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s/fur because that's how it goes

The stories and information posted here are artistic works of fiction and falsehood.
Only a fool would take anything posted here as fact.

Thread replies: 211
Thread images: 151
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s/fur because that's how it goes
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aw yiss, motherfuckin lizard
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Hello! I'm an indie game producer in need of an artist to work on a furry Visual Novel about travels in Europe, some deep questions and possibility of sexing many characters.
I want to know if you know an artist who would collaborate for part of the profits, as this is a joint project with zero budget, or someone who would do a pack of character sprites for a bulk price. Anything helps.
The project will play and feel pretty much like Morenatsu :3 except you won't have to deal with lazy, project-cancelling developers.
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>greetings friend, I am Nigerian royalty
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Evening guys
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I don't think anyone is here
omg neato
my therapist today was trying to see if I had any symptoms of autism and asked me if I collect anything.. I had to try my hardest to not say 'furry shit'... Instead just said I collect books :D, which is sort of a lie, I only have a small collection in regards to the other mentioned collection..
Then start to collect books containing furry porn. Problem solved
Why pay all that money for a therapist if you're just going to lie anyway?
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Yeah, seems a bit dead.

this sounds reasonable


probably should have just asked /b/
Thread needs stronk to revive it, then!
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I answered all the other questions honestly, and it wasn't a complete lie. Anyway I see them for depression not for help with autism or anything. They were just testing me for that to see if it was causing my depression.
>probably should have just asked /b/

Yeah, we're both the repists and therapists in one place. What do you need more?
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You must have autism if you don't see how dumb that is. It's like paying a surgeon to fix your broken leg but then just leaving without him doing anything.
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hey s/fur i have a ringing in my ears and it wont go away, also its getting louder. what do i do?
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>I'll take the rapists for 400

oh and I'm pretty sure everyone lies to therapists anyway, I'm sure they expect it
They ruled out autism anyway, and I don't pay my therapist. I'm aussie, it's free down here. And I told them that I do indeed collect things, I just wanted to avoid specifics.
Depends, do you take lots of (recreational) drugs?
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Why waste your time and other's money if it's not gonna do anything? Just pop some depression meds like all these other "depressed" faggots and carry on.
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>someone else paid for it

>I am your man and I buy the drugs
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once, not today, but I do use some painkillers more than I should just to ease myself, because Im a twitchey person
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Are you awake long time with irregular sleeping patterns? This is what does it for me. Got it from too much amphetamines and stuff, and usually I don't notice it. Just when I'm awake for to long or sleep irregularly it gets way worse.

Maybe it's similar in your case?
must be it. i have to sleep better. Tha KS for the help anon
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I don't know anything about you guys, but you all want that creatures to become alive?

How you guys deal with the non existence irl of these drawings?

One day, there will be anthropomorphic beings as well as dragons.
I'm not that much of a furry IRL though, so I don't mind them being not real. It's just another fetish I got on the chan for me. I'd much prefer a human gf, which I don't have either.

So both don't exist irl, at least for me, so why limit yourself to one species?

Now some vore irl, that'd be massively nice. Or not, depending if I were the one to be eaten I guess. vore being yet another fetish I got in this shithole. Ah well, whatever.

You don't have any fetish you can't practice irl dude?
Yeah, and they will be fuckable ofc
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You got that right!
bum p
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i need a grill to get xtra boob implants for me
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I would love to have 6 boobs, maybe 8
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Wait, what? You want a woman with four boobs?
or 6, I'm not too picky

kek yeah, i mean, why not..
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Then what about 7? That'd be fucking unsymmetrical. But still more than 6.

Life's hard sometimes
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all those extra little tittie to caress and play with
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I was about to make a comment about wolves...

who would want odd numbers?
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size and arrangement make a much bigger difference than does number
but I still like 4 best since you get lots of boobies and then a nice bellie as well
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Dunno, people who like 6 to 8 boobs sound like they might like weird stuff. Just a thought
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what about wolves?
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All you need is two.
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I don't know what you're getting at
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i see odd numbers almost exclusively in hentai.

yeah but this is about wants not needs
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That if you want multiboob, go fuck a wolf.
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mine is stronker
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if they have multiple birth as a normal thing, they probably need more than 2
neato. Don t know what it is but hawt
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Anything more than two is mammalian.

I prefer reptiles.
>if they have multiple birth as a normal thing, they probably need more than 2

You're not wrong there anon
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how about bugs?
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i need a physics engine to to model how thye move and jiggle when being fucked

i have multiboobie dragons
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Imagine how hot it would be to have 8 nipples and have someone just rubbing your chest and belly o///o

Blender should do it fine.

Multiboobed dragons?!?!

I'd train that dragon, hard
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just do it IRL
Now that's weird. But still totally fappable.
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oh come on if your already putting a pair on a dragon why not?
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how about a multiboobed snake?
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Certainly, but no more than four.
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what about an udder?
jej I must admit you've got quite the collection.

Same for the rest of you guys I guess. I'm kinda filthy casual, don't have that much ..yet
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>but I would trade it all
>for a little bit more
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but they're so good
brb in 5 minutes, keep this bitch alive
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Udders are ugly!

that statement doesn't make any sense
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Get that shit outta here!
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>implying you wouldn't hit that cow snake thing
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I wouldn't. Ever.
You should go with him.
Am back
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Everyone Believes.jpg
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I don't know how I feel about this
I would, but I'd hit anything I guess
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how rude
That was the intention.
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and that's the /b/ I know
Found mobies info quads for adress
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she could use to be a little more dog at the end of that
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I want to be raped by pandas.
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smaller boobs first id say
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don't sharks suffocate if they stop swimming? bondage might be bad idea
I mean who wouldn't want that
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erotic asphyxiation as well then, bonus!
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naw, they're fine
even better
necrophilia with a shark
tbh ive thought about raping that shark we disected in middle school

Crazy people.
But would it still be rape if you want it?
Maybe, she sure doesn't seem to mind the additional asphyxia tho. Makes it even hotter
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Just don't tell them that you secretly want it and all is fine
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I wish I would get raped by a girl. But I don't think anyone would even want to rape me.
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Can u get some more Strype?
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Seems fishy
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dress like a little kid, wait near a school for guy offering candy, should work

a piranha plant is fine too

I said a girl, not some pedo creep.
That's the problem. Additionally not many rapey girls out there at all. And would she even believe it's rape when you get hard as diamonds? Wish there was some rapey grill on /b/ to give some insights

Questions, questions.
Ph'nglui mglw'nafh Cthulhu R'lyeh wgah'nagl fhtagn
>dress like a little kid, wait near a school for guy offering candy, should work

Yeah, or go to church or something
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oh I don't know then
That doesn't make sense at all
I'm willing to bet there are girls on here that are into that, but it'll be hard to find one that isn't actually a neckbeard pretending to be a girl.
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I think he's going for the catholic priest thing
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>but it'll be hard to find one that isn't actually a neckbeard pretending to be a girl
that's all of them
This is true.
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There have to. I mean, if anywhere then here. This is why we need meninism. Only girls get all the rape fun, and us guys get nothing. Talk about unfair
I guarantee that they're out there. It may be that merely 10% of them are legit, but they're out there for sure.
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Would think <1% who actually would do such a thing but you're right.
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that's a weird sentiment
Right? Why is it is so much to ask for to be dominated by a hot amazon girl while I (pretend to) struggle with her?

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I'm a girl.
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WIth furries there's something for everyone. Totally normal people
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lol one of my most furphobic friends told me he's into furry porn

Oh you too? Me too kawaii <3
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exactly, totally normal over here

its a dude

also saved
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Not entirely sure why that's important but i'll take your word for it. Im a guy. Which should be equally as unimportant.
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how do i get one of you to get tattoos and rape me violently
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Which is so freaking often the case. All these *phobics are closeted. Everytime someone tells me all the time how much he hates something I think that they get off to that exact thing daily.

Freaks. Can't even be true to themselves.
Will you be my mistress and dominate me?

That's usually how it is. I was the same way admittedly, but I really just did it for shits and giggles, not because I'm furphobic.
It's a trap!



that's probably less often the case than someone actually hating something
I'm male.
tbh im fine with traps as long as they dont have a dick and they have a vagina
Also why can't my gf glow in the dark?!

>Who am I kidding, instead of gril I got furry porn jaja
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..oh my!
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that actually sounds kind of reasonable
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what can i say, i really really like tattoos.

fine cut the tattoos but now you have to put on a flannel shirt.
i have really strangely specific fetishes about clothing.
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gross, low class things

also if they're furry, you wouldn't see them anyway

flannel shirts are okay
I also really like tattoos. On pale girls, with piercings and stuff. I like what people call scene grill or even emos. Throw some colorful hair in and I'll melt.

Sadly these kind of people are often really annoying irl.
>gross, low class things

I'll never get why people have so much hate for tattoos and piercings nowadays. I don't mind lowclass. May be because I'm NEET and lowclass myself heh
tattoo sleeves are hot tho.

tattoos and piercings (no piercings alone), short/medium dyed hair, flannel shirt with thigh-highs, just forcing me to let her ride me cowgirl with no pants/panties

hnnng sadly i will never have a gf
how do i get a girl to be dom, most are sub atleast that i've met and its rlly saddening cus i hate being the dom role.
How do I get cute nice BF? \omo/

new bread
>~<; I'M A GUY!!!
>tattoos and piercings (no piercings alone), short/medium dyed hair, flannel shirt with thigh-highs, just forcing me to let her ride me cowgirl with no pants/panties

Would be the most perfect grill I agree
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