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Waifu claiming thread. The rules are very simple: >claim your

The stories and information posted here are artistic works of fiction and falsehood.
Only a fool would take anything posted here as fact.

Thread replies: 169
Thread images: 151
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Waifu claiming thread.
The rules are very simple:
>claim your 2D waifu
>post pics of your waifu
>insult other waifus
>read rule 5
>ignore rule 4
>discuss stuff
>post fitting, not over-sexualised content
>most important: Have fun!

Fastest waifu on no legs claimed
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Cool! Anything interesting happen?

They are. Nothings better than a good hug
>hug out of nowhere
And the unexpected ones are the best~

Oh my
>good luck on your search!
>don't forget about me once you find one!

How're you doing?
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emperor claimed
Top Tier Ice Waifu is mine.
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I'm gonna go do stuff, I'll be back.
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Matoichan here
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Shiki 0271.jpg
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I thought you had gone off to bed
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Sachi Claim
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Atago 327.jpg
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Drop the bomb
Her head is the shape of an alien's
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Dis mai waifu
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>hugs again
And nah, I'd never forget /waifu/. You're all waaay too nice
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Tenryuu claimed and heading to bed. See you guys tomorrow and until then: If you're salty or afraid, then draw some Swastikas to calm down. Always works.
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cya Galko!

Gute Nacht Ten!
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Syndra (59).jpg
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Syndra claimed.

Ok /waifu/ i think its time for some questions.
Lets start with the usual one
1)What are you drinking?
>as usual, Lime blossom tea
2)What time do you get up?
>around 6 or 7 am
3)Have you ever sleepwalked or talked in your sleep?
>i talk in my sleep few times a week.
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Tatsumaki (33).png
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I'm in bed right now. Just wanted to claim Tats for the last time today.
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What's with the faggots hugging and shit. Jesus christ /b/'s gone to shit

Hello all~
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I'd miss you if you left! I love hugging you!
>slightly sad hugs

You want one too?

Gute Nacht, mein Führer!
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Atago 041.png
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>And nah, I'd never forget /waifu/. You're all waaay too nice

I love when people say things like this.

Makes it feel like we made a difference, right guys? You know who you are
>Implying /b/ wasn't always shit.
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1) nothing right now
2) around 1:45pm
sounds like you need a hug anon
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Shiki 0852.png
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Hello Emi.
>1)What are you drinking?
>2)What time do you get up?
6:30 am.
>3)Have you ever sleepwalked or talked in your sleep?
I often talk in my sleep, can't remember about what.
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Yeah, you're right. We should get rid of this thread. It's clogging up all of the [specific girl] porn and dubs decides threads.
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Atago 190.jpg
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Gute nacht, Führer
Ich liebe dich
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Lol ok

To chara: that's a relief on the drinks


1. Water, weight gain and protien shakes

2.6 am

3. Not that I know of

Shinoa claimed
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He means its gone shitter.
I don't know why he's complaining about this to us,though.
There is literally always a thread full of nothing but furry dicks.
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well, I don't plan on just disappearing.
>Maybe not coming for a while, but I'll always drop back in here
>After all, you're here forever
I think you guys definetly made a difference. I hope I also make a difference or will make a difference.
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1) Water, gotta keep my kidneys fresh
2) It depends a lot on the day, I can wake up at any time between 11am and 1pm
3) I used to talk in my sleep when I was a kid, not anymore

Hi Shiki! How's it going?
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You better not!
>This ride never ends

>surprise hugs
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Claiming Moemura for Homuranon.
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Atago 148.jpg
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1) The tears of small children (from a diamond encrusted golden chalice)
2) 7:00
3) No
I know this for a fact.
Because I'm not in jail.
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And claiming the totally-not-a-stocking-fetish-object myself.
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>Earl Grey
>on weekends 1:00, school days 6:00
>Once, my girlfriend told me i got up and had a bowl of rice krispies
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Shiki 1056.jpg
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Good, a bit overworked but nothing I can't manage with the power of skimping on sleep.
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I'll always come back here, don't worry.
by the way, where do you live Prince?
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Atago 172.jpg
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>you're here forever
Only the b& are spared form this evil
>I hope I also make a difference or will make a difference.
You're on board with /waifu/
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I'm trying to work on this drawing but stuff's hard.
Not much else going on, got up fairly late, got here even later and we had a slow day.
Not bad by any means.
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Surprise hugs best hugs!

College work takes its toll it seems. Are exams close?
'This' as in me virtually pointing. Not the one I posted.
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>1) Arizona Iced Tea, [Lemon]
>2) 6am school days 10-12 noon any other day
>3) not that I remember

>it's prinz but I'll be your prince :^)
Maryland USA

You're clothed!

Drawing is hard anyway. Good to hear
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Consider superior autism as CLAIMED.

Hello guys, how is everyone doing tonight?
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A bit over a month to our first one, but there's a big amount of projects now.
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S-Stop being lewd, please..
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>Only the b& are spared from this fun
There, I corrected it for you
>I'm on board with /waifu/
Does that mean I made a difference?

>I'll be your prince
You smooth motherfucker
>A-are you rough?
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Hello reinon! How's life?

Don't get naked again please~
>seriously anything naked is against the rules
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Matoi made eggrolls!
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Atago 093.jpg
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He knows that it's "Prinz"
He also knows that it's German for "Prince"
Prinz Eugen = Prince Eugene

It's not V2 rocket science
>please fucking kill me
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Shiki 0045.png
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[muffled Pan paka pan~ nearby]
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Life is surprisingly well! Recently became more lonely than ever, and I am feeling good (?!) about it, or something. I dunno, feels good to be alone.
People tend to annoy me.

How are you doing, friend?

Better, but .. hmmpfh, more clothes, please.
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>no, I'm not sorry
>ask Teto anon if you want to know :^)

Can I have one :o

Ooh I didn't know that! You learn something new every day

Oh that's a nice burger you got there
Whats everyone favorite fruit? Dragon fruit all the way
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Projects are a bummer, but we are in april already, exams will be over before you notice
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Technically it would make more sense to call her Eugen-san.
Prince is the correct translation for Prinz, which has a female variant much like in English: Prinzessin.
Eugenia would be the female version of Eugen, I think, but it works alright as as a female name as is.
>le German face

Not like it bothers me, it's just a little odd.
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Already ate two
Do grapes count? I like those.
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I will
>Who's Teto anon?
No, really, I don't remember that name
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>recently became more lonely than ever
Welcome to my daily life pal. Enjoy your stay
I'm fine though! Just kinda bored with studying.

Strawberry all the way

Heh, I hadn't learned that yet. Thanks hats! You can call me Eugen-san if you want

But there's three.. Can I have the last one?
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Same thing with Graf btw., which is the equivalent to a Count, I think.
A Countess is Gräfin.
>who gives a shit
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Syndra (85).jpg
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My anon waifu, Teto
>pic related

Oh your shirt became unbuttoned!
We can't let people seeing this!

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rip qbey3.jpg
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Hey everyone.

Cherries. But i like red fruits a lot more than all others for some reason, so strawberries, watermelon etc

My moemeter is off the charts +.+
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Atago 155.jpg
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>Does that mean I made a difference?
Matoi = ChinkM00t?
[Muffled Pan-Paka-Paaan~ gets increasingly louder]
>Ooh I didn't know that
Yes you did know it
Everyone knows
>pls no smug

You fail to realize that the Admiral Hipper class CA "Prinz Eugen" was one of the few ships specifically called a "he" instead of a "she"
So "Prinz Eugen" is still correct.

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Thank you for your consideration, friend.

I used to have shitloads of homework, but now I only have 1 thing, and it's fun af to work on.
>tfw I get to write about the Emperor's impression on the people of Japan and Japan over-all 1603-1950

I'm literally weebing out, bud.
Also, would anyone like to share music? :3
>Oh your shirt became unbuttoned!
>We can't let people seeing this!
You are just asking for the rp rule to be brought back.
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images (19).jpg
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Goodbye anons
See yah later
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Bait (137).png
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Bye, friendwithgoodtaste!
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Syndra (74).jpg
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Welcome back bait
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Oh, hi Teto!
>So is Prinz rough?
aww, thank you, that lifts my mood a bit more!
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I didn't! I'm only in German 1 so I haven't gotten that far yet

Ooh that sounds fun!
I'm listening to. This

I'm enforcing the no nudes role in a fun way. Is there a problem?

Goodbye ryuko!
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You saying Eugen-san is a trap?
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I'm prinz.. I posted that pic to show you who Teto was
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Atago 142.jpg
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The only German class I'm in is "German with Tenten"
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Welcome back
I approve of your tastes anon
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What kind of diet did your waifu had? She is a bit "stronger" than the last time i saw her.
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Oho, I love music like that! That song is great.
I'm in a comfy mood as far as music goes atm though, so I'm listening the everliving fuck out of the same 3 songs.
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That's... A nice bell you got there!
>srsly please stop things that are too lewd.

Kek, sounds like a fun class
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Aww... but when Teto isn't even here you have to answer
>So are you a rough Prinz?
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Der Deutsche Sprache ist schwer. :<
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Atago 156.jpg
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Sadly, yes.
Prinz Eugen was always referred to as "he" rather than "she" at all times.
In Kancolle (as you already know) Prinz is a she

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Welcome back. <3
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Hello, friend! How're you doing tonight?
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Shinobu claimed.
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Ah Im a little in the middle in my opinion atleast. I can do either rough or soft if that answers your question

It is a good song! I'm not a country person though

I'm being serious. You have to stop I don't want to be forceful

>inb4 my waifu is a trap
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Fair enough. I just found it really comfy. It's a bit complicated, really.
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Atago 193.jpg
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I'm Nazi enough to be in Ghost Division, yet I barely scrape by Tenten's German conversations
Ivan claimed.
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Sup Reianon. Doing fine, waiting for my green supplier.
What about you?
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Well, that's what I was talking about anyways.
Not like it matters, but it makes more sense to call them Eugen and Zeppelin instead of Prinz and Graf.
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Ah well I gotta go for a bit. Talk to you all soon!
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You don't need german to be a Nazi, friend.
>but it helps greatly

What's a green supplier?
Watching Grimgar, it's really good
a-and feelsy.. Over-all doing good!
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Yup, that answers my question!
>It's exactly how I like it
I should start hitting on you I guess

Oh, also my waifu is more of a trap than your waifu will ever be able

Bye Prinz!
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cya Prinz!
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>You don't need german to be a Nazi, friend.
I guess its fine as long as you know the keywords, like JUDEN RAUS.

>What's a green supplier?
My dealer.

>Watching Grimgar, it's really good
Oh nice! I really enjoyed it despite the slow pace and feeling like the show missed a lot of opportunities (like not exploring enough the characters past and never showing the other party fighting). Hope they make another season.

>a-and feelsy.. Over-all doing good!
Yus it is... What episode are you at?
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with no pic? we need to be able to judge your waifu
Welcome To The Salty Spitoon. How Nazi Are Ya?
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Oi, that's .. hmmpfh.. I don't know about that..

The first thing I learned was "ACHTUNG, ALLE JUDEN RAUS!" and I said it at my first german class. Never seen such butthurtness before.

Oho, I see. What're you getting, friend? Weed?
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There's no better time

>If trips get, every waifu of the thread must be given to me this very instant!
This thread is being monitored by yours truly.
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More like
>if trips poor me kills myself
Don't take my Rei. :<
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kek. Yes, been doing it for like few years and never tried any other drug, i barely drink alcohol and only smoked cigs in times of stress.

Tho i still want to try acids once in my life.

Better luck next time buddy.
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And I wish to try weed. Hmmn, hmmn.
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we need to talk.png
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But you can just get another one from NERV labs :<
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Both are best German CA and CV, respectively
I'll do my very best
I'm going as an SS officer this upcoming Halloween, I shit you not.
I already have a partner.
>she'll fucking bail last minute, just you watch
>The first thing I learned was "ACHTUNG, ALLE JUDEN RAUS!" and I said it at my first german class. Never seen such butthurtness before.
"Die Endlösung der Judenfrage" would have been better
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Take care, Eugen-san.
>goodbye hug

We usually told them to get into stuff instead of out.
>cattle wagons
That exact order.

Just get a new one.

>tfw I grow my own
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I assume after 3 days straight the shit-posters got tired and gave up?

Or their tummies started to feel better and they went back to school.
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Oi, don't .. say stuff like that ..
There is only one Rei for me!

The grammar is fucked up, but the language itself is pretty simple. Like, the words. I don't know ..

See what I wrote first. :v

Hey, that's .. ! You're just getting ready for bed, aren't you ?
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sip with madoka.jpg
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It helps you appreciate a lot of things like music or a show, its really good as long as you know when you shouldn't smoke (example going to work).


>tfw last time i tried to grow it got eaten by snails
im so dense i tried to grow outdoor during winter when everyone was telling me not too... at least i had the seeds for free.
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sup Kirino?

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Holy shit, SS/Nazi officer uniforms are really hot.
Doo eet, friend.

T-That's not how you sleep !

Yush, I just want to try it out, just to know what it's like.
Probably at a party or something
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Hm, guess you have relatively easy access considering you're bordering Spain?
Outdoor is always a little volatile unless you plant a whole field or invest a lot of work.
Snails are always a huge problem, they love that stuff.
Smart snails.
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Hey guys lets pretend that I didnt teel anything about you Brazil before. What is the frist thing that pop up in your minds
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Not Banzai, Juden Raus.
But I'll "Banzai" your clothes for you, if you want
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unlucky anon
checked the checked
Uhhh...Right this way
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Oi, that's LEWD! STOP IT!
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South america,the location of brazil and just geography in general.

No whats is the first thing that comes in to mind when i say ''Latvia''?
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>Probably at a party or something
I'd highly recommend you don't do that.
There is some chance it will make you feel sick.
It will also make you nauseous and distracted, possibly rendering you borderline unconscious for a few hours.
This only happens the first few times.
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Atago 084.jpg
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>SS/Nazi officer uniforms are really hot
You fucking know it.
They're sexy as fuck
*Heil on way in*
It was just a joke.
You know I wouldn't actually do it
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Just another small and rich country on Europe
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I'm going as an SS officer this upcoming Halloween, I shit you not.
I already have a partner.
>she'll fucking bail last minute, just you watch
Give me a time and a place, and I'll be there. Could probably get my best friend irl to come too.
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One of my favorite movies.
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Dammit 4chan you forgot the meme arrows.
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Syndra (36).jpg
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True, true
I wish.
That's better !

Hmmn, hmmn... I-I mean, I wouldn't mind it. Just .. saying it like that, you know ..

Hmmn, I suppose we'll see.

>inb4 entire thread marches on the streets in SS uniforms on Halloween
I'd do it with you guys.

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This >>678186723
Its also nice smoking just with few friends cuz you will be able to listen / watch to whatever you feel like.

Weed isnt that common here, we mostly get Hash from Morocco.
Fuck snails. So do you grow just for consumption or you're a seller?

>I dont have any good homura pic for this.
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Finally not being lew..- NONONO!
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I can't tell what you're saying, I've read it 3 times already, and still, nothing.

Is that what we're talking about? Yeah, it's one of my favorites as well
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Bait (9).png
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Murder. Don't feel bad, its the same with all countries south of the US, that and beheadings.
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Temporarily. These things never last.

>we mostly get Hash from Morocco
I'm kinda jealous. Good quality?
I just grow it for myself and am still pretty new to it.
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Just tell me what you think of Brazil
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My head is spinning and class starts in 7 hours. Maybe I should go get some sleep, hmmn.
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Hell. Because i have friends from Recife and thats how they describe it.
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Shiki 1193.jpg
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>implying these threads haven't always been lewd
I don't know, but that movie is far more interesting than corrupt spic country #251
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OIOIOI YOU aren't getting off on the attention, are you ?!
Sleep is for the weak
Drink more tea
you have a problem
You'd freeze to death in the uniform
Sorry you can't come, but it's not worth dying over
>Hmmn, hmmn... I-I mean, I wouldn't mind it. Just .. saying it like that, you know ..
Not happening
>>inb4 entire thread marches on the streets in SS uniforms on Halloween
>I'd do it with you guys.
I wish it'd happen

I think that they were environmentally responsible for using ethanol instead of gasoline for as long a they did, but now that gas is cheaper and the modern Brazilian car can run both Ethanol and gasoline, more people are turning toward petroleum.

That and they need to get their act together. Their economy sucks ATM and crime is a rampant problem. You could be riding your car, get stuck in traffic and be robbed at gunpoint. NTY. Not for me.
Why has no one checked these dubs?
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