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Stupid/ridiculous guns thread.

The stories and information posted here are artistic works of fiction and falsehood.
Only a fool would take anything posted here as fact.

Thread replies: 316
Thread images: 100
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Stupid/ridiculous guns thread.
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This is the world's smallest revolver. Yes, it is functional. Maybe still purchasable.
this one is cool

that thing is fucking sweet.
Just in case you want a large brass knuckles and a shank combo with your gun.
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ridiculously reliable
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>the no scope
It's to improve accuracy
Imagine reloading this piece of shit
i could imagine a gang boss using that as an intimidation technique for torture victims, putting their fingers in there or their dick and balls
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This one fires bullets with rocket fuel instead of gunpowder.
Those usully have the top pipe for a Bullet instead of a shotgun shell
It would probably smash finger meat just as easily as it smashed that ham sandwich lol
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like this?
jesus that looks gorgeous
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>the death donut
fucking lost
Yeah, what I'm wondering is how the fuck this thing operates.
Nice tripped dubs
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i'd guess the trigger has 2 or maybe even 3 separate firing mechanisms so depending on which trigger you pull it fires a different chamber.
>slips out of your hands
>keeps firing
>momentum from bullets keeps it spinning around your shouldering arm
>become ultimate life form
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california, coming through
Also cool.
How are you supposed to fire that?
These actually arent stupid, they were used in prisons and in the marine to prevent riots.
RIP thumbs
I'm guessing you don't hold it, you more cradle it with one hand and get a firm grip with the other.
im sorry can someone give me some eye bleach because holy fuck what did they do to that beautiful m16
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How the fuck do you fire this?
Like this?
So this is an autistic weapon thread?
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The best gun.
Fucking gets me every time
It has a fucking bayonet
the calculator for utility. i love it
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Yes, absolutely. Post away with any autistic weapons you have.
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holy fuck I have that same USB.
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For firing over trenches
Is that a crucifix? I thought Russians were atheists.
Ornate as fuck
I believe you are thinking of Soviet Russia.
Wtf is this abortion
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Isnt that part of the new Nerf N-strike series?
Do any guns fire ice bullets?
You know, so no bullet is ever found
Ice guns probably
Yes, but only in movies
I'm more concerned about how I would get 4 fucking barrels fingering my arse.
That sounds pretty retarded tbh.
Ok, so like 25 years ago. He find religion at 40?
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>mfw no one has posted their autistic MGSV weapons yet
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To get around the "no pistol grip" law in California
Is that a kaitanner gun?
Maybe, idk. Not all of Russia was atheist during the soviet era.
>implying you can carry it enough to use it as a shank
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i figured so, thank god i live in some backwards ass south state that doesnt care about my 'pistol grip' or 'high capacity magazines'
why is california such fucking shit? I would never want to live there no matter how nice the view and weather is.
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That one is actually illegal in most of America because of its size.
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+10 fire damage
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Don't forget "assault weapons."
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Surprised no one has posted this atrocity of ergonomics
Looks like its shoulder mounted too
How do I upvote this?
They're called troubles, son.
its shopped lol. theres supposed to be a thumb hole
Nah it's concealable so you need to be 21, go through the waiting period, and have a permit :^)
Nah it just walks up to bitches and shanks them
where does the bullet come out?
Even the barrel is curved, for his pleasure.
nah, this grip is to circumvent the pistol grip laws. You can google pics of these guns btw.
Is that a thermometer?
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Her name is Javiela. She cheated on me for a few months before I figured it all out. It hurts like a bitch and it's my time for payback. I am here by today releasing all her videos( bitch loved getting in the ass , jesus that pussy) She is also legal I promise. Will be removed in 5 mintues. /b/ OP is not a fag <3 34
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jet stream sam
Who would have thought you can make pulled pork on an AK47
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For when you really want to kill ducks
if any of you faggots are new enough to click this by all means
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It's been a long while since I played FF, but if I recall correctly it did not fire bullets, firing it would enhance the blade by some means.
It was stupid. But hey, it's fantasy.
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I'm not even sure, I just know they used a time =mechanic when you hit attack at the right time it would do more damage in combat but they use it as a melee weapon so I'm not even sure it shoots actual bullets, ah Final Fantasy has a tradition of stupid weapons
this shit is useless long range, and even mid range, you'd hit everything else except ur target
you see ivan
That kinda looks cool tbh
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this jamtastic piece of shit
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Works fine for me
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It has ski ffs.
not sure what's so stupid about this one
why is a little girl shooting an anti-tank rifle.
is that some 3D printed abomination gun?
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Snorkel, cause it was lying around
you were suppossed to bury the knife in then fire

also note you fir with your thumb
Finland is a fun place

You some kinda Democrat loving commie Sanders supporter?
Since it's more artillery I suspect that the skis are so you can change the angle of the shot while still supporting it without any further moving parts.
this is shopped right?
and what if you are in water?
Somewhere around I have a kids playtoy from that type. 'secret agent gun' bla bla.
Never get used to it.
I thought that was a marshmallow gun
god I'm fucking retarded
hey, I love my guns as much as the next guy, but I just get the feeling that a Lahti L-39 would snap that little girl's shoulder like a twig.
well obviously you strap some floaties on that little girl because I doubt she's really been taking swimming lessons with all the time it takes to learn to use that weapon.

That shit makes it able to breath underwater. Shoot them subs anon!
Her shoulder will heal, and while it does she'll have plenty of time to reflect on how to shoulder it properly
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to shay, you got me anon
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that is for shooting underwater, its good
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What abomination is this?
What the fuck?
Adding an American flag to something instantly makes it look retarded
Ultrafags pls go
All guns are stupid and ridiculous.
why are you new fags replying to a fucking spambot?
its a superconsealable, holds 7 rounds and has a built in laser sight
clever as fuck
Kinda want one tbh. Only about 400$~ too..
Crazy shit anon.
At the cost of being a complete abomination
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>hating on the 17
fuck outta here nigga
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Fuck off and die, Demoncrat.
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Nice b8 m8
calm down, Hillary.
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You see Ivan
>Misses shot
>Triggers OCD
Mostly Orthodoxian. Which is a christian religion.
Didn't miss apparently.
hello england
/b/ is no place for your kind
actually so efective that its was banned. One shot could kill up to hundrets of ducks.
that man can shoot like a god damn Janissary.
This is fucking awesome.
damn, just holding this thing would fuck with me so bad.
Looking at it is giving me anxiety.
I'm interested to shoot this simply because it is a gun designed solely for concealment and defense
and the crosshairs in line with the barrel seems interesting
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I thought Yanks were Idiots. Oh, wait..
>chopping up kindling
>shoot your dog
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>oh, wait...
why does every liberal use this in most of their statements
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I have a similar one
>the recoils breaks your finger
>microbullet makes no real life-treatining damage to Tyrone
>broken finger means now you're unable to defend yourself with that hand
>nigga is angry as fuck
>he was just planning to mug you, but now he is going to hate-rape you
>your asshole is now as wide as a bowl

well done anon, well done
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goddamn that image triggers me.
dark times man
added calendar so you cant shoot up schools on the wrong day
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Shoulder mounted 20mm "sniper"
What if there was a "railgun" that didn't just launch out the bullets, but span them ridiculously fast before launching them and the bullets had propellers?
And the propellers have tiny guns on the tip causing the bullet to shoot everything you miss.
And because everyone got shot by a propeller people will be looking for a plane and won't fire back.
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c-c-c-combo breaker!
actually yes
the CIA invented a heart attack gun for assassination
would fire a small amount of frozen poison that went fast enough to pierce clothing and skin but only left a tiny red mark like from a syringe
target would immediately or quickly after suffer a heartattack
pretty sure it was also outlawed by the UN
for stephen hawkings
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Man, your post is gold!
Didnt CoD remake this gun?
his penis
guys that's literaly a toilet seat
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US liberator

Step one: Fire
Step two: Poke bullet out of gun with stick
Abe Lincoln, is that you?

*Poke empty case out of gun*
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Sure did
holy shit, never saw that. good eye
I dunno. It seemed to be pretty effective.
Yeah it was shoulder mounted and you could only fire it while ads i think
this seems legit.
maybe if you wanna fuck up an elephant or some shit dawg.
why are you posting this kid?
Who the fuck claimed it's a long-mid range weapon you fucktard?
Also made one that fired 1 shot that did little damage and a second one to detonate the 1st one if it lands nearby
Which is really autistic
Revolver ocelot
Hey its Eric with Iraqveteran8888.
Today were going to be doing the ultimate AK meltdown.
That gun was shit as a sniper but pretty good as a precise RPG
The engraving provides no tactical advantage.
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Why wouldnt i? Its a cute kid.
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>using shotshells to kill an elephant
top kek, you're gonna need something with a bit more penetration, my man.
To be fair, it wasn't meant to be much of a gun in the first place. It's a piece of shit from the standpoint of the user, but not necessarily the producer. Even though, well, it was.
it's a kidnapping, torture, and murder victim.
Firing it makes the blade vibrate and cause more damage.

It is literally the most retarded anyone has ever conceived.
Who died with D-size batteries up his butt because one of his killers was gay-curious.

Still a cute kid, always appropriate to any thread.
i wonder what kinda pills is that bottle
the hint of a label makes me think like just vitamins or similar
could also be poppers
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I have no idea how this weapon functions
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>That gun was used during the Old West
>Was used by few people, mostly people who played cards
>If you are caught cheating you can use that gun.
>Came very handy because you only needed one bullet to kill someone even if it wasn't a vital organ.

Never doubt that gun Anon.
What the hell are you?
you have to solve a puzzle first then you shoot it.
looks like it shoot 4 bullets when the trigger is pulled one right after the other, if it doesnt have a lot of kick, would be good at killing a man
Nice. And now give me the left-handed version of it.
Kingston 4Gb?
this is my one.
It's a single barrel gun which fires 4 times. You load 4 sets of gun powder and bullets in it. On top you place 4 primers on the nipples.

When you pull the trigger the rod below the barrel will rotate, and cause the hammes to be cocked and released onto the primers. The rotating rod has flaps placed so that it won't fire all the shots at once. So you actually get 4 shots out of this gun.
California fag here, what the fuck is that sorry excuse for a weapon? I work in a sporting goods store in the hunting department, that thing, Christ I think in getting an aneurism.
wasn't that called the punt gun?
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This is now a USB thread
Somehow a 2gb
To be fair it doesn't apply to shotguns, and most semi-autos look fine. Don't know why they made that poor gun suffer though.
If you consider trench warfare, this actually had a purpose
There's no country in the world with the official religion as atheism. Russians are orthodox.
good ol' mall ninja AR
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Harmonica gun
Revolver Ocelot
(Revolver Ocelot)
-Revolver Ocelot
Meh, depending on the environment the AR-15 is actually more reliable. I'm not talking the AK down but it really isn't that much more reliable than the AR. It's just easier to clean and a bit simpler. They are both excellent rifles.
Jesus have you really never seen that before?
Gunny Mcgunnerson over here.
except to let the enemy know that you're fucking classy. how is that not an advantage.
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normie fuck.
German made Vierling?
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Obama? Is that you?
at least I have class. Deal with it.
Is that one of those thing Commiefornians have to deal with to get around their stupid gun laws?
This is fucking kickass, I don't give a fuck what you think

+10 to charisma
what the fuck, explain how it works
would guns from rachet and clank count
your on /b/ claiming to have class congratulations you are the lowest
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Go away.
This is a laser weapon designed to temporarily or permanently blind your enemy.
Boston dynamics would so fucking pull this shit
It... Kinda is, yeah.
cant be picked up by a metal detector, illegal to purchase or own newfag. and I mean new to America, cant wait for your deportation
I live in England and have two shotguns, there's ways to get guns legally, helps I live in the country
> Maliwan SMG
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How does it feel to have no eye for mechanics?
It's finnish. It has skis for moving it easily in the snow.
If I remember, there's a second set of bipod legs with spikes for summer
> Jeeves, fetch me my tripod-boy and my cannon, the commoners are being loud again
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Well you shoot him first and then when you run out of bullets you stab the shit out of them.


You stab them and then if you cant pull the blade out you fire the pistol and use the recoil to pull it out.
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>it has skis for moving easily in the snow.
Just like all fins then.
vs one person, rotate 90°. That's how the thug grip born.
Wow thats fucked. I though with your post you where going to be criticizing how guns kill... but nope. You have a laugh, Im not a nice guy but your fucked m8. Thats a child who had his years ahead of him and could have grown up to be a respected person. If anything your like those perps you fucked cunt. People should carry guns for this shit
So in other words, AK is more realiable. Simplicity brings reliability.
kek, nice reference

Why am I fucking with the blade first if I'm just going to shoot the sonofabitch?
He could have grown up to be a brony, swings and roundabouts mate
Please give me an example of such environment in a form of a picture and an explanation why.
Protip: you cant.
trying to hard to be edgy or a pedo, either way kill yourself
is this that dank mother fucking sniper who killed a bunch of niggas.
crawled his way through a march of soilders in a field and almost got run over by a tank?
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m8 your vile, brony or not that was a kid. Though your most likely a latent homosexual with all this battery in the butt talk. Ya fucking queer cunt
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Hey! I just feel we should remember that one little boy was tricked to follow two guys into the woods where he was brutally beaten to death and sexually abused.

Both of the killers are out of jail atm. One of them has been convicted of spreading child pornography, while he was living together with a woman and her five year old child. Its not known if he put any batteries in her butt.

Isnt the world a nice place?
I keked at this one
It looks like a retarded Lebel
easy, when you stab someone it shoots them as well. twice.
Simo Häyhä. 505 confirmed kills, all of them with an iron-sighted sniper rifle.
I always thought that looked like an ice pop
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>why kill normal when you can kill in fish
>follow two guys
They where 10 year old BOYS, and they were old enough to know what they were doing. Im not for child murder but those 2 should have been put down the moment they knew what was up. Eventually all murderess will be put down, rich or poor.... eventually
do you need to shoot with the auricular ?
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>mfw no one gets the referance
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muh nigga
is that a mini rocket launcher ?
damn them numbs
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>me when someone finally notices.
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And he did those kills in 99 days in -20C to -40C temperatures. Total boss, while the Soviets threw everything at him.
And he killed no humans, only russians.

After the war he went back to work as a farmer and landowner. No therapy, no whining. When asked how he became such a good shot he answered "practice".

Truly awesome person.
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Please think of the children!
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only 8 moving parts, and a rifle that an illiterate 7 year old African child can use & clean
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From Arsenal firearms.
this isn't autistic.

this shit would drop a rhino.
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fuck you I was just about to post this one.
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this one is just as stupid as the 2011 but it's also made by jews
i thought the gun doubles as a flute when empty ... just blow the barrel
>no, that's captain price
I mean, if you need more stopping power then why not just use a .458 SOCOM or .50 Beowulf upper
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>people are defending these
kek, mw2.
best mission tbh.
No those guns are awesome especially every iteration of the RYNO
the tactical quintet bayonett high precision throwing knife
as deadly as a butter knife and as heavy as 7 knifes
this is a shotgun
ayy nigga.
wasn't it 2?
The Tactical Advantage thing is a quote from Metal Gear Solid 3.
if you need that many rounds before you can reload i dare say you need more than a pistol,
Naked snake In MGS3
>to shay
how does it fire?
Thread replies: 316
Thread images: 100

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