>nothing new
Salt queen

Me? Never lel

>LEwd night started !
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>I can kill ALL the homosexuals
Bwahaha, okay I like you!
Maybe try uh... WatchDog. You can look up if they're homosexual or furries and then just shoot the NPCs
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The fingers are feeling better I hope? I can't imagine it being easy to pay if they still hurt
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Personally I believe they go against what is specifically stated when a marriage ceremony takes place so in getting a divorce they have lied to their spouse and they have lied to God.
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Fite me irl. Im hella jacked.
kill me
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Atago 340.jpg
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Our back problems are the least of our concerns
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Sounds at least a little entertaining, hope she's alright.
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Tenryuu chibi 18.jpg
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Then i'd get a turkish drink named Ayran, which isn't deus vult.
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thread died as i posted that goddamn.
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Syndra (3).jpg
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Im not Tenryuu
With a pommel?
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Alright peace Kazuki fellow warehouse worker bro
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deus vult44.jpg
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Don't worry, I won't knock on your door, instead I will knock on your wall.

>Europe needs deus vult
I agree so much with this.
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I think I've gotten around 6 - 7 quads so far. And only once did I get quints.
Also, nice calling, you just got dubs, again. Are you some sort of wizard?
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3 MB, 1350x2100
Love, I guess.
But not 'your enemy' or shit like that.

I laughed too hard at this, please kill me.
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Always wondered what having a teacher as a parent would be like.

Heyo dood, hope you're doing well.

Hope those Van Gogh trash hooligans got what was coming to them. Hope your paintings are safe and sound.

Up to anything?

Thank you kindly, Chara.
>Inb4 I disappear for a month

Think he worked on Destiny? I'm no sure, you'd have to contact his Email or look at his Wikipedia or something.

Damn man, that sounds painful. Hope you're relaxing right now, buddy.

Kek, Tenryuu yelling is nothing new. Gotta admire that passion.
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those hips dont lie
or do they
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3 MB, 500x281
lewd legs are the best legs

>claiming yume
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3 more days til DaS3

Hello fellow waifu bros
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It's still blistered, but I practice through it. Who wouldn't shed blood and pain for their waifu?
>Besides my fingers will come out stronger for it
In any case, how goes it with you?
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Oh ok, good luck! I hope it works out
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Vigil - 198.png
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Taihou? No... Unless I missed something.
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You're making me too happy with those images, anon. Christendom shall rise again in Europe
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deus vult27.jpg
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Do you think that if I throw enough Bibles at them (and possibly boulders) they would convert?
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2 MB, 540x303
shut the fuck off
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deus vult17.jpg
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I have a shit ton of them, I think it was around 50.
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At least tell us when you take a break!
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diane (2).jpg
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Nicely claimed!
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Got quints once also and only 3 quads. But most of my dubs are ITT. Me a wizard?.. pic

Look kurumi, someone is hyped about the game like you are
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Shiki 0326.png
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>lied to their spouse and they have lied to God.
Interesting way of looking at it, but is it really lying and not failing? Like promising to do something, trying and failing.
Yeah should be, I'll give her a call tomorrow to make sure. Also had to help her with her phone and ipad.
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Syndra (94).jpg
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>he got 6 years and possibly more because there is another trial coming up.
Im not doing anything much now, just drinking tea and ignoring the fact that i have more bbq left.
Goodnight Bait
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4 MB, 1685x2069
One of your best, love it.
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I'm doing pretty well. Just watching anime and waking up from my sleep sleep
Say... Do you have a geiger counter?
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Emi Scout.jpg
85 KB, 1107x722
At least you got trips
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Not bad.
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Assuming its the same kurmi from last night, I've talked with them about it
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Syndra (16).jpg
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damn im tinking only about my timezone
is it wrong that i love her ?
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Atago 054.jpg
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Tatsumaki (270).jpg
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Wonder no more. For I am here for you.

I don't know ask me anything you want about the curriculum might as well educate some individuals while while here.
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If the bibles are big enough....?
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nice waifu, diane is so cute
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I know right? The pre-download button is teasing me so damn much. I CAN'T STAND IT

ALSO, I WAS ABOUT TO GO TO YOUR POST AND SAY THE EXACT SAME THING. You make these kinda threads so much better for me dude <3
btw you're as hyped as I am, sort of. Although I know my hype is quite extreme
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It would be wrong if you DIDN'T love her
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>LEwd night started !
Not with this crowd.
No, love is beyond good and evil

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Just helped two friends beat DaS 2 so now they're all caught up!
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deus vult29.jpg
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Night anon.

Really? this one was always my favourite.

I would fire them out of a trebuchet, around 100 to 150 of them.

>captcha is killing me
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oh shit
i'm feeling your happiness through the monitor
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diane (12).jpg
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The cutest.
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i am sorry
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Was I? I don't remember. Last Yuno I met on one of these threads just kept saying they were going to kill me.
Maybe it was you?

You guys the same Yuno?
I'm still confused with the Shinoa thing. Anyways, yeah, DS2 requires some help since it's confusing as fuck. Glad you guys could work that out! Are they planning on getting DS3 too?
Perhaps. Maybe I should rethink it now that you've put it that way. My church succession from Rome was so our king could divorce so it might not be too bad
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3 MB, 800x451
>Well that just sucks for him.
>Life loves to fuck everyone over

Ahh, okay. Same, drinking some decent tea that I improvised powdered sugar into. What kind of bbq?

>Ask the chief, he'll know what to do
>How do I make my kids love me?

Uhhh, are the hours good? (I know the answer but I'll bite the bullet anyway).

Ehh, feels a bit attention grabby when I do stuff like that. If I had a multitude of terminal illnesses I'd just tell y'all and scuttle.

Would you two like a room?

There's nothing wrong with loving the tyrants eye. You new?

Good to know that I made someone's time here

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Yup you can tell by the way I have my filenames

Was just messing around with ya last night

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Nyet, comrade
>Strelok claimed
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Renge claimed, checking in from mobile so don't expect the usual level of avatar fagging
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Atago 223.jpg
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Hi there, no words bunny
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Syndra (31).jpg
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>sneaky beaky hug
Just some ribs
i already ate too much
Top tier
hi renge, sorry i missed you, i noticed i like a lot the bands you do
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ok this probably took too long but story
>go to hospital for checkup on condition
>waiting in waiting room
>busy day so i'm sitting around for like 3 hours
>sorta cute girl also waiting, looks bored, cant tell what's wrong with her from looking
>i'm curious so i ask
i cant actually remember what exactly it was - i think it was osteogenesis imperfecta or some kind of brittle bone disease
>short conversation, nothing really interesting
>forgot about her mostly after that day

>a week later
>see her randomly in the city, kinda hard to miss someone who looks 18-20ish using a walker
>talk to her again, she seems to be in a better mood. anyone would be in a bad mood when youve gotta wait 3 hours at the hospital i guess.
>invite her to have coffee or something and she accepts

pretty much just a first date, nothing exceptionally interesting but she seems genuinely interested.
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Hanako claimed.
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Mmmm, ribs are great when they're not 99% fat.

Save those bad boys for later, enjoy that tea.
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I feel more of an attention whore. Don't feel attention grabby. It's just so we don't worry that much.
I mean you could've been hit by a car and no one would've known
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Lewd rabbit.
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hey crispy one
how is it going?
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kurumichan (5).png
2 MB, 1131x1600
I guess I'll have to start naming my images too, since people will recognize me better from there. Done now
Also, I know, but you couldn't kill me anyways

Depends, are you going in with us? If so, yes. Otherwise, I'd like a room with you
And dubs, again
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355 KB, 739x1000
Solid taste there Kagami. Any favorites you think I should check out?
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Atago 202.jpg
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what's up, my katawa shoubro?

also, question for everyone, what are we listening to?
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Hey hanako

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Syndra (46).jpg
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Will do handmaster
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>All this lewd degeneracy in this thread
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I'm a hard-working fella, so even if I finish before 2o'clock and since I live alone I stay in school chat with some colleagues and help interested students, all two of them. Actual working hours differ from day to day, but mostly Tuesdays and Thursdays can suck my dick

Sometimes it's too much even for me though and I end passing out in the office. Anything else?
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Sanya Claimed
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nothin you prolly don't know, but this is one of my favorite rush songs
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Shiki 1059.jpg
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It must be purged
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But I'm god of time and space

Damn bro you lewd, I like it
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Syndra (8).png
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You should see >>678519429
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deus vult2.jpg
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It's too lewd.

Also since my internet is acting like a Saracen I will be forced to say goodbye, have a nice night/day anons.
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Emi is still my favorite but I'm listening to You Might Recall by Genesis

Also this is a real fucking struggle on my phone
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I think you need bigger bibles to have any impact.
Try those they use in cathedrals.
Then they will learn the world shattering power of gods word.
Roof shattering at minimum.

- tsuzu
What are you doing just now?

But so am I. Well, sort of. I have copies of my past self, at least

Ave Maria, brother
>Attention whore
>Attention grabby

Really, they're two in the same. Either way you're fishing for attention, don't like doing that.

>hit by a car and no one would've known
I almost got hit by a few cars going way over the speed limit these past few weeks, what a funny end to this persona that would be.

You're adorable.

Yeah, seems like you're hard working. Blasting through gallons of coffee daily.

At least you're giving it your all, eh?

I smell win in your general direction, Akira. She was probably very impressed at the hospital, not many people talk to strangers there. You might get your very own katawa.

Hi Hanako, how you doing?


nice, gotta love phil collins, sad that he kinda unoffically retired from drums....
My nigga

Moving Pictures is my favorite album but Alex rocked that

If you want I can post a playlist that just has a shitload of random songs I like with no rhyme nor reason
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