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Waifu claiming thread. - Knife to meet you edition The rules

The stories and information posted here are artistic works of fiction and falsehood.
Only a fool would take anything posted here as fact.

Thread replies: 147
Thread images: 139
Waifu claiming thread. - Knife to meet you edition

The rules are very simple:
>claim your 2D waifu
>post pics of your waifu
>discuss stuff
>post fitting, not over-sexualised content
>most important: Have fun!

It's me. Chara
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Tatsumaki (24).jpg
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ayy lmao
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feelings are pretty hard to explain
The fuck is this captcha...

Marie rose claimed
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>hugs for everyone
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Heyo~ How are you?
You should probably call me Tatsie, lest our little tornado unleashes her true power.

>Prinz Cutie
Are you well today?

Very. I just want to lie here all day. Maybe I'll even fall asl...

Tsuzu a qt. How are you doing today?
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i dont think so.jpg
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>Best Kuudere world claimed!

>Implying things and getting mad over your own implications
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i feel like dumping all my pics, enjoy you meme loving fucks
holy weeaboo alert, also, the fuck is the obsession of chara and syndra? dont understand you faggots
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Atago 001.jpg
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I'm well, Tatsie! How're you?
>big hugs

Hi Mugi!

It happens, and one I got it wrong
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Might have had a mad screencap session since it will be the last time I will stand by him.

I just can't click the join button...not just yet
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Tenryuu 117.jpg
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Tenryuu claimed

Don't fall's so embarrassing...

I want this cat

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Daily reminder that maka albarn is superior to mugi is every way
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mugi! hello, how are you doing?
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Atago 002.jpg
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>I want this cat
You know it
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i'm going to pass out soon, gonna upload my favorites, see you space cowboys
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What did he mean by this.
how are you?
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Most embarassed boat status

I don't know, feeling kinda tumultuous.
But the day has been good.

That actually fits her quite well.
Musashi a pretty cool guy when they artist isn't going nuts.
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Vigil - 120.jpg
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I'm sorry about that, man.
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ayy sdr2
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how many pics.png
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Can anyone give me a brief synapse of Kancolle? Girls are ships? WTF?
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Fallout 4 certianly didnt have Karma. The only consequence of stealing or attacking innocents is a wry look from some of your companions
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Atago 068.jpg
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It's nigger for "pussy" (the pink kind, not the coward kind)
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Tatsumaki (149).jpg
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hey @all shiina is back ^-^
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Its a cute cat

Good! You?

Cute girls with cannons shoot things and lots of Poi
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Homunyan~ Hi!

Mugi's air piano = best air piano

I'm good, thanks. Still tired, as I played with the animals today as well.
>tight hugs
Have you done anything fun today?

But Tenyu... so cozy... and warm... zzz...

I think I know what you mean. Experiencing a lot of different feelings? At least your day is going well
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Ayyyy dispair n sheeeiiiitt junko was a gud gurl she dindu nuffin
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all done, sorry for the spam

gonna pass out now
Kancolle = Pokemon

But lewder.
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Ships reincarnated into girls.
hello pumpkin witch! how are you?
im great! its the weekend after all
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I'm gonna be one sad panda tonight when I finally run it.

*Queue Sarah McLachlan music*
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Docking (5).png
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Things are getting raunchy
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>tfw people don't get your may-may
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don't become a cancercolle convert, discover Touhou instead, please have this amazing wallpaper
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Atago 065.jpg
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The shipgirls (Kanmusu) are the embodied souls of WWII warships and the only weapon that can damage the "Abyssals" (the bad guys)
Yeah you're right. I kinda stopped thinking of fo4.

I liked the karma system. Just not the fraction reputation
Thanks, I feel like you understood perfectly.
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Obligatory claim.

Yeah, pretty much on the nose with what you just said. Yeah, Fallout 4 just had to please the majority consumer. Not really the fans, just how business works, sadly.

If that happened with New Vegas, I'd be a happy man.

Fair enough, I actually have that some complaint about it. No real feeling of struggle for survival.
>i quote everyone in the thread
>i don't have autism
choose one retard and let people enjoy what they like because no one gives a shit about what you do.
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How 'bout no?
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when people hate on SU.jpg
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wasnt even quoted but feel this is needed
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ill be back in 20 minutes, im gonna make some food really quick!
thank you chara, welcome back yourself!
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images (3).jpg
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>dual traded
>making $90 / hr
>Christmas bonus was $40,000 in stocks which has already risen
>live in 800k home
>2 snowmobiles, ine for me and my gf who works as a millwright making aboutthe same as me
>2 ATV'S
>yep. I'm not a part of society. All I do is wank to cartoons you got me
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>Studying at university
why yes, my parents are definetly proud of me.
Why do you ask?
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Tatsumaki (307).jpg
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Somewhat ironic, don't you say?
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>Hugs back
Not really, just eating Chipotle. Probably gonna see a movie later


What if I enjoy jerking to cartoons.

You're back!
>big hugs
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Vigil - 66.jpg
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>Not really the fans
No, no, that game was certainly for the fans. The Bethesdatards fuckin' love Fallout 4.
So what is everyone doing on this weekend?

Wassup o/
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Do feed the trolls, friend.
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Atago 051.jpg
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What's an "outside"?
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The trolls keep the thread hilarious and active.
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No rushing.
See you soon and happy hunting/cooking.
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Atago, he's saying big words like "outside" and "society." I'm scared!
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lain 3 =^..^=.gif
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!]\[Г€|2]\[€Г ©|@!]\/[€])
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Gonna watch a movie and do projects. Fun. You?

Can you buy me some games

I don't know! It sounds scary
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>adorable image is adorable

Thank you~

Hi, Hand-kun. How are you doing today?

I've heard that Chipotle is supposed to be legit. What movie are you thinking about watching?
>more hugs

I hope you make something delicious~
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Yeah, you're right. Holy shit, that hurts to read.
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thanks! see ya later
it somehow is
Yay, I'm back!
>hugs back
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Atago 156.jpg
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Shitposting in the waifu threads probably
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Tenryuu 26.jpg
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Aww yis

Can i classify Mogami as a guy too by your logic?

German cat. Made in German.

It's so embarrasing....
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I was gonna ask why in gods name is he posting Geordi La Forge? Does he claim him? (9/10 btw)
Then I saw it's a .gif.
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Chipotle is God tier. You gotta go to one! I'll probably watch London Has Fallen.
>lots and lots of hugs



Strong German engineering
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Atago 228.jpg
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>Made in German
not really, one of them wasted their time because they don't usually participate in the thread (thus wasting time) .The other anon was simply greeting everyone just to be nice.
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sorry i was gone.
emperor claimed once again
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Just moderating some forums of my own and lurking here. Planning to watch a random anime soon.

Nice self portrait bro, now go get some sun.

Empty insults coming from a manbaby that's spoonfed by his parents. How many of your friends know that you want to fuck a japanese cartoon character?

How much shame do you feel after you finish fapping to these anime characters?

Get mad weeaboo.

With severe retardation. No job and no income can hide that.

I bet they don't know your creepy secret. Go on, tell them.

I'm telling you to get your cheeto encrusted fingers off your dick and go meet a girl, it's not that hard.
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To be honest most of them are just saying that because they bought the Pip Boy and don't want to think they bought a "bad" game.
It certainly wasn't a terrible game but for what was expected it could have been better.

Also yes, I bought the Pip Boy.
Being a pretty cool guy is unisex.
At least as long as they don't afraid of anything.
No problem
>german cat made in germany, meows in german and drinks like a german
this time I'll hug you till you're out of breath
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That's cool! What kinda of forums do you run?

Already got one m8. How's your life going for ya?

With a game that had so much hype we all knew it wouldn't live to the hype

Hahahaa okay!
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>yfw my parents also enjoy anime
>yfw my parents want to visit japan
>yfw my parents wanted me to study japanology just so I can work in japan
>yfw I study teaching profession
oh lawd, did you think you can win?
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Doing okay, hope you're doing good, man.
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lain 1.jpg
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Chipotle is good but not traditional Mexican. It is better then taco bell
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I'm always so absent minded I never really got around to telling you
how much I like Tatsuta.
Which is a lot.
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Then I guess I'll stay awake for now. As long as I can stay close to you, dearest sister~

I'll probably try Chipotle eventually.
Haven't seen the movie, but I hope you'll enjoy it.
>hugs don't stop

I am. Just tired from playing with animals for two days straight, getting up really early and stuff.
Any plans for the weekend?
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Na immernoch salzig?
best tights

>claiming yume as always
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High five Chara
>hugs and high fives

Everything is better than taco bell

Good, I hope you like it
>infinite hugs
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Tatsumaki (282).jpg
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There's no room for love in a modern sky
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>At least not when Miho isn't here
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Vigil - 167.jpg
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I spent a lot of time with these zealots. The bulk are convinced that it is a gem of a game and that Todd can do no wrong.
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Ahh, alright. That's good to hear, pets I presume?

Nah, no plans over here. Just gonna relax, you?
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>Squeezes really hard
Do you feel the LOVE?!
>high fives and hugs back
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RPG's but they are not in English :|
One is a standard pokémon forum rpg where im not even playing, just moderating and spamming discussion content cuz i was one of the three founders.

The other is another RPG but a bit more unique, the way it works players have control of everything (as long as they are realistic and the other players agree with them) and each post has the size of a book chapter... you're basically improving your text construction and creativity while RPing at same time. Its awesome and im still playing there :p
(Hard to explain how it works since its so unique and never had to explain it in english, hope u understood D:)
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Tenryuu 123.jpg
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T-that's okay....

Ich habe gerade meinen Backkäse versalzen....
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Tight, too, according to Kirino.
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Tatsumaki (402).jpg
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I-I don't know what you're talking about.
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>This picture reminds me of someth... Reminds me of how awesome Chara is!
>With severe retardation. No job and no income can hide that.

You have nothing of actual substance to say to me, so you resort to insults.

Smh you shitposters are all the same.
Gonna end up all the same.
Dead, alone, with no one crying at your funeral because no one will miss you
Why will no one miss you? You're an upset little teen that spends all his time trying to bother people on 4chan

>you're not bothering anyone btw
You're an absolute laughing stock
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Haste etwa zu deinem Käse gesprochen?
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image (30).jpg
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>squeezes as well

That's cool! I understood well
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>Ich habe gerade meinen Backkäse versalzen....
Bin ich ja mal froh mit sicher 300km Distanz außer Reichweite zu sein.
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>Usual claim
>Shift nearly over
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Nothing wrong with being absent minded. I'm usually consumed by my own thoughts, something my friends often tease me about.
>how much I like Tatsuta.
>Which is a lot.
Aww. <3
I really like Hatsuzuki. Love the way she keeps her hair. And that hairband is just to die for.

>tight hugs
Prinz such a cutie.

Ruri~ How are you doing today?
Did I miss Eu yesterday?

Yup. Helped a friend with their animal daycare. Lots and lots of lovely pets.
>walking eight dogs was an interesting experience
I am going to have a beer or two and just relax. Maybe watch a little bit of anime.
Will you be drinking anything anytime soon?
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sick burn
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Syndra (1).gif
1 MB, 1200x1600
Im back, whats going on?
>not counting the shitposting
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oh mein... the burn is real
oh no you are back
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Not too much man. Wbu
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2 MB, 1936x2592
Awh, that was nice of you. Pets are great, jealous.
>That must have been quite the exercise

I don't really drink that much, hope you enjoy yourself though.
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So warm and soft~

Heyo. How's the tea today?
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Don't feel ashamed, Miho is a nice catch.

Hey there Tatsie.
I dropped out pretty early yesterday, I don't think he was here last night, at least.
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>tighter hugs
So are you Tatsie~

Welcome back!
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>this compliment fills me with determination to hug this anon
>tries to squeeze harder but nearly out of breath
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lain 6.gif
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That is true. I happen to like my ass the way it is now. =^..^=
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me you missed me
didn't you?
say you missed me
pretty please
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Hehe you're so cute Chara. Youre like a little sister~

Same dude
I was never gone in the first place
>always lurking
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lain 4.gif
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When I'm not here I miss you all.=Ω..Ω=
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Syndra (17).png
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Hey Tatsie
Its delicious as always.
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images (21).jpg
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DIO is the best waifu.
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I am? T-thanks

Oh, I wanted to get to know you a bit after hugging through 3 threads
tell me a bit about you
daaaw, we miss you too
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Tenryuu chibi 18.jpg
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Nö, mir rieselte nur das ganze Salz auf diesen...

Wäge dich nicht zu sehr in Sicherheit.


Awawa....don't say something like this
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I miss everyone too when I'm not here ;W;

You're welcome! Ah that depends, what would you like to know?
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I love animals. It was my pleasure, really.
I'm glad that five out of the eight were really passive. The other three really did a number on me and my stamina, haha.
Nothing wrong with that. Something non-alcoholic perhaps? Tea?

I see. Thanks for the info~

>tighter and tighter hugs

Always lurking = Plan C?

Good to hear. What are you up to this weekend? Any plans?
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Tatsumaki (363).jpg
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We were meant to be.

It's Scarlett and Rhett, Paula and Zack, Ilsa and Rick.
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Prinz... you're not supposed to do that in a skirt.
It's like your mother didn't teach you anything. :^)
We may have to teach you some proper manners.
Ah, not again
Hehe, wie war denn dein Tag so?
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41 KB, 640x480
nice spoon! welcome back mugi!
File: Syndra (6).jpg (56 KB, 840x960) Image search: [Google]
Syndra (6).jpg
56 KB, 840x960
No real plans, just mostly relaxing and drinking tea.
Back on screen?
File: tumblr_nn0t054jnE1qj5jqso1_540.gif (1 MB, 540x301) Image search: [Google]
1 MB, 540x301
Hello, hello, people. It is I.

>best waifu

The claim of best.

You guys be getting bad captchas, I've got none.

>turns away from and blushes
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62 KB, 600x960
Uh, let's start with the usual stuff
>Where do you live?
>Job/Field of Study?
I live in austria
Hobbies... uh... vidya collecting
Next semester I'll start studying teaching profession
File: image.jpg (64 KB, 427x512) Image search: [Google]
64 KB, 427x512
thanks fam
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Thread images: 139

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