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Waifu claiming thread. The rules are very simple: >claim your

The stories and information posted here are artistic works of fiction and falsehood.
Only a fool would take anything posted here as fact.

Thread replies: 176
Thread images: 151
File: Tatsumaki (53).jpg (200 KB, 800x1000) Image search: [Google]
Tatsumaki (53).jpg
200 KB, 800x1000
Waifu claiming thread.
The rules are very simple:
>claim your 2D waifu
>post pics of your waifu
>insult other waifus
>kepp RP and ERP at a minimum
>discuss stuff
>post fitting, not over-sexualised content
>most important: Have fun!

Tats claimed.
File: shiro_1746.jpg (395 KB, 700x700) Image search: [Google]
395 KB, 700x700
New anon approved claim.
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789 KB, 601x602
File: sachii19.gif (987 KB, 500x386) Image search: [Google]
987 KB, 500x386
Sachi Claim
just came back from a run
did i miss anything in the last like 20 minutes?
File: Ayame_Kajou_59.jpg (129 KB, 1280x689) Image search: [Google]
129 KB, 1280x689
lol shiro
File: _.png (603 B, 11x14) Image search: [Google]
603 B, 11x14
File: screams externally.gif (929 KB, 264x320) Image search: [Google]
screams externally.gif
929 KB, 264x320
>tfw you'll never know what the image was.
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74 KB, 817x499
Fastest waifu on no legs claimed
File: Juri156.jpg (129 KB, 786x1017) Image search: [Google]
129 KB, 786x1017
Usual claim.
File: Hatsuzuki_6.jpg (828 KB, 980x1170) Image search: [Google]
828 KB, 980x1170
Hatsuzuki isn't quite that demanding, I guess.. but Homura is another calibre altogether.
I'm a bit of a fan of strong contrast, so strong or weak alone doesn't do it. Both is best.

Thanks for the song, we're off to a good start, I'll listen to the rest of the pl when I get back.
Still lurking, mostly, preparing dinner right now.

Hatsuzuki claimed.
File: Syndra (85).jpg (97 KB, 500x658) Image search: [Google]
Syndra (85).jpg
97 KB, 500x658
Not small enough Miss Pauling
Rin claimed
File: Ta-Tsu-Ta.png (832 KB, 1221x1615) Image search: [Google]
832 KB, 1221x1615
Tatsuta claimed.

>Tea is amazing.
File: Akemi.Homura.full.489048.jpg (273 KB, 950x1025) Image search: [Google]
273 KB, 950x1025
Obligatory Homura claim for Homuranon. <3
File: maxresdefault.jpg (55 KB, 1280x720) Image search: [Google]
55 KB, 1280x720
Forgot image
File: Liberty Prime2.jpg (77 KB, 1280x720) Image search: [Google]
Liberty Prime2.jpg
77 KB, 1280x720
apparently canadians pronounce "meme" differently
File: ugh.jpg (41 KB, 368x368) Image search: [Google]
41 KB, 368x368
>wondering if it counts without an image
File: __.png (281 B, 6x7) Image search: [Google]
281 B, 6x7
File: Tatsumaki (414).png (782 KB, 579x819) Image search: [Google]
Tatsumaki (414).png
782 KB, 579x819
Master Memer.
File: Kei_5.png (114 KB, 380x380) Image search: [Google]
114 KB, 380x380
I fixed it.
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587 KB, 1920x1200
File: Pocky 8.jpg (285 KB, 934x1200) Image search: [Google]
Pocky 8.jpg
285 KB, 934x1200
Tenryuu claimed

And back from the temporary dead...i think
File: wtf.jpg (2 KB, 125x122) Image search: [Google]
2 KB, 125x122
Theres this magical button on keyboards called PrtSc, use it.
File: Syndra (15).png (518 KB, 760x743) Image search: [Google]
Syndra (15).png
518 KB, 760x743
My brother of dark skin color
There are still a few pixels to go
Some games actually don't support PrtScn and not all have a built in save image key either.

Some games will just end up giving you an all black screen.
>Not OP, but I know from experience
File: Jibril.jpg (129 KB, 1280x720) Image search: [Google]
129 KB, 1280x720
Tea is finished and my work for today is done, time to lurk
File: Ayame_Kajou_54.png (317 KB, 1000x1419) Image search: [Google]
317 KB, 1000x1419
Dark skin eh?
File: ___.gif (818 B, 3x4) Image search: [Google]
818 B, 3x4
File: Tatsieblushing.jpg (40 KB, 495x495) Image search: [Google]
40 KB, 495x495
Hi Tenryuu. How is Friday treating you?
>Dem pillows
>Engine at 3/4

My person of colour. How are you doing today?And what are you currently drinking?
>inb4 lime blossom
WTF, how did the file size jump up to 818 B?
.gif shouldn't be more than .png
File: Juri065.jpg (14 KB, 236x236) Image search: [Google]
14 KB, 236x236
Hm, I get the whole contrast thing. There's just too much weak and not enough strong.
>Is it so wrong to like someone who's strong, confident and secure?
Glad you like it, I still need to add more to it from what I actually like.
Hey Tatsu.
File: Syndra (88).jpg (128 KB, 800x1200) Image search: [Google]
Syndra (88).jpg
128 KB, 800x1200
Not enough, you can do better.
Just got home for the weekend, going to spend it with family.
And yes, i am drinking lime blossom tea
File: shiro_1761b.jpg (684 KB, 1024x1448) Image search: [Google]
684 KB, 1024x1448
Excuse the extremely late reply, I was busy forgetting that I already claimed.
Doing pretty good actually; except that I had productive things to do today, but ended up wasting the time away, making almost passable excuses.

I'm currently watching Grisaia. Sachii is pretty cool, if you're into the submissive kind that can also handle bombs.
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99 KB, 1000x712
Anybody got that gif of the asian guy squinting at the paper
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Tatsumaki (266).png
739 KB, 885x1521
File: Tatsiefingeronface.jpg (350 KB, 732x1169) Image search: [Google]
350 KB, 732x1169
Juri! How's it going? I listened through your playlist again earlier today. So many good songs.

Sounds like time well spent. Do you visit them often?
>I should try lime blossom sometime
File: _____.gif (807 B, 1x1) Image search: [Google]
807 B, 1x1
Okay, 1x1, it's impossible to shrink anymore.
File: Tenryuu 152.jpg (444 KB, 773x1000) Image search: [Google]
Tenryuu 152.jpg
444 KB, 773x1000
>How is Friday treating you?
Pretty good. Lots of paid free time, got a bottle of whisky (and it's not the cheapest), bought some tea (black tea with vanilla) and took a nap. What a bad decision....
>Engine at 3/4
Is that good or bad? Don't die me here again if it's bad....

Hallo Shiro. Was hat der Freitag dir so bisher entgegen geworfen?
File: Ayame_Kajou_8.gif (84 KB, 600x337) Image search: [Google]
84 KB, 600x337
Its saturday.
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4 KB, 125x125
Best waifu claimed
File: chen22.jpg (9 KB, 229x220) Image search: [Google]
9 KB, 229x220
is sunday in my country
File: Sensible Chuckle.gif (993 KB, 250x250) Image search: [Google]
Sensible Chuckle.gif
993 KB, 250x250
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[]D [] []V[] []D.png
3 MB, 1080x1440
It doesn't even have any color, it just reverted to white.

I tried making the file size smaller, but once it drops below 200 B 4chan thinks it's an embedded file and will refuse to upload.
File: Syndra (77).jpg (845 KB, 900x1271) Image search: [Google]
Syndra (77).jpg
845 KB, 900x1271
I usually visit them every other week, but this is an exception.
I know you can do better, there must be a way.
File: 200px-Sachi.png (71 KB, 200x332) Image search: [Google]
71 KB, 200x332
yeah sachi in general is pretty cood
>also super waifu material
its Friday
File: shiro_1775.jpg (1 MB, 850x1202) Image search: [Google]
1 MB, 850x1202
Nur Arbeit und Verantwortung, aber man nennt mich nicht umsonst Kuroko!
Wie läufts bei dir so?

I aint in the first world.
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6 KB, 194x152

have this guys
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375 KB, 1080x1920
Just post nothing
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345 KB, 640x360
Oh god hes an undercover spy...
File: Tatsielookingback.jpg (44 KB, 446x923) Image search: [Google]
44 KB, 446x923
Good to hear. What kind of whiskey did you purchase? Malt?
>black tea with vanilla
My favourite! Simply the best.
I actually also had a nap earlier. 9/10 they end horribly for me. Today, however, I seem to have lucked out. Sorry to hear that you didn't have the same luck as me.
>Is that good or bad? Don't die me here again if it's bad....
You play Warships... It's 2nd-highest speed, just below "FULL".

Ah. What's the occasion?
File: Leak.jpg (60 KB, 364x813) Image search: [Google]
60 KB, 364x813
< 12 > My girlfriend cheated on me after 5 years. Time to pay her back. Enjoy /b/, I know you will.
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240 KB, 600x800
>I had productive things to do today, but ended up wasting the time away, making almost passable excuses.
Sums up most of my life tbh

You can do better than that
File: Perfection.png (446 KB, 564x800) Image search: [Google]
446 KB, 564x800
File: Tenryuu 134.jpg (101 KB, 600x600) Image search: [Google]
Tenryuu 134.jpg
101 KB, 600x600
Ich übersetze mal meine Antwort an Tatsuta:
Ziemlich gut, hatte eine menge bezahlte Freizeit, hab ne Flasche Whisky bekommen (und auch keiner für 12€/Flasche), hab mir noch Schwarztee mit Vanille gegönnt, ein Nickerchen gemacht (was irgendwie nicht so ne tolle Idee war) und nun am überlegen was ich zocken soll....und ich bekomme immer noch nicht genug von diesem Beat...

>You play Warships... It's 2nd-highest speed, just below "FULL".
I never do that unless to evade torpedos or in the start of a game

>Does the artist accepts requests now?
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4 MB, 347x244
File: 9-11_2.0.png (3 MB, 1788x921) Image search: [Google]
3 MB, 1788x921
It cant get any smaller. I tried turning the 1x1 into a transparent png and it made it down to 155 bytes. Like I said, it thinks it's an embedded file.
4chan won't recognize it, even with all the byte-crunching in the world.
File: Tatsumaki (407).jpg (728 KB, 636x900) Image search: [Google]
Tatsumaki (407).jpg
728 KB, 636x900
What anime thread was this posted in?
File: shiro_1802.jpg (48 KB, 480x720) Image search: [Google]
48 KB, 480x720
Bad thing about her is that she's probably so submissive to everyone that she would suck anyone off if they asked...

What's the name of the song?
>inb4 ayayayaya

>If I start later, I will be older, therefore wiser.
File: this one.jpg (293 KB, 1366x768) Image search: [Google]
this one.jpg
293 KB, 1366x768
File: Yume01.gif (3 MB, 500x281) Image search: [Google]
3 MB, 500x281
those legs
you are not the imposter anon so
Na salzigste am Leben seiende Person wie geht es dir?
Are you out of jail already?

>claiming yume
File: WaifuBadge.jpg (325 KB, 754x754) Image search: [Google]
325 KB, 754x754
Still says closed on his deviantart, if they're not open by tomorrow then something's up.
Hello, I'm doing alright, bit tired and a bit sore, how are you doing?
File: sachii5.jpg (80 KB, 500x281) Image search: [Google]
80 KB, 500x281
what anime is that from?
that's only a bad thing if you're not always with her
>good thing if you are though
File: Cake.png (365 KB, 750x750) Image search: [Google]
365 KB, 750x750
>What's the name of the song?
Didn't have to go, I dodge a bullet for not.
File: 250px-Chen_Sauce.jpg (23 KB, 250x179) Image search: [Google]
23 KB, 250x179
Korpiklaani - Hunting Song
File: Syndra (36).jpg (681 KB, 768x1004) Image search: [Google]
Syndra (36).jpg
681 KB, 768x1004
How do you expect to be called Mememaster™ now?
Just a bit tired, but fixing it with tea.
Kiniro Mosaic
File: Tatsumaki (208).jpg (125 KB, 850x1200) Image search: [Google]
Tatsumaki (208).jpg
125 KB, 850x1200
On /a/? I wish I could find the original thread on /wsg/ now.

Too much trouble sifting through the catalog and I don't even know if the thread is archived or not.

Oh well.
File: Juri159.jpg (568 KB, 652x1000) Image search: [Google]
568 KB, 652x1000
I'm glad you like it so. I just got done adding most of the FF songs I listen to, as well as a few other tracks. Will be adding more tomorrow most likely as well. I am doing well, I'm home but I've got to go back to work in a few hours to close the store, so I'm just sitting here really. What are you up to, day been good to you?
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630 KB, 1366x768
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23 KB, 209x193
honk honk honk ho ho
File: 669.png (387 KB, 800x600) Image search: [Google]
387 KB, 800x600
I saved that picture... Someone else did the fuckup. I'm also on my phone.

Rinfag returns with a vengeance, and a small mobile folder now.
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25 KB, 620x352
The fuck is this?
File: Tsundairy.jpg (718 KB, 1344x2260) Image search: [Google]
718 KB, 1344x2260
No sleep tends to make you tired.
File: shinoa-smirk.jpg (26 KB, 700x392) Image search: [Google]
26 KB, 700x392
Taking a small break off of work to say hi. Now I'm going back to work
File: Syndra (42).jpg (60 KB, 344x327) Image search: [Google]
Syndra (42).jpg
60 KB, 344x327
Sleep is overrated
File: Mememaster™.png (105 KB, 5000x5000) Image search: [Google]
105 KB, 5000x5000
Hey, the smallest possible image you can create is a 1x1 transparent png at 67 or 68 B. But the thumbnail would be considered more detailed than the actual image, so it would be considered a embedded file.

You can technically create a file 0x0, but it would end up as 1x1 by default.
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Tatsumaki (362).jpg
457 KB, 578x870
File: 8l.jpg (54 KB, 640x640) Image search: [Google]
54 KB, 640x640
Im bored.
File: Tatsiecolourfuleyes.png (3 MB, 2115x3145) Image search: [Google]
3 MB, 2115x3145
Full speed all day, every day? Is that the Tenryuu way?

That sounds extravagant.
>me getting my shit back.
That's related to your getting burgled, yes? I managed to catch some of that. If so, glad everything worked out in your favour.
>Hope the sack of shit who did it got what they deserved

You've added more? Sweet! Time to check it out.
>I've got to go back to work in a few hours to close the store
If you don't mind me asking, what kind of store?
My day has been good. Had an intense but rewarding seminar earlier this morning. Currently enjoying some tea and contemplating how to waste my time this evening.
File: Tenryuu 2.jpg (392 KB, 744x1052) Image search: [Google]
Tenryuu 2.jpg
392 KB, 744x1052
Mir geht es relativ fein, der Whisky ist auch schon bereit...fehlt nur noch Graf im TS

Let's hope that he'll open tomorrow.
I still haven't decited what is more cringe between these types of posts or the furry posts.
File: Sakurini.jpg (27 KB, 646x871) Image search: [Google]
27 KB, 646x871
Waifu with the best bod claimed
File: Yume05.gif (2 MB, 500x500) Image search: [Google]
2 MB, 500x500
Ohja heute wollte Graf ja fluchen wie die salty person die er eigentlich ist.
File: anon.jpg (3 KB, 124x123) Image search: [Google]
3 KB, 124x123
Definitely the waifu ones, they take up way too much of the board.
>10 pages of shit
>waifu takes up one thread on one page
File: Syndra (8).jpg (221 KB, 700x1445) Image search: [Google]
Syndra (8).jpg
221 KB, 700x1445
Fine, you get to pass this time.
He's getting ~6 years from what i heard yesterday.
But there will be another trial for things unrelated to me, so it might increase.
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28 KB, 284x214
i know this one already
File: Ayame_Kajou_21.jpg (35 KB, 600x578) Image search: [Google]
35 KB, 600x578
got'cha, >>678324384 was me, >>678324143
File: Goddess_Beth.jpg (127 KB, 1029x1149) Image search: [Google]
127 KB, 1029x1149
Claim Goddess Beth
File: Tenryuu chibi 18.jpg (112 KB, 512x512) Image search: [Google]
Tenryuu chibi 18.jpg
112 KB, 512x512
Always. Especially with Tirpitz or my quircky DD

He can't get saltier than me....never. I'm trained in this
File: too mutch.png (7 KB, 347x141) Image search: [Google]
too mutch.png
7 KB, 347x141
god damnit that game's name is on the tip of my tongue. Mind sharing anyone?
File: Ayame_Kajou_7.gif (703 KB, 500x500) Image search: [Google]
703 KB, 500x500
fucking rick and morty tho
File: Juri124.jpg (34 KB, 342x773) Image search: [Google]
34 KB, 342x773
A retail store, I'm the warehouse manager so I'm constantly picking up the slack from my workers calling out, not doing shit, fucking the job up, etc etc so I'm basically making sure they finish on time and don't end up destroying my clean warehouse.
>I've got a plan to motivate them though
>These shitheads never seen an employee of the month reward like I'm about to drop.
Good to hear you've had an easy day.
>Quite a few tea drinkers in here
>I like my coffee black as pitch
File: FLfH8CP[1].png (44 KB, 755x1255) Image search: [Google]
44 KB, 755x1255
For it was all a ruse.
File: Syndra (46).jpg (106 KB, 480x536) Image search: [Google]
Syndra (46).jpg
106 KB, 480x536
Katawa shoujo
File: Ayame_Kajou_44.gif (294 KB, 540x400) Image search: [Google]
294 KB, 540x400
By the way... that was sarcasm, have fun circlejerking off to your superiority though~
File: 1460112738838.png (67 KB, 154x244) Image search: [Google]
67 KB, 154x244
Crapawa Shitjo is not a game

>Full speed all day, every day
File: wallhaven-358602.jpg (1 MB, 2048x3648) Image search: [Google]
1 MB, 2048x3648
File: 0fuck you.png (44 KB, 431x233) Image search: [Google]
0fuck you.png
44 KB, 431x233
Yeah pretty much.
File: Tatsumaki (60).jpg (395 KB, 1024x874) Image search: [Google]
Tatsumaki (60).jpg
395 KB, 1024x874
Only one I like, the other is this one.

>I am Br0 !!6MVXskhR3UN
Fucking Tripfags.
File: Ayame_kajou_63.jpg (121 KB, 724x1024) Image search: [Google]
121 KB, 724x1024
I wonder how many KanColleFags actually play the game..
File: sachii32.png (343 KB, 370x502) Image search: [Google]
343 KB, 370x502

fellow coffee drinkers?
LOL yeah these waifu boards are so shit XD

>>>/a/ fucking weeaboos get out of this otherwise great place
File: fuck off.png (77 KB, 419x294) Image search: [Google]
fuck off.png
77 KB, 419x294
please refer to >>678325050 for help.
The anime was pretty fun, but can you actually play the game in English without having to get around region lock stuff?
File: 1.png (256 KB, 841x736) Image search: [Google]
256 KB, 841x736
I have forsworn browser games.

Back from dinner, back to lurking/drawing/music.
File: Ayame_Kajou_61.jpg (83 KB, 850x1125) Image search: [Google]
83 KB, 850x1125
It's REALLY fucking easy to "get past" im playin it right now :P
But no ya cant really play in english much, no one has bothered to make a translation.
File: images.jpg (10 KB, 272x185) Image search: [Google]
10 KB, 272x185
Aisha claimed
File: Tatsiesmiling.jpg (233 KB, 600x880) Image search: [Google]
233 KB, 600x880
>He's getting ~6 years
>it might increase
This. I like this.

Made me think about atsf. Now I kind of want to listen to eurobeat.
>Favourite DD?

>warehouse manager
I have no trouble seeing this for some reason. You strike me as a person who has to pick up the slack of others.
>employee of the month reward
That sounds so American. I'm going to have to ask you to tell the tale after you've dropped the bomb on your workers.
I've tried it a few times. Just tastes bitter to me. Maybe I need to try some fancier stuff, like purchasing beans and using a French press or something.
Do you think you could link your playlist again? Seems like I lost it.
I have an idea, what about a gif that changes sizes?
I'm not sure if it's possible, but worth a try.
File: Tenryuu 151.jpg (82 KB, 1280x720) Image search: [Google]
Tenryuu 151.jpg
82 KB, 1280x720
I play it

There are some ways, but they open the servers from time to time so you can join. And with some effort you can make it work outside of Japan.

I have a Tirpitz too. Made in german.
>Favourite DD?
Definetly Kuma. Good speed, great firing power, and the torpedos are good. J/k, it's actually the T5 one
How hard is it without English? I have been really wanting to play but that's the only thing stopping me
File: shiny_and_chrome.jpg (521 KB, 811x1351) Image search: [Google]
521 KB, 811x1351
>Favourite DD
I'm here.
>surprise hug
File: Leak.jpg (60 KB, 364x813) Image search: [Google]
60 KB, 364x813
< 6 > So she cheated on me after 3 years of relationship. Guess what? It's my time to pay her back. Enjoy /b/ Will be removed in a few minutes.
>Pick up the slack
Yeah, that's me speaking lightly on the subject. Eh, at least it pays hella good but sometimes the aggravation and bullshit begins to wear down even the most massive of walls.
>And then I start getting nasty like Juri
Yes, I live in America so I'm automatically a racist, bigoted, ignorant piece of shit.
>Stereotypes aside
I hate living in this country, but there's no real alternative for me right now.
Shit, mine is usually pretty sweet. It definitely helps to know which bean you like(or if you prefer ground up) as there's more sweeter options available.
>I drink tea too don't worry
>You should check out the SFV character select theme
>Picturing hearing that theme while selecting Juri has me so fucking READY
File: 126r7z.gif (8 KB, 20x20) Image search: [Google]
8 KB, 20x20
File: Juri091.jpg (110 KB, 564x798) Image search: [Google]
110 KB, 564x798
Oops, I forgot the pic.
>First time for everything
File: Liberty Prime.jpg (192 KB, 800x1143) Image search: [Google]
Liberty Prime.jpg
192 KB, 800x1143
File: annoyed.jpg (250 KB, 835x1000) Image search: [Google]
250 KB, 835x1000
get the fuck out you nutcase
File: Ayame_Kajou_33.jpg (207 KB, 746x1072) Image search: [Google]
207 KB, 746x1072
you read japanese?
Its easy once you remember what the buttons do, (there really arent that many) It's a deceptively simple game to start playing :/ Theres just lots of wiki reading cuz you cant read the stuff in game.
File: Syndra (68).jpg (82 KB, 600x997) Image search: [Google]
Syndra (68).jpg
82 KB, 600x997
Its getting there
File: 126rfv.gif (13 KB, 20x20) Image search: [Google]
13 KB, 20x20
test 2
File: sachii21.jpg (15 KB, 103x300) Image search: [Google]
15 KB, 103x300
you can only have one waifu, more than one will ruin your laifu
20x20? you can do better than that
File: wewlad.png (39 KB, 287x301) Image search: [Google]
39 KB, 287x301
I claim you should KYS.
File: 1410061796106.jpg (165 KB, 444x600) Image search: [Google]
165 KB, 444x600

dont tell me what to do cunt
File: Juri077.jpg (33 KB, 564x797) Image search: [Google]
33 KB, 564x797
Sick baits /b/ro, you cast that line out yourself too?
File: too soon.jpg (91 KB, 640x520) Image search: [Google]
too soon.jpg
91 KB, 640x520
File: 126rv0.gif (14 KB, 20x20) Image search: [Google]
14 KB, 20x20
It starts out at 11x14 and it's suppose to shrink down to 1x1, but it seems that when I used multiple files are varying sizes it adds them all together and uses that as the file size.
File: Stalin.jpg (53 KB, 433x599) Image search: [Google]
53 KB, 433x599
Elitist scum.
File: perfect.gif (452 KB, 478x482) Image search: [Google]
452 KB, 478x482
>being this retarded
File: Tatsielonghair.jpg (377 KB, 1000x1414) Image search: [Google]
377 KB, 1000x1414
I remember that you own a Tirpitz. Glorious German BB, legendary/10.
>Definetly Kuma. Good speed, great firing power, and the torpedos are good. J/k, it's actually the T5 one
Isn't Kuma a CL? Am I missing a joke here? I am confused.

Tsuzu cutest fetish DD. Hi.

>the aggravation and bullshit
I sort of know what you mean. Whenever I have to do group work I get a shiver down my spine. Unless we get to pick our own members I know I'm in for a world of hurt.
If it means anything to you, I think you are a very nice and interesting for being a racist, bigoted, ignorant piece of shit.
>Jokes aside, the first part was true. Talking to you is relaxing. It's hard to put it into words.
I'll probably try it again at a later stage, when I can actually afford to purchase things more on a whim. There's a local company that apparently produces some decent beans, so I've been meaning to try it sooner rather than later.
Dude... FF X. The memories are all coming back.
Here's a nice relaxing song for you. I hope you haven't heard it before:
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Hey guys, howdy ? Just bought 3 new All-Stars.
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i was simply giving you a suggestion for your liafu
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[anon intensifies].jpg
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Nah, there are actually some viewer programms or extensions for Chrome which are translating the basics like ship names or quests. For the rest like the buttons and stuff you have to get used to it with help from the wiki

>Isn't Kuma a CL? Am I missing a joke here? I am confused.
Tbh, most IJN DDs are pretty shit in comparison to the USN or even russian ones. It only gets good in the higher tiers with better torpedos. Tenryuu and Kuma are basically large DDs, and Kuma is the best ship on it's tier, so Kuma is the best DD
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Revy Claim
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Just woke up Rory claim.
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show us your drawings
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Syndra (31).jpg
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Hey Bugs
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Well yes, i do just so happen to use KC3 most of the time, i just meant a full translation, its only really snippets.
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You claim everything in the picture.
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Tatsumaki (207).jpg
1 MB, 1200x1678
Your point?
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Best Ice Queen is mine.
fuck off mai
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Ah, now I get it. My inexperience in that game hurts at times. Especially when I am actually playing.
>It only gets good in the higher tiers with better torpedos
I have witnessed Shimakaze's wall of death.

Good morning, Rory. How are you feeling today?
Nice trips, Checked.
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ooh dem abs.jpg
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I think i stated my point pretty clearly ;)

You people should into leeter porn games

good taste in shipgrills
Is this Mai thing still... well, a thing?
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Hello syndra
Hope you're having a wonderful day today.
You seem less lurky in this thread than usual.
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Tatsumaki (200).png
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Your point is based on what?
comon dude
don't do this.
Fuck off mai
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I'd rather elect to get the work done myself, unless they're extremely adaptive and competent I end up getting slowed down by them.
Don't worry some other anon on here was being a retard thinking they were serious.
>Nice and interesting
Well, aren't you just a sweet heart. Thanks, I enjoy talking to you too. Reminds me of when Hand-anon was around.
No rush, it's a hit and miss kind of thing.
>Just don't drink too much of it.
Best English dub of all time, kek. I'll be adding more tomorrow when more ideas come back to me.
I haven't heard this one, I never got around to XIII, I fell off on FF after XII, I should play the games though.
>The track is like a mix of FF 8, 9, and 10 music with some original sounds
>It sounds familiar
I like it, thanks.
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Syndra (47).jpg
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Im not watching anything today, so that might explain things.
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Tatsumaki (24).jpg
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Huh. Nevermind, I need to read posts more diligently, maybe pick up a few tricks by Mikan.
well what am i supposed to do i cant lenny face on 4chan.
Making next thread
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Tatsumaki (13).jpg
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ok mai
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I have no time for timing, for I am rushing out the door
So here goes nothing

>If trips get, every waifu of the thread must be given to me this very instant!
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chara is that u
Not surprising
unlucky anon next time for sure

New Tats approved thread.
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