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Waifu claiming thread. >The ride never ends The rules are

The stories and information posted here are artistic works of fiction and falsehood.
Only a fool would take anything posted here as fact.

Thread replies: 165
Thread images: 152
File: Syndra (56).jpg (237 KB, 630x840) Image search: [Google]
Syndra (56).jpg
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Waifu claiming thread.
>The ride never ends

The rules are very simple:
>claim your 2D waifu
>post pics of your waifu
>insult other waifus
>discuss stuff
>post fitting, not over-sexualised content
>most important: Have fun!

Syndra claimed
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She cheated on me for the past few years. Her name is Javiela. She is a slut. She liked getting in the ass while her friend was watching. Argh I am so pissed. Today I will be releasing all her videos (Including ass fuck) Will be removed in a few mintues. Enjoy /b/ 38
Please, If you're prinz approved you're obviously better
You're obviously the cuter one
Come on guys, whose cuter, me or teto?
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Sitting 8.jpg
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Tenryuu claimed

I wish i could make a thread too, but i think it's better for me when i keep my profile low for the next few days
Still Ezreal
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ebola chan.jpg
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Ebola Chan claimed
So.. about stealing the sun. What do you say
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Tatsumaki (51).jpg
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It's not a really a big deal to be honest.

I myself have been quite okay, just tired as heck right now. I had to go on a road trip, because I can't afford a flight to Athens, to visit my old man.
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I have an unhealthy attraction to this woman. Please point me to the nearest quarantine area.
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pats, bauxite, aircraft. All mine.
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Looks like you found it mate
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Syndra (38).jpg
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You are in it.
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Tenryuu 102.jpg
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Raping aircraft since the came out. I like her hairstyle tho.
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ebola chan2.jpg
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>Please point me to the nearest quarantine area.

But you already are in it.
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Fastest waifu on no legs claimed

All of my yes
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Vinyl claimed, will go to bed now though
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Going to be a tough gig. Greenhouse gases will be all over us if the sun finds out. But don't worry i got my man Mercury as a double agent. He's pretty close to the sun. The sun will never see it coming.

You know your song references so well.
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Is there a cure for this? I really want to get my life back.
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Hey, one day we could play together!

Truly a bestbro

I'm surprised I haven't heard of him too!
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>She is tRuri the best
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>a second rate vocaloid is better than a ship-girl
Well memed my friend
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The ride never ends.
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Syndra (53).jpg
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Sadly no, but ebola might help you
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Claim Marisa
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image (20).jpg
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Oh please, you're making me blush. We all know you're the cuter one
>shipgirls better than anything
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491 KB, 806x991
Best waifu claimed.

Hey everyone!
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ebola chan27.jpg
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Hey Shiro, want a free hug?
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[anon intensifies].jpg
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Hallo Shiro. Alles fit im Süden?
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>Legitimately losing my mind over a fictional character

Isn't this a definition of insanity?
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I was thinking about making a -I'm taking my son- picture with her and Musashi Kai since she has a very similar hairstyle, but their clothing does not really match well.
Especially since Musashi is such a slut.
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images (1).jpg
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Perfect. We all know sun = light. Night = dark. Let's strike at nighttime when it's sleeping. Can Mercury get us close at this time of day?
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Tatsumaki (136).jpg
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I try.
This isn't a reference, I just really like this song.

Hello Shiro. How are you?
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3 MB, 5000x5000
You won't sway me with lewds.

You're top-tier, consorting with the lower-class for whatever reason.
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ebola chan3.jpg
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No, Insanity is doing the same thing over and over again expecting different results.
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1 MB, 1250x1245
Claiming. She's with me 24/7 now
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Alles in Butter aufm Kutter hier. Bei dir auch alles nach Plan aufm Kahn?

Always! Basic hygiene makes me immune to Ebola anyway.
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That was meant for Yuuko, I know.
How are you anyways, Tats?

I'd be glad to add you on Steam, Emi
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That literally just came up.
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Welcome, enjoy your stay

He sure can, he moves really fast. But we better hurry if we miss night time we'll have to wait till 176 days from now.
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An example being dating a 3DPD and expecting it to go well.
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>We go to the same thread, talk about the same things, and claim the same people every day

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Hey there, Tornado! Doing alright, just not really looking forward to the week.
How's it going in Greece?

Did you buy a dakimakura?
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Literally my favorite song of all time.
Fuck Me man.
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ebola chan5.jpg
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You got a point there Anon...

Not sure how to respond.
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That's just autism. Not like we expect anything different to happen.
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Tenryuu 117.jpg
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Welp, what are you expecting from someone who has big tiddies and wears a sarashi?

Bei mir ist immer alles gut. Nächste Woche erstmal Urlaub und heute gut gefuttert. Was will man mehr?
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>waifus are autistic
please have sex
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Dakimakura isn't 24/7, Shiro.
I have her engraved on my earphones and I always have them with me.
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Alright then. Bug eyes. Let's end it tonight.

This WILL end in... umm. Something

I'm ready. Let's meet at the secret spaceship named S.S JERRY (Code name hand soap)
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Please, you're high class too! Who would be able to resist someone like you! I'm a lucky girl
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Here take this, even though you're probably already aware of it.

Roger roger. Just call me sex pun.

This is my favourite song. If anyone gives a shit
Leaving now for sleep. Bai.
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65 KB, 1280x720
Und die trips runden es noch ab!

>Not carrying a Dakimakura 24/7
Get out, normie.
Are you Sonico/Pochaco?
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Whenever you want!

>Sorry if I take a while to answer, I'm watching fútbol
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Okay sex pun. The red rocket is ready to blow you out of this world.

Forgot pic
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Tonight will be a glorious day. We will save the earth from it's worst enemy. And hand soap and sex pun will be there to plunder it's booty.
Future generations will thank us.
You're Steam profile a shit.
I haven't seen her official dakimakura anyway, otherwise would buy.

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Tatsumaki (364).jpg
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Don't judge me, I'm tired.
I'm pretty fine right now, I just came back home like 2 hours ago. Long road trips are fun. Have you been doing well?

I'm not gonna go to school tomorrow, which is pretty dope since I have been driving like 4 or 5 hours straight.

Only one I have right now.

I haven't heard this song in years, thanks foe the reminder. My favorite song is this, by the way. Well it's part song, part sonic exploration, or something pretentious like that.
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ebola chan.gif
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Oh shit, we doing favorite songs now?

I would have to go with this
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Serious Tenryuu.jpg
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Don't have a favourite song so I guess I will just post this.
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Syndra (23).jpg
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Favorite songs eh?
this for nostalgia
and this in general
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Oh, damn it.
You're complimenting me into a corner. You need stop..
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image (5)(1).jpg
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If we are than mine is this definitely

Aw do I? I'm just telling the truth?
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ebola chan6.jpg
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Nice song.

The video is unavailable for me for some reason.
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Sorry for the late response, got distracted by a friend. A road trip sounds like fun, although if I recall correctly the reason isn't as much fun. Hopefully you can still make the best of it.

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These are pretty good too imo.
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ebola chan8.jpg
582 KB, 1000x1166
Both sound great.
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No, no, you're completely disregarding the truth. Let's just agree that you're A BEST and move on.

Also, here is some God-tier Teto; Excellent mixing on this song.
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image (10).jpg
34 KB, 480x747

Nonono, can we just end it on were both A BEST?
Alright guys. I gotta go get ready for work. Pipes don't weld thenselves! See you guys later.

And bug eyes. I will not forget our plan to eradicate this earth of the highest known enemy. -the sun- let's do this shit
Goodbye lollipop. Enjoy your welding if you can.
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Teto_and_darling - Copy.jpg
218 KB, 1650x1250


Really, listen to that Teto I linked. It's really, really good.
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ebola chan9.jpg
199 KB, 600x800
Have a good one Anon.
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Syndra (10).png
2 MB, 3000x3280
Bye, have fun!
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image (10)(1).jpg
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I am right now, it's pretty good!

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Tatsumaki (281).jpg
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My favorite from Piggyback the Discharge.

It doesn't seem like he's got anything serious yet, but they keep him on standby just in case.
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>Listo, Emi!
>No hay problema, disfruta ese balompié!

Hope you enjoyed the trip, Tats.
I've been better, It's pretty late by now and I haven't even had lunch.
>Contributing to the thread
I can't win this musical battle.
Take this as i surrender
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Really nice music. Terribly sorry to disappoint though, but I'm not able to share music today.
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Asuna claimed
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Tatsumaki (117).jpg
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>this isn't even my final form
That bango though.

It's okay I understand.

The actual trip was enjoyable, even though I was pretty somber the whole way through.
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air piano.gif
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playing some xyzzy with some friends
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>The fragrance of dark coffee
Mein neger. I'm not even an expert in Jazz, but damn.
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hey guys
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Tenryuu 126.jpg
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No one gives a shit m8

Hello there.
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ebola chan10.jpg
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Hello there, want free hugs?
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oh ok then
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Syndra (58).jpg
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I forgot to reminded me of phoenix wright music, all of their songs are amazing and just put me in the mood for doing some artsy stuffs.
Hey Galko
Hey guys, I'm gonna have to cut it short today. I'm feeling pretty down and I don't think I feel like staying. I hope everyone has a good rest of the day.
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tatsumaki (72).jpg
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that really sucks. hope you feel better.
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>No one gives a shit m8
Absolute savage
>Poor Mugi tho

PW music is awesome, every character's music.
>Love it
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ebola chan11.jpg
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of course

Hi ten

Hi Syndra

Bye. hope you get to feeling better
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ebola chan12.jpg
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This does indeed sound dope. Is it holidays already?
You're better off with AliExpress.
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Tenryuu knows that feel.jpg
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>Jenes Fühl wenn es kein vernünftiges Tenryuu Daki gibt
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Tatsumaki (109).jpg
311 KB, 827x1169

Family stuff, had to visit my dad in the hospital, and he lives way down south, so I had to drive all the way to Athens from a city whose name probably sounds awkward as fuck in English.
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>Everyone knows
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Indeed, but I was just searching for the design.

Die Verdrängung ist zwar nicht authentisch, aber optisch macht es durchaus was her.

I hope all is fine?
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Shit, I be late

Kyou Fujibayashi claimed!
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[mumbled hatred].jpg
371 KB, 1024x1024
Ich sagte vernünftig
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1 MB, 1600x1600
It's terrible.
Most fleet girl ones are (and probably most on the whole overall).

They are amazingly quick about cosplay, though.
Even Tasuzuki already has an outfit, and Tenryuus headgear stuff looks like fun.
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250 KB, 835x1000
This is the shit that happens when you read a ton of shipgirl names at once.
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Tatsumaki (200).png
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Well maybe not all, but he is somewhat fine and my brother is visiting him every day so he will not be lonely hopefully.

Haha what. I was almost expecting that. It's a pretty well known city.
Not all that awkward.
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Post waifu dressed in black.
The Reich loves black.
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So just normally then?
Seig Hiel.
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i tried this thing from IBM...

my waifu is actually a toaster...

feels bad man :(
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New style.png
148 KB, 460x640
Black is simple and timeless....
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Vote for syndra 2.jpg
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Kek. Link?
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image (3)(1).jpg
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Came back, just posting a final prinz.
Alright cya guys..
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I have none
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1 MB, 500x569

its awful
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>Alright cya guys..
Going offline?
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ebola chan45.jpg
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>It's not fair, you're making it easy on purpose.
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i have work to do tomorrow so i need to sleep

have fun guys without me
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Tatsumaki (314).jpg
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>Second biggest city in population
Yes it is pretty well known, Just so you know the reason it's called that is because a guy called Kassandros wanted to honor his wife, and so he named the city after her.
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Fill tool.

What a pretty kitty you are.
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Syndra (48).jpg
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ebola chan2.gif
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I am going guys, have a nice day or night.
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Besser als was ich für die meisten anderen Schiffe finde...
Was wäre dir denn lieber?

Yea, a lot of them look generic as if someone cared more about large boobs than actual characters.

Is that the one you got?
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1 MB, 1300x1700

His wife had a strange name.
I thought it was related to Thessaly or whatever.
Or did he name the whole region after his wife?
>must have been a pretty fat wife
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late again because work
>best mio claimed

ROLLCALL whos here?
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30 KB, 480x272
Goodnight, people.
Take care.
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Syndra (18).jpg
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I am
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Goodbye all
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yaaay, thread alive!
have we made the 72 hours yet?
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Syndra (54).jpg
52 KB, 540x710
We have make about 83 now or more
File: Vigil - 33.jpg (217 KB, 1208x963) Image search: [Google]
Vigil - 33.jpg
217 KB, 1208x963
File: 337144.jpg (1 MB, 1200x1600) Image search: [Google]
1 MB, 1200x1600
Those are some mighty fine... animations.
File: Teto-495.png (718 KB, 1200x1200) Image search: [Google]
718 KB, 1200x1200
File: hibike-18.jpg (77 KB, 1280x720) Image search: [Google]
77 KB, 1280x720
offiziell habe ich gesagt. Und ich mag es nicht.

So yeah, hopefully more merchandise gonna come out after the 2nd season.
next one, get in here
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