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Zootopia thread 4.0

The stories and information posted here are artistic works of fiction and falsehood.
Only a fool would take anything posted here as fact.

Thread replies: 255
Thread images: 151
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Zootopia thread 4.0
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and lewds up in here?
Is there a spess muhrine Judy?
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Why is she so FUUUUUUUCKING hot. My dick can't go down, please help
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if you are having an erection lasting longer than 4 hours contact a doctor
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Anyone have the Jew edit?
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because felines are sexy
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DVD/ Blurays on MEGA when?
I'd rather contact that snow leopard tbh
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I drew one but I can't find it.
>Zoomeme thread.
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All you need is Judy.
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nope there a weather-controlling generators on the walls , zootopia at it finest
Even ants are furry for Judy
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The real question is, can I be fucked by the bunny?
can someone shoop the ticket to say kill yourself? or
Everyone is furry for Judy, even the muhrines.>>677369006
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I'm not a god damn heretic.
The Emporer himself faps to Judy upon the Golden Throne.
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i hope i'm still alive for zootopia 2

Woah. Now THATS heresy
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and if ur not i will take the finest bootleg chinese copy i can find and place it on your grave
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t-t-thank you
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I'll preserve you in the golden throne
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no prob , u will be remembered
Judy has soulless eyes
She's never really looking at the things she seems to be looking at
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I feel like at this point space marines are just part of Judy threads.

Yin and Yang
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I think so. It's a nice combo actually. I'd love to see it drawn.
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what is she looking at in this picture
>hint : his name starts with N
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best character from the movie
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I always wanted to be part of a throne
i made a chop with judy and other with nick i think you might like em
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sloth is best.jpg
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Have... have we become the heretics...
if everyone is an heretic noone is
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Sure, that'll be nice.
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It's for the greater good, brother.
less bunny, more sheep
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no there is no weakness in unity
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I cannot post the other judy chops they may be already in ehre jsut search for them
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Fucking heresy everywhere
I never got why she's saying lamb chops. She said mutton chops in the movie
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Heresy judy 2.jpg
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theres one the other is an alt and its already psoted it seems
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I didn't think anything about this movie until I lurked a couple of these threads today, now I need to see it.
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nick cat

I went in wondering what the FUCK made it so good.

Left knowing exactly what made it so good.

If you're racist, you definitely wont like it.
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likewise, now i've seen it 3 times and keep finding more things to appreciate every time i see it

I've had a string of girlfriends over the years, and for the first time I'm single for longer than a few months because I'm waiting for this shit.

I'm waiting for someone like this.
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I feel you man
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i'm hoping mine will be the same
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you will find your Judy soon , just keep on keeping on

Well what the fuck do we know. Lets be honest, judy as a character is not that dynamic. She can be summed up in a fairly short "likes / dislikes" list.

Same goes for Nick.

They aren't cookie-cutter, but they aren't very unique.

And plus, the story arc of "Persevere and you will succeed eventually" and "two opposites fall in love" is kinda overdone.

Do we really KNOW Judy or Nick?

Don't get me wrong, I loved the movie, but getting emotionally invested in two small woodland mammals in a kids show is kinda... weird.

I'm imagining how a wedding like this would go in this thread.

>Beautifal place
>Attendants are half furries, half anons
>Judy and Nick saying their vows
>One giant fucking space marine in a suit standing near the two
>Random anon runs up screaming something unintelligible
>Marine punches guy in the face
>Everyone eats cake

>Tiny cake
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fucking perfect
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oh my god that look on her face. Why the fuck didn't they fucking kiss and get it over with
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nooooooo stahp reposting this picture , kills me everytime she gives him that look , i want my own judy too feelsbadman
Trips confirms.
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I agree with you, but we all want that "perfect" someone. Don't get me wrong I love my gf as any other anon would, but there's always a few things that she can't do that will make her be "perfect" in my eyes because she is her own person.
I agree that this is marketed towards children but it still has the aspects of what a typical guy would love to see in a girl aka judy. and yes i just compared my girlfriend to a rabbit

>I can fuck the rabbit
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Anyone else jack it during this entire scene? I had an empty theater so it was fucking good

Yeah but then every "perfect" disney character should have a cult following.

What makes Judy perfect(er?) than the others?
Yay! I've reached 10 chapters!
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This is a zootopia thread, be specific

Space Marine Chapters or Literature!

My sequel fanfic :3
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By the Emperor...

You listen to me-

If this fanfic isn't the BEST shit I have ever read, I'm going to find you and kill you.

and since you used a " :3 " face, I don't have much hope.


Can you leave a review?
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man i don't know, why did mlp have such a big boom of a cult following? there are many answers to that and many answers to yours. my guess is that it's the fabulous works of the writers of Judy that makes her appeal to both children and adults with her physique, wits, and attitude sorry if i'm not such a good debater, I am mostly a lurker :/
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not perfect but a very hopeful and upbeat girl is soooo nice to have , and unlike other disney girls(princess) she is a fiery little bunny cop
holy fuck this is still updating?
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It actually helped me let go of some my latent racism

>First impression

I'm on the second "chapter" (which is kinda just a page) and this is going at a breakneck pace. You need to hold on to your locations, conversations, and interactions a bit more. Teach me the environment, assume I know nothing. Teach me the characters, and make sure you keep their conversations accurate to how they would interact in the movie.

Example: Mr. Big saying "chill out", or threatening them at all seems out of place.

Example: Nick describing where he is after he woke up

also, I'll be back in 5 minutes. I think someone just got shot outside my apartment.
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bunny you want it.jpg
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Can someone make a fanfic of this?
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It never ends
I didn't think it was that amazing. The ending felt really rushed and the antagonist didn't have all that much motivation. Also the thing where judy and nick hate eachother for all of 10 minutes felt so shoehorned in that it was painful.

Sweet! Thanks for the review!

Btw don't get shot as well.
No police officer would ever have hair like that.
The long hair strands are there to be human analogs to her long bunny ears...

I had the exact same thought. Don't know why she couldn't just tell him

"hey, got really fucked up by a fox when I was younger, sorry I'm a bit jumpy."

It's all been done before (story, morals, interactions), but I laughed out loud at the funny parts and my chest clenched at others, and to me I felt it was decent and better than the other disneyriaah shit.

Plus: Mr. Big being a small mouse? Fuckin christ, THATS NEVER BEEN DONE BEFORE.
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I know, but it would be a huge disadvantage in any sort of conflict.
more pr0n?
get out
they shouldn't let mammals with long tails into the force then cause it is like the incredibles "cape" situation haha
>Don't know why she couldn't just tell him
>"hey, got really fucked up by a fox when I was younger, sorry I'm a bit jumpy."
she didn't even need to tell him that. she could have just said "I had no idea what to say, so I just said whatever first came to mind"

I would have liked to see the movie depicted by the original concept art. It seems like it would have been a lot better.

Well, there is a fanfic based on it.
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>Why the fuck didn't they fucking kiss and get it over with

.. Like this?

I haven't read fanfiction since I got my last job.

fuckin hell what is this doing to me.
is it any good is the question? That movie was mostly based around visuals, so it seems like it wouldn't translate well to text, I'd bet.

Oh, alright. Try to do your job for now. read it later.
original concept art? Like what?

I'm too lazy to Google.
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Yeah It's pretty god... and I'm actually planning on borrowing his/her writing style for mine!

Nigger the space marines already gave in. just relax.
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I..I thought she was kinda hot.

same, but the accent got to me.
I thought it was kinda cute, I felt so damn bad for her the entire film, I'm glad she got a happy ending. [spoiler]I'd like to give her another f kno wut i mean[/spoiler]
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Have some OC
i agre with you on the villian part everything since judy got into zootopia went i dunno... different
is she leaning on her ear? jeez that would hurt

It's not horrible, but it's not great. Keep trying!!!


Why bruh?
May 14th
Why not
r63 Nick gets my dick in an uproar

Jesus. Why the fuck did I save this. This is shit!
I don't think I got hot for anyone. Everything just seemed ADORABLE to me. Especially that Dispatch Cheetah. So fucking cute.

Nothing stood out to me as fuckable.
>Nothing stood out to me as fuckable.

u wot m8, I agree with most of that but there's one exception
fucking >>>/trash/ is your home fuck off fur fag

Does anyone know why they're a furry?

I mean, I like furry shit because I like the idea of animalistic lust, because that's how I like my sex and that's how I see myself during sex.

I don't want a fursuit, I don't want to fuck dogs, but when there's a cute short chick under me then something changes, and I feel like that comes across in some anthro artwork that I like.

does that make ANY sense to anyone?

I would never defend those fur-suit wearing fags, but I have my own reasons for liking this shit.

You're a bit later there buddy.
I just came so hard
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judy is for nick's use only
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Well, I believe you have ASD (autism spectrum disorder). Don't fret, though. There IS HOPE. There are many counselors on duty at our camps ready to g̶a̶s̶ ̶y̶o̶u̶ help you with your struggles. Additionally, we provide free b̶l̶e̶a̶c̶h̶ Adderall to those more severe cases.

Wtf... why do I like this shit
I want to lick his ass while he fucks her no homo
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Wait, what? No such thing, degenerate. I was on a faggot stomping hiatus.
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So what, you went from space marine to nazi cat?

Pfft. heretic

>rule34 in a nutshell
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Im sad give me sad judy
girl with beard.

no thanks.
but girl with dick........ oh yeah ?
look at the ship pictures and it'll get better!
But it's a feminine beard

>implying it's a beard and not a soft blanket of wool for you to stick your face in while you pound her

cmon bruh
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try this one , is well written and at least tries to keep them in character
>everything since judy got into zootopia went i dunno... different
wasn't that almost the entire movie?
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It's feudal to spam in hopes to annoy. Sheltered degenerates are so caught up in their ways, on life support through anonymity. Things like these are a sickness and compulsion passed the reigns of personal volition wherein they truly can't help it. It'd be like poking fun at monkeys for throwing their shit; more a waste of my own time. Simple sardonic snark is fun enough.
Shweet. Not bad at all. Good thing I'm patient
wow. okay ouch faggot
>The days of living on the streets and hustling his way to his next paycheck were over and he loved his new life
>next two sentences are character exposition

I tried. but I just can't get over the ammature way people write ff these days.

We could just assume from the fact that they're at a wedding together and he's looking fr her and enjoying himself that everything went ok, but instead the author has to give us 5 opening paragraphs of how everyones life went in the time between the end of the movie and the start of this shit.

I'm sorry I'm so picky, but it's like everyone forgot the basis of writing when they start writing FF.

Sorry, I say "these days" and "forgot the basis of writing" but I don't think it was ever good.
like it was a different twist not really like something that was scripted something that was rushed
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>It's feudal

Okay peasant
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lets get back on track
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>Thank you in my life

I can't help but laugh at that one.
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no anon , thank you in my life

I think it would have be funnier if Nick then asks, "Why is this buzzing?" in a confused, innocent voice.
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commisar christ.jpg
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Goodnight you guys, heretics and furfags alike.

The Emperor Protects
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The Emperor Protects
but Judy will Serve
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We already have an Emperor...

She's the empress?
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Works for me.
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The Codex Astarte's does not support this action.

But if it helps the emperor, so be it.
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fast man.png
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Everyone still in the thread say aye

lucky trips its not gonna die...
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cant let it die , breath some life into it niggers
I need a drawfag to do up the assistant mayor in a Ben Garrison/A. Wyatt Mann hand rubbing jew style captioned:

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Thread can't die

I'm pretty busy, that gazelle song has me in the mood to write some music but I'll post a bit. haha
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Best edit
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remember guys that over the course of 4 zootopia threads we fought against many nay-sayers but gained an ally through the space marines //Never forgetti//
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>Always Remember...
>Post Numbers = 911
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Spidey by any cahnce you are a closet judyfag?
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the judy/space marine alliance was an inside job
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Never forget D:
That's a Carabinieri uniform before anyone asks
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screenshot that fucking shit , George W Bush is a secret Judy fan
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Image Limit Reached
I allied because of choice. No furfags are among our ranks.
sure why not
New bread?
well g night to any remaining zootopia fans and/or space marines
new thread guyz!?!?!?!?!
This is the best:
This my own opinion, so shit on it if you want. I think Judy is relatable to anyone. Not in just characteristics, but herself as a person-bunny. The animation is absolutely so life-like, which is obviously relatable to anyone who watches it. Add a witty, gorgeous female to the mix, what's not to love? Judy as a character is so well rounded in terms of facial expressions to voice acting, it really is similar to looking at a perfect spouse. Compared to other Disney characters, the plot intentions drive character development towards that goal, for example Elsa being afraid to show her powers in the beginning to not afraid at all in the end. Judy, on the other hand, is almost static, it's exactly her type of determination that gets her through the baddies
well said
new thread!!!!!!!
move over here
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