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Waifu claiming thread The rules are very simple: >claim your

The stories and information posted here are artistic works of fiction and falsehood.
Only a fool would take anything posted here as fact.

Thread replies: 177
Thread images: 151
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Atago 001.jpg
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Waifu claiming thread

The rules are very simple:
>claim your 2D waifu
>post pics of your waifu
>discuss stuff
>post fitting, not over-sexualised content
>only 1 claim/Anon
>keep RP at a absolute minimum. We are here to discuss and insult, not to do RP or ERP-
>most important: Have fun!

Atago claimed
Miho claimed
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Hit it, Mikan!
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Vigil - 26.jpg
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It's time for bed
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Awh, you were doing great
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Pink guy claimed
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Hold up.
I want to send you this thing before you leave.
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Milinda claim

Im feeling really guilty for something that happened at work today...
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Sakura claim

What you guys up to anyways? Place seems to have slowed down, but I guess its a bad time everywhere
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Rory claimed
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Huh 6.png
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Why can't you post it here?
>super curious
>Sameji still lurking
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Waiting for doctor to be ready. Its a regular check of my main problem.
I still feel angry about the shit I had to deal with.
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... Vouch for 'em again, Moomoo.
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What happened with you?
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My waifu.
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BBL streaming some MGS V
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shinoa bros where art thou
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I can vouch for it, I don't think I've posted this image since it was created just in case.
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... Fine. I'll get a disposable going, one moment.

You have posted that image three times, by the way.
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I've seen it before
>I'm not helping at all, sorry.
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Very sorry. Family called me over.
Wanna tell me what happened? It's fine if you don't want to
The other Shinoa bro went offline
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Yeah I kinda felt like I had posted it since then, just couldn't remember and its been a while since I last posted it.
[email protected]
>pls no black hat shit
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Awwh, I hope everything works out! If only I could just magically heal things wrong with people.
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Why is she so perfect?
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Alright. Im the casual, second last shift. Work in a kitchen, breakfast shift. I walk in the door, floes everywhere. Roasted sweet potato left in a combi, turned off. Calamari-infused flour from the previous lunch above the flat grill. Nothing refilled. The vinegar container I refilled left down, and Im the physically weakest person in the kitchen, I cant return it to where it is kept unaided. Everything I asked them to do wasn't done. They're full timers, and they spent less time in the kitchen than I did, and Im only there for the breakfast times. Left the cleaner everything to clean yesterday. I fucking lost it.


They nearly closed the place down by being lazy cunts. And I hate dropping the c-bomb.
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daily reminder that your waifus don't exist
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Claiming, hows it goin guys?

daily reminder that suck my dick you fucking faggot
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Daily reminder that I'll still love her anyways

Bored, and tired. Might just touchy touchy then fall asleep :/
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Safehouse, huh?

Please forgive my suspicion.
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Things are going good but pretty slow. How bout you?
awwww wowe
>hugs :3
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In doctors room now. Potentially changing meds.
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You should have seen my suspicion.
I was paranoid as fuck at first.

Anyways... I'm off to bed since it's 3:05 where I live.
Good night, whoever's still out there
Goodnight Milktanker.
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>Touchy touchy then fall asleep
your night sounds like my night haha
Slow is my favorite speed! Haha Im doin pretty good thanks
You take your waifu everywhere don't you? and that sucks, what are your meds for if you dont mind me asking?
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>You should have seen my suspicion.
You brought it to me, remember?

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Goodnight, Atago. Have sweet dreams about that mysterious thingy you couldn't post about.
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Srry replies are slow playing league with a friend

Damn bro. that sucks

Its okay. As you may or may not know, i fly medical evac helicopters, on my shift today i had to respond to a fallen rock climber in the middle of nowhere. I flew out to get him and couldnt find a good place to land... Took me 30 mins and most of my fuel to find a solid landing zone. We finally got him, younger guy, critical condition, not looking good. 5 minutes from the hospital, no fucking joke 5 damn minutes he flatlines and we lose him... I was too damn slow...
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Humira 40 mgs
Merhotrexate 10 mgs
Folic acid 100 mgs
That I do, shes been good so far.
Not back in till Sunday, and thats my last day. Thats the good news out of that.
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I don't think you killed him. You did everything you could and you at least were able to try and get him to a hospital. It ain't your fault that you couldn't find a reasonable place to land for 20 minutes. I'm sure you'll feel better soon.
Yea I like the slow threads too, lets me talk to people easily. Just takes time for people to reply.
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Damn, whats the folic acid for? And she is a good one, I actually just finished that show, do you know if their gonna make more episodes?
Yeah same, plus I finally got some drink so I'm not as reserved as I am sober, even on an anonymous website I need alcohol to feel myself haha
Yeah that seems like a good idea, night anons. I might be back, but whatever. I wouldn't be surprised if noone missed sakura being around lol
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Ah. Thats good.

Thanks bro. I know its not my fault but I still feel like I could have done better, I could have tried to land in a more difficult area to save time but I was afraid... :/
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Damn. Certainly worse than my day, but you did everything you could. Dont feel bad that it happened the way it did, nothing could have changed that. Landing too quickly would have ended in 4 deaths instead of one.
Folic acid is to counter the methotrexate killing the folate. There better be more eps.
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that's awful anon, but it wasn't really yours or anyone else's fault. Hope you feel better soon :/
have Crowley breed- I mean bleeding Shinoa
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Just being awake late at night makes me not as reserved as I am at day so I'd assume drinking would have the same effect.
One thing I learned overtime is that if you got a bad feeling you should always trust it.
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It wouldn't have done anyone any good if you had crashed

>bsi, scene safe
>always rule #1
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glad that fag of Ten its not here
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About to jump back on the bike now, heading home. Basically company said no to the drug change so its reinduction to Humira time.
you know its true
I claimed mine
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hey /waifu/
do you read?
what's your favorite genere
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Goodnight! have a good sesh, haha I noticed you earlier getting flak for your waifu choice, stay strong brotha
I understood 40% of those words haha, what do you have that you need that kinda medication if that's not rude of me to ask
I can see that, for me its not so much I cant talk to people I just cant initiate conversation with most people to save my life
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Ayyy same. Staying awake for so long I just say random bullshit and I get a conversation going.
<3 you shinoa bro
Satanic trips don't lie.
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Thanks bro. That is a fair point. If only I was more experienced...

Thanks, I hope so too

Im starting to see some truth in that statement...

Thats true.
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I don't read at all really, last thing I remember really liking was Fall of Reach when I was young
Nice haha same, that's why I cant smoke weed though, when I smoke I start getting crazily self conscious about what I say, so I just sit there silently
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Post-apocalyptic fiction.
Picture somewhat related.
You're waifus a shits m8s
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Love ya too pal o' buddy
Just hoping you feel better soon.
God if I smoked weed I'd probably have 0 restraints and oh boy do I like to be extra careful about what I say. Also why I'm afraid of getting that pain killer shit.
great book
great author
great game
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So live to save someone another day

I always feel like I have really profound ideas, but then always forget the words needed to articulate them, so I just start sentences then they trail off half way through
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My favourite book along with A Roadside Picnic.
Got any recommendations in the post-apoc genre?
Also hi.
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All of that.
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Gravity Rush 03.jpg
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Guess I'll just claim Kat from Gravity Rush
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I'm stuck between Mika bro or Crowley bro
this identity crisis is awful
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Thanks everyone. You guys have been so helpful, I dont even know how to repay you.
Repay us by hanging in there anon
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That's exactly what I'm sayin! I have 0 filter when I smoke weed so I feel stupid about everything I say
Oh god I know how that is, I get like that will normal things, just lose all ability to form a normal sentence, but with weed everything I say is to try and be funny, so unless I get roaring laughter I feel like the biggest loser ever haha
hanging yourself
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I dunno man both are good options. 2 best dude vampires currently.
You've already repaid me with a conversation and I'm grateful for that.
Glad there is someone out there that feels the same way!
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>Lurky lurk
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Roadside Picnic's a great choice, for all the cheeki-breeki needs.
Well, currently I'm reading through the Silo series.
Also if you want something to watch I'd recommend Autómata movie, although it's more of that cyberpunk deal.
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Reminds me of when the orphanage leaves Sanguinem
>or tries to
Ikr? Chapter 44 tho
Crohns disease
Again with the doubts of yourself. Even the most experienced pilots make mistakes. I still split hollandaise occasionally.
I read sci fi, fantasy and modern military fiction. Personal favourites are Dan Abnetts work for 40k, Matthew Reilly and Malus Darkblade. I enjoy El Goonish Shive, Prequel and Misfile as webcomics though.
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I still need to read most of Gone with the Blastwave as well as Romantically Apocalyptic. Both are great post-apoc comics
I still need to read the manga. probably just gonna start where the anime left off which is like chapter 42 right? Then after read the prequel LNs
Something like that, yeah. The mangas are rly good, and the LNs are even better.
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Will do :)

Thanks Shinoa :)

Yeah I have a bad habit of doing that... Working on it tho.

Well I think I need a good nights sleep. Gotta go fly again in a few hours... Thanks again everyone. See you all tomorrow
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They're both damn great, too bad the author of GWTB hasn't uploaded any new ones in a good while.
Have a pretty new comic I found a while ago.
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Goodnight, anon
Best of luck.
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Enjoy the sleep. You need it.
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Fuck it gonna catch up right now if I can
No problem dude. Goodnight and I wish you cozy restful sleeps
I'll try to check it out tomorrow
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Knock yourself out.
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G'night, so good work
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Same, everyone I know who smokes weed have the normal reaction so when I tell them they think I'm being puss haha, btw I probably asked you before but whats your waifu from? I'm actually writing all the shows down now of where they come from
Damn that sucks, if your medication had changed would it have been better or worse for you?
Goodnight! Sleep well man
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How many Waifus would you estimate there are?
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Too many to count.
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In the area I'm in I'm suprised I don't have friends that do weed. Shinoa is from Owari no Seraph and I recommend it. 7-8/10 anime and a good one for a vampire anime. I believe I said it before but it's always nice to see a good anime in a genre full of shit.
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>surprise hug
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Howdy! how's it going dude.
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Like 3?
You're west coast aren't you? and nice, just wrote it down to watch when I get a chance!
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Better, my body is getting used to what Im on right now.
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Yep! And it's currentl 12:05 AM over here
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Nothing much, I'm alright as well. How about you all?
youre doing it wrong
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Shit that's rough, you got my sympathy Ruri, this drinks on you
Nice, Im west coast as well, not exactly the place to be if you don't like weed haha
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Just catching up on the OnS manga. It's actually interesting just hate the chapters seem to be short.
I just can't wait to leave this state though. Even though chances are I'll end up staying on the west coast or I'll end up going central.
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Pretty good now that I got my drink, its not really what I drink but booze is booze amirite?
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>you got my sympathy Ruri
You're absolutely welcome, anon.
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Come to central
>midwest is best west
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I don't think Ill leave cali but Id definitely be down to live in the east coast, what makes you choose central?
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God damn mobile
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A classic for sure.
Is Rory, not Ruri. Looks a little too close thoigh.
Slow thread tonight?
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I've said it before but I hate California. Only a few good things about it but that's just it. It's too damn hot out here and I don't feel like limiting how much water I use daily. Not to mention I don't care much for the people. I've got no real reason for it I just feel like I'd like it better in the middle of America. The only other states I would want to live in ironically is Arizona or Colorado
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Read it up! Got the digital or physical copies?
Es tu! How's it going Ruri?
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Reading it through Kissmanga. So far it seems to be translated well (at least from how it's put grammatically wise) and kept to a good standard unlike the JoJo chapters they put up.
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my crush is asleep and I wanna talk to her ;-;
fuck my schedule
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Fuck! I knew that too, I remember thinking that Rory was like a Chenglish way to say loli haha
I feel you there, I hate the heat so Arizona is out, but I'd definitely be down to live in Colorado. But I know what you mean with the people, Cali has a ton of dicks/cunts
lol I got it all fucked up, but ill be happy to take a drink for you if youd like!
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I know that feel all too well
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she got me into seraphposting tbh
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Hey everyone :) Sorry for the late claim! How are we doing?
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For real!? She sounds like a keeper, have you asked her out yet?
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That ending to chapter 44 though holy fuck. Same though my schedule is fucked so bad I don't have people to talk to at this hour except you guys which is great!
Yea for real though, I also want to see what snow looks like which sounds like a kid's dream haha. I honestly feel confined and left out of things because of California being so weird.
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Well, she does have the body of a loli.
My crush is taken.
Doing well Explosion.
>Season 2&3 coming soon
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I know, super excited
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Translation are half and half usually because of different translators.
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As long is it isn't any Duwang I'm fine. I just need to understand it and flow well.
Eh, it's complicated. Trust me.
Lmao, same! My best friend is in Canada so we talk a lot. Skyping right now actually.
Hey! I'm doing pretty good, how about you?
I wanna see legit snow too! I've sorta seen it a little bit, but I wanna build a snowman, I feel the same, the stereotype is that California is laid back and hippie but the laws are the most strict haha
Exactly, I loved when they first went through the gate and were psyched by the lolis and catgirls
Good claim!
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Ive seen snow. Its not that cool tbh.
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Forgot pic
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im late as fuck but i finally found the thread again
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I'm alright, yourself?
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They did find the catgirls though. It was pretty glorious. But then the moodswing in the middle of the season hit me hard.
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Yui claimed niggas
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Koko 27.jpg
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Say no more, its always complicated when it comes to those things, I hope it works out for you better than it has me friend!
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Skullgirls 1447988946736.png
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Does everyone have a Canadian friend? lmao
That's another thing about California I don't like is the laws are just oddly strict.
When you're in a hot area that's pretty much called a desert I think alot will be amazing to me haha.

also my first quads yaaaaaay
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That's Good! :) Whatcha up to?
I'm okay.. kinda sleep though
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It's never too late, welcome!
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ty fam i was here yesterday but i just spent on and off like an hour looking for the thread again
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Just drawing. You?
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Welcome back. Shitposters seem to have gone.
I live in a place where it goes from dry heat to dry cold. Base of a mountain range, flatlands on the side. Seasons are a bit extreme.
Watching the Raw after Mania. Probably about to have dinner.
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Koko 21.jpg
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Same, I thought for sure the guy who talked about cat girls was gonna get with the cat girl maid he met! I was a bit disappointed when that match didn't happen
Nothin much, just chillin until I pass out
Yeah that always bugged me too, the laws and everything are confusing as fuck, especially with guns which pisses me off heh
Welcome friend! whats she from?
Whatcha drawin?
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As far as I know it's always here. Glad you found it again!
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Dangan Ronpa, her name is Chiaki and shes from the second game. The first game currently has an anime and the second one is in development.
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m stands for mech.gif
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Just got done with all my homework and I'm finally feeling ready for exams :)

What's for dinner?

Don't pass out on me! :(
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wtf? What country is that?
I never understood the reason for strict gun laws. I understand banning of assault weapons etc. from the general public but cracking down on things like magazines and shit is retarded.
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Pretty sure he still got a catgirl.
Leftovers. Not sure what.
Australia. Canberra to be exact.
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>Ctrl + F
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A picture of >>677930539 and the ship zuki, I suck at names. It's something that brought back some creativity and motivation to start drawing again.
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im on mobile
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oh shit image cap new thread go
and awaaaay we go
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I've always wanted to visit Australia but not sure if I'd be able to stay there for long
RIP, you were a good stalker.
Canadians are awesome.
Yeah, I fell for her after my cunt of an ex left tbh.
i manage
somehow i manage
the captcha for this was cancef
I'kk make a new thread

Do you at least have a PC or a laptop?
yeah but id rather be lazy in bed
i have a desktop
Thread replies: 177
Thread images: 151

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