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Dank waifu meme claiming thread - The Ride Never Ends The rules

The stories and information posted here are artistic works of fiction and falsehood.
Only a fool would take anything posted here as fact.

Thread replies: 166
Thread images: 151
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Dank waifu meme claiming thread - The Ride Never Ends

The rules are very simple:
>Claim your 2D waifu meme
>Post pictures of your waifu meme
>Discuss stuff
>You'll all die here
>Post fitting content, not over-sexualised content
>Most important: Have fun!
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Claiming Shinoa
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>final claim
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claiming yume
Ship girls are awsome
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Blorg claimed
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Night comrade.

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I'm no longer much us in this condition.
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Waifu Master explosion disaster claimed.
>Setting sail with my boat when she leaves.
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Claimed check em forevr
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Awesome! Talk to me about it when you do! :)
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I'm sorry. It happens often I push myself to stay awake but it can only go on so long.
I don't even know how long I've been awake.
This one... she scares me
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I was tired as fuck sitting in my chair on the computer, so I went and laid down, now I'm wide awake.
Fuck everything.
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Hey it's totally okay! Just glad we could hang out some before you went to bed <3
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well for me you are nearly 16h here if i remember it right so you deserv some sleep
i will do that
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I'm surprised you're this good at holding up.
Feel like resting? it may be easier if we both leave.

What time is it in your timezone?
I hope you're not freezing right now.
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Staying awake isn't worth it ever. I still don't know why I do it.
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2:36am, nah I've got the heater on and even if I didn't my bed is warm enough.
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I thought it was a guy.
>The blood splatter looks like a goatee in the thumbnail
Not just that, but the shape of the face is very disambiguous.
I know the life, Holstaur.
But we're here for you.
You should bring Syndra out for a nice steak and lobster dinner. And while you're there why don't you treat her to a nice bottle of Dom Pérignon.
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I got you. <3 You want exahsproshun i'll give you it
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I hope next time I can manage to stay longer.

Yeah, I have to go. It's unhealthy. I think you have deserved some rest as well.
All I know is I've been awake for over 24h.
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no she just get some raisins and maybe some water but thats about it
hey jibril
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I am no longer sure.

But yeah, until next time.
Don't remind me.
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Yeah same here! I'll see all of you again later <3
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Filthy Frank talks about Weeaboos and Waifus:
>Sum gud sheet meng
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Claiming, wassup dudes
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What? you guys don't have a collection of your favorite anons in your PC's?
What are you, newfags?
i claim you
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Chara claimed
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Howdy. Just sitting here figuring out what to play
People do that?
Miho claimed

Oh boy teamspeak drama
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so i am not a weeabo?
i am just a guy who likes anime
but true love to yume as she is just the greatest
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Not much, and you?
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I call anyone who likes anime a weeb cause I absolutely hate the word Otaku
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Tried guessing my next post, failed.

I wonder where this will lead me...

Lets tell this posted that his waifu sucks.
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I'm not a weeaboo. Knew it
Greetings. Is something wrong Dear? You look... shocked
Don't let it get to you.
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What happened here?
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Thought you zoned out. Welcome back!
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Koko 2.jpg
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Nice, what are your choices?
Just chillin, got home from work not too long ago, had to deal with some annoying/cracked out coworkers but I like it heh
Was playing MGS V and this drama started.

It's not.
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Alot but I am mostly leaning towards Civ V but when I get one going I either want to play it or just want to stop. Also debating on getting back to my Dark souls 2 Sotfs playthrough since I rage quit at Sinh because of his bullshit.
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Syndra (10).jpg
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Morning everyone
I'm only here for the memefus.
>This is a really cozy thread.
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I'm all for Civ 5. Playing DS 2 would probably just be infuriating at this point
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Goodmorning Syndra, I hope you slept well.
What's on the agenda for today?
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Memefus? Meme waifus?
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Got back early from work, so it was great. Gonna get myself CheerWine for the occasion. Take it easy, you earned it comrade.
Ah, those were the days.
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Good morning!
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Dont know,just gonna roll with whatever comes
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haha you got more patience than me, last time I played dark souls I rage quit at the fuckin taurus demon
Thanks comrade, I still haven't found any cheerwine btw, where do you live?
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>those were the days
The days never end.....
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>All your memefus are belong to us
That's my typa guy, guy.
I'm supposed to see Batman v Superman this afternoon, but I really don't feel like it.
Ain't dank at all.
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Once you beat that guy the game becomes a bit easier at least IMO.
That's pretty true as well. I'll probably figure out in like 10 minutes.
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Good morning are you still mad?
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Morning Yume!
>got some nice legs
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Sweet Home Alabama. Got to get more soon.
Those days did. jaja
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Syndra (38).jpg
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Im tinking of seeing it tomorow.
But yea, i dont feel like doing anything right now.
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Syndras Madness fuels the LoL Servers
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Shit, I guess Im gonna have to get back into it then haha
Damn then it must be fairly late for you, what do you do for work?
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thats great i like to see them all the time
wanna grab some raisins and a drink with me?
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Syndra (30).jpg
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They are already overcharged
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i know! but I don't have that many
Better too much energy than not enough

>I put numbers on my chara pics like every other waifu lover. I got 174 now
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Now that you're both here, is there something you want to ask Syndra, Yume?
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Fuck it dark souls 2 it is.
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I wonder if I can post right now.

Mirai claim
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No specific job type, Where ever they need me, I'll be there. Cleaning, disposal, packaging, and carrying things. No set hours, usually late.
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Good evening friend! And of course you can post anytime here!
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Awesome. Happy weekend, e-body! This is the first weekend I've had off in almost a year.
Heya Sanae! Well, I was actually wondering if my mobile provider was still banned. And apparently I'm not so, it's all a go.
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Posting from mothers house... I think she has a problem.

>there are others throughout the house

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Nice, that sounds like a job I wouldn't mind, is it for any specific company or are you more like a handyman that anyone hires?
Happy weekend! What do you do that this is first weekend you've had off?
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Time to run around the house naked then.
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I see no problem here guy
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TFW I can do this but 0 fucking repair powder.
What do you do that has you work all the time?
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Happy weekend to you too
>Your mom likes Wieners apparently
That sounds like me kind of job
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I rushed to my hometown, and I'm seeing how far my friends and I can get in two days. I was driving until 2am. Made it to Missouri. Also, heavy drinking, hehe

I already do that, haha. Roommate has gotten used to the fact that I don't wear much around the house.

I'm a manager at a _______ affiliate. (grocery store). I work harder than my director and I don't get weekends off.

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Sup bait-kun?

Hey Yume, do you know if Tenryuu was pissed yesterday? If so, do you know why?
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A company that deals with food. Sometimes I do a bit of landscaping too. To be honest I'll be looking for another job soon, something a bit relaxing.
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>Waifu anon
Ugh, do you have to make me feel so terrible?
Well, at least you get good pay?
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Hey Chara, i woke up few minutes ago
now im trying to get everything sorted out and catch up on some news.
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>do you know if Tenryuu was pissed yesterday?
>Tenryuu pissed
he is the saltiest person alive so yeah he was pissed 24/7 and probably because of WoWS or whatever game he played
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Live the weekend up!
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My man! Have a drink on me
Ah I see, that does sound a bit hectic, If you could pick any job, what would you do?
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nice double dubs
I see. Well, have fun doing that! Feel free to strike up a conversation
Tenryuu seemed even more salty than normal. It almost looked like he became the salt
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This is all I got as far as smuggo, but I dont think it reaches the level of smug Ive seen here
The other day I was on break in one of these threads laughing at the fact that the people under me don't know their manager is a huge weeb.
Why do I make you feel bad?!
Id like to make a little more, to be comfortable, but at least now I get by without constant fear of being slain by tax collectors.

Hai! You as well.

Hmm...then it'll be a Russian Mule. I thank you for your generosity, Koko!
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Lurking, working on an edit, watching more Dirty Frank
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Aha, it's more like: if he sees me in the kitchen or sitting at the table, he never joins me, because he doesn't know if I have pants on.
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Something in business or maybe geological survey, I'm going to school soon anyways so I'll see if I have it ready. I worked in a office before, those were good times, but dumb work quotas.
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>debating on doing a salt stream.
Why do I do this to myself
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>Laughing at employes cuz they don't know I'm a weeb
Exactly what I'd do.
Eh, more like I still haven't found a stable job that doesn't run on pay per customer.
Being a student sucks balls when ya don't have the right friends
I'd like to have stable pay and do some job where I don't have to sacrifice half of my free time
>but I don't meet the "specific requirements" to become a stock boy.
>I have a commercial highschool certificate
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he seemd normal as i left the teamspeak maybe graf was not nice and now we need to invade poland but who knows
oh i can't wait to see it
thats a cute one you got there anon
Well i see nothing wrong with a little freedom.
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Koko 8.gif
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A Russian Mule, how fancy! and here I am drinking rum and sparkling water like a chump haha
What would you get your major in? I've always kinda wanted to work in an office, nice air conditioning, casual shit. I can put up with annoying people so I don't think thatd be too much of an issue
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Pay per customer sucks. I used to work for this insurance agency, conning people out of money and telling them they needed my type of insurance.
I haven't finished college either. You have to be a certain type of person to work grocery. I've almost slit the throats of everyone who's asked me "where are the chips?"
If I knew you irl Chara, I'd hire you on the spot.

I feel the same way. I haven't changed since I moved from a one bedroom to a two. I refuse to, hehe

If you call vodka, lime, and ginger beer mixed in a copper mug fancy. I call it desperate haha. I commend you, though. I'm well known for my rum and coke combos.
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>it didn't pay well

Was the point I was trying to make
Kek, looks like I'm not the only one who has to babysit retards.
>Tfw you have the same tasks as a counter but with the added benefit of telling nig nogs what to do
Hey Ms. P
>Usual claim
>It's 5am here, making my claim before I head out
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Yeah, I'm also a trainee for an insurance company now. Boss is nice and all but sadly I suck balls when I only get paid per costumer. I get really anxious and then get nothing done
On the other hand I'd love to tell people where the chips are. I like helping people and being a bit salty
>So I'm studying teaching profession next semester.
>Looking forward to my plastic bottle of "Students Tears"
>Invading poland
Count me in, this is gonna be fun
Ah, anyways, thanks for the info
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International Business for now. Office jobs are calm, made some good memories. For some reason some people think they're superior than anyone else, I just makes me go,"What he hell? Why?."
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Koko 14.jpg
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>Rum and coke
You'd fit in perfectly with my family, that's my drink of choice! But Im cutting out soda so I gotta substitute :/, and I think any drink that has a non-descript name is fancy haha
Nice! that sounds like a pretty slick major, and I can see people being snooty in an office, but usually I attract the opposite of those types so I think id find some good folks
Truly next gen gameplay right there
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>Wanna play?
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Goodmorning Mistress. Have a good day at work.
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what a time to be alive.gif
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Admit that you want it.
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I just find it funny that I can be like this, yet still walk out to tell people "get to work"

XdLMAO W0w sry
No but seriously what do you want me from me? I'm drunk at 4 am and I'm posting as casually as I text. Sorry if that's stupid, but I'm also stupid right now so...heheheheheheh

Ugh, they make it seem so bright and shiny, but you get the shortest end of the stick at entry level. AND you do all the work for the guy who hired you. AND, if you do badly, they just fire you and it's no skin off their nose. Hated that. Tried to take my supervisors job so he fired me.

My friends all either drink whiskey or vodka. I'm the rum guy. And well, you'd find me very fancy then, because I make mixers often and they all have specific names.
W-what are you holding?
Nothing im just bored.

A tail. We are going to play dress up.
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forgot pic
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Not really, no
Huh, somehow I had a feeling it could work out like that. Even tough my guys are pretty nice
>invited us to wine drinking after work

well, I'll be off for a while. Going with dogs. Maybe eating out with family
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Also isn't that supposed to be a gif?

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I know three languages, but one is a no go, for being a least known language. Give it a try, I'm sure you'll do better than me.
there's a fag.

seems like the others are sleeping?
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No, your still awake
I just had a screen cap. Thanks for gif
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Koko 22.png
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>rum guy
My dude! I usually only ever drink rum cus its what I was raised on, vodka 2nd, tequila 3rd, then everything else
Woah! what three languages? Besides English I only know fairly basic German
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>your still awake
>not "you are still awake".

besides the fact that you're a fucking mongoloid, you're an illiterate too.
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anyway, I'm glad to see this thread alive again

hi friendly people of the 4chan :^)
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bait (50).jpg
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File: Miss Pauling (49).png (239 KB, 500x709) Image search: [Google]
Miss Pauling (49).png
239 KB, 500x709
File: Girl_boner.png (140 KB, 193x418) Image search: [Google]
140 KB, 193x418
>i'm just pretending to be a retard
File: 1459551436029.gif (593 KB, 400x430) Image search: [Google]
593 KB, 400x430
Such a sweetheart you are.
The secret life of a business manager kek
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10 KB, 229x237
>being this new
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885 KB, 500x220
See ya!

It hurt me that I knew that cap from somewhere, and so Google, ya know?

I'm not partial to vodka or tequila, though. Vodka isn't flavorful and every time I drink tequila I end up naked in public. 1st rum, 2nd whiskey (scotch), 3rd sambuca
File: 8i7-1.png (236 KB, 565x493) Image search: [Google]
236 KB, 565x493
English, Spanish, and Akateko. And a wee bit of German, but I don't count it.
File: Tatsumaki (339).jpg (295 KB, 767x1012) Image search: [Google]
Tatsumaki (339).jpg
295 KB, 767x1012
I'll probably not be here for long I've got work to do today starting a few.

But I came here just for you <3
File: Miss_Pauling_x_Juri (5).png (1 MB, 1200x1000) Image search: [Google]
Miss_Pauling_x_Juri (5).png
1 MB, 1200x1000
Mmm... Thank you very much.
Alright well goodnight everyone. There's a cat in this room. I'm going to use it as a pillow. See you all tomorrow.
who is this? and where is it from?
File: 7h89-1.png (333 KB, 655x505) Image search: [Google]
333 KB, 655x505

>i'm an oldfag now XD
ew dude
File: Miss Pauling (30).jpg (77 KB, 774x1032) Image search: [Google]
Miss Pauling (30).jpg
77 KB, 774x1032
It's an edit I made.
Don't worry, no one has mistake me for Graf.
File: Chara2.png (349 KB, 500x498) Image search: [Google]
349 KB, 500x498
I'm back.
>Got a new thread ready
Lets cuddle till then <3
File: Nf46.png (432 KB, 760x600) Image search: [Google]
432 KB, 760x600
Enjoy the rest comrade!
File: Chara37.png (199 KB, 1000x1000) Image search: [Google]
199 KB, 1000x1000
why did you show this to us omg my brain hurts

- yume
Goodnight rum friend!
Thread replies: 166
Thread images: 151

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