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Waifu claiming thread - Knife day edition edition The rules

The stories and information posted here are artistic works of fiction and falsehood.
Only a fool would take anything posted here as fact.

Thread replies: 152
Thread images: 142
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Waifu claiming thread - Knife day edition edition

The rules are very simple:
>claim your 2D waifu
>post pics of your waifu
>insult other waifus
>keep ERP and RP to a minimum
>discuss stuff
>post fitting, not over-sexualised content
>most important: Have fun!

Chara claimed
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Good, good, excellent.

Nice record.

I'm out.
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Shinoa claimed
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>Good anime like Fairy Tail and Death Note
This is bait
Good, good just got a haircut and about to head to a family dinner
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Fastest waifu on no legs claimed
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Cute 3.png
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>Sameji still awake
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Tsugumi claimed
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I see, then have a good long sunday night
thank you
I think you're right, but I don't think punishment by hitting is the right kind of punishment
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Hatsuzuki claimed and lurking.
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Tristana claimed
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Additionally, Homura claimed for Homuranon. <3

- tsuzu
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That's the plan, I get paid more for working weekends, so my nights off are Tuesday and Wednesday
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Yeah, don't get me started on the fucking jews
>I'm white, I don't know how I haven't gotten killed yet either
>So many niggers lately just walking up and killing people
>Racist spics mean no opportunities of ANY kind
>And they fucking act like I should speak Spanish for them
>It's fucking America, speak English
The people down here can make you want to commit mass murder, but I'm pretty dead inside so these things stopped getting to me.
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What amino acid is this from?
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Did I hear Mass Murder?
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It always shocks me when I call places like Miami or Houston or LA and there's about a 50% chance that no one in the building speaks english

you don't have to be good at it, but come on, if you went to live in germany or china you would learn german or chinese, wouldn't you?

welcome back to you too

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Don't want to brag, but we don't have much of a jew problem in Germany.
>or Poland

What you say really sounds a little concerning.
We have our refugees and turks/albanians/whatever to deal with, but usually you don't have to expect being murdered.

Maybe Tenryuu can tell you about the secret and humane german killing methods.
Because you need nothing short of that.
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claiming yume

>activate yanderemode
hey there honey <3
>best tights in sights
all of you weaboos can go fucking kill yourselves
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>if you went to live in germany or in my case austria you'd learn german
I also think that's the logical conclusion but somehow...
>be me
>be still working at call center
>half of the time people speak turkish
>don't even understand me when I say hello
hi yume!
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Thanks Chara, yes you fucking did. Stay D E T E R M I N E D.
Exactly. I personally would think it to be most disrespectful if I went to another country and demanded they speak English, I'd probably get shot.
>Miami is a cesspool of spic trash, try 100% chance
>Homestead and Florida City are some of the worst, next to shitholes like Liberty City as well.
>It's hard deciding to hate niggers or spics more
>Jews down here are shitheads but I don't deal with them as much
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you first
>claiming sachi
Wai dun ya suk yerself bak off hom sadboi?
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Good evening, Yume.
Well, I'm from Brazil and pretty much 90% of the hole population doesn't speak proper portuguese. And they think that it is obligatory to everyone understand them. That's really stresseful.
And anon, there is nothing that you can do to chance people. They like that way of life. Even been so awful
Forgot pic
(Ain't she pretty ? So cute)
>maybe it's because I wouldn't be moving from some third world shithole

most of the time I was in florida I spent in orlando, which is actually a decent place thanks to disney, but you wander too far away and you better have a gun on you
>and a vest
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Angry 2.png
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forgot pic, again
>so bad at this
Late again.
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cosplay again ffs.jpg
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Back, hows it going around here?

Reclaimed <3
Thx bro

Português aqui... ya já ouvi bastante que o ensino aí é terrível e o pior é que ninguém quer saber :|
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Ruby Rose Claimed.
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Oh. I can't imagine a reason.
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Tone it down a little.
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I'm contemplating it.

I tried to create a tulpa of my waifu, it didn't work. I have no faith in tulpamancy anymore. Maybe the only way to be with her is to join her in non-existence.
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Let me watch that frown.
Also, how's your day been?
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That could be a reason
>I'm a victim, you are obligated to do at my biding.
heya Ruby Rose
I will try to keep this in english 'cause I want to train my english and 'cause the other anons have the right to know what we are talking about.
Anyways..... Yeah, it is shameful if you know how to write your name and read 3 little pigs that's good enough for the governament. That's sad bro
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Yo galko
Yo rubes
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Sounds nice, hope they didn't cut it too short like they did on my last hair cut, I don't even really care about my hair all that much but I like it at a certain length you know.
Hi there bestbro.
Hello ship.
Booby brother.
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long, been going since 1700 yesterday
>11:20 now

my solution is to just hate everyone
>I'm not racist, just anti-social

what do they speak? isn't Portuguese the de facto language?
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My solution is to just love everyone
>I don't want to see people as bad
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Always have my peacekeeper on me when I leave the premises. Won't hesitate to blow a nigger away if I ever get into any real danger. Yeah once you start heading north towards Naples and the like, it's actually not nearly as bad.
>It's just fucking South Florida
>I know how to fight without a weapon
>But why even bother since I have my permit
>The spics like to talk shit and be rude
>But the niggers are the ones who'll actually try to do something to you
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Damn son
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Welcome back, darling.
I'll be more or less busy for another hour or two, cooking and other things, but I'll drop by occasionally.

No clue either. Definitely nothing that happened. :^)
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I think society is too far gone to produce decent people anymore
>lost hope a while ago

I don't even live in a place with crime and I carry a stun gun on me
>too young to own firearms in my state
>but this is 'murica
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No. Less than 30% of the population knows anything more than HELLO, MY NAME IS......
And yes portuguese is the official language but they don't speak it correctly most of the times.
Like: Fly. In portuguese Voar. In their way of speaking (and writting) : Avoar
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Oh, Hello Moo-chan.
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Aha I agree that its not polite to speak non-english here.
Jesus is it that bad or you're exagerating? What worries me the most is that education used to be intentionally bad here too... but that was during the dictature...

Aight, that makes me feel less lonely :>
What are you cooking?
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Sup spiedienam anon
.... I hate my phone
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my whole life was a lie
what language do they speak if not portugese?
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Damn mate
i see what you mean. But I still think humans don't want to be assholes. It's just that where they've grown up, their circumstances forced them to adapt that way.
I'd love to hug everyone and tell them it's going to be fine
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Seriously? "Voar" is such a simple verb ._.
I think every 10 year old kid here will be able to pronounce it.

Not implying we're smart, eductation here is pretty bad too and gets even worse after highschool.
also OP ,can i have more 1 waifu?
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I wish I was. I can be even worst. People in public schools can't be reproved. I'm not kidding. The governament don't allow it (what's the correct word ? Something like Forbbiden ?) and since Brazil's population is generaly poor and can't pay private schools you can have an idea
More than one waifu will ruin your laifu
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Remember, more than one waifu will ruin your laifu
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I guess I'm just more cynical about life

it's not worth it
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Yeah but you'd be fine with something like that if you live in a peaceful area. It's highly unlikely you'll ever be confronted by another with a projectile weapon, so you should be alright without one.
>I'm guessing you're between 18-21?
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What he is saying is that Portuguese is the official language but most people speak it very poorly there.

Anyway on Brazil they speak PT-BR and on Portugal we speak PT-PT... its pretty much same except different expressions, few words that one country uses and the other doesnt and some sentences are constructed a little different.
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Thanks mate
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Emperor claimed.
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>People in public schools can't be reproved.
What? Does this mean you can literally skip every class and still get school done? o.O

I dont understand how the government expects a better future with an education system like that.
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Probably. I mean I also am cynical. But I want to be a very kind and understanding person... anyway, hows your job going along?
>mfw I'm on 4chan
welcome emps
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20 this week, 21 is what's needed in this state
>I'm more looking forward to being able to own a gun than drink
also checked trip dubs

gotcha, so they just kinda speak gheto portugese?

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It's fine to have some foreign language fun, I think, but full blown non-English conversations are a little annoying.
It's why I don't like to speak German here and it gets on my nerves a little - although I like the fact German is slightly tolerated for the sole reason of Hitler/memes.
It's bizarre.

I'm cooking chili con carne.
>you're so hot I can't taste anything else anymore
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Syndra (58).jpg
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Sup Emps
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Yeah something like that. But they give free food so they end up going once in a while
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Hey guys. How you doing?
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I thought so, well at least you're only one more year off.
>Honestly I don't even drink, never fancied poisoning my body
I'll have a good drink if it's a real special occasion, but I'll never let myself get shitfaced. Also, I can't bring myself to drink shitwater like beer.
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tell me ur probs.png
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Aha not sure if thats the best way to describe it.
We tried to enforce our culture on them hundreds of years ago and their language evolved from ours.

Thing is education there is terribly terrible.

>you're so hot I can't taste anything else anymore
kek, and yeah i agree, pretty much anything that isn't too much is ok here.
>Like some ERP

My mind is completely blown. I hope your country improves :|
On another topic, hows your day going?
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I'm rather okay I think. How about you?
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Lord of fear.png
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I'm the fastest operator on 3rd shift and easily in the top 5 of everyone there, so that's cool

only been there about a year, hoping to be there for a while

tired and learning about brazil, how're you?

yea, it's never appealed to me, I might go buy a bottle of vodka or something when I turn 21 and get drunk by myself, just to experience it

pretty much everything I know about brazil comes from Ayrton Senna, so I'm at least aware of that
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Syndra (34).jpg
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Doing alright, just finished making dinner and now im ready to continue watching some movies.
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Yeah this happens when people discover the real Brazil.
I'm just waiting my phone get some charge then I'll be off for studing.
I'll be trying RI. Relações Internacionais. Dunno how to call it in english.
In RI you study the global situation. Like a bigger version of a Wall-Street guy
Hello since you're all animefags i will ask for advice here.

I've watched good anime like Fairy Tail and Death Note but then someone recommended me Code Geass and it was shit.

Is there more good anime to watch or i've seen it all?
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Just had a 7th grader announce he is a neo nazi in class.

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Thats cute of you.
But you are a little behind the Brazil. I mean, it's even worst than what Sena said
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Man. Tell me he is a nigger. It will make my day
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When you're in the top 5 I guess you'll be there for a while. Happy to hear you're doing fine
You were here a while ago... try Bocu no Pico tough or you give us more info in what you like/dislike
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Playing Dawn of War: Soulstorm, nothing special. So it's been an average day.

Movies? Which ones?
Nah not in this hick town. I can count on 2 hands the number of black kids i have taught here.

But really? Da fuq
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Smoking 1.gif
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you must be so proud

ouch, he certainly didn't make it sound great

I hope, some people are haters and try to get me in trouble because I've only been there a year and am kicking their asses

sounds like fun
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Syndra (60).jpg
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Now im watching: Watchmen
next im watching: garden of words
And after that im watching : Robot Carnival
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International Relationships? Idk but it does sound awesome!

lolwut, where are you from and are you a professor? How did you react when he said that?
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let me tell you my probs

so there is this 9/10 girl with huge balls and she is really nice and cute but trys to be mean to cover that up

we had some fun and now suddenly she is mean to me but i fall for her

any tips?
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It would be cool. Anyways, ask him if he as ever been in a torture chamber. That is what his godness liked to do with jews
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Oh, I also wanted to try some Warhammer 40k games... sadly with a shit laptop and no money that's rather hard to accomplish.
I'm gonna buy Dank Souls 3 ttough so I have something to play for a while
... don't cut yourself on his edges
this sucks tough. You're working where again? In something remotely important for humans?

Radio: Some parents dragged their children in a 40 meter run over the finishing line
It was a free run, no application money involved
They would get a free t-shit

What is going on with those parents?
"Hey Schnitte, brauchst ne Füllung?" Try some cheesy pickup lines
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Brew some tea with sleeping dust for her, once she is asleep take her to your dungeon and tie her up. She will love you if there isn't anything else to love.
Also stockholm syndrame.
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I just told him to sit down and be quiet, then redirected him back to his essay packet.

I meanbi can't call him out on it because #1: he's too young to realize what bullshit that is and #2 odds are he's learning this shit at home and I don't need a family member of his burning a cross in my yard.

I'll talk to the principal after class is over, but at least he didn't yell out "gas the kikes" or some shit.
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Yeah. In Brazil we still have some kind of slavery.
Boias-frias. People who work like 16 hrs a day cutting sugar canes and recive less than 1 dollar for worked day. And if the quit the job, they kill the person
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Yeah I think that is it.
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Syndra (89).jpg
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>but at least he didn't yell out "gas the kikes" or some shit.
How can he expect to be taken seriously then?
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I think you acted correct.
But what made him out himself like that?
>Be you
>Kids have essay to write
>Some kid stands up
>I know him
>"I'm a neonazi"

make a greentext out of it
post in greentext thread
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Surprise 6.png
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Black and decker, same company that makes tools, we monitor commercial security systems for national chains

basically, the more alarms you can handle and the faster you can do so the better

It's like a big video game, so it's like I've been training for it my whole life

>but at least he didn't yell out "gas the kikes" or some shit.
that's looking at the bright side

that seems a bit... extreme
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That's kind of too much bro
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Vigil - 26.jpg
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I like working and making money.

But... at the cost of missing posts... It-It's raining...
>I missed the romantic drama
>thank god for the archives
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They never want to be taken seriously tbh... That whole class is full of fools and jokesters. And a ton of failing kids.
>I don't need a family member of his burning a cross in my yard.
Aw shit, if you disappear from /waifu/ now i will be worried.
Hopefuly this case is as simple as him browsing the web and coming across dank nazi memes, he just wanted to share them.


Everything is fair in love and war.

What drama?
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>It's like a big video game
Where can I apply?
>and a ton of failing kids
Wohoo! Education system works!
I have posted in greentext and tard story threads often enough.

They were discussing their essay topics and apparently this kid is tying in the hunger games to ww2 and how germans still want to take over the world.

I'm seriously sitting at my desk thinking "is this nigga serious?!?!"
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Huh 3.png
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I'll be off by now. I'll be back in 3 hours +/- so write up your question about Brazil and I anwser them when I get back
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Laters o/
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Nono, that's just wrong
It's us from austria who always chain the germans to do the world conquering for us.
>actually posting a link
alright, imma check that one out.
oh, the website even is german...
how was your position called?
I had to leave again but now I'm back.
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nice quads, welcome back
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Cute 1.png
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Customer monitoring specialist, I dunno how they do it internationally, but here all I needed was a high school degree and to be able to type over 40 wpm

why can't you stay put?
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those legs and quads :o
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Syndra (86).jpg
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Also the question
>How do i Brazil?
Welcome back Galko
>And a ton of failing kids.

Sounds like you're doing a bad job.
File: tumblr_ngi7o8d2Cg1tm93b0o1_500.jpg (17 KB, 500x383) Image search: [Google]
17 KB, 500x383
Yah okay... Not that that class is the life skills english class... Nope it's the teacher's fault.

Yep. Sounds about right.
Hey, that's pretty good

Hi Syndra


I've just been pretty busy
>dropping in as often as I can

Good leg
File: Chara42.png (455 KB, 800x800) Image search: [Google]
455 KB, 800x800
Sounds like you have no idea what you're talking about
there's only one job in my reach... so one in vienna on fulltime Junior Product Manager Hospital
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Claimed for my boy Mugi

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How lewd.png
438 KB, 881x720
in 'murica there's always one class of failing shitheads in every single school in the country
>I spent a year at a school composed only of these shitheads

guess you'll just have to move to MN then
File: Chara55.gif (1 MB, 800x570) Image search: [Google]
1 MB, 800x570
MN? What's that? Montana?
Well, would you let me live where you live?
>Shit in geography
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Kitty 4.png
664 KB, 792x718
Minnesota, we're way understaffed here anyway
>I've got 2 spare bedrooms
>montana is MT
Too close to Michigan
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Cute 4.png
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Nah, we've got Wisconsin and lake superior to protect us from that shit hole
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111 KB, 500x700
not 2d though
File: What 2.png (38 KB, 600x1000) Image search: [Google]
What 2.png
38 KB, 600x1000
Tenryuu claimed

I ate too much...
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509 KB, 900x1679
I'm back for a bit!
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72 KB, 600x600
I'm still cooking, cheater.
File: Chara103.png (316 KB, 780x810) Image search: [Google]
316 KB, 780x810
hmm... this actually sounds nice... but I don't think I could even afford the flight do America
The salt is back
welcome back
File: Syndra (59).jpg (357 KB, 600x800) Image search: [Google]
Syndra (59).jpg
357 KB, 600x800
Just how much did you eat?
Welcome back!
File: Yume03.gif (2 MB, 500x278) Image search: [Google]
2 MB, 500x278
and checked out these legs!
Na salzigste Person die noch lebt, wie geht es dir?
r dose flaps ov hare pose 2 b dog eres, oar ju a way 2 sho her exprezzion/emoshon?
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555 KB, 800x800

I'm pretty hungry now.

>select all dining rooms
File: sisters.jpg (3 MB, 3485x2460) Image search: [Google]
3 MB, 3485x2460
Probably a mixture of both.
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You wot m8

Till is god of 2D bitches

I was curious

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Tatsumaki (264).jpg
369 KB, 960x925
I'm back.
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275 KB, 742x867
Tatsuta claimed.

Lurking while I cook.
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359 KB, 1000x1000
Grilling stuff is wonderful.

I hope your food is too salty now

Eigentlich ganz gut. Gerade schön gegrillt, kann man mal machen. Was steht bei dir Rosine so an?

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i would say mid tier at best tbh
File: Syndra (16).png (518 KB, 760x743) Image search: [Google]
Syndra (16).png
518 KB, 760x743
Welcome back Tat
What's cookin?
File: Tatsumaki (363).jpg (211 KB, 850x1046) Image search: [Google]
Tatsumaki (363).jpg
211 KB, 850x1046
File: Chara70.png (364 KB, 500x583) Image search: [Google]
364 KB, 500x583
like i said, can't afford it!
I already ate
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494 KB, 869x719
My dreams of greatness died before they began
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416 KB, 1600x1067
You will burn for your crimes against Till

Best Manifu
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365 KB, 750x750

Hello Tatsuta. What's for dinner?

Then i hope you die on it. Food poisoning and so
Thread replies: 152
Thread images: 142

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